CHATTER Magazine Fall 2019

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CHATTER FALL 2019 / 5779


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More than 25 alumni now teach at TanenbaumCHAT Graduation 2019 Remembering Jenny Lewis ’95 Students and parents weigh in on New Stream Principal Renee Cohen ’96 receives Kesher Award


Table of Contents Fall 2019 / 5779


The Chatter is published through the TanenbaumCHAT Advancement Office and is distributed to more than 8,000 alumni, parents, donors, and friends of the school.

Message from the Head of School  3   Regulars: Quick Study: Highlights from around the school  5 All About Alumni:  26   Giving Back @TanenbaumCHAT:

15 22

Be Ready to Answer the Call   18 A Family Commitment  19 A Promise Without End  20

EDITOR: Jane Rimmer Design & Layout: Ulrike Balke Cover Photo: Aubra Millstone Printing: Origo Communications Follow us on

FEATURES: Renee Cohen receives Kesher Award  4 Bringing it Home: our alumni-teachers  12 Graduation 2019  15 Tee Off for TanenbaumCHAT  21 Try Something New  22 Remembering Jenny Lewis ’95 z”l  25  On the Cover 1. Jaclyn Klimitz ’03

5. Lyla Farbstein ’07

2. Josh Sable ’90

6. Lainie Sugar ’91

3. Sandy Kadoch ’96

7. Gilat Khorsandi ’88

4. Ilana Heimlich ’94

8. Jordan Sable ’86 9. Keren Romm ’98 10. Matthew Reingold ’03 11. Michelle Silverberg ’97 12. Kyle Borenstein ’06 13. Michelle Hyde ’11 14. Rachel Urowitz ’89 15. Anna Urowitz-Freudenstein ’86 16. Leah Green ’05 17. Malka Lebi ’97 18. Renee Cohen ’96 19. Richie Stoll ’80

2 | CHATTER Magazine Fall 2019

Facebook: @TanenbaumCHAT1 Instagram: @tanenbaumchat LinkedIn: TanenbaumCHAT Alumni Association Vimeo: @tanenbaumchat TanenbaumCHAT 416-636-5984 Director of Advancement Frances Bigman, CFRE Director of Admissions Laurie Wasser, CAEP Alumni News & Notes submissions: or contact

Message from the Head of School Jonathan Levy, Ph.D., Head of School


hen Abraham looks for a wife for his son Isaac, he instructs his servant to go back to the land of his birth to find the right spouse. Returning to one’s place of origin to ensure continuity was essential to Abraham thousands of years ago, and it continues to be a central value today. At TanenbaumCHAT, we are thrilled when our alumni find ways to maintain or to re-establish relationships with our school in order to stay connected. In a shining example of continuity, here are some statistics of which we are particularly proud: With the recent hiring of six more alumni as teachers for the 2019/20 academic year, 20% of our team of administrators, faculty and staff are TanenbaumCHAT grads. In addition, 20% of current parents are alumni. This was illustrated beautifully in our end-of-year social media posts that juxtaposed graduation photos of alumniparents with their children who were about to graduate. TanenbaumCHAT is the only Jewish community high school in Toronto, and these are exciting times for us. Enrolment is robust and there is wide-spread understanding of the important role the school plays in shaping our community. We have even received inquiries recently from brand new parents who want to know when to register so that their child can be assured of benefiting from the TanenbaumCHAT experience. Despite the fact that our more than 8,000 alumni are scattered far and wide, the ties that bind them to our school are strong. It’s a great source of satisfaction that so many of them feel a responsibility to be ambassadors for TanenbaumCHAT by speaking at our events, volunteering as mentors, or supporting our school. As graduates who once found themselves at TanenbaumCHAT, they are helping to ensure that students today can also be a part of the continuing TanenbaumCHAT tradition.

So, to our most recent cohort of grads – the Class of 2019 – and, indeed, to all our alumni: let us know what’s going on in your lives, help us continue to impact today and tomorrow, and return to us often. ◆ | 3

Principal Renee Cohen ’96 honoured with Kesher Award

Left, Renee Cohen ’96 with Brenlee Gurvey Gales, Chair, Israel Bonds Toronto Women’s Division, (and past-parent of TanenbaumCHAT).


anenbaumCHAT principal, Renee Cohen, was honoured by the Israel Bonds Women’s Division at the 2019 Golda Meir Circle Luncheon on June 5, 2019. Renee was one of three recipients of a Kesher Award. The award is given to “remarkable role models… who have demonstrated their support of their community with their dedication, hard work and unbreakable connection to the State of Israel”, and who epitomize the values of “Compassion, Commitment and Community”. The event was held at Holy Blossom Temple. Renee has devoted her life to Jewish Education and is committed to ongoing learning and the importance of upholding Jewish values. She is a former teacher and Vice Principal at TanenbaumCHAT, and in her current role brings a strong focus to Israel engagement, 21st-century learning, community partnerships and tikun olam. “I am incredibly grateful to Israel Bonds for their recognition of the central role that Jewish Education and, in particular TanenbaumCHAT, plays in our community,” says Renee. Renee notes the words of Golda Meir, “the remarkable Israeli leader for whom the event is named, who said: I never did anything alone. Whatever was accomplished in this country [Israel] was accomplished collectively.” Renee urges us, as a community, to “do what we can… to build on what we have accomplished, and to look ahead to what we can do ‫( ביחד‬together) as a united and strong kehilla. She leads by example by modelling the meaning of the verse from Leviticus: ‫ – ואהבת לרעך כמוך‬and you shalt love your neighbour as thyself. Renee’s personal touch and passion for excellence allow her to help lead TanenbaumCHAT as it challenges, prepares and supports students to learn, grow, and contribute to the Jewish community and the world beyond. In the words of Golda Meir, she reminds students to, “make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” ◆

4 | CHATTER Magazine Fall 2019

Highlights from around the school

On the Safe Side Opportunity came knocking at the door at the Shalhevet Freier International Physics Tournament. The competition, which is run by the Davidson Institute of Science Education at the Weizman Institute, challenges students to use physics principles to design, build and operate a locked box. One of the three TanenbaumCHAT teams that attended the semi-finals in Montreal was selected to represent Canada in the finals in Israel. Competition was fierce: 19 teams—narrowed down from an initial 146—from all over the world took part… and TanenbaumCHAT locked in the win! L to R: Jonah Belman, Jonah Garmaise, Ethan Ohayon, Daniel Shore and Ben Tanen (Grade 12)

Chidon Hatanach Ori Epstein (in Grade 10 at the time) represented Canada and TanenbaumCHAT at the International Youth Chidon Hatanach (bible contest) which was held in Israel in April, and finished 2nd in the Diaspora. In addition, this past spring, four TanenbaumCHAT students traveled to Montreal for the National Canadian Bible contest. They were then-grade 9 students Yoav Gudes (who finished 2nd) and Zoe Zusman (who finished 3rd); and Azaria Kelman and Isaac Mansell (in Grade 10 at the time). Yoav and Zoe will go on to compete in the next international competition.

Great Chemistry TanenbaumCHAT had a great showing in the Waterloo Chemistry Contest last year, with three of our students finishing in the top 200 nationally. Etan Ossip (Grade 11) placed 37th (97th percentile), Joshua Grief (Grade 12) placed 92nd (95th percentile), and Sam Streicher (Grade 12) placed in the 89th percentile. L to R: Joshua Grief, Etan Ossip, Sam Streicher

Making Music On April 3, 2019, more than 150 TanenbaumCHAT students, led by teachers Robyn Cooke and Jaclyn Klimitz ‘03, put on an outstanding Music Night at the Toronto Centre for the Arts. A variety of ensembles, including concert and jazz bands, as well as the TanenbaumCHAT singers, performed. An audience more than 600-strong enjoyed a wide range of music styles, from classical to popular. Next year’s Music Night will be on March 25, 2020 at the Toronto Centre for the Arts. | 5

Highlights from around the school

THE GOLDEN BAGEL’S Bar Mitzvah In its 13th year, the Golden Bagel Awards ceremony was again an opportunity for our students and staff to come together in a final assembly to celebrate the school year that was. The event included various awards for best clubs and committees, and student commitment, participation and school spirit. Highlights included the Bagel Music Video and a retrospective year-end slide show. There were free bagels and cream cheese for all after the event – obviously!

Wizard of Oz Café Ivrit On April 16, the Jay and Barbara Hennick and Family Atrium was given over to Café Ivrit (Hebrew Café). While not quite Dizengoff Square, beverages and pastries were available to order (in Hebrew), and Israeli pop songs provided background music. There was some spirited and spontaneous singing and dancing, too.

6 | CHATTER Magazine Fall 2019

TanenbaumCHAT was off to see the Wizard for the 2018-19 school musical. The show featured a cast of almost 50 students, with live music provided by a staff and student ensemble. Many students also worked behind the scenes helping with sets, costumes, promotion and as stage crew. The three nights of performances took place at the City Playhouse in Thornhill.

Spotlight on the Arts

This year’s Arts Café was a spectacular evening that shone a spotlight on our students’ creative undertakings in visual arts, music, drama and engineering. | 7


Highlights from around the school

End-of-year prep with PALS The TanenbaumCHAT Peer-Assisted Learning Skills (PALS) Program is run by the Centre for Differentiated Learning (CDL). Staff advisors train senior students to mentor their junior peers with the aim of developing time management, organization, notetaking, and test-taking skills. Small group and private sessions take place throughout the academic year in order to make the transition to high school smoother. This May, in advance of exams, the focus was breaking down upcoming study time into manageable chunks. PALS and junior students gathered in pairs over pizza lunch and made individual study schedules.

8 | CHATTER Magazine Fall 2019

An unusual addition to TanenbaumCHAT arrived this spring in the form of a games arcade. It was built by the Robotics Club under the direction Edan Cohen ’16. Edan is a Civil Engineering student at the University of Waterloo, and was the intern for the Anita and Daniel Chai Engineering Academy at TanenbaumCHAT. Construction involved lumber, drills, screws and wood glue, and electronic components included a TV monitor, a Raspberry Pi (a small microprocessor), a Retro Pi operating system and free arcade downloads. After plastering and painting, the Robotics Club let the games begin.

GROWING COMMITMENT This past spring, local Jewish environmental organization, Shoresh, partnered with TanenbaumCHAT to launch a unique program in the Greenberg Samuel Families Greenhouse. Students grew more than 100 plants organically from seeds. These were transplanted to various community gardens, and the fruits of our students’ labours were distributed through Shoresh’s partnerships with Jewish Family & Child and the Chasdei Kaduri Jewish Food Bank.

Girls in Tech The new Girls in Tech club is dedicated to empowering girls with the awareness, knowledge, confidence, and technical skills they need to dive into computer science and coding. Sessions include guest speakers, maker-space activities, and STEM-focused activities. Pictured: Aubra Millstone, Marketing and Graphic Design Assistant at TanenbaumCHAT, sharing her expertise in web design with the group.

Farewell and Thank You

In June 2019, TanenbaumCHAT bid farewell to teachers Steven Baker (Mathematics), and Jewish Studies teachers Rabbi Eliezer Robbins and Miriam Sela. We thank them for their many years of dedication and service to the school and wish them good health and fulfillment in retirement. Eran and Ravit Berkowitz, spent two years at TanenbaumCHAT as shlichim (emissaries), as part of a partnership between our school and The Jewish Agency for Israel. They worked collaboratively with Josh Sable ‘90 and Keren Romm ‘98, the Student Activities team, and were responsible for all Israel Engagement programming. Todah rabah and b’hatzlacha (thank you and good luck) in all your future adventures!


for entry in 2020-2021

A teacher remembers

Shmuel Ishai, who taught Hebrew literature and grammar for several years in the mid-1970s, came on “an extraordinary visit to TanenbaumCHAT after 41 years,” all the way from Israel, with his wife, children and grandchildren. He had a chance to look through some year books from the period and was able to recognize students who he had taught and colleagues with whom he had worked. He mused that “these types of memories stay forever,” and noted that being in the school elicited “a special taste of nostalgic excitement.” | 9

Rock Your Cause

Highlights from around the school #Athletics@ TanenbaumCHAT It was an exciting end to the year for TanenbaumCHAT athletics. In the Toronto District College Athletic Association (TDCAA), the boys’ Varsity softball team clinched gold for the second year in a row, and the boys Varsity baseball team became the Tier 2 champions; and in the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations (OFSAA), Rachel Fluxman and Eden Granovsky won tennis gold in girls’ doubles.

In addition, Jack Sable and Margot Sigel (Senior Athletes of the Year), and Ethan Varkul and Issy Wunder (Junior Athletes of the Year) were among the many students who received awards at this year’s Athletics Banquet. Thanks to all our wonderful staff and parent coaches who devote so much time to supporting our student athletes. Go Tigers!

10 | CHATTER Magazine Fall 2019

For the 2019 iteration of Rock Your Cause, the third time was the charm! After two (yes, two!) weather-related postponements, this school event – in which students advocate for support of a wide-range of charities and organizations – was a huge success. Dubbed “Rock Your Luau” this year, the Hawaiian-themed evening continued with lots of food, a DJ and dancing, and a bouncy castle.

Yom Hashoah TanenbaumCHAT marked Yom Hashoah in a moving ceremony titled “We are the Memory” at Beth Emeth Bais Yehuda Synagogue. Students shared personal reminiscences of family members who survived the Holocaust, and presented examples of the depiction of that era in film, art and literature. Poignant musical interludes were provided by The TanenbaumCHAT Singers. We were also indebted to survivors Leisa Collier, Jack Borenstein, Andrew Tylman and Eva Bleeman, grandparents of TanenbaumCHAT students or staff, who generously shared their personal experiences of the period with our school community.

Yom Hazikaron A meaningful Israel Remembrance Day ceremony honoured Israel’s fallen through readings, video and music. The significance of the day was further brought home to our students by Colonel Barak Hiram who spoke to students about his experiences in the IDF.

NEW VENTURES During Venture Week, TanenbaumCHAT business students had the chance to gain some entrepreneurial experience. Each group was allotted a budget and identified or developed a product, bought inventory and equipment, and ran the venture. Exciting and creative projects filled the hallways, and students and staff had a chance to review the offerings, ask questions and indulge in a little retail therapy.

Yom Haatzma’ut Israel Independence Day was celebrated in a joyous assembly of music, singing, and a flag dance. The fun continued with a carnival in the Jay and Barbara Hennick and Family Atrium, where students enjoyed falafel, snow cones and popcorn, and had a chance to work off the treats on a bouncy castle! | 11

The TanenbaumCHAT alumni who come back to the school to teach

Bringing it Home T

he high school years are an important, often transformational, time in a young person’s life. Values and ideas take root while skills and talents are fostered, interests are piqued, and friendships are forged. Alumni frequently let us know just how foundational their years at TanenbaumCHAT were, and that it felt like home then, and still feels like home now. For those alumni who become educators by profession and who come back to teach at TanenbaumCHAT, the role the school plays in their lives may be particularly significant. Alumni now constitute 20% of the school’s team of teachers, administrators and staff. They span graduation years from 1974 to 2012, and touch every aspect of the curriculum and school programming. We caught up with some of these alumni-teachers to find out what it’s like to come full circle and teach where once you were a student.

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I learned the lifelong skills of prioritizing, organization and time management, which are keys to my professional and personal success. WE ASKED: How has the school changed since you were a student here? “When I graduated, we only had 33 students in our graduating Grade 13 class, and 220 students altogether in the school,” says Richard (Richie) Stoll ’80. “Today, we’re a school of over 1,000 students, so the size is certainly one significant change that comes to mind.” Jaclyn Klimitz ’03 says that the electives now offered “have made the school a much different place than when I was a student.” With expanded art offerings and robotics, “students have more ways to express themselves and become involved.” “There are also so many different Jewish studies classes that I wish had been available when I was a student,” she says. Keren Romm ’98 concurs noting that the “Jewish Studies have become more diversified.” Jaclyn also comments on the egalitarian option at prayer services during shabbatonim and some holidays, which “highlights to me how inclusive the school is.” Many teachers mentioned the expansion of extra-curricular options, too. Keren recalls that it used to be, “whatever one teacher wanted to run in their free time.” Now, the importance of “student activities and the need for extra-curriculars are understood.” Sandy Kadoch ’96, is particularly proud of the Freedman Centre for Differentiated Learning and the guidance department, which did not exist when she was a student. “There is a culture of support… a learning

Our AlumniTeachers Kyle Borenstein ’06

space where all students are welcome and feel they can be successful.” For her, these services represent “our commitment to supporting the academic and emotional needs,” of our students.

Lisa Citron ’86

Essentially, “the school remains the same great place it was years ago,” says, Principal Renee Cohen ’96. Then, as now, “it is the people, the high calibre program, the unparalleled experience, and the strong sense of community that continues to be at the heart of everything.”

Ilana Heimlich ’94

WE ASKED: What are your most important “takeaways” or memories from your time as a student here? Camaraderie and connections featured strongly. “The friendships,” says Malka Lebi ’97 emphatically. Not only is her husband an alumnus but “I’m still very close with many of my friends from CHAT.” Leah Green ’05 concurs: “Many of my best friends now are from my years at TanenbaumCHAT, which is really special.” Many also noted the learning skills that helped set them up for success both as a student and as an adult. “I learned how to manage my time between many different assignments and activities,” notes Malka, adding that “many of these ‘juggling’ skills I currently use as a teacher, parent, volunteer and a lifelong learner myself.” Noting the dual curriculum, as well as other high school commitments, Sandy says she learned, “the lifelong skills of prioritizing, organization and time

Renee (Kestelman) Cohen ’96 Lyla (Abells) Farbstein’07 Leah (Weinstein) Green ’05

Michelle Hyde ’11 Sandy (Benayon) Kadoch ’96 Gilat (Atzmony) Khorsandi ’88 Jaclyn (Cepler) Klimitz ’03 Michael Kohl ’97 Malka (Hollinger) Lebi ’97 Andrea (Adam) Mansfield ’00 Aviva (Groberman) Polonsky ’91 Matthew Reingold ’03 Keren Romm ’98 Michael Rootman ’99 Jordan Sable ’86 Josh Sable ’90 Suzanne Socken ’93 Michelle (Greisman) Silverberg ’97 Richard Stoll ’80 Lainie Sugar ’91 Jeffrey Turtel ’96 Rachel Urowitz ’89 Anna Urowitz-Freudenstein ’86 Aubrey Zimmerman ’74 | 13

I wanted to give back and give students the same type of experience I had. management, which are keys to my professional and personal success.” Values that continue to play a strong role in school programming today were also mentioned. “Tikun olam,” says Gilat Khorsandi ’88. “Unconditional love for Israel and being proud of your Jewish identity” notes Aviva Polonsky ’91 unequivocally. “Being proud in my Jewish identity. Being a life-long Jewish learner.” says Keren. The sense of community features prominently. “At CHAT, you build a community that lasts a lifetime,” observes Michelle Silverberg ’97, while Jordan Sable ’86 has fond memories of “a very sweet, cozy place, where people knew each other well.” Keren says that, “being part of an institution that helps foster a love of Judaism and a sense of being part of the greater Jewish community is important to me.” Adds Richie, “I learned the importance of “community” and I was so impressed how each person in our class respected the other students, no matter their background or religious affiliation. I will always remember the feeling of ‘Kol Yisrael areivim zeh bazeh’ (‘All of Israel are responsible for one another’) that I experienced, firsthand.”

At TanenbaumCHAT, you build a community that lasts a lifetime. 14 | CHATTER Magazine Fall 2019

WE ASKED: Why did you decide to come back to TanenbaumCHAT to teach? Sharing the TanenbaumCHAT experience, giving back, and impacting future generations were strong themes. “I felt that having gone through it myself… I could connect to what my students are going through. As well, teaching next generations of Jewish kids is something I value,” says Ilana Heimlich ’94. “High school really made me come out of my shell and made me who I am today,” says Leah, adding that “I wanted to give back and give students the same type of experience I had.” Richie remembers that there was, “such a strong bond between teacher and student... I wanted to replicate this by returning and establishing a strong rapport with my students, as well.” Malka remembers “the love of learning that was fostered – which I try to bring to my classroom.”

“CHAT calls us back; it’s our home.” “TanenbaumCHAT has always been, and continues to be, my home away from home,” she says. In the final analysis, Malka acknowledges that TanenbaumCHAT is “my community. I always wanted to be here.” ◆

But wait – there’s more! For the 2019-20 year, TanenbaumCHAT welcomes back six additional alumni to teach at the school!

For Jaclyn, the fact that “it is possible now to have a rich arts education” at TanenbaumCHAT is noteworthy. “It was always my dream to have a thorough, wellrounded music program at the school and it is very significant that I am able to teach in the department.” Perhaps most touchingly, the school as community and as home also came up multiple times. Simply put, “it was a second home, like family,” says Aviva. Renee references the chorus of the school song, played every Friday afternoon, which includes the line:

They are (clockwise from top left): Ryan Peters ’09; Sarah (Solomon) Mauskopf ’13; Shaanan (Jory) Scherer ’96; Jaclyn Zosky ’12. Not pictured but also joining the TanenbaumCHAT teaching team are Lada Azaev ’91 and Mindy Chapman ’13.

Mazal Tov, TanenbaumCHAT Class of 2019/5779 Aaron, Talia Shira Abecassis, Rafael Abraham, Amichai Mayer Adler, Jaclyn Elyse Adler, Marlee Cara Agid, Noa Albom, Ryan Noah Amar, Orli Ilana Argintaru, Jonah Ephraim Aronshtam, Elliot Shane Aronson, Shira Danielle Azuelos, Tanya Messody Esther Barkhordarian, Emily Barkin, Kylie Jane Barzakay, Sydney Rose Baum, Ashley Michelle Beallor, Robyn Nicole Belman, Jonah Samuel Belmont, Rachel Kinneret Benatar, Eliyahu Elay Benchetrit, Lauren Eden Wagman Benchetrit, Lauren Julia Benhamu Encaoua, Mark Moises Benjamin, Hallie Rebecca Benudiz, Amanda Jennifer Berdugo, Jayden Robyn Abbie Bergman, Jason Zachary Bergman, Alyssa Faith Besunder, Aaron Jacob Bienstock, Jenna Esther Rose Birnboim, Dara Esther Birnboim, Joseph Aaron Bloom, Rachel Hannah Bloom, Jordan Lewis Boshi, Avital Boxer, Matthew Aaron Chazen, Zachary Brad Chousky, Camryn Rose Cockburn, Megan Rachel Cohen, Ariel Yossef Elisha Cohen, Jordyn Eden Daien, Maya Fae

Daiter, Jordyn Brooke David, Daniel Anthony Davidov, Mishel Davis, Brandon Murray Day, Benjamin Joshua Deutsch, Aharon Yehuda Dreyzin, Samuel Isaac Elman, Benjamin Seth Emanuel, Dean Maury Farbstein, Aubrey Jo Feuer, Dov Simcha Fialkov, Ari Nathan Fields, Maya Filatov, Elaine Fine, Adin Evan Finkelstein, Adele Toby Fishman, Shayen Simcha Fluxgold, Leora Sarah Fluxman, Rachel Sara Frankfort, Kylie Lauren Freeman, Hannah Avery Friedman, Danielle Cayley Frodis, James Michael Froman, Maya Shae Garmaise, Jonah Aaron Gavrielov, Lielle Gelman, Kelly Rifka Glazman, Ethan Forde Propst Glowinsky, Jordana Zoe Gluckstein, Jared Aiden Goldberg, Ryan Solomon Goldenberg, Jordan Kyle Golombek, Sarah Rachel Goodman, Ryan Joshua Gorman, Gavriel Meir Gozlan, Jonathan Grabois, Jason Daniel Grad, Justin Ryan Granovsky, Eden Zoe Greenberg, Lauren Arielle Grief, Joshua Abraham Gudofsky, Dylan Bradley Guitmann Mutchnik, Prisylla Guttmann, Avi Benjamin Heller, Ruven Michael Herlick, Aaron Samuel Hoffer, Eitan Tzion

Holtzman, Talia Zehava Horwitz, Benjamin Saul Hyman, Jaimie Samantha Ison, Tira Ness Israilov, David Jesin, Emily Laura Kaplivsky, Chelsea Katchan, Fira Katchen, Aryeh Samuel Katz, Lauren Mackenzie Katz, Talia Michelle Kelman, Rachel Meira Khemlin, Maya Khozin, Samuel Jacob Kingstone, Hayley Diana Klein, Adrienne Sarah Kliger, Isiah Kopman, Jenna Shoshanna Kranc, Nolan Errol Lindo Krieger, Ethan Jay Kulik, Zachary Davis Kurtz, Daniel Aaron Lampert, Adam Jason Langburt, Dahlia Rachel Lapid, Ethan Tal Lasko, Jordyn Alexandra Lebovic, Rachel Leah Lefton, Hannah Shira Levitt, Zoe Lia Levy, Rachel Aliyah Lewis, Joshua Ezra Lewis, Lauren Alyssa Lichtenstein, Riley Hannah Lis, Jordan Alexandra Lithwick, Shira Rivka Malka, Tal Mann, David Joseph Ilan Marduhaev, Eyal Maresky, Aaron Chad Marks, Rory Martell, Emily Elizabeth Menn, Maya Miller, Abigail Rebecca Mincer, Joby David Moll, Amanda Faith Morrow, Ryan Max Muller, Anna Rose Muskat, Gabriel Ezra Nachmani, Adi

Nadal, Jacob Ari Naiman, Zachary Isaac Nevo, Guy Ohayon, Ethan Samuel Ohayon, Isaac Abergel Orlan, Jaclyn Sophie Ossip-Richmor, Sam Jacob Packer, Madison Bess Palchitsky, Yeva Parkanski, Sean Pasternak, Faith Alexandra Polansky, Nicole May Polsky, Sarit Rachel Puntillo, Elena Miriam Rabovsky, Joshua Austin Rashkovan, Jillian Beth Reiken, Julie Jordan Roll, Madeleine Esther Rosen, Elianna Bracha Rosenberg, Ryanne Eden Rosenzweig, Alexandra Sarah Rosin, Daniel Zack Rotowsky, Nicole Jamie Rotstein, Adam William Rotstein, Ethan Ryan Rouhi, Jayden Sara Ruby, Maya Shira Rudberg, Leigh Alexandra Sable, Jack Ethan Sacke, Orly Sacks, Ryan Tyler Safer-Rosenthal, Jonathan Eli Safran, Jonathan Yonatan Eliezer Sanders, Ryan Isaac Sanders, Joshua Ryan Sapir, Nicholas Karl Satov, Joshua Mark Schaffer, Dalia Abby Brail Schneeweiss, Benjamin Isaac Scoler, Samantha Lauren Segal, Samantha Leigh Segal, Benjamin Tzvi Sekler, Nativi Shafran, Benjamin Lyle

Shneer, Lior Mia Shore, Daniel Maxwell Shram, Noa Shulman, Kelsey Skylar Shumunov, Thomas Jeremy Sigel, Margot Hannah Sigesmund, Danny Matthew Silver, Mason Joshua Simpson, Jared Monson Skuy, Joshua David Smith, Kacie Ray Smith, Yuval Golan Solomon, Danielle Jessica English Spilberg, Jeri Eden Spodek, Jonah Moshe Stein, Mendy Noah Streicher, Samuel Logan Wald Subel, Jared David Sugar, Joshua Aaron Sugar, Spencer Paige Tanen, Benjamin Aaron Teich, Avi Abraham Hersh Teperman, Arielle Lexa Thistle, Jacob Evan Toby, Molly Eden Urbach, Jeremy Noah Wagman, Sydney Jaye Walerstein, Adina Maytal Wallace, Raquel Emma Waltman, Jacob Dylan Weinstein, Joshua Ryan Weiss, Ariel Weiss, Ashley Gabriele Wenner, Ami Wine, Shira Beth Winkler, Zachary Louis Wise, Emily Beatrice Wise, Jacob Isadore Yermus, Max Zaionz, Benjamin David Zitzerman, Hannah Rachel Zonis, Danielle Zuckerman, Chloe Ray | 15

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Award WINNERS, Graduation 2019

Departmental & Subject Awards

Recognition of Excellence Awards


Valedictorian Ethan Krieger


The Governor General’s Award In Recognition of Achieving the Highest Average in all credits in Grades 11 & 12 taken at TanenbaumCHAT Joshua Grief






m a ni



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The Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Excellence in Community Service Adi Nachmani Staff Award In recognition of involvement in activities and contribution to school spirit and culture Jack Sable Student Leadership Award In recognition of ongoing leadership in Student Activities exemplifying TanenbaumCHAT values Sarah Golombek

Business Studies Award Henry Korenblum Memorial Endowment Fund Benjamin Segal Business Studies Award In memory of David E. Buck Jordan Bloom Centre for Differentiated Learning Joan Blidner Award For outstanding improvement while at TanenbaumCHAT Jordan Goldenberg Centre for Differentiated Learning For outstanding improvement while at TanenbaumCHAT Ryan Sacks Computer Science & Technology Award Avrum Jeffrey Duke Memorial Endowment Fund Ryan Goldberg Dramatic Arts Award Jenna Bienstock English Award Lisa Coristine Memorial Endowment Fund Orly Sacke English Award In memory of Ian Cohen ’70 Samantha Segal Physical Education/Kinesiology Barbara Manilla Memorial Endowment Fund Rachel Lebovic





Jerusalem Scholar Award Funded by the Aron and Ruth Shostack Memorial Endowment In Recognition of the Highest average in Jewish Studies in Grade 12 Rachel Lebovic

Art Award In memory of Lisa Shore Robyn Beallor


Mathematics Award In memory of Sara & Joseph Rahmani Joshua Grief




Mathematics Award In memory of Beryl Levy Shira Aronson

G o lo mbek

16 | CHATTER Magazine Winter 2019

Modern Languages Award Samuel Streicher Music Award Lisa-Ann Lauren Posluns Memorial Endowment Fund Lauren Greenberg Science Award In memory of David J. Levy Joshua Grief Science Award Arthur Lerman Memorial Endowment Fund Samuel Wald Streicher

New Stream Award Erica Schiller Mammon Memorial Endowment Fund Talia Katz New Stream Award Anshel & Devorah Zylberman Endowment Fund Nicole Rostowsky Rabbinics Award Ethan Propst Glazman Rabbinics Award Riley Lichtenstein

Social Science Award Shira Aronson

Talmud Award Rachel Belmont

Social Science Award Esther Haberman Memorial Endowment Fund Ethan Krieger

Tanach Award In memory of Jonathan David Deitcher ’87 Benjamin Saul Horwitz

JEWISH STUDIES Hebrew Language & Literature Award In memory of Elliott M. Wilson Jacob Waltman Hebrew Language & Literature Award Hershenfeld Weltman Family Endowment Fund Jordyn Cohen Jewish Thought Award David & Bluma Schachter Memorial Fund Nicole Rostowsky Jewish Thought Award Shimon & Clara Berglas Memorial Endowment Fund Shira Aronson Jewish History Award – Holocaust Studies In memory of Rubin Tencer, a survivor of Auschwitz Benjamin Schneeweiss Jewish History Award Carol Rosenfeld Memorial Endowment Fund Rachel Lebovic Jewish History Award In memory of Israel Appel Ethan Krieger

Tanach Award Miriam Alkin Memorial Fund Danny Sigesmund

Scholarships & Special Awards Morris & Rose Alspector Award For highest average in Judaic studies over four years Samuel Streicher Isaac & Basia Jesin Award For excellence and dedication to Jewish Studies over four years Talia Katz Eric & Marsha Slavens Award For combining sporting & academic achievement Jack Sable Rachel Fluxman Philip & Helen Zucker Scholarship For continuing education in Jewish studies Zachary Winkler Jenny Lewis Award For Excellence in Creative Writing Lauren Julia Benchetrit

Continuing Studies in Israel Judy Shaviv Memorial Fund “Keren Yad Yehudit” assisting graduates to serve in the IDF, study or volunteer in Israel Benjamin Shafran Jonathan David Deitcher Memorial Scholarship for continuing Jewish studies in Israel Benjamin Zaionz Rabbi Marvin B. Pachino Award For excellence in Jewish Studies and continuing Jewish Education in Israel Rachel Belmont David Rosenzweig Memorial Scholarship Established in memory of David Rosenzweig ’72, by his friends Rachel Levy Gertrude & David Sher Foundation Scholarship For continuing Jewish studies in Israel Jenna Kopman Daniel Sherman Memorial Scholarship For continuing studies in Israel Ariel Cohen Dov Feuer Icek & Manya Segal Award For continuing studies in Israel Avi Guttmann Board of Directors Awards For continuing studies in Israel Rachel Belmont, Ariel Cohen, Dov Feuer, Adele Finkelstein, Leora Fluxgold, Avi Guttmann, Rachel Kelman, Jenna Kopman, Rachel Levy, Ethan Ohayon, Benjamin Shafran, Daniel Shore, Joshua Sugar, Molly Toby, Jeremy Urbach, Zachary Winkler, Benjamin Zaionz, Noa Agid The York Mills Study Group of the National Council of Jewish Woman For continuing studies in Israel Rachel Kelman, Jeremy Urbach, Molly Toby, Leora Fluxgold | 17

2021/22 GOAL


Be ready to answer the call By Frances Bigman CFRE, Director of Advancement

2020/21 GOAL


2019/20 GOAL


2018/19 GOAL - $1,115,000 RAISED - $1,315,829


anenbaumCHAT’s commitment to reduced tuition has shone a spotlight on the vital need for robust fundraising at the school.

Our school is powered by the generosity of an entire community which recognizes it as a meaningful destination for philanthropy. Investment in this premier Jewish high school allows us to open our doors to families who previously may not have been able to consider it as an option for their children. For the 2018/19 fiscal year, I am proud to report that, due a great response from our school community, not only did we meet our goal of $1,115,000, but we exceeded it – with a final total of $1,315,829 raised for our Annual Campaign. Our fundraising team is committed to continuing this important work. We are grateful to the Jesin-Neuberger Foundation and the Granovsky Family, whose generous gifts sparked this amazing opportunity. Now, we must rally together to ensure that we can continue to offer our students the TanenbaumCHAT experience at a more financially-accessible level of tuition. In order to raise sufficient funds annually to fulfill this important objective, the Board of Directors has set strategic and achievable fundraising goals that will sustain all aspects of school programming and access. Be ready to answer the call!  ◆

GENERATIONS DAY SAVE THE DATE – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2019 Grandparents, mark your calendars for this annual event. Registration opens in September.

18 | CHATTER Magazine Fall 2019

A Family Committment T

wenty-five years had passed since Paul and Judith Bloom attended the graduation of their youngest daughter, Adina, in 1993. Sara had graduated in 1991. Now they found themselves “back at CHAT” attending Generations Day with their grandson Koby, who had recently started Grade 9. Judith and Paul, along with their two daughters and their families decided to solidify the strong connection the family has with the school by dedicating a classroom in honour of great-grandparents David and Esther Gordon. In a private celebration on a recent Sunday morning, Adina shared the family’s sentiments on this special occasion.  For me, today is mixed with emotions. It marks “somewhat of a homecoming for me as this is the first I have been back at CHAT since I graduated over 25 years ago. It brings back some wonderful memories, where strong friendships blossomed that still exist today, and where I was pushed to my utmost potential on an academic level.

Main pic, L–R: Paul Bloom, Koby Gottlieb, Judith Bloom Top L: Paul Bloom and Dr. Jonathan Levy affix a mezuzah Above: The Bloom family together at the dedication. Front L-R: Seth Somer, Evan Somer, Cooper Gottlieb, Judith Bloom, Adina Bloom Somer ‘93, Sara Gottlieb ‘91; Back L–R: Paul Bloom, Koby Gottlieb, Darren Gottlieb, Jeff Somer.

While my grandparents never had the opportunity to enter these halls, they waited with keen interest to hear the stories I would tell them in our weekly calls, discussing both my education and social life – which, during my high school years, all surrounded CHAT. This plaque that appears in the halls of the school that helped educate me in my formative years, and in the halls where my children will, all being well, soon be roaming, is very special. It will help remind my children of their great-grandparents every school day. My wish for my children is that they become as learned as their great-grandfather was, and as outgoing and social as their great-grandmother was. Thanks to my parents for this dedication in my grandparents’ honour and for further demonstrating to us the importance of tzedakah. ◆ | 19

A Promise Without End A

TanenbaumCHAT endowment is an investment in our future. It is a promise without end.

Our funds are held at the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto, which shares our commitment to ensuring that our heritage is handed down to our children and grandchildren, and to providing opportunities for lifelong Jewish learning. The goal of the TanenbaumCHAT endowment fund is to serve as a major source of enduring financial stability. Each fund represents a unique and personal connection between the donor and the school. Three new funds were established at the Class of 2019 graduation ceremonies: The Tanach Award in Memory of Miriam Alkin was established as a tribute, to recognize Miriam’s commitment to tzedakah. It targets the educational and social concerns that were so important to her, and the simple idea that was her guiding principle: that reaching out in a philanthropic way can make a difference in the community. The English Award in Memory of Ian Cohen ’70 is endowed by Ian’s close friend and classmate, David Wallerstein ’70 in memory of their long and enduring friendship. The award honours Ian’s curiousity and gift for expression, his passion for literature, and his abiding love and respect of books. The Jenny Lewis Award for Excellence in Creative Writing was established in memory of this TanebaumCHAT alumna and teacher. Her compassion and dedication extended beyond her classroom to her colleagues, friends and family. The award forever connects her to the things she cared so dearly about: teaching, writing and literature. ◆ A TanenbaumCHAT Endowment is an opportunity to connect your story to an important community institution. Several opportunities are available to be endowed. These include academic awards in General and Jewish Studies, as well as special awards for continuing studies in Israel. For further information on establishing an endowment fund and leaving a family legacy please contact Frances Bigman. / 416-636-5984 Ext. 230

20 | CHATTER Magazine Winter 2019


ndeterred by the incessant rain, all 96 TanenbaumCHAT golfers – alumni, friends, staff and students – gave it their all at Tee Off for TanenbaumCHAT. The tournament was held on June 13, 2019, at the lovely Silver Lakes Country Club in East Gwillimbury, Ontario. Sincere appreciation to our tireless co-chairs, current parents Steven Satov and Darrin Zweig. Our thanks to:

Golf Cart Sponsor

Hole Sponsors

Robins Appleby LLP

Southdown Builders Limited

Lunch Sponsor

Nagel + Associates

Tov Li Pizza & Falafel

View Eye Care Segal LLP

BBQ Sponsor Stephen Turk Law Umbrella Sponsor L to R: Uriel Stoll ’15, and TanenbaumCHAT teachers Josh Sable ’90, Rob Fishbaum, and Richie Stoll ’80.

Connor Clark & Lunn Private Capital

Amexon Property Management Inc. Epstein Cole LLP Marcy & Leonard Abramsky and Family Ideal Solutions Insurance Brokers Inc. Aloris Mercantile Corporation Dr. Errol Nezon – Paediatric Dentist Forest Hill Orthodontics

Isaac Glowinsky (R) with grandson Benjamin Glowinsky ‘14

The winning threesome. L to R: Adam Wagman (current parent), Adam Newman, and David Levy (current parent).

Tee Off for TanenbaumCHAT Co-Chairs: parents Darrin Zweig (left) and Steven Satov. | 21

Try Something New TanenbaumCHAT’s unique New Stream program has changed the face of Jewish high school education in Toronto for years


or decades, through the New Stream program, TanenbaumCHAT has opened its doors to provide a Jewish community high school experience to students from a wide range of educational backgrounds – many of whom may be completely “new” to Jewish learning. The program serves young people from public schools and secular independent schools, along with those who have not been in the Jewish day school system since

Choosing New Stream was perhaps the greatest decision I have ever made. Max Gross, Grade 10

22 | CHATTER Magazine Fall 2019

Grade 5. Currently, New Stream accounts for one in four new admissions to the school. New Stream provides the best of both worlds. Jewish Studies content is tailor-made and taught in dedicated New Stream classes. It follows the four pillars of TanenbaumCHAT’s Jewish Studies framework – Tanach (Bible), Jewish History, Ivrit (Hebrew), and Rabbinics (Rabbinic literature and Jewish traditions) – so that students become familiar and “catch up” with the curriculum as it is taught across the school. At the same time, New Stream students are fully integrated with the rest of their cohort for General Studies. By the time they reach Grade 12, they are equipped to become mainstreamed into the full range of Jewish Studies electives.

I quickly learned how to set a schedule, manage my time and study effectively.

Robbie Tylman, Grade 11

The highlight of my New Stream experience has been the camaraderie. For families interested in New Stream, there are many things to think about: moving into a Jewish day school setting, taking on a dual curriculum and connecting with a new cohort, for example.

faculty was easy to come by. “My teacher was very nice, helpful and always responded to my emails or when I came in for extra help,” says Reese. Max was enthralled by the Jewish Studies classes which made New Stream courses “some of my favourites.” Max also took comfort in the friendships with other students. “The highlight of my New Stream experience has been camaraderie,” he says. Robbie Tylman, now in Grade 11, seconds that, noting that in Jewish Studies, “it has been fun to be with the same people every year and go through different subjects.” This is something that Max’s mother, Irina Gross, found notable. “The New Stream Program was great at getting

Reese Levy, Grade 10

Below and over: Grade 9 New Stream students gather a few days before the Passover break to experience an educational mock Seder. The program prepares them to be active participants in their celebrations at home and, for some, sets them up to lead their family’s Seder.

Reflecting on their Grade 9 year, Max Gross and Reese Levy, now in Grade 10, both say that embarking on Jewish Studies learning, with little to no background in this area, can be daunting. “Hebrew, as a new language, was scary because the alphabet was completely different,” acknowledges Max. Reese attended Hebrew Sunday school through Grade 3, but so much time had passed, by the time she started at TanenbaumCHAT, her knowledge of Hebrew was very limited.” Fortunately, support from | 23

So, with some New Stream time under their belts, what would these students say to someone considering the program? “I would tell them that New Steam is a new type of learning. It is something that helps you understand your Jewish identity and build upon it,” Robbie explains. Max says that choosing New Stream, “was perhaps the greatest decision I have ever made.”

kids from disparate educational backgrounds to become close very fast,” she says. At the same time, forging friendships across the grade has also been easy. On connecting with the rest of her cohort, Reese notes that she sees them “in seven of my other periods!” and that she’s with them during lunch and extracurriculars.

“truly shocked at how seamless it was. [Reese] came home with a smile on her face from the first day and it stayed that way throughout the year!” Robbie was excited to meet new people and to learn more subjects. What’s more, says his mom, Carole, “the bus ride up and down Bathurst Street soon became a fun, social time to chat with friends.”

On why Max’s parents considered New Stream, Irina says: “we wanted our son to get involved in Jewish education and Israel engagement.” Since he had been at a secular independent school, “the New Stream program was the only way for him to attend TanenbaumCHAT.” Robbie’s mother, Carole Freeman says that it was “very important to us for our children to have a Jewish education [and] it was always our goal to get him back into the Jewish school setting for high school.”

As far as a dual curriculum goes, “unfortunately, the workload is no myth,” Robbie says ruefully. However, he adds that he “quickly learned how to set a schedule, manage my time and study effectively,” and Carole notes that Robbie “has become a diligent, independent learner.” From Rochelle’s perspective, “they work very efficiently in class” making the most of the time available. She is also gratified that Reese “is being taught how to properly time manage – [and] how to actually study.”

Transitioning to any new school can be challenging but Reese’s mom, Rochelle Levy, admits that she was

Some aspects of the experience were unexpected. “I think TanenbaumCHAT most surprised me in its open environment,” says Robbie. He also “can’t say enough good things about the music program.” “I did not expect high school to be as accepting of everyone,” Max agrees, and loves “how welcoming everybody is.”

I really enjoy how welcoming everybody is at TanenbaumCHAT. 24 | CHATTER Magazine Fall 2019

Reese’s mom, Rochelle, says she would also recommend the program, “without a doubt, unequivocally and with zero hesitation.” And three years in to Robbie’s New Stream journey, Carole is certain: “TanenbaumCHAT is simply a terrific high school experience for any Jewish teen. Teachers and staff care about the students, the atmosphere is friendly, and academics and extra-curricular activities strong.” Best of all, she says “we know our kids will one day look back and say that their high school experience at TanenbaumCHAT was the best time of their lives!” ◆

Now accepting new applications for

2020-2021 Deadline: December 1 APPLY NOW:

In Memory of Jenny Lewis ’95 In May 2019, the TanenbaumCHAT family was devastated to announce the passing of beloved alumna, friend and TanenbaumCHAT teacher, Jenny Lewis z”l. By Cheryl Cash and Sara Black, TanenbaumCHAT teachers Jenny, top left, in her element, surrounded by some of her beloved students.

“…and Jacob answered Pharaoh… ‘Few and hard have been the years of my life, nor do they come up to the life spans of my fathers during their sojourns’” (Genesis: 47:7).


n interpretation of this passage makes a distinction between long days and long years. Although Jenny lived only a few short years, her life was truly long because it was rich and full in the way that each day counted. Jenny filled her days with her passions: she was loved and loved others, she had many meaningful accomplishments, and she made an enormous impact on everyone she encountered in her life. She gave one hundred percent to her career, her friends and colleagues and, most of all, to her dear family. Jenny was a proud TanenbaumCHAT alumna who was thrilled to continue her legacy as an English teacher at the school. She taught with energy and enthusiasm, skillfully guiding her students to appreciate the beauty of the English language, and helping them reach their full potential. A former student, upon hearing of her serious illness, wrote telling her that he owes his career path in writing, to her – and even included a photograph of comments Jenny had written on one of his assignments. Other sentiments shared by students about Jenny’s profound influence, noted her “kindness, compassion, guidance, support and devotion to teaching” and that she was “a rare high school teacher whose unfiltered passion for her discipline came through in every class.” Jenny also loved interacting with students outside of the classroom, bringing the same enthusiasm and devotion to both the Cross Country Running and Ski Teams. Jenny was a dear friend and colleague to many staff at TanenbaumCHAT. She set the bar high as a true professional, and she enthusiastically shared her knowledge with us. We were so lucky to have been able to witness her brilliance, compassion and talent for 17 years. In her short life of many long days, Jenny Lewis left us all with a significant legacy – one that will live on in each of us. ◆ | 25

Alumni Back at TanenbaumCHAT Whether they were attending special alumni events, or visiting the school to support our students, we were thrilled to welcome many alumni back to TanenbaumCHAT. In January, Lori Ossip ’11, Jason Wolfe ’08, Eden Goldberg ’08, Daniel Singer ’08, Shaya Klein ’12, Zack Leranbaum ’14, Naomi Benmergui ’15, Bradley Lastman ’11, Linda Mochon ’15, and Aidan Little ’12, all former DECA team members (pictured top right), helped prep current students for the Provincial competition. In February, Itamar Danziger ’99 (below), who is by day a social worker and at other times an accomplished musician and composer, was in school to introduce klezmer music to grade 12 music students. He also sat in on a senior band rehearsal and provided observations and feedback.

Also, in February 2019, the following alumni volunteered to join the ranks of madrichim on the Grade 12 Shabbaton: Edan Cohen ’16, Max Guttmann ’16, Tamar Eisen ’17, Shira Miller ’17, Ariel Roitman ’17, Gaby Shubat ’17 and Zev Wingust ’17. Noted Shira, “Going on the Shabbaton brought back so many memories and reminded me how grateful I am to have had such an incredible high school experience.”

At the annual TanenbaumCHAT StartUP Entrepreneurship and Business Career Conference in March, Steve Argintaru ’88, Jonathan Azouri ’12, Zack Belzberg ’05, Melissa Baum ’07, Mitch Freed ’06, Jenna Kellner Izraelski ’05, Jesse Lash ’11, Rebecca Moffs ’98, Avi Pollock ’89, Sharon Vinderine ’90, and Ben Walters ’09 all took the time to share their business insights and acumen with the more than 200 students in attendance.

Back @CHAT 2019 This Beatles-themed event, run in conjunction with ORT Toronto and held at the Mattamy Centre in March 2019, was a fun and groovy evening that saw many alumni ready to twist and shout in support of TanenbaumCHAT. Back@CHAT2020 is already in the works. Stay tuned for more information! ◆ Former TanenbaumCHAT teacher and proud alumnus, Simon Wolle ’90

Above, top, L to R: Rebecca Moffs ‘98, Jenna Kellner Izraelski ‘05. Above, L to R: Jesse Lash ‘11, Jonathan Azouri ‘12, Ben Walters ‘09.

26 | CHATTER Magazine Fall 2019

In April, Stephen Kraft ’72 (above), a Professor of Ophthalmology & Vision Sciences at the University of Toronto and a physician at SickKids, dug deep to share his love of the ancient world with Grade 12 Archaeology of Israel students. He spoke on archaeology and the Beit Ha’Mikdash.

& Dr. David Herbert ’00 has been awarded tenure by the Department of Chemistry at the University of Manitoba. His research group is tackling issues in sustainable chemistry, materials and energy science using the tools of inorganic synthesis, coordination chemistry and catalysis. Previous honours include the Terry G. Falconer Rh Institute Foundation Emerging Researcher Award in Natural Sciences (2017), the Faculty of Science Early Career Researcher Award (2017), and the University of Manitoba Merit Award for Promoting Indigenous Achievement (2016).

Rosh Hashana 5780/ ‫תש"פ‬ Wish your family and friends a sweet new year and support TanenbaumCHAT at the same time!

We will personalize one of our beautiful, contemporary Rosh Hashana cards with your message and ensure your greetings are mailed in a timely fashion. TanenbaumCHAT’s card service is available throughout the year. With one of our special tribute cards, you can commemorate a simcha or a significant life event, or honour the passing of someone close to you. It’s a wonderful way to recognize the important people and moments in your life while also honouring the work we do at TanenbaumCHAT. To order your cards, call 416-636-5984 x 366 or email ROSH HASHANA SEPTEMBER 29


Lawyer and public servant, Mark Freiman ’65, former president of the Canadian Jewish Congress, is currently co-head of the Legal Task Force at the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA). In 2010, he joined Lerners LLP’s partnership after having been a partner in McCarthy Tétrault. He has taught at the University of Toronto, and served from 2000 to 2004 as Deputy AttorneyGeneral of Ontario and Deputy Minister Responsible for Native Affairs. In January, CIJA applauded a decision by the Ontario Court of Justice that found James Sears and LeRoy St. Germaine of Your Ward News guilty of “willfully promoting hatred against two identifiable groups — Jews and women.” A CIJA press release stated that “CIJA’s team – including our Legal Task Force under the guidance of John Rosen and Mark Freiman – was proud to be a part of this vital work over the past few years.”

“Viewer Direction Advised” is the first feature-length documentary of Ben Kaplan ’11. It was created with his father, television producer and director, Marshall Kaplan. Ben describes the film as “a passion project,” and says the film explores “how television consumption has evolved,” over the last generation. Ben is a graduate of Media Studies from Ryerson University, and has worked on shows such as Food Factory (The Food Network) and Property Brothers (HGTV). The documentary played at numerous festivals including the Toronto Jewish Film Festival and the New York International Film Festival.

We are excited to share news about our alumni. If you have something you’d like to share, please contact | 27

& In February, Shane Morganstein ’12 (pictured left) was part of a two-person team that placed second at the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) International Commercial Mediation Competition – the world’s largest competition exclusively devoted to international commercial mediation. More than 350 students and coaches from 63 universities participated, along with 130 professional mediators from across the globe. Each team had to resolve international business disputes through mediation. Shane and partner engaged in eight intense rounds of negotiation over a 6-day period.

Noa Vlessing ’14 competed on CTV’s “The Launch”, a music competition, in January. She describes her music as blending “vibrant, catchy melodies with resonant emotional themes.” Noa began songwriting at the age of 16. After graduating from TanenbaumCHAT, she moved to Boston to attend Berklee College of Music where she earned a degree in Songwriting and Music Business. She is now based in Los Angeles and has already been featured in publications such as Rolling Stone magazine and Buzzfeed.

28 | CHATTER Magazine Fall 2019

Danny Brown Wolf ’04 is the Head of Strategy at Orbs, a public blockchain infrastructure company scaling digital trust. This spring, she presented at a hackathon and conference in Toronto run by the Crypto Chicks – a volunteerrun non-profit educational hub focused on blockchain and AI technologies. Danny’s background in policy and international

affairs includes working at the UN with Israeli Ambassador Ron Prosor, in the Knesset, and as Director of Policy at the IDC’s Abba Eban Institute. Her social action involvement includes hi-tech initiatives to promote peace between Israelis and Palestinians, and with the HEXA Foundation, a non-profit leveraging blockchain technology to support social impact.

Naomi Matlow ’12 (pictured right) co-wrote the musical, ThreeTimesFast, together with Teresa Lotz. Naomi studied book and lyric writing in the Graduate Musical Theatre Writing Program at NYU Tisch School of the Arts. ThreeTimesFast was featured in the Florida Festival of New Musicals in June 2019 at the Winter Park Playhouse. It is the coming of age story of Olivia Klemons, as she wades through the stress of high school, her mother’s new engagement, a move to a new house, and her diagnosis with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Ultimately, Olivia learns to coexist with OCD in order to grow and emerge as a person not controlled by her disorder.

Lee Davis ’13 is CEO and co-founder of HideSeek, “a team of ambitious millennial entrepreneurs that met at the intersection of art, business and entertainment.” The company created a pop-up installation in downtown Toronto consisting of twelve rooms that included a hallway of luminescent butterflies, a forest of beaded curtains, and 2,500 colourful Slinkies. Running from March until July 2019, the immersive experience garnered a lot of media attention and promised that participants could “hide from reality and seek a world of childlike wonder… [and] feel like a kid again.” Photo by Kristen Foster

Amanda Kauffman ’18 is a member of the synchronized skating team, NEXXICE, which placed first in the national qualifier for the World Junior Figure Skating Championships.

Amanda and her team traveled to Switzerland in March 2019 to represent Canada in the ISU World Synchronized Skating Championships, where they finished in fourth place.

Courtney Sas ’05 & Aaron Bongard


Send us your News & Notes directly through our website. Visit:

Justin Hummel ’09 & Elise Kovac ’09

Sara Levine ’11 & Yoav Cohen-Rimmer

Jesse Lash ’11 & Erica Melamed ’11

Mark Zaretsky ’05 & Leah Direnfeld ’07

Howie Katz ’07 & Sydney Lashko

Hailey Tweyman ’10 & Ryan Schnier | 29


(and brother Eitan with Jeremy) Jeremy Ansel ’11 & Reut Ansel

Ivy Rae Shawna Maron ’06 & Jonathan Kamien

Abigail Lily Adena Scheer ’99 & Adam Schon

Max Dylan

Emmett Asher

Nate Eli

Kyle Lichtman ’04 & Marli Lichtman

Adira Winegust ’07 & Daniel Glatt

Michael Koral ’01 & Rachel Koral


Emma Brooke

Ezra Noam

Samantha Fialkov Gray ’05 & Jeff Gray

Amanda Goldberg ’06 & Mathew Mlotek

Emanuel Flatt ’05 & Jillian Rodak ‘06

Alanna (Glicksman) Handelman ’05 & Brandon Handelman

Kyla Macie

Liam Raphael

Max Benjamin

Dara (Koplowitz) Dishy ’07 & Adir Dishy

Stefanie Greenspan ’06 & Matthew Spencer

Dan Flatt ’99 & Dorit Smali

Kyle Klein ’06 & Hayley Geller-Klein

Spencer Avery

Naama Elise

Rory Joseph

Aliza Yocheved

Daniel Engel ’05 & Sarah (Guberman) Engel ’07

Esther Direnfeld ’03 & Daniel Katzin

Jodi (Rotman) Tkatch ’06 & Ryan Tkatch

Gabriel Kretzmer-Seed ’06 & Nina Kretzmer-Seed


Izzy Ray

30 | CHATTER Magazine Fall 2019


Zack Silverberg ’07 & Mandy Usprech

Mitchell Kideckel ’09 & Elyssa Seidman ’09

Marlee Klaiman ’10 & Justin Friedlich ’11

Esther Mochon ’13 & Ben Buckler

Michelle Devorah Kahn ’07 & Manuel Loloyan

Josh Stanley ’10 & Orli Schwartz

Ilan Farber ’12 & Daniella Ekstein ’15

Jaime Marco ’10 & James Calverley

Nicole Marcus ’06 & Shaaron Zahavy

Noah Bronstein ’11 & Rachel Schlosser ’11

Jake Gallinger ’06 & Lauren Krasin

Joshua Seed ’12 & Abby Spilky

Ray Abramson ’09 & Amy Boon ’10

Daniel Ozier ’08 & Jayme Goodman ’10 | 31

Join us for our Parent


For Grade 9 student entry in September 2020

EVENING SESSION: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM MORNING SESSION: Wednesday, October 30, 2019 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Join us for an additional information session to learn more about our NEW STREAM PROGRAM for students with little to no Jewish day school experience. Tuesday, October 29, 2019 | 7:15 PM - 8:00 PM Wednesday October 30, 2019 | 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM


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