CHATTER - Spring/Summer 2022

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FROM THE 1960s TO TODAY: seven essays spotlight seven decades MARK LAPEDUS ’66 NOA GARMAISE ’22


Spring/Summer 2022 / 5782



The Chatter is published through the TanenbaumCHAT Advancement Office and is distributed to more than 9,000 parents, donors, alumni and friends of the school.

Messages Head of School 3

Editor: Jane Rimmer

President of the Board of Directors 4 Historical perspective, real-world relevance 23 Alex Gropper: History in the making 26

Contributing writer: Erin Silver Design & Layout: Pagewave Graphics Cover photography: Daniel Malen Printing: Superior Printing & Litho Inc. Follow us on

Facebook: @TanenbaumCHAT1 Instagram: @tanenbaumchat LinkedIn: TanenbaumCHAT Alumni Association

16 COVER STORY: Who knows seven? 1 6 Regulars: Quick Study: Highlights from around the school 5 Powering TanenbaumCHAT We’ve come a long way 10 Active and engaged parents 11 The Power of Alumni 12 Day of Giving 1 3 Ensuring high-quality Jewish education for future generations 1 4 The Weinstock Family: Critical thinking at the core 1 5 Our Alumni Alumni Week 2 8 Alumni News & Notes 29 Alumni Back @TanenbaumCHAT 3 1 Mazal Tov! 3 3


TanenbaumCHAT 416-636-5984 Director of Advancement Frances Bigman, CFRE Director of Admissions Laurie Wasser, CAEP Alumni News & Notes submissions: or contact

Message from the Head of School Jonathan Levy, Ph.D.


n this issue of the Chatter magazine we recognize a significant landmark for TanenbaumCHAT – crossing the threshold into our seventh decade. I’ve been reflecting on my own personal history with the school, and seven isn’t the only number that carries great significance in Judaism. This year I am celebrating my Bar Mitzvah – 13 years at TanenbaumCHAT! I arrived in Toronto as a principal in the summer of 2009, drawn by the reputation of the school, the strength of the Jewish community, the proximity to relatives, and the city’s reputation as a fine place to raise a family. Growing up in Montreal, I went to camp with many Torontonians, most of whom claimed to attend a school that, at the time, I had not heard of – CHAT. But as I got older and attended university, those same students always seemed to be at the ‘head of the class,’ well prepared, highly successful, and engaged well beyond the classroom. Today, it is fair to say that I know the school a little bit better. As a TanenbaumCHAT parent, I have so far seen two of my children graduate from the school, each having found very different but equally excellent experiences. As Head of School, I regularly share our successes with colleagues around the continent, and can say with confidence that we are the flagship community Jewish high school in North America. Our student population is

equal to approximately 25% of the combined enrolment in all community Jewish high schools in the United States. Our robust course offerings, extensive extra-curriculars and strong connections between faculty and staff are exceptional. Our New Stream program, established in the 1990s, makes Jewish education available to students who have never attended a Jewish school before and is a further remarkable differentiator. As our school continues to build on its legacy and enrich the lives of our community, I’m struck by two thoughts: how fortunate we are that visionary lay leaders more than 60 years ago worked to establish a community high school in Toronto; and how much we would want such a school were it not to exist. Seventy is associated with wisdom in Judaism. Why? The story is told (Berachot 28a) of Rabbi Elazar Ben Azaria who took over leading the Sanhedrin at the tender age of 18. His hair grayed overnight making him appear older, prompting him to say “Harei ani k’ben shiviim shana” – or essentially, it’s as though I am 70 years old and have the wisdom to lead. This is a wonderful time in the life of TanenbaumCHAT. Yet as we head towards 70, we know there are always more ways to learn and to grow. May we go from strength to strength. ◆ | 3

Message from the President, Board of Directors Howard Simkevitz ’91


ince its founding, our school has developed from a modest educational initiative into a significant enterprise – from a single foundational brick into a steadfast pillar of the Toronto Jewish community. Just as the school has been a central piece of the community, it has been, and continues to be, a central piece of me. The school has been as much a part of my life as anything else, first as a student, then an alumnus, a parent and now as a lay leader. At each stage, the school has provided me new gifts and insights, highlighting the positive impact it has had on my life.

Our sages teach us that there are four stages of understanding of the Torah. Each stage is deeper than the previous one. First, there is the ‫( פשט‬pshat), the plain meaning of the words from the Hebrew root meaning “simple.” Then there is the ‫( רמז‬remez), the subtle or symbolic meaning beyond the literal. Next there is the ‫( דרש‬drash), the interpretative or scholarly meaning. Finally, there is the ‫( סוד‬sod), the hidden or “secret” meaning that takes on a mystical quality. Upon reflection, I note my TanenbaumCHAT experience has also had various stages, each one providing deeper meaning. As a student, school provided me with the pshat – the basics of what I needed: a safe and nurturing environment with an educational experience in both general and Jewish studies that piqued my intellectual curiosity. There were also a range of extra-curricular activities that catered to my interests – athletics, writing, music. I also found like-minded peers with similar


dispositions. The friendships I made in school were rewarding and long lasting. I still count my school friends among my closest. As an alumnus, I came to appreciate the remez – what these fundamental skills represented – an ability to explore the world around me in a disciplined and meaningful way. My university experience, both undergraduate and graduate, seemed more familiar coming from the rigorous academic program for which TanenbaumCHAT is renowned. I also credit my Jewish education and, in particular, the study of our sacred texts and the analytical reasoning it entailed, as providing me with a leg up when I attended law school and ultimately began legal practice. As a parent, I could readily interpret how the school had helped shape me as a human being. The drash was clear. I wanted my kids to have the same skills, sense of belonging and appreciation of being part of something bigger than the self. Choosing TanenbaumCHAT for their education was an easy decision. As a lay leader, I could not have envisaged how the school could have provided additional meaning in my life. This role is both challenging and complex, but the secret is, the rewards of community service are beyond compare. It is truly an honour to serve in this capacity, and it is my hope that our next 70 years will connect new generations to TanenbaumCHAT and that they, too, will derive as much meaning from their experience as I have from mine. ◆

Olympiad math Josh Goldman (Grade 12) scored in the 97th percentile in the Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge (COMC) and was invited to write the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad Qualifying Repêchage – a qualifier for the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad, the highestlevel high school mathematics contest in Canada. Josh wrote the Olympiad on March 10 submitting a perfect proof of the first problem. “It was a great honour for him and our school to participate,” notes Neil Epstein, Josh’s math teacher.

University-level baseball Elite student athlete Ryan Press (Grade 10) has been signed by West Virginia University for a full baseball scholarship.

Unique Jewish learning TanenbaumCHAT Jewish Studies teachers have provided students with engaging learning experiences. Grade 12 Archaeology of Israel students, taught by Rachel Urowitz ’89, created 3-D maps of ancient Jerusalem (below right). Sheer Barkai introduced chavrutah study to her Grade 10 New Stream class. And teacher Nofech Ben Or’s mother, Ruth, Zoomed into her daughter’s Grade 9 Rabbinics class from Kibbutz Ruhama to give a first-hand account of growing up and raising a family on a kibbutz as part of the class’s exploration of family values (below left). | 5

EDUCATING AND REMEMBERING The issues of antisemitism and Holocaust awareness continue to have relevance and urgency. Former MP and current President and CEO of the Canadian Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre in Toronto, Michael Levitt, was invited by our Holocaust Education committee to speak about both. During Holocaust Education Week, invited guests included Louis Greenbaum, grandfather of Grade 11 student Kyle, who spoke about his experiences as the child of a survivor and his work on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Society for Yad Vashem. In addition, Trudy Album recounted her personal history and survival during the Holocaust. The committee also designed posters, created a memorial wall where students could write the names of those who perished and, via hallway screens, shared key facts about the Holocaust researched by Mr. Adamson’s Grade 10 Canadian History class. On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Jack Boeki, great-uncle of Grade 11 student Annaleah, shared his experiences surviving the Holocaust, escaping to America and returning to Europe to fight the Nazis as a member of the U.S. Army.


OUTREACH, TZEDAKAH AND TIKUN OLAM During this winter’s hostilities in Ukraine, students and staff leapt into action and collected donations that were directed to the UJA’s Ukraine Emergency Relief Fund. A heart-warming letter-writing campaign facilitated by student leaders saw students composing messages of hope and support to children in schools and shelters in Ukraine. More than 50 students stepped up to support their very own school during the sixth annual Day of Giving, a community-wide effort to raise funds for Jewish day schools (for more, see page 13). They called to ask for contributions, and together also made same-day phone calls to say thank you to all 800 donors who made gifts to TanenbaumCHAT! For the last 15 years, our students have proudly supported Think Pink in recognition of October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month and run numerous initiatives to raise money for Rethink Breast Cancer. This year was no exception. Our SickKids committee raised money for the hospital by commandeering Sonshine Square and selling hot chocolate, thereby melting and warming our hearts all at the same time. Our Ve’Ahavta Committee baked more than 250 muffins to help feed those in need. Ve’Ahavta is a Jewish humanitarian organization with a mission to support people of all faiths who have been marginalized by poverty and homelessness. | 7

Tigers Den Eitan Lenga (Grade 11) was this year’s winner at Tiger’s Den, organized by TanenbaumCHAT’s Business Council. His mobile app idea, HospiTrack, was noted for its relevance and potentially life-saving concept of spreading patients proportionately throughout Ontario hospitals. Grade 10 students Julia Oziel and Adina Pogrin were the runners up for SnowGo, an innovative and cost‑effective approach to snow removal. Special thanks to returning judges Zack Belzberg ’05 and Ryan Freeman ’05.

Making Music

Exam Prep 101

That’s the spirit!

The Grade 10 music class, under the direction of Jaclyn Klimitz ’03, performed a live-streamed recital for family and friends. Seven different trios performed music from hit movies such as Star Wars, Harry Potter and Batman. The renditions that spoke to the progress and passion – as well as the music – that can be heard throughout our halls from the music room every day.

Our Freedman Centre for Differentiated Learning (CDL) helped students ease into the school year’s first exam season. Students received tips and support at Exam Prep 101, and students who serve on our Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) program ran a “Make Your Own Exam Study Schedule” event.

Our Student Council and Spirit Committee were busy as ever. On Groutfit Day, for example, the smiles on the faces of our students faces said it all: there is absolutely no downside to wearing comfy gray sweats while drinking Oreo-infused milkshakes. Then, students dressed in red and white to support Team Canada at the Olympics. Committee members prepped and hand-delivered a unique, custom “Olympic Medal” to all of our more than 1,200 students.

Intramural basketball makes a comeback Shabbatons return We were thrilled to send students off on in-person Shabbaton weekends again.


After a COVID-induced hiatus, athletics sprung back to life. More than 220 students took part in an intramural basketball tournament in our Meyer/ Finkelstein Gymnasium in March.

SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE Chanukah Chanukah festivities kicked off with a virtual school-wide assembly. They continued with sufganiyot (doughnuts), dreidel battles, latka-making lessons and gelt-o-grams. The celebrations also included a favourite school tradition – the “fun-akah” medley courtesy of faculty members Josh Sable ’90 and Ryan Peters ’09.

Tu B’shvat A massive Toronto snowstorm was a bit off-brand for Tu B’shvat and the new year for trees. Nevertheless, inside on Zoom, a warm and informative virtual assembly was organized by our madrichim (student leaders), co-head of Student Activities Keren Romm ’98, and our schlichim (Israel emissaries) Lee and Ariel Solomon.

Purim After a long winter, Purim arrived on a perfect spring day and was proof positive that you’re never too old to get into the spirit of things. Students and staff took part in a virtual megillah reading led by teacher Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein. They dressed up, made mishloach manot for Ve’Ahavta clients, and collected donations for Jewish Family & Child Services.

ON STAFF TanenbaumCHAT teacher Dr. Jonathan Milevsky (left) has a new book: Understanding the Evolving Meaning of Reason in David Novak’s Natural Law Theory (Brill, March 2022). It “describes the way Novak’s account of natural law in Judaism goes from being a legal theory that can be identified with the Noahide code to a metaphysical framework that accounts for revelation and the rabbinic role in legislation.” Now in his third year at TanenbaumCHAT, Jonathan teaches Jewish History and Tanach. He received a Bachelor of Talmudic Law from Ner Israel College in Baltimore, MD, a B.Comm from Ryerson University, an M.A. from York University, and a PhD in religious studies from McMaster University. | 9

Powering TanenbaumCHAT

Now & Always

We’ve come a long way In the spirit of reflection that this issue of the Chatter evokes, I thought I would share my own memories. I joined the school 16 years ago in 2006, midway through my daughter Shawna’s graduation year. They say to be successful you must be passionate about what you do. The chance to take on the fundraising challenge at TanenbaumCHAT was the perfect fit. My family’s day school opportunity was made possible by the philanthropy of others. How many like my own daughter would not have walked across that graduation stage but for the generosity of others? This was my chance to pay it forward. Fundraising wasn’t a part of the DNA of the school in 2006, despite the fact that we were partnering with UJA to build what would be the Kimel Family Education Centre. The school’s Annual Fund efforts hinged on a collection of events, contributing not much more than $100,000 to the bottom line. Making TanenbaumCHAT a destination for significant philanthropy became my mission. Over the years, in partnership with great volunteers and dedicated board members, we’ve done it all. Theatre nights and ski days evolved into galas and 50th Jubilee celebrations. Renovating classrooms into tricked-out learning spaces later morphed into building a $10 million science facility. We’ve come a long way! In our 2020/21 fiscal year, our Powering TanenbaumCHAT annual fund raised $2.1 million to sustain educational excellence, tuition accessibility and financial assistance. Inspired by the transformative philanthropy of 2017, and despite the last two years of challenges caused by the pandemic, our community of parents, grandparents, alumni and, indeed, the greater community, have responded to the opportunity to invest in TanenbaumCHAT. At a time when there is so much need around the world, TanenbaumCHAT is fortunate to have donors who value the vision and values of our school, and support it with a full heart, knowing that they are strengthening and nurturing the next generation. I continue to pay it forward thanks to you. – Frances Bigman CFRE Director of Advancement 10 | CHATTER Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2022

Active and engaged parents The Parent Engagement Committee provides an opportunity for parents to make important and meaningful contributions to TanenbaumCHAT, to connect with others and to participate in the life of the school. This year, more than 50 parents were involved in our Parent Engagement Committee and we have been busy and active! We all know that students aren’t the only ones who may feel some apprehension when beginning a new school. Our Parent Ambassadors made welcome calls to all incoming Grade 9 parents and participated in a virtual Grade 9 parent New Stream Meet-and-Greet. With the hoped-for return to in-person events in the coming year, we look forward to expanding this program. Parents on the events sub-committee supported the school in running CHATazon, an online holiday boutique featuring more than 70 vendors, with proceeds directed to TanenbaumCHAT. New this year are our enhanced staff appreciation initiatives, with our theme of “cozy” this past winter. Committee members were on hand during a professional development day to give every staff member a plush TanenbaumCHAT-branded throw blanket, and we also arranged for all staff to receive a pair of socks and a personalized handwritten card expressing our collective appreciation for their extraordinary efforts during this unique school year. We were thrilled to see how much these were appreciated. “Thank you very much for thinking of us at this time. It means a lot to all of us that we have such a connection not only to the school and the students but the parents as well,” wrote one teacher. “This is truly heartwarming and gives me (and I am sure all the other teachers) a deep sense of community and family,” said another. Two dozen Grade 12 parents have stepped up to join the Class of ’22 Power of Grads campaign. This initiative allows families to make a gift to honour their grad, express appreciation to the school and pay it forward in support of accessible tuition and ongoing academic excellence. As current parent Julia Guttmann puts it: “The impact of every dollar is significant. The positive difference in the lives of these lucky students and families will help our Jewish community continue to thrive for many more generations.” As graduation season approaches we look forward to reaching our goal of 100% Grade 12 parent participation.

If you would like to get involved in the Parent Engagement Committee, please contact Gillian Sinclair, Senior Advancement Officer at

With changes in COVID restrictions, we are looking for ways to get parents together in person. A series of springtime nature walks in May were first up – but stay tuned for more events and opportunities! – Suzy Kauffman ’90 and Ann Rastin Co-chairs, Parent Engagement Committee | 11


The second annual Power of Alumni campaign was yet another inspiring demonstration of what can be achieved when we harness the collective strength of our 8,000-plus alumni. With the objective of supporting tuition assistance and accessibility at TanenbaumCHAT, this year saw an almost 50% increase both in donors to the campaign and funds contributed, with a total of 526 gifts and $264,990 raised, thanks to generous matching donors. The campaign’s launch event featured Michael Katchen ’05 in conversation with Mo Lidsky, CEO of Prime Quadrant. Subjects ranged from NFTs and cryptocurrency to Michael’s journey from high school grad to founder/CEO of Wealthsimple. The effectiveness of this campaign hinged on the fact that it was driven by alumni themselves. Led by Campaign Chair Zack Belzberg ’05, 37 Class Captains answered the call and stepped up to spearhead the team-leading efforts with outreach to their classmates. We are so grateful to all the alumni who made gifts to support the school and helped us achieve such incredible growth. By playing a part in keeping the TanenbaumCHAT experience accessible to students today and tomorrow, they also made a direct contribution to the ongoing strength of our Jewish community.

Michael Katchen ’05

We are looking forward to another strong campaign next year. Thank you for your continued support! ◆

CLASS CAPTAINS Class captains truly are the backbone of the Power of Alumni campaign and, as liaisons for their graduating classes, are involved in a range of other initiatives. This year, an additional 26 alumni stepped into this role. If you would like to learn more about volunteering as a Class Captain, please contact

1960s 1970s 1980s 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

12 | CHATTER Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2022

Mark Lapedus Lori Disenhouse Ellen Chaikof Randal Slavens Hila Meisels, Randi Rahamim Joanna Shore, Hannah Wasserman Shai Spetgang Adam Sharon Jenn Schwartz Sharon Rotzang Ilana Halperin Ira Lindenberg Noah Zatzman Arielle Branitsky Kyle Lichtman, Erin Warner Zack Belzberg Mitch Freed, Franny Freed

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Tamar Zagdanski, Oren Kumer Michael Chaikof Jesse Tepperman, Ray Abramson Amy Abramson Kyle Ungerman, Jesse Primerano — Evan Sinclair — Josh Sinclair Judah Hoffman, Claudia Boon Emma Hoffer — Jack Sable Amy Posel Jacob Bloom, Yael Shapiro | 13

Ensuring high‑quality Jewish education for future generations TanenbaumCHAT does an incredible job of educating our children and providing them with the knowledge and confidence to be proud Jews and advocates for the State of Israel. I have firsthand experience in this area. I’m a current parent, TanenbaumCHAT Board Member and Chair of the Life & Legacy Committee. But I’m concerned about the future. Will TanenbaumCHAT always be there to educate Jewish teens and provide them with the knowledge and confidence to understand their heritage and contribute to their communities? With an eye to ensuring ongoing financial security for Jewish day schools, The Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto has launched the LIFE & LEGACY™ endowment program in partnership with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. This program, with an impressive track record of proven success in the U.S., is designed to help 14 Jewish day schools in Ontario, including TanenbaumCHAT, build endowments through legacy giving so that tuition remains affordable for future generations. A key benefit of endowments is they create perpetual income streams that reduce some of the year-to-year

For more information about the program, please visit:, or contact:

➤ Rahn Dodick and Tania Kerman-Dodick with Noah ’22, Shane ’25 and Benjamin.

14 | CHATTER Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2022

fundraising pressures that all Jewish day schools face, as well as help maintain tuition at an affordable level. I believe the Life & Legacy endowment program has a strong role to play in many people’s after-life donation objectives. They just need to know about it. We’re committed to ensuring future generations of Jewish children have the same access to a world-class Jewish education. The Life & Legacy endowment fund is our way of paying forward our Jewish heritage. My wife and I have made a legacy commitment to the fund and we are committed to asking for the community’s support. Giving an endowment, even a small gift in the future will benefit future generations in perpetuity. I believe that if everyone makes a commitment of any size to the Life & Legacy fund, our children and grandchildren will not have as significant a financial burden to consider when deciding to send their children to Jewish day school. This will translate to more children with strong Jewish identities and a love for the State of Israel. Join us and others in ensuring TanenbaumCHAT has the necessary resources to play the same vital role for future generations of Jewish children. A strong endowment fund will allow this to happen. – Rahn Dodick Chair, Life & Legacy Committee

Critical thinking at the core Citing the centrality of the study of Talmud to Jewish learning, Dr. S. Joseph and Florence (Faigie) B. Weinstock chose to endow our Talmud Award We are proud and honoured to endow the Talmud Award at TanenbaumCHAT. Our four sons, Dan ’88, David ’90, Moss ’92, and Mark ’93 all attended TanenbaumCHAT and benefited from the strong Jewish values, academic excellence and community spirit fostered by the school. We are thrilled that our granddaughter Nina ’25 has continued in their footsteps and hope that other grandchildren follow. We want to support TanenbaumCHAT and the critical role it plays in our Jewish community. Talmud forms the core of our Jewish code of law, cultural life and lore. Especially in our time of mass social media, the development of critical thinking is key. Studying Talmud encourages discussion, debate, logic and respect for differences of opinion and interpretation. The analytic skills developed in studying Talmud arm students with tools to confidently articulate points of view backed by rational thought and principles. The Talmud is complicated, but so is life. The study of Talmud teaches us to use creative dialogue in our approach to the complexities and challenges we all face. – Dr. S. Joseph and Florence (Faigie) B. Weinstock

Powering TanenbaumCHAT

Now & Always To find out more, go to | 15



Founded in 1961, our school has educated three generations of Jewish Torontonians so far. Initially part of Associated Hebrew Schools, it quickly became known as the Toronto Hebrew High School. Its influence is profound and can be felt far and wide in community activism, leadership, and commitment. Given the significance of the number seven in the Jewish tradition, and its association with good fortune and prosperity, we thought it important to mark this milestone in some way. So we reached out to seven members of our community and asked them to reflect on their experiences. Providing a snapshot of our history to date, you’ll hear from people who were here, participating in the life of the school over the last seven decades. 16 | CHATTER Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2022

“ None of us had any real idea that we were laying the groundwork for what the school has become today. I know that we are all grateful and proud of our contribution to its development and the lasting legacy that the school has given to us.” – MARK LAPEDUS ’66



I have so many memories of my life at CHAT. It was an experience that I will never forget and has always been an integral part of my life. I graduated with the second Grade 13 class in 1966. Of course it wasn’t even called CHAT way back then! It was still part of The Associated Hebrew Day School. Charles Markin ’66 recently reminded me that it was was known as the Toronto Hebrew High School and that our classmate Hymie Guttman designed the crest. We had some incredible one-of-a-kind teachers and scholars such as Rabbi Shocket, Mr. Shkop and Mr. Burke for the Hebrew curriculum. We had Mr. Smith for Science, who before coming to our school was the Principal at Harbord Collegiate. Often our Hebrew class was just listening to Mr. Burke having a conversation with Mr. Shkop! I can remember when studying Nevi’im, Mr. Shkop made us memorize passages of Jeremiah and Ezekiel. I thought at the time that it made no sense but

I still have those passages engraved in my mind and that means so much to me. I can remember coming back to the school after first year U of T to speak to prospective Grade 9 parents. They all wondered how graduates from such a small school would fare at a large university. I remember telling them that my fellow alumni knew who they were and what was expected of them more than the other students. We also had the learned skills that we honed at high school to cope with the workload. There were thirteen students in our class from Grade 9 to Grade 13. That was the entire grade enrollment that year. The funny thing was that none of us had any doubt of the value of our class size even though it was so small. Rather it gave us an even greater opportunity to learn. All of us valued our time together. We benefited greatly and made friends for life. None of us had any real idea that we were laying the groundwork for what the school has become today. I know that we are all grateful and proud of our contribution to its development and the lasting legacy that the school has given to us. My wife Jan and I decided that this would be the high school of choice for our three children. We knew that it would be an experience of a lifetime for them and also give them the tools to succeed. | 17

“ The school has become everything I wanted it to be. It’s a wonderful school invented by people of vision, a model for other schools of its kind.” – PROFESSOR SYDNEY EISEN



I was inspired to get involved with CHAT by the quality of the education, the dedication to both general and Jewish studies and the determination to produce students of high quality. I was particularly involved in persuading the school and its supporters to move to the Wilmington building, from the Associated building on Neptune Drive, where it began. This was absolutely necessary if the school was to offer educational opportunities to all of the day schools. When the school moved to Wilmington, this goal was achieved, and the board became a composite of lay leaders from all the feeder schools.


The school has become everything I wanted it to be. It’s a wonderful school invented by people of vision, a model for other schools of its kind. I sent my children to CHAT and was delighted with their education, and the education of my two grandsons who also attended. The school has been blessed with excellent teachers and administrators and a dedicated staff. I have been thrilled to watch TanenbaumCHAT’s development and have it become truly a community high school.

I was a student here from 1981-1985, having attended Associated Hebrew Day School from grades 2 through 9 (my family moved from England to Canada in 1972). I grew up in Bathurst Manor and was supposed to go to William Lyon Mackenzie Collegiate Institute, but changed my mind over the summer. I never regretted that decision – my years at CHAT were some of the best of my life.

We were saddened to learn of the passing of Professor Eisen z"l in March 2022. Please see the tribute on page 22. 18 | CHATTER Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2022


When I started, the school began in grade 10 and went up to grade 13. By the time I graduated, the school had added grade 9, bringing the total to five grades and just under 300 students. The school facility was half of what it is today. The other half of the building was occupied by a public junior elementary school, which explains

some of the toilet sizes and sink levels in the school! Our science “labs” were on the second floor in classrooms, and the gym, where we played intramurals during lunch, was the current music room. We didn’t have access to the full field out back and we had portable classrooms where the Science Wing is today. The main entrance was on the opposite side of the building and we had a lunchroom on the second floor, though many of us would go to Sunnybrook Plaza to grab a slice of pizza. Among my favourite teachers were Dr. Honig (physics), Mr. Gropper (history and “Man in Society” – a course that would have to be renamed today!), Mr. Engstrom (economics, urban geography) and Ms. Aber’s English classes. While the size of the student population and physical structure of the school has changed in the (almost) 40 years since I graduated, the strong ruach (spirit) and school pride has remained the same. We had many holiday celebrations, a grad school trip to Washington D.C., Maccabiah, where the whole school was divided into four teams and competed Olympic style, and even school dances in the gym (though they started at 5 and ended before 8). We even had a MuchMusic video dance party. I was a member of the school choir with all of my close friends. We went on seminars, called Shabbatons today. We sent each other Shabbat-o-Grams and roses at Rosh Hashanah. In grade 13, I was co-president of Student Council with one of my best friends, Nina (Hagler) Wine ’85. Some of my closest friends today are the ones I made at the school. My deep connection to TanenbaumCHAT was rekindled as each of my three children attended, making me an alum and a proud parent of graduates. I am currently on the Board of Directors, seeing first hand that the stellar institution I attended in the ’80s has not only endured, it has gotten bigger and better, ensuring that future generations of Toronto teens will receive the same phenomenal school experience that I, my friends and my children were all privileged to experience.



In essence: what defined the ’90s at CHAT was the growth in student numbers; what emerged in 1999 was that this had become the school of choice for “community,” and what had evolved by the end of the decade was that the school had become an inclusive, progressive, vibrant Jewish education institution. Our school on Wilmington Avenue was bursting as excited students and their families sought to enrol. We, as a Board of Directors, recognized that the expanding student enrolment was driven not only by pursuit of the excellence of Jewish and general studies. It was also being propelled by a pressing need in the wider community for more inclusiveness, where students with special learning needs and those with limited backgrounds in Jewish learning were welcomed. The development of the New Stream program during the ’90s provided the opportunity for Jewish children from public and private settings to undertake Jewish studies at their appropriate skill levels. This was a huge and important shift and made the school more broadly community-focused. We, lay leaders and professional staff, were encouraged to set our sights on growth, development and excellence. In 1999, with enrolment growing, the shovel was put in the ground and the Wilmington site grew. We also secured a place at what would become the Lebovic | 19

“ What had evolved by the end of the decade was that the school had become an inclusive, progressive, vibrant Jewish education institution.” – BAILA LUBEK

campus, and CHAT North opened in temporary accommodations in a former French Catholic School Board building on Wright Street in Richmond Hill. The excitement and responsibility weighed on all of us, the Board members, but a two-campus school had become a reality! How proud we stand today as we celebrate 70 years of our school’s history. May we continue to grow from strength to strength.



Despite my initial hesitations, when the school asked me to transfer to the Richmond Hill campus for its 20 | CHATTER Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2022

second year of existence to serve as the first Head of Departments of Rabbinics and Talmud, I found a warm and happy principal, Gary Levine, who had founded this new campus based on camaraderie, friendship and personal concern. The building on Wright Street creaked and was quaint, but it had more than character. Because the centre block was designated as heritage status, the building could not be demolished – and that is how TanenbaumCHAT came about leasing it from the French Catholic School Board. I grew to quickly enjoy the feeling of pioneering and chalutzim that developed from a new centre for Jewish education. TanenbaumCHAT demanded rigorous levels of professionality, but the hominess of the building, especially during the early years when we had not matriculated a full four-year program of students, allowed us to feel more like family than colleagues. It was also the sense of camaraderie, fueled by the somewhat “remote” location that brought us all together. I enjoyed my posting at “CHAR,” as the students called it, so much so that when an opportunity arose to choose a Jewish Studies Vice Principal, I applied and was appointed.



Shocked, confused, and dismayed. These are a few

➤ Class of ’18 Co‑Student Council Presidents Kayla Saul and Jonah Opler at a Relay for Life event.

“ We combined the best elements of both campuses to create our own unique traditions and experiences.” – KAYLA SAUL ’18

emotions I felt on March 6, 2017, after the merger of the two branches of TanenbaumCHAT was announced. My peers and I wondered what this would mean for our TanenbaumCHAT experience, and were concerned about the future of our school. Although the transition into our new environment took time, perseverance and patience, students and staff alike worked collaboratively to unify the school. We did this through student activities, sports, shows and other community events, forming new friendships and bonds along the way. We combined the best elements of both campuses to create our own unique traditions and experiences. This cohesion was reflected through events like the Reel Film Festival, the Dance Fashion Show, and the Relay for Life, wherein we came together as a school community to raise $220,000 to help in the fight against cancer. It was the largest student fundraiser event in the school’s history, serving as a reminder that our potential is limitless when we unite. Despite the inevitable challenges of consolidating our schools to one campus, we transformed challenges into opportunities. I am proud of our collective resilience and tenacity and look forward to seeing the TanenbaumCHAT community flourish and grow over the next seven decades.

2020s NOA GARMAISE ’22

I was sitting at my desk, nervously tapping my foot under the table as I waited for the first person to come into the Zoom waiting room. At this point, online school was into its second year and my room had become my makeshift classroom. And now I was trying to transform | 21

it into the main artery of the school newspaper, the Fireside CHAT. I had been at the school for a year and a half before the pandemic began; in that time I had already felt that I was a part of the TanenbaumCHAT family and that the school community had become a central part of my life.

moved online. By the end of the year, we published over 100 student-written articles.

At 4:15, I was still the only one in the meeting. I feared that the sense of togetherness I had achieved at school would be lost. A few minutes later, another person finally joined. Slowly my worries slipped away. By 4:25 there were about 20 students waiting to join the first school newspaper gathering in several years. Due to COVID, the Fireside CHAT

I quickly realized the extent of our student body’s talents. People from all grades wrote about everything from birdwatching to Borat to bagels. I will always remember the great conversations and ideas shared in the breakout rooms of those meetings. I think a lot about how next fall I will again be separated from the TanenbaumCHAT family that has helped me grow over the past four years. The pandemic has prepared us all for what’s to come — physical distance will never stop the closeness of the TanenbaumCHAT community. ◆

Remembering Sydney Eisen z"l We were saddened to learn in March of the passing of Professor Sydney Eisen z"l. Often described as the “Father of CHAT,” Professor Eisen, a passionate proponent of Jewish education, wrote the original report to establish an independent high school. In the early 1970s, Professor Eisen worked tirelessly as the chair of the committee that was instrumental in advocating for the school to move from Associated Hebrew School to its own premises, with its own administration (see page 18). He served for more than three decades on the Board of Directors, held the role of Chairman for several years, and was made a Life Member of the Board. He was also the proud parent and grandparent of TanenbaumCHAT alumni. He was honoured for his contribution to the school during TanenbaumCHAT’s Jubilee celebrations when fellow lay leaders and Life Members of the Board paid tribute to his vision and exemplary leadership. “His contributions to educational excellence are models for all of us,” said Dr. Arthur Haberman. “The community reaped the benefit of Sydney’s many years of expertise in relation to the kind of curriculum which we should have and the kind of teachers who should transmit the essence of that curriculum,” noted Donald Carr, Q.C. former Chair of the Board. “His far-reaching knowledge and his quiet persistence about how high we should aim left an indelible impression on all of us who had the honour of serving with him.” May his memory be a blessing.

22 | CHATTER Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2022

HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE, REAL-WORLD RELEVANCE We asked two Jewish studies educators, Rabbi Dr. David Aronson and Dr. Alexandria Silver, to reflect on the goals and challenges of teaching Jewish history – a foundational pillar of our Jewish Studies program – to students today.

Tell us about your education and teaching background. Rabbi Dr. David Aronson: This is my 30th year teaching Jewish History and Jewish Philosophy at TanenbaumCHAT. I received my B. A. and Master’s of Hebrew Literature (with a concentration in Jewish history) and Rabbinic Ordination from Yeshiva University as well as an M.A. and Ph. D in history from New York University. Before coming to the school, I taught in various colleges within the City University of New York system and was an administrator at the Bnei Akiva Schools in Toronto. Dr. Alexandria Silver: I began teaching at TanenbaumCHAT in 2013 after I finished my dual Masters in Education and History at Brandeis, and when I started my doctorate in Holocaust history at the University of Toronto. I spent five years simultaneously working full-time and being a full-time doctoral student, which was a challenge but extremely rewarding in the end! I teach Jewish history exclusively, and also work on building Jewish history curriculum in different Jewish educational milieus.

How do you make Jewish studies relevant to your students? D.A.: I believe historical perspective is important in understanding the significance of something and in placing it in context. When the Jewish Studies program was first conceived by its educational architects, Jewish History was included in the four core courses (Tanach,

Rabbinics/Talmud, Ivrit, and Jewish History). No other high school in North America or Israel provides such an intensive and comprehensive Jewish history program. Given the diverse nature of our student population, Jewish history serves as a unifying anchor. It provides a sense of identification with and an appreciation of our faith, culture and people. It is not simply a dry recitation of facts about his-story, but the dramatic saga of my-story. A.S.: My main priority is emphasizing how the past is always present, within and beyond the Jewish community. Throughout all of our courses, from ancient Jewish history through to the Holocaust and the ArabIsraeli conflict, there are always real-world connections to be made. Whether it’s understanding that the Jews of 2500+ years ago are not fundamentally different from who we are today; or that in many ways the “new Jew” of Ben-Gurion’s early state is in fact a reclamation of this ancient Jewish identity; or connecting Medieval Jewish life under Crescent and Cross to modern-day issues, there are ample opportunities to really dig deep into historical significance with our kids. Only when they understand that studying history is critical to understanding the world around them can the material come alive in a way that keeps it relevant to their lives in 2022.

How have Jewish Studies evolved since you began teaching? D.A.: By the mid 1990s, the administration began to expand the range of courses by offering Jewish Philosophy for senior students, with a concentration | 23

“ It is not simply a dry recitation of facts about his-story but the dramatic saga of my-story.”

Rabbi Dr. David Aronson either on ethics or on metaphysics/epistemology, followed a few years later with the inclusion of Western philosophy as well. The courses raise questions and issues that young people on the threshold of adulthood are either asking or at least thinking about: How do I know what is real and what is not? What is and is not an ethical act in any given circumstance? What is knowledge and what is belief? Does God exist? What are the limitations of free speech? What is the Jewish perspective on these issues? These are some examples of subjects that encourage discussion and debate among students and most of all invite them to live an ‘examined’ life. A.S.: I learned so much from the Orthodox members of the department. I am grateful that they broadened my understanding of the way the Jewish religion changed and developed in the last two millennia, something that was beyond my area of expertise. From archaeology to women in Jewish history to the development of Rabbinic Judaism to a deep passion for the State of Israel, we’ve all grown and learned from each other, making the Jewish Studies we offer even more varied, robust and comprehensive.

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What do you see as the goal or objectives of high school Jewish Studies? D.A.: When I began teaching here, it was a relatively small school. Thirty years later, the student population has grown exponentially with students from a wide diversity of backgrounds within the Jewish community. We have come to realize that Jewish education includes more than formal classes and have added an experiential component. This is vital, as a strong Jewish education at the high school level has been shown to be a key factor in maintaining Jewish continuity. Today, following three years of core courses, our senior students choose from a wide range of interesting and stimulating Jewish studies electives. It is my hope that given all these opportunities, our students will embrace their past and engage with the Jewish present and future. A.S.: In my classroom, it’s for students to understand their history in a way that they can connect to, in a way that gives them the opportunity to create meaning for

“ My main priority is emphasizing how the past is always present, within and beyond the Jewish community.”

Dr. Alexandria Silver themselves. I encourage them to think critically about how our history informs our present. One cannot really understand the wildly complicated and, at times, scary world our students are inheriting, and particularly our place within it, without a real grasp of our history.

In what ways do you think Jewish Studies need to grow and adapt? D.A.: While we have made significant headway, we should be cognizant that we are embarking on a time when the challenges facing North American Jewry in the coming years will be greater than ever. We should do whatever we can to fortify our students with self-esteem and encourage them to assume their roles as Jewish leaders of tomorrow. A.S.: I think the Jewish Studies curriculum needs to continue to adapt to better contextualize the Jewish experience in 2022. One of the areas I most clearly see the need for this is in Holocaust studies. As the world faces a rise in authoritarian governments and the

alarming newfound acceptability of neo-Nazi and white supremacist thought that floats beneath the veneer of polite society, the way in which Jewish educational milieus traditionally teach the Holocaust has to change. This potentially has grown even more important since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, ostensibly for the purposes of “de-Nazification” – a deeply significant historical event that has many alarming parallels to the lead up to WWII. One element I argue for most passionately is an emphasis on perpetrator narratives, to encourage students to really wrestle with the stories of those who participated in the Holocaust. To explain is not to explain away, and it’s critical to understand why many (even non-ideological) people in the 1930s and 1940s were convinced to act in truly horrific ways against other human beings. It is in their stories that many lessons for 2022 lie, both in terms of our understanding of the false promises and easy solutions that attract followers, and how we as the Jewish community can better advocate for our own – and other minority groups’ – safety in society. As our tradition tells us, tzedek, tzedek tirdof – justice, justice, you shall pursue. ◆ | 25

ALEX GROPPER: History in the making

Alex Gropper has taught many students in his 50-year career at TanenbaumCHAT. He’s been at the head of the classroom for so long that some of his students have even gone on to become his colleagues. But he’s accomplished a great deal outside of the classroom as well. We caught up with this treasured history teacher, who retires at the end of the current school year, to learn more about his passion for archaeology and what’s kept him at our school for so many years. 26 | CHATTER Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2022

A long teaching career Alex Gropper never expected to become a teacher. In fact, he was working in the Foreign Service when he reached a compromise with the woman he loved. “I came back to Toronto since the girl I wanted to marry did not want to traipse around the world with me,” remembers Gropper. He and his beloved both compromised. “She went to graduate school in Toronto and I came to Associated (there was no CHAT yet).” Before becoming a teacher, he was in Graduate School at the University of Toronto (U of T) and also enrolled in the Faculty of Education, getting his Bachelor of Education

and Specialists Certificate in History. He had no idea that a teaching career spanning generations lay ahead of him. “Frankly, I thought I would only be here for a year. So I’ve now wandered the halls of the school longer than Moses wandered in the desert.” A variety of factors kept him at the school for five decades. “The students have been a source of pride and naches,” says Gropper. “Where else are you thanked after every class?” Another huge source of happiness are the students who have since become his colleagues.

“ I hope my students continue to look out for one another and keep our community strong.”

Bringing the past to the present

Joining a community

While his interest in education initially evolved from compromise, Gropper has always been passionate about archaeology. “My interest in archaeology began when I lived in Israel as a young boy. My involvement with the Canadian Institute of Mediterranean Studies (CIMS) began 42 years ago while I was teaching archaeology at the School of Continuing Studies at U of T in the evening. This allowed me to organize special conferences at the university. One of these conferences dealt with Jerusalem in the Ancient World, which was followed by an exhibit from the City of David Excavations in Jerusalem at the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM).”

Much has changed in the years since Gropper began teaching. “I try to teach my students to think critically and use legitimate sources. Sadly there is now so much ‘fake news’ from too many dubious sources.”

He also organized shows on Mediterranean archaeology for the CBC. A number of these shows dealt with the Dead Sea Scrolls. “Indeed, a highlight of my career was when I helped to bring the scrolls to the ROM in 2009/2010 on the condition that the school would get favourable treatment in their viewing.” Gropper continues to unite his passion for archaeology with his passion for teaching. Before the pandemic, he was able to bring the renowned Dr. Jodi Magness to TanenbaumCHAT to speak about the excavations of a Late Roman synagogue at Tel Huqoq in the Upper Galilee. “We at the CIMS at U of T co-sponsored this excavation, which produced a spectacular series of mosaics that received worldwide attention,” Gropper beams. “Just this past November, National Geographic magazine chose the Huqoq excavations as one of the 100 most significant excavations of the past century!”

But sometimes, change can be a good thing. “I remember a former parent saying to me that when his kids graduated, there were hardly any grandparents present, since so many had perished in the Holocaust. It is now a source of pride to see so many grandparents at graduation.” Gropper is honoured to have been part of the school family for so long, but he also looks toward the future. “Ultimately, I see TanenbaumCHAT as a true community. I hope that my students will continue to look out for one another and keep our community strong in its commitment to Jewish education.” This strong education and sense of community is why Gropper sent his own children to the school. He is especially proud that his children are still friends with their peers from high school. He hopes he inspired at least a few of them while they were in his class. They certainly affected him. “Frankly, my students have probably inspired me more than I have them,” says Gropper. Although technology has changed the profession since he first began, the profession still requires one thing: “Teaching is still about that magic spark.” And after all these years, he’s still got it. ◆ | 27

OUR first ever Alumni Week! TanenbaumCHAT’s inaugural Alumni Week in November was one for the books! Thanks to the incredible programming run by some fantastic alumni, we saw graduates from every decade of the school’s existence participate in events. A handful of them won some great prizes, too. The week started off with a bang as Sara Factor ’11, founder of FitFactor Fitness, led a group of alumni in a high-intensity Zoom workout. The energy in the Zoom room was high as Sara guided us through an exhausting, but equally rewarding, fitness class. The following evening another group of alumni had the opportunity to participate in a cooking demonstration by chef Ali Grundman ’08. Live from the kitchen of Black Bellows Brewery, where she is the Executive Chef, Ali shared a few industry secrets to make homemade agnolotti. Next on the docket was trivia night with the long-standing leader of the school’s Reach for the Top team, current Guidance Counselor Richie Stoll ’80. Richie was joined as host by the Winegust siblings, Tamara ’05, Adira ’07, Yardena ’09, Marc ’11 and Zev ’17, who, between them, were staples on the Reach team for almost two decades. There was a lot of friendly competition as family members and old friends worked to one up each other. The week wrapped up with a conversation with the legendary TanenbaumCHAT teacher Alex Gropper (see page 22), now in his 50th year educating our community. We are looking forward to our 2nd annual Alumni Week – hopefully in person!

➤ Sara Factor ’11 (top); Ali Grundman ’08 (above); Richie Stoll ’80 and Alex Gropper (right)

28 | CHATTER Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2022

& Eighteen years after founding The Musical Stage Company, Mitchell Marcus ’00 is stepping down from his role as CEO. In that time, Mitchell grew the Company from a startup into the leading not-for-profit musical theatre company in Canada with a $2.8M budget, 30,000 annual attendees and over 100 performances each year. The theatre won many awards through Mitchell’s 14 years at the helm, and he was named to Canada’s Top 40 Under 40 in 2019. Mitchell will be taking on the role of Executive Director, Site Activation & Programming, for Northcrest Developments at Downsview. TanenbaumCHAT alumni, Sabrina Craig ’14 and Michael Katchen ’05, were included in Toronto Life’s list of Toronto’s 50 Most Influential People of 2021. Sabrina was ranked #1 for her work as a founder of VaccineHunters for helping Canadians nationwide get their COVID-19 vaccine. Michael made the list as a result of the impact he has made on the online investment landscape in Canada, by way of his company Wealthsimple. After three consecutive terms on the Oakland City Council in California, Rebecca Kaplan ’88 has announced that she will be running for a seat on the Alameda County Board of Supervisors in June. Rebecca has been involved in local politics since 2000, and was recently elected President of the City Council. She was the first openly LGBTQ person to serve in this position.

Having already authored multiple books for children, Freidele (Soban) Biniashvili ’93 recently released another. In Mystery at Nightlight Resort, (Menucha Publishers), nine-yearold twins Ari and Tova Berg are looking forward to spending Pesach at the Nightlight Resort. But the discovery of a mysterious note makes them realize that a major theft is about to take place. Can the twins figure out the clues before it’s too late – and still manage to stay out of trouble?

Sarah Levy ’17, alongside coauthor Reham Damer, wrote and illustrated Vinnie the Vaccine and the Battle Against COVID-19 to explain and de-mystify the complex issue of vaccines for young children. The project earned Sarah recognition as a Public Health Insight “Community Star” for creating change and lasting positive impact in our communities through the application of public health and global health practice. Sarah is pursuing a Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences from Western University. | 29

& Alumni have been all over popular TV! In March 2022, the Kestelman family competed in Family Feud Canada. The Kestelmans, including current TanenbaumCHAT Principal Renee Cohen ’96, won all three games they competed in. Sisters Cheryl Wise ’94, Renee and Alana Bonder ’00 were joined by their father Amnon, as well as Cheryl’s husband Stephen Wise ’92. Kevin “Ted” Jacobs ’12 appeared as a house guest in the tenth season of Big Brother Canada, and won.

30 | CHATTER Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2022

ALUMNI Back at TanenbaumCHAT During our business school information panel this year, five alumni shared their experiences and gave our students an opportunity to gain insight and ask questions in advance of their own applications to university. They were: Jordan Hanser ’14, who attended the Lazaridis School of Business & Economics at Wilfrid Laurier University and is a CPA currently working as an Associate, M&A and Capital Markets at BDO Canada. Guy Miller ’16, who earned a BA in Finance and Strategy from McGill University and is a Business Operations Analyst for Clear Estate. Jacqueline Shiner ’13, who attended Ivey Business School at the University of Western Ontario and is a Senior Product Manager at Fibe TV at Bell. Sydney Cohn ’17, who attended Smith School of Business at Queen’s University and is a Risk Analyst at Clearco. Alexa Hoffman ’14, who attended the Lazaridis School of Business & Economics at Wilfrid Laurier University and is a Manager, Business Integration & Communications, at RBC.

During TanenbaumCHAT’s Mental Health Awareness Week in March, Rachel Lebovic ’19 Zoomed in from her university dorm room to talk about her own mental health journey in the hopes of inspiring others and advocating for change in our mental health-care system. Rachel is currently studying at Emory University in Atlanta with the intention of becoming a doctor specializing in adolescent mental health. Rachel also gave a TedX talk at the University of Waterloo in April. Rachel has launched an Instagram account called @25_alive that is dedicated to mental-health education, awareness and advocacy. | 31

Special thanks goes to our returning judges, Zack Belzberg ’05, President at Dodds Garage Door Systems, and Ryan Freeman ’05, Head of Enterprise Partnerships & Business Development at DoorDash, for generously taking time out of their busy days and sharing their business experience with our students. They provided each of the teams with real‑world experience, providing contestants and audience members with valuable lessons for any future ventures.

Alex Gropper ba’aretz by Zoom As we continue to celebrate Alex Gropper’s 50th year as a TanenbaumCHAT educator (see page 22), on March 20, 2022, our alumni in Israel had the opportunity to hear from Alex – the great storyteller – at “Alex Gropper ba’aretz by Zoom.” Alex (at the top left of the Zoom screenshot below) regaled the crowd with anecdotes from his TanenbaumCHAT experience and about the archaeological work he’s done in Israel. During the second half of the program, the floor was opened to our alumni who shared their own memories, stories and personal updates with Alex. This program saw alumni spanning five decades of graduating years tuning in from Ashkelon, Jerusalem, Raanana, Tel Aviv, and all points in between. As things drew to a close, breakout rooms were opened for each decade to have an optional time to connect. Participants took full advantage of this for another hour. It was a wonderful event, and a great opportunity to connect many of our alumni in Israel with each other.

32 | CHATTER Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2022


Michelle Fineberg ’09 & Alan Hudes ’07

Lauren Rotman ’04 & Adam Jackson (AJ) Goldberg ’03

Dina Liebmann ’15 & Jonah Dlin ’15

Sasha Liknaitzky ’12 & David Drutz

Sari Papular ’09 & Conor Shinkwin

Jason Wolfe ’08 & Alexa Kady

Cecily Wool ’08 & Jake Bendahan

Shoshana Khazanski ’20 & Ryan Render ’18 | 33


Leah Sutton ’09 & Jordan Friedman

Sarah Zarnett-Klein ’14 & Yoseph Kleiman

Yoelit Lipinsky ’06 & Ariel Greene

Sarah Silverberg ’10 & Omri Arbiv

Ashley Gold ’05 & Kari Kurtz

Ami Moyal ’12 & Shira Rosenwald ’14

Mara Finkelstein ’12 & Jamin Hoerni

Ashley Offenheim ’14 & Sagi Carmel

Hayley (Lipworth) Cohen ’11 & David Cohen

34 | CHATTER Magazine SPRING/SUMMER 2022


Maddie Falyn

Clara Avital

Orli Yocheved

Emily Teichman ’06 & Jonathan Zworth ’05

Daniel Rende ’06 & Atara Tanen ’10

Shlomo Jesin ’08 & Rivka Jesin

Rory Noah

Micah Jory

Rossi Sas ’08 & Zoe Sas

Joshua Shuval ’98 & Miriam Shuval

Blake Rose Diana (Jaskolka) Gilbert ’06 & Jay Gilbert


Hunter Kennedy

Maayan Michael

Kortney Shapiro ’07 & Neil Tobak

Noam Elituv ’11 & Adina Elituv

Aiden Gil • Ayala • Judah Micah Tamara Elituv ’08 & Yaakov Goldrich ’06

Meira Elituv ’04 & Nick Plante

Hayley Baranek ’08 & Uriel Elituv ’06 | 35

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