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October 9 – November 3 presented by the consulate general of france in atlanta & the georgia institute of technology


reated in 2010 by the Consulate General of France in Atlanta and the Georgia Institute of Technology, FranceAtlanta is an annual series of high-caliber events, centered on innovation and designed to foster French-American cooperation and exchange in the fields of science, business, culture and humanitarian affairs. The 8th Annual France-Atlanta is presented under the high auspices of the Ambassador of France to

the United States, His Excellency Mr. GĂŠrard Araud; the Governor of Georgia, the Honorable Nathan Deal; and the Mayor of Atlanta, the Honorable Kasim Reed, with the support of the French and FrenchAmerican associations in Atlanta and numerous local and international partners. Join us as we celebrate a FrenchAmerican future together towards innovation!

www.france-atlanta.org #FranceAtlanta2017

program oct 09-11 oct

Atlanta International Startup Exchange - p. 9 APTA Expo 2017 | Public Transport’s Premiere Showcase - p. 11

14-21 oct Street Art in ATL | Mural Installation by Jo Di Bona - p. 14 18 oct FACC Crystal Peach Awards - p. 10 25 oct France-Atlanta 2017 Welcome Reception 26 oct Bridging the Sciences | HIV, Viral Hepatitis & Emerging Viruses - p. 4 26 oct NSF & CNRS | Global Challenges in the 21st Century - p. 5 26 oct tête-à-tête | A Concert with Philippe Hurel - p. 16 26-29 oct Human Landscapes | A Collaborative Dance Premiere - p. 17 27 oct Wastewater for Smart Cities | From Sludge to Bioenergy - p. 8 27 oct Airbus and Georgia Tech | A Long-standing History - p. 6 27 oct ISAE-SUPAERO and Georgia Tech | A Strategic Partnership - p. 7 27 oct Illustrating Africa | Graphic Novelist Marguerite Abouet - p. 20 27 oct Filming Africa | Director Alain Gomis - p. 19 27 oct Humanitarian Forum | SRH in Disaster-torn Countries - p. 12 30 oct

Singing Africa | Ibeyi in Concert at the Variety Playhouse - p. 22

nov Education Series | Humanitarian Work in Francophone Countries - p. 13 01 nov Nouvelles Richesses | New Architectural Work in France - p. 15 03 nov

Picturing Africa | Photographer Omar Victor Diop - p. 21




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BRIDGING THE SCIENCES Advances in HIV, Viral Hepatitis & Emerging Viruses Outstanding French and American researchers and key opinion leaders gather for a high-level, one-day scientific symposium on human viral infections. Interactive sessions will present basic and clinical research focusing on advances in virology, therapeutic drug development and practical considerations for management of clinically relevant viruses including HIV, hepatitis B and C (HBV, HCV), and other emerging viruses (such as Zika, Ebola, dengue and chikungunya). Participants will be updated on key features of these human viral infections, their epidemiology, pathophysiology and virology, as well as on emerging preventive and therapeutic strategies. Christian BrÊchot, former president of the Institut Pasteur, will be in attendance for this important symposium. This symposium is co-organized by the Office for Science and Technology at the Embassy of France in the United States, Emory University and its pediatrics department. October 26, 8:50 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Emory University Conference Center: 1615 Clifton Rd $50 for non-students; $10 for students & post-docs. Register at france-atlanta.org




NSF AND CNRS: A DIALOGUE Global Challenges in the 21st Century Climate change, cybersecurity, public health policy and clean energy – the U.S. NSF and France’s CNRS are actively engaged in addressing these societal challenges and more. Which issues will drive their research agendas? How are they adapting to today’s global opportunities and challenges? What role will they play in broadening STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education to inspire a new generation to provide innovative approaches to tomorrow’s challenges? France A. Córdova, director of the NSF, and Alain Fuchs, president of the CNRS, will come together in a lively exchange, moderated by Kevin Riley, editor of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. This event is co-organized by the Office for Science and Technology at the Embassy of France in the United States and Georgia Tech-Lorraine, in partnership with the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). October 26, 11:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m. Historic Academy of Medicine at Georgia Tech: 875 West Peachtree St NE Register at france-atlanta.org. Free to the public.



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Airbus and Georgia Tech A Long-standing History Industry leaders from aerospace giant Airbus and researchers from Georgia Tech highlight how research-rich educational programs and an aggressive pursuit of technology and innovation help them tackle today’s most challenging problems in advanced aircraft modeling, analysis and design. Airbus and Georgia Tech’s Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering are part of a successful public-private partnership where students, researchers and faculty exchange expertise while working on cutting-edge projects in the aerospace industry. Airbus’ strong commitment to doctoral-level research further reinforces Tech’s longstanding focus on developing visionary thinkers. This event is co-organized by the Office for Science and Technology at the Embassy of France in the United States and the Georgia Institute of Technology, in partnership with the City of Toulouse, Airbus and Airbus Aerial. October 27, 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. GEORGIA TECH, TECHNOLOGY SQUARE RESEARCH BUILDING: 85 FIFTH ST NW REGISTER AT FRANCE-ATLANTA.ORG




ISAE-SUPAERO and Georgia Tech A Strategic Partnership The president of Toulouse-based ISAE-SUPAERO, Olivier Lesbre, and his executive team join faculty and students from Georgia Tech’s Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering to share their experience and views on innovations in aerospace, research and the future of higher education. A long tradition of cooperation and student exchanges led Georgia Tech and ISAESUPAERO to sign a French-American partnership agreement in the field of aerospace engineering in 2016. Research cooperation and the exchange of faculty along with joint seminars and symposiums related to innovation and entrepreneurship are part of the ongoing partnership. This event is co-organized by the Office for Science and Technology at the Embassy of France in the United States and the Georgia Institute of Technology, in partnership with the City of Toulouse and ISAE-SUPAERO. October 27, 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. GEORGIA TECH, TECHNOLOGY SQUARE RESEARCH BUILDING: 85 FIFTH ST NW REGISTER AT FRANCE-ATLANTA.ORG



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WASTEWATER FOR SMART CITIES From Sludge to Bioenergy As populations in cities grow, urban water management challenges increase. At this roundtable event, researchers plus municipal and industry leaders from Atlanta and Toulouse discuss today’s challenges and innovations in wastewater management, highlighting a shift from disposal to energy creation and resource recovery. By developing sophisticated wastewater and sludge treatment programs that are efficient and environmentally friendly, engineers and scientists are transforming wastewater treatment plants into energy recovery facilities. This event is co-organized by the Office for Science and Technology at the Embassy of France in the United States and Georgia Tech-Lorraine, in partnership with the City of Toulouse and Veolia. October 27, 11:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m. GEORGIA TECH, TECHNOLOGY SQUARE RESEARCH BUILDING: 85 FIFTH ST NW REGISTER AT FRANCE-ATLANTA.ORG


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©Tourisme en Occitanie - ©Richard Cawood


ATLANTA INTERNATIONAL STARTUP EXCHANGE Sister City Business Swap: Toulouse and Atlanta For a second year in a row Atlanta- and Toulouse-based companies are swapping cities as part of a business exchange that allows select U.S. and French firms to explore opportunities in the opposite country. This year’s participants are Atlantabased Vayando, a social impact travel organization, and Volantio, an airline booking tool. Nanomade and Nanolike, two Toulouse-based companies that provide internet of things solutions for smart cities, will travel to Atlanta. The exchange is aimed at strengthening existing relationships and enabling participating startups to grow their businesses. For the first time the cities of London and Newcastle will also participate. October 2017 Happening in France and Toulouse



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FACC CRYSTAL PEACH AWARDS Business Luncheon and Networking Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed will be the keynote speaker at this year’s Crystal Peach Awards luncheon, which recognizes three outstanding corporate honorees for their commitment to economic growth, innovation and the expansion of commercial relations between France and the Southeast United States. This year’s recipients are French-based water and waste management company SUEZ, American corrugate packing firm WestRock and French outdoor furniture designer Fermob. With more than 100 companies, professionals and political figures present, FACC’s 13th annual awards provide a captivating opportunity to network with leading figures in French and American commerce. FACC Atlanta Southeast, an independent, non-profit, member-funded organization, strives to promote, support and enhance business opportunities for its affiliates in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Mississippi. October 18, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Georgia Tech Wardlaw Center: 177 North Avenue NW $50 for FACC members; $70 for non-members. Register at france-atlanta.org


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©Sebastien Gabriel



France Leads the Field at Public Transport’s Premier Showcase

More than 40 French companies will participate in this year’s American Public Transportation Association EXPO in Atlanta, including 15 at Business France’s French Pavilion, where new technologies in public transport will be on display. France will be one of the largest contributors to the EXPO, held every three years in conjunction with APTA’s annual meeting. The event is the premier showcase of technology, products and services for the public transit industry and will welcome more than 800 exhibitors and some 12,000 visitors. APTA EXPO is the only event where innovation and technology converge to accelerate every mode of public transportation. October 9-11 Georgia World Congress Center: 285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW


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Humanitarian Forum Sexual and Reproductive Health in Developing & Disaster-Torn Countries Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (SRH) in a crises context remains ever-relevant due to natural disasters, famine, disease and other ongoing problems across the globe. This one-day forum uniting French and American NGOs and health experts will feature panel discussions on the challenges and opportunities associated with SRH in family planning, the emergency sector and continuum of care within emergency response. It will also explore the connection between refugee and displaced persons’ experiences with SRH abroad and at home in the United States. Experts and professionals will present current practices and innovations in a format that facilitates discussion and interaction with the audience. October 27, 12:30 P.M.-6:00 P.M. Reception to follow. Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health, Claudia Nance Rollins (CNR) Auditorium: 1518 Clifton Rd NE Register at france-atlanta.org


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ŠAllison Meier

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Education Series

Humanitarian Work in French-Speaking Countries

With more than 220 million speakers across all five continents, French is the sixth most spoken language in the world. International organizations and NGOs rely heavily on employees who speak French, particularly in West Africa, the Caribbean and parts of Asia. Representatives from humanitarian organizations such as The Carter Center and CARE will share their field experience with students studying French at participating Metro Atlanta high schools and universities. In addition to learning about global humanitarian affairs, students will discover new ways to use the French language in a professional setting. November Participating Metro Atlanta Schools


©Jo Di Bona

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STREET ART IN ATL Mural Installation by Jo Di Bona Renowned French street artist Jo Di Bona will create a 140-foot mural over two weeks in downtown Atlanta in his trademark melange of stenciling, spray paint and collage, which he refers to as “Pop Graffiti.” The installation is being carried out in conjunction with ELEVATE, Atlanta’s annual public art festival. Di Bona’s previous collaborations include work with Street Art for Mankind, a global initiative to end child slavery through art, as well as the NGO Première Urgence Internationale, which helps victims of war, natural disaster and economic collapse. His mural commemorating the 2015 Paris terrorist attacks was featured in The New York Times. October 14-21 MURAL LOCATION: 57 PEACHTREE ST SW


©Nouvelles Richesses

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NOUVELLES RICHESSES EXHIBITION New Architectural Work in France Georgia Tech will present “Nouvelles Richesses,” an exhibition submitted by France for the 2016 Venice Biennale of Architecture that explores global themes such as sustainability, urban development, social infrastructure and affordability. The collection represents a collaboration between curators Frédéric Bonnet, OBRAS and Collectif AJAP14, and embodies the vitality of a new generation of French architecture. Paris-based architects Jordi Pimas and Grichka Martinetti will introduce the exhibition at an opening reception and give a lecture on the project’s conception and realization. Opening reception: November 1, 5:30 P.M. Exhibition: November 1-January 7 Georgia Tech College of design, Auditorium: 245 4th St NW Register at france-atlanta.org


©Chamber Cartel Color Max Eremine

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‘TÊTE-À-TÊTE’ A Contemporary Music Premiere with Philippe Hurel French composer Philippe Hurel joins Paris- and Atlanta-based musicians for an evening of contemporary music featuring the world premiere of his composition “Trois études pour Atlanta” as well as work by Georgia composer Nickitas Demos. The music will be performed by Atlanta’s own Chamber Cartel and soloists of Ensemble Fa, a contemporary music ensemble from Paris. Hurel, who is known for his evocative blend of spectral and contrapuntal esthetics, created his latest piece especially for Chamber Cartel. The evening’s “tête-à-tête” concert also includes Demos’ “Inconsequential Intricacies” for two flutes and works by P. Boulez and S. Sciarrino. October 26, 8:00 p.m. GSU FLORENCE KOPLEFF RECITAL HALL: 10 PEACHTREE CENTER AVE SE For registration and related events visit france-atlanta.org


©Paige McFall

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‘HUMAN LANDSCAPEs’ A Collaborative Dance Premiere

France-based choreographer Germana Civera and dancers from the CORE Performance Company present the world premiere of their new collaborative piece “Human Landscapes,” which focuses on migration stories and exile experiences as retold through history, memory, music, landscape and choreography. Civera draws on her family’s years in exile during the Spanish Civil War to create a multi-sensory performance in which the audience moves throughout the venue, following eight dancers on a migrant journey. The performance is set to an original score by Didier Aschour, director of the GMEA National Center for Musical Creation in Albi, France. October 26-29 at 8:00 P.M. The B Complex Artists’ Cooperative: 1272 Murphy Ave SW For tickets and information visit france-atlanta.org


A series of events in conjunction with “MAKING AFRICA: A Continent of Contemporary Design” presented by the High Museum of Art

©Chris Saunders, photo courtesy PAPA Photographic Archival and Preservation Association, Kapstadt/Cape Town • Photo by Luis Monteiro. Image courtesy of Duro Olowu • Cyrus Kabiru, photo: Antony Wachira

Making Africa

©2009 Renaud Monfourny

©Chris Saunders, photo courtesy PAPA Photographic Archival and Preservation Association, Kapstadt/Cape Town • Photo by Luis Monteiro. Image courtesy of Duro Olowu • Cyrus Kabiru, photo: Antony Wachira

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Discussion and Screening with ‘Félicité’ Director Alain Gomis

Acclaimed French-Senegalese director Alain Gomis discusses his film “Félicité,” which follows a determined single mother in a striking portrait of contemporary Africa. Félicité’s world is upended when her teenage son is injured in a motorcycle accident. In order to pay for his operation, Félicité embarks on a race against time through the vibrant streets of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. The movie, which features transcendent music by the Congolese collective Kasai Allstars, won the Silver Bear at the 67th Berlin International Film Festival and the Yennenga Golden Stallion at the 25th FESPACO Festival in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. October 27, 7:00 p.m. High Museum of Art, Hill Auditorium: 1280 Peachtree St NE For more information and related events see france-atlanta.org



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ILLUSTRATING AFRICA Encounters with Graphic Novelist Marguerite Abouet French-Ivorian illustrator, screenwriter and director Marguerite Abouet reflects on the success of her critically acclaimed graphic novel series “Aya of Yop City” in this lively discussion, which takes place in conjunction with the High Museum’s “MAKING AFRICA” exhibition. Joining Abouet to discuss the topic will be French-Senegalese director Alain Gomis. The series, which Abouet also adapted into film, tells the story of 19-year-old Aya and her friends, who come of age in the suburbs of 1970s Abidjan. Widely lauded in France and abroad, the graphic novels have been translated into 17 languages. October 27, 7:00 p.m. HIGH MUSEUM OF ART, HILL AUDITORIUM: 1280 PEACHTREE ST NE FOR MORE INFO AND RELATED EVENTS VISIT FRANCE-ATLANTA.ORG


©Omar Victor Diop

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PICTURING AFRICA A Conversation with Photographer Omar Victor Diop Senegalese photographer Omar Victor Diop raises questions about perception, culture and history in “Project Diaspora,” a series of self-portraits in which he poses as notable Africans from 15th- to 19th-century European paintings, restaging the iconic works for the contemporary world. Select images from “Project Diaspora” are featured in the “MAKING AFRICA” exhibition at the High Museum of Art, where Diop will also deliver a lecture on his multifaceted practice, which includes costume design, styling and creative writing. Other recent works by Diop include his collections “The Future of Beauty” and “The Studio of Vanities.” November 3, 7:00 p.m. High Museum of Art, Hill Auditorium: 1280 Peachtree St NE Register at france-atlanta.org



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SINGING AFRICA Ibeyi in Concert at the Variety Playhouse Franco-Cuban twins Naomi and Lisa-Kaindé Diaz of hit duo Ibeyi bring their soulful voices and magnetic stage presence to Atlanta for a night of electrifying music. The 22-year-old sisters — who sing in English and Yoruba, the language of their Nigerian ancestors who arrived in Cuba as slaves — burst onto the music scene in 2015 with their self-titled debut album, which blends hip-hop, jazz and soul with electronic beats and traditional instruments. The pair draws influence from both their Parisian upbringing and the Afro-Cuban musical tradition of their father, famed Cuban percussionist Angá Díaz. Ibeyi means “twins” in Yoruba. OCTOBER 30, DOORS OPEN AT 7:00 P.M. | SHOW STARTS AT 8:00 P.M. Variety Playhouse: 1099 Euclid Ave NE For tickets and information visit france-atlanta.org



France-Atlanta 2017 is made possible by:

Cover photography: ŠValentin Gautier - Graphic design: Michael Prigent

www.france-atlanta.org presse@consulfrance-atlanta.org #FranceAtlanta2017

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