Grace Alive - Jan 2014

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Jocelyn Larsen

We have a lot to celebrate as we look back on the past year! Cheers (Yay, God!) to all of the 150 new volunteers who have given of their time, resources, hearts to the Madison House community during this first half of our Year of Celebration and partnership. Cheers (Yay, God!) to the 20 weekly volunteers who provide tutoring and activities week after week to whichever kids show up. Cheers (Yay, God!) to the small groups who have sponsored Friday night parties for the Madison House kids. Cheers (Yay, God!) to all of you who have invisibly and visibly prayed for the ongoing ministry at Madison House.

We also have a lot to look forward to in this new year! God is still mightily at work at Madison House! He is at work transforming the kids' lives. He is at work giving His wisdom and grace to the staff. He is at work giving fresh life-perspective and endurance to the volunteers.

As we persevere into the last third of our Year of Celebration, we are praying for: Continued breakthroughs in reaching the parents of the MH kids for Christ More volunteer help administratively with everyday operational needs The expansion of counseling & mentorship relationships among volunteers and MH kids

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Will you join us as we trust God for these things? Will you join us as we step out in faith to be an answer to these prayers?

Jocelyn 11

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