Volunteer Opportunities 2023-24

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FALL 2023



Not only does God call us to share our time and talents, but sooner or later, we each will have an opportunity to be gracious recipients of another’s gifts. The latter is most challenging in light of the lauded protestant work ethic. Yet God calls us to both a “ministry of service” and a “ministry of receiving,” as my mentor called it. The dance of grace flows in, out, and around all that we do.

As we seek to be diligent givers and gracious receivers, thank you for your interest in volunteering with us! In a busy church, this is a great way to get plugged in and deepen your connections to the First Pres community. This is one way we fulfill our mission of making God’s love visible. But don’t forget to take a step back and enjoy the ministry of receiving!

This Volunteer Handbook contains the various opportunities this year and the key information you need to know to make the most of your gifts. We hope that it will serve as a helpful resource to you.

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“God has given you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve others.”


To support you in your role, FPC offers training, briefing, and support for your role. You’ll be able to develop new skills, make new friends, face a fresh challenge, make your own contribution—and hopefully have fun too!


• Be kind, courteous and respectful to all members, guests, staff members, and fellow volunteers.

• Arrive at your assignment on time, allowing ample time for traffic.

• Respond promptly to emails and phone calls from the staff or member coordinator.

• Be flexible in working with your coordination team and/or your staff supervisor.

• Be prepared to answer questions about the ministry area you are working in.

• Tell us if something isn’t working out, share your concerns, and ask for help if you need it.

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As a volunteer for First Presbyterian Church, you may sign up for opportunities in the following ministry areas. All positions are available during the program year (September through May) unless otherwise specified.

• Adult Ministries

◊ Mature Ministries

◊ Presbyterian Women

◊ Twenties & Thirties

• Children & Family Ministries

• Congregational Life & Care

• Communications & Technology

• Finance

• Mission

• Music & Fine Arts

• Property

• Resident Ministry

• Safety

• Worship

• Youth & Family Ministries


As a volunteer you are accepted, assigned, and scheduled according to your activity preferences, availability, experience and skills as indicated on your registration form—along with our vacancies and needs.

Here are thumbnail descriptions of the volunteer roles we assign:

Adult Ministries


Lunch and Learn Clean Up

Help clean up after Lunch & Learn gatherings that are held at noon once a month.

Frequency: Second Thursday of the month

Length of Commitment: 1 hour

Location: Social Hall

Contact: Dory Anderson, robert.e.anderson317@gmail.com Becky Donally, bldata2@att.net


Memorial Reception Volunteer

Presbyterian Women provides a simple reception following a memorial or funeral service consisting of coffee, punch, and cookies. Help us continue this loving service by volunteering a few hours of your time to be a memorial reception volunteer.

Frequency: following memorial or funeral services

Length of Commitment: 1-2 hours

Location: Founders Room

Contact: Felicity Williams, fwwilliams176@gmail.com

T2A2 (Twenties & Thirties)

For information about volunteer opportunities with the T2A2 group, contact Hannah Lundberg.

Contact: Rev. Hannah Lundberg, hlundberg@firstpresbyterian.org

Adult Ministries

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Children & Family Ministry

The Children and Family Ministry offers a variety of volunteer opportunities, including:

• Serve as a Sunday School teacher

• Prepare teaching material packets

• Organize classroom supplies

• Provide childcare during church events

• Assist with ministry events

• Assist with Summer Camp

Contact: Rev. Mark Mares, mmares@firstpresbyterian.org

Congregational Life & Care

Sunday Morning Volunteers

Congregational Life offers a variety of opportunities to help Sunday mornings run smoothly.

• Serve as a greeter before the Sunday worship services

• Serve at the Welcome Center

• Serve as a host for the Social Hour

• Bake cookies for the Social Hour

• Help sell Fair Trade coffee at the Social Hour

• Help set up or clean up at an all-church event (seasonal)

• Help serve food at an all-church event (seasonal)

Contact: Jim Cameron, jmcameronjr@gmail.com

Barb Brewster, dexter4brews@aol.com

Cathy King, cpking507@gmail.com

Congregational Care

• Provide a meal for someone

• Run errands for housebound members

• Make knitted gifts with the Knit Night Group

• Take a member to a medical appointment

• Join the greeting card-making group

• Join the weekly online prayer group

Contact: Rev. Melissa Anne Rogers, mrogers@firstpresbyterian.org

Stacey Pakela, spakela@firstpresbyterian.org

Barb DeLancey, bdelancey@firstpresbyterian.org

Children / Congregational Life & Care

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Communications & Technology


Shoot, selects, and edit photos of special events for promotional usage online and in print.

Frequency: congregation-wide events throughout the year

Length of Commitment: 1-2 hours

Location: church campus

Contact: Esther Patrick, epatrick@firstpresbyterian.org


Proofread weekly worship bulletin

Frequency: every Tuesday afternoon

Length of Commitment: 30 to 45 minutes

Location: Church Office

Contact: Esther Patrick, epatrick@firstpresbyterian.org

Camera Operator

Operate the cameras for live streaming of worship and special events. Training provided.

Frequency: Sundays, 9:30 a.m. Worship and special events

Length of Commitment: 2 hours

Location: Sanctuary

Contact: Jen Day, jen1641@gmail.com

Sound Technician

Operate the soundboard to ensure optimal sound for recorded and live-streamed services. Training provided.

Frequency: Sundays, 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. and special events

Length of Commitment: 2 hours

Location: Sanctuary/Monteith Hall

Contact: Jen Day, jen1641@gmail.com

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Communications & Technology

Finance Finance Committee

Serve on the church Finance Committee

Frequency: once a month on the Monday before Session meeting

Length of Commitment: one year

Location: assigned meeting room at church

Special Skills: Interest in Financials of FPC, some finance experience/knowledge is helpful

Contact: Steve McKenny, csmck93@att.net

Tom McKarns, tom@ecophysics-us.com

Sunday Offering Counter

Count the offering collected each Sunday.

Frequency: Sundays, 9:30 or 11:15 a.m.

Length of Commitment: 30 minutes on Sunday morning

Location: Finance Office

Special Skills: Must be organized and have excellent computation skills

Contact: Sandy Talbott, sandy2ts@gmail.com

Anna Miller, amiller@firstpresbyterian.org

Annual Giving Volunteer

Serve on the Annual Giving Workgroup to plan and implement the annual campaign that funds the annual church budget.

Frequency: meetings in March - October and Sundays in October

Length of Commitment: March - October

Location: Meeting rooms /Social Hall

Special Skills: Interest in financial management; fundraising skills are helpful

Contact: Steve McKenny, csmck93@att.net

Tom McKarns, tom@ecophysics-us.com

Legacy Partner Program Assistant

Assist with Legacy Partner Program (Endowment & Special Gifts)

Frequency: meetings as scheduled and Legacy Partner Sunday

Length of Commitment: one year

Location: Meeting rooms

Special Skills: Planning and fundraising skills are helpful

Contact: Zach Monsma, jzmonsma@yahoo.com

Anna Miller, amiller@firstpresbyterian.org

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Alpha House

Meal Preparation

Volunteers are asked to prepare a healthy main dish or two side dishes to serve up to 20 people and deliver to Alpha House by 6 pm. Host weeks are scheduled three times per year: September, November, and March

Frequency: Week of Caring in September, November, and March

Length of Commitment: during the three weeks First Pres serves as hosts

Location: Alpha House, 4290 Jackson Road, Ann Arbor

Contact: Diane Knibbs, dbreckle@umich.edu

Pantry Stocking

Volunteers are asked to sign up for as many pantry items from the sign up list. The list is sent out two weeks prior to the First Pres host weeks in September, November, and March

Frequency: Week of Caring in September, November, and March

Length of Commitment: during the three weeks First Pres serves as hosts

Location: Alpha House, 4290 Jackson Road, Ann Arbor

Contact: Gail Einhaus, gail.einhaus@gmail.com

Evening Child Care

Volunteers provide child care one or more evenings during any of the three host weeks.

Frequency: Week of Caring in September, November, and March

Length of Commitment: 6:45 to 8 pm during the Week of Caring

Location: Alpha House, 4290 Jackson Road, Ann Arbor

Contact: Diane Knibbs, dbreckle@umich.edu

Communion Sunday Food Collection Delivery

Volunteer to deliver the food that is collected at the monthly Communion Sunday Food Collection to one of our partnering local food banks.

Frequency: once a month at the end of the month

Length of Commitment: one year

Location: designated local food bank

Special Skills: reliable transportation needed

Contact: Diane Knibbs, dbreckle@umich.edu

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Cass Community Social Services

Food Delivery after Football Games

First Presbyterian’s Feeding Our Neighbors Program picks up the cooked, but unsold, food at football games to redistribute to Cass Community Social Services.

Frequency: home football games (September - November)

Length of Commitment: U of M football season

Location: U of M Stadium

Contact: Don Redding, Dredding58@yahoo.com

Community Kitchen Gardener

CCSS’ food is sourced from its community gardens and food rescuers. Volunteers should have a love of gardening.

Frequency: Spring/Summer

Length of Commitment: Spring/Summer

Location: Cass Community Garden

Contact: Rev. Sue Pethoud, spethoud@casscommunity.org

Building Repair and Renovation

Volunteers assist with repairs and renovations of the Cass Community Center.

Frequency: as needed

Length of Commitment: as able

Location: Cass Community Center

Contact: Don Redding, Dredding58@yahoo.com

Dismantling Racism Group

Join a group of members committed to dismantling racism. Increase your understanding of racism and the impact on people of color. Advocate for policies and legislation that support dismantling racism. Participate in community events that support and include people of color.

Frequency: varies

Length of Commitment: on-going

Location: in-person and hybrid

Special Skills: Willingness to support and organize planned activities

Contact: Jeanette Kibler, jeanette.kibler@gmail.com

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Food Rescue Program - UM Basketball

Volunteers are needed after the UM Basketball home games to collect and deliver the excess food from the concession stands to various local mission partners.

Frequency: U of M home basketball games

Length of Commitment: 2 hours

Location: Crisler Arena

Contact: Don Redding, Dredding58@yahoo.com

Friends in Deed Circles Program Ally

The Circle’s program utilizes education, goal setting, training, and relationships to help participants develop the resources and social capital they need to rise out of poverty and achieve economic mobility and self-sufficiency. Allies participate in Match Night meetings where they spend time connecting with their Leader and supporting the Leader’s work on their goals. Training is provided.

Frequency: Every Tuesday

Length of Commitment: 18 months

Location: St. Luke’s Lutheran Church

Contact: Marsha Kershaw, mdkershaw@sbcglobal.net

Gun Violence Prevention

Join a group of members with a focus on reducing and preventing gun violence.

• Discuss domestic violence and gun violence in greater detail, review proposed bills to address this issue

• Advocate for laws and policies that are intended to reduce or end gun violence

• Participate in End Gun Violence Michigan, a nonprofit organization compose of religious and nonprofit organizations in Michigan. Support legislation and educational events organized by End Gun Violence Michigan.

Frequency: varies

Length of Commitment: on-going

Location: First Presbyterian and some off site

Special Skills: willingness to support and organize planned activities related to gun violence prevention

Contact: Jim Peggs and Larry Engelhardt, jpeggs@med.umich.edu

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Habitat for Humanity of Huron Valley

House of Faith Build

Volunteers would be assisting the building supervisors to renovate/build a home. No special skills are needed, only a willingness to learn. Supervisors assign work according to your abilities.

Frequency: May - July

Length of Commitment: 2-3 hours

Location: typically in the West Willow Neighborhood, Ypsilanti

Contact: Don Redding, Dredding58@yahoo.com

Community Beautification Day

Volunteers participate in a community beautification day. Details can be found online: https://h4h.givepulse.com/event/379871West-Willow-Beautification-Day.

Frequency: October 14, 2023

Length of Commitment: 6-hour work days

Location: West Willow Neighborhood, Ypsilanti

Contact: Don Redding, Dredding58@yahoo.com

Home Repair Program

Volunteers assist Habitat Building Managers with installing ramps, porches, desks, handicap bars, kitchen repair, etc.

Frequency: As requested/needed

Length of Commitment: varies

Location: At a resident’s home

Contact: Don Redding, Dredding58@yahoo.com

Hope Clinic

Medical Professional Volunteers

Hope Clinic’s medical clinic in Ypsilanti is looking for U.S. licensed care providers, such as nurses, physicians, pharmacists, EMTs for patient care, .

Frequency: Clinic hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday

Length of Commitment: one year

Location: Hope Medical Clinic Ypsilanti

Contact: Marsha Kershaw, mdkershaw@sbcglobal.net

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Thanksgiving Bags Packing

Volunteers are asked to prepare a grocery bag filled with the specific items as requested by Hope to hand out as Thanksgiving dinner bags. Hope Clinic provides the turkey. Art on the side of the bags is encouraged!

Frequency: Early to Mid November annually

Length of Commitment: Once per year

Location: Social Hall

Contact: Maurine Nelson, maurinea4161@sbcglobal.net

Rotating Shelter

Opportunities for preparing meals, serving meals, staying the night, and driving the residents back and forth from the shelter.

Frequency: First Two Weeks in January

Length of Commitment: Any shifts during the two weeks

Location: Social Hall

Contact: Jim Peggs and Marcey Terrien, m2terrien@hotmail.com

Music & Fine Arts

Chancel Choir Singer

High-school-Adult singers are invited to join the Chancel Choir. No audition required.

Frequency: Rehearsals - Thursdays, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.; WorshipSundays, 8:45 - 10:45 a.m.

Length of Commitment: 4 hours per week

Location: Monteith Hall/Sanctuary

Contact: David VanderMeer, dvandermeer@firstpresbyterian.org

Children’s Choir Singer

Singers K-8th grade rehearse for 30 minutes each Sunday. The Children’s choir sings in worship several times throughout the year.

Frequency: Sundays, 10:45 to 11:15 a.m.

Length of Commitment: 30 minutes

Location: Lemon Chapel

Contact: Shayla Powell, spowell@fpca2.org

Music & Fine Arts

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Children’s Choir Helper

Assist the Choir Director with singers needing help

Frequency: Sundays, 10:45 to 11:15 a.m.

Length of Commitment: Half an hour twice a month or weekly

Location: Lemon Chapel

Contact: Shayla Powell, spowell@fpca2.org

Liturgical/Visual Arts Team

Interested in the arts? Join our team to help plan liturgical and visual arts events.

Frequency: Second Tuesday of the month, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Length of Commitment: 1 hour per month

Location: Zoom

Contact: David VanderMeer, dvandermeer@firstpresbyterian.org

Open Doors Greeter

Greet people attending one of the Open Doors Creative Arts

Series Events

Frequency: October 8, February 18, April 14 at 4:00 p.m.

Length of Commitment: 2 hours

Location: Sanctuary

Contact: David VanderMeer, dvandermeer@firstpresbyterian.org


Musicians of all ages are invited to join the FPC Orchestra.

Frequency: One hour rehearsal twice a month (Sat. & Sun.)

Length of Commitment: 2-3 hours per month

Location: Sanctuary

Contact: David VanderMeer, dvandermeer@firstpresbyterian.org

Youth Handbell Choir

Students in grades 5-12 who are interested in learning to play the handbells are invited to join our Youth Handbell Choir.

Frequency: Sundays, 5:15 - 6:00 p.m.

Length of Commitment: 45 minutes per week

Location: Handbell Room

Contact: David VanderMeer, dvandermeer@firstpresbyterian.org

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Music & Fine Arts

Property Building Projects

Join a working group to assist with repair projects in and around the church campus.

Frequency: varies

Length of Commitment: varies

Location: church campus

Special Skills: carpentry, painting, building and grounds maintenance

Contact: Chris King, chris@a2kings.com

Seasonal Clean-up Days

Participate in seasonal clean-up days.

Frequency: Spring and Fall

Length of Commitment: half or full day

Location: church campus

Special Skills: Willingness to perform yard work

Contact: Chris King, chris@a2kings.com

Property Committee

Join the Property Committee.

Frequency: monthly meetings

Length of Commitment: one year

Location: church and hybrid meetings

Contact: Chris King, chris@a2kings.com

Resident Ministry

For information about volunteer opportunities and how you can get involved with Resident Ministry, contact Hannah Lundberg.

Contact: Rev. Hannah Lundberg, hlundberg@firstpresbyterian.org

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Property / Resident Ministry


Power of Hello Team

The Power of Hello team will circulate throughout the church on Sunday mornings, engaging with newcomers, helping people find their way or find family members. We are the face of welcoming, wayfinding and wondering.

Frequency: Sunday mornings

Length of Commitment: several Sundays out of the year or as “fill-ins” when available

Location: throughout the church building

Special Skills: A willingness to engage with strangers, helping them to feel comfortable in our church home. Power of Hello training will be provided. Walkie talkie training (if using) will be provided.

Contact: Sandy Talbott, sandy2ts@gmail.com


Decorate Worship Spaces

Help decorate the worship spaces for special seasons including World Communion Sunday, Advent, Easter, and Pentecost


Frequency: 3 to 4 times per year

Length of Commitment: 2-3 hours

Location: Santuary/Monteith Hall

Contact: David VanderMeer, dvandermeer@firstpresbyterian.org


Ushers seat guests, collect tithes and offerings, maintain order at the entrance to the Sanctuary/Monteith Hall, distribute worship bulletins, and ensure that an atmosphere of worship, reverence, and order is maintained.

Frequency: Sundays, 9:30 or 11:15 a.m. worship

Length of Commitment: 2 hours per week or once a month

Location: Sanctuary/Monteith Hall

Contact: David VanderMeer, dvandermeer@firstpresbyterian.org

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Safety / Worship

Youth and Family Ministry

The Youth and Family Ministry offers a variety of volunteer opportunities, including:

• Become a Confirmation mentor

• Serve as a Youth Group Leader

• Serve as a Small Group host

• Serve as a Youth Mentor

• Serve as a leader or chaperone on a youth trip

• Drive youth to a youth event

• Provide a meal for a youth gathering

• Host a Youth Group gathering

Contact: Betsy McCallister, bmccallist@aol.com

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Once you have decided on your preferred role(s), please follow the link below and complete our online form.

• You can apply to volunteer by completing our online volunteer form at firstpresbyterian.org.

• You will receive an email notification of your submission at the same address you provide on the form.

• Confirmation of placements will begin in September.


• Some ministries can only accept a limited number of the most appropriate volunteers for each area.

• Once your role is confirmed, we will send you more information about the schedule and responsibilities.

We encourage volunteers of all ages and abilities to participate in the ministry of First Presbyterian Church.

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1432 Washtenaw Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 firstpresbyterian.org

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