7 important rules for self hypnosis scripts that really work

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7 Important Rules For Self Hypnosis Scripts That Really Work

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Self hypnosis is an effective way to re-program your mind by communicating directly with the emotion-based subconscious mind. You can change your behavior and alter your deepset beliefs and habits by making direct suggestions to your subconscious mind while under a state of hypnosis. However, to make self hypnosis (or hypnotizing others) work, you must communicate using the language of the emotion-based subconscious mind. The 7 critical rules for writing self hypnosis scripts that really work are presented below: 1. Always word your self hypnosis scripts for positive change. Saying you will stop, lose, or not do something is negative; your mind first has to visualize doing something, and then take the negative to comprehend these kind of commands. This means the mind first reinforces doing the undesired activity before it can interpret not doing it. Instead of saying you will lose weight, eat less, or stop eating sweets, say you will become lean, eat healthy, or increase your metabolism.

2. Repeat suggestions frequently to maximize effect, but avoid clich©s. Find multiple ways to reiterate the same concept several times throughout your self hypnosis scripts.

3. Personalize suggestions to deal specifically with current goals. In your recorded self hypnosis scripts, do not say €you are€; instead say €I am€. To increase effectiveness, direct the subconscious mind to repeat your suggestions quietly to itself in first person.

4. Use a detailed, progressive approach that flows along a logical growth path when creating your self hypnosis scripts. For example, - I am steadily losing weight every day to reach my ideal weight of 115 pounds - is better than saying - I will lose weight. The first case presents a progressive suggestion with a time factor and an end goal as a target. The second case is negative and has no definitive goal. This is one of the most important rules for self hypnosis scripts that really work.

5. Ensure all suggestions are simple, clear, & in the present or progressive tense. Never refer to past conditions, and use progressive case (i.e., using action verbs ending in €"ing-; becoming, growing, & getting are a few goods examples) to bypass the critical conscious mind.

6. Use visualizations; make the subject see himself or herself after the change has occurred (or as the change is occurring). Also use words that engage emotions such as vibrant, sparkling, thrilling, wonderful, powerful, radiant, loving, generous, exciting, delightful, and beautiful. The more vivid and dramatic the image, the more effective it will be since visualizations are suggestions.

7. Direct the subject to reflect on the results of the change after your self hypnosis scripts have finished making all the suggestions. You can direct the subject to reflect while still in a hypnotic trance or immediately after waking up. Either way, the subject should sit quietly and envision himself or herself after the change while the hypnotist says nothing. All 7 of these rules are not required to succeed with hypnosis, and you may find most self hypnosis scripts commercially available do not contain all these elements. However, if you follow all 7 rules in the scripts you write for yourself, you will see dramatically improved results from your self hypnosis scripts. If you want extra help, then check the link below!

Controversial Hypnosis Session Activates Your Inner Wealth Switch In 28:17 Minutes

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