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A Convers a t i o n w i Motivational S p e a k e r &

By Evelyn Polk, LMF Foster Focus Contributor


Thank you so much for the generosity of your time and willingness to do thiinterview, as there were several challenges which came in the way of our being able to have this conversation

Yes, and I have something for you Are you ready? Because challenges happen particularly when you adopt children: "When things go wrong don't go with them".

Okay! Don't go with them! [Laughter]

Yes! Challenges are very symbolic of life, and when you begin to look at the whole issue of adoption or just raising children period it's a very, very challenging experience. I'm very humbled when I look at my life and think about the fact that my mother adopted 7 children and raised us by herself I don't know how she did that because at one time just ONE was driving me crazy!

One of the things I've always admired is something you say at the end of your messages, which is now your signature sign-off :

"This has been Ms Mamie Brown's Baby Boy" Absolutely!'

You know I saw a quote once which just really stayed in my mind and I never forgot it It said simply that "God took me out of my biological mother's womb and placed me in the heart of my adoptive mother "

So when I did my television talk show there was a major dispute with the producers because television is a forum where they have their own standards and they just wanted me to say "You've been listening to The Les Brown Show. Thank you very much See you tomorrow"

I said "No that's not how I'm going to end this show". They said "How're you going to end it?"

I said "Well this is my show; and I'm here because of my Mama. Had she not chosen me with love, I would not be here So, I'm going to say this has been Ms Mamie Brown's Baby Boy"

They said "No one has ever done that before" I said 'Well, they're about to hear it"

That was the thing that just grabbed my heart when I first heard you speak

I always say I feel like Abraham Lincoln who said "All that I am, and all that I