Washington D.C. Transition Toolkit

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You’re a young person in transition. traveler! You’re on your way to your next stop: independent young adulthood.

It’s a trip and you are the


when you

get there, you’ll have no state or foster care strings attached to you. You’ll get to make your own decisions.


times are uncertain. Young people are having trouble finding jobs, getting their lives going. At

FosterClub, we believe in you. We built this toolkit to help you design a travel plan, working with your transition support team, that will create a map of what you have and what you need for your safe journey to adulthood.

FosterClub’s FosterClub members Lupe (Arizona), Mercedes (Wisconsin), Tyler (Florida), Nicole (Oregon), Anthony (Georgia)

vers io n 2.0


a free tool for developing a youth-driven transition plan with a team approach

. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org . W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org Community Connections (social groups, activities, volunteerism) Community Connections (social groups, activities, volunteerism)

Contact person Contact person

Spiritual support / church:

Peer Circle (Names)

My ethnic heritage: List:

Contact person:

Length of time known

Not sure


Phone Phone


Registered to vote Registered for draft (if male) Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org

Eligibility (what I need to qualify)

Who I contact (and how to apply)

All youth 15 and older

Contact your social worker at 202 727 7500

Youth Ambassadors — The vision for Youth Ambassadors is to provide a voice to older teens in the District’s foster care system. The Youth Ambassadors group is comprised of older youth in care who are selected to serve as mentors and advocates for older youth peers in care. Ambassadors will undergo professional leadership training to prepare them for their roles. An additional component to the role of an Ambassador includes youth participation in an OYE internship. The internship encompasses various activities and duties that specifically foster engagement between the Ambassadors and other older youth in care, as well as select projects including, but not limited to, assistance with the OYE website (currently under development), the OYE quarterly newsletter, and OYE’s Beautification Project. This program helps youth foster leadership and mentoring skills, strengthen social development and public speaking skills, and gain experience with networking and community outreach and meaningful employment. Additionally, youth can benefit from the personal connections and opportunities to discuss real life challenges and solutions with Alumni Ambassadors. Youth Ombudsman — The Youth Ombudsman addresses individual youth concerns for youth in care ages 15 to 21 and identifies systemic challenges. The Youth Ombudsman works directly with foster youth to ensure their complaint receives prompt attention and urgent resolution. The Youth Ombudsman will investigate complaints and concerns and, as appropriate, may mediate situations to ensure best practice is achieved.

All youth 18-20 that demonstrate leadership capacities

Contact Joelle Myers at 202-727-1325

Youth in care ages 15 – 20

Email: yo.bud@dc.gov Call: 1-855-874-3273

Collaborative — The Healthy Families and Community Collaborative are contracted to provide aftercare/community case management services for eligible youth emancipating from CFSA foster care. This service is to provide youth with a supportive network of resources to ensure greater success in their transition to independence within the community. You will be informed by your social worker

All youth 18-21 exiting care

Contact OYE at 202727-7500 or Columbia/Shaw 202-518-6737

Assistance type

Youth Bill of Rights — Drafted by representatives of the Director’s Youth Advisory Board, the Youth Bill of Rights ultimately serves to protect the rights of safety, permanency, and well-being for each youth in care. All CFSA and private agency social workers are responsible for reviewing and familiarizing themselves with the document.

a message to supportive adults... Everyone can use some help from a friend. As advocates for young people in foster care, we know these youth need support like all teens. Our experience at FosterClub tells us that having committed and reliable adult supporters is the number one indicator of success for a young person transitioning from foster care. Special thanks to the State of Oregon’s Independent Living Program and The District of Columbia’s Child and Family Services Agency, Office of Youth Empowerment, for their partnership in developing FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit.

You can strengthen your role as a Transition Support Team Member for this youth: n Read the information in this toolkit and visit www.fosterclub.org for more tools to help youth prepare for life after foster care n Visit www.fosteringconnections.org to learn more about the Fostering Connections Act n Help the youth identify their strengths AND needs n Make it clear how you are willing to support the youth n Help keep the youth on track n Celebrate success n Remember that it’s the youth’s life — and it’s their transition plan. Mentor away, but keep in mind that ultimately, they will be the ones living out the plan.

WITHOUT A ROAD MAP YOUR TRANSITION JOURNEY COULD BE TROUBLE. Young people who “age out” of foster care – or turn too old to receive foster care services – often face the challenges of adulthood unprepared and without support. Suddenly you age out and you’re hit with millions of adult decisions to make, like finding safe, affordable housing, setting up utilities, getting health insurance, finding transportation, getting a job and much more. The fact is, most young adults in America FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit

can lean on their parents to help with some of this support into their late 20s. But as a young person in foster care, it’s possible that you can’t count on support from your parents. So you need to get a plan. Check out this FosterClub Transition Toolkit. It’s a map to guide you out of foster care and into safe independent adulthood. You can call it a “Transition Plan”.

WHAT IS A TRANSITION PLAN? A recent federal law requires that all states must develop a transition plan for foster youth during the 90 day period before the youth leaves foster care at age 18, 19, 20 or 21. The plan must be individual to the young person and must be developed with the young person. Among the issues to be addressed are specific options on housing, health insurance, education, local opportunities for mentors, and workforce supports and employment services. What FosterClub believes: The good part about this new law is that the Government states clearly that foster youth need a transition plan and that the youth needs to help develop it.

Our view is that it’s your life. What happens should be your say, not just a judge’s or a caseworker’s. And just 90 days to develop a plan for life? We believe that you owe it to yourself to get the facts and start working on your transition plan as early as you can. The sooner you start, the more control you’ll have. Two or three years before leaving the foster care system is not too soon to be working on your transition plan. You’ve dreamed about those days of independence after foster care. With this Transition Toolkit, you can take charge and begin to make those dreams come true. Visit us online at www.fosterclub.com for stories about real youth aging out of the system.

more about The Fostering Connections to Success and Increased Adoptions Act of 2008 law (Public Law 110-351) The new Fostering Connections law made major improvements to programs and policies related to older youth in foster care. Specifically, the Fostering Connections law provides new supports and services to promote permanency and the improved wellbeing of older youth in foster care. These include foster care, adoption, or guardianship assistance payments to children after the age of 18; a requirement that personal transition plans for youth aging out are developed within 90 days prior to youth exiting foster care; extending eligibility for Independent Living Program services to children adopted or placed in kinship guardianship at age 16 or older; and extending eligibility for education and training vouchers to children who exit foster care to kinship guardianship at age 16 or older ( those adopted after age 16 were already eligible). For the exact text, go to Section 475 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C.675)

FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit

what’s your

transition plan? You can take action now, invest in your future, and create your transition plan to really work for you.

The FosterClub Toolkit is a step-by-step transition plan. Here, you’ll clarify your goals, gather up resources, build a Transition Support Team, honestly evaluate your assets, and sharpen your skills for life on your own. With FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit as your guide, you can put yourself in the driver’s seat to your future. The FosterClub Transition Toolkit is built around ten different categories. You’ll visit each category on your transition journey.

In this Toolkit, these categories are shown as lines on a subway map (next page). Each stop on the subway map is an item for you to examine as you follow the path to leaving foster care.

finances + money management


job + career life skills identity permanence education self care + health housing transportation community,culture & social life

* * *

There are two optional categories. Include one or both of these items in your transition plan if they apply to you:

pregnant parenting

these items to comply * Complete with requirements of the Fostering Connections to Success and Increased Adoptions Law.

FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit

F S e L T I p C H J

Where to start? That’s up to you. This map provides a quick overview of the ten different

categories you’ll want to check out. Just as a subway line contains many stops where you can get out and look around, each category “line” contains several stops to explore. You’ll notice assets and skills you’ll want to pick up at each stop as you journey on your transition to adulthood.



finances + money management

current employment listing of past employment resumé and/or sample application employment skills knowledge of resources vocational accessment

bank account savings source of income monthly budget money management skills credit checked check eligibility for SSI, TANF or other programs knowledge of resources



permanent family-like relationship supportive adults biological family healthy relationships



Life skills

homelife skills legal issues recreation +leisure cooking personal hygiene participate in court other life skills



job + career




birth certificate state-issued ID Social security card citizen docs (if applicable) safe personal filing system


high school diploma or GED higher education / training plan ETV and scholarships reading skills math skills writing skills knowledge of resources

self care + health


health insurance health provider / primary doctor mental health insurance mental health provider / therapist prescription plan dental insurance dental provider vision health education medical records medical proxy knowledge of resources




mode of tranportation driver’s license insurance knowledge of public transportation


housing after care transitional housing reference and/or co-signer sample rental application back-up plan knowledge of resources


community, culture & social life

community connections spiritual support/church peer circle ethnicity registered to vote after-care services

FosterClub member Alex from Colorado

what’s my role? You can jump on board or sit and watch your transition take place without your participation in the planning process. It’s your life, and your participation in your Transition Plan will get you valuable connections and resources BEFORE you leave the foster care system. You’re smart to take full advantage. Have a say. Get control. If, at any time, you feel that you are not being heard or getting the support you need to create and carry out your transition plan, make sure you let someone know. Don’t miss any chance to speak in court or talk with a judge before you transition out of foster care The judge holds the real power to get you the resources and services you need. Your transition plan will probably be reviewed by the court – so make sure you show up to answer any questions the judge might have and to speak up for what you care about.

FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit

You don’t have to do it alone:

get your own personal GPS: a transition support team Planning for your transition to adulthood can be a little daunting. But don’t worry – you can get you very own GPS system to guide you. By pulling together your Transition Support Team – you’ll have access to guides who have already made the journey to adulthood. They can help show you the way and equip you with information, advice, and access to resources. They can help you stay on track and will be by your side to celebrate as you achieve your goals. The size of your team is up to you. Try for at least two or three adult supporters. A member of your transition support team could be an adult who has supported you or given you good advice in the past, such as: n a coach or teacher, a pastor or church member n a neighbor or employer, n a CASA, attorney, or guardian ad litum n a relative, foster parent or guardian n the parent of a friend or classmate n someone with a career you are interested in: chef or cook, landscaper, engineer, artist or musician, retail buyer, mechanic, small business person, etc. You can speak to your case worker or social worker about other possible members of your Transition Support Team. Every successful adult has a team of supportive people behind them (just ask someone you know who’s successful), so identify your team and be ready to accept some assistance along the way.

get The FastPass

In this toolkit... Overview & map pages

Each map page has a category such as HOUSING . The HOUSING line is divided into stops with challenges for you to consider. Visit each stop and work the challenges.

Transition Planning Worksheets

When you’ve worked the challenges on the map pages, the transition planning worksheets will help you create a plan. Each of the worksheets has four parts: What I Have. These are the assets that you already possess that will help you with the transition to adulthood. Only list items in this section that you ALREADY have.

The Transition Planning Worksheets in this toolkit are available online as a Microsoft Word document. You can type directly into the forms, which have fields that are expandable to accommodate longer answers.

Download at


Resources Available to Me. Use this section to document resources that are available from your foster care agency or other community resource. This is My Plan. What do you want to accomplish? Use this section to document your goals and the steps you will take to get there. Readiness Scale. Work with your Transition Team to score your readiness within each category. Read more on the following page.

tips for transition planning... Keep your transition plan in a safe place. Some of the information you document may be personal. Protect yourself from identity theft by keeping your information secure. FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit

Ask for info and advice. The adults in your life have already made the transition to adulthood. Make use of what they know... ask adults you respect for information and advice.

Revisit & revise. Creating a transition plan shouldn’t be a one-time event. Make time to check your progress, see how your readiness improves, and update your goals at least every 6 months.

Jump in and learn more! Go to www.fosterclub.org to find resources for foster youth. Learn from your peers who are also making the transition from foster care to adulthood.

. T H I S I S M Y P L A N . Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org Short term (1 year) goals

tracking your progress Steps & services (and who will help me)


OK, this section might really turn you off. You might hate keeping score. Or you might love it. This page explains the keeping score part of the worksheets, WHICH IS COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. So skip it if you dislike keeping score. At the bottom of each Planning Worksheet is a “Readiness Scale.” You and your Transition Support Team can rate how ready you are on a scale from 1 (not ready at all) to 10 (completely ready) for each of the domains. Once you’ve completed a plan for all 10 domains, you can Long term goals (five years from now, my financial goal is): add up all of scores to get a total score. The overall goal is to track your progress, say, from month to month or year to year. Plan immediately after I leave foster care:


Needs work










10 Prepared

Check this out: there’s no pass or fail on this chart, no perfect or horrible score, no lazy or workaholic score. The point system here is designed to only show part of your progress in working your Transition Plan. Another point is that you should expect your “Readiness Scale” points to get higher as you get older. At 14 years-old you would not fill in the worksheet as completely as you would at 18. It just makes sense. You may see that you are stronger in some categories than in others. Tracking shows where you can improve in a category or compensate by building up in other categories.

get started!

The TRANSITION PLAN OVERVIEW WORKSHEET on the very next page is completely different than the other WORKSHEET pages. You’ll see that there is no “Readiness Scale”. You’ll also notice other unfamiliar concepts on the bottom half of the sheet. That weird part is for your case worker or social worker or judge to fill out.

transition plan 
 overview worksheet














The top half of the form is for you to use as you work your way through FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit. Log in as you finish a category.



























FosterClub member Jojo from California

To complete the forms online, go to www.fosterclub.org, click on Transition Toolkit, click on ‘download the templates in word format’.




















Visit www.fosteringconnections.org for more federal and state information regarding the Fostering Connections to Success and Increased Adoptions Act From the FosterClub Transition Toolkit, copyright © 2010 FosterClub, Inc.and FosteringConnections.org. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License. Permission granted to copy, adapt, distribute and transmit this work so long as not used for commercial purposes, work is attributed, and this notice remains intact. For more information, contact FosterClub at 503-717-1552 or visit www.fosterclub.org and www.fosteringconnections.org.

transition plan overview worksheet Youth Information to be updated once a year

First Name and Initial

Last Name

Client ID

Social Worker/Agency


Projected emancipation date

Date of 1st YTP and 2nd YTP

Birth date (mm/dd/yy)

Current age


Male Date of 1st score

Transition Domains

Date of 2nd score

Female Date of 3rd score

Completed domains

Indicate the domains included in this transition plan, along with the Readiness Score (optional)

Finances & Money Management Education Job & Career Permanence Life Skills Community, Culture, & Social Life Transportation Identity Housing Self Care & Health Other (please list): Total Readiness Score:

Additional Plans

Have other community partners crafted a plan on behalf of the youth? Yes No If Yes, consider including as part of this transition plan in order to reduce redundant planning and improve agency collaboration in serving the youth: Individual Education Plan (IEP) Case Plan Treatment Plan and Discharge Plan (D&A, Residential, Mental Health, etc.) Voc Rehab/IPE (Individual Plan for Employment) Development Disabilities Individual Support Plan (DD ISP) LYFE Plan Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Other (please list):

Transition Team Attach additional sheets as necessary Name


Phone Number




Phone Number




Phone Number


I agree to use the toolkit for transition planning.

Youth’s signature:

Visit www.fosteringconnections.org for more federal and state information regarding the Fostering Connections to Success and Increased Adoptions Act From the FosterClub Transition Toolkit, copyright Š 2010 FosterClub, Inc.and FosteringConnections.org. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License. Permission granted to copy, adapt, distribute and transmit this work so long as not used for commercial purposes, work is attributed, and this notice remains intact. For more information, contact FosterClub at 503-717-1552 or visit www.fosterclub.org and www.fosteringconnections.org.

Nowadays, it is especially important to be savvy about your money matters. Bank name: Pay attention to your finances. Mistakes can be very costly. While planning Savings Account open Other: for for your financial Savings leaving foster care:future, think about these stops along the way.

. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org Bank account status: Checking account open

Goal: $

Monthly budget created

Amount currently saved: $

Regular sourcesAccount. of income (description): n Checking

Monthly Amount

Getting one can be more difficult than you might think. Banks often require two pieces of official ID to open a new account. It is important to open an account before you leave foster care. On the worksheet, list the bank name and the amount you have in the account.

$ $ $

n SavingS Account.

Include accounts you have direct access Demonstrated money where management skills (list):

to funds (money you can withdraw Creditwithout checked (for identity theft) another person’s signature). List the bank name and the amount you have in the account. Taxes Budgeting Other: Banking Saving/Investing

Lending / Financing Emergency money matters





n CREDIT CHECKED . R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org

g in t m co dge s ey bu help on y m thl nd to ET gh on es a eed m ns n DG ou BU e en s? A xpe u’ll o v e ll s. LY ha bi ou t y se TH a n e u . ON yo y th of y wh xpe do l M e l l a l i u tly W to p es a xac ing yo fee h v ob ha uc y in tlin e e r li m a aj C ou u se you m e, ow m yo ver ou the d, fro om h c y d ey in an s – ude loye co l n r on ty m bili ofte be inc emp a ot um d, n t n dis ow n ye ee bu or e h one plo e b d y e, h e m ’v t m eiv uri nclu d p re e ou y n c i co ec a in u r l se and es a ou ime t of e yo ocia tc. am f y f S , e t n s. I th o ce m ur co ist: ort tac thi ng So t in n l upp con for , le s a Li u c g s dd per ness . n Yo usi et. A a pa usi rate ho u g xtr he b rly yo ed e of t hou e ur yo

Assistance type

Do you know what your credit

Who Ilooks contact (and to apply) like? Hashow anyone stolen

Eligibility (what I need to qualify)


your identity and damaged your credit? It is not uncommon for foster youth to have had biological family members use their credit. The Child and Family Services . T H I S I S M Y P L A N . Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org Improvement and Innovation Act (Public Law (P.L.) 112-34) now Short term (1 year) goals Steps & services (and who will help me) Progress requires your state to check your credit report each year to help you ensure your identity is safe.





n Build your Money

Management Skills. List any independent living courses relating to money management Plan immediately after I leave foster care: Savings for Leaving Foster Care n that you have taken. Also list skills acquired in the home or at Set a goal to save a specific amount of money by your school. Skills might include credit, emancipation, or age-out date. Savings may be used to Long term goals (five years from now, my financial goal is): budgeting, balancing checkbooks/ rent an apartment, for transportation, or as a slush fund accounts, consumer skills, etc. for emergencies. List your current savings balance to gauge progress toward the savings goal. READINESS SCALE

FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit

Needs work










10 Prepared

finances + money management

. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org

. Bank WHA T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org account status: Checking Savings Account open Bank accountaccount status: open Checking account open Savings Account open open Checking accountfoster open care: Savings Account Savings for leaving

Bank name:


Bank name:

Other: Other: Monthly budget created

Goal: $ for Amount Savings care: Savings for leaving leaving foster foster care:currently saved: $

Monthly Monthly budget budget created created Monthly Amount

Goal: Amount Amount currently currently saved: saved: $ $ Goal: $ $ Regular sources of income (description):

Regular sources sources of of income income (description): (description – list name of Business or Agency): Regular

Monthly Amount Monthly Amount $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Demonstrated money management skills (list):

Credit checked (for identity theft)

Demonstrated money management management skills skills Budgeting (list): Taxes Demonstrated money (list): Banking Lending / Financing Taxes Budgeting Taxes Budgeting Saving/Investing Emergency money matters Banking Lending // Financing Financing Banking Lending Saving/Investing Emergency money money matters matters Saving/Investing Emergency

Credit checked Credit checked (for (for identity identity theft) theft) Other: Other: Other: Other: Other: Other: Other:

Other: Other:

. R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org

RE ES SO OU UR RC CE ES S A AV VA A II L LA AB BL LE E T TO O M ME E .. Find Find ‘em ‘em at at www.fosteringconnections.org www.fosteringconnections.org .. R Assistance type

Assistance type type Assistance

Eligibility (what I need to qualify) Who I contact (and how to apply) Eligibility (what I I contact (and to apply) Eligibility (what I need to qualify) WhoWho I contact (and howhow to apply) need to qualify)

Bank on DC. Targeted to youth Office of Youth Empowerment EverFi online curriculum is a 10 module, 6 hour program that covers age 18-21 202 727 7500 over 600 topics including banking, credit scores, insurance, credit card, student loans, mortgages, taxes, stocks, savings and 401Ks. EverFi is self paced with completion occurring prior to the youth’s 21st birthday . T H I S I S M Y P L A N . Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org . Identification. T H I S I S M Y P L A N . Get ideas about how to make a planTargeted at www.fosterclub.org to youth Vital Records Division Short term (1 year) goals Steps & services (and who will help me) Progress Identification is needed in order to open a checking or savings age 18-21 899 North Capitol Street, NE Short term year)worker goalsshould have copies of youth birth Steps & services (and who will help me) Progress account. Your(1social if born in DC. If not in born in DC certificate and social security card. Your social worker will assist you go to www.cdc.gov/nchs/w2w in getting these items if needed

Supplemental Security Income SSI. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) provides financial assistance for people who have little or no income and who have a physical, mental or emotional disability. Social Worker will assist you in determining if your are available for SSI and start the process prior to you aging out care. Planofimmediately after I leave foster care:

For youth no longer in care

Social Security Administration www.socialsecurity .gov DC locations: 7820 Eastern Ave NW 2041 MLK Jr. SE 2100 M Street NW

Plan immediately after I leave foster care:

Credit Report. Targeted to youth A report issued by a credit bureau or credit-reporting agency on the age 16-21 Long term goals (five years from now, my financial goal is): credit history and payment history of borrowers. Your social worker Long term (fivewith years from your now,credit my financial is): or GAL can goals assist you checking to ensure goal that no one has used your information to obtain credit. You are entitled to one free credit report every 12 months from each of the three major consumer reporting and TransUnion. Needs work 1 2 3 4 5 6 R E A D agencies—Equifax, I N E S S S C AExperian, LE READINESS SCALE

Needs work







Department of Treasury AnnualCreditReport.com




10 Prepared




10 Prepared

. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org

. Bank WHA T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org account status:

Bank name:

Checking Savings Account open Other: Bank accountaccount status: open Taxes. Applies to all If you are an employee, you should notice that federal income tax, DC employed youth Checking accountfoster open care: Savings Account open Other: Savings for leaving

Bank The name: DC Office of Tax and Revenue

1101 4th St SW 2nd Floor with taxes withheld 202 727 4829created Monthly budget www.cfo.dc.gov/otr

or state income tax and Social Security are withheld from your Goal: $ for leaving foster Amount currently saved: $ Savings care: paycheck. If you are considered low income you can expect most of your money returned if you file your taxes prior to April Goal: $ Amount currently saved: $ 15 of each Regular sources of income (description): year.

Monthly budget created Monthly Amount

Regular sources of income (description):


Monthly Amount $

Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org

Short term (1 year) goals

$ $

Steps & services (and who will help me)

$ $


$ Demonstrated money management skills (list):

Credit checked (for identity theft)

Taxes Demonstrated money management skills Budgeting (list): Banking Lending / Financing Taxes Budgeting Saving/Investing Emergency money matters Banking Lending / Financing Saving/Investing Emergency money matters

Credit checked (for identity theft) Other: Other: Other: Other: Other:


. R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org Plan immediately after I leave foster care: Assistance type Eligibility (what I need to qualify)

Who I contact (and how to apply)

Assistance type

Who I contact (and how to apply)

. R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org Eligibility (what I need to qualify)

Long term goals (five years from now, my financial goal is):

2 a plan 3 at www.fosterclub.org 4 5 6 7 D I INSE SMSY SP CL A . RT E H AI S A LN E. GetNeeds ideas work about how 1to make



. T H I S I S M Y P L A N . Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org

10 Prepared

Short term (1 year) goals

Steps & services (and who will help me)


Short term (1 year) goals

Steps & services (and who will help me)


Plan immediately after I leave foster care:

Plan immediately after I leave foster care:

Long term goals (five years from now, my financial goal is):

Long term goals (five years from now, my financial goal is):


Needs work










10 Prepared


Needs work










10 Prepared

s on ti op g le in n hi us r a w Ho offe wn al an ur o nt le o de ab on s c y ti si am on pen vail e a an gr g Tr pro ivin r ind are ng l t i g s o ou sin ice s f am ous ab hou ract tool ogr l h d r t l p na e ou ona to with at p itio har n s w h i y d s t t i u e n Fin ans tuni yo ut w tra (lik r o u r o r g a r o T n n d e e i yo p f r n re in op vid Fi he t p . o g pr ing . Is you vin i liv ou n s. l y io to uat g v t)? n sit usi en ho artm ap

Explore these ideas Where now: asI live you build a plan to make housing happen...

. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org

Planned end date:

Housing after foster care (leave blank until arranged):

Sample rental application completed

Rental Name:

Phone and/or email:

reference, or


n is where I’ll go): Calculate the cost this Back up plan (in case of emergency,

Do a scan of the cost for rent in your area. Research the up-front or move-in .costs, R E Sincluding O U R C security E S A deposit/firstV A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org last month’s rent, and application fees. Assistance type Eligibility (what I need to qualify) Who I contact (and how to apply) Be sure to factor in the cost of utilities. n Research post-emancipation options Check into subsidized housing (such as section 8 or public housing), adult service know your resources n housing, apartments, shared housing, dormitory, relative or foster home. Make a list of the $ that might be available to you, like Chafee, ILP n Consider neighborhoods & potential housing locations subsidies, financial aid, employment Identify social and supportive needs (Proximity to family, friends, support groups, therapy, ideal roommate situation, transportation availability). . T Hincome, IS IS M Y 8, PSocial L A NSecurity . Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org section Income, relative and/or foster parent n Build your skills Short term (1 year) & services (and who will help me) Landlord/Tenant Progress and legal rights around housing (Discuss Law support. Makegoals sure you know Learn skillsSteps and housing rights, review a lease form, list references, provide contacts for whether or not you’re eligible, what renter’s rights organization, discuss dealing effectively with landlords). the application process is, and how long you’ll have to wait to start n Look into transition housing receiving assistance. Many states offer a transition housing program for foster youth. Find out


what’s available, if you will need a referral and other eligibility requirements. Sample application n Understand space may be limited and there may be a waiting list. Complete a sample rental application n Got stuff? to make sure youI leave have all the care: Plan immediately after foster information you’ll need to apply. Identify furniture and household item needs, then start securing furniture and household items. Find out if there is a “moving out” secure a co-signer n or transition items available from your agency. n Somegoals places willyears require a con housing goal is): Long term (five from now, my MAke your move signer for first-time renters. It Have a back-up Plan Figure out how can be difficult to find someone, Make a list of fallback resources (family, you will handle the because they must be willing to take friends, caseworker, renter’s organizations, work 1 2 4 you5can 6 7 8 9 moving 10 Prepared R E A responsibility D I N E S S ifSyou C Adon’t L E pay.Needsshelters). process Locate a place3 where (secure furniture, seek emergency shelter in the event that truck, moving help). permanent housing is lost. Make sure you



e ol ac e t pl er a wh t e Ge cid e D

know how to get to this location. Write your emergency housing plan down.

FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit


. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org . W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org Where I live now: Where Where II live live now: now:

Planned end date: Planned end end date: Planned date:

Housing after foster care (leave blank until arranged): Housing Housing after after foster foster care care (leave (leave blank blank until until arranged): arranged):

Sample rental Sample rental rental Sample application completed application application completed completed

Rental reference, or co-signer Rental reference, or co-signer Rental reference, or co-signer Name: Name: Name: Back up plan (in case of emergency, this is where I’ll go): Back Back up up plan plan (in (in case case of of emergency, emergency, this this is is where where I’ll I’ll go): go):

Phone and/or email: Phone and/or Phone and/or email: email:

. R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org .. R RE ES SO OU UR RC CE ES S A AV VA A II L LA AB BL LE E T TO O M ME E .. Find Find ‘em ‘em at at www.fosteringconnections.org www.fosteringconnections.org Assistance type Assistance Assistance type type

Eligibility (what I need to qualify) I contact (and how to apply) Eligibility Who (what I Who I contact how Eligibility (what I need to qualify) Who I contact (and how to(and apply) need to qualify) to apply)

Rapid Housing Funds The Rapid Housing Program is funded by the Child and Family Services (CFSA) it provide limited assistance in the form of short-term subsides to assist in the housing needs of youth that are employed or in collage, with and/or without children that are transitioning out of care.

Youth 20 years of age that meets the requirements

Contact your social worker to complete application

Mayor Liaison Office Targeted to all youth CFSA point of contacts are . The T H I S I SServices MY PLAN . Get about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org Office willideas respond to how inquiries and arequest 18-21 exiting care Elaina MacKenzie at 202. T HMayor’s I S I S M Y Liaison PLAN . Get ideas about to make plan atfor www.fosterclub.org information concerning services and resources and consult with the assigned 727-3313 social worker to year) accessgoals available services for you. They are Steps very helpful in Short term (1 & services (and who will help me)Or Progress Short termtransitional (1 year) goals & services Progress addressing housing services. Your social workerSteps will connect you (and who will help me)Ora Graham at 202-879-1910 to staff at the Mayor Liaison Office and invite them to participate in your planning meetings if needed. Transitional Care Package Through the John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program, the CFSA OYE department provides resources to youth ages 18-21 in out-of-home care to assist in their successful transition to adulthood by providing a transitional care package. Youth eligible for the service must complete a transition interview (which provides information to OYE staff regarding future outcome and service needs), which is then supplemented by a memorandum request by Plan immediately after I leave foster care: Plan immediately after I leave foster the case carrying social worker. Youth arecare: eligible to receive up to $500.00 in gift cards to obtain necessary items post emancipation.

All youth 20 years old exiting care and willing to complete an exit survey

Contact your social worker to complete application

Public and Subsidized Housing For youth no longer DC Housing Authority The District of Columbia Housing Authority (DCHA) provides assistance to in care 1133 North Capital NE #178 Long term goals (five years from now, my housing goal is): help families obtain(five safe,years qualityfrom and affordable three types 202 435 3245 Long term goals now, my housing housingthrough goal is): of programs: Public Housing Program, Housing Choice Voucher Program and www.dchousing.org Moderate Rehabilitation Program. You have to apply to get these housing supports. Your social worker can assist you in getting on these housing lists. The list is temporary closed Please know that the waiting lists for these programs go for years. Needs work 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Prepared READINESS SCALE Needs work 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Prepared READINESS SCALE

Rental Name:

reference, or


Phone and/or email:

Back up plan (in case of emergency, this is where I’ll go):

.. W www.fosterclub.org R EHSAOT U IR CH EASV EA. V Looking A I L A for B Linstructions? E T O MDownload E . Findat‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org . W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org

date: Eligibility (what I Planned Who I end contact (and how end date: need to qualify) Planned to apply)

Where I live now: Assistance type Where I live now:

Rapid Housing FundsPrograms Youth 20 years of Contact your socialCenter worker to Transitional Housing For youth no longer Virginia Williams Housing foster (leave blank until arranged): Sample application rental The Rapidafter Housing Program is funded by the Child and Services agecare that meets the complete Transitional housing is care temporary housing intended to getFamily homeless in 202-724-3932 application completed Housing foster care (leave blank until arranged): Sample rental (CFSA) itafter provide limited inand the into form short-term subsides to requirements individuals and families offassistance the streets a of safe living environment. Latin American Youth Center application completed assist in housing needs of youth with that are employed or in collage, withhave There arethe several programs to assist transitional housing. They also 202-723-0164 Rental reference, co-signer Phone email: and/or without children thatorare transitioning of care. different eligibility requirements. Your social out worker and the Mayor Liaison Sashaand/or Bruce Youth Rental reference, or co-signer Phone and/or Name: will assist you if transitional housing is needed. 202-524-4344email: Families Name: Mayor Liaison Office Targeted to all youth 202-675-9385 CFSA point ofSingles contacts are Back up planServices (in case of emergency, is where I’ll go): The Mayor’s Liaison Office will this respond to inquiries and request for 18-21 exiting care Elaina MacKenzie Covenant House at 202Back up plan (in caseservices of emergency, this is I’llwith go): 202-610-9612 information concerning and resources andwhere consult the assigned 727-3313 social worker to access Or for the City Landlord/Tenant Law available services for you. They are very helpful in For youth no longer Bread addressing transitional housing services. and Yourtenants. social worker you in care Ora Graham at 202-879-1910 Details the rights and duties of landlords It is bestwill thatconnect you speak 202-561-8587 . to R staff S at O the U RMayor C E SLiaison A V Office AILA B invite L E them O toMparticipate E . Findin at www.fosteringconnections.org and your to aElawyer concerning your rights pertaining toTany concerns with ‘em your The Legal Clinic . R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org planningor meetings if needed. landlord problems with the condition of your apartment. 202-328-5500 Assistance type Eligibility (what I need to qualify) Who I contact (and how to apply) DC Dept of Consumer and Assistance type Eligibility (what I need to qualify) Who I contact (and how to apply) Regulatory Affairs Transitional Care Package All youth 20 years Contact your social worker Through the John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program, the CFSA old exiting care and 202-442-4477 to complete application Rental Assistanceprovides resources to youth ages 18-21 in out-of-home care For youth longer Community Partnership OYE department willing to no complete Helps with eviction servicestransition and provides limited help with past adue utility or in Emergency Rental Assistance to assist in their successful to adulthood by providing transitional ancare exit survey rental paymentsYouth to preserve current 202-312-5510 care package. eligible for thehousing. service must complete a transition interview (which provides information to OYE staff regarding future outcome and serviceSearch needs),Sites which is then supplemented by a memorandum request by All youth 18-21 Apartment www.rentals.com the case carrying social worker. Youth are eligible to receive up to $500.00 in These sites will help youth identify apartments in the DC metropolitan area exiting care . T H I S I S M Y P L A N . Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org gift provide cards to obtain necessary items post the emancipation. cost to rent an apartment. . and T H I S IaSrealistic M Y perspective P L A N . ofGet ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org Short (1 year) Housing goals Steps & services (and help me)DC Housing Authority Progress Public term and Subsidized For who youthwill no longer Short term of (1Columbia year) goals Steps & services who will help me)1133 North CapitalProgress The District Housing Authority (DCHA) provides assistance to (and in care NE #178

help families obtain safe, quality and affordable housing through three types 202 435 3245 of programs: Public Housing Program, Housing Choice Voucher Program and www.dchousing.org . T H I S I S M Y P L A N . Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org Moderate Rehabilitation Program. You have to apply to get these housing supports. Your social worker can assist you in getting on these housing lists. The list is temporary closed Short-term goals lists for these programs go forSteps Progress Please know (1 thatyear) the waiting years. & services (and who will help me)

Plan immediately after I leave foster care: Plan immediately after I leave foster care:

Long term goals (five years from now, my housing goal is): Plan afteryears I leave foster care: Longimmediately term goals (five from now, my housing goal is):

Needs work 1 2 READINESS SCALE Long goals mywork housing 1 goal is): Needs 2 R E Aterm DIN E S (five S Syears C A Lfrom E now,

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 Prepared 10 Prepared









10 Prepared

Needs work



Health insurance in the U.S. is undergoing big changes. Find out about regulations and benefits for Transitioning Does current plan continue after leaving foster care?: Yes Unsure Youth inNoyour State.

. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org n Figure out what you’ll need Current HEALTH insurance coverage (name of company/plan):

Current Primary Doctor:

Clinic or Hospital:

Identify ongoing need for physical health, mental Policy #: health and substance abuse services (arranged comprehensive screenings, provided physical, dental Anticipated end date of coverage: and vision examinations, along with developmental and mental health screenings). Phone #

health insurance n n prescriptions Know what type of health insurance you have access to after Health issues: Prescriptions: Make a list of current prescriptions. Find out if you leave care. Find out what you need to do to maintain health insurance will continue to cover the cost (and eligibility for health coverage. Research what it will cost if for how long). Determine what the prescriptions Current HEALTH insurance coverage (name company/plan): Policy #: youMENTAL have to pay for your own health care. List yourofmedical will cost if you have to pay for them on your insurance provider and your identification or client number. own. Learn about the side effects of stopping Does current plan continue after leaving foster care?: Anticipated end date of coverage: Yes No Unsure health care provider n prescriptions without doctors’ orders. Figure out how to keep prescriptionsPhone in a safe place. List your most current doctor, even if you noClinic longer Current Therapist: or have Hospital: # health insurance. Compile medical records if multiple n health support doctors/providers have been used. Confirm that your Identify supportive individuals who can help you Mental health issues: Prescriptions: immunizations are up-to-date. Get a comprehensive health stay healthy, including someone who would be exam before leaving foster care, if possible. willing to attend medical appointments with you

and advise you in accessing resources. mental health insurance n health care proxy Find out if yourplan health insurance covers mental health issues if you n identify a Does current continue after leaving foster care?: Anticipated end date of coverage: Yes No of suchUnsure are in need services. Find out what you need to do to Complete a form called a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care that informs doctors and the court maintain eligibility and what your “out of pocket”costs be. Current Dentist: Clinic will or Hospital: Phone # who you would like to make medical decisions in mental health care provider n case you aren’t able to decide for yourself. Dental issues: Prescriptions: List your most current mental health provider, even if you n substance abuse treatment no longer have health insurance. Compile medical records if Demonstrate you know the signs of addiction, multiple doctors/providers have been used.Prescriptions: VISION needs: the consequences of substance abuse, and know where to go for help. Current DENTAL insurance coverage (name of company/plan):

Health education:

Policy #:

on isi e v lan s d siv p en e a ee . eh in n n ses) o m pr m ter isi len n co de e v ct on ge a ion; utur onta si f t c n a vi rra in ing or d A n es am et s an e p ex m as l r ku fo ke g ec ore h f (li l c s be ta y en sue ntif e d l is Ide ue et a pl ent le. tin om d sib on al a c any pos ill c nt e f l f w if de edu re o re, i ou ine or a y h a Sc ke c g c that term able ta vin st de ail be i l a le ent and is av wil . y t s a d use ge pa to

n health education

Substance abuse

Healthy relationships


Coping with stress

Pregnancy prevention

First Aid

Prepare yourself with health education, including Other: healthy sexual decision making, awareness Nutrition Prevention of STDs Health self-advocacy Other: of birth family’s physical and mental health . R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org history, prevention and transmission of sexually transmittedWho diseases, effects of trauma, substance Assistance type Eligibility (what I need to qualify) I contact (and how to apply) abuse issues, constructive methods for coping with stress, addressing social and relational problems, anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. Other:















FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit

self care + health

. W H A T I H A V E . Looking Looking for for instructions? instructions? Download Download at at www.fosterclub.org www.fosterclub.org . W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org Current HEALTH HEALTH insurance coverage (name of company/plan):

Policy #: Policy #:

Current HEALTH insurance coverage (name of company/plan): Does Does current current plan plan continue continue after after leaving leaving foster foster care?: care?: Yes No Unsure Does current plan continue after leaving foster care?: Yes No Unsure Current Clinic or or Hospital: Hospital: Current Primary Primary Doctor: Doctor: Clinic Current Primary Doctor: Clinic or Hospital: Health Health issues: issues: Health issues:

Anticipated end date of coverage: Anticipated end date of coverage: Phone Phone # # Phone #

Prescriptions: Prescriptions: Prescriptions:

Current Current MENTAL MENTAL HEALTH HEALTH insurance insurance coverage coverage (name (name of of company/plan): company/plan): Current MENTAL HEALTH insurance coverage (name of company/plan): Does Does current current plan plan continue continue after after leaving leaving foster foster care?: care?: Yes Unsure YescurrentNo No Unsure Does plan continue after leaving foster care?: Yes No Unsure Current Therapist: Clinic or Hospital: Current Therapist: Clinic or Hospital: Mental Mental health health issues: issues: Mental health issues:

Policy #: #: Policy Policy #: Anticipated end end date date of of coverage: coverage: Anticipated Anticipated end date of coverage: Phone Phone # # Phone #

Prescriptions: Prescriptions: Prescriptions:

Current DENTAL DENTAL insurance coverage (name of company/plan):

Policy #: Policy #:

Current DENTAL insurance coverage (name of company/plan): Does Does current current plan plan continue continue after after leaving leaving foster foster care?: care?: Yes No Unsure Yes No Unsure Does current plan continue after leaving foster care?: Yes No Unsure Current Clinic or or Hospital: Hospital: Current Dentist: Dentist: Clinic Current Dentist: Clinic or Hospital:

Anticipated end end date date of of coverage: coverage: Anticipated Anticipated end date of coverage: Phone Phone # # Phone #

Dental issues: Dental issues:

Prescriptions: Prescriptions: Prescriptions:

VISION VISION needs: needs: VISION needs:

Prescriptions: Prescriptions: Prescriptions:

Health education: Health education: Substance abuse Coping stress Substance Coping with withabuse stress Nutrition Coping with stress Nutrition Nutrition

Healthy relationships Pregnancy prevention Healthy relationships Pregnancy prevention

Fitness First Fitness First Aid Aid

Other: Other:

Prevention prevention of STDs STDs Pregnancy Prevention of Prevention of STDs

Health self-advocacy First Aid Health self-advocacy Health self-advocacy

Other: Other: Other:

.. R RE ES SO OU UR RC CE ES S A AV VA A II L LA AB BL LE E T TO O M ME E .. Find Find ‘em ‘em at at www.fosteringconnections.org www.fosteringconnections.org . R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org Eligibility Assistance type Assistance type type Assistance

Eligibility (what I need to qualify) (what I Eligibility (what I need to qualify) need to qualify)

Healthy Horizon — Healthy Horizons medical assistants will support social workers and caregivers in ensuring children/youth receive the full complement of initial health services—medical, dental, and mental health—in a timely manner. Your social worker will support you in using the services offered.

All Foster Care Youth

Who I contact (and how to apply) Who Who II contact contact (and (and how how to to apply) apply)

Contact number is 202-442-4200

. Medicaid W H A T I H A V E . isLooking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org a healthcare program thatDownload pays for medical Youth no . W H A T—IDCHMedicaid A V E . Looking for instructions? at www.fosterclub.org services for qualified people. It helps pay for medical services for lowlonger in Current HEALTH insurance coverage (name of company/plan): Current HEALTH coverage (name of company/plan): income and disabledinsurance people. You may apply for Medicaid if you are a care low-income family and have children under 19 or a pregnant woman. Your social current worker will assist you toafter determine if you are eligible Does plan continue leaving foster care?: for Medicaid. Does currentFamilies plan continue after leaving foster care?: of the DC D.C. Healthy — DC Healthy Families is a program Youth no Yes No Unsure Yes Unsure Department ofNo Health Care Finance that provides free health insurance for longer in District residents their children. After you submit your application, it care Current Primaryand Doctor: Clinic or Hospital: Current Primary Doctor: Clinic or Hospital: takes about 30 days for you to hear whether you have been approved for enrollment. Your social worker will assist you to determine if you are Health Prescriptions: eligible issues: for this service. Health issues: Prescriptions:

Current MENTAL HEALTH insurance coverage (name of company/plan): Current MENTAL HEALTH insurance coverage (name of company/plan):

Free orcurrent Low-cost Health Care after leaving foster care?: Does plan continue Does current plan continueheath after leaving foster care?: YouYes can get free or low-cost No Unsure care for the following: Yes No Unsure o Health Needs o Family Planning Current Therapist: Current Therapist:

Youth no longer in care

Clinic or Hospital: Clinic or Hospital:

o HIV/AIDS o Mental Health Youth inhealth care will receive support by their social worker with the above.Prescriptions: Mental issues: Mental health issues:


Health Care Proxy — A health care proxy lists your wishes for medical Youth no treatment should you ever become unable to make those decisions longer in Current DENTAL insurance coverage (name of company/plan): Current coverage of company/plan): yourself. DENTAL It can also insurance name the person whom(name you designate to make care decisions for you. Your social worker and team will discuss this with you beforecurrent leaving care. Does plan continue after leaving foster care?: Does current Agencyplan continue after leaving foster care?: Core Services The Department of Mental Health contracts with Youth in Yes No Unsure Yes No Unsure community based providers to provide mental health services and and out of Current Dentist: Clinic or Hospital: care supports. Current Dentist: Clinic or Hospital: Access Helpline - can activate mobile crisis teams to respond to adults and Youth and children who are experiencing a psychiatric or emotional crisis and are Adults in Dental issues: Prescriptions: unable or unwilling to travel to receive mental health services. crisis Dental issues: Prescriptions: Access Helpline also helps with the drama of family, death, school, drugs, gangs and violence. They can help you sort out and manage feelings of hopelessness, anger, grief, stress, or whatever is troubling you. VISION needs: Prescriptions: VISION needs:

.THIS IS MY PLAN. Health education: Health education: Short term (1 year) goals Substance abuse Substance abuse Coping with stress Coping with stress Nutrition Nutrition

Call (202) 727-5355 to locate your nearest IMA Service Center Policy #: Policy #:

Anticipated end date of coverage: Anticipated end NW date of coverage: 1100 First Street,

Washington, DC 20001 Anacostia Clinic Phone # Phone # 1328 W Street, SE Washington, DC 20020 Hunt Place Clinic 4130 Hunt Place, NE Washington, DC 20019 Southwest Community Clinic Policy #: Policy #: SW 850 Delaware Avenue, Washington, DC 20024 Walker-Jonesend Clinic NW: 202-354-1120 Anticipated date of coverage: Anticipated dateNW: of coverage: SOME Healthend Service 202-797-8806 Planned Parenthood NW: 202-347-8512 La Clinica Del Pueblo PhoneNW: # 202-462-4788 Phone # STD Clinic SE: 202-698-4050 Metro Teen AIDS SE: 202 543-9355 For Mental Health- 1-888-793-4357 Contact your Social Worker for more information Policy #: Policy #:

Anticipated end date of coverage: Anticipated end date contact of coverage: Social Workers should CFSA’s

Office of Well-Being to make referral. Phone # can be made After age 21 self-referrals Phone # Ask your social worker for assistance and Call 1 (888) 793-4357


Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org

Steps & services (and who will help me) Healthy relationships Fitness Other: Healthy relationships Fitness Other: Pregnancy prevention First Aid Other: Pregnancy prevention First Aid Other: Prevention of STDs Health self-advocacy Other: Prevention of STDs Health self-advocacy Other:


. R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org . R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org Assistance type Assistance type

Eligibility (what I need to qualify) Eligibility (what I need to qualify)

Plan immediately after I leave foster care:

Who I contact (and how to apply) Who I contact (and how to apply)

. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org . W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org

Long term goals (five years from now, my health, mental health, vision and dental goal is): Current HEALTH insurance coverage (name of company/plan): Policy #: Current HEALTH insurance coverage (name of company/plan): Policy #: Does current plan continue after leaving foster care?: Does current plan continue after leaving foster care?: Yes No Unsure Yes No Unsure Needs work 1 2 3 4 READINESS SCALE Current Primary Doctor: Clinic or Hospital: Current Primary Doctor: Clinic or Hospital: Health issues: Health issues:

Anticipated end date of coverage: Anticipated end date of coverage:



Does current plan continue after leaving foster care?: Does current plan continue after leaving foster care?: Yes No Unsure Yes No Unsure

Anticipated end date of coverage: Anticipated end date of coverage: Phone # Phone #

Prescriptions: Prescriptions:

Current DENTAL insurance coverage (name of company/plan): Current DENTAL insurance coverage (name of company/plan): Does current plan continue after leaving foster care?: Does current plan continue after leaving foster care?: Yes No Unsure Yes No Unsure

Policy #: Policy #: Anticipated end date of coverage: Anticipated end date of coverage:

Clinic or Hospital: Clinic or Hospital:

Dental issues: Dental issues:

Prescriptions: Prescriptions:

VISION needs: VISION needs:

Prescriptions: Prescriptions:

Health education: Health education: Substance abuse Substance abuse Coping with stress Coping with stress Nutrition Nutrition

9 10 Prepared Phone # Phone #

Policy #: Policy #:

Clinic or Hospital: Clinic or Hospital:

Mental health issues: Mental health issues:

Current Dentist: Current Dentist:


Prescriptions: Prescriptions:

Current MENTAL HEALTH insurance coverage (name of company/plan): Current MENTAL HEALTH insurance coverage (name of company/plan):

Current Therapist: Current Therapist:


Healthy relationships Healthy relationships Pregnancy prevention Pregnancy prevention Prevention of STDs Prevention of STDs

Phone # Phone #

Fitness Fitness First Aid First Aid Health self-advocacy Health self-advocacy

Other: Other: Other: Other: Other: Other:

. R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org . R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org Assistance type Assistance type

Eligibility (what I need to qualify) Eligibility (what I need to qualify)

Who I contact (and how to apply) Who I contact (and how to apply)

. E D U C A T I O N A L H I S T O R Y . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org Current educational status: n school records Attending full time Attending part time

Last grade level completed:

Jump on the G.P.A.: education line!

Not attending

Collect a copy of your school records, including a copy Most recent school attended: of official transcripts. Make sure you have records from ALL middle and high schools you’ve attended. On track to earn: Diploma GED or modified diploma n school credits

Math Skills:

Anticipated completion date:


Evaluate currentReading school credits and determine Writing if you are on track to Skills: Skills: graduate. If you are behind, create a plan to make up missed credits or advocate for credit recovery for classes missed due to foster care moves.

IEP?: Yes

Previous school:


Not sure

Last grade level completed:

n i.e.p. = individualized education plan

Previous school: If you

Last grade level completed: have ad an IEP, make sure you have a copy of your plan, understand the resources that are available to you, and find out how the plan might carry over to higher education.

. R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org n finish high school

Eligibility I need to qualify) Who I contact (and how to apply) GED, high school or training(what program. If you won’t finish high school by the time you are scheduled to leave foster care, talk to your caseworker about remaining in care so that you have the support you need to finish.

n Calculate senior fees

te Id sti te enti ng s co ts ( fy, p u yo ns PSA rep ar u sh elor T, are S ea f o n lm uld for AT, or, a os ta ssi AC and ap t al ke. sta T) sc Su ply w b ay Ask nce . As hed fo m sa ab to k y ule hi r hi it ap v d o a g r ila out ete ur ap gh s he pli r hi equ f b r c m e pl ch l a e g e f e w in t ic h ired e at ool duc ion o a rf w sc io a i s os ver hic hoo n cou tio to w n s te ai nse . A sch r y - w h te l ve lo o s ou hi sts rs r a k y ols th ch . bo ou . ut r

Assistance type Complete

Some agencies have funds available to help with any senior costs, and may be able to help with extras like senior photos, . T H I S I S M Y P L A N . Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org prom, etc. Make a list and provide it to your worker - far Short term (1 year) goals Steps & services (and who will help me) ahead of time, if possible. n



n io at ic pl r ap he ly ol ot ho es. or app sc g lin or in l to , r f ead in o ls da p d tra cho goa i s ar en al l h r s. n h nd a ca lars io hic aree our at t le o e t oc e w ls, c nd ch ca a s e a l , v in Cr tes, es rm ski irs g a e d da e lle et ef s ng co . D esir leg ni s on ai ti rch ion d d col Tr n t d op ea a p d n o es an ed d r on ved tte n er an ati hie c. A tio ps. et i gh fy uc ac ca hi nti ed on es, du arsh e er d liti Id e E ol e h i s g fe ch hi r ba s, ab ha r s fo nt r C fo le fo ply ta p ly pp nd a ,a id y a l a ntif ia d ai anc , ide ) n al ci r fi TV an fo (E fin ply ers p ch u Vo




Plan immediately after I leave foster care:

Long term goals (five years from now, my educational goal is):


FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit

Needs work










10 Prepared


. E D U C A T I O N A L H I S T O R Y . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org Current educational status: Attending full time Attending part time

Last grade level completed: Not attending

Most recent school attended:


On track to earn: Diploma GED or modified diploma Math Skills:

Anticipated completion date: Other:

Reading Skills:

Writing Skills:

IEP?: Yes


Not sure

Previous school:

Last grade level completed:

Previous school:

Last grade level completed:

. R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org Assistance type

Eligibility (what I need to qualify)

Who I contact (and how to apply)

. T H I S I S M Y P L A N . Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org Short term (1 year) goals

Steps & services (and who will help me)


Plan immediately after I leave foster care:

Long term goals (five years from now, my educational goal is):


Needs work










10 Prepared

. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org

Got skills? There are a lot of life skills Completed In progress Not completed n Life skills support that you can (and should!) practice Demonstrated knowledge of life skills: Be sure one or more members of BEFORE you leave foster care. Laundry Recreation/leisure Personal Hygiene Other: Ansell-Casey Life Skills Assessment

Grocery shopping


Legal issues






your Transition Support Team can help youOther: learn some of the life Other: skills listed here.


Home safety

dr un la


n io it

Eligibility (what I need to qualify)


ty fe sa

Assistance type



tr nu

. R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org Who I contact (and how to apply)


l ga le

al +

s ue



te et


i et

n so er




take the casey n life skills assessment . T H I SCheck I S upMon Y your P L life A Nskills . Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org knowledge by visiting n grocery shopping Short term (1 year) goals Steps & services (and who will help me) www.caseylifeskills.com. It’s a way for you to build your own n recreation + leisure activities personal checklist of skills and strengths. It shows you what you n cooking know already and what is possible to learn to help you in the future. n cleaning Plan after I leave foster care:


n personal hygiene

There are lots of life n communication skills you can learn and Long term goals (five years from now, my life skills goals include): practice. We’ve listed n some here, but we’ve left space for you to list others, too. READINESS SCALE


Needs work










10 Prepared

n n n

FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit

life skills

. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org Ansell-Casey Life Skills Assessment


In progress

Not completed

Demonstrated knowledge of life skills: Laundry


Personal Hygiene

Home safety

Grocery shopping


Legal issues






Other: Other: Other:

. R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org Assistance type

Eligibility (what I need to qualify)

Who I contact (and how to apply)

. T H I S I S M Y P L A N . Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org Short term (1 year) goals

Steps & services (and who will help me)


Plan after I leave foster care:

Long term goals (five years from now, my life skills goals include):


Needs work










10 Prepared

. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org

my vehicle

de D te r e of ter mi m yo tran in ne em u w spo e w nee ot plo ill h rta hat ds t to her ym ave ion type a e m n to ai ppo nt, for eed f n m s i (in am ta nt ch s e ch clu ily in c men dica oo l, o ur di a ch ng nd nne ts, a l an d c ,r c n ec fam om tio d re ily m ns u at io vis nit n, its y et c.) , .

My current mode(s) of transportation:

friend/family provides

public transportation



have license

have permit

do not have

Date obtained:

Driver’s license status:

Transportation needed for (school, employment, recreation, etc.):

How you get walkwill other: around to accomplish all you’ve got planned?

Auto insurance (company name):

Policy number:

. R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org Assistance type

Eligibility (what I need to qualify)

Who I contact (and how to apply)

n driver’s permit. Study and apply. n driver’s ed

Ask if there is assistance from the foster care agency or Chafee Independent Living Program for driver’s education classes and/or other transportation expenses.

. T H I S I S M Y P L A N . Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org

n public transportation Steps & services (and who will help me)

Short term (1 year) goals

Research and practice using the metro, bus, train or other public transportation, if available in your area.


n insurance

Plan after I leave foster care:

Research auto insurance rates. Find out how insurance rates are impacted by where you live, what you drive, your age, and your driving record. Learn if there is a discount for new drivers who complete driver’s education classes or for students with strong grades. Determine what the up-front insurance costs are.

n compare options

Complete a cost-comparison of your transportation options. Compare the costs of owning a vehicle with public transportation.

Long term goals (five years from now, my transportation goal is):

n emergency transportation


Identify1 emergency transportation options in case8of medical 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 Prepared emergency or if your first plan for transportation fails.

Needs work

n map navigation

Practice map reading skills or learn to use online resources to retrieve directions.

FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit


. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org My current mode(s) of transportation: my vehicle

friend/family provides

public transportation




Transportation needed for (school, employment, recreation, etc.):

Driver’s license status:

have license

have permit

do not have

Date obtained:

Auto insurance (company name):

Policy number:

. R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org Assistance type

Eligibility (what I need to qualify)

Who I contact (and how to apply)

. T H I S I S M Y P L A N . Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org Short term (1 year) goals

Steps & services (and who will help me)


Plan after I leave foster care:

Long term goals (five years from now, my transportation goal is):


Needs work










10 Prepared

Be sure to get all of your personal documents Personal documents (description): BEFORE Birth certificate you leave care. It’s a lot harder to get State-issued picture identification some of these items after Social Security Card you exit the system

. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org

Citizen / immigration documents (if applicable)

Status n

Have Have

Have n Have

Obtain an original copy of your social security card Possession (who has them) Information about obtaining a replacement card can be obtained from Applied for Do not have www.ssa.gov. Understand the importance of guarding your social security to Do protect against identity theft. Appliednumber for not have Obtain copy ofDoyour birth certificate Appliedafor not have It should be a certified, or official, copy. Learn how to replace itApplied if it getsforlost. Do not have

Get state-issued official photo ID n Have Applied for Do not have identification is required on many n Citizenship documents occasions. Obtaining state-issued photo If you were born in a country other than the United States, Safe personal filing system in place I know I may request a copy of my foster care case file ID before you leave foster care (it’s make sure you have a copy of all of your citizenship papers something understand completely what your citizenship rights and Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org .RES O U R C your E S caseworker A V A I L Acan B Lhelp E Tyou O M E . and do). It’s smart to get a passport, too, as responsibilities are. If you think there may be an issue with Assistance type Eligibility (what I need to qualify) Who I contact (and how to apply) extra identification (or if you want to travel citizenship, ask to be connected to an immigration attorney. outside of the United States in the future). n Check your credit documentation that n Ask to have a credit report run based on your social security you were in foster care number prior to leaving foster care. It is not unusual for young This may become important in qualifying for people from foster care to discover their credit has been benefits, including financial aid for higher . T H I S I S M Y P L A N . Get ideas about how to damaged make a plan at www.fosterclub.org when relatives have “borrowed” their identity to get education. Get a letter from the court (ask emergency funds or to get credit cards. Short term (1 year) goals Steps & services (and who will help me) Progress your caseworker for help) that proves you were a ward of the state. Other:Photo

ed at e of gn siz g ck esi d etra fil epin em g e a for r a ke st pin ud sy kee incl .org et o of g b in ce f d u b o l in l ca rtan ou rc fil od e c g t h o al et ods .fos lin mp m th i on w a fi e w rs h a e k, d th . pe lis . M t w o a stab nts isi tebo stan ure v e c h is o e m r ( no der se bl d t ocu nde ing Un nd i a d . ta ee -r Es u n tant YI B a 3 lope safe , o r e ) s Y v n po n F n nt n o . im x, a ati le e me ice te u o rv bo form dab oc te o v se , d l 6 in an vo r t p e na ive to 2 ice. ex rso to gist v ct le 18 ser er re pe st 8, se age ive gi e 1 r t Re ag fo ale elec t er a m s A n st re r the a o rf

Plan after I leave foster care:



gi Re






Long term goals (five years from now, my housing goal is):


FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit

Needs work










10 Prepared


. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org Personal documents (description):


Possession (who has them)

Birth certificate


Applied for

Do not have

State-issued picture identification


Applied for

Do not have

Social Security Card


Applied for

Do not have

Citizen / immigration documents (if applicable)


Applied for

Do not have



Applied for

Do not have

Safe personal filing system in place

I know I may request a copy of my foster care case file

. R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org Assistance type

Eligibility (what I need to qualify)

Who I contact (and how to apply)

. T H I S I S M Y P L A N . Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org Short term (1 year) goals

Steps & services (and who will help me)


Plan after I leave foster care:

Long term goals (five years from now, my housing goal is):


Needs work










10 Prepared



City, State, Zip:


Relationship & supports provided:

Permanency Pact completed

ily am ips l f sh ica rom tive s, f e r on og ti iol nge ppo cas b la a u ll rs re ith e r o s y a be t l h em ost ily s w n t ful ear e u m s n m ip r m s in ily for re. B fa sh n re m o o- on ca st ut bi lati ers l to . B h fa ged r ca the nt t Re mb rfu tive wit har ste ave wa rk n o e e m nd truc ips lly c m f u le ay wo m o w des nsh ona fro e yo ou st to to latio oti ople for , y rapi ips. re e em pe – be stem the nsh ar ung red e sy m a atio yo pa car fro rel e pr ster elp ese h fo ek h h t se roug th n fte ip s o nsh ri te tio re e e, sis ela or t r u w ar u er tan yo r c yo ips oth or If ste re sh br imp are. n fo efo a t rc ei gb on ti ith os l n e la w e m ost whi ecti f l re ip n g nsh sing e in ings con in pl bl re tio e i bl si ela s th peo m s in r a e A ed ng fro nc . n a u t ci yo ted sist em t by ara r as sys p fo the se k as ve a le

Learn about the various types of permanence (including adoption, reunification, guardianship and kinship care) and the differences between each. Understand how these types of permanence are different than permanent foster care, emancipation or aging out.

Relationship & supports provided:



City, State, Zip:

Relationship & supports provided:


City, State, Zip:

FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit E-mail:



Permanency Pact completed



Permanency Pact completed

Young people who have a permanent family connection fare better in their transitioning years. Talk to your caseworker, mentor, or Transition Support Team member about your desires for permanence.

n establish permanence



This tool may also be used to define, substantiate and verbalize a lifelong commitment an adult has made toward supporting you and your goals.

. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org

Permanence is number one. Kinship (live with relative) Guardianship It’s the top reason young people successfully If permanence has been who with? Name(s): transition toachieved, adulthood.

n create permanency pact

What kinds of support from adults will be helpful as you move into adulthood — and for the rest of your life? Find a list of 45 different supports in FosterClub’s Permanency Pact (www.fosterclub.com).

n identify the kinds of supports needed

The role of many of the adults in a foster youth’s life may change, decrease, or even end after the youth leaves foster care. Make sure to make connections to supportive adults who will continue to support you into adulthood.

n identify supportive adults

My current permanency plan: Reunification Adoption



City, State, Zip:

Many of the adults in your life may not be as available to you after you leave foster care, such as foster parents, case workers, judges and attorneys. It can be a good idea to develop less formal roles with adults who can act as support or mentors.

n know your permanency plan

n understand permanence

Not sure




  . W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org My current permanency plan: Reunification Adoption

Kinship (live with relative)

If permanence has been achieved, who with? Name(s):



Not sure



City, State, Zip:





City, State, Zip:


Relationship & supports provided:

Permanency Pact completed




City, State, Zip:


Relationship & supports provided:

Permanency Pact completed




City, State, Zip:


Relationship & supports provided:

Permanency Pact completed

RELATIONSHIP WITH BIOLOGICAL RELATIVES Biological relatives (including siblings):

Relationship (parent, aunt, etc.)


. R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org Assistance type

Eligibility (what I need to qualify)

Who I contact (and how to apply)

. T H I S I S M Y P L A N . Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org Short term (1 year) goals

Steps & services (and who will help me)


Plan after I leave foster care:

Long term goals (five years from now, my housing goal is):


Needs work










10 Prepared



n Become a mentor. If you are prepared and supported to be a mentor through a program, becoming a mentor can instill confidence, creates bonds among foster youth and provides you with opportunity to teach what you have learned — reinforcing your knowledge.



n Youth Boards. Use your foster care expertise by becoming involved in a Youth Advisory Board or other youth-led opportunity (find them on FosterClub.org)

community, culture + social life

FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit

10 Prepared










Needs work


n Community Organizations. Become a resource within community organizations. Take on leadership roles in school and other community groups.

Plan immediately after I leave foster care:


Length of time known

Peer Circle (Names)

n get a mentor. Get connected with one or more adult mentors to develop long-term relationships to serve as role models in areas such as employment, transitional life skills, social support and friendship. Identify through organizations (Boys and Girls Club, local mentor organizations) or through group decision-making process.

Long term goals (five years from now, my community, culture, and social life goal is):

n community. Find opportunities to play an active role in community life, often taking place in school settings. Locate groups and organizations for volunteering, leadership and community service.

. T H I S I S M Y P L A N . Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org

n community resources. Get connected with useful resources in the community where you’ll be living after foster care. Include contact information and description of resources.


Contact person:

Spiritual support / church:


Steps & services (and who will help me)

Short term (1 year) goals

As a member of your community, Contact person Phone you’ll want to participate fully and receive many benefits. Community Connections (social groups, activities, volunteerism)

Who I contact (and how to apply) Eligibility (what I need to qualify)

Assistance type

Registered to vote Registered for draft (if male)

Not sure

My ethnic heritage: List:





su p pe tio w po h e ad r s nsh o s rt. ul up ip ha De n ts v p up ort skil re y elo fo o l p of ste or is d s, i ur p a f te pe r rs iffe ne valu grou er ca . r en ces es p s w re t t sa . B of ho Pe ha ry u . U ild pos ha er n r ve el nd yo itiv su cu at a p io erst ur e lso p lt ns o a ur ex rt hi nd et e. . p ps h hn G e rie et w ow ic Iden i n ity th ce con . D tify d n e fo ev an ste cte el d r o r c d to e p cu ar yo sear lt e. a g ur ch ur ro ow yo up ev al ur n en ev cu ts ltu own an ent ra d s l c cult se . C rv us ur o ic nn to e o es ec m Ch s. r in t w ur yo it ch ur h c .C co ult on m ur ne a m ct un lly to Re ity -sp ac gi ec . st ifi hu c er rc h to or Re vo sp iri gi te st tu ( al a (m er ge gr fo al 18 ou es r ) p. be se tw le ee ct n 18 ive an se d r 25 vic e ) la




. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org

. R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org

. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org . W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.org Community Connections (social groups, activities, volunteerism) Community Connections (social groups, activities, volunteerism)

Contact person Contact person

Spiritual support / church:

Peer Circle (Names)

My ethnic heritage: List:

Contact person:

Length of time known

Not sure


Phone Phone


Registered to vote Registered for draft (if male) Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org

Eligibility (what I need to qualify)

Who I contact (and how to apply)

All youth 15 and older

Contact your social worker at 202 727 7500

Youth Ambassadors — The vision for Youth Ambassadors is to provide a voice to older teens in the District’s foster care system. The Youth Ambassadors group is comprised of older youth in care who are selected to serve as mentors and advocates for older youth peers in care. Ambassadors will undergo professional leadership training to prepare them for their roles. An additional component to the role of an Ambassador includes youth participation in an OYE internship. The internship encompasses various activities and duties that specifically foster engagement between the Ambassadors and other older youth in care, as well as select projects including, but not limited to, assistance with the OYE website (currently under development), the OYE quarterly newsletter, and OYE’s Beautification Project. This program helps youth foster leadership and mentoring skills, strengthen social development and public speaking skills, and gain experience with networking and community outreach and meaningful employment. Additionally, youth can benefit from the personal connections and opportunities to discuss real life challenges and solutions with Alumni Ambassadors. Youth Ombudsman — The Youth Ombudsman addresses individual youth concerns for youth in care ages 15 to 21 and identifies systemic challenges. The Youth Ombudsman works directly with foster youth to ensure their complaint receives prompt attention and urgent resolution. The Youth Ombudsman will investigate complaints and concerns and, as appropriate, may mediate situations to ensure best practice is achieved.

All youth 18-20 that demonstrate leadership capacities

Contact Joelle Myers at 202-727-1325

Youth in care ages 15 – 20

Email: yo.bud@dc.gov Call: 1-855-874-3273

Collaborative — The Healthy Families and Community Collaborative are contracted to provide aftercare/community case management services for eligible youth emancipating from CFSA foster care. This service is to provide youth with a supportive network of resources to ensure greater success in their transition to independence within the community. You will be informed by your social worker

All youth 18-21 exiting care

Contact OYE at 202727-7500 or Columbia/Shaw 202-518-6737

Assistance type

Youth Bill of Rights — Drafted by representatives of the Director’s Youth Advisory Board, the Youth Bill of Rights ultimately serves to protect the rights of safety, permanency, and well-being for each youth in care. All CFSA and private agency social workers are responsible for reviewing and familiarizing themselves with the document.

Youth Ombudsman — The Youth Ombudsman addresses individual youth Youth in care ages 15 – 20 concerns for youth in care ages 15 to 21 and identifies systemic challenges. The Youth Ombudsman works directly with foster youth to ensure their complaint receives prompt attention and urgent resolution. The Youth Ombudsman will investigate complaints and concerns and, as appropriate, may mediate situations to ensure best practice is achieved. . R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org Collaborative — The Healthy Families and Community Collaborative are contracted to provide aftercare/community case management services for eligible youth emancipating from CFSA foster care. This service is to provide youth with a supportive network of resources to ensure greater success in their transition to independence within the community. You will be informed by your social worker which collaborative you will be assigned and the name of your collaborative worker prior to aging out of care.

All youth 18-21 exiting care

Voters Registration Card — To vote in election on the local, state, or federal level you must be 18 years of age and registered to vote.

Youth 18 and older


Email: yo.bud@dc.gov Call: 1-855-874-3273

Contact OYE at 202727-7500 or Columbia/Shaw 202-518-6737 East of the River 202-397-7300 Edgewood Brookland 202-832-9400 Far Southeast 202-889-1425 www.dcboee.org 202-727-2525

Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.org

Short term (1 year) goals

Steps & services (and who will help me)


Plan immediately after I leave foster care:

Long term goals (five years from now, my community, culture, and social life goal is):


Needs work










10 Prepared

This important part of your life deserves special attention.

Identify employment goals What are your career interests? What are your desired occupations? What do you want to be doing three years from now? How do you see yourself when you are 30?

Identify long-term & short-term employment options Which jobs and/or programs are attainable at present and what employment opportunities should be available after taking strategic steps? Develop skills for maintaining and advancing in job Employer/employee relationships, continued education, assertiveness training, etc. consider internships and volunteer opportunities While they may not pay well or may not pay at all, volunteer and internship opportunities are a great way to build skills, add depth to your resume, and create strong references. Sometimes these volunteer positions turn into paid positions. Build your resumé Add extra-curricular activities, volunteerism, and take classes to build skills that will be seen as an asset to future employers.

n Identify natural skills and abilities


Think about what you enjoy doing, where you excel and how your talents, skills and abilities can translate into employment opportunities. Consider taking a career assessment (ask your high school conselor about options).

n n Identify educational and training

needs to attain goals What steps do you need to take to achieve long-term employment goals? Do you n need training? Do you need experience in the field? Research and compare training options through JobCorps, college, apprenticeship, job shadows, etc. Ask n your school if there is a Career Fair scheduled in your area. n Develop job search skills


Discuss where to look for employment: newspaper, internet, signs, boards, word-ofmouth. Practice doing a mock job interview. Research what you should wear to a job interview. Identify appropriate follow-up that should be done after a job interview.

? ob aj g e ? tin vic job et d s p g ? A the you n ce el e s ur r: h um ll o ult so fo es we ad re go a r ng tive g i ur u n o o or yo n y eati ’t g pp e. u r n a ow c e c are d s anc e kn her anc gs s an sist t W is thin rce r as n s s A en sou o fo h w t re rn t s tu n Li



get a job There’s no better way to learn about being employed than to... well... be employed.

FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit

jobs + careers


pregnant & Expecting in collaboration with FosteringConnections.org

. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.com n Obtain Prenatal care OB/GYN Doctor:

Schedule an appointment with a health care A baby on the way n professional once you think that you or your Delivery hospital or location:means that you are now partner are pregnant. Follow the doctor’s advise planning for more than and be sure that all recommended tests are just your own future. (location): Doctor: Date: completed on time. Early weeks and months are very important in the pregnancy. Clinic or hospital:

Phone #

Learn ABOUT Pregnancy There’s lots of greatappointments information Prenatal about what to expect during the n Address Nutritional Needs beginning, middle, Pregnancy is the time to stay healthy by eating balanced meals and and later days of taking prenatal vitamins. Health and birth complications can occur pregnancy. Check due to poor nutrition during pregnancy. the internet and/or Pregnancy and new parent education: library or bookstore. Prenatal screenings n Inquire Finances Breastfeeding Other: About Family History Many guides have a Nutrition Stress management Relationship classes Other: Sometimes it’s difficult for young people from foster care to obtain family medical history, week-by-week list Exercise Baby/child development Relationship classes Other: but if you are able to collect some information, now is the time to do it. Knowing of what to expect the father could help prepare for birth difficulties. . R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E history T O of M both E . the Findmother ‘em at and www.fosteringconnections.org and plan for. Due date:

Assistance type

Who I contact apply) n Apply for (and WIC, how TANF,toand

Eligibility (what I need to qualify)

other financial supports Investigate the types of financial support you and your child might be eligible for. Begin the application process . T H I S I S M Y P L A N . Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.comas early as possible. Learn Pregnancy Hazards n Short term (1 year) goals services (and who help me) Progress Make sure you avoid all risky behaviors thatSteps could &impact the health of will n Baby things your child. ANY use of drugs or alcohol could impact your pregnancy. Obtain needed items for your Other risky behaviors are: unprotected sex, stressful situations, child, including clothing, dangerous environments, including any abuse. grooming care, a stroller or other

Discuss Your Current Medical Health Your doctor should know about any medical concerns you have about your own health in case a condition could impact your pregnancy.


IDentify Symptoms & Problems Read about and/or review with your doctor what to do in case of vaginal bleeding, pelvic or abdominal pain, swelling of hands Plan immediately after Iand leave care: feet,foster lack of fetal movement, and other complications. Discuss any concerns with your Doctor immediately.


Develop Birthing Plan Talk to your doctor about your plan, whether vaginal or c-section delivery. Also discuss methods such as natural delivery, epidural, and other pain management options. Decide who will be with you before, during and after delivery.

Long term goals (five years from now, my family-planning goal is):


Needs work






carrying equipment, toys, etc.

n Home Readiness

Ensure that your home is baby-safe. Make sure that any dangerous items are removed or locked. Ensure you have n bedding, feeding supplies and equipment, and a safe and healthy atmosphere to bring baby home to. 6 7 8 9 10 Prepared

Visit www.fosteringconnections.org for more federal and state information regarding the Fostering Connections to Success and Increased Adoptions Act

FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit Pregnant From the FosterClub Transition Toolkit, copyright © 2010 FosterClub, Inc.and FosteringConnections.org. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial

3.0 United States License. Permission granted to copy, adapt, distribute and transmit this work so long as not used for commercial purposes, work is attributed, and this notice remains intact. For more information, contact FosterClub at 503-717-1552 or visit www.fosterclub.org and www.fosteringconnections.org.


pregnant & Expecting in collaboration with FosteringConnections.org

. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.com OB/GYN Doctor:

Clinic or hospital:

Due date:

Delivery hospital or location:

Prenatal appointments (location):

Phone #



Pregnancy and new parent education: Prenatal screenings





Stress management

Relationship classes



Baby/child development

Relationship classes


. R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org Assistance type

Eligibility (what I need to qualify)

Who I contact (and how to apply)

. T H I S I S M Y P L A N . Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.com Short term (1 year) goals

Steps & services (and who will help me)


Plan immediately after I leave foster care:

Long term goals (five years from now, my family-planning goal is):


Needs work










10 Prepared

Visit www.fosteringconnections.org for more federal and state information regarding the Fostering Connections to Success and Increased Adoptions Act From the FosterClub Transition Toolkit, copyright Š 2010 FosterClub, Inc.and FosteringConnections.org. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License. Permission granted to copy, adapt, distribute and transmit this work so long as not used for commercial purposes, work is attributed, and this notice remains intact. For more information, contact FosterClub at 503-717-1552 or visit www.fosterclub.org and www.fosteringconnections.org.

. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.com n Health Child health

In your role as a parent, your child depends on you to ensure for their(name): own safety and well-being. Pediatrician Clinic or hospital: Child health insurance coverage (name of company/plan):

Child care and education

Home Safety Ensure your home is child-safe, including elecrical Arrangementoutlet (dayscovers, of week / hours): Monthly cost: gates for stairs, and latches for kitchen n Vaccinations & immunizations and bathroom doors. Keep medicines and cleaning Make sure your child’s shots are up-todate. Keep afor record at home. Financial supports (specifically for parents – seemake finance money management complete plan) supplies out of reach. If you drive, sure&you TANF (Temporaryhave Assistance for Needy Families): Phone: Monthly $ Amt: a child safety seat that is securely installed. n Nutrition Prepare nutritious meals Monthly that include fresh fruits WIC (Women, Infants, and Children): Phone: $ Amt: and vegetables. Maintain WIC and/or food ChildFinancial support and other: Phone: Monthly $ Amt: stamps to ensure adequate food supplies. n Considerations Child care (name of provider):

Ensure your child has regularly scheduled Policy # appointments with the Doctor and the Dentist. Phone # any major Contact your Doctor if you notice changes in your child’s health or development. Keep your Medicaid or other insurance up-ton date. Keep an emergencyPhone # kit on-hand.

Educate yourself about financial n Child Care closely. Find out if there are resources . R Esupports S O U Rthat C Eyou S qualify A V A Ifor, L A B L EResearch T O Mchild E . care Find options ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org including TANF. When you file available in your community to help. Child Who welfare and employment Assistance type Eligibility (what I need to qualify) I contact (and how to apply) your tax return, there will be programs may be able to provide you with day care vouchers. Local new credits now that you have a churches often offer child care, and sometimes provide discounted care child. Keep track of child support for parents who volunteer their time. Ensure all child care professionals payments and make sure all filing and baby-sitters can provide background checks and a safe environment. requirements are fulfilled. n Parent Education . T H I S I S M Y P L A N . Get ideas about to make a plan at www.fosterclub.com Learn tohow be the best parent you can be. Look into community classes n and check out Steps Education Development books &from your library. Mommy & Me Short term (1 & year) goals services (and who will help me)programs and Progress Learn what to expect in your Fatherhood Initiatives may be available in your community. There are child’s development. Look for excellent, proven techniques to improve bonding with your child. the milestones that your child n Self care should be reaching by specific Becoming a new parent can be stressful, so be sure to take care of your ages. Surround your child own health and wellness. Find ways to manage your stress in a healthy with a stimulating, educational Plan immediately after I leave foster care: way. Look into parent support groups in your community. environment. Read books and spend time outdoors, and limit n Community resources the amount of time in front of Most communities have resources developed specifically for children and Long term goals (five years from now, my parenting goal is): the television. young parents. Your local library can be a great place to start your search for READINESS SCALE

FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit

resources. Be sure to ask your Pediatrician, the local WIC office, and your social worker about community resources that might be helpful. Organize a Needs work 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Prepared filing system to track these resources and start a calendar of events.


. W H A T I H A V E . Looking for instructions? Download at www.fosterclub.com Child health Child health insurance coverage (name of company/plan):

Policy #

Pediatrician (name):

Phone #

Clinic or hospital:

Child care and education Child care (name of provider):

Phone #

Arrangement (days of week / hours):

Monthly cost:

Financial supports (specifically for parents – see finance & money management for complete plan) TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families):


Monthly $ Amt:

WIC (Women, Infants, and Children):


Monthly $ Amt:

Child support and other:


Monthly $ Amt:

. R E S O U R C E S A V A I L A B L E T O M E . Find ‘em at www.fosteringconnections.org Assistance type

Eligibility (what I need to qualify)

Who I contact (and how to apply)

. T H I S I S M Y P L A N . Get ideas about how to make a plan at www.fosterclub.com Short term (1 year) goals

Steps & services (and who will help me)


Plan immediately after I leave foster care:

Long term goals (five years from now, my parenting goal is):


Needs work










10 Prepared

the exit from Foster care can become even more difficult... Listed here are just a selection of challenges that can make the journey to adulthood more difficult. If you have one or more of these challenges, it does not mean that you won’t be successful as you transition out of foster care. But it does mean that you might need to do some additional planning to overcome the challenges. Some of these challenges have to do with things you may have control over (like becoming a smoker or young parent), and others you may have no control over (like a physical disability). Think about how you might be able to improve your odds — or your Readiness Score — by preparing even more in other areas (for example, increase your education or life skills training).

FosterClub’s Transition Toolkit

Age. It is almost always a disadvantage to leave foster care too young. You receive additional points on your Readiness Score as you are able to develop, mature and stay in the system until you “age out” with the support of caring adults. Substance abuse and addiction. A high percentage of youth in care have parents with drug or alcohol dependency problems. Youth transitioning out of care should take conscious steps to avoid the dangerous pitfalls of alcohol and drug abuse. Smoking. Smoking is a high-risk activity that can cause significant health problems. Incarceration or criminal record. Youth who avoid illegal behavior are more likely to stay safe and succeed as adults. Felony crimes make it very difficult to rent an apartment or obtain employment, which may need to be taken into consideration when rating readiness. Young parent. Teens and young adults who have become parents face huge challenges. You must understand that it is highly advantageous to establish yourself with education, housing, career, finances, etc. before becoming a parent. If you are a teen parent, it is very important to work to gain an advantage in other areas if possible. Disability. Young people who have physical, developmental, learning, or mental health disabilities may have additional difficulties transitioning into adulthood. Look for additional resources that might be available to assist you if you have disabilities.

4 things before you leave foster care... Most young people know that it’s important to have a plan before leaving foster care. But each year, FosterClub hears from youth who have left foster care and lost out BIG... and regret that they didn’t have the information the needed to make an informed decision. Don’t let it happen to you. At the very least, make sure you’ve checked into the following four items and know what you’re getting into by getting out of foster care...

2 3

Check if you can come back to foster care if you want or need help. Ask your caseworker or judge.


Find out if you’ll lose benefits — including money to help you succeed — if you leave foster care before turning 18, and fail to complete applications.

before yougo

Have at least one “go-to” person. It should be someone that is willing to mentor you through tough situations and will provide you with a way to contact them 24/7 in case of an emergency.


Check FosterClub’s 21 THINGS checklist — things you should have before you leave foster care (at the very least, you’ll know what you’re missing!). http:// www.fosterclub.com/files/21Poster_11x17.pdf

If you are REALLY serious about making a successful transition to adulthood, you’ll need a complete transition plan to prepare you for the journey... this Transition Toolkit can help you map a plan for your future.

www.fosterclub.com FosterClub 753 First Ave. Seaside OR 97138 503-717-1552 f: 503-717-1702 www.fosterclub.com

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