Page 1

1_isometric view of the proposal


6_atmospheric collage of Finike

5_layers of finike

7_topografic conditions of Finike

8_historical images representing bathing culture

History of bathing culture

Bathing is the washing of the body with a liquid, usually water or an aqueous solution, or the immersion of the body in water. It may be practiced for personal hygiene, religious ritual or therapeutic purposes. By analogy, especially as a recreational activity, the term is also applied to sun bathing and sea bathing.

One purpose of bathing is for personal hygiene. It is a means of achieving cleanliness by washing away dead skin cells, dirt, and soil and a a preventative measure to reduce the incidence and spread of disease. It also may reduce body odors, however, some people note that may not be so necessary as commonly thought.

Bathing can take place in any situation where there is water, ranging from warm to cold. It can take place in a bathtub or shower, or it can be in a river, lake, water hole, pool or the sea, or any other water receptacle. The term for the act can vary. For example, a ritual religious bath is sometimes referred to as immersion or baptism, the use of water for therapeutic purposes can be called a water treatment or hydrotherapy, and two recreational water activities are known as swimming and paddling.

Bathing creates a feeling of well-being and the physical appearance of cleanliness. Bathing may also be practised for religious ritual or therapeutic purposes or as a recreational activity. Bathing may be used to cool or to warm the body of an individual. Therapeutic use of bathing includes hydrotherapy, healing, rehabilitation from injury or addiction, and relaxation.

9_historical images representing bathing culture

The word hamam - turkicized- comes from the Arabic word hammam deriving from to verb hamm meaning to heat . Hammam means a bath , a swimming pool , a bathroom , a bathhouse , a spa or even a watering place.

In the Islamic culture hygiene and cleanness had a sacred meaning and is necessary at al conditions , hamams were an important part of the physical and mental cleansing . Throughout the Ottoman period, baths were frequently made as part of a larger religious charity complex (kĂźlliye) which could include a mosque, hospital, soup kitchen, local library, institution, and inns for students or clerics.

Celebrations conducted at the baths grew to become important occasions, for instance: the bridal bath event,

held when a person's wish was satisfied; the guest bath, to which the hostess asked her friends and family members to meet a special guest; and the holiday bath, which was taken on the eve of spiritual holidays.

Baths served as one of the oldest Greeks that have been part of everyday life in Istanbul. Under the Romans, Byzantine baths were a lot more than areas to wash, but public clubs in which they loved their local friends. In Central Asia, the Turkic individuals got steam baths, which they named "Manchu".Bringing their Asian culture along with them, they merged it with the Roman bath tradition they found in Anatolia, and a brand new synthesis was born, the "Turkish bath." With their traditions, connected beliefs, and the outlook on life, the baths grow to become an institution, which distributes all through Anatolia. Although the Turkish bath used the same type of heating as the old Roman one, it is different in lots of ways.

By AD 300 the Baths of Diocletian would cover 140,000 square metres (1,500,000 sq ft), its sheltering 3,000 bathers a day.

Washing and thermal body treatments with steam has been traditionally carried out in banyas.

The Ottoman Empire baths had both a religious and popular origin, deriving from the Islamic ablution ritual and the use of steamrooms by the Turks. The Turkish bath, known as hamam, was considered a place for social gatherings in Turkish

It was usually a smallish wooden cabin with a low entrance and no more than one small window to keep heat inside. Traditionally, the family washed their bodies completely once a week before the day of the Bible-prescribed rest as having a bath meant having to get and bring in a considerable amount of firewood and water and spending time off other farm work heating the bathhouse.

Hammams were generally single-sex, with men and women having separate bathhouses or bathing times. Although bathers were mostly nude inside the hot rooms, they were required to wear clothes in the resting areas outside the

Roman baths became "something like a cross between an aquacentre and a theme park", with pools, game rooms, gardens, even libraries and theatres.

Bathing played a major part in ancient Roman culture and society. It was one of the most common daily activities in Roman culture Bathing in Rome was a communal activity. While the extremely wealthy could afford bathing facilities in their homes, most people bathed in the communal baths thermae.

Later gymnasia had indoor basins set overhead, the open maws of marble lions offering showers, and circular pools with tiers of steps for lounging.

Bathing was ritualized, cleansing sands, hot water, hot air in dark vaulted "vapor baths", a cooling plunge, a rubdown with aromatic oils.

Traditionally in Indonesia, bathing is almost always "public", in the sense that people might converge in riverbanks, pools or watersprings either for bathing or washing laundry.

Bathing completely naked is quite uncommon, as people might still use kain jarik (usually batik clothes or sarong) wrapped around their body to cover their genitals during bathing. More modest bathing springs might use weaved bamboo partitions for privacy. This is still common practice in villages and rural areas in Indonesia.

.The origin of Japanese bathing is Misogi, ritual purification with water. In the Heian period, such as the families of court nobles or samurai, had baths. The bath had lost its religious significance and instead became leisure.

In the 17th century, the first European visitors to Japan recorded the habit of daily baths in sexually mixed groups. Before the mid-19th century, when Western influence increased, nude communal bathing for men, women, and children was a daily fact of life.

10_historicalical bathing cultures

"The history of public baths begins in Greece in the sixth century B.C.," where men and women washed in basins near places of exercise, physical and intellectual.

The Turkish bath includes four parts: changing room The first room that visitors enter is the ‘

The hot room is where the main bathing takes place also with the scrubing and massaging. Mainly a square plan rom with a centralized marble bathing chambers- halvet- are also common along the hamams layouts.

4-The heating room - kĂźlhan The heating system of the whole hamam complex where the fire is lit , storing of the fuel and wastes.

12_diagram of a hamam layout

with mainly a domed structure which enables the visitors to undress and store their belongings also offers a socializing space

13_an iamginative work of ‘a hamam in Finike’

Hamam + program and concept

According to the scientific studies relaxation of the mind and the activity of the five senses proceed parallel

Throughout history , hamams have been used for physical cleansing , due to the fact that the lack of bathrooms in houses in the majority of the community. But today the majority of the community owns bathrooms and baths in their houses.Through time the function of hamam remains same but extended. The hamam culture in Turkey is facing rather eroding so a new hamam complex needs to offer more than physical cleansing.

In this hamam , the aim is to offer the visitors mental cleansing and relaxation with the cleansing of the body.Hamam is already quite fertile to offer mental relaxation to the visitors , this project aim to enhance this fertility by using the existing trees in Finike which is suitable to extract tea of it such as lindel , lemon , orange , olive leaf, daisy ,melissa and bergamot. Tea has always been known with its relaxation and calming effects on human body especially the kinds listed above.Also drinking tea rituels and tea baths has been commonly encountered in the bathing culture of Asian country such as Japan , China and Indonesia.

In this hamam+ complex it is aimed to activate the all of the receptors of the five senses : touch , hear , see , taste and smell to enhance the experience .

Massaging activates touch sense and relieves pain and ensures mental relaxation.

Sound of water according to its frequency calms anxiety , seeing natural fragments and smelling their fragrances provides calmness and relaxation.

Tasting of the tea stimulates taste buds also providing relaxation both in the body and the mind.

3_climatic conditions of Finike

2_positioning of Finike

Analysis of Finike

Finike, the ancient Phoenix or Phoinix also formerly Phineka,is a district on the Mediterranean coast of Antalya Province in Turkey, to the west of the city of Antalya, along the Turkish Riviera. It is located on the southern shore of the Teke peninsula, is a small , agricultural town approxiametly 120 km away from Antalya

Antalya being a quite touristic region of Turkey especially during summer months Finike highlghts its existence with its lands that fertile to agriculture. Due to its massive agricultural production through decades , Finike is rather more unknown tourism wise compared to Accordingly Finike is looking for new tourism strategies.

4_Finike map showing agricultural lands

Finike has been known for its orange production - growing the best oranges in the world- . It is possible to observe that most of the land of Finike is covered by citrus agricultural land.

Growing citrus is an important culture of Finike - send all over Turkey.- through out its history and a legacy passing from father to son.

Plants growing in Finike - fertile to extract flavour fromDue to its climatic conditions as mentioned , Finike is very fertile lands to grow especially citrus production.Variety of plants grow in Finike and the selected site.

Plants and flowers that grow in Finike which are appropriate to extrtact flavours and oils are listed below to be able to use it in the healing process of the hamam.

Cymatic meditation is a method that has been used for many years for mental cleansing. TBy difrenciating the running water frequency healing process differs as well. acordingly the healing differs. By difrenciating the running water requency healing process differs as well. In this project the aim is to create variety of surfaces that enables the running water to sound differently. Each water running at a specific frequency helps for a specific problem.

14_initial atmosphere collage


Proposal The first initial ideology behind the design was to create a space that offers calmness , physical and mental healing. It was aimed to relax the mind body and soul , enhancing the already existing and very fertile enviroment to healing , combining it with the undeniable healing powernment that comes from the nature, an introvert yet connected to nature itself.

existing situation of the hill

Stage 2

carving out the overall projectionof the proposal

Stage 3

embedment of the proposal within the substraction

Stage 4

positioning of the proposal within the site

15_consept diagram

Stage 1

17_perspective view of the proposal

spaces. 16_isometric view of the proposal

18_1/2000 site plan

Site plans

19_1/500 site plan

The project site is located on the soutwest of the marina of Finike on a hill.Finike is not quite a populated space yet the site is even more inconspicuous.There are not many buildings around and because of its location on a hill - altitude- the site is not a very easily reachable space so it evokes the feelings of calmness and relaxation .

20_positioning diagram

The hamam complex consists-for a customer - of sogukluk entrance , tempertaure , washing , terraces , a swimming pool ,

The spatial order shown in the storyboard is not absolute it can be altered. The project offers routes and shortcuts enabling the user to determine their experience of spatial order.

21_circulation diagram

a cafe ,and threpautic massage rooms.

22_ storyboard

26_axonometric view of plan

25_axonometric view of plan

24_axonometric view of plan

Plans 23_diagram of spatiality of programatics

28_axonometric view of plan

27_+12.00 floor plan

30_ a-a section

29_section perspective

Sections& Section perspectives

31_ b-b section

32_ atmospehric collage

The construction process flourishes as extraction the hill creating a void , locating and building the volumes and finally adding needed rocks back in place to give the tribed feel.

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