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MAKE MEN CRY Good family movies appeal to kids of all ages. Great family movies appeal to people of all ages. The best movies will often include elements that only the adults will understand, while still providing entertainment for the kids. As a result, there will be times in these movies that reduce parents to a quivering mess – here are five that get me in the heart button every damn time. The Iron Giant The Iron Giant is hands down the greatest animated film of all time. I cannot stress enough how brilliant yet under-viewed, this movie is. Admittedly, it can be hard to come across, but if you ever see a copy of it please buy it. Be warned, though, that you will cry an absolute bucket of tears at the end. The emotional power of the film’s final minutes, as the titular Iron Giant (SPOILER ALERT) sacrifices his life to save an entire town who moments ago had the army on hand to try and destroy him. It’s as heroic as heroic gets. What’s more, he does it with a smile on his face as he finally gets to live up to his best friend’s view of him as being a real-life Superman.

Up It’s a little easier to get a tear-jerker ending after spending 90 minutes investing us in characters, but it’s a tougher assignment to get a tearjerker opening. Pixar are clearly up to the challenge, showing us a full life in a little over four minutes, including some foreshadowing, but most of all, making us care for Carl. This scene is particularly powerful for how simple it is. With a flat tyre, a broken leg, and a whole bunch of ties, we are all reminded of our own inevitable mortality. Harry & The Hendersons If you love someone, sometimes you have to let them go. No truer words have been spoken in relation to this film. This is another powerful act of self-sacrifice, but this time of the emotional kind, not physical. In order to save Harry from the government, John Lithgow has to abuse him to the point of no-return. He knows it will destroy Harry emotionally and that he won’t understand, but he knows there is no alternative. Lithgow could have been forgiven for phoning it in for a family movie, but look at him here,

his face wretched with pain. In close up, it could just as easily be a scene from Schindler’s List. Toy Story 3 You either cried when you watched Toy Story 3, or you’re lying. It was damn lucky that this film was widely watched in 3D and the glasses provided some obstruction from view for any dates you might have had with you. I’m sure I’m not the only person who had an inner

monologue along the lines of “No, they won’t kill them. They can’t. It’s a Pixar. Oh…they’re holding hands. They’re saying goodbye. Oh man, the look in Slink’s eyes…they’re going to do it. Those sons of bitches are going to kill them.” Toy Story then doubles down with the final scene of Andy giving his toys up. Anybody who’s ever had to move on from something they love

will have felt dryness at the back of their throat and moistness in their eyes. Never Ending Story Forget the false advertising claim Lionel Hutz put in against The Never Ending Story, their ultimate act of betrayal was their cover; OK, fantasy movie. Pretty looking girl, probably to be saved. Some ugly looking troll dudes, and a boy flying on a magical dog/lizard. Can’t

possibly be anything too traumatic in that, can there? There might be some close calls, and a good bit of survival, but it’s not like they’re going to spend a good 3 minutes drowning a horse in a swamp or anything. You…bastards. Written by Mitch Grinter

6 THINGS I WANT TO SEE IN THE NEW DEADPOOL MOVIE With the recent release of the new Deadpool trailer, fans around the world have been thrown into a frenzy. It almost looks too good to be true. Do we dare let our imaginations run wild and actually get excited for it? Surely it can’t go wrong from here, can it? Regardless, it got me thinking about the things I personally would love to see in the movie, have a read and let me know what you think:

14 USELESS FACTS ABOUT ‘ROUND THE TWIST’ 1. The show’s theme song was in fact sung by the original actress to play Linda Twist, Tamsin West.

“creative differences”, nothing ever eventuated.

McLennan, joined the Australian Army in 1997.

7. Before creating the show, Paul Jennings worked as a teacher and speech therapist.

12. Jeffrey Walker, who played Bronson in Season Two, went on to be a director, working on over 30 episodes of Neighbours.

3. There was a three year gap between Season One and Season Two (1989-1992)

8. The Split Point Lighthouse in Aireys Inlet, Victoria (where the exterior shots were filmed) has become a popular tourist attraction. Tours can be booked to have a look around the iconic lighthouse.

4. There was an even bigger gap after Season Two. Season Three didn’t air until 2000.

9. Paul Jennings made a cameo playing Benjamin Byron in the episode ‘Without My Pants.’

5. After the show, the original Pete Twist, Sam Vanderberg formed an ‘80s cover band called ‘80s Enough.

10. Despite becoming one of the ABC’s most popular shows of the ‘90s, Round The Twist actually started on Channel 7.

6. A Round the Twist movie was nearly made, but due to

11. The original Bronson, Rodney

2. Tamsin West only played Linda in Season One.


13. Round The Twist almost didn’t make it to TV. The show’s marketing manager Jenny Buckland has said that the scripts were declared ‘too rude’, ‘not for television’ and ‘outrageous’. 14. And finally, a fact that’s sure to bring a smile to all of your faces, the original Round The Twist website is still active and can be checked out at www. Written by Dando.

1. Pop culture references One of the things that makes Deadpool such an interesting read, is the many references to the world outside of his own comic book. With the trailer already revealing some not too subtle digs at the Green Lantern movie (Also starring Reynolds) we hope that it won’t just be a once off. 2. The many voices in his head One of Deadpool’s most unique characteristics is having conversations with the voices in his head. While the number, sex and race of these voices has changed, I know that for me, the Deadpool Movie will be incomplete without someone

like James Earl Jones playing a voice in Wade’s head. 3. Taking advantage of his healing abilities Although a healing ability isn’t anything new in superhero movies (Wolverine), no comic book character has as much fun with theirs as Deadpool does. Super powers are supposed to be fun. Deadpool gets that. 4. Something Spiderman-related It could be a team up, or even just Deadpool being mistaken for Spiderman, either way it needs to happen. Deadpool being mistaken for Spiderman and his bromance with him have been established in the comics since the beginning, and I for one would love to see it on the big screen.

5. A Superhero beatdown Deadpool is known for his gags, after all he’s a funny dude. But he’s also a highly skilled mercenary that isn’t above doing a little bad if it puts money in his pocket, or suits his own interests. This is sure to put him at odds with someone, why not the Hulk? 6. Destroy the fourth wall We know it’s a movie and so does Deadpool. I want him to single me out in the cinema, make references to camera men and the director, people that no one but he can see. If I can only have one of the things on this list, I pick this one, it is an absolute must. Written by Michael Loverdos.

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