Forskningens Dag 2012 - Abstractbog

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Metode: Tværsnitsundersøgelse før jodberigelsen i Danmark. 140 gravide kvinder klassificeret som ryger (n=50) eller ikke-ryger (n=90) og deres børn. 1/3 af kvinderne (n=47) tog regelmæssigt jodtilskud, og Thyroglobulin (Tg) blev anvendt som markør for jodmangel. Resultater: Ingen signifikant forskel i Tg (median) ryger vs. ikke-ryger blandt gravide som tog jodtilskud og deres børn; maternel Tg 14,5 vs. 13,8 μg/l, p = 0,34, navlesnorsblod Tg 31,7 vs. 38,3 μg/l, p = 0,94. Signifikant forskel i Tg (median) ryger vs. ikke-ryger blandt gravide uden jodtilskud og deres børn; maternel Tg 34,8 vs. 22,8 μg/l, p = 0,001, navlesnorsblod Tg 74,2 vs. 53,0 μg/l, p = 0,017, men den relative Tg medianstigning fandtes ikke signifikant forskellig gravide og nyfødte imellem; maternel 52,6% vs. navlesnorsblod 40,0%, differens 12,6% (95% CI -12; 37%), p > 0,3. Konklusion: Maternel rygning øger risikoen for jodmangel hos mor og barn. Vore biokemiske data giver ikke holdepunkter for, at NIS er af væsentlig betydning for jodid transport over placenta. Indsendt af: Læge, ph.d. studerende Stine Linding Andersen, (Medicinsk Endokrinologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus) Uddannelse: Læge E-mail: / Telefon: 2757 4916 Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Professor Peter Laurberg

69) Improved environment and individualized serving increased nutrition intake in hospitalized patients Forfattere: Beermann T, Mortensen MN, Skadhauge LB, Rasmussen HH, Holst M Abstract: Rationale: Poor eating environment and lack of focus on serving of meals, contribute to the challenges regarding nutrition intake in hospitalized patients. The aim of this qualitative study was to improve nutrition intake by increasing the environmental aesthetics and individualized meal service. Methods: A multi-modal three month intervention including three departments of infectious diseases, haematology and heart-lung surgery. Interventions were: Testing of “Type-categorising” of patients’ wishes for meals, improved menus and toppings to improve the delicacy impression on the plate and decoration of dining room. Furthermore, patients were welcomed to the department with a special serving and written materials about food and nutrition, and an interview, with the 52

aim of categorising patients into types associated with a specific menu and serving. Food intake was registered for patients hospitalized >three days, who were able to register for three consecutive days, before and after the intervention period, respectively. Patients were interviewed regarding satisfaction. Results: Food intake was registered for 22 patients (66 registration days) before and 36 (108 registration days) after the intervention period. Patients were similar regarding age and gender at both occasions. All patients were considered at nutritional risk. Along with improved energy intake (Table1), patient satisfaction with the improved environment and individual serving were very positive, and furthermore relative inexpensive. However, the “Type-categorising” of patients did not seem meaningful to either patients or staff. Conclusion: Improvement of surrounding environment, focus on meals and individualized serving, improved nutrition intake. Indsendt af: Ledende Klinisk Diætist Tina Beermann, (Medicinsk Gastroenterologisk Afdeling, Center for Ernæring og Tarmsygdomme, Aalborg Sygehus) Uddannelse: Cand Scient i Klinisk Ernæring E-mail: / Telefon: 9932 6270 Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Asbjørn M Drewes

70) Basic Metabolic Rate In Patients With Short Bowel Syndrome: Measured Versus Estimated Forfattere: M. Køhler, T. Beermann, L. Vinter-Jensen, B. A. Jacobsen, H. H. Rasmussen Abstract: Rationale: Patients with short bowel syndrome (SBS) are often in high risk of malnutrion and targeted nutritional therapy is mandatory including home parenteral nutrition (HPN). The Harris-Benedict equation is widely used to predict basal metabolic rate (BMR), but it may over- or underestimate the energy needs. The aim was to compare BMR measured by indirect calorimetric (BMRm) with BMR estimated by the Harris-Benedict equation (BMR-hb). Methods: A cross-sectional investigation of patients with SBS stratified according to -/+ HPN. Demographics, use of HPN, anthropometrics (hand grip strengths, weight, and height), bioimpedance, and indirect calorimetric for BMR were recorded. Statistics: Paired samples t-test and a Bland-Altman plot.

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