Forskningens Dag 2012 - Abstractbog

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QST was carried out at baseline and 72 hours after patch application. Pearson correlation was used to determine correlation between baseline and change in pain tolerance threshold at 72 hours. In pain test with significant correlation a linear regression model was utilised for prediction. Result: Correlations were found between heat pain tolerance threshold at baseline and the change in heat pain tolerance threshold at 72 hours (r =-0.627, P=0.002) and for baseline bone pressure pain threshold and the change in at 72 hours (r=-0.527, P=0.012). Lower baseline values for skin heat and bone pressure pain tolerance thresholds were associated with more pronounced analgesic effect of buprenorphine. Conclusion: It was possible to predict the analgesic effect of buprenorphine in healthy volunteers by skin heat stimulation and bone pressure. Indsendt af: Speciale studerende fra Farma, KU Iben W. D. Fischer, (Mech-sense, Medicinsk gastroenterologisk afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus) Uddannelse: Bachelor i Medicin med Industriel specialisering, AAU. Kandidat studerende ved Farma, KU - lægemiddelvidenskab E-mail: / Telefon: 5357 5420 Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Asbjørn Morh Drewes

67) Effect of pregabalin on visceral sensation and central pain processing in patients with chronic pancreatitis Forfattere: Lasse Paludan Malver, Søren Schou Olesen, Carina Graversen, Anne Estrup Olesen, Jens Brøndum Frøkjær, Oliver Wilder-Smith, Harry van Goor, Massimiliano Valeriani & Asbjørn Mohr Drewes Abstract: Background and aims: Pregabalin has a broad spectrum of anti-hyperalgesic activity in both basic and clinical studies. However, its mechanisms and sites of action (spinal vs. supraspinal) have yet to be determined in man. The aim of this study was to assess the analgesic effect of pregabalin to experimental gut pain in patients with visceral hyperalgesia due to chronic pancreatitis (CP) and to reveal putative changes in corresponding central pain processing assessed by evoked brain potentials (EPs). Methods: Twenty-six patients were randomly assigned

to receive increasing doses of pregabalin or placebo for three consecutive weeks. Perceptual thresholds to electrical stimulation of the sigmoid with recording of corresponding EPs were obtained at baseline and after three weeks of study treatment. The brain source localisations reflecting direct neuronal activity were fitted by a five-dipole model projected to magnetic resonance imaging of the individuals brains. Results: As compared to placebo, pregabalin significantly increased the pain threshold to electrical gut stimulation from baseline (P = 0.02). No differences in EPs characteristics was seen after neither pregabalin nor placebo treatment (all P>0.05). In agreement with this, brain source locations remained stable during study treatment (all P>0.05). Conclusion: Pregabalin was superior to placebo for attenuation of experimental visceral pain in CP patients. We suggest its analgesic mechanism of action to be mediated primarily through a spinal mechanism. Indsendt af: Læge, ph.d. studerende Lasse Paludan Malver, (Med. gastroenterologisk forskningsafsnit, Aalborg Sygehus) Uddannelse: Læge, ph.d. studerende E-mail: / Telefon: 9932 6243 Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Asbjørn Mohr Drewes

68) Rygning induceret hæmning af NIS er ledsaget af tegn på jodmangel hos gravide og nyfødte, men synes ikke at hæmme jodid passage over placenta Forfattere: Stine L. Andersen(1), Klaus M. Pedersen(2), Susanne B. Nøhr(1), Peter Laurberg(1) 1) Endokrinologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus, 2) Medicinsk Afdeling, Vejle Sygehus Abstract: Baggrund: Thyroideahormoner er essentielle for barnets CNS udvikling og vækst. Jod er substrat for thyroideahormon syntese, og fosteret er afhængig af jodid fra mater. NIS (natrium iodid symporter) er påvist i placenta, medierer jodid transport i glandula thyroidea og mamma og hæmmes af thiocyanat, som akkumuleres i blodet hos rygere, men det er fortsat uvist, om NIS er af betydning for jodid transport over placenta. Hypotese: Såfremt NIS er af betydning for jodid transport over placenta forventes forskel i biokemiske tegn på jodmangel hos gravide rygere og deres børn. 51

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