Living in the World

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Living IN the World ... I have chosen to leave a table of contents out and inserted hot links throughout this study. The reason is because you need to read everything from beginning to end to help "transform your mind" without any confusion and then click over to the other websites with external links to see how deep the deception of the enemy has gone and is going. If you are reading this in a print version, please visit for more in depth information. All scripture will be quoted from the King James Version, although there are discrepancies in it also, it is the only translation of the Holy Scripture that is not a perversion of the Word of God. Click here for information on bible versions that have corrupted the Word of God. John 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. John 17:14-16 I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 1 Corinthians 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Colossians 2:20-22 Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances, (Touch not; taste not; handle not; Which all are to perish with the using;) after the commandments and doctrines of men? James 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. 1 John 2:15,16 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 1 John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

The Holy Scripture says it all right there about how we are to be in the world and not of the world. But, do we really know what it means to be IN the world and not OF the world? Do we really know what it means to be a 'holy priesthood' or a 'peculiar people' (Titus 2:14, 1 Peter 2:9)? First, why do we need to not be of the world? The answer to that is really quite simple ... because the god of this world is Satan and he walketh about seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). But to really see the truth in what Scripture says (for or against Him), we must look into the history of the world and the driving force behind the development of the world. There are many things that we partake in, as Christians, and shouldn't. We have been ignorant in our discernment as the Body of Christ of the world and the actions of our enemy, Satan. He has come in as an angel of light and very subtly duped us all into thinking we can change the world for the betterment of the Kingdom of God. We can't ... the world is going the exact way it is scheduled to go according to the Lord's Master Plan. We are to go into all the world and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all creatures. Mar 16:15 And he said unto them, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Lets look at the history of our country just to begin to peel back the first layer(s) of deception. Obviously, we know that we are in a battle with Satan until Christ returns for His Bride. It is evident all throughout scripture that Satan has had a plan to destroy all things and people of God since the very beginning of time. He tried to destroy mankind when he tempted Eve and then Adam fell with her and they were cast out of the Garden of Eden by the Lord. He tried different times throughout Biblical History (correct in my opinion) to kill the Messiah that God prophesied about in Genesis (Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.) by killing the first born at various times throughout the land, all the way up to the birth of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. In the content below, you will read about a plan of global conquest that is driven by a group of people (and demons) called the Illuminati (a generational satanic priesthood seeking to bring about the Luciferian New World Order of the anitchrist.). Many people believe different things about who the Illuminati is exactly. Some will say it is the Bilderberg Group, or the top leaders of the Bohemian Club, or the House of Rothschild, or a Secret (Shadow) Government that is in full operation behind the "Democracy" that we currently are living in. The Illuminati has been around for a very long time, dating back (and well before) to even the Pharisees being a branch of the Illuminati Brotherhood. I believe the Illuminati is an Ancient Priesthood that has survived through many different evolutions of time by the different priests that were throughout the lands under various Kings. You have to realize these were of a brotherhood and the ancient mystery religions of Babylon were being taught everywhere by these priests - some underground, and some with masked forms of truth to deceive the flock. We must also remember as we go through this study of history that all of this was told to us by God in his Holy Scripture and none of it should be a surprise to any of us. The enemy thinks he has some grand master plan that no one knows about, but the Lord You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

intervened and made available to us the plan of the enemy (, so we may be prepared for what lies ahead. The Lord laid out everything in Revelation that was and is going to happen so we could see when His return is near. It is my opinion after researching this information and taking it to the Lord, that the Lord has given mankind over to his depraved mind and is waiting patiently for the enemy to destroy the world, as he is through mankind. It is time for Christians to realize that we can't CHANGE anything in the world and to stop thinking we can infiltrate the enemy's camp to 'convert' the masses to Christianity. It is time to begin preaching the Whole Truth of the Lord. We are living in the Last Days of the End Times right now and the Lord is telling us that we need to Repent, believe the Gospel and watch, the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand. I hope that this information opens your eyes to the plan of the enemy and to the reality of God's Holy Scripture. Enjoy reading about the true events of our history as a country. It was on May 1, 1776, when Dr. Adam Weishaupt founded the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati (which was a revival of the underground secret society); Weishaupt was a Professor of Jewish Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, Germany. He was born a Jew and later converted to Roman Catholicism. A former Jesuit Priest, he left the order to form his own organization. It was Weishaupt's belief that only a chosen few had enough "illumination" to guide and rule the world. It is obvious to see from the background of Dr. Weishaupt's Education and spiritual history that the demons Satan had assigned to him were ruling his intellect and had caused him to begin to seek another source for power and to create this ancient satanic force of government. The problem was simply this: where would he find these few intellectual "light-bearers?" Subsequently, he found them in various lodges and orders of the day. He infiltrated the Jesuit Order, the Masonic lodges, the Rosicrucian Order and other orders of antiquity. But, all this didn't happen without reprisal. Many lodges and orders that had been infiltrated virtually warned Weishaupt to discontinue his activities. Fortunately for Weishaupt, Thomas Jefferson (a devout mason), in 1784, had recently been named the United States Ambassador to France. Jefferson, favored Weishaupt’s 'new order' and came to his aid. The 'new order' was now guaranteed to continue and it eventually became known as the "Order of the Illuminati." As their founder continued to expand the ranks and membership, two major events transpired; five years after he was named Ambassador to France (of whom we got the statue of liberty, French freemasons; it is also well-known that any mason MUST obey and do what their Master Mason says), Thomas Jefferson returned home to become Secretary of State. Shortly after his arrival, on September 15, 1789, the United States Congress officially adopted the Great Seals of the United States which were, originally, and in fact, the Two Great Seals of the Illuminati.

You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

Original Seals of the Illuminati (The Illuminati is driven by satan through the freemasonic rituals and witchcraft.) (The 'Illuminati' pyramid on the dollar bill is an occultic symbol that was used before the 1700's and date back to the ancient mystery religions of Babylon.) Now, since you have some history of the development of these two seals, lets break them down in depth. DECIPHERING THE CODES OF THE TWO GREAT SEALS It would be in your best interest to have a dollar bill with you to look at while we go through this information. Take the one dollar bill you have ready for the following exercise and look at its back side, focusing your attention on the great seal to your left. Compare your bill to the figure below:

click to enlarge

Directly above the capstone of the pyramid, is a Latin expression, "ANNUIT COEPTIS", AND DIRECTLY BENEATH THE BASE OF THE PYRAMID IS ANOTHER EXPRESSION, in Latin, "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM." In my opinion, it would make sense because of the time these men lived, that they would have chosen the most descriptive words for their new world. These Latin expressions, when translated to English, mean respectively, "Declaring Undertaking" and "Extraordinary You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

Succession Worldly Affairs." So here we have a clear-cut warning: "Declaring the Undertaking of the Extraordinary Succession of Worldly Affairs." Next, we see the capstone separated from the pyramid, with an eye in the center. This is NOT the all-seeing eye of God. In occult mysticism, the three sides of the capstone mean Satan, The Antichrist, and the False Prophet. As for the rest of the pyramid, it is made up of exactly 13 steps. These steps represent the organizational chart of the Illuminati, and for a more in depth look at the Illuminati, visit The first block in the first level represents the "Council of Thirteen"; this council is comprised of the thirteen most powerful witches alive today. For those witches, or anyone else connected with the Illuminati, the "Council of Thirteen" takes its orders only from the House of Rothschild in Scotland. Phillipe and Edmond, who were the heads of this house, were considered literal 'gods' upon this planet and their word was law. Both Phillipe and Edmond have died; complete control of the House of Rothschild, and the Order of the Illuminati, is now in the hands of Lord James Rothschild. The second block in the pyramid represents the "Council of 33." This council consists of the 33 highest Masons in the entire world. The third block in the pyramid is known as the "Council of 300." This council consists of the 300 richest people and various companies in the world. The "Council of 300" is headed by Queen Juliana of the Netherlands. Her personal estate is valued at over three billion dollars, making her one of the richest ladies in the world. It is also interesting to note, that her husband, the Prince Consort, Prince Bernhard heads the Bilderbergs; the notorious and infamous group who first met in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland. Most political and economic plans of the world are created through the members of this group. One last thing to take note of, the 1976 meeting of the Bilderberg Society had to be canceled due to the "Lockheed bribery scandal" in which Prince Bernhard himself was involved. The remainder of the blocks within the pyramid, are those of various orders and lodges. At the base of the pyramid, in roman numerals, is MDCCLXXVI. Now you would normally read that as 1776, which is correct. THAT IS THE "OBVIOUS" MEANING OF THOSE LETTERS. But what is the HIDDEN NUMERICAL VALUE OF THOSE LETTERS? And what if we took all of the Roman Numerals together and added them up? The Romans used the following letters for their number system: DCLXVI with D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5, nd I - 1. The M letter was not used until much later. Now if we take these letters and add them all up, we come to 666. If we take them as Scripture gives the number, we come up with this in descending order:

You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

Now, let's examine the second part of the seal, located on the right hand side of the back of the dollar bill, then follow along with this figure:

click to enlarge

Starting from the top, we see a cluster of 13 stars surrounded by 28 glowing guide lines. As mentioned above, Thirteen is the number for "depravity and rebellion," and twenty-eight is the number for "eternal life." Look at more occultic symbolism below:

You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

Much more will be said concerning this cluster of stars, but, for now, let's continue examining this seal. Continuing downward, we see another Latin expression on a banner, consisting of 13 letters, held in an eagle's beak. The Latin expression, "E PLURIBUS UNUM," in translation, means "Some One Out of Several." We next consider the eagle. When the first seals were presented to Thomas Jefferson at his home in Monticello on June 17, 1782, the familiar eagle hardly looked like one. In fact, if you compare the two images below,

The first bird looks exactly like a mythical bird known as the Phoenix. In Egyptian mythology, the Phoenix was a legendary bird that lived between five and six centuries and was, in the end, consumed in fire by its own act. Later, it resurrected itself from it's own ashes, giving itself a new and fresh life. Why a Phoenix of all available birds to represent? An interesting event which has been erased from the annals of time and history took place during the formation of the United States. An insidious plan to take over the new American society was developed by the Illuminati. Many plans and papers had been drawn up in painstaking detail, and these plotted and sought to overthrow the federal government through certain infiltrations, along with other countries such as Germany, France, and England. The plans were handed over to a courier named Lanze in Frankfurt, Germany one rainy night in February of 1785. The information held within the satchels would be circulated to various Masonic Lodges and Illuminati members. As this courier was riding through Ratisbon, Germany, on that cold and rainy night, Divine intervention came into play. A bolt of lightning came streaming down from Heaven, striking the rider and killing him instantly. Later, when the body was discovered by the police, the pouches were opened and plans were found that would end our 'just-born' nation and for the overthrow of Europe. The papers also revealed eventual global conquest ( The police subsequently raided all the Masonic lodges and other group meeting places and found still other plans that coincided with the ones in their possession. You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

These lodges, along with the Illuminati, were forced to go underground only to emerge later by the air of Christianity so as to fool everyone into thinking that these were Christian groups. But, as anyone who knows the true inner dealings and workings of those lodges will tell you, they are based entirely upon the ancient Egyptian and Babylonian mystery schools of Satan worship. Just as the Phoenix bird reportedly resurrected itself from the ashes, so did the Illuminati resurrect itself from hiding. Also, take note that the so-called eagle is looking toward the right-hand side of the currency, which is our (your) left. Since this bird is looking toward the right, it looks on in favor of this 'New World Order.' Comparatively, the Nazi war bird of World War II was looking toward the left (our right). Since the bird was looking toward the left, it symbolically means that it looked away from what 'we' considered a good governmental system based upon democracy. It looked away in rebellion or "in favor of change." On the breast of the eagle is a very unusual shield of protection. If you look at the top of it, you will notice 12 horizontal lines above 18 vertical lines. Twelve is the number for a perfect government and eighteen is the number for bondage. So this new government was going to be held in bondage. Bondage by who or whom? Those 18 lines are also set up in a very interesting pattern. There are six sets of lines, and each set contains three lines, or three sixes (666). These six sets are placed upon a white field and when this is done, the white field is broken into seven sections. We now have six sets of dark lines upon a field of white. Six is the number of Man and seven is the number of God. Thus, the system was going to place Man above God. At the end of the eagle's two legs are eight talons, clutching an olive branch, consisting of 13 berries with 13 leaves plus a cluster of 13 arrows. The olive branch is symbolic of peace and the berries are the fruit of that peace. The 13 arrows are symbolic of war and military strength. The talons or claws of this bird number eight. Eight is the number of new creations. The talons of this bird are clenched, symbolizing that this new government will take over the old one by force. The new government, of course, will be run by the Illuminati. Underneath the shield are nine tail feathers, used for guidance and control. Nine is the number of finality, and coupled with the meaning of the tail feathers, this signifies that with guidance and control, this new government has finally arrived. It is now complete! So, in short, what this second seal is saying, in light of the first seal, is that an old system is going to rise up and take over this new government by force, through the use of demonic control and influence. Before we continue with these seals, I must interject a little background information. Witches MUST obey certain laws of witchcraft in order for the force to work for them. This is not to say that witches have a force of their own, for, the only force of a witch comes through demonic contacts and obedience. A witch, by himself or herself, cannot cause anything to happen. It is strictly by the follow-up actions of a demon. If every procedure is properly done, a demon must obey any order or spell given by a witch. (which is a perversion of the Angels doing God’s work; since they see man above God, then the demons must obey them for a short time) This brings me to my next point. The casting of a spell can be done in several ways. Small ones require few things to be done by the witch, while the larger, more powerful spells require much more. When casting a spell, certain symbols must be used or the spell won't work. Take a look at this next image:

You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

This five-pointed star is called a pentalpha. Now look at Figure 6 above. This interlaced, five-pointed star is called a pentacle; with a circle around it, it would properly be called a pentagram (which is only worn by initiated witches). In the 1960's and early 1970's the only place an initiated witch could get an interlaced pentacle was in a 'head shop'. On the outside, this shop would appear to sell only records, posters and incense, but those on the 'inside' knew that they could buy occult paraphernalia and even drugs if desired. Today, one can buy the majority of these symbols at any gift shop. Even Avon and a number of major mail-order and catalog sales companies sell jewelry that look exactly like the ones in these diagrams. Unless a witch has a pentagram on his or her person while casting a spell, nothing will happen. This is a basic law in witchcraft. A true witch is never without this symbol; it's as sacred to a witch as the Cross of Calvary is to a born-again believer. It must be noted that all the symbols mentioned in this book were given to witches by demons who were under their control. In order for a witch to conjure a demon, and I mean a literal demon being summoned into our plane of existence, a witch must first draw, on the ground, a circle with a nine-foot radius. The outside of this circle is called a "demon's trap," because that is the literal function of this circle. If the circle remains unbroken, and if the witch is using the correct incantations, the demon must remain outside this circle and do the will of the spellcaster. This six pointed star with a nine-foot radius circle, is called a hexagram. It is the foulest, most evil of all symbols in the occult world. Observe very carefully Figure 9, for the hexagram.

You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

Now take a careful look at Figure 10 and you will see how that seemingly harmless cluster of five pointed stars now becomes a hexagram with a "demon trap" around it just like Figure 9. The eagle, representing this newly-founded government, is being crowned with demonic control. To continue with this virtual horror story, observe, very carefully, what happens when you connect and align all the 13's on the seal in Figure 11.

You'll find the result is still another hexagram, and surrounding this seal is a circle or a "demon trap," just as the 28 guide lines around the stars form a circle. So far, we have discovered two hexagrams, each one containing a "6" because of its six points. Could it be possible, then, that another hexagram lies somewhere on these seals to form a 6, 6, 6? Figure 12 will show us and prove this. Notice that when you connect the pyramid with the thirteen's, you will have another hexagram. It has a "demon trap" around it making this three complete hexagrams, each having six sides, or, if you will a "6, 6, 6,". Even if I were the severest of critics, and the sincerest of believers in coincidences, I still could not disprove or have any doubts that these two seals were just accidents. I consider You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

it impossible! The line under the capstone goes under itself to connect, perfectly, at the ends. The same thing happens with the fourth row of stars in the cluster of 13 stars. The lines run over the top of each other.

The Illuminati's two greatest weapons are secrecy and money (which we all know the love of money is the root of all evil). Mayer Amschel Rothschild, head of the House of Rothschild, and who was also head of the Illuminati, said in 1838, "Allow me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who writes its laws." Down the corridor of time, a political figure emerged in the 1920's who would become President of the United States. During the 1932 presidential campaign, Franklin D. Roosevelt's political platform was based on what he termed "The New Deal," though many rumors were spreading that this platform did not represent his true plans. Fearing a deeper depression, the public began a run on the banks. Many closed their doors by the time Roosevelt was inaugurated. When "FDR", as he was called, finally stepped into presidential office, it was with an air of great tension and anxiety, planned by the higher powers in control of Roosevelt. Even the Great Depression, beginning in late 1929, was part of this overall plan. Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking Committee, said... "It was no accident. It was a carefully contrived occurrence. The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as rulers of us all." (sort of like the phoenix mythology again) So the Roosevelt administration asked the United States Congress to pass legislation which would force the American people to give up their gold in exchange for paper money. When the passing of the appropriate legislation was accomplished, the American people were forced to give up their gold for this new paper money called "greenbacks." They had received $20.67 in paper money for an ounce of gold. This sounded fair in the very beginning, but, shortly thereafter, the government raised the price of gold to $35.00 an ounce. In short, the government (during the great depression) had robbed the American populace of over three billion dollars. Senator Carter Glass was asked his opinion on this new development. He replied, "President Roosevelt, I think that this is worse than anything that Ali Baba's forty thieves could ever have perpetrated." As Roosevelt's "New Deal" was put into motion, every new dollar bill coming off the presses carried with it two new seals that had never been there before; the Two Seals of You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

the Illuminati. They could now openly declare that their conspiracy had finally born fruit, their "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM" or "New Secular Order." So now we know that not only does the Illuminati have their own official seal, but we also know that its design equates with the number of the beast (666) as found in the Holy Scriptures. In Figure 13, I want you to notice that the lines which make up the hexagram, are passing through and connecting with certain letters. Starting at the bottom of the pyramid, which is the base, or foundation, we see the letter "m" with a circle around it. Following these lines in a non-stop fashion, the letters which are touched upon are: "M", "A", "S", "O", "N". This correctly spells out the group known as the MASONS. At this point there can be no doubt that the Masons are totally involved with the Illuminati. The last thing we need to find out is, where is the Illuminati's seat of power? The street design in Washington, D.C., has been laid out in such a manner that certain Luciferic symbols are depicted by the streets, cul-de-sacs and rotaries. This design was created in 1791, a few years after Freemasonry assumed the leadership of the New World Order, in 1782. In Europe, occult leaders were told by their Familiar Spirits as early as the 1740's that the new American continent was to be established as the new "Atlantis" and its destiny was to assume the global leadership of the drive to the New World Order. The United States of America was chosen to lead the world into this kingdom of Antichrist from the beginning. The capital is Washington, D.C. occultic symbols in the capitol In 1791, Pierre Charles L'Enfante (the designer, who was a Freemason), laid out the Governmental Center of Washington, D.C., he planned more than just streets, roads, and buildings. He hid certain occultic magical symbols in the layout of U.S. Governmental Center. When these symbols are united they become one large Luciferic, or occultic, symbol.

Washington D.C. An untrained eye might not see the Luciferic connection in this map. The upper four points of the Goathead represent the four elements of the world, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. The bottom fifth point represents the spirit of Lucifer. All of which are represented in Washington D.C. (The United States Capital). Many people have natural tendencies to want to disbelieve unpleasant or frightening truths. Occultists take advantage of this. "Audacity, always Audacity", is a saying the Masters of the Illuminati have always had. Something shocking and so far out and considered to be impossible ... is Audacity. You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

People naturally feel that their leaders generally have their best interest at heart whether they are in a democracy or a government of royalty. Leaders may commit errors and may be incompetent. Some people may take solace in their belief that most leaders have their country's best interests at heart, most of the time. The average citizen in any given country could not conceive that their leaders may consistently have evil in their hearts. And this evil would be towards the very people they are leading. Since 1776, our leadership (U.S. Government) has been consistently moving us toward the Luciferic New World Order. (who is the god of this world according to God) This leadership has always been working through Secret Societies, misleading us as to their true intentions. This is why our study today is so CRITICAL!!!; it demonstrates, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that our leadership has knowingly and consistently been pursuing a hidden agenda which, I believe is already bringing the Great Tribulation closer. I believe the Lord is saying prepare for His Coming – it is soon! Repent and believe the Gospel! Once they are hidden, these occultic symbols are thought to possess great power. The Snake Basilisk is "said to have the power to destroy all upon whom it looks". To a person who is not an occultist, they will have no concept of the true hidden meaning contained within the symbol. And that hidden purpose is to communicate certain meanings to other occultists while hiding this meaning from all non-occultists. The symbols that were interwoven into the design of Governmental Center, communicate tremendous power to the occultist while at the same time they hide the true meaning from the non-occultist. These symbols take on a life of their own, in the mind of the occultist, possessing great inherent power to accomplish the plans of the occultist.

According to occultic/Satanic doctrine, the upper four points of the Goathead represent the four elements of the earth, Fire, Water, Land, and Air. The bottom fifth point represents the spirit of Lucifer. In the above photocopy of the Goathead Pentagram, the fifth point extends down into the mind of the goat, who represents Lucifer. Also notice the light or flame at the top of the pentagram, this represents the “Illuminated” one. With all that as background, let us now begin our study of our Governmental Center, Washington, D.C. In the street layout of Washington D.C., the fifth point is the White House, a symbol You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

placement which represents the intention that the spirit and the mind of Lucifer will be permanently residing in the White House.

Lansat satellite image of the White House (below center) and surrounding northern area. In the map above, beginning from top left to top middle: 1. Dupont Circle, Logan Circle, and Scott Circle in the middle, form the top three points of the Devil's Goathead of Mendes, one of the most important types of the Five-pointed Devil's Pentagram. 2. Washington Circle forms the extreme left-hand point of the Goathead. 3. Mt. Vernon Square forms the extreme right-hand point of the Goathead. 4. The White House forms the fifth and bottom point of the Goathead. The White House makes up the southern most tip of the Goathead.

There is a 666 evident in the most important top three circles of the Goathead, Dupont Circle, Scott Circle, and Logan Circle. Each of these streets has six major streets coming into them from all angles of the circle. This type of encoding is so typical of the occultist. Everything was deliberately planned to stamp the power of Freemasonry and the symbols of its plans for America indelibly upon Government Center in Washington D.C. The combination of the Goathead of Mendes, Devil's Pentagram, and the practical existence of the number 666 within the three upper points of the Pentagram, unmistakably shows that Lucifer is planned to be the ultimate master of Governmental Center. ( as I mentioned above, who is the god of the world according to God, satan) It is no secret as to why the Masonic architect chose to use circles as four of the points of the Pentagram. As Goodman states in his book, Magic Symbols, "without doubt, the circle is the most important of all units in magic symbolism, and in almost every case where it is used, the circle is intended to denote spirit, or spiritual forces". Therefore, we can know with certainty that these circles of this Pentagram were used to denote powerful spiritual forces. And, of course, these spiritual forces are from Lucifer.

Map of Washington D.C. with outlined Luciferic design. You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

But, there is much more symbolism expressed by the circle in occultic thought. The circle has also been used as a halo above a person's head, denoting that "he or she is in direct communication with the spiritual world". The circle has also been utilized to represent the Sun, especially in spiritual terms, denoting spiritual light. But, the circle also is utilized as a symbol of the All-Seeing Eye. Remember the All-Seeing Eye atop the pyramid on the American One-Dollar bill? This eye is within a triangle, but the important factor to realize is that the eye is atop a pyramid. Of course, a pyramid is nothing more than a triangle. Look again at the triangles formed by the Goathead Pentagram. Four out of five triangles of the Goathead has a circle, representing the All-Seeing Eye atop each triangle. However, the architect had a problem with the triangle at the far right, because he chose the square as the anchor point; the solution is to place Thomas Circle at one of the points, thus giving that triangle an All-Seeing Eye. In fact, I believe this is the reason why Thomas Circle was placed in the odd position it was; it is the only circle which was not placed as an anchor of the Pentagram. Even the Southern Point of the Goathead Pentagram, the one which ends at the White House, has a circle at its top. Notice the Ellipse located just to the south of the White House lawn. (below) NORTH

Lansat image of the White House Thus, the FreeMason architect who drew this pattern intended to show that Governmental Center was planned to be ruled by Satan. Further, the Goathead Pentagram was placed so the Southernmost point, the spiritual point, is precisely centered on the White House. Notice that I did not arbitrarily draw these lines to center on the White House; rather, the White House is the precise point where the two lines formed by Connecticut Avenue flowing from Dupont Circle, and by Vermont Avenue flowing from Logan Circle, intersect. The meaning is all too clear. Occultists planned for the White House to be controlled by Lucifer in accordance with his occultic power and doctrine. Funny thing is that this is exactly what the Lord told was going to happen in the world through His Holy Word in Revelation. He tells to not fear also and flee from the cities because they will be destroyed and go up to the mountain tops where it is safe for a season.

You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

But, there is still more meaning expressed by this Goathead Pentagram. Quickly look again at the photocopy of the Devil's Pentagram, as copied from Goodman's Magic Symbol book. Protruding from the middle top of the Pentagram is a lighted candle, which is producing light. This physical light represents spiritual illumination. If this representation were made on a map, this illuminating candle would be thought of as being North. North is a very important direction, because it is the place of Governmental control. In I Ching, for example, North is the "place one reports to the master on accomplishments". (New Age Dictionary). This is again a fulfillment of Scripture. Lucifer Remember in Isaiah 14:12-14, where God recalls Lucifer's original sin of pride and rebellion? Lucifer had every intention of taking God's throne by force and establishing his own reign. In verses 13, Lucifer vowed, "For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:" Did you see that North is apparently the direction in which God's throne is situated, and Lucifer planned to take it over. North is the place, occultists believe, where Governmental authority dwells. Could this be also what God was talking about when stating that the Anti-Christ will come out of the North? Now look at the Goathead Pentagram again. Scott Circle is precisely located at the middle of the Goathead, and 16th Street proceeds directly north. As you look directly north on 16th Street, you will immediately see the House Of The Temple, which is the North American Headquarters of Freemasonry. Even the number 16 is significant to the occultist; it is 4x4 (Remember that the four upper points of the Goathead Pentagram represent the Four Elements of which the earth is constructed). Number 16 literally means "felicity", which, according to my Webster's Dictionary, means blissful happiness or anything which will produce such a state. Certainly, blissful happiness is the stated goal of any Satanic system. A corollary meaning of 16 is love. The number 16 also pops up in an encoded manner. Both Dupont Circle and Logan Circle, which form the top two most important points of the Goathead Pentagram, are located on "P" Street. "P" is the 16th letter of the English alphabet. Sixteenth Street emanates north You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

from Scott Circle, which is itself the precise middle of the Goathead Pentagram. This street represents the candle of the photocopy. The illuminating light of the candle is represented by the House Of The Temple, which begins on "R" Street. The architect is literally saying that Freemasonry is the spiritual light of this Goathead Pentagram; of course, this Goathead Pentagram is rooted at the White House. One quick word on "R" Street. The letter "R" is the 18th letter of the English alphabet, and 18 is critically important to the occultist because it is 6+6+6. The House Of The Temple is also located 13 city blocks north of the White House. Count them yourself, beginning with the first city block north of Lafayette Square. Of course, the number 13 represents rebellion against God's authority, and is generally thought of as Satan's number. It is no accident the House Of The Temple is located 13 blocks north of the White House. The meaning occulticly transmitted is that the control of the White House would be spiritual and would emanate from the House Of The Temple. Certainly, many American Presidents have been Freemasons. The most famous is George Washington, but the most influential was Franklin D. Roosevelt, who did more to advance the cause of the New World Order than anyone else in American history. The critical importance of this symbolism pointed out above, namely, that the Presidency of the United States is to be controlled by Freemasonry, is thoroughly documented by Christian author, Ralph Epperson, in his book, "The New World Order". On page 171, Epperson quotes testimony given in March, 1867, before the House Judiciary Committee, by General Gordon Granger. General Granger related a meeting between himself, President Andrew Johnson, who was a Mason, and Albert Pike, the most famous of all Masons. General Granger reported his surprise that President Johnson considered himself to be subordinate to Albert Pike. This subordination is detailed in the oath the initiate takes during the Third Degree, called the Master Mason's degree, inside the Blue Lodge. This oath states, "I do promise...that I will obey me from the hand of a Brother Master Mason ..." Presidents who are Masons are obligated to take orders from their Master Masons. But why should we be surprised? This is the meaning of the symbolization contained by the House Of The Temple being precisely 13 city blocks north of the White House.

The Pentagon Now, let us quickly examine the importance of the square to the occultist. We need to You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

circle. The square is comprised of two (2) vertical lines and two (2) horizontal. According to Goodman in his book, "Magical Symbols," the vertical line symbolizes spirit. This spiritual force may move either from Heaven to Earth or from Earth to Heaven, or even from Heaven to Hell. The horizontal line symbolizes matter and movement from west to east. It also describes movement in time, as a direction in which one is traveling. This point is very critical, because the Freemason is committed to taking America in the direction of the New World Order. Since the square combines the vertical and the horizontal, it becomes a symbol of the material, physical realm which is enmeshed with spirit and time. The passage of time within an occultic spiritual context is what is in view here. In this instance, the United States of America is the physical realm which is moving in time toward the desired direction of the New World Order.

Mason Headquarters (Mt. Vernon Square) This square also contains one more piece of occultic meaning. In this Goathead Pentagram, Mt. Vernon Square is the Eastern point. In occultic doctrine, East is the direction from which a person receives spiritual knowledge and guidance. This belief originated in the Pagan worship of the Sun, and it is very much alive in Freemasonry today. Now, let us look at the symbol contained in the lower right hand portion of your Washington , D.C., city street map. This combination of symbols runs South and East from the White House to the United States Capitol. These are the symbols which clearly stamp Freemasonry upon this city, and which unmistakably reveal that the brand of Luciferic worship which we see in the Goathead Pentagram is the brand practiced by Freemasonry. Let us look at these Freemasonry symbols. The three most sacred symbols of Freemasonry are the Compass, the Square, and the Rule or straight-edge. Look at the United States capitol, and you will see that it is laid out in the form of a circle. This represents the top of a professional compass of that era, which was circular. Pennsylvania Avenue, running from the Capitol to the White House, represents one leg of the compass. Maryland Avenue, running from the Capitol to Thomas Jefferson Memorial (left), represents the second leg of the compass. In this instance, you will have to lay out a ruler and draw a solid line from the Capitol to the Jefferson Memorial to get the full effect, because Maryland does not run straight through. It runs for a while and then disappears only to reappear again further toward the Memorial. However, you can easily see that the general direction runs precisely toward the Jefferson Memorial. This is the compass of Freemasonry. You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

The Freemason's Square begins at Union Square, with Louisiana Avenue forming one arm and Washington Avenue the other. Again, you will have to draw a line down Louisiana Avenue and Washington to see the fully-formed square, because Louisiana ends at Pennsylvania and Washington ends at Maryland. The critical 900 angle of the square is pictorially missing; however, once you draw the natural continuation of Louisiana and Washington beyond their termination points you will see the 900 square perfectly formed. The Freemason's Rule, or straightedge, is clearly seen if you draw a straight line south from the White House center to the base of the Washington Monument and then straight East to the Capitol. Thus, all three of the sacred instruments of Freemasonry are depicted in the layout of these streets. As I stated earlier, the deliberate planning of these Governmental Buildings are so that they would be laid out so as to represent these three sacred tools of Freemasonry, coupled with the Luciferic Goathead Pentagram, clearly tell us that the brand of Luciferic control and worship planned for this capitol city was Freemasonry. This clearly shows that the New World Order for which FreeMasonry has labored for so many years is Luciferic.

But there is more. Look again at the United States Capitol (above). At the extreme Eastern side of the Capitol, you can see two cul-de-sacs which are irregularly shaped. In fact, when you draw a bold black line carefully around these cul-de-sacs, and continue the black line around the Capitol, and then the bottom of the lawn you will also see what looks like … well … you get the appearance of an owl, with the cul-de-sacs as his eyes. This is not accidental, either. The owl in witchcraft represents wisdom and knowledge. The Freemasons also use the owl in their annual “Cremation of Care” ceremony which is a “mock” human sacrifice in effigy to their God Molech – yes, the Babylonian god, Molech, of whom they threw their babies to as human sacrifices. This owl is a 45 foot stone (outer) and steel (inside) figure that represents the god Molech and they burn the body there every year. Visit for a video on the Bohemian Grove. And, just as the White House forms the southern point of the Goathead Pentagram, so the Capitol forms the head of Satan. Shockingly, the meaning is also the same. The Southern point of the Goathead Pentagram represented the spirit of Satan reaching into the mind of the goathead, the owl represents the same meaning. In other words, both the Executive and the Legislative Branches of Government are to be controlled by Satan.

You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

Let us now quickly look at the Washington Monument, which lies directly West of the Capitol. In fact, the Washington Monument lies on a straight line, precisely 900 degrees West of the Capitol. The Washington Monument (left) is the most important Presidential monument to the occultist, because it is an obelisk set inside a circle. What, you are probably saying, is an obelisk? An obelisk is a tall, four-sided stone pillar tapering toward a pyramidal top. The obelisk is critically important to the occultist because they believe that the spirit of the ancient Egyptian sun god, Ra, resided in the obelisk. Thus, the obelisk represents the very presence of the sun god, whom the Bible calls Satan!! There are only three major obelisks in the world today, and two of them are in the United States. According to Epperson in his book, "The New World Order", the first major obelisk was constructed in St. Peter's square in Rome, and is so placed that every Pope who addresses any crowd in the square, must face the obelisk. A New Age author, Peter Tomkins, reports the same facts in his book, "The Magic Of Obelisks", Harper and Row, New York, 1982, ISBN 0-06-014899-3. There is an obelisk in St. Peter's Bascilica as well. You'll be shocked to know that the Church of God promotes Celibacy while displaying a sex act right outside of St Peter's Bascilica. The second obelisk was brought to America in 1881 from Alexandria, Egypt, and was placed in Central Park in New York City. The third obelisk is the Washington Monument, built to commemorate our First President, George Washington (who was a Freemason). In light of the symbols which we have just studied, which have been built into the layout of Government Center, I believe the Washington Monument was constructed by Masons, according to Masonic tradition, as a symbol that this country was controlled by Freemasonry from the very beginning. And the Washington Monument has Freemasonry stamped all over it: • • •

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It is built from 36,000 separate blocks of granite. The number 36 is derived from multiplying 3x12 and is an important number. Its capstone weighs exactly 3,300 pounds. The monument contains 188 specially donated Memorial stones, most of them donated by individuals, societies, cities, and nations throughout the world. But, Masonic lodges throughout the world contributed 35 of these Memorial stones. These 35 blocks were intermingled with the other Memorial stones, but the last several of them were placed at the 330 foot level. The total cost of the Washington Monument was reported to be $1,300,000, showing again a most important Masonic number, 13. The Monument has 8 windows, and together they total 39 square feet in size. The number 39 is very sacred because it is formed by multiplying 3x13 AND 39 divided by two is 19.5 which is another significant masonic number. And, also remember the importance of the Number 8 in Occultic Numerology, for it carries the meaning of "New Beginnings". Combined with the meaning of Number 13, as "Extreme Rebellion", you get the total message that this "New Beginning" {New World Order} is to be carried out in "Extreme Rebellion." I believe this to also be connected to the UPC/EAN 13 BarCode specification.

You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

There are several other, more complicated Masonic numbers concealed within the construction of the Washington Monument, but you get the point: This monument, constructed to honor the first Masonic President, was designed so that both the White House and the Capitol face toward it so that the leaders of both branches have to face the spirit of Lucifer thought to be residing in it. This is typical occultism. One final interesting note. I reported earlier that the Washington Monument obelisk was placed directly on a straight line, precisely 900 degrees West of the Capitol. Thus, the inhabitants of the Capitol could face the obelisk daily. However, note that the Washington, D.C., obelisk does not lie in a straight line 900 degrees South of the White House. Why? Because it was lined so that it lies in a straight line 900 degrees from the House of Understanding, the headquarters of FreeMasonry!! In the mind of the occultist, the true political Administrative power resides in this Freemasonry headquarters, not in the White House. This is why President Andrew Johnson considered himself to be the subordinate to Albert Pike, the leader of North American FreeMasonry! Clearly, the power of leadership to drive this country toward the New World Order, leading the rest of the world, lies in FreeMasonry, not in the White House or the Congress. These symbols, built into the physical layout of Government Center in Washington, D.C., represent the extent of that power. We have hope in this, however, as Christians, because this is exactly what the Lord said was going to happen. We are to watch for the signs that Jesus spoke of to determine when the end is near and then prepare ourselves as He has instructed us to do for His return. We are living in the last days of the end times folks. Jesus is returning very soon - the events are occurring right now to put the reality of God's events he revealed to John in Revelation. The Antichrist's rule is close and the Christians should become aware of the reality of what God means to live IN the world and not OF the world. Every one us need to repent from taking part in all of these occultic practices that have been forced on us without our knowledge and consent by our "king" (president) and God is calling us to a life of peculiarity and of a Holy Priesthood. That means that we must sever our ties to the enemy that rules this world. It doesn’t matter what you believe in or if you don’t believe in any of this. It is real and satan is dominating this planet and Christians also. God says that ignorance is not going to be an excuse to get “off the hook” at the time of judgment. It is time to stop being blind and to stop living of the world. Anyone that is reading this right now that supports a political party, please reconsider. You are supporting a satanically driven entity and making claim with it. Every time you pledge allegiance to the Flag, you are pledging allegiance to the United States who is ran by satan, in effect, you pledge allegiance to satan. God says have no other gods before me – do not make graven images or idols – which the united states has done all over the country.

You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

The Statue of Liberty is another brotherhood symbol highlighting the lighted torch, Statue of Liberty is actually the Statue of Liberties - the liberties perpetrated on the American people by the brotherhood. It was given by French freemasons, a mirror image stands on an island in the river seine in Paris. Initiates into the rites of Mithra were called lions and were marked on their foreheads with the Egyptian cross. The first degree initiates had a golden crown placed on their heads, representing their spiritual self, and this crown, symbolizing the rays of the sun, can be found on the Statue of Liberty in NY harbor. All these rituals went back thousands of years to Babylon and Nimrod, Queen Semiramis, and Tammuz, their version of Jesus Mathra was said to be the son (Sun) of god who died to save humanity and give them eternal life. One classic symbol of Mithra was a lion with a snake curled around his body, while he holds the keys to heaven. You see now how we have taken part in this ancient Babylonian worship? Lord Forgive us for the sin we have done against thee. Now, lets look at what it is going to take for Christians to live IN the world and not be OF the world: Since the world is driven by Satan, it is obvious now that we are definitely NOT to be involved with the ways of the world in any part of our life as Christians. But to be IN the world calls for a radical lifestyle by Christians that is very different then our current lifestyle. The radical lifestyle requires a complete sever of any ties we have to the Government or any of the branches that represent the Government and the structure of man. Here is a diagram of the ILLUMINATI Pyramid and government structure in today's society:

You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

There is more about the ILLUMINATI and how they have a clasp on every part of our society at the website When my wife and I realized what the Lord was showing us and how much of a change in lifestyle was really going to be necessary, it shocked us. None the less, though, we immediately cut up our DVD collection (around 100) because we discovered that Hollywood is being bought up by the Government through various Senators and other governmental entities. Not to mention all the subliminal indoctrination that comes over the Television and infects our minds, souls, and spirits. We realized our DVD collection had become an idol to us and somewhat was our identity among people we met. We displayed our idol proudly and always joked about being movie buffs and were part of an online movie rental program where we could just login, rent, and wait for them to come to the house. I had wanted a big screen one year and we were able to get one, so we did. It was the B I G G E S T TV I had ever owned in my life! I Loved It! We moved it 7 times in 5 years and I had boasted about no one ever being able to take it away from me, because it was paid off and mine. To make a long story short, we have gotten rid of that one and the TV in the bedroom. Everything on the Television pushes the agenda of Satan, not God - not even the "Christian" Channels. The Lord also showed us something concerning an event that happened to me a few years ago. I was involved in a bad accident that left me with multiple disorders and spinal injuries. I got into the system and began to seek disability through an attorney. After the Lord revealed all of this information to us, we immediately were convicted of going after man to fill our needs and not God. I fired my disability attorney and we have decided to not renew our Government Assistance, including Medicaid, because we saw that we were becoming dependent on the Government structure to provide for our family, and not Jehovah Jireh. And as we have learned, the Government is driven by Satan and does not represent God in any form or fashion. We have learned that Freemasonry is linked directly with You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

Luciferian Doctrine and that Freemasonry runs rampant through the political structure of our society. One more piece of evidence that proves Freemasonry is pushed by Luciferian Doctrine is this very fact: As a Mason goes through the 32 degrees of the Scottish rite, he ends up giving worship to every Egyptian pagan god, the gods of Persia, gods of India, Greek gods, Babylonian gods, and others. As you come to the 17th degree, the Masons claim that they will give you the password that will give him entrance at the judgment day to the Masonic deity, the great architect of the universe. It is very interesting that this secret password is "Abaddon". In Revelation chapter 9 verse 11; it says, "And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon." Masons claim then, that the diety they worship is Abaddon! Not God. Not Jesus. If the Freemasons worship Lucifer (Satan) and our political structure as we know it is ran by the Freemason doctrine (Luciferian), then it would make sense that we, as Christians, should not be uniting ourselves with the Government. God told us to not be "yoked with unbelievers", which is exactly what we have done in America. We need people that believe in the whole Word of God to stand up and begin to remove the veil from the eyes of the children of God. When the Lord revealed this information to myself and my wife, I realized that the Lord was going to require of me to stop working with politically oriented websites and to stop assisting them with the development of their online business. They are part of the system of the world and Christians cannot take part in the idolism of this country. I designed websites for a living and began to become dependant on the "jobs" rather than dependant on God. My time was being taken up with the things of this world and the not the things of God. We also decided to move in faith and stand for what He was showing us, which caused riffs in my family and my wife's family, but we were willing to let it all go for the sake of Jesus Christ. No matter how hard we want to, these facts cannot be denied. You may not believe everything you have read; you may have difficulty accepting a lot of this information, but the one thing that cannot be denied is that, all of this is a fact; it is immutable and inalterable. Deny it if you will, but it does not change a thing; the facts still remain facts. And God is coming back to do away with all that do not follow Him until the end – Repent, the Kingdom of God is Here! I am not trying to force you to believe everything that I say or write about, at this point I would be thoroughly happy if I have awakened you to the fact that something is terribly wrong. Something is surely going on behind the global scene, and as Christians, it is our responsibility to share these facts about our government with other people of God so they may see the mislead participation in the satanic rituals and then begin to Repent and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ. ---END---

You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

You are encouraged to copy and distribute this material free of charge and without copyright infringement. This information is free to all and needs to be circulated to all Christians far and wide to prepare the Bride of Christ for His return. Please contact us if you would like this information taught to a group of people. Grace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jeremy and Cherie Nelson 888-779-0079 More truth below:

You are encouraged to copy & distribute the information contained in this study course. This information does not belong to me, or my wife, it belongs to God and His children and every one of His children should have the opportunity to hear His message. You may copy the information without the fear of copyright infringement. Feel Led to Support the Lord's Work? Thank You. Please send all blessings to Jeremy and Cherie Nelson, please call us @ 888-779-0079 for our current mailing address for this season in the Lord.

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