Forever Younger

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How to kiss your age goodbye to 5 tips living

forever younger

FY smiles Chocolate and the fountain of youth

Make over Make younger

Lexus Maximus.


19th Street & Bell Road in Phoenix 602.866.3300

On Bell Road at 92nd Avenue in Phoenix 623.872.4000

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Thank you to Steven and Paula Pruett, and CCA


FY Travels

Fitness, fun and feeling forever younger


spice up your life


The art of THE FY WOMAN


FY Hot Buys


Five choices to keep you forever younger


Teeth whitening will keep them guessing


The illusion of fashion


Men’s Skin


Chocolate, women and the fountain of youth


10 ways to keep your website forever younger


Lacking passion? Here’s how to find it




Here we go



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Here we go Photo by FY Studios


orever Younger is for people of all walks of life. The message is not only to stay vital, but as my friend says, to stay relevant in our lives. With all the stress of day-to-day living, we find ourselves more in need of rejuvenation than any other generation before us. The key to the fountain of youth is in honoring the quality of our lives. By doing so, this encourages us to feel renewed, energized, and is the key to staying ageless. Join us on our journey and our mission to keep you forever younger. Explore and experience with us everything imaginable to slow down the hands of time.

In every issue and every show, we will delve into a wide range of topics that inform, reveal, and above all else, inspire you to stay forever younger. Bella vita!


“The key to the fountain of youth is in honoring the quality of our lives.� 5

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Fitness, Fun and Feeling Forever Younger

By Scott Troilo


s our body’s mature, so does our ability to commit to keeping them in tip top shape. Raising families, pursuing careers, and just every day demands don’t allow many of us to spend hours upon hours at our local gym. This doesn’t have to be the case, we can still commit to a healthy lifestyle. We just need to notice and take advantage of the opportunities all around us to be “Forever Younger”. As a former athlete and amateur body builder I grew up believing more is more. The harder and longer one trained the bigger, faster and better they’d be. For the elite athlete that may hold true but as I approach my mid 50’s I’ve come to realize that LESS is more. Particularly to maintain a quality life style free of unrealistic expectations and more importantly, injury. What I HAVE learned is commitment is still important. Committing to a healthy life style at any age is, in my opinion, the fountain of youth and we don’t have to kill ourselves or put everything else on a back burner to achieve our fitness goals. It’s important I mention that to achieve a healthier “you” we must address, not just exercise but two other essential components; proper diet and proper rest. Any one of these two without the third will short circuit your road to wellbeing. Here are four philosophy’s to embrace to stay forever younger: 1 Commitment. Make a promise to yourself to live a healthier lifestyle. To stay on point enlist a friend or spouse to share that challenge. continued on 8


continued from 7

Keep Moving. Constantly tax your muscles

2 and cardiovascular system. Take a brisk walk

or bike ride. No more escalators. Take the stairs. Do some counter top push-ups during TV commercials. Short but frequent episodes of exercise are a great precursor to a more regimented program down the road. Set Goals. Set some realistic and achiev3 able goals. As your exercise program gets easier, challenge yourself by stepping it up a bit. Lengthen your walks. Pick up the pace. Consider joining your local gym starting with a very manageable 3 days a week workout for a half hour a day. Enjoy Life. Striving for a healthier quality 4 of life doesn’t have to be a chore. Incorporating exercise into your daily routine is an easy first step to realizing how good being fit can feel. Without doubt, a healthy individual is a happy individual and that mindset is contagious. Once you start seeing and feeling results you’re not going to want to stop. I can’t stress enough how important it is for us to enjoy quality of life. Too many distractions, including over training, can short circuit that quality. We’re only on this beautiful planet a short time. What we make of that time is the key. I can assure you whatever our path in life, a healthy mind and body WILL help keep us forever younger!







For living their passion. For inspiring commerce and creativity. For embracing challenges ... making a splash ... and a difference. These women show us what it is to be Forever Younger.

Jeanne Hankerson

SJ Couture owner and designer Jeanne Hankerson comes by her creativity organically, fed by a family of talented designers. As a savvy and successful busi10

ness woman, at 48 she got an inspiration, cultivated the idea, and saw it through to its fruition. Her business experience, interest and exposure to fashion and

impeccable, New England style and taste translates well for today’s classic bride. Jeanne stays Forever Younger by giving her business 100%.




Susan Stein

Bringing education, awareness, publicity and her own brand of fashion inspiration to the forefront of the New York, Connecticut, and Southern California fashion industry is what Susan Stein has been doing for three decades. Her illustrious career has included Fashion/Public Relations and Personal Shopping Directorships with Saks Fifth Avenue and Bloomingdales. For Susan, educating others is as inclusive as her love of fashion. A recognized professor at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in

Los Angeles for over 12 years, Susan has also served as regional director of Fashion Group International of Palm Springs and consults through her FASHIONCONNECTION business. Fashion Editor of Palm Springs Life Magazine, creative producer/director of Palm Desert’s Fashion Week El Paseo (one of the most challenging events to produce), Bachelor Auction, Stars of “Project Runway”, in-store events? No problem – Susan exhibits a flair for living life with passion…and in style…. and we celebrate her as a Forever Younger woman.



Five choices to keep you Forever Younger By LOUISA ALTEN


ne of the greatest opportunities I have had this past year has been to interview people from all walks of life. Most all of them have been professionals in their respective fields for many years. From Fashion Designer to Doctor I have interviewed on what it takes to keep a person Forever Younger. On this journey I have found it to be thought provoking and amazing how people are doing what they love, engaging their passion. These individuals are pursuing an authentic calling and seem to have no fear of aging, feel and look younger and very often fully enjoy their lives. The most inspiring of these people are the ones who have had the courage to make changes in their lives and pursue their passions. Some have made job changes at a time in their life when most would not consider it, to pursue a passion. Depak Chopra mentioned in one of his books that learning had a great anti-aging benefit to a person. I have to believe that this is true but I also feel that inspiration is the key to looking and feeling youthful. The key of inspiration may very well be change. Change can be so frightening, exciting, fun, dreaded, renewing, recharging, terrifying and awesome. But regardless no matter how amazing or petrifying it is it can hold the key to the fountain of youth. Here are some keys to changing your life: If you have been complaining about the same job over the years stop! Make it a game to go out

and interview for any job, shaking up your routine may just be all you need to actually finally do it. If you hide behind your children as an excuse not to try new things or indulge yourself once in a while stop! Go out and do something for yourself so that they can learn you are important and that they also deserve to have rich experiences in life. If you are in the closet about a hobby you love to do stop! Get out of the closet and attend a meeting or event based on your hobby. You may find the more seriously you take it there could be a revenue stream that comes from it. If you wear the same clothes from three years ago and have the same hairstyle or can’t lose that extra weight stop! Take small steps daily that can create a new you. Start now cut portions, workout more, color the grey hair that is aging you or buy one new outfit to start but START! If you always wanted to go to Bora Bora stop! Be serious about your dream. There are so many companies offering discounts and packages on trips just start looking at Internet travel sites and give yourself a goal of 6 months to find the deal of a lifetime and recharge yourself at the same time Now choose one of these five points to do and commit to creating change. Become inspired to start your journey. The one that is your true passion. The one that can help you to create your authentic life. The one that could keep you Forever Younger...



The illusion of fashion By Louisa Alten

The Forever Younger show created an exciting fashion piece in our Make-Over Make-Younger television segment. What really stood out in this segment was a little something called fashion personality. Unique to each individual, your fashion sense is all about what you wear: your clothes, your style and your makeup. It can be an inspiring way of communicating your individuality, your values and your lifestyle to the world. Because you only have seconds to make a great first impression, the image you portray by the clothes and accessories you wear is important. Studies reveal that people attribute a polished image to positive personal traits such as selfassurance and self-esteem. They even reveal that people associate a well-dressed individual with one who is more likely to pay attention to details at work and in life. In Make-Over Make-Younger, the small elegant details are what transformed our models’ non-descript appearance to a look that showed off their personality. After the transformation was complete, they projected confidence, poise and presence. Here are some ways to project your MakeYounger self: *Black can be aging to a person, so pair a pop of color with it. Red or pink are uplifting and can highlight your face. A scarf with bright colors can break up the starkness of your favorite little black dress. *Every look starts with the shoes. If your shoes are dated or scuffed, you can be perceived as sloppy. A current shoe style can update a look and take years off. Nothing dates a look more than clothing that is out of style. And nothing makes an outfit more youthful than a fun pair of shoes that add color. With a black dress, pair a soft pewter or bronze shoe to add interest. A brightly colored shoe looks youthful.

Brothers in Lafayette and David’s Bridal in Lafayette and Baton Rouge offer personal fashion advisers service.


*Add a dash of bling with a bold accessory. Make a statement and create a trendy, hip feel with a leopard or wide belt. A studded belt can portray a youthful vibe. *Wearing form-fitting layers to look more polished. Oversized clothing can make you look older and unrefined. Layering clothes creates a look of success. Try wearing a fitted tank under a blouse. You can even try a corset under a tailored jacket for evening. Start looking at your wardrobe as your fashion personality. What is it you want to present the world? If you feel you need a fashion expert, many stores offer this service for free. These personal advisors will help you create outfits around a favorite shirt, skirt or dress to bring it up to date. The idea is to think and look youthful and cloths are a key factor in a Make-Younger style. The rest is all about attitude to make you feel Forever Younger.


Interested in: Weight Loss Anti-Aging Energy & Stamina ďż˝ All of the Above

Wei of Chocolate

With this chocolate you can have it ALL! Try all 6 flavors at a special Forever Younger price. For more information, visit


Chocolate, women and the fountain of youth By Jane Applegath


t’s amazing what a little chocolate can do. Dark, rich and seductive, it’s happiness in one bit. It turns out women have an almost spiritual relationship with chocolate. Studies reveal that 1/3 of all women dream about chocolate during the day, while only 18% think about sex. For men it’s the reverse; 60% of men think about sex and only 11% think about chocolate. It takes about 400 cacao Apparently it’s all about the beans to create one chemistry of sweet science. pound of chocolate. Chocolate contains the chemical phenylethylamine (PEA). Known as the “love drug,” this chemical releases the same mood-altering endorphins that flood the body during sex. Okay, so scarfing a few truffles will probably mean just a fleeting dose of PEA, but one thing is guaranteed – eating dark chocolate not only feels great but it ignites a kind of “meditative” satisfaction that women love. And for those of us who are chocoholics, there’s the health benefits of flavonoids – those are the antioxidant compounds found in the cocoa bean that help zap toxins, boost brain power, reduce blood pressure and slash stress hormone levels. Plus, ounce for ounce dark chocolate has more flavonoid content than green tea, red wine and eight times the number of antioxidants found in strawberries. The bottom line: When craving something sweet, dip into a little dark chocolate. It’s one age-defying treat that will keep you feeling Forever Younger. FY TIP: Remember, too much sugar, milk and butter can be unhealthy. The best way to satisfy your chocolate craving is to look for at least 70% cocoa and limit your daily intake to an ounce and a half. It’s one delicious way to help keep you feeling forever younger.

Every year consumers around the globe spend more than $20 billion on chocolate products.



Lacking passion? Here’s how to find it By AUSTIN VICKERS

One of the most common questions I get when speaking is: How can I feel passionate about life, when I don’t even know what my passions are? Many people experience these feelings and feel lost in life as a result. I know I once felt that way and this is how I made my way out of that mindset and discovered my purpose and my passion in life. It starts with a great question and an exercise. The question is this: if you could do or be anything, and you had the means to accomplish it, and there was no possibility of failure, would you do or be anything different than what you are doing or being today? If you answered no to this question, then there is a pretty good chance that your life is extremely passionate and meaningful and you are living out your dreams. But if you answered yes, then perhaps it is time to consider that perhaps you are compromising your dreams. A great coach of mine many years ago asked me this powerful question, and my internal response was sobering. I knew the minute he asked the question what my response was, and it made me sad, because I knew that I was compromising myself. Like many people do, I immediately came up with all kinds of reasons and justifications for my compromise. He then led me into an exercise that changed my life. And it has the potential to change yours as well, if indeed it needs changing and you open your mind to it. He asked me to get out a piece of paper and write down the top five values about life that were most important to me, and that would best describe the ideal life as I would define it. At the time I was practicing as a corporate attorney, and although I was making a lot of money, I was not very happy and I was having difficulty fully understanding why. So in response to the question, I got out a piece of paper and I wrote down 5 things that would describe my ideal life. This is what my list looked like. Not necessarily in order of priority, I wanted: 1) a life that was altruistic and one that helped people; 2) I wanted freedom of schedule; 3) I wanted to work with people; 4) I wanted good financial reward; and 5) I wanted what

I would consider to be an extraordinary life. Then my coach asked me to compare that list against my life and see how I was showing up. Although depressing, the comparison enlightened me. First of all, helping Fortune 500 companies make millions of dollars a year in profit did not feel altruistic to me, so I was 0 for 1 at that point. Second, I had no freedom of schedule. I went to work at 8:00 am in the morning and most days worked until 7:00 at night, and I worked most weekends. Hardly the freedom of schedule that I desired. 0 for 2. As far as working with people, one of my principle duties as a corporate lawyer was investigating misconduct charges with employees and getting involved with the process of informing highlevel employees of their rights when they were being fired. As you might expect, this task did not endear me to my peers and other employees in the company. Walking into someone’s office often felt like what the devil might feel like walking into a convention of Catholic cardinals. Not exactly a warm and embracing audience. 0 for 3.

“If you could do or be anything, and you had the means to accomplish it, and their was no possibility of failure, would you do or be anything different than what you are doing or being today?”

An ideal life for me also included having a good financial reward for my efforts, and working as an international corporate lawyer for one of the biggest and most successful companies in the world certainly provided that . . . they paid me a huge salary, gave me lots of options, bonuses and monetary incentives, paid for my house in one of the most exclusive areas of England, paid for my very nice car and the gas I put in it, put my kids in the best private schools, and even paid for my vacations back to the United States. So this was one aspect of the ideal life that I was living. So 1 for 4. Finally, I wanted to live an extraordinary life. There were many


people at the time who thought, and still think, that my life was extraordinary. I was young, and one of a handful of American lawyers living and working in Europe, in the developing legal system of the European Union. Intellectually it was very challenging, and the travel and experience I was receiving was extensive. I was responsible for a legal and regulatory area that included 27 countries in Western and Eastern Europe, and a few parts of the Middle East. We had offices, in London, Nice, Rome, Madrid, Copenhagen, Hamburg, and Switzerland that fell under my domain, and I spent a lot of time traveling to all of these countries and many more, involved in pretty high level negotiations for a myriad of different contracts and business issues. It’s hard to convince a lot of people that your life is not that extraordinary, when you are calling them from Madrid one day, Rome the next, and Finland a day later. But the reality was that although my life was extraordinary as many other people would define it, it was not so by my own definition. And in the world of passion and authentic power, our own definition is the only one that counts. I have many vivid memories of sitting in business meetings with people who were not healthy, who were certainly not that happy, and who were not that interesting, choosing to compromise their own dreams in order to receive their big pay checks every week. These were not people who I respected. I was always more impressed with individuals who were entrepreneurs, or artists, or writers, or explorers, or anyone who would enthusiastically describe some unique aspect of life they were struggling to create. These were the people I wanted to associate with, and I wanted to be inspired by. These were the people that I believed were living an

It’s hard to convince people that your life is not that extraordinary when you are calling from Madrid one day, Rome the next, and Finland a day later.


extraordinary life, and I was not one of them. So, that made my values analysis a whopping 1 out of 5, and I wondered why I was so unhappy and depressed. The only value I was living was my desire for good financial reward, and that was hardly enough to make me happy. Going through this exercise significantly opened my eyes. I now knew, not only why I was so unhappy and feeling so dispassionate about life, but also the characteristics and values I would need to have as a part of any career or life choice if I truly wanted to be happy. I instantly recognized this as powerful information that could help guide my life. In the pursuit of a life of passion, I encourage each of you to go through the same kind of self-analysis. Sit down with a piece of paper and a pen and write down a list with the top five values or characteristics that would create the most ideal life that you can imagine. Then evaluate your life honestly and realistically against this list, and see how you measure up. If you are like me, and after doing this exercise, you realize that you are not living your values or your passions, do not despair. You now have a roadmap with which to evaluate every career and life decision you will ever make again in your life, and slowly but surely you can begin to take actions that move your life from one of obligation and compromise, to a life of vision, passion, and authentic power. You can begin to make choices that are in alignment with your values, and steer away from those that are not. Doing so will significantly enhance and develop your passion in life. Compromise is perhaps the biggest hurdle we will face in the development of our passion. So many people fail to live extraordinary lives, because they live comfortable lives, and they are unwilling to risk that comfort to follow their passions. I encourage you to risk that comfort to follow your dreams.

Compromise is perhaps the biggest hurdle we will face in the development of our passion.


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Spice up your life By Rhonda allison

Spices are so commonly used to punch up recipes and provide a natural way to heal many internal ailments, but what are their effects on the skin? Do they reap the same benefits? In a word‌yes! Most spices are power-packed with antioxidant, antiseptic and detoxifying abilities and chances are if an ingredient is good for the internal body, the same holds true for the largest living organ – the skin. By spicing up your skin care routine you can achieve glowing, healthy skin. Look to cinnamon, clove, turmeric and Grape paprika, to name a few, not only for seed their inviting aroma but also for their warming, stimulating and rejuvenating hydrating serum properties. Spice and everything nice Like many natural ingredients, spices are powerpacked with antioxidants and come with a bevy of skin benefits, not to mention delicious and soothing aroma (particularly of the cinnamon and clove) they have. Here’s a snapshot of how each of these works: Bell peppers or chili peppers Paprika capsicum annum stimulates and detoxifies cells, and revitalizes and oxygenates the skin. Paprika is made from the grinding of dried bell peppers or chili peppers and is high in antioxidants and vitamin C. Look for clove and cinnamon in Grape Seed Hydrating Serum, Grape Seed Parfait Mask and the Pumpkin Parfait Enzyme. Turmeric, since it has protective qualities, is used in our eZinc Protection Cream and EnviroProtect. We also use paprika in our Honey Paprika Mask. Try to work these potent spices into your skin care regimen for a glowing complexion. These will also help maintain hydration and circulation all year long.

Clove Leaf Oil Eugenia caryophyllus primarily used as a natural anesthetic and antiseptic stimulant, clove has been cultivated the world over for more than 2,000 years. The oil has long been used in Chinese medicine for detoxification and to stimulate the circulatory system. Its aroma also helps to stimulate the mind. Turmeric Tetrahydrodiferuloy-methane is a potent golden spice that provides shielding and healing properties. It protects against damaging environmental elements (UV rays, chemicals, microbes, and other free radicals), and aids in the treatment of acne, hyperpigmentation and eczema, as well as slowing the aging process. Cinnamon Leaf Oil Cinnamomum cassia, with its spicy, awakening fragrance, cinnamon oil is primarily used in skin care preparations for its potent antibacterial and antifungal properties, as well as its stimulating effects. It is the terpenoids found in the oil believed to promote a glowing, healthy complexion. It also contains phenolic compounds, flavonoid derivatives, and its antimiPumpkin crobial and antioxidant properties parfait work to tighten and lift the skin. Enzyme



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Teeth whitening will keep them guessing


By Jane Applegath

ext to a flawless complexion, picture perfect hair and a model-worthy figure, whiter teeth are one of the top age-defying features any woman, or man for that matter, would like to have. Studies show sporting a whiter, brighter smile not only leaves a lasting impression, but it can boost your mood, make your confidence soar and take a whopping 10 years off your age. Today, getting a movie star smile is not only safe, but affordable too. Here are four ways to tap into your million-dollar smile. Try a Teeth Whitening Toothpaste Want to brighten your smile without using bleach? Try a teeth whitening toothpaste. While not potent enough to dramatically whiten discolored teeth, this handy at-home method can help polish away surface stains by using gentle chemical agents that do not contain bleach. Whitening Strips Really Do Work Touted as one of the most effective ways to a brighter smile, teeth whitening strips put peroxide to work to remove stains. Following instructions

correctly, a brighter, whiter smile should begin to appear within a few days. Fast and Effective In-Office Whitening For dramatic results, the answer is in-office whitening conducted in your dentist’s office. Using whitening products in combination with heat, a special light and/or laser, results can be seen in just one, 30 to 60 minute treatment. “Make-Up” For A Brighter Smile Try a little make-up magic to make-over your smile. Lipsticks in blue-based reds, berry shades, soft shimmery pinks and bright corals can make teeth look brighter. It’s a teeth-whitening makeover in one colorful swipe. Tooth whitening toothpaste can lighten teeth color by about one shade. In contrast, light-activated whitening conducted in your dentist’s office can make your teeth three to eight shades lighter. For the best in-office results, arrange your smile makeover well in advance of any special occasion. And remember to consult with your dentist before using any tooth whitening system.



Men’s skin By Louisa Alten

Whoever thought a man’s skin would be more sensitive than a woman’s? Well when it comes to skincare apparently it is. Although men’s skin is twice as oily as a woman’s and up to 20% thicker it is still sensitive and needs protection. The new consensus is that 65% of men now use sunscreen but only 5% do so on a regular basis. With skin cancer being the number one concern to men, they need to get active. If 80-90% of aging is caused by sun damage then men need to get defensive with their skincare. Here are some great steps to fight aging. Block Block Block Defend your skin from the attack of the sun’s damaging rays. A block with Zinc has anti-inflammatory benefits to heal skin. Also choose products with antioxidants to guard against free radical damage and prevent a weathered look. Buff Buff Buff The best way to keep a man’s skin youthful is by exfoliating daily. Choose an AHA or BETA cleanser. A cleanser with lactic or salicylic acids are the best choices to help re-texturize skin and speed renewal. Calm Calm Calm Use an aftershave to calm skin irritation and add hydration to a man’s skin. Nothing is more aging than dry skin. After protecting your skin the most important and the way to battle skin that looks damaged is to moisturize. Shave Shave Shave Don’t overwork your disposable razor, it is disposable for a reason, 2 shaves and throw it out. Overusing a razor can cause shaving irritation and redness. Using fresh razors will give you more glide and less resistance. Spend Spend Spend Men get serious about your skincare and products. You have to buy and use quality products to get quality results. The fact is, over 70% of men’s skincare products are purchased by women for men. Women realize the importance and benefits of taking an assertive role with skincare. Men take your power back! Protect your skin from the outside in. You are more sensitive and sensitive is sexy!




ways to keep your website forever younger

People make a decision about whether or not they like your site within the first 1/20th of a second. Leave a good impression. by Perri Collins

Speed it up. No one wants to wait 5 minutes for your site to load. Keep graphics to a minimum, do away with flash and flashy scripts. Simplify. This goes hand in hand with speed. Make things easy to find. Don’t clutter up sidebars with every gimmick known to man. The best sites are the ones with a clear focus and call to action. Make over your about page. It’s usually the second-most visited page on your website. Give it some love. Let your personality and voice shine through and let it tell your story. Know your analytics. What are people searching for when they stumble upon your site? What makes them stay? What are they clicking on? Learn how to reach and interpret your analytics. Check out Google Analytics for a great series of tutorials. Be easy to contact. Potential clients/customers/ employers will want to hire you, but they can’t do business with you if they don’t know how to reach you. Make your phone/email/ contact form quick to find. A picture’s worth. It’s true, images are an easy way to get the attention of visual creatures. Add a relevant image to every page and

blog post. Handling the alt text correctly will also improve SEO. Pics are great attention-getters and look so much better than black text on a white background. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly. Use tools like MobiReady and Google GoMo to get more information on how your site displays on mobile devices. Platforms like WordPress and Joomla have special plugins you can install to improve mobile functionality. Be social. Make your Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn profile easy to find by using large, bright icons, or integrate a “Like” button or live Twitter stream on your page. Cross linking gives readers another way to link to you. Add a search box. Studies have found as many as 40% of web users will immediately leave a website if they do not find what they’re looking for. They don’t have the patience to poke around, trying to guess where you’ve hidden the good stuff. Maintain. Fix or update at least one thing on your site each week. Set aside one day to correct misspelling, links, etc. When things on your website don’t work, you lose your credibility and your visitor’s interest.



Dear Forever Younger Team, I want to thank the Forever Younger team for doing a wonderful jobs in creating our Wei of Chocolate television segment. I was impressed with their professionalism and their unique ability to produce and deliver our message in an informative, inspiring and entertaining way. Most of all, I am thrilled to report that being on the Forever Younger show has opened the door to

sales of Wei of Chocolate products in regions we have never before sold in. I look forward to a continued relationship with the Forever Younger show and it’s creative team, all of whom have helped us to expand our business reach and inspire others about Wei of Chocolate. With appreciation and thanks, Lisa Reinhardt CEO & Founder

1302 W. Roosevelt St. • Phoenix, AZ 85007 Tel: 602-577-2338 • Fax: 419-593-2338 Email:

Dear Forever Younger Team, From day one, we have been big fans of the Forever Younger show and we are pleased to write that we have been sponsors from the very first day of airing. For us, the Forever Younger show has been a valuable advertising vehicle in more ways than one. With professional and customized sponsorship, the Forever Younger show has been an excellent platform for us to reach our targeted demographic. The positive customer response from sponsorship on the show has essentially helped expand our patient base and broaden our brand recognition initiatives. It has been a pleasure working with the sales team, who have helped meet our needs and sponsorship goals at every turn.

651 S. Mesa Hills Dr. El Paso, TX 79912 Office 915.351.1116

In closing, we believe Forever Younger delivers a balance of valuable information and quality programming like no other show. We are excited about continued sponsorship and future opportunities to inspire Forever Younger viewers about ‘The Science of Beauty’ at El Paso Cosmetic Surgery. Sincerely,


Ozan Sozer, M.D. President


Dear Forever Younger Team, There is no question that having a presence on the Forever Younger show, plus the additional television exposure provided by your station, has given our practice greater exposure and visibility. We hear from other dentists that our name is everywhere. People in the community hear our name and recognize it. People see Dr. Tippin and remember him from the commercials. Being on the Forever Younger show and the additional TV exposure provided by your station has significantly expanded the value and reach of our marketing efforts and dollars, particularly when compared to other forms of traditional marketing. We are pleased to report that we have already


experienced great success with an estimated increase in our practice of 15%-20% due to our television exposure. With an emphasis on cosmetic dentistry, we feel the Forever YoungersShow is a great vehicle that informs the patient with credibility. From concept to creative planning, execution and service, we are thrilled to be working with the sales team. We look forward to continued sponsorship and informing viewers about the benefits and enjoyable experience of cosmetic and family dentistry at our practice.

Dr. Walter Tippin, D.D.S.

Get ready to kiss

your age goodbye!

Forever Younger is looking for sponsors to join our ‘new you’ revolution. Become part of the movement. Inspire the largest age-defying demographic in history... with your message.


Alexandria, LA Layayette, LA Odessa, TX Longview, TX Waco, TX

Baton Rouge, LA Brownsville, TX El Paso, TX Longview, TX Tyler, TX

Shreveport, LA

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