Warriors Forge Magazine. Vol 1. Ed 2

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A MODERN View of the Warrior Culture - Fred Mastison


Anatomy of a Gunfight - Fred Mastison

7 GLOCK CROSSOVER The Ne w G19X -Karen Hunter

13 GAS IT UP Precision Rifle Series -Scott Milkovich

17 WOMEN OF STEEL Carrying a Knife for Women -Karen Hunter



Real World Medical Skills —Jason Seyfert

22 BUCKLE UP Lunar Concepts Review -Karen Hunter


25 SLOW BURN The Art of the Cigar -Chuck Porter


THIS IS MY BOOMSTICK Shotguns -Fred Mastison


Letter From The Editor




Another year has blown by and we find ourselves looking back and then forward. 2017 was a great year for us and I hope it was the same for you. My nature however is to always look forward. 2018 is lined up to be one of the busiest years I have ever had. New classes, new events and of course a large collection of new articles. The Warrior’s Forge has once again allowed me to share what I feel are some of the most interesting and important topics on people’s minds. This edition contains some great pieces by some of the best folks out there. While the look may change from time to time, the core of the Forge remains the same.


TOPICS In that there is no specific agenda or monetary restraints, we will explore topics that rarely get the time of day in traditional publications.

The information contained in this publication is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by Force Options Tactical Training Solutions and while we endeavor to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.

CONTRIBUTORS Our contributors are pros in their arena and are encouraged to share what they really believe and think about the topics they cover. We are also open to queries from others in the industry who have something important to share. GOALS The goal of this publication is simple. I wanted to give voice to a quiet group of people that live as warriors in our world. Those who see the warrior culture as more than the simple mastery of weapons. It is a deepening of their lives and an attempted mastery of the “Art of Life.” It is this driving ideal that will determine the content you will see. I sincerely hope you enjoy it.

FRED MASTISON Managing Editor

PUBLISHER—Fred Mastison

CONTRIBUTORS—Chuck Porter, Karen Hunter, Scott Milkovich, Jason Seyfert ADVERTISING ForceOptions@Cox.net SUBMISSIONS, PRESS RELEASES ForceOptions@Cox.net

The Warrior’s Forge is published quarterly by Force Options Tactical Training Solutions. Copyright 2016 by Force Options Tactical Training Solutions.

ANATOMY OF A GUNFIGHT Editorial BY: Fred Mastison

It’s high noon as a tumbleweed blows across the dusty

street. Two men stand facing each other with cold steel eyes. In an instant the draws begin and a gunfight is on. Within the blink of an eye it is over. This is the classic image we share when the term gunfight is mentioned. While historically accurate, gunfights often are less of a standoff and more of a rapidly developing fight over any variety of reasons. While the weapons and garb have changed over the ages, the mechanics and principles of gun fighting have not. Over decades many of the most successful gunfighters in the world have quietly shared their philosophies and principles of surviving the fight. From these rare texts we can harvest what can be seen as the cornerstones of gun fighting. First up is decisiveness. The phrase that “hesitation will get you killed” is not just a clever cliché. It is a fact. Nestled inside that mindset though is the deep seeded willingness to be violent. While this may seem obvious, it is one of the major factors behind hesitation. Violence of action many times will determine the outcome of a lethal confrontation. Another constant seen is a calmness in action. This principle in fact is seen in warrior cultures around the world. The Samurai even used the phrase docho no sei, calmness in action, as a cornerstone for sword fighting. A calm mind allows for fluid thought and decision. It allows you to more easily make tactical decisions that can determine the outcome of the encounter. One recurring component that surprises some people is that controlled and aimed fire wins the day. One of the most well-known gunfighters in history was Wyatt Earp. While not known for his large number of gunfights, he was involved in some of the most historically memorable fights. In a rare interview he shared his thoughts of gun fighting. What is so profound is that the interview and information are as relevant today as they were back then. He states, ”Shooting, to them, was considerably more than aiming at a mark and pulling a trigger. Models of weapons, methods of wearing them, means of getting them into action and operating them, all to the one end of combining high speed with absolute accuracy, contributed to the frontiersman's shooting skill. The sought after degree of proficiency was that which could turn to most effective account the split-second between life and death. Hours upon hours of practice and wide experience in actualities supported their arguments over style. The most important lesson I learned from those proficient gunfighters was the winner of a gunplay

usually was the man who took his time. The second was that, if I hoped to live long on the frontier, I would shun flashy trick-shooting -- grandstand play -- as I would poison.”

“THE MOST IMPORTANT LESSON I LEARNED FROM THOSE PROFICIENT GUNFIGHTERS WAS THE WINNER OF A GUNPLAY USUALLY WAS THE MAN WHO TOOK HIS TIME.” One last point that must be looked at is movement. Your ability to shoot on the move will be a skill that separates you from the average shooters. Once you become mobile you are dramatically harder to hit. Throw into that the fact that you are engaging while moving and you move to the top of the food chain quickly. By moving you force your adversary to adjust to you and in doing so they are relegated to a defensive posture. While stances and foot positions are good for beginning shooters, the idea of “stand and deliver” can be problematic when rounds are coming at you. Few people have the ability to hold their ground in that way once the realization that bullets are flying sets in. It is better to move as a plan as opposed to a panic retreat while shooting over your shoulder. WARRIORS FORGE 2018 * ForceOptionsUSA.com * 4

The last point that is a common thread is awareness. By being plugged into your environment you can better identify potential problems and in turn react more quickly to danger. This is especially true in an age of technological obsession. Fifteen minutes in any airport or mall will showcase countless numbers of people utterly unaware of their surroundings because they are staring at their phone of tablet. While it may be “just the way things are”, it is a dangerous mentality with possible lethal consequences. For those serious about this business, you must be plugged into your environment and soaking in what is going on around you. The anatomy of a gunfight is composed of many moving parts. Most are not as dramatic or cool as many hope. What it usually comes down to are solid fundamentals and an ability to bring those skills to bear under great stress. This ability comes only through preparing your mind and accepting that cold hard truth. A truth that states, “I am not looking for a fight, but if one comes my way I will act with extreme violence and prevail.” This is the mindset of a gunfighter. –FM


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By Karen Hunter

xcitement and extreme anticipation pretty much sums up my state of being as I boarded my plane and headed for the GLOCK Summit. My mind raced wondering about the new product they were going to introduce. With the recent release of the Gen 5 17 and 19, I couldn’t even begin to imagine what might be unveiled. For a girl who does not possess patience as a virtue, the wait was agonizing. Arriving at the GLOCK facility in Atlanta, Georgia was somewhat like Christmas morning as a child for me. Sitting patiently, quietly, like a good little girl wide eyed and all ears. I felt very fortunate to have the opportunity


to meet the wonderfully capable employees and executives of GLOCK. You’re going to see many, many articles hit regarding the 19X, however, I feel compelled to take a moment to expand on this. GLOCK is very fortunate in the fact that they have a very successful team implementing and executing their philosophies, work standard and work ethic. From GLOCK VP, Josh Dorsey, to the executives, managers and the employees in the factory, I felt equally privileged to have the opportunity to meet and spend time with them. This part of the summit was an experience that will not be forgotten. There is something to be said for a company that runs so efficiently and still maintains the feel of family. After signing endless NonDisclosure Agreements and possibly the rights to my first-born, it was time. The 19X, in my hands. The skies of heaven opened as shafts of light descended upon me. The distant sound of angels singing their best rendition of Hallelujah began to fill the room. Ok, that may be a slight exaggeration, but this was so very exciting for me nonetheless. The first feature I noticed immediately was the “coyote” color. The chromatic slide is a few shades darker than the rest of the gun and almost has a metallic sheen to it.

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This is a first for GLOCK and truly innovative. This look is achieved with a process called nPVD, (nitrated base physical vapor disposition). nPVD produces a corrosion resistant finish, lower surface friction and resistance to heat and chemicals. These three combined reduces the need for maintenance. The “coyote” color doesn’t stop there. The signature GLOCK box, the additional grips and all three magazines bear the same color as well. Which brings me to the next feature that caught my eye, the magazines. The 19X comes with three. One holding seventeen rounds and two more with +2 baseplates literally making this a 20 20--round gun. That coupled with the GLOCK night sights truly makes the 19X a fighting gun. Holding the 19X in my hands, I became very intrigued. The frame felt and looked like the GLOCK 17, however the slide was not. The slide is that of the GLOCK 19. So essentially, the 19X is a 19 on a 17 frame. GLOCK’s very first Crossover gun. Phenomenal. Reluctantly, I passed the gun on to the next person and was all ears as GLOCK VP, Josh Dorsey began to explain the 19X. “The G19X was developed for the military and is a practical everyday pistol that will do what you need it to do, when you need it to; every time, in every condition. The pistol was developed for the military using GLOCK’s combat proven experience with consideration to efficiency, dependability and durability. Through rigorous testing, the G19X stands out above the competition and has the ability to function in harsh climates and all conditions with increased accuracy and ultimate reliability. Our goal was to meet the demanding needs of the military while maintaining our standard of perfection.” said Dorsey. “With proven testing results and fewer parts than our competitors’ pistols, the G19X has maximum efficiency, reliability and is easy to maintain.”

The inner workings of the 19X is essentially the same as the Gen 5. I’d like to take a moment to expand on this. I’ve found that people may not truly understand the differences that the Gen 5 brings to the table. The safety plunger has been redesigned to a triangle. Along with that GLOCK has taken away the pin for the locking block, changed the spring configuration, added an ambi slide lock lever and even improved the take down lever, which consisted of a leaf spring. It now bears a coil spring. The most exciting change, in my opinion, is the barrel. The GLOCK Marksman Barrel (GMB) has tighter internal dimensions, enhanced polygonal rifling and a recessed target crown. With this addition, this firearm is able to produce a three-inch group at 50 yards. I repeat, a three-inch grouping at 50 yards! During testing, the 19X ran an average of 11,000 rounds between stoppages. This is truly impressive and speaks volumes when it comes to reliability.


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I cannot even begin to tell you my excitement to have the opportunity to run the 19X. Both at the GLOCK range at the summit and here at my home range. Up until this point, my training gun of choice is the Gen 5 GLOCK 17. So for me the 19X had a very familiar feel. I shot well at GLOCK but couldn’t wait to run this gun at my range. The first drill I chose was a ragged hole drill. I stood approximately 15 feet back from the target and the results were amazing. 5 shots, all in the center of the dot. The accuracy of the 19X is truly impressive as well as the trigger. After this I became a little giddy trying every drill I knew, running different types of ammo and just really running this gun any way I could. It performed flawlessly. The 19X is not just hype, it truly is a well-made, innovative and sharp looking gun. Another point of interest, for all of you southpaw shooters, this gun is ambidextrous, right or left handed it will accommodate both. I am not partial to any one particular gun or gun company. I can appreciate a well-made gun that functions as it should regardless of the maker. The 19X however, I have become quite a fan of. It will take quite a bit to sway me from this becoming an absolute favorite. GLOCK truly did an outstanding job inside and out creating this crossover. I foresee the 19X doing very, very well. -KH

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Precision Rifle Series: Gas Gun Series By Scott Milkovich


hen the buzzer goes off I drop into a prone

position and engage the near left target, which is 400 yards and after hitting it, I shoot the far left target at 500 yards. After both targets are neutralized, you must conduct a mandatory mag change and reengage far left and near left targets in that order. Once those two targets are shot again, I hustle to a prop that is an 18” x 18” x 6” box and engage near right and far right targets with one round each, once again do a mandatory mag change and then reengage far right and near right with one round each. Elated that I cleaned the stage and only used eight rounds total of 12 that may be used, I was mentally drained. On this stage, three magazines are required and the par time is 90 seconds. This is one of the PRS skill stages. It consists of two targets at 300 or 400 yards (2MOA target left and 3MOA target right) and two targets at 500 yards or 600 yards (2MOA target left and 3MOA target right). The start position is your rifle in hand, mag in, bolt back. Target distances must be either 300 and 500 yards or 400 and 600 yards and is up to the match director.

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The PRS Gas Gun Series was conceived based off the high demand from PRS shooters as well as those from other shooting sports. In 2016, the PRS Series included two gas gun specific matches and both received high praise from shooters of all backgrounds. The Gas Gun Series was launched due to this response. During the course development of the series, the rules of the bolt gun series would not be conducive to the Gas Gun Series. The Gas Gun Series utilizes a time plus penalty based scoring system for all the match scoring. This means your score is your total combined time on the stages plus any penalties you may incur. Penalties are as follows: 30 sec for any rifle target not engaged or neutralized 15 sec for any pistol targets not engaged/ neutralized 15 seconds for hitting a “no shoot” target No more than 50% of the stages at a match can utilize an unlimited round count. At least 25% of the targets in the series must be 2 MOA or smaller. Maximum distance is 800 yards.

There are also three divisions you may shoot in: Open Division, Tactical Light Division and Tactical Heavy Division. Open Division rifles will not exceed a caliber of .30 or velocity of 3,200fps. A match DQ will result if any rounds go over that speed limit (+/- 32fps for environmental factors will be considered). Match officials may request at any point during the match that a competitor fire their rifle through a chronograph. If the bullet exceeds the designated speed limit, a match DQ will be handed down. Tactical Light Division is intended to allow competitors the opportunity to compete using a traditional military and law enforcement caliber. This promotes active duty military and law enforcement officers to use their service/department issued rifles. Tactical Light rifles are restricted to 5.56 Nato/.223 Remington calibers only. Bullet weight cannot exceed 77grains and muzzle velocity cannot

exceed 3,000fps. Tactical Heavy Division is intended to allow competitors the opportunity to compete using a traditional military and law enforcement caliber. This promotes active duty military and law enforcement officers to use their service/department issued rifles. Tactical Heavy Division is restricted to 7.62 Nato/.308 Winchester calibers only. Bullet weight cannot exceed 178gr and muzzle velocity cannot exceed 2,800fps. No modified wildcat rounds are permitted to shoot in the Tactical Divisions. Some of the stages that we shoot are barricades, out of the back of vehicles, modified rooftops, and shoot houses. Very few stages are prone, shooting off of the bipod. There is also a lot of pistol shooting; up to 25% of the match can be pistol. I don’t mind the pistol shooting, as my shooting roots take me back to IDPA and USPSA. I usually score well during the pistol portion of the matches.

The basic gear that is needed for one of these matches is not dramatic or over the top. It is having a sub-moa gas gun, at least three magazines for your rifle and some kind of match grade ammunition. Everyone has different opinions on what is desired for their own style of shooting. Here is my gear that I take to every match. Specialized Dynamics rifle chambered in 22 Nosler (Open Class) 70gr RDF Nosler bullets in 22 Nosler Timney Calivin Elite 1.5 lb trigger US Optics LR-17 scope ASC magazines (15 and 25 round magazines) Rifles Only Carbine/multi use sling (bungee style) 2 magazine pouches for my belt Dump pouch to put magazines in Rear bag by Short Action Precision Springfield XDM 9mm pistol 3 magazines holding 19 rounds 2 magazine pouches for pistol mags Wind meter I-phone with Shooter (ballistic program) Clear shooting glasses Electronic hearing protection Water bottle WARRIORS FORGE 2018 * ForceOptionsUSA.com * 14

I get asked a lot from new shooters, what do I need to get started in shooting this type of sport? My answer is always just bring your gun and come out to shoot, make sure you have a good 100 yard zero, hearing and eye protection. In every club I have ever shot with there are some very good shooters that will help you along the way. Our club here in the Phoenix area has 40+ active members and another 20 who show up from time to time. We have lent gear, bullets, ear protection and all other types of gear for new shooters who either forgot to bring it or didn’t have it yet. Our two most important rules are to be safe and have fun. Doing well will come with practice and determination for those who are willing to listen and learn. The Precision Rifle Series (PRS) has come a long way in just a few short years. There have been many friendships made and lots of lead sent down range. The new Gas Gun Series is a great way to shoot a rifle you already have and compete against likeminded people.


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By Bryant Herrera

-By Karen Hunter Pocket knives and women, yes they do mix. I love having this handy little tool ready to go when needed for any daily task. Not to mention the peace of mind that comes from having a secondary weapon. I’ve always carried one, but nothing to write home about. Usually something inexpensive, or someone else’s hand me down. It was time for an upgrade. I looked no further than Spyderco. With over 30 years of experience and ever evolving quality products, it was a no brainer. Coupled with that, I had already fallen in love with the aluminum scales from The Wise Men Company and knew I’d definitely be getting one for whichever knife I chose. These scales are specifically designed for the Endura, Delica and Matriarch knives. Out of the three, I went with the Delica 4 (fourth generation). First on the scene in 1991,this knife is one of Spyderco’s most popular. I’ve never had a blade this beautiful. VG-10 stainless steel, drop point, half serrated edge and Spyderco’s signature thumbhole. VG-10 steel is forged in Japan and enables this knife to retain its edge and sharpens easily. WARRIORS FORGE 2018 * ForceOptionsUSA.com * 16

“I love the fact that it has a back lock located in the middle of the handle diminishing the possibility of the blade accidentally opening.”

The Delica 4 comes in an array of colors with a very ergonomic handle. Insanely sharp right out of the box. I love the fact that it has a back lock located in the middle of the handle diminishing the possibility of the blade accidentally opening. Overall length is 7 ⅛”, blade 2 ⅞” and weighs 2.5 ounces. The Delica retails right around $65.00. Although it was beautiful as is, I wanted to customize. Say hello to The Wise Men Company. A company with sound founding principles and EDC products that will leave you with a wish list a mile long. I chose the blue anodized aluminum scale along with the Wise Men signet ring. The scales are durable, lightweight and have an amazing grip. The signet ring is a phenomenal added feature enabling easy draw and rapid deployment of the blade. The scales retail at $69.99, the signet ring at $30.00, well worth the money. Disassembling and installing the scales and signet ring was actually easier than I’d anticipated. Wise Men has a great step by step instructional video that leaves zero guess work. This ensemble of Spyderco and Wise Men is absolutely stunning. Functional, durable and beautiful. I truly cannot say enough about this. The signet ring makes it so easily and quickly accessible. The comfort of the grip with the scales far exceeds my expectations. I am so pleased with the fact that it is sturdy yet lightweight. While my female friends are going on and on about their newest piece of jewelry, I find myself gushing about this knife. Even people who haven’t a clue about the importance of an EDC knife, are genuinely impressed with what they see.

The Wise Men Companies New “Fang” Open Assist

“For me, it is so comforting to have this with me and ready to go at a moment’s notice.” WARRIORS FORGE 2018 * ForceOptionsUSA.com * 17

For me, it is so comforting to have this with me and ready to go at a moment’s notice. Whether as an EDC tool or a secondary weapon. The fact that it looks wicked cool, makes me pretty proud to have it clipped to my hip. So, go check these companies out! You won’t be sorry that you did. -KH

By Jason W. Seyfert

A quick internet search can reveal a plenitude of training options including various forms of firearms training, edged weapons, hand to hand combatives, martial arts, bug out prep courses, active shooter response or even defensive driving courses. There is one topic however, that seems to be the black sheep of the training world world--medical training. Generally when the topic of medical training comes up you reminisce of the mandatory training you are forced to endure at work or the class you took back when they invented fire. In 2013 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported there were 130.4 mil emergency room visits in the US with 37.2 million of those being injury related. In 2015 the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program shows 1,197,704 violent crimes being reported throughout the country, with aggravated assaults making up 63% of the reported violent crimes. With the sheer number of medical emergencies, whether they are from acts of violence or not, it would seem that we are much more likely to encounter a scenario that requires basic knowledge on how to handle a medical emergency and not simply focus on defensive training.

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Types of Training The Basics Basics-- CPR and Basic First Aid The key to survival during cardiac arrest is early and effective CPR. With more and more EMS agencies moving towards a compression only type CPR response to avoid interruptions during compressions it shows that even the most rudimentary training can help save a life. A basic CPR course will teach you the guidelines to know when to provide CPR, how to provide CPR and most likely include instruction on using an automated external defibrillator (AED). AEDs have become so prevalent in today’s environment that at times it seems like you couldn’t throw a rock without hitting one. AEDs are commonly located in schools, airports, public buildings, hotels, malls and the workplace. Basic first aid can be a bit more in depth than some would think. It can cover topics such as bleeding control, muscle and bone injuries, splinting, burns, heat and cold emergencies, animal bites, respiratory issues and altered mental status. Most courses have add on components available that can teach you how to use a tourniquet, epi epi--pen, inhaler or cover any specific needs that are relevant to your area.

Both the CPR and basic first aid courses should be available in your area for under a hundred dollars and should take less than a day to complete. Basic first aid and CPR classes can be found locally by searching the following websites:


Red Cross www.redcross.org

American Heart Association www.heart.org American Safety & Health Institute www.hsi.com Individual first aid kits have gained popularity over the past few years and quite a number of companies have brought their own version to the market. I frequently have students come to class and I’ll notice an IFAK among their gear but when I ask them what’s in the kit or how they like it, they stare back at me blankly and either tell me they haven’t opened it or don’t really know what all that stuff is. While quality gear is important, having the knowledge on how to use the gear or simply how to select the right gear is much more important.

Medical courses designed for shooters come in various forms, a few are; Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC), which is designed with the thought of providing trauma care on the battlefield. Tactical Emergency Casualty Care being designed for civilian responders that must provide care in active shooter or similar type situations. Both are certifying programs that can take anywhere from a few hours to several days to complete depending on the program. In situations where a nationally recognized certificate may not be needed, an IFAK style course fits the bill perfectly. Typically taught by paramedics or combat medics, it gives the lay person the opportunity to learn from an instructor that has spent time patching up real trauma and various life threatening injuries, which should always bring an added value to a learning environment. In this type of class an instructor should, at minimum, cover components that should be kept in an IFAK, with pro and cons of various types of equipment. Topics that should be covered include tourniquet application, bleeding control, penetrating or other trauma to the chest and lungs, wound packing, bandaging, basic airway management, use of hemostatic agents such as Quick Clot, as well as basic treatment for shock. In most classes you will be not only learning how and when to use a tourniquet but also be applying a tourniquet to yourself as well as other classmates since this is one piece of equipment that every shooter, hunter, law enforcement officer and first responder should have access to. Above and Beyond- EMT Basic and Paramedic Other classes that may be of benefit to shooters, hikers, hunters and outdoor enthusiasts can run the gamut with courses such as advanced wilderness first aid, suturing courses, expeditionary medicine, emt basic or even paramedicine. The information provided in classes like these can be extremely beneficial in some scenarios but will generally be more for individuals seeking a career in medicine or filling a specific role. Most of these courses will take a significant amount of time, dedication and possibly require prerequisite courses. Some course lengths may last well over a year and cost several thousand dollars. Regardless of what type of training you choose to seek out, look for qualified/quality instructors that can become a resource both during and after the class, that are familiar with teaching your age group and can present the material in multiple ways. As adult learners we typically learn more by hands on but information is definitely reinforced when the material is also able to be offered in verbal and visual formats as well. Most importantly, make sure you find an instructor that can make your learning experience enjoyable.

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By Karen Hunter


risp morning air against my face, eyes closed. The smell of gunpowder envelops my senses. Visu-

alize the target, the threat is real. Breathe, slow press. My mind is taken to my shooting zone for this defensive handgun drill. A place where everything feels real. It is now all about survival. The threat is called. As I take my first step and draw, I hear a click and realize that my holster has come off of my belt, still on the gun. I am now totally thrown off my game, exposed and for seconds, defenseless. Had this been a real life situation, the threat would have prevailed. How does this happen? A poor quality belt. I had been told to get a good belt. I assumed mine was fine. I had never had an issue before. It was a sobering moment at the range when I realized how wrong I’d been. If this were a real life threatening situation, it would not have ended well for me. So, the belt search began. Upon the recommendation of The Wise Men Company, I checked out Lunar Concepts. I have multiple quality products from Wise Men and totally trust their knowledge and judgement. Looking through Lunar Concepts’ website I was very impressed. I also compared what I had found there with several other companies. Prices were very comparable. Through my research and checking with other qualified people I decided to give Lunar Concepts a try. I especially loved that the products are custom made here in the US. I chose the Everyday Ally belt in all black. The average wait time is seven to ten days, which is great compared to bigger companies where custom made items can take eight to ten weeks! Lunar Concepts was very helpful and professional as I placed my order, really taking the time to help me understand measurements and sizing. They also took time to help me figure out what would be best for me based on my specific personal needs.

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My belt came within days and I couldn’t have been more thrilled! Talk about sturdy! The fit was perfect and I think I tried it that day with every pair of pants I own to see if the belt would fit the loops. It did. I love the G-Hook buckle on this belt as it is slim and flat. This works well for me as I carry appendix. It reduces bulk making concealing much easier. This belt is made with a double layer of TypeN450 Scuba webbing and stitched with five rows of bonded nylon thread. Curious to see how well this belt would do, I decided to carry a 1911, the biggest and heaviest gun I have. This belt handled it without an issue. Even with dry firing and repeated drawing, the belt stayed firm and my holster didn’t budge. This belt is stiff, rigid and well made. Also, surprisingly comfortable. Seriously money well spent. I will definitely be going back to Lunar Concepts for more. The next item on my wish list would be the Contour Padded Sling and the SwiftTQ DANGLER Carrier. The sling is designed with a CountourKink pad. This eliminates the sling from riding up your back and neck and reduces fatigue. The SwiftTQ is designed for carrying a variety of tourniquets but can easily be adapted to carry items for other needs. What truly impressed me most about Lunar Concepts was the follow up. Once the money was paid and product shipped I hadn’t just become a number. The company followed up to see if I was satisfied and also offered more helpful advice on belt adjustment. Solid, well crafted products along with excellent customer service is what you can expect from Lunar Concepts. You can learn more at lcequipped.com or visit them on Instagram @Lunarconcepts. WARRIORS FORGE 2018 * ForceOptionsUSA.com * 23


By Chuck Porter

When I was presented with the opportunity to write about cigars I got pretty excited. I like to share my passion for things that I’m, well, passionate about. Most of those things are what some would consider unhealthy. Guns, police work, military life, booze, and of course cigars. Going into this I knew that I didn’t want to write some pretentious, selfaggrandizing spiel about notes of this and hints of that. Pallet, mouth feel, aroma, draw, it has been done, and done again. That stuff is great for reviewing a particular cigar but I wanted to convey something different. I want to educate you, tempt you, and convince you. I want to tell you why I love cigars, and why you should too. Let’s talk first about cigars, more specifically premium cigars. When we say “premium cigar” we’re talking about a cigar that is made of long leaf tobacco as opposed to chopped up or short leaf filler. We’re also talking about a cigar that is hand rolled, and that is the important part in my opinion. Someone, somewhere has sweat equity in their product. No machines, no assembly line full of robots, just people that care about quality. The difference is reflected in construction, flavor, and price. Yes, you’re going to pay more for a premium cigar and that’s OK. Think of it like a car. You can buy a mass-produced grocery getter for a reasonable price, but if you want a premium ride like a McLaren…well you’re going to pay a bit more. And the difference is obvious. The same holds true with cigars. You get what you pay for. That’s not to say that you need to take out a second mortgage, just be aware that you’re going to spend more than what you would at the cigar counter of the local convenience store. Don’t buy those. If you’ve never smoked a cigar, or anything else for that matter, there are some things that you need to know. First, don’t inhale. I’m serious. It’s a selfcorrecting error I assure you. They’re not cigarettes, you’re better than that. Second, there’s as many types of cigars as there are people who smoke them. They come in a ton of shapes, sizes, and strengths. From the cigarillo to the perfecto, Parejo to the Culebra, Connecticut to Oscuro, there’s a hat for every head. For the first time or novice smoker the choices can be daunting. Start with something light. The tobacconist at your local cigar retailer will be able to point you in the right direction. There’s nothing wrong with exploring flavored, sugared, or infused cigars for the beginner. Grabbing the longest, fattest, Maduro your first time out may leave a bad taste in your mouth, literally. Let your taste develop over time, you’ll have a better experience. Third, don’t get caught up in fads. You don’t have to spend twenty dollars for a single cigar to get a great smoke. Cuban cigars are cool, but not the holy grail that they’re made out to be. You can get an equivalent if not better product from Honduras, Nicaragua, or other places and be super satisfied. It’s easy to get overwhelmed so I strongly recommend that you find a reputable cigar bar or dealer and ask questions. Go in the humidor, look around, touch and feel and smell. With that said, I will offer this word of caution; you will run in to “that guy.” It’s the same guy that works at the gun store that talks down to people that aren’t as knowledgeable as he thinks he is. .

Photo: John Domrzalski

The remedy is the same, go elsewhere. Finally, if you decide to take the plunge and try a cigar or two don’t spend money that you don’t need to. Often times I’ll see folks buy a fifteen-dollar cigar, a fifty-dollar cutter, and an eighty-dollar torch only to discover that it’s just not their cup o’ tea. Most good cigar bars will have “community” cutters and torches for you to use or offer inexpensive choices. A word of advice, don’t be the person to lick the end of the cigar before you cut it with a communal cutter. That’s gross, and there’s a good chance that the proprietor will tell you you’re gross and ask that you not be gross in their establishment. On that topic, there’s not much reason to lick or “wet” the head of the cigar (not a sentence I ever thought I’d write). It is a more common practice in European countries to prevent cracking when a cigar is clipped as they store them at a lower humidity level. One more point of etiquette; if you bring your own cigar to a cigar bar expect to pay a “cutting fee”, much like a corking fee you’d pay at a restaurant when you bring a bottle of wine with you. Now for the part where I apply peer pressure to subtly tempt you like a Siren calling wayward sailors to their untimely demise. Only I don’t want to smash you against some wet rock in the ocean, I want you to try a good cigar. For me, cigars are an escape. It’s an hour that I can spend with friends sharing a common interest and enjoying a little comradery.

Photo: John Domrzalski

Or, it’s an hour I can spend in total silence. A chance to be introspective, alone with my thoughts, or no thoughts at all. As I’m walking up to the lounge I can smell a dozen different cigars burning creating a medley of scent and taste. The room is full of people sitting at the bar, in leather chairs and couches, or high top tables. The conversations vary from business to sports to the “I’m not as good as I once was, but I’m as good once as I ever was,” tales of days long lost. I decide on a cigar for the evening, a Leaf by Oscar Sumatra. Not too light, not too dark. Crisp and flavorful but not heavy. I prefer that cigar with a dark beer like Sweet Baby Jesus. I settle in to my seat, a deep leather chair, and light up. The first few draws on the cigar is where the relaxation begins for me. Taking the smoke in and letting it settle on my tongue. Tasting the flavors as they change and mellow as I slowly let it roll out creating a halo of dissipating stress that floats away into the air. For the next 45 minutes I get to enjoy the ever-changing personality of the tobacco as it burns closer and closer to the end. Good conversation with my wife and friends and libations add to the pleasantry. The evening comes to a close as the pint glass gives up her last bit of nectar and the Leaf begins to lose her warmth. The ashtray is filled with small delicate logs of what was, just minutes earlier, a premium tobacco. If even for a short time everything is right in the world. All my worries carried away on a magic carpet of aromatic smoke, lost forever with each exhale. Until next time, when the planets need to be aligned with a cigar, a cutter, a torch, and a tasty adult beverage. Go. Give it a try. You’ll like it. Photo: John Domrzalski

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here are countless philosophies and principles that have trickled down through time. Yet few retain relevance in a modern society. Those that stand the test of time become more than just clever words to live by or used for cliché. They become the building blocks of a way of life. One such philosophy is called “Mushin.” It is a Samurai ideal and roughly translates to “No Mind.” Warriors through millennia have recognized the inevitable failure that accompanies a bust mind. In battle a busy mind is distracted easily and makes the warrior an easy foe. To be of “no mind” means that you are living in the moment. No concerns of what was or what is to be. There is only now. With this your mind is free of clutter and capable of dealing with any threat or challenge. It applies in sword combat, hand to hand as well as in modern gun fighting. There is no time or place in combat for even temporary selfreflection let alone condemnation or frustration. These are luxuries that can be considered once the adversary is no more. Like most deep principles, Mushin is easy to comprehend, yet difficult to apply. However embracing it will move you further down the path of warriorhood.

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The Way of the Shotgun

By Fred Mastison


guns conjure up as much folklore and

cliché as the shotgun. A long time staple of those serious about home defense, it shares an equal sized crowd of uncertain or fearful onlookers. They are loud, pushy and big. These three things have been a stopping point from keeping more people from adopting this venerable classic to defend their castle. Why Shotguns are a solid choice for home protection for a variety of reasons. The first and foremost reason is stopping power. This term is tossed around but with a shotgun it has real meaning. The chance of first or second round fight-stopping shots with shotgun ammunition is a reality. The baseline for stopping power is a round’s ability to penetrate a minimum of 12 inches into a target. This is the general standard used by the F.B.I. Using #1 buckshot, a shotgun can deliver 16 pellets at high velocity into an intruder. These pellets combined have a surface area of 1.13 square inches and is equivalent of shooting someone 12 to 15 times simultaneously with a .32ACP or .380 ACP rounds. It is indeed a fight stopper. Simplicity of function is another reason that shotguns are a good choice for home defense. With even simple training, a shooter can easily and quickly bring a shotgun to bear on an intruder in a home. As a long gun it is easier to aim and keep on target than a handgun. This combined with some simple modifications; the shotgun can be a formidable weapon in close quarters. Myth Busting

Racking a shotgun is the international language for “get out.” Actually, it is the international sound of “my weapon was not loaded.” While some will argue the pros and cons of keeping a weapon loaded, it is undeniably faster to bring into action if it is already chambered. You don’t need any training to run a shotgun. This is potentially the most dangerous myth in the lot. Any time you choose to keep a firearm as a home defense tool, you should seek professional training on its’ use. To the untrained a shotgun can deliver substantial recoil and muzzle rise. This can lead to a severe dislike of this classic weapon and in turn lead to little or no practice time. Learn how to effectively shoot the shotgun and it will become an enjoyable and empowering event.

We Can Make it Better While out of the box shotguns can serve the purpose of home defense adequately, a few modifications can elevate its’ effectiveness. One item I advocate on any home defense weapon is a light. You need to be able to confirm your target before unleashing lead down the hall. The tactical flashlight world is now huge and everyone makes something for everything. One of the best is Surefire. They manufacture a fore grip for most shotguns complete with a built in flashlight. Combined with pressure switches it is a very natural addition to the gun.

Along with its’ reputation as a fight stopper, it has also gained a level of mythology not seen in many other weapons. Some of the myths are simple exaggera- Low light sights are next on the list. As mentioned eartions of truth while others are utter fabrications. Let’s lier it is important to get the weapon aimed correctly to look at the top four. improve your chances of hitting your target. Statistics tell us that this type of conflict will happen in low light You don’t need to aim a shot gun. Just point it in and we need to be ready. Some of the best on the the general direction of your target and it will market come from Trijicon. Sold in a number of colors hit. While this is almost laughable, it is a com- these hearty sights are a solid addition to your shotmonly held belief in many circles. The shotgun gun. is like any other firearm. In order for you to guarantee hits on target, you need to aim. The final way to make it better is to shorten it. Most Many a hunter and competition shooter can major manufacturers have a factory built short barrel attest to this. version of their tactical shotguns. You can also contract with a gunsmith to shorten your existing gun. It is Use birdshot because it will stop an intruder but not important to note that a short barrel shotgun falls under over-penetrate dry wall. This is wrong on both some very specific ATF regulations. You will need to counts. Birdshot does not carry enough energy verify that your state allows short barrels before you to effectively be used as a self-defense load. begin the long process of getting approved. While beAdditionally, bird shot does have the capacity ing a bit heavy on the paperwork side, the short barrel to penetrate drywall – much to the surprise of shotgun offers improved handling and manipulation in anyone on the other side. close quarters. WARRIORS FORGE 2018 * ForceOptionsUSA.com * 30

Tips and Tactics As with all firearms, the first thing you should do is seek professional training. With that under your belt you can begin to fine tune your skills inside the home. A few solid tips though are worth looking at. First, do not “go hunting” in your home unless you have to. If you hear noises, get your weapon and position yourself with a clear shot at the doorway into your area. Call 911 and get help on the way. If possible, rest the shotgun on the bed without sacrificing your shot. This will make aiming easier and slow fatigue as the police make their way to you.

Second, if you must move through your house, make sure that corners are clear before you move out around them. Prudent use of light is helpful for searching in low light. Once again, you need to be able to confirm your target. A side note on the topic of light. I encourage you to use a handheld light for general searching and scanning. It can help avoid potentially catastrophic mistakes. Third, keep the weapon as close to your body as possible when out and moving. In the event an intruder surprises you and grabs the gun – you have a better chance at retention. If the gun is too far away from your center you could be easily disarmed and end up in a very bad situation. Your Own Boom Stick The shotgun is a classic weapon that still serves a solid role today. Accessorized well and mixed with training the scattergun can be the 12 gauge insurance policy you are looking for. As with all things, with knowledge comes power. This is even truer with the shotgun. With knowledge comes serious power.

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Karen Hunter

Senior Editor / Instructor—Force Options, Freelance Writer Karen Hunter is the Senior Editor for Force Option’s Warrior’s Forge magazine as well as a Force Options handgun instructor. She is a freelance writer and vocal advocate for the 2nd amendment and personal protection. She is a knife lover and lifelong student. We are fortunate to have her as part of our team!

Jason Seyfert

At The Ready Weaponry & Medical- President/Lead Instructor Jason has worked as a medical and security professional for more than 20 years, with the last 10 years having a strong focus on firearms and emergency medicine. He himself is a perpetual student and strives to bring not only time tested techniques to his students but also the current and next generations of skills.

Chuck Porter

Founder of Sheepdogs, Inc. and Get Fit or Die Athletics apparel Chuck is the founder of Sheepdogs, Inc. and Get Fit or Die Athletics apparel brands, both of which reside with Ranger Up Military Apparel. He is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and nearly a decade and a half of law enforcement service. He is the co -host of the Salute to Service radio show on 106.3 WORD in Greenville, SC. Chuck also consults for PSD Manufacturing, home of PSD Rifleworks and PSD Suppressors. He’s married with three daughters, is bald, and enjoys long walks to the refrigerator to get beer. He is not, however, a narcissist. He’s too good for labels.

Scott Milkovich

Owner—Specialized Dynamics Scott is the founder and owner of Specialized Dynamics Rifle Company based in Arizona. He is an Army veteran and precision rifle expert. He is a sought after expert on barrels and ballistics and has been a consultant for several large firearms and ammunition companies.

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January 23-26 NSSF SHOT Show

Las Vegas, NV

March 3

Defensive Handgun

Waynesville, OH

March 4

Defensive Carbine

Waynesville, OH

March 9-12

IWA Outdoors Show

March 11-12

FOCuS Combatives Instructor Course

April 21

Arrest Techniques and Combatives Course

Titusville, FL

April 22

CQB Handgun

Titusville, FL


NRA Annual Meetings

June 9

Adv Concealed Carry Handgun

Waynesville, OH

June 10

Defensive Shotgun

Waynesville, OH

July 14-15

Long Range Rifle Course

Aug 11-12

Adv Combatives Course

Annual trade show for the shooting, hunting and outdoor industry.

Fred Mastison and Karen Hunter will be presenting a Defensive Handgun Class in Waynesville, Ohio. Perfect for new and intermediate shooters! Fred Mastison and Karen Hunter will be presenting a Defensive Carbine Class in Waynesville, Ohio. Perfect for new and intermediate shooters!

Nuremberg, Germany

Annual trade show for the shooting, hunting and outdoor industry in Europe.

Mainz, Germany

FOCuS Instructor Certification course. This course is open to all students who have completed the end user courses. Contact Force Options for details.

The American Police Hall of Fame will be hosting Force Options for their Advanced Arrest and Combatives course.

The American Police Hall of Fame will be hosting Force Options for their Advanced CQB Handgun course.

Dallas, TX

Annual meeting and trade show for the shooting, hunting and outdoor industry.

Fred Mastison and Karen Hunter will be presenting an adv CCW Handgun Class in Waynesville, Ohio. Fred Mastison and Karen Hunter will be presenting a Defensive Shotgun Class in Waynesville, Ohio. Perfect for new and intermediate shooters!

Flagstaff, AZ

Force Options will be holding their annual Introduction to Precision Rifle course. This is an entry level class and is held at a beautiful location in Northern Arizona. The class includes lodging on site.

Mexico City

Force Options Mexico will be hosting the annual Advanced Combatives course in Mexico City. This is a user certification course and open to all levels.

Sept 8-9

Defensive Handgun

Oct 13-14

Adv Concealed Carry Handgun

Phoenix, AZ

Fred Mastison and Karen Hunter will be presenting a Defensive Handgun Class in Phoenix, AZ Perfect for new and intermediate shooters!

Petersburg, IN

Fred Mastison and Karen Hunter will be presenting an adv CCW Handgun Class in Petersburg, IN WARRIORS FORGE 2018 * ForceOptionsUSA.com * 33

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