7 minute read
Text - Kalyani Merwade
In an era dominated by technological advancements, it comes as no surprise that scammers are constantly finding new ways to exploit unsuspecting individuals. With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), a new wave of scams has emerged, utilising the power of this cuttingedge technology to deceive and defraud innocent victims. This article aims to shed light on the alarming trend of AIbased scams that are proliferating across the internet, focusing on one p a r t i c u l a r m e t h o d involving cloned faces.
The Cloned Face ScamImagine receiving a distressing video call from a loved one, who appears to be in a desperate situation, seeking urgent financial or medical assistance. Unbeknownst to you, the person on the call is not your friend or r e l a t i v e b u t a n A Ig e n e r a t e d c l o n e , designed to mimic their appearance and voice.

Expert Insights-
"AI-based scams are a growing threat. Deep fakes, realistic videos or audio recordings of individuals, are commonly used to deceive victims into sharing personal information or funds. Combating these scams requires ongoing efforts, public education, and new detection tools"up.
- John Smith, cybersecurity expert. Jane Doe, law enforcement official.
Real-Life ExamplesInstances of AI-based scams using cloned faces h a v e a l r e a d y b e e n reported, demonstrating the severity of this issue. In a recent case in China, a scammer successfully impersonated a victim's close friend during a video call, persuading the unsuspecting individual to transfer an exorbitant sum of 4.3 million yuan. This incident serves as a stark reminder that even those who are cautious can be lured into these traps due to the high level of deception involved.
Protective Measures - As t h e s a y i n g g o e s , prevention is better than cure. Here are some essential steps you can take to safeguard yourself against AIbased scams
1. Verify Before Taking Action: Always exercise caution when you receive requests for financial assistance or personal information, especially if they seem urgent or out of character Before acting on such requests, independently confirm the authenticity of the communication through other channels, such as a phone call or a face-to-face conversation.
2. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the latest scams and deceptive tactics employed by fraudsters Regularly update yourself on the emerging trends and techniques utilised in AI-based scams to recognize and thwart potential threats.

3. Strengthen Digital Security: Protecting your online presence is crucial. Utilize strong, unique passwords for all your online accounts and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible. Be wary of suspicious emails, links, or attachments and refrain from sharing sensitive information unless it is absolutely necessary and verified.
4. Exercise Vigilance on Social Media: Adjust the privacy settings on your social media accounts to ensure that personal information is visible only to trusted connections Be mindful of what you share publicly, as scammers often use personal details gleaned from social media platforms to customise their deception.
5. Report Suspicious Activities: If you encounter or suspect an AIbased scam, promptly report it to the relevant authorities or your local law enforcement agency. By doing so, you not only protect yourself but also contribute to the fight against cybercrime.

As a Final Point
As AI technology continues to advance and integrate into our daily lives, it's crucial to maintain vigilance and acknowledge the potential risks it brings. The emergence of AI-based scams, especially those utilising cloned faces, calls for our utmost attention and caution. Equipping ourselves with knowledge about scammers' tactics and adopting protective measures allows us to safeguard against these deceptive schemes. Staying informed and sceptical is paramount in protecting ourselves and others from the lurking threats of AI-based scams across the vast expanse of the internet.
reporters at this location, Godinho claimed that the state government had written to the Cyber Crime division to demand action against Uber for allegedly operating unlawfully as a taxi company.
"We wrote to the Cyber Crime branch and questioned (Uber) on how they could launch the business without getting approval. How is it possible for such a large organization to launch a business without official approval?

He declared that the police have been asked by his department to take steps over the cab aggregator's app-based business. Godinho stated, "We had sent an email to the cybercrime (cell) last week, but on Monday we delivered the cybercrime cell an official letter. "The state government has previously decided not to grant Ola and Uber authorization Its position has not altered We will take them in confidence if anything ever changes," Godinho added.
The Minister claimed that while the state government has received proposals from taxi operators, no decision has been made as of yet. "Everyone wants to come to Goa to do business," he continued.
Uber India Systems Private Limited is being sued by the Goa government for allegedly operating its services illegally in the Indian coastal state. Uber announced its Goa services, which include airport pickup and drop-off, earlier last week. In a statement to the media on Tuesday, State Transport Minister Mauvin Godinho stated that Uber has been officially accused of operating illegally in the tourist state. Speaking to
The operations of Ola and Uber cabs have been criticized by Goa's taxi drivers. The minister also reaffirmed the government's position that Ola and Uber and other app-based cab aggregators will not be allowed to operate in Goa. Despite prior pronouncements from the minister stating that he would permit well-known app-based cab services to operate in Goa amid a dispute with local taxi drivers, this decision was made.
generation sevenfold since 2019. Goa will become one of the world's first "green tourist hotspots," according to Sawant, who stated that his government is devoted to modernizing the industry. According to him, a strategic roadmap is already in place, and we will soon implement several renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives to decarbonize this industry that is heavily dependent on nature.
People-centric schemes in various sectors
The chief minister stated that to ensure faster adoption of green technologies and sustainable practices, other crucial sectors, including logistics, manufacturing, wellness, farming, and aquaculture, as well as the food industry, are prepared to implement several people-centric schemes, in addition to education campaigns and skill-building initiatives.
During the G20 Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) and 8th Mission Innovation (MI) Meeting, the chief minister of Goa unveiled the state's clean energy roadmap for the year 2050. According to Chief Minister Pramod Sawant, Goa would provide a 100% sustainable energy-based power supply to all demand areas by 2050 or even much sooner.

According to Sawant, Goa is certain that it will provide a 100% renewable-based electrical power supply to all consumption sectors by 2050 or even sooner if it remains guided by its energy vision and uses the analysis from the Clean Energy Roadmap. He claimed that Goa is on the right track to fully utilizing solar energy and that the state's solar policy is centered on clean energy production by households.
The chief minister continued, "We have already expanded solar power
He urged the G20 nations to take the initiative to make Goa's Clean Energy Roadmap a reality and a model for the rest of the world."Be it in the form of a pilot demonstration of clean energy technologies and practices, an innovative service delivery model, or a long-term strategic partnership, I assure you of all possible assistance from the government of Goa," Sawant continued.
According to him, Goa's sustainable energy program intends to decarbonize all economic sectors by 2050.
According to the CM, they have also been able to pinpoint highpotential areas where the adoption of suitable renewable energy technologies, resource- and energy-efficient practices, supported by the proper policy and regulatory measures, can produce the greatest benefits for the environment, the economy, and society.

To meet the growing demand for travel between Goa and the Middle East, IndiGo, India's top airline, is getting ready to launch a new biweekly route on September 2 that would connect Mopa (North Goa) and Abu Dhabi. With the most recent addition to their route network, IndiGo's footprint in Abu Dhabi is expected to grow, strengthening the already-existing flights from five important Indian cities, including Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kochi, and H y d e r a b a d . T h i s a c t i o n demonstrates IndiGo's dedication to meeting the various needs of its expanding client base
Vinay Malhotra, Head of Global Sales at IndiGo, made the announcement and was ecstatic about the new development. "We are happy to announce new links between North Goa (Mopa Airport) and Abu Dhabi, marking an exciting advancement in our flight options. Since there is significant demand for travel to the Middle East in India, IndiGo is proactively making plans to meet this need through these additional connections. With the introduction of these airplanes, IndiGo will operate 52 weekly flights from 8 Indian cities to Abu Dhabi, putting the UAE even closer to India. We are convinced that both locations will see a major increase in trade and tourism as a result of including these routes in our 2019 winter schedule," he said.

Malhotra stressed that improving connectivity and guaranteeing a smooth and enjoyable travel experience for its passengers across i t s v a s t n e t w o r k a r e t h e c o r n e r s t o n e s o f I n d i G o ' s unwavering commitment. The airline is committed to offering timely, cost-effective, hassle-free services that will unquestionably leave customers with priceless memories. The recently launched flight 6E 1505, which leaves Mopa at 00:25 and arrives in Abu Dhabi at 02:15, will run on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. The return flight, however, 6E 1506, will run on the same days, departing Abu Dhabi at 3:15, and landing in Mopa at 8:10.
IndiGo launched a direct route from Delhi to Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, earlier this month. SixE 1803, a direct flight between Delhi and Baku, will fly on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. The flight will take off from Delhi at 20:20 and land in Baku at 23:50. The 6E 1804 return trip will fly on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. The flight will leave Baku at 01:40 and land in Delhi at 07:10.