We honor and remember the support of Chef Kerry Simon, Gary Cantor, Robin Leach, Chef Paul Prudhomme, & Gary Coles Food & Beverage Magazine® is owned and published electronically by Beautiful People, LLC. Copyright 1995-2016 Beautiful People LLC. All rights reserved. Food & Beverage Magazine® and distinctive logo are trademarks owned by Beautiful People, LLC. “fb101.com” is a trademark of Beautiful Peopl,e LLC. No part of this electronic magazine may be reproduced without the written consent of Food & Beverage Magazine. Requests for permission should be directed to: Lauren.Kane@fbmagazine.com. The information contained has been provided by such individual, event organizers or organizations. The opinion expressed in each article is the opinion of its author, organization or public relation firm. Food & Beverage Magazine is not affiliated with any other Food&Beverage or Hospitality publication.
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#Trending Products
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Wall-to-Fork Fresh Produce Comes to Monsey Supermarket The world of freshly harvested greens and herbs is looking up – literally – in Monsey, NY. The iconic Evergreen Market is debuting a revolutionary 20-foot high geoponic (soil-based) wall farm that lets customers not only choose clean, fresh-picked produce but also see exactly where it comes from. The pesticide-free lettuce, kale, arugula, basil, and cilantro from Evergreen’s on-site farm are sold at competitive prices in individual pots, making the “buying local” experience more convenient than ever. Pesticide-free and grown in soil that is never exposed to bugs, all products are Star-K Kosher Certified for purity. “We are gratified to be the first kosher supermarket in the country to introduce the Vertical farm,” said Malki Levine of Evergreen. “Our customers are very much looking forward to buying fresh produce that is grown in our own backyard rather than being transported on long hauls from farms across the country. They will also appreciate the significantly reduced level of infestation, a major concern of kosher consumers.”
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Shoppers can visit the thriving vertical farm when they visit the store. The state-of-the-art system features a controlled, sterile environment with soil beds containing a proprietary mix of minerals and nutrients. Advanced sensors constantly monitor, irrigate, and fertilize the crops throughout every growth stage. Evergreen’s wall farm is the latest installation from Vertical Field (www.verticalfield.com), an Israeli ag-tech company that produces innovative vertical agricultural solutions that help the environment, improve human health conditions, and make fresh, delicious produce available all year round. Geoponic (soil-based) vertical farming yields a new crop every few days, ensuring that fresh greens and herbs will always be in season in Monsey. The sustainable and eco-friendly method produces cleaner, healthier, tastier veggies than those shipped from miles away. And, reduced soil-to-plate time means a longer shelf life and fewer hands involved – a welcome benefit in the age of Covid-19. “We are extremely excited with the partnership with Evergreen,” said Guy Elitzur, the CEO of Vertical Field. “They are precisely the type of supermarket that has the right customer base and will successfully integrate the latest technological advances in geoponic farming.”
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2020 Trends in Produce by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Chef, Restaurateur, Mentor – Felina, Ridgewood, NJ As prominent city chefs make the pilgrimage from urban cultural centers to suburban and rural markets, we caught up with NJ’s arguably top toque, Anthony Bucco. Being in the shadows of the country’s most celebrated food city, New York, Chef Bucco has led the states most notable restaurants including the iconic Ryland Inn in Whitehouse Station and the Wine Spectator darling Restaurant Latour in Hamburg. He now takes up residence at one of NJ’s hottest restaurants, Felina in Ridgewood. We wanted to get some insights into Bucco’s connection to the state he has called home his entire life and the state he has championed as being an incubator of fresh talent and innovation. Flip for the Interview >>
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Strengthen Your Air Protection. Learn more at:
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In Spirit
with Vedo Pitnjakovic
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Vedad “Vedo” Pitnjakovic is a freelance spirits & cocktail writer and contributing writer for Food and Beverage Magazine. vedo is based out of Las Vegas and has Ten years of experience as a bartender, consultant, and brand ambassador. Follow Vedo On IG & Twitter @V_isabartender
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2020 International Winner
What Would
National Pasta Month Be Without a Great Sauce?
“I am thrilled to officially be on board with The Jersey Tomato Co. As a chef and proud Jersey Boy, JTC is the first sauce I’ve found with the careful balance of sweetness and acidity I strive for in my own home-cooked version. The recipes I’ve created using JTC are intended to showcase the product’s versatility and recreate the flavors of my Elizabeth, NJ childhood for any home cook who wants twice the flavor in half the time.” - Tom Colicchio To celebrate the introduction of Roasted Garlic, brand official culinary consultant Colicchio has created a new custom recipe utilizing the newest flavor addition to the collection. Roasted Garlic features a delicious mix of garlic, olive oil, basil, tomatoes, sea salt and black pepper for a flavorful addition to any dish; an updated take on an old world classic, at only 40 calories per serving. The new recipe by Colicchio, “Pork Involtini,” highlights the 4th flavor to join the popular tomato sauce line. https://jerseytomatoco.com/jtco-products The Jersey Tomato Co. sauces are naturally low in sodium, with no fillers or additives resulting in a clean label product. The brand sources 100% New Jersey Tomatoes, enabling The Jersey Tomato Co. to outperform on freshness and flavor. The brand maintains a superior level of deliciousness while using fewer ingredients. The Jersey Tomato Co. sauces are all gluten free, Non-GMO, naturally low in sodium, vegan, and Kosher, and they have no added sugars, no citric acid, and zero preservatives.
Flip for Your New Favorite Recipe >
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Pork Involtini Recipe Time: 60 minutes Serves: 4 INGREDIENTS: 8 slices pork loin, each about ¼ inch thick ¾ cup fresh bread crumbs 1 cup grated Pecorino cheese 1 cup fresh herbs (parsley, thyme, sage, rosemary, etc.) 1 tsp. kosher salt 1 tsp. freshly ground pepper 1 whole egg, plus 1 egg yolk ¼ cup all purpose flour 1 cup breadcrumbs 3 tbs. olive oil 1 cup chicken broth 1 jar The Jersey Tomato Co. Roasted Garlic Sauce
DIRECTIONS: 1On a work surface, lightly pound the pork loin slices until they are ¼ inch thick. Season with salt and pepper. 2In a bowl, combine ¾ cup Pecorino and ¾ cup herbs. Sprinkle a heaping teaspoon of the herb mixture over each pork slice and roll into a cylinder. Secure each pinwheel with toothpicks. Season with salt and pepper. 3Mix the flour and ¼ Pecorino in a pie plate. In a bowl whisk together 1 egg and yolk. 4Coat the involtini in the flour & Pecorino. Dip in egg wash and dredge in breadcrumbs until entirely coated. Repeat until they are all coated, tapping off any excess flour. 5In a large skillet, heat the oil until simmering. Add the Involtini and cook over moderately high heat until browned all over, about 3 to 5 minutes. It can be done in batches to not crowd the pan. 6After browning, transfer to an enamel pot or Dutch oven and deglaze the pot with chicken broth. 7Add the tomato sauce and simmer, uncovered until the involtini are cooked through, about 30 min utes. 8Transfer the involtini to a plate, sprinkle with remaining herbs and serve.
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Buddy Custard: Sweet Relief How a Lymphoma Diagnosis Inspired a Supplement Brand
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pets," he explains. "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" is a notion that is thousands of years old and attributed to Hippocrates, the father of medicine. Hippocrates was describing the "functional foods" used today as the principle is widely acknowledged. The importance of a healthy diet and the scientifically proven healing properties of the essential nutrients in foods. This is true for both people and their pets. Today, foods are being intentionally and purposefully developed with even more nutrient enriching formulas for enhanced health and biodynamics. These foods, nutraceuticals, are one of the fastest-growing categories in consumer-packaged goods.
When Robert Schlien, founder and CEO of Buddy Custard, was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 2005, his doctors prescribed chemotherapy and radiation. Getting a cancer diagnosis is life changing for anyone, and the starting signal for a journey no one wants to volunteer to take. For Schlien, his cancer journey began with a fateful diagnosis that would lead to the founding of a revolutionary pet supplement company changing the health and quality of life for pets and their families. “When I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, I declined conventional treatment," he says. While managing the shock of his own diagnosis, Schlien also understood the extreme toxicity and ultimate limitations of these treatments, so he decided to explore other, more humane yet effective options. Immediately, he made adjustments to his diet and introduced certain supplements. In 2010, the cancer became very aggressive and Schlien was told emphatically that chemotherapy had to be done, that waiting was no longer an option. It was at that point that he stumbled upon the Budwig Protocol of Dr Budwig and gave it a shot just prior to his first infusion of chemo. “Within 3 to 6 months, I was cancer free and remain that way to date without ever using conventional therapies. It is my personal experience that inspired the creation of Buddy Custard for
While researching his own health solutions, Schlien made a fateful discovery. His research led him to the revolutionary work of Dr. Johanna Budwig and her Budwig Protocol. The science behind her theory made sense to him, and Schlien immediately adopted the regimen. Shortly after that, he noticed an improvement, and today his cancer is non-detectable after using only this formula. This simple program, developed in the 1950s in Germany, involves combining a protein and an omega-3 fatty acid in a very specific way. Dr. Budwig observed that this combination makes the omega-3 oil more water-soluble. This is believed to enable maladaptive cells to re-oxygenate and subsequently heal. Dr. Budwig provided services to thousands of individuals in over 60 years of her work and observed a 90-95% success rate in her patients. She was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize seven times in her lifetime, and her contribution to the scientific community and cancer research made her renowned in the field. "It is really a simple miracle," according to Schlien, who was initially surprised that such a powerfully effective therapy was so relatively unknown in the US. Further, the purity and simplicity of ingredients in the Budwig Protocol belied the complexity of manufacturing necessary to get the effective finished product. Schlien was inspired to try to make this Budwig Protocol product for himself. Schlien, his family, and his #$$%&'&()*)+,-)&.,-,/01)&& &&&234$5)+&6778)
medical team were thrilled with the results. "After realizing my remarkable results using the Budwig Protocol, I began receiving requests from others with similar health challenges. Many were also inquiring for their dogs," says Schlien. Following his tremendous success with people and much research, they discovered that cancer is an epidemic in dogs as in humans. Dr. Budwig claimed that her protocol is equally effective for animals, so Schlien re-engineered the Budwig formula specifically for pets. In a moment of inspiration, Schlien decided to turn these results into a business, and Buddy Custard was born. Although Buddy Custard does not claim to diagnose, treat or cure chronic diseases, it is based on a program that has helped many, "We re-engineered the technology and methodology to blend our proprietary formula properly, providing convenient frozen packages ready-to-use and delivered directly to the consumer for the health and wellness of dogs. While this new formula was developed for our ill companions, it may also be very effective as a defense for healthy pets." This one-of-a-kind dietary product uses high-quality, organic flaxseed oil, but since the cells do not easily absorb it, the Budwig protocol incorporates all-natural cottage cheese to work as a conduit to improve the healthy intake of the omega-3 fats. The other ingredients, organic stevia and peanut butter flavoring, are the dog food's four natural ingredients. The unique delivery method into a canine or human body may help maintain overall good health and lessen the effects of diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, skin ailments, and heart disease. "We are facing an epidemic in dogs today. Did you know that 74% of dogs over the age of 10 have been diagnosed with cancer? There has been a 79%
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increase in canine diabetes. 10% (7.8 million) dogs suffer from heart disease. 20% of dogs suffer from arthritis," says Schlien. "One dog had a mammary tumor, and I was surprised to see her still alive." Said Dr. Karen Donovan of Red Barn Veterinary Hospital in Georgia about one sick dog in her care, which was put on the Buddy Custard regimen. Many thousands of testimonials attest to the efficacy of the Budwig protocol for pets (and humans). Buddy Custard's unique proven formula is non-invasive, all-natural, and affordable. As an adjunct to a dog's regular daily diet, it may be used alone or with conventional medical therapies. Original Buddy Custard is comprised of all-natural
cottage cheese and organic flaxseed oil. The Peanut Butter Flavor Buddy Custard has the same core formula with the addition of organic stevia and peanut butter flavoring. Buddy Custard comes in 20-ounce frozen tubs containing approximately 40 tablespoons per container. Buddy Custard does not claim to diagnose, treat, or cure chronic diseases; it is based on a program that has helped many. Buddy Custard is not a drug or supplement, so does not require FDA/USDA approval, but is manufactured in the US in an FDA/USDA approved facility. Schlien acknowledges the broad benefit, the potential to ease suffering, and exploring a formulation for cats and other pets. "A human formulation may even come one day'" according to the company's founder. The company has launched the Buddy Custard Canine COVID-19 Special with 40% off to introduce the product to dog owners through October. Buddy Custard can be safely shipped frozen, directly to anyone's door. For more information and testimonials, visit www.buddycustard.com. Like many cancer survivors, Robert Schlien is grateful. He considers himself a lucky person to have discovered success on his own personal journey and found a solution to help so many others ease their pet's pain.
"I want our pets to live the healthiest, longest, pain-free life possible. Buddy Custard has made a world of difference. Buddy Custard is good for every dog as they age, and this is going to save dog's lives” - Robert Schlien, Co-Founder & CEO #$$%&'&()*)+,-)&.,-,/01)&& &&&234$5)+&6778)
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PR%F Awards 2020:
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Lower Overhead and Increase Pay with Improved Tip Distribution It may sound like a paradox, but in many states around the US, restaurant owners and managers are saving money and being able to improve their back-of-house employee’s paychecks.
How? By finding more fair and equitable ways to distribute front-of-house tips to the support staff behind the scenes. Perhaps even more surprising though is that this is not a new law or adjustment, it has in fact been in place since 2018. In revisions and clarifications to the FLSA, regulators established on a national level that back-of-house employees may participate in valid tip pools, with a few exceptions and state variations.
nearly $15,000 per year. For most restaurant owners, those could become savings of $15,000 a year per location. At TipHaus, a software company designed to solve restaurant’s tip distribution problems, there has been a massive influx in restaurants looking for ways to distribute money to kitchen staff, expos, and dishwashers more fairly. Despite the ability to operate this way for years, a booming economy has allowed many restaurant managers to avoid diving into the legality of this issue, instead opting to operate the way they had for the previous decade. Before restaurateurs celebrate saving tens of thousands of dollars however, there are some legal elements to keep in mind, and some state-by-state exceptions. First and foremost, the new regulations cleared up loopholes and established heftier fines for any restaurants that allow managers, owners, or supervisors to take place in tip pools. This is strictly forbidden in clear language on a federal level. Additionally, these changes allowed for greater control on the state and local level, so be sure to check laws where each restaurant operates for specifics. To help you in your journey, we can look at some examples and terms commonly used
Why is this so important? Keeping payroll costs down is always a priority of any well functioning restaurant, but in times of a pandemic, this has become increasingly important. Finding ways to save money and improve employee retention is important, and can really add up. For example, if you have 4 BoH members of a restaurant making $2 more than your state's minimum wage, you are spending more than $1,000 each month,
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around legal definitions of tip distributions in the US. In New York for example, state law specifically states that back-of-house employees can not participate in tip distributions. Yet one of many reasons running a restaurant in New York is not for the faint of heart. However in states that don’t have state level tip distribution laws, such as Oregon and Washington, these federal adjustments have no state law to compete with and now allow for restaurant owners to compensate cooks and support staff through front of house tips, so long as these tip pools are reasonable. Reasonable can usually be defined as ensuring that server’s make roughly 75% or more of the total tips they collect. California, a state known for extensive legislation, especially in the service and hospitality industry, can tip BoH employees due to a term called chain of service. This term covers individuals who contribute the guest experience, even those who do not directly interact, such as chefs and dishwashers. Some states leave it up to the employees themselves, allowing for majority votes or individual employees to decide themselves. In North Dakota for example, restaurants can require tip pooling with non-customer facing employees if 50% of the staff or more agree to operate in this manner.
state’s labor laws. Don’t forget to look into tip credits and credit card processing fees as well, as these laws will determine if you can save even more money, and help to keep your establishment off the hook for paying the difference in minimum wage payments for certain employees. An important reminder: every employee must be informed how tip pools impact them, so if you ever make an adjustment, be sure to put the updates in writing for your team to protect your company. If you are looking to start saving more money, consider how to more appropriately distribute tips in your establishment, or find a software provider like TipHaus to assist you in setting up your rules and tip pools.
While state and local laws can be confusing, it is incredibly important to consider how your restaurant can save money. Each individual restaurant can expect to save 10-20 thousand dollars per year if you operate in an eligible state. That’s enough money to certainly be worth a 20-minute research tour through your
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Reality Check: You Can No Longer Afford the Cost of Manual Quality Systems
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by Kari Hensien, President of RizePoint The world we now live in has presented new challenges. But, in some ways, it has sped-up changes that we already knew were coming. A good example is the release of the FDA’s New Era blueprint that plans for – and encourages – the adoption of more technology to manage food safety. Following are six major benefits of doing so: 1. More data-driven decisions. Paper records make it impossible to collect, integrate, and analyze data critical to food safety efforts. Manual safety checks are often done haphazardly – if they’re even done at all. Supervisors have no way of knowing whether employees skipped a paper safety inspection – boosting the possibility for increased COVID-19 risks, or other safety issue (e.g., security breach, recall or foodborne illness outbreak). But what if companies held their employees more accountable? What if they required digital audits with “proof” that safety checks were completed correctly? What if they utilized mobile apps that were easy to use on employees’ smartphones? And what if food businesses collected, integrated, and analyzed safety data on a regular basis? Then, they could make smarter decisions based on this information. For instance, they could spot – and solve – potential problems before they become liabilities – essential at any time, but even more so during a global health pandemic. 2. No more binders, loose papers, and complex spreadsheet management. A huge problem with paper records (including QA audits) is that they can be forged. If employees skip or falsify safety inspections, it poses a real threat to food safety. In these cases, managers erroneously believe that safety checks, cleaning/sanitation tasks, and other key items have been completed correctly – when they often haven’t been done at all. In today’s high-tech world, it’s shocking that so many food businesses still use antiquated paper systems to manage food safety standards, including inspections, audits and training. Transitioning to tech tools boosts safety significantly. Food business owners may resist technology, believing (erroneously) that shifting to digital tools will be overwhelming, expensive, complicated, and/or intimidating. The reverse is actually true. Current tech solutions are affordable, attainable, and easy to use. 3. A move to a reward-based — not punitive — food safety culture. Prioritizing your commitment to a food safety culture will protect your brand and manage risk. Demonstrate your commitment to proper COVID-19 protocols, such as employees wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), social distancing guidelines in place, and elevated cleaning protocols. Company leaders should emphasize that food safety is a non-negotiable priority and demonstrate that it’s engrained in their company culture. Leaders that prioritize food safety, demonstrate its importance, and explain the reasoning behind the protocols will maximize compliance and have better outcomes.
4. Better continuous quality through increased self-assessments. Since travel and interpersonal interactions have been derailed by COVID-19, it’s been challenging to obtain third-party audits since the pandemic began. Therefore, companies should implement frequent self-assessments for more robust visibility across the enterprise. Digital tools, including mobile apps, make it simple for companies to self-audit, gather insights, collect, and analyze data, determine compliance, and implement corrective actions, as needed. Additionally, digital tools boost visibility by location, providing continuous quality and significantly increasing safety and compliance. 5. An easier way to manage, track, and recall more data. To manage the influx of data from more self-assessments, invest in software solutions. This is essential as food businesses implement increased regulations around the COVID-19 outbreak. Using the data correctly can help companies focus on high-risk locations, allowing them to take immediate and long-term corrective actions to address any issues. Innovative, user-friendly digital tools can easily and accurately collect and analyze data, which food service leaders can use to make informed decisions around safety, quality, and compliance. 6. Better company-wide communication and alignment. Another problem with paper systems: it’s challenging to manage communications flow. Companies must be able to quickly and efficiently disseminate rapidly evolving information – such as changes to COVID-19 protocols, CDC updates, etc. – to all employees. This is especially true for businesses managing multiple locations, teams, and shifts. To ensure fast, efficient, accurate, consistent communication across all units and employees, rely on digital tools. Adopting and utilizing technology is a critical way to manage food safety, quality, and compliance. Everyone within the food industry must take food safety seriously every day, amplifying efforts in our current climate. Therefore, food businesses should use every (digital) tool at their disposal to maximize safety and minimize risks. As President of RizePoint, Kari Hensien is championing a new continuous quality initiative. Since travel and interpersonal interactions have been devastated by COVID-19, it’s been challenging for businesses to obtain regular third-party audits, which are integral to access and analyze key data and ensure safety compliance across the enterprise. Kari is facilitating an increased self-assessment auditing model, where businesses and their locations can use RizePoint’s digital platform themselves, resulting in more frequent audits and broader visibility during the pandemic and beyond.
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