Food & Beverage Magazine September 2019

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Food & Beverage Magazine September




Food & Beverage Magazine September



PUBLISHER Michael Politz Phone: Phone: 888-959-7260 ext 101 Email: EDITORIAL Editor: Lauren McIndoo Email: DESIGN

FOOD & BEVERAGE MAGAZINE was created by Publisher Michael Politz with the expert help of original advisory board members: Bobby Flay, OriginalMario Advisory Board Wolfgang Puck, Emeril Lagasse, Batali, Kerry Simon.

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LOCATION 1930 Village Center Circle 3-197 Las Vegas, NV 89134 Phone: (888) 959-7260x101 Email: Website: Publisher - Micheal Politz • Food & Beverage Magazine® is owned and published electronically by Beautiful People LLC. Copyright 19952016 Beautiful People LLC. All rights reserved. Food & Beverage Magazine® and distinctive logo are trademarks owned by Beautiful People LLC. “” is a trademark of Beautiful People LLC. No part of this electronic magazine may be reproduced without the written consent of Food & Beverage Magazine. Requests for permission should be directed to: editor@ The information contained has been provided by such individual, event organizers or organizations. The opinion expressed in each article is the opinion of its author, organization or public relation firm. Nor are we afflicated with any other Food&Beverage or Hospitality publication. Articles and Comments are welcome, but they should be on-topic and well-expressed.

On The Cover








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Food & Beverage Magazine September








06 Guide to restaurants 08 Best Boston Restaurants for Music 10 Kosher Restaurants City 20 taste of tennis 12 Online restaurants bookings 22 Q&A WITH CHEF 14 Disney World Dining Fabio Trabocchi 26 CHEF OF THE MONTH 34 DINING OUT 4

Food & Beverage Magazine September



Food & Beverage Magazine September




GUIDE TO RESTAURANTS One comes across franchise of different restaurants too. There is also a type called quick ser vice restaurants which are famous for take aways. There are many kinds of restaurants offering a variety of food. The ambience of the restaurants also makes them different. There are fast casual restaurants and family restaurants. What’s you taste? Do you like going to the fine dining restaurants or you like the normal take away joints? There are some restaurants which are offer fine dining experience as well as take away probability. Most often a restaurant gets defined by its ambience and its food. For instance, there are restaurants with authentic cuisines and ambience which reinforce that characteristic‌so you got to think what kind of restaurant is it that you like? Sometimes people think that the quick service chains usually dominate the restaurant market. It is kind of true because these restaurants have more recognition within the market. These restaurants often have good advertising done with the help of pamphlets, banners etc. 6

Food & Beverage Magazine September


The discounts that the restaurants offer on their menu are great. The best discounts are available on the internet without a doubt. So, do not believe just about everything that you read. Go ahead and research and also trust your experience and instincts! If you are thinking of opening a restaurant, like the ones mentioned above, you got to figure out the kind you wish to open. There are independent restaurants which are easier as an option to open. One needs to have proper knowledge about the restaurant opening option. You must have good knowledge about restaurant working and functioning. Desire to compete and succeed must also be there. One of the best things that the restaurant owners do is that the concept is properly developed. If your idea is perfect and your plan is perfect, restaurant that you run will soon grow into chains. These small chains will soon gain popularity and will acquire a lot of expansion. The place of restaurant is also important. One must know which place the restaurant is open as that would affect client interface in a big way.


If you’re unsure or hesitant to try new restaurants, check their menus. Menus are a great way to assess the quality of a restaurants.

MENUS FOR THE BEST RESTAURANTS Menus are essential advertisements for the foods you are about to eat. It is the menu that describes the experience and gives you insight into the quality of the restaurant and how the experience will be. A menu might sound appetizing but there are a few tips you should keep in mind. When you’re looking for a place to eat, chances are the best restaurants post their menu outside. It helps you choose whether or not to try their cuisine right from the start, to assess their choices and see if it looks appetizing. Establishments that do not post their menu are not putting their food first, they’re hoping you’re going to choose based on some other aspect like atmosphere or otherwise. When you’re looking for a nice place, if they don’t post their menus it will most likely be a chain or a place built for convenience and not experience. Avoid restaurants that publish pictures on the menu or (worse) put pictures of menu items on the wall. These are generally chains that mass produce food and rely on the advertising of a picture to entice you. Generally when you get your food almost never looks like the picture, meaning that the menu created a false idea of what they are serving. Even when it does look like the picture – the ingredients are processed to the point of nationwide consistency, meaning that these meals are comprised of mainly frozen ingredients, highly processed ingredients, and are rarely fresh despite what the restaurant may advertise. The best kind of menus read simply and clearly, using the right culinary terms to describe the food such as how it is cooked or how it is arranged. We’re not talking about a “basket of chicken fingers” delivered in an actual plastic basket.

A good example of a great description is “braised lamb on a bed of lentils” means that the meat was cooked in a sauce and then placed on top of lentils. A menu that adds unnecessary adjectives to describe the food as “delicious” or “succulent” is a clear sign that they are trying to convince you that it is delicious or succulent. It’s better when they describe the food in terms that are helpful. Carrots become “baby carrots” describing their tenderness. The word “local” or the name of a place usually implies that it is incredibly fresh. “Hand made” describes that they take the time to make things from scratch. Another good tip to keep in mind when choosing restaurants based on their m A good example of a great description is “braised lamb on a bed of lentils” means that the meat was cooked in a sauce and then placed on top of lentils. A menu that adds unnecessary adjectives to describe the food as “delicious” or “succulent” is a clear sign that they are trying to convince you that it is delicious or succulent. It’s better when they describe the food in terms that are helpful. Carrots become “baby carrots” describing their tenderness. The word “local” or the name of a place usually implies that it is incredibly fresh. “Hand made” describes that they take the time to make things from scratch. Another good tip to keep in mind when choosing restaurants based on their menu is how they price things. When the menu is describes in terms of dollars and cents, like an $8.99 entree is also trying to sell you on the idea of value. A quality restaurant generally prices things in terms of whole numbers, and list the price as $9 or simply 9. It’s straightforward instead of a gimmick. Next time you’re searching for restaurants to tr y, consider the menu. It will be a clear sign of quality and, chances are , be a better experience. Some can be quite expensive but a good menu will be available at establishments of every budget. enu is how they price things. When the menu is describes in terms of dollars and cents, like an $8.99 entree is also trying to sell you on the idea of value. A quality restaurant generally prices things in terms of whole numbers, and list the price as $9 or simply 9. It’s straightforward instead of a gimmick. Next time you’re searching for restaurants to tr y, consider the menu. It will be a clear sign of quality and, chances are , be a better experience. Some can be quite expensive but a good menu will be available at establishments of every budget.

Food & Beverage Magazine September



BEST BOSTON RESTAURANTS We all have those nights when we just want to get our groove on. In fact, sometimes it is just a pure need. Everyone appreciates good music so I want to give you a guide for the Best Boston Restaurants for Music. I like to break down my musical taste by days in the week. Now I have an eclectic taste in music and I can listen to many different genres, but even I don’t want to listen to dubstep on a Monday night. So here is the way I break it down. Sunday through Wednesday is what I like to call “light days.” This means anything from country to jazz or maybe lyrical and singer songwriter style. I can’t have anything that gets me too amped up because it’s only the beginning of the week. Now on my way to work I may listen to some top 40s radio jams to wake me up but that is the extent of it. Lucky for me Boston is able to feed my music cravings all throughout the week. In fact some of the Best Boston Restaurants for Music sport the most beautiful jazz music you will ever hear. Head into the North End to enjoy those little basement jazz clubs that have survived the decades. Even if you aren’t a huge fan of jazz I can promise you that you will be inspired by the amount of skill these musicians have. It is also a huge experience to go to one of these venues for a couple drinks and appetizers with friends. I suggest that anyone who lives in Boston tries to branch out and visit your nearest Best Boston Restaurants like this at least once. Even if you don’t like it at least you will get a good story out of it.

For Music

Boston has some great music scenes, whatever your tastes may be. You never know , the Best Boston Restaurants for Music could be right around the corner from you.

The beginning of the week may start off slow but by Thursday night I am ready to hit the town. Once again I am so thankful to live in Boston with so many options. Thursday nights I like to act a little bit more sophisticated; maybe go to a dive to see some local bands play live. Most of the time I just end up talking to my friends the whole time but you never know when you might hear something you actually like. Friday and Saturday are when I really cut loose. I don’t dance: one because I embarrass myself and two because I want to shield the world from my terrible “moves.” However, even I like going to a good club with a nice bar. If the dance floor is packed enough I might even head out there for a little while. But nonetheless I like to bob my head to the pop remixes and club songs. I know they are not the most musically or lyrically inspirational but they sound good and by the end of the week I do not want to have to interpret song lyrics I just want to have a good time. 8

Food & Beverage Magazine September



Food & Beverage Magazine September




Kosher Restaurants City i

f you are looking for kosher New York restaurants, you should know that you are looking in a famous kosher restaurants city. You will find good food in this well-known kosher restaurants city. If you are not sure where to find a good restaurant that serves authentic kosher foods, try looking online for a current list of some of the most well known and popular restaurants in New York. New York is famous for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is its popularity as having a large Jewish community with all the stereotypical descriptions that go along with it. However, it is really the kosher foods that are plentiful in this city that make it so well known and loved by people all around the world. People from all over such as those from Europe, China, countries in the Middle East, and don’t forget Israel, are all aware that New York is a kosher restaurants city. This is probably because there is such a large concentration of Jews living in New York. Anywhere an ethnic group concentrates, they will bring with them their values, cultures, traditions and foods. Kosher foods are the only foods that orthodox Jews eat. Kosher foods are clean foods prepared and served according to the Jewish dietary laws and traditions. Ask anyone in New York where they like to dine out, and they will most likely tell you about the kosher restaurant down the street. They will usually have the particular name of their favorite restaurant on the tip of their tongue. Kosher New York restaurants are extremely popular. One can find any type of foods they have a craving for in New York, just like in any other city. The difference is that authentic kosher restaurants are not so easy to find in other areas of the United States. This is what makes being in New York special if you are Jewish. You never have to worry about where to go to eat out. From a New York deli bagel to the Italian Jewish cuisine, you will have no trouble finding it here in New York.


Food & Beverage Magazine September


New York is famous for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is its popularity as having a large Jewish community with all the stereotypical descriptions that go along with it. However, it is really the kosher foods that are plentiful in this city that make it so well known and loved by people all around the world. People from all over such as those from Europe, China, countries in the Middle East, and don’t forget Israel, are all aware that New York is a kosher restaurants city. This is probably because there is such a large concentration of Jews living in New York. Anywhere an ethnic group concentrates, they will bring with them their values, cultures, traditions and foods. Kosher foods are the only foods that orthodox Jews eat. Kosher foods are clean foods prepared and served according to the Jewish dietary laws and traditions. Ask anyone in New York where they like to dine out, and they will most likely tell you about the kosher restaurant down the street. They will usually have the particular name of their favorite restaurant on the tip of their tongue. Kosher New York restaurants are extremely popular. One can find any type of foods they have a craving for in New York, just like in any other city. The difference is that authentic kosher restaurants are not so easy to find in other areas of the United States. This is what makes being in New York special if you are Jewish. You never have to worry about where to go to eat out. From a New York deli bagel to the Italian Jewish cuisine, you will have no trouble finding it here in New York. One good fast food kosher New York restaurant is the Kosher Delight on W. 37th St. You can order a hamburger and a good soup to go with it. Another one you may want to try if you are in the mood for pizza is the Jerusalem Pizza 2 place on W. 38th St. Many people rave about Mr. Broadways, a restaurant where you can get kosher sushi, and the Prime Grill serves a great kosher steak meal. It is located on E. 49th St. www.fb101com

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Food & Beverage Magazine September




Nowadays the restaurants and hotels are increasing at a great speed as the food industry is growing very fast. The restaurants are the place where people spend there time with their friends and family for eating food. You can find the best restaurants list online. When we plan to move out for lunch or dinner, we look for the best place or restaurants to visit every time. The place should be good, the hospitality and services at the place should be the best along with the taste of the food that is the foremost quality to take care of. All this things can only be find if we had already visited these places but if we have not visited this place then we can scan through the best restaurants list and select the desired restaurant for lunch or dinner. Once you got the best restaurants from the list now you need to do restaurants booking. For this you can look for online restaurants bookings which will make your work easier. Many times it may happen with you plan to go for a dinner during the weekends to spend some time with your loved ones but you find a huge crowd at the restaurants or hotels. Due to the overcrowding, the tables at restaurants get full and you have to wait for long time for the table. It can be very frustrating at times and may spoil your mood. To avoid such a situation, the online restaurant bookings are greatly beneficial. In this digital world of internet, everyone is well connected with his online network of friends and services. Business people use internet indispensably to popularize their ventures.


Food & Beverage Magazine September


The restaurant and hotel owners are employing this connectivity to help spread a word of their restaurant. Online booking of tables is very common along with the other types of communication tactics along with web advertising. This gives you a relief from making a number of phone calls for booking or visiting the restaurants for booking. With the help of restaurant booking online you can book your restaurant anytime from anywhere online. No need for you to go anywhere or to ask anyone to do any favor for you. Just open the website find out the restaurant in which you want to book the table and book your table. You can fix the time at which you are supposed to reach the restaurant for lunch or dinner and also the number of people coming with you so that the arrangement can be made according to this. You can order the desired dĂŠcor and perfect ambience when planning for a special occasion for your near and dear ones. The booking information will be sent to you on your e-mail Id along with the details. This mail will assure you of the booking done. This online booking of restaurants has not only reduced the crowd at restaurants but also brought in many benefits like saving time of going personally to the restaurant for the bookings. Many corporate events, parties, special personal occasions require this type of advance booking which can be done online.


Food & Beverage Magazine September




Dining at Disney World can be a wonderful experience. There are tons of dining locations to choose from throughout the parks and resorts. In order to make the most of your experience you need to be prepared. Here are a few tips on how to get the most out of the booking process. If you’ve booked dining reservations before with Disney, you may or may not have had trouble during the booking process. Either you didn’t get the reservation you were looking for and you were stumped on what to do next, you misplaced your list of restaurants you wanted, you didn’t know you had to pre-pay for a certain restaurant, or you were new to the whole thing and you just didn’t know where to begin. That’s why it’s better to be prepared when booking your reservations. Let’s go through some things you should do. 1) Do your homework - It’s a good idea to know what types of restaurants you are looking to dine at. Many guests will call the dining line and tell the agent that they have no clue what they are looking for. How is the agent supposed to know what you’re looking for if even you have no idea? You don’t want to sit on the phone for hours asking the dining agent what he or she thinks is a good restaurant. Doing research of your own is a far better way to get the results you’re looking for rather than asking someone else. Besides, no one else knows your family’s diet better than you right? Disney World’s website has tons of information on every restaurant. They provide pictures of what the restaurants look like, and they also let you know what the restaurant serves. You can even find out what type of person the restaurant is suitable for. If you don’t have access to the Internet, call them up and ask them to send you some brochures. They’ll be more than happy to accommodate you.




Food & Beverage Magazine September



2) Stay Organized - Being organized is a very important factor when booking your Disney World reservations. Get a small notebook of some sort where you can enter in all of your dining information and nothing else. You don’t want things getting mixed up and confusing you. Be sure to write down the time, date, and location of each restaurant. At the end of every booking, the agent will give you a confirmation number, be sure to write that down as well, no matter how busy you are. You’ll be surprised at how many guests have had their reservations either mixed up or canceled without their knowing so. For every reservation you make, be sure to put them under the same name and phone number at all times. Otherwise, if you call to change something on your reservation, you have to remember whose name or phone number it was put under. Be sure to write down any Disney transportation you may need to take and how long it will take you to get to your destination. Also, it may be a good idea to get the name of the agent as well. Doing these things will make sure that you’re completely organized for the booking process. 3) Listen, Write, Repeat - This may just be the most important step of them all. Before the booking process is complete, make sure you listen closely to the agent. Any advisories they give you are important, so be sure to write them down. Speaking of writing down important information, make sure you write down your reservation information along with the confirmation number. All of this info you can jot down in your notebook. Be sure to repeat everything back to the agent to make sure they got everything correct. Spell out your name for them if you need to. It can be quite difficult for an agent to recover your reservation with a misspelled name. Repeat back your address if need be and any total amount that you are being charged. This will help prevent any mistakes from being made.

Following these three guidelines will assure that you are properly prepared before you book your Disney dining reservations.



Food & Beverage Magazine September




The revolutionary ideas of the technology have gone to the extent of to show the restaurant menus of your choice. It has made easy for many people to order and visit their selected restaurants and have their desired orders. The iPad menus are in fact compatible and user friendly so that any person who is using the iPad can install the required applications and thereby function according to his/her choice. This system in fact allows for the provider’s customer understanding and establishes its opportunity to provide the instructions in the time plan. It is imperative to be sure about the menu orders before choosing the items or otherwise, this is when the system becomes user friendly. You really are at convenience to field the pictures and detailed description of the required ordered food products for the list. You can use several softwares of different restaurants of your choice. If the restaurant works with to the software package then it will get more effective business because of internet. They will cater to the order of foods as well as wine and alcohols. While making a eating venue inexpensive and successful it is sensible to substantiate about your food items and its contentment by typical people. However, there are several intricacies that one has to follow to discard unwanted restaurants and their food items. The eating venue owner should furthermore be responsible to boost its items to attract more people. 16

Food & Beverage Magazine September


HOW AN IPAD MENU Revolutionizes the Dining Experience

In fact the brand and the signature dishes can be vital for the prospect of the restaurant. Having said that it is also essential that a person should not get influenced by the images of food rather consider them and decide whether to agree to it or not by figuring out its hygiene. The specific item depends upon the customers palatability and his choice for the food that is available in the specific restaurant. Quite a few items are created by recognized chefs but that is not going to mean a client will enjoy. Therefore selecting the right kind of food item and its palatability is vital. Nevertheless, unless a particular person dines on a specific restaurant and figure out the quality of food and the acceptance of the dish, it can not work out. Unless the restaurant has a good iPad menus and they can cater to their guest’s requirement then the entire effort lands in a fiasco. Consequently, it is a very important thing for the provider and the user to recognize each other right before going into the iPad purchasing process. www.fb101com

Food & Beverage Magazine September





Food & Beverage Magazine September



The Japanese master chef known for his innovative and signature style of cuisine, will introduce his first restaurant in Kyoto, Japan this fall. Morimoto Kyoto will open on Pontocho Alley, an area that is considered Kyoto’s top scenic dining destination for residents and tourists. Located on the west side of the Kamogawa River, Pontocho Alley is a lively and picturesque narrow alley lined with restaurants, bars and traditional shops. Morimoto Kyoto will bring Chef Morimoto’s global restaurant count to 18 locations, following the launch of his 17th restaurant, slated to open in Seattle this September. Chef will also open his 19th restaurant in 2020, which will be his third restaurant location in New York. “The first restaurant I ever opened was in my hometown of Hiroshima, Japan when I was 24. Now four decades later, I’m excited to open a restaurant in Kyoto,” said Chef Morimoto. “Opening a restaurant in Kyoto is a meaningful and personal experience for me, especially in Pontocho Alley, an area rooted in centuries of history and tradition.” Known for the preservation of forms of traditional Japanese architecture and entertainment, no cars or modern buildings are permitted on Pontocho Alley, allowing visitors to easily explore the area on foot for an immersive experience. Tourists can also often catch a glimpse of geiko (Kyoto’s geishas) in the evening as they make their way to nearby appearances in the neighborhood. Morimoto Kyoto will feature a two-story traditional Machiya-style townhouse layout, plus Kawayuka (riverside outdoor seating). The menu will showcase Chef Morimoto’s signature style of cooking with inspiration of Kyoto, seamlessly integrating Japanese and Western ingredients and culinary techniques.

An array of bold appetizers and elevated Japanese dishes will take guests on the distinctive flavor exploration that Chef Morimoto has become known for across the globe. With restaurants all over the world, Chef Morimoto has seen how language barriers can affect a visitor’s experience while traveling abroad. With this in mind, Chef Morimoto hand-selected a restaurant team fluent in English, so the restaurant can provide a welcoming and friendly experience for travelers visiting Kyoto. This enhanced level of hospitality will make Morimoto Kyoto the best restaurant in Kyoto for travelers to experience this quality of service, without the concern of language barriers or the unique exclusivity that Kyoto is known for. It is Chef Morimoto’s hope that guests will enjoy an authentic Japanese meal over conversations with staff and learn more about the location’s rich history. To celebrate the opening of Morimoto Kyoto this fall, Chef Morimoto will host a specialty chef-led tour of Japan Oct. 15-21. This voyage alongside Chef Morimoto includes the following culinary-inspired adventures: • Experience the lively action of a tuna auction at the new Toyosu Fish Market in Tokyo • Enjoy a sake pairing dinner at his upscale restaurant Atelier Morimoto XEX in Tokyo • Paint your own ceramic masterpieces on location at Nikko ceramics, Chef Morimoto’s favorite renowned brand of tableware that he uses at his restaurants • Savor an exclusive lunch at his new restaurant Morimoto Kyoto in Pontocho Alley • Sake brewery tour and tasting of Chef Morimoto’s original sake at Fukumitsuya Brewery in Kanazawa

About Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto Chef Masaharu Morimoto — known to millions as the star of Iron Chef and Iron Chef America — has garnered critical and popular acclaim for his seamless integration of Western and Japanese ingredients. Since 1998, Morimoto has competed on the Japanese television show, Iron Chef and also appears on the Food Network’s Iron Chef America. In 2001, Chef Morimoto opened his first restaurant in Philadelphia, which was later followed by restaurants in New York, Napa, Boca Raton, Mumbai, Mexico City, Tokyo and Maui. Morimoto Asia Orlando at Disney Springs opened in 2015, followed by Momosan Ramen and Sake NYC and Morimoto Las Vegas at MGM Grand in 2016

Food & Beverage Magazine September




Thursday marked a fantastic evening in midtown Manhattan with Citi Taste of Tennis NYC at Cipriani 42nd St. Benefiting New York Junior Tennis & Learning, Thursday’s celebration welcomed tennis star John Isner along with Executive Chef Richard Blais as the event’s headliners. Sibling Rivalry: Tennis all-stars Venus Williams and Serena Williams and executive chef Richard Blais turned up the heat with an onstage cooking competition. After a close contest, the sisters “tied” for best dish. Cookin’ it up Citi-style: Pro tennis players like Coco Gauff and Andy Roddick as well as former champion boxer Mike Tyson sampled incredible cuisine including truffle gnocchi by Annise Hernandez-Scott of Davio’s, “nuclear” green gazpacho with almond pesto courtesy of Kerry Heffernan’s Grand Banks, sushi from Chef Morimoto, and tennis ball-shaped cupcakes from Patisserie Chanson. The VIP Experience: In the Citigold Lounge VIP guests kicked off the night at an exclusive Q&A featuring John Isner. Guests danced the night away to energetic beats by DJ Mad Linx, The Rakiem Walker Band and reggae artist, Naomi Cowen, while enjoying Diplomático Rum and Zonin Prosecco.


Food & Beverage Magazine September



Pro Tennis Players: John Isner, Venus Williams, Serena Williams, Coco Gauff, Andy Roddick, Alexander Zverev, Milan Tyson, Gaël Monfils, Daniil Medvedev, Felix Auger Aliassime, Marc Murphy, Belinda Bencic, Abi Spears, Vania King, Jamie Loeb, Monica Puig, Donna Vekic, Bethanie Mattek Sands, Kristi Ahn, Denis Shapovalov, Danielle Collins and more. Chefs: Richard Blais (Juniper and Ivy), Masaharu Morimoto (Morimoto), Sujan Sarkar (Baar Baar), Edward Lee (Milkwood), Chef Bao Bao (Boaburg), Lamar Moore (The Swill Inn), Rory MacDonald (Chanson Patisserie), Kerry Heffernan (Grand Banks), Michael Han (Ortzi), Julian Medina (Toloache), Mina Newman (Sen Sakana), Cedric Tovar (Lotte NY Palace), John Stage (Dinosaur BBQ), Neil Cline (British Virgin Islands), Sani Hebaj (Dabble @ The Conrad), Mike Viola (Boars Head), Anastacia Song (American Cut) Sponsors: Citi (Title Sponsor), Ays, Lotte New York Palace, The British Virgin Islands, Zonin Prosecco, Remedy, Boar’s Head, Oban, Diplomático Rum, VOSS, CopperGel, Jamaica, Daou, Grand Brulot, WalkersWood Caribbean Foods, Natalie’s, El Espolón Tequila, GrandMarnier, SKYY Vodka, Aperol Spritz, Appleton Estate Rum, Bulldog London Dry Gin, Campari, Völkl, ChefWorks, TossWare, FOH, KIND, EAT ME GUILT FREE, Lolli & Pops, Stash, Simply Gum, Vegan Rob’s, Kosandrinos Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Goodwipes, Brooklyn Bites, Smash Mallow, RipVan Wafels, Beach Modern Luxury, Hamptons, New York Tennis Magazine. the tennis tour, Citi Taste of Tennis offers foodies and tennis fans an evening of incredible cuisine prepared by top local chefs and “served” by the top pro tennis players. We welcomed tennis stars Venus and Serena Williams and John Isner along with Executive Chef Richard Blais as yesterday’s event headliners.

Food & Beverage Magazine September





Food & Beverage Magazine September




riginally from the Marche region on Italy’s Adriatic coast, Chef Fabio Trabocchi is widely celebrated among the world’s leading restaurateurs. A Food & Wine Magazine Best New Chef and recipient of the esteemed James Beard Award, Trabocchi has passionately pursued the goal of creating a world class hospitality organization offering the finest dining experiences in the world. His growing restaurant group, with properties in Washington DC, Miami, and soon, Northern Virginia, and Venice, Italy, has brought him many accolades, yet his inspiration remains grounded in family traditions from Italy, Spain, and the United States. Whether at his Michelin-starred fine dining flagship, Fiola; the Spanish seafood and tapas mecca, Del Mar; the glamorous destination for Italian coastal cuisine, Fiola Mare; or his neighborhood pasta house, Sfoglina - Trabocchi’s signature remains an uncompromising commitment to quality and making guests feel special at every visit. Since 2009, Trabocchi has built Fabio Trabocchi Restaurants with his wife and business partner, Maria Font Trabocchi, into one of the preeminent restaurant groups in the world. This dynamic couple are as comfortable hosting heads of state and power brokers as they are hosting their own family, and guests seek out their restaurants for exceptional and memorable dining experiences. They are also committed to giving back to the community, seeking out causes to which they feel a strong connection, including serving as gala chairs of Refugees International, supporting Chefs for Equality, the Potomac Conservancy, and the Human Rights Campaign. Trabocchi has received acclaim from media including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Food & Wine, Esquire, Departures, GQ, CBS, NBC, Washingtonian, and dozens of others. He and Maria are based in Washington, DC, but divide their time between there, Miami, Mallorca, and Italy. Q&A with Chef Trabocchi on next page >>

Food & Beverage Magazine September




HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY…WHAT WAS YOUR “LIGHT BULB” MOMENT? Eating well is part of our Italian culture, our way of life. I grew up with a father that was a self-taught chef, who was formerly a farmer. We were always surrounded by the best products and the best cooking, particularly on Sunday. My dad never thought he was giving me an education, it was just his way of life. He was the spark for my interest in food and being a chef. As a young home cook, I used to cook for my sister out of necessity, but ultimately cooking became an act of love that got me into the industry for its impact on people. When I started my career as a young man (I was 14) in Italy – I am from the Marche region on the Adriatic – I went to culinary school in my region and then trained with chefs in both Marche and Emilia Romagna. The most important apprenticeship I had was with Gualtiero Marchesi, who was the first chef to earn three Michelin stars in Italy. This was an important milestone at the beginning of my career, and my first experience with true fine dining.

F&B Mag WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO INCORPORATE THE TAGLINE “FIOLA” TO YOUR RESTAURANTS? Chef Fabio The name for our first owned restaurant in Washington, D.C., comes from the Romagnol dialect, spoken in Emilia-Romagna,

the northern part of my home region of Le Marche, San Marino, and some communities in northern Tuscany. Fiola is a term of endearment used by a parent to a refer to a female child. Fiola is our flagship brand and soul, setting the standard of excellence in culinary, service, and hospitality for the group. There are now three Fiola locations - Washington, D.C., Miami, and at the JW Marriott Venice Resort & Spa in Venice, Italy - and Fiola Mare - their seafood focused sibling - in Washington, D.C.

F&B Mag IN A FEW WORDS DESCRIBE YOUR RESTAURANTS? Chef Fabio Each restaurant tells a story about who we are and where we come from. They must have a soul, and that soul comes from

the real story of our lives and cultural heritage. Fiola’s represents my version of a classic Italian fine dining experience and is our flagship brand. Fiola Mare reflects our affection for seafood and the coastal communities where I trained as a young chef. Sfoglina represents our love for the craft of pasta making and our reverence for the form itself and its importance in Italian cuisine. Del Mar is a Spanish seafood restaurant grounded in our life in Spain over the last 20 years. Fundamentally we are creating restaurants that are an extension or representation of our lifestyle, and where we would actually like to go.

F&B Mag DESCRIBE THE DINING SCENE IN VENICE? Chef Fabio We are honored to be part of the dining community in Venice, which I personally love as I discovered many restaurants

that are doing a fabulous job for elevating Venetian cuisine. Venice is an inspiring and magical place – it’s one of my favorite places in the world. I’m delighted to celebrate Venetian cuisine – the prominence of seafood, and the quality of the products, or what we call in Italian ‘materia prima’, and the subtle influences from East that are also reflected in the coastal cuisine of my own home region of Le Marche, just a bit farther south on the Adriatic coast. I am excited to share the cuisine of where I came from with the guests of Gather by JW, JW Marriott’s second annual food and wine festival at JW Marriott Venice Resort & Spa. I will be hosting a ‘An Italian Homecoming’ dinner where I will prepare a traditional Venetian cuisine using nostalgic flavors with a modern twist. Here are some of my favorite places Riva Terrace at the Gritti Palace, Il Testiere, Al Covo, I Quadri, Cips at the Cipriani Hotel, and Met.

F&B Mag WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SAVORY DISH? Chef Fabio In Venice, it’s definitely Sarde in Saor. F&B Mag HOW IMPORTANT IS PRESENTATION? Chef Fabio Taste is ultimately the most important, but an element of surprise in the presentation of the dish certainly adds to the experience.


Food & Beverage Magazine September



F&B Mag Chef Fabio

WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE THIS WAS YOUR CAREER PATH? In the early years of my life when I was growing up as the son of a truck driver and a former farmer, I knew nothing about fine dining, and we didn’t have the resources to even cross the threshold of a fine dining restaurant. What we did have, thanks to my father’s heritage, was a deep appreciation for food. My father’s love of gathering everyone at the family table was a cultural and educational act, but above all, it was intended to express our love and care for each other. I started cooking at home as a kid. I’d make dinner for my sister and anxiously await her approval, coming up with dishes to nurture her as an act of love. Food was a way of making people happy and communicating that they mattered. Despite our poor upbringing, we felt rich in spirit and happy when we ate together. I loved how food made people feel and what emotions it could provoke. At age 14 when I had to start work to help support my family, that appreciation made me want to pursue a culinary career. I sought to work for the best and did, under Gualtieri Marchesi, the first Italian chef to win three Michelin stars for his restaurant on Via Bonvesin de la Riva in Milan and the founder of what has become modern Italian cuisine. That is where I discovered that what is behind the craft of fine dining is the consuming passion to build an extraordinary experience for the guest. I remember the endless number of hours that went into the work in the kitchen and the meticulous attention to detail in every step of the process. The hard-working service team set the dining room painstakingly and perfectly orchestrated service as if it was a ballet. The research that went into creating a wine list, choosing just the right the fresh flowers for the room, the warm welcome the guests received— this was all magic to me, and I fell in love with this way of life and acquired a deep appreciation for the finer things in life.

F&B Mag Chef Fabio

WHAT IS YOUR COMFORT FOOD? Sunny side up egg with Spanish anchovies and prosciutto

F&B Mag Chef Fabio

WHO WAS YOUR GREATEST COOKING INFLUENCE? For the culture of the product and love for cooking, definitely my father. Professionally, it would be Gualtiero Marchesi.

F&B Mag Chef Fabio

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CUISINE/DISH? Spanish and French cuisine are my favorites.

F&B Mag Chef Fabio

WHAT CELEBRITY YOU WOULD LOVE TO SERVE DINNER FOR? OR HAVE COOKED FOR? There are 3 people I’d love to cook for and with: • My father, Giuseppe Trabocchi, who was the most important person in my life. • Roberto Benigni. Did you see his 1997 Oscar acceptance performance? He is an incredible improvisational comic tour de force. • Sophia Loren, she’s the soul of elegance and timeless beauty. I would cook spaghetti with mussels from right off the boat in Numana on the Marche coast.

F&B Mag Chef Fabio

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DESSERT? Gelato, followed by one spoon of Nutella, followed by one slice of Italian coffee cake. Repeat often!

F&B Mag Chef Fabio

CHEF WHOSE STYLE OF COOKING YOUR IMPRESSED WITH? Massimiliano Alajmo, Mauro Uliassi, Enrico Bartolini

F&B Mag Chef Fabio

BEST THING ABOUT BEING A CHEF/RESTAURANTUER IS? As a restaurateur, the creative components go beyond the cooking. Being a restaurateur enables the creation of the entire setting, when it comes to the concept, design, style of service, and of course, the food. But ultimately it’s about inspiring a group of people that will manage the restaurant as if it was their own, and the fulfillment of being a restaurateur is seeing the team growing and being able to improve their career with the tools we give them.

F&B Mag Chef Fabio

HOW DO THE TERM GLUTEN-FREE, MAKE YOU FEEL? It’s the responsibility of every restaurateur to respect our guests’ allergies and food preferences. Therefore, it’s essential that we accommodate those preferences and allergies as a further confirmation of providing true hospitality.

F&B Mag Chef Fabio

WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE WITH ASPIRATIONS OF OPENING UP A RESTAURANT? Work your butt off! Realizing that this profession requires a high level of passion and true commitment to go through the necessary sacrifices, especially at the beginning of any young chef ’s career. Travel the world and work for the very best for the first 10 years, as those will be the foundation of your style of cooking.

F&B Mag Chef Fabio

LASTLY, WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN RELAXING? When do I get to relax?! But seriously, music is very important in my life, as is my love of classic cars and reading.

Food & Beverage Magazine September





Food & Beverage Magazine September




rought award-winning competition BBQ and timeless Southern cooking to Chicago with the opening of Lillie’s Q in 2010. Named a “Best New BBQ Restaurant in the Country” by Food & Wine magazine, the brand has since expanded into an international line of sauces, rubs, kettle chips and protein. Florida State University alum Charlie graduated from New York’s Culinary Institute of America in 2000, and got his start cooking under legendary chef Norman Van Aken in Florida. He then relocated to Chicago to become sous chef at two of Chicago’s four-star fine-dining landmarks: Tru and Avenues in the Peninsula Hotel. During this time, he racked up numerous awards on the competition BBQ circuit including two first place wins at Memphis In May in 2007 and 2016, one of the most prolific competitions in the country.

Opening Lillie’s Q (named for his South Carolinian grandmother, Lillie, and his father, Quito) allowed Charlie to return to his southern roots – slow smoking pork shoulder, tri-tip, baby back ribs, hot links, and chicken in custom-built smokers over peach wood. Now Lillie’s Q has four restaurants between Chicago and Florida, and its artisan sauces, rubs and chips line the shelves of more than 6,000 retailers internationally. In 2018, Charlie brought his award-winning smoked pork direct-to-consumer online and in select retailers, and is concurrently rapidly expanding the Lillie’s Q foodservice and deli business. Charlie has traveled across the U.S., Australia and Europe for food, wine, and entertainment events, and cooked at the James Beard House in New York. His expertise spans beyond the kitchen, partnering with brands that share a similar ethos like YETI and Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet on cooking classes and lifestyle events.

Q&A with Chef Cole on next page >> Q&A with Chef McKenna next page Food & Beverage Magazine on September 2019>>



With Chef Charlie

McKenna EVERYONE HAS A STORY. TELL US HOW YOU KNEW YOU WANTED TO BECOME PART OF THE FOOD INDUSTRY…WHAT WAS YOUR “LIGHT BULB” MOMENT? I would say a lot of it comes from my Southern family where all our holidays and family events revolved around food – we made our own sausages and pickles and it was just part of our culture to cook together. My interest in cooking quickly evolved into wanting to be a chef. IN ONE WORD DESCRIBE LILLIE’S Q ? Commitment to craft. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SAVORY DISH? Ribeye steak – dry-aged beef, high-quality prime or wagyu, hard-seared (crusty brown, cooked to medium rare) paired with a bearnaise sauce. Preferably cooked over live fire. HOW DID THE CONCEPT FOR THE BARBEQUE SAUCES & MEAT RUBS COME ABOUT? A lot of Lillie’s Q sauces and meat rubs came about because they were created for our competition barbeque team. When we started opening restaurants, it was only natural to start bottling our sauces because we wanted to have them available for guests to take home with them. HOW IMPORTANT IS PRESENTATION? Obviously, taste is the most important thing, but presentation is still very important. The appreciate the “fajita effect” where you see, smell and even sometimes hear a dish as it comes out and instantly want to order it. But above all, I’d rather something be ugly delicious than perfect and lacking in flavor.


Food & Beverage Magazine September


WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE THIS WAS YOUR CAREER PATH? For me, it was the right fit. I wanted to be in food, and then a chef. As a student at Florida State, I studied hospitality management and then went on to New York’s Culinary Institute of America. I found that the lifestyle fit me well as I wasn’t really a morning person. Because I started in fine dining which was a dinner-only service, nights fit my schedule best and I found I thrived in that environment. WHAT IS YOUR COMFORT FOOD? Fried chicken. WHO WAS YOUR GREATEST COOKING INFLUENCE? I wouldn’t say there’s just one person. Certainly, my grandmother (whom I named the restaurant after), but also my family in general. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE INGREDIENT TO COOK WITH? Royal Red Shrimp right out of the Gulf. I love how versatile they are both in styles of preparation and in seasonings you can use. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WHITE WINE? FAVORITE RED? I’m not a huge wine drinker, more of a cocktail drinker. My go-to spirit is bourbon or whiskey and my favorite cocktail bar in Chicago is Billy Sunday. If I am drinking wine, I like rosé, but specifically those darker in color that sit on the skins a little longer— French-style, I prefer dry over sweet.


WHAT CELEBRITY YOU WOULD LOVE TO COOK DINNER FOR? OR HAVE COOKED FOR? I have always wanted to cook for Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DESSERT? Häagen-Dazs coffee ice cream, straight out of the pint. CHEF WHOSE STYLE OF COOKING YOU REALLY DIG? Francis Mallmann. BEST THING ABOUT BEING A CHEF IS? I love being able to cook my own food. If I want something, I can always go make it happen. I also love seeing the excitement on someone’s face when they’re eating my food and enjoying what they’re eating. HOW DO THE TERM GLUTEN-FREE, MAKE YOU FEEL? Skeptical. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE WITH ASPIRATIONS OF BECOMING A PROFESSIONAL CHEF? You better be ready to put in your time to learn. You must spend years working under great people who know how to cook, and get used to working nights, weekends and holidays. If you haven’t worked in a professional kitchen yet, spend a week doing so to understand what it takes. Above all, work for the best people you can possibly work for. LASTLY, WHAT DO YOU TO WHEN RELAXING? Honestly, a lot of my free time is spent with my 13-year-old daughter. She’s a serious soccer player and I try to make it to as many of her games as I can and just spend time with her. I also love to travel the world, tasting different foods, experiencing different cultures, and learning about different ways to cook.

Food & Beverage Magazine September



the experts, at your foodservice beef&porkexperts




Food & Beverage Magazine September




Minimally processed. No artiďŹ cial ingredients.

Food & Beverage Magazine September




Food & Beverage Magazine September



Food & Beverage Magazine September





Ambience- plays a vital role when it comes to restaurants. They offer a tasteful beauty away from home, when you have to dine out with your friends or family or even alone. It is an enjoyable experience for one and all. There are some eateries that offer you a glimpse of their culture, heritage and history. Interested to find out more, dine at such places!

HAS BECOME A PLEASANT EXPERIENCE Several people plan to dine out thinking they will be treated with live band performances and some to enjoy great bonding with friends. People get stuck in their daily routine due to their tight busy schedules and prefer to eat out rather than cooking meals at home. Let’s go through some of the factors which state why dining out has become a pleasant experience for all of usDelicious Food- Restaurants most often provide their diners with delicious food and there are options galore that spoil you. Some of the best restaurants in Lancashire offer a wide range of options when it comes to food. There is a dish for every taste and preference. If you are planning to indulge yourself, try ordering five course meals and satiate your tummy. 34

Food & Beverage Magazine September


Convenience- If laziness is your second nature when it comes to cooking food; .Several people plan to dine out thinking they will be treated with live band performances and some to enjoy great bonding with friends. People get stuck in their daily routine due to their tight busy schedules and prefer to eat out rather than cooking meals at home. Let’s go through some of the factors which state why dining out has become a pleasant experience for all of usDelicious Food- Restaurants most often provide their diners with delicious food and there are options galore that spoil you. Some of the best restaurants in Lancashire offer a wide range of options when it comes to food. There is a dish for every taste and preference. If you are planning to indulge yourself, try ordering five course meals and satiate your tummy. They especially cater to fulfill your needs and you don’t have to cook anymore! All you need to do is place your order , sit back and enjoy the experience. You don’t have to fret about cleaning up the mess or washing the dishes after you are done with the meal. A romantic night can also be spent without any worries after dining out. Entertainment- It is an entertaining place where you can tag your friends and family along with you. Business meetings can also be organized in these places with great ease and comfort. Friendly for kids- These places are famous to cater to the needs of everyone by not being age specific. There’s something to eat for even the fussiest of person. Kids can be brought along with you to enjoy the food as some of the restaurants are kid friendly too. www.fb101com

Food & Beverage Magazine September




Food & Beverage Magazine September



Food & Beverage Magazine September




WHICH RESTAURANTS SHALL WE VISIT THIS TIME AROUND? When visiting an area on vacation, it is often the case to take in as many local restaurants and local favorites as you possibly can. Of course, where does one begin when trying to make the decision about where to go? There are so many places to dine and only so many meals you can possibly eat. So, what’s an eager vacationer with a healthy appetite to do? Plan a little, make some unexpected discoveries, and eat a lot! You only have a short amount of time and perhaps a limited budget. You will want to make your experience as enjoyable as possible, so keeping your options open will make for a more adventurous journey. Be sure to make time to visit the restaurants that you know are the best or are old favorites.


Food & Beverage Magazine August September 20192019

Everyone has those; when you visit a place often you start to accumulate a list of must- dos. Most travelers enjoy going back to all their favorite haunts and revisiting their last experiences. It makes the town you are visiting feel like a second home when you do this. And, it is lovely to see a restaurant in a different season or to order your favorite fare when you get there. Or, to see what kinds of seasonal offerings they have going on. For instance, in the late summer or early fall, you can get the best fresh tomato dishes that would not be available in other seasons. Of course, yearly or seasonal visits to certain locales offer a chance to go back to a couple of favorite restaurants. But don’t forget to make some new discoveries every time you visit a favored place. Sometimes it is important to put aside those old favorites and seek out the new restaurants that may just become the new must-haves.


Where do you find these new favorites? Well, knowing what you like to eat is a good place to begin. Even restaurants that serve “bar type food” can be as different as night and day. Taking the advice of the locals is usually your best bet when you want to find that perfect place to dine. Think about what kind of experience you are after. Do you want just a quick bite to eat, so you can get back to your adventures, or do you want the food to be the adventure? Perhaps it is a bit of both. That balance can make for a very big adventure. Mixing up your options when it comes to dining can be a very good idea indeed. Going to one place for some appetizers and drinks and then to another for the main course can be a great way to sample not only the food, but the atmosphere as well. After all , traveling is about getting away from the norm. You don’t want to come home after your travels and think that you might have missed out on something.

Food & Beverage Magazine September




The Importance of Immediate Sustainability in Foodservice

life-long Oregonian, Trudy Toliver has been the Executive Director for Portland Farmer’s Market for over five years. She has also been an Executive Director for EarthShare Oregon, a national park Development Officer, a nutrition therapy practitioner and a well-loved yoga instructor. We connected with Trudy not only for her standpoint on sustainability but the connections between farmers and the community, especially in local food markets. Being the Executive Director for Portland Farmer’s Market, what are some typical day-to-day tasks in operating this 25-year-old food staple?

Overall, my goal has been to make sure that the market has a great strategic multi-year plan. We have 16 staff who run 7 markets and our flagship market. There is such a wide variety of tasks from day to day. I support the board of directors, operations, fundraising and marketing. I also get to enjoy comradery with the vendors and farmers we work with. It’s mostly an office job and I’m in front of the computer a lot doing budgeting and coordinating but when I see the outcome of all that at these markets, it’s so worth it. What do you believe is the major appeal of the market for farmers and chefs?

I think it comes down to three primary ingredients: quality, the variety of food available and then the real magic is in the relationships. Farmers and chefs become excited about doing their work when they have a strong mutual respect among one another and can work well together. They take time to learn a lot about each other like what their needs and capacities are and then the chef can ask the farmer for a certain variety of something to be grown, building a synergistic and economically viable relationship. Market shoppers can trust that they’ll find quality products through these relationships, meaning they’ll be taking home the freshest, most sustainably grown foods and ingredients with great flavors.


Food & Beverage Magazine September

McCormick oversees processing, distribution & storage of resources to ensure quality. How do you go about sourcing products for the market?

We require that our vendors source their raw ingredients from local farms. In fact, we have regulations in place that say at least 25% of these ingredients must come from these local growers and ranchers. This keeps the community aspect among our various vendors very tight. More than 80% of them actually come from within 100 miles of Portland, the furthest ones mostly being the actual ranchers. How do those wanting to be part of the Portland Farmer’s Market take steps toward having helpful processes for improving quality, sourcing & sustainability?

They already follow the requirement in place that says participating farmers can only bring with them what they raised or grew on their own land. This keeps things authentic, transparent and generally without issues. When it comes to prepared, processed or hot foods at our market, we work closely with the vendors to make sure that they have access to local ingredient resources and processes. In your experience, how do you see the quality of food & sustainability improving the foodservice industry?

In Portland, we like to think we’re unique as locally grown is the actual ingredient of choice where we live and eat. Because of this, there are very few chains; many restaurant chefs are also the restaurant owners. Many schools, hospitals and other institutions have built relationships with local growers and distributors to improve the quality of the food that they serve; it’s really blossoming. 2019

Is it important for people to be aware of where food comes from & how it gets to their table? Why do you believe they should care?

I believe people should care because food is our fuel; garbage in, garbage out. The quality of our fuel effects the quality of our health, emotions, energy and how we see the world. Farmer’s markets have freshest food at the highest level of nutritional value. This food hasn’t sat in a truck very long or been frozen for preservation so no nutritional value has been lost. Eating fresh market food is truly the best From your experience with the Portland Farmer’s Market, what are some trending offerings you’ve noticed right now?

This summer, I noticed that edible flowers on salads and as garnishes on savory dishes were really popular, plus they’re both beautiful and delicious. Meanwhile, kale is mostly over as a trend but Padron peppers are still hanging on. We have a few new things coming too. In the northwest, farmers have started growing varieties of tea leaves, something unique to our location. Most tea has come from China so I think it will be wonderful and tasty to have more locally sourced options for drinking our tea. Going back to food, quinoa is starting to be grown in Oregon so rather than importing it from the Middle East, we’ll get to eat locally grown quinoa instead. That’s a great advancement to me.


Food & Beverage Magazine September





THERE is good news for potato salad lovers just as the season for chilled potatoes officially heats up. New research published in the scientific journal Food Chemistry adds to the growing body of evidence that shows that cooking and cooling potatoes can significantly increase the amount of Resistant Starch (RS)., Resistant starch is gaining momentum in the nutrition community due to emerging evidence in animal studies and some limited evidence in human studies suggesting that RS may positively affect body composition, favorably impact blood lipid and blood glucose levels and increase the amount of good bacteria in the colon, and may enhance satiety when consumed with whey protein. (Birt et al. 2013, Gentile et al. 2015, Higgins 2014, H iggins 2014, Higgins and Brown 2013, Keenan et al. 2015, Robertson 2012, Zhang et al. 2015). Cooking and cooling potatoes can significantly increase the amount of Resistant Starch. container .inline-carousel. In the most recent study, researchers examined the amount of RS in three popular potato varieties (Yukon Gold, Red Norland and Russet Burbank) prepared in two different ways (baked and boiled) and served at three different temperatures (hot, chilled for six days, and chilled followed by reheating). The results showed that the RS content of potatoes varied significantly by method of preparation and temperature but not variety (Raatz et al. 2016). More specifically, regardless of potato variety, the baked potatoes had more RS (3.6 grams of RS per 100 grams of potato) than the boiled potatoes (2.4 grams of RS per 100 grams of potato). Also on average, chilled potatoes (whether originally baked or boiled) contained the most RS (4.3 grams of RS per 100 grams of potato) 38

Food & Beverage Magazine August September 20192019

followed by chilled-and-reheated potatoes (3.5 grams of RS per 100 grams of potato) and potatoes served hot (3.1 grams of RS per 100 grams of potato). “The potato varieties used in this latest research all had similar levels of RS; thus, the key to maximizing Resistant Starch levels in your favorite spud is to serve them cold,” says Dr. Katherine Beals, RD, nutrition consultant to Potatoes USA. “But, it’s not just RS that makes potatoes a nutrition powerhouse. One medium-sized skin-on potato has just 110 calories, contains 45 percent of your daily value of vitamin C and has more potassium than a banana. Potatoes belong on the plate no matter the temperature.” Given potato salad is one of summertime’s most cherished foods, the time is now to enjoy chilled potatoes. With crisp potatoes and a lemony dressing, this light and bright summer salad packs deliciously tangy flavor. www.fb101com


Roasted Fingerling Potato Salad with Lemon and Thyme Salad INGREDIENTS 1 1/2 lbs. Fingerling potatoes, cut into ½-inch circles 1

Red bell pepper, cut into 1-inch cubes


Red onion, cut into 1-inch cubes (do not separate layers)

3 tsp. Extra virgin olive oil 1/2 tsp.

Kosher salt

1/8 tsp.


DRESSING 1/4 lbs. Cup light or olive oil based mayonnaise

1 1/2 tsp. 2 tsp.

Lemon juice Extra virgin olive oil

2 tsp. Fresh thyme leaves 1 1/2 tsp. Lemon zest 1/2 tsp.

Kosher salt

1/8 tsp.



Preheat oven to 425°F. Toss all salad ingredients together in a large bowl. Spread in a single layer on a large baking sheet and cook for 20 to 25 minutes or until potatoes start to brown. Let cool for at least 10 minutes. Meanwhile, whisk together all dressing ingredients in a medium bowl; toss with cooled vegetables. Serve at room temperature or chilled. Makes 6 servings Calories: 210; Fat: 12g; Cholesterol: 5mg; Sodium: 330mg; Vitamin C: 1.1%; Carbohydrates: 24g; Fiber: 2g; Protein: 3g; Potassium: 81mg. About Potatoes USA

Potatoes USA (formerly the United States Potato Board) is the nation’s potato marketing and research organization. Based in Denver, Colorado, Potatoes USA represents more than 2,500 potato growers and handlers across the country. Potatoes USA was established in 1971 by a group of potato growers to promote the benefits of eating potatoes. Today, as the largest vegetable commodity board, Potatoes USA is proud to be recognized as an innovator in the produce industry and dedicated to positioning potatoes as a nutrition powerhouse. Food & Beverage Magazine September




1 1/4 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 3/4 cup butter, softened 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup Callebaut Dark Chocolate (811)

In a small bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon. In a large bowl, combine the butter, sugar, brown sugar. Mix together until creamy. Add in the egg and vanilla extract. Add the flour mixture. Add in the chocolate chips and peanuts. Drop the dough by teaspoons onto baking sheets.

Bake in a 375 degree oven for 7 to 10 minutes or until the edges of the cookies are set but the centers are soft. After removing the cookies from the oven, leave them on the baking sheets for 4 minutes before removing them. 40

Food & Beverage Magazine September



June 2016

Food & Beverage Magazine September



Flavors Mix New Energy Into Re-designed


Innovative CLEAN CAFFEINE® Product Introduces Fruit Flavors; And New Stir Stick Providing Convenient Options for Energizing Anything

The products allow those looking for energy to skip coffee, sugary sports drinks and artificial supplements. They are zero calories, non-GMO and provide clean energy through caffeine derived from green coffee bean extract fortified with vitamins A and B complex. The new flavors will provide just a hint of fruit flavor, while the original flavor still boasts a neutral, almost flavorless taste pureLYFT, the all-natural stir stick that that is virtually undetectable. delivers 125mg of CLEAN CAFFEINE® into any beverage, has added three new “With so many of our customers adding flavors to its line-up. Joining the original, pureLYFT to thicker beverages such as neutral flavor of product is lemon-lime, smoothies and protein shakes, we’ve orange, and mixed berry, which add added a new flip-bottom feature to the energy and a hint of fruit flavor to any stir stick that allows people to ‘pop & beverage. In addition, the company has pour,’ making it even more convenient to redesigned its patented stir stick, adding mix our all natural energy into any beva flip-bottom that allows consumers to erage,” said Elfstrum. “pop & pour” or keep with the original mixing method of “peel & stir.” Endlessly dedicated to her involvement with the Slow Foods Miami Chapter, “We’ve been overwhelmed by the pop- Frans champions initiatives that bring ularity of our original pureLYFT stir light to the farm-to-table community in stick since launching, and have found Miami, and devotes herself to the educathat our customers are craving more tion of school children in healthful nutriall-natural energy options,” said Erik tion and sustainable farming. Elfstrum, pureLYFT Co-Founder and CEO. “It was only natural that we take Beginning January 30, the new flip the product to the next level, bringing bottom stir stick with all pureLYFT three refreshing Clean Caffeine flavors flavors will become available on-line and into the mix, which are the first of many in-stores January 30. more to come.” pureLYFT is currently available in more In keeping with the original pureLYFT than 1,000 campus book and convenience concept, the lemon-lime, orange and stores through Barnes & Noble and indemixed berry flavors are all-natural and pendent retailers; select ShopRite superdeliver a single serving of 125mg of markets; luxury hotels; and online at CLEAN CAFFEINE® (equivalent to a and 12-ounce coffee) into the beverage of the consumer’s choice through the patented stir stick.

With so many of our customers adding pureLYFT to thicker beverages such as smoothies and protein shakes, we’ve added a new flip-bottom feature.”


Food & Beverage Magazine September


The product’s core consumers include health and fitness enthusiasts, athletes, college students, travelers, business professionals, and busy moms and dads, who are aware of the ingredients they consume and are drawn to all-natural products. ABOUT pureLYFT pureLYFT® is an all-natural energy product made from green coffee beans that delivers 125 mg of CLEAN CAFFEINE® (equivalent to a tall cup of coffee) into the beverage of consumers’ choice through a convenient single-use energy stir stick. pureLYFT has zero calories, is fortified with vitamins A and B Complex and offers an “original,” neutral taste along with three new refreshing flavors, allowing consumers to Energize Anything™ while taking a break from the typical coffee routine, and avoiding sugary sports drinks and artificial energy supplements. For more information visit or follow pureLYFT on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


Food & Beverage Magazine September




The Importance of Design Aesthetics for Fast Casual Restaurants If you were to ask a consumer what exactly a fast casual restaurant is, the likelihood of getting a correct answer is probably not high. However, if you name some specific examples of fast casual restaurants like Five Guys, El Pollo Loco, Newks or Blaze Pizza, you will likely get a nod or even an “I just ate there a few days ago!” As the fast casual restaurant market continues to grow at an impressive rate, finding a way to differentiate a location from the myriad of competitors is often based upon creating an interior design that is welcoming to customers.

One way that fast casual restaurants are making their mark is through the use of non-traditional materials being incorporated into the design. From the use of black iron duct material as a wainscot for a patina black iron look to using materials like palette and barn wood to offer a home-style feel, fast casual restaurants are experimenting with different design aesthetics to entice customers.

Visible kitchens and prep: Many fast casual locations are allowing customers to customize their selections in the ordering process to deliver a better dining experience. Moe’s, Five Guys, Blaze Pizza and other businesses are allowing customers to make their selections and follow their order until completion, driving more interest and the opportunities for upsell at the register for additional items.

Another trend that is gaining interest for fast casual restaurants is a surface that isn’t usually top of mind for most business space— the flooring.

Using Available Materials: Being a good steward and not overbuilding into an existing location can not only help keep construction costs low, but can also add character to your building. Taking advantage of existing materials in your space that can be updated to meet your individual requirements can help differentiate your restaurant, give a sense of the history of the space and remove extra costs from the build out process. Before you choose your site, take a critical eye to the materials that are in place and consult with your builder regarding what can be used before making your decision.

A number of fast casual restaurants are using polished, ground, colored and sealed concrete floors that highlight their space from the bottom up. As more innovations with polished and sealed concrete floors are brought to market, this segment is taking advantage of these new styles to establish a mood and create a particular look from the moment customers walk in the door.

Aged Wood: Using the natural beauty of wood to create an inviting, home type of environment is becoming increasingly popular. If an existing location has older, aged wood in place, repurposing of the wood to take advantage of the natural beauty of wood can help create a bridge to the history of the location.

Understand your market: Being knowledgeable about your ideal customers before you begin your construction process can help eliminate potential issues before you open your location. If you are in a busy, urban location, creating a plan for “dine and dash” customers can help keep your interior traffic flow moving quickly. For a customer base that may want to linger longer, having more seats available in your design may help you eliminate problems associated with customers standing and waiting for seats to be available, which can lead to less repeat business.

Much of the growth in the fast casual industry is driven through the addition of fast casual franchises, which helped to contribute to the double-digit growth for the segment through 2015. While owning a franchise in this sector offers advantages for business owners, the opportunity to add individuality to your location may be limited due to franchise requirements. While many fast casual franchises dictate a uniformity to the materials and design for their franchisees, adding in touches that are representative of your geographic location can personalize your location for your customers. Another important factor that owners need to consider is the choice of their construction partner for their project. Choosing a company that is familiar with utilizing design/build ideologies can help eliminate issues related to health and building codes during the building process. A design/build company will be aware of the requirements and nuances for a permitted kitchen space that may be unfamiliar to a contractor or builder that focuses on the residential market. Regardless of whether you are building based on franchise requirements or your own vision of the perfect fast casual restaurant, having a design/build partner who understands the importance of developing a cohesive plan for your location will help you utilize the best practices for design aesthetics to find success.

About The Author Jimmy Hawkins is the president of Leon Williams Contractors, a Maryville-based design-build firm that has been designing and building for the commercial needs of East Tennessee since 2002. Mr. Hawkins was recently honored by the Greater Knoxville Business Journal of Knoxville, Tennessee in their 40 under 40 list, designed to recognize business leaders in the Knoxville area who make a positive impact in business and personal endeavors. 44

Food & Beverage Magazine August September 20192019


Fat is the new black.



NEW WEBSITE PROMOTES BEER TOUR EXPERIENCES WORLDWIDE INSPIRED BY WINE TOURS, THE WEBSITE REVEALS A DIFFERENT SIDE OF THE BEER WORLD Beer has tradtionally been perceived as a beverage that unites people to celebrate the good moments. And it of course does.” “We All Love Beer, “an international initiative supported by beer brands throughout the world, has just launched an exciting new platform: Beer Tour. Beer Tour is comprised of a website sharing key beer-related tourist destinations, beer history and beer knowledge. It also includes information about fields where beer’s natural ingredients are sourced, breweries to visit and unique beer experiences like iconic bars and beer knowledge centers. These locations were chosen by experts to highlight some of the best beer experiences in the world. Beer Tour wants to ignite passion for beer and disseminate knowledge of the beloved beverage and the more than 120 beer styles available around the world. The platform’s launch is celebrated with a 90-second docu-drama about Leonardo di Vicenzo – a passionate, award-winning brew master and the founder of Birra del Borgo in Italy. 46

The docu-drama tells the story of di Vicenzo’s bold decision to step outside the iconic wine culture in his native Italy and into the ever-changing beer industry. The film explores his efforts to break from wine tradition while applying learnings from wine making to the craft of brewing.

Food & Beverage Magazine September



“When I was younger, I was surrounded by wine and the process that creates one of the most iconic Italian beverages. As our palates evolved, so too did my interest in a more refreshing course of study in beer,” said di Vicenzo. “Many thought that abandoning the roots of my Italian heritage and its long-standing relationship with wine was blasphemous, but today, I just want to bring the same excitement and interest to beer that the world has enjoyed in wine – the passion, the production of a coveted beverage and the attention to detail so many overlook. The truth is, they have much more in common than most people know: natural ingredients, low alcohol content, and an elaborate and delicate process.” The website also showcases the first official Beer Tour trip, experienced by beer, wine and travel experts in Argentina. It follows a path through barley fields, hops farms and an incredible microbrewery in Bariloche, Patagonia – a true journey through the world of beer. Places like Italy and Argentina are available throughout the world for exploration on the Beer Tour website, inspiring individuals to not only learn more about beer, but to live these unique experiences. “Beer has traditionally been perceived as a beverage that unites people to celebrate the good moments. And it of course does. However, the Beer Tour highlights that beer is also so much more. It is a gift from nature, because of its ingredients and natural fermentation process. And from core to premium brands, beers are brewed with passion and care. Many breweries are open to visitors and provide great experiences for beer lovers to learn even more about their passion” said Luis Alberto Dimotta, who has been the Quilmes brewmaster in Argentina for the past 20 years.

“With the Beer Tour platform, we’re challenging misconceptions and demonstrating that like wine, beer can complement any food, is sourced from natural ingredients, and can be associated with an active, balanced lifestyle. The ‘We All Love Beer’ program showcases exciting beer moments to inspire the public to be proud of their favorite beer and appreciate it for a variety of new and unexpected reasons” said Alice Alcântara, the “We All Love Beer” marketing campaign manager. THE BEER TOUR WEBSITE INCLUDES:

• A map of breweries, fields and other beer-related locations that are open to the public and tell the story of beer; • In depth content with beer knowledge, like beer’s history, ingredients, process, food pairing and glassware; • Quick tips to make your at-home beer experience more enjoyable, with links to your local retailers; • Images and videos from the original Beer Tour trip though Argentina; The docu-drama about Italian brew master Leonardo di Vincenzo. For more information about the We All Love Beer campaign or to learn how to plan and embark on your own Beer Tour, please visit About the “We All Love Beer”Initiative

The “We All Love Beer” intiative, by AB InBev, is an effort to disseminate stories and engaging information about beer, bringing people together and prom

Food & Beverage Magazine September




By Kevin Trowhill,

Vice President at Century Refrigeration, a division of RAE Corporation

THE temperature of wine must be kept stable throughout its production and storage in order to ensure final product quality that is acceptable for distribution and sale, and so cooling systems are an integral component of wine production. In wineries, the entire harvest can be destroyed by a temperature fluctuation during processing or storage, leading to catastrophic consequences for wineries. Cooling systems must meet three main criteria in order to be effective in wine production and storage applications: the cooling systems must be able to achieve the ideal temperatures for wine production processes; they must deliver consistent, reliable operation; and they must be well-designed for safe, convenient use. Mass produced commercial cooling systems cannot achieve all of these criteria. Only state-of-the-art cooling systems designed specifically for the wine industry are capable of meeting these needs and therefore protecting wineries’ harvests, year after year. One of the primary factors in the design of a highly effective wine cooling system is that the system must be capable of achieving the necessary temperature for wine production. In the case of red wine production, the propylene glycol solution is used in tank cooling jackets that must remain at 35°F for the duration of the cooling process. In either case, the chiller in question must be able to supply glycol temperatures far below the range of standard mass produced commercial chillers and mechanically operate regardless of ambient temperature. 48

A chiller’s compressor will normally operate 10°F below the desired glycol temperature in order to achieve optimum glycol temperature. Most commercial chillers’ compressors are designed to run at 35°F and produce water cooled to 45°F. Dedicated wine cooling systems’ compressors are designed to operate reliably in the 1025°F SST range, in order to achieve the necessary glycol temperatures of 20°F and 35°F described above. Some cooling systems, such as the Century Refrigeration N-Series Chiller, are designed specifically for wine production, and therefore are able to achieve these temperatures far below the operating range of generic commercial cooling systems. Achieving the correct temperature goes hand-in-hand with the next important aspect of a successful cooling system for wine applications: reliability. Consistent, Reliable Operation The systems must be built to protect themselves from catastrophic failure in order to avoid risk of damaging significant portions of a harvest. The N-Series Chillers, for example, can be easily reset in the event of certain failures, and can be built with multiple compressors or circuits, suction accumulators and replaceable core suction filters provides added redundancy and reliable system design. The N-Series Chiller systems are also built to maximize energy efficiency throughout the system lifetime, which further improves reliability. The air-cooled coils by Century Refrigeration feature 12 fins per inch, in comparison to mass produced commercial systems’ 22-24 fins per inch. At 12 fins per inch, the coils can be washed out with water or compressed air to keep the coil clean and functioning at top capacity throughout the life of the equipment. At 22-24 fins per inch, the coil acts like a filter, trapping dirt and debris as time goes on. These coils are extremely difficult to clean, and lose capacity over their lifetime. Workload and ambient temperatures can also strongly impact the reliability of the cooling systems’. The load being placed on a winery’s cooling system varies greatly throughout the harvest season, and so systems that are designed specifically for use in wineries must be capable of maintaining temperature regardless of the load by varying cooling as needed.

Food & Beverage Magazine September


These systems are also capable of operating in a far greater (30 degrees to in excess of 115 degree ambient) range of ambient temperatures than commercial-grade chillers. Since commercial chillers are designed to cool only to a lower extreme of about 45°F, they are often incapable of handling ambient temperatures anywhere below about 40°F without modification. Wine process-specific chillers, on the other hand, need to achieve glycol temperatures of 35°F year-round, and so they are capable of functioning reliably in ambient temperatures far below 40°F. Design for End Use The N-Series Chiller systems are also built to maximize energy efficiency throughout the system lifetime, which further improves reliability. The air-cooled coils by Century Refrigeration feature 12 fins per inch, in comparison to mass produced commercial systems’ 22-24 fins per inch. At 12 fins per inch, the coils can be washed out with water or compressed air to keep the coil clean and functioning at top capacity throughout the life of the equipment. At 22-24 fins per inch, the coil acts like a filter, trapping dirt and debris as time goes on. These coils are extremely difficult to clean, and lose capacity over their lifetime. Workload and ambient temperatures can also strongly impact the reliability of the cooling systems’. The load being placed on a winery’s cooling system varies greatly throughout the harvest season, and so systems that are designed specifically for use in wineries must be capable of maintaining temperature regardless of the load by varying cooling as needed. These systems are also capable of operating in a far greater (30 degrees to in excess of 115 degree ambient) range of ambient temperatures than commercial-grade chillers. Since commercial chillers are designed to cool only to a lower extreme of about 45°F, they are often incapable of handling ambient temperatures anywhere below about 40°F without modification. Wine process-specific chillers, on the other hand, need to achieve glycol temperatures of 35°F year-round, and so they are capable of functioning reliably in ambient temperatures far below 40°F.


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