Focus Matters December 2009 Issue

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December Issue

| Volume I | Year 2009

Official Monthly Newsletter of Focus My Health™ In this Issue:

came out of my deep depression and began to live and enjoy life again.

•P.1 FMH Founders

Focus My Health™ has developed programs to help address today’s biggest health challenges . Our society suffers from many non-communicable health conditions at epidemic rates and Focus My Health is here to help. Our DStress™ program helps relieve stress, lose weight with SlimU™, manage diabetes with Winning With Diabetes™ and quit smoking with Focus & Quit™. All of these programs offer 24 hour support with the latest technology available. I invite you to visit our site or give us a call to learn more about Focus My Health and how we are ‘creating the habit of results!’.

•P.2 NBC’s Biggest Loser Pete Thomas •P.3 NBC’s Biggest Loser Neil Tejwani •P.4 Living with Diabetes and Your Personal Power

Welcome to Focus My Health’s first Newsletter. I wanted to start off by sharing with you that our mission is to impact millions of people's lives around the world in a positive manner, by helping them improve their wealth, health & well-being, one person at a time. Having suffered from panic attacks and depression myself in the 1990’s I know the value of changing and dominating your thought patterns to dramatically improve your well being.

Alan Lowe

CEO and Founder Focus My Health™ After spending thousands of dollars on a variety of treatments I was desperate for relief from my panic attacks and depression. It wasn’t until I implemented the programs we offer at Focus My Health™ that I freed myself from panic attacks,

Hello everyone and welcome to Focus My Health ™, a reality that was but a dream waiting to be manifested. When I met Alan Lowe, CEO and founder of Focus My Health ™, and realized the like-mindedness of our goal – to bring health to many and the support system to make that healthy lifestyle a lasting habit – I realized a dream unfolding. But allow me to share briefly why, almost daily, comments and accusations of ‘being full of energy’ or ‘being so positive‘ are directed at me. If you want to find someone that follows the teachings of maintaining a positive mindset regardless of the environment, then meet me, Neal King, the co-founder of Focus My Health™. My biography, credentials and achievements are on the website but here’s a bit of history. My background reveals an impoverished childhood of welfare and food donations, of an unsupervised upbringing since age 10 in an undesirable neighborhood in the suburbs of New York City and all the manifestations of the over clichéd ‘broken home. However, I managed to disregard the environment’s negative influences and remain positive and upbeat, receiving a Masters in Social Work at the age of 22. Since then, like everyone who bears witness to their own life, I went through the highs and lows of daily living. I realized early on that time does not show great concern for events, happy or sad – it just continues to blend moments into years. The only effective influence that one can contribute to their surroundings and has control over is thought. Destructive, limiting, reflective, positive, provocative, informational, etc., it was the thought that would determine the attitude of the person going through time – regardless of what pleasant or unpleasant events time decided to bestow upon us.

The bestowment of events came to signify ‘life’ for me. From this simple concept I decided to be in the best spirits at all times. The difficulty would be remaining authentic to the feelings of the surroundings – if someone dies, well, that is sad. But that event need not be given permission to unleash a saddened ‘lifestyle’ toward future events. The philosophy that people’s perceptions and feelings of how to internalize daily living is drawn from a guidebook that includes past influences (emotional, social and familial) as well as the current mood reflective in the individual’s level of general contentment in life at that moment, led me to develop the concept of ‘Dominant Thought Wins’. Bringing awareness to the power of thinking and utilizing that power that already exists in people to improve their habits and live happier more fulfilled lives is reflected in the teachings of Focus My Health. I sincerely know that everyone deserves to appreciate the influence of their thoughts and the wonderful ability to enjoy life to the fullest by simply taking an honest look at how your thinking brought you to exactly where you are right now in life. Focus My Health™ sets out to reveal to people that they need not hold on to negative patterns of low self regard or other limiting beliefs. The missing link of the general population’s view of ‘I know this stuff but life gets in the way’ to ‘wow, I have continuous support and guidance and my new lifestyle truly feels like it’s becoming a habit’, is what finally bridges the gap between temporary results and creating the habit of results. Focus My Health™ is bringing you a wonderful support team so that you too will realize that you have the power to choose an improved and deserving life. I look forward to being your partner in health.

Neal King, MSW, CHT Co-Founder Focus My Health™

265 S. Federal Highway Suite 231~ Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 ~ T. 1-866-494-4426 ~


Pete Thomas lost 185

lbs and was the At-Home Winner of Season 2 of NBC’s The Biggest Loser. Neil Tejwani lost 211 lbs and was the Runner Up on Season 4 of NBC’s The Biggest Loser. They have created Support products for Focus My Health™ and facilitate weekly support conference calls. More information can be found on them at: Hi Everyone! It’s Pete

Thomas and Neil Tejwani, your favorite Biggest Loser alumni. The holiday season is back in full swing, and it promises to be the best time of year to be surrounded by your friends, family, and loved ones. But as we all know, the holidays are notorious for providing tempting situations where you are prone to breaking your diet, being inactive, and deterring your weight loss efforts. That’s why it is most important during these months to take action now, and focus on creating the habits of success. By having a solid plan in place, we promise that sticking with your weight loss program does not have to be impossible. Try some a few easy tips this holiday season, and do not let your favorite guilty pleasures control you anymore!

Pete’s Exercise Tips: Apply some of my favorite practices as it relates to exercise and maintain or even lose weight this holiday season. Your first step should be to set a positive personalized goal regarding your weight over the holidays.

Here is my goal for this season: I am in full control of my body and mind as I make great choices during the holidays of 2009 Depending on your own goals, (Weight Loss or Maintenance), you should plan to get in some type of exercise or activity each and every day this Holiday season by applying some or all of the following: I am taking control at home by looking for special opportunities to exercise. I am looking for special holiday exercise classes at my local gym or fitness center. Many fitness and health centers offer special ‘day of’ or ‘day after’ the holiday classes. I search out classes at my local fitness center by calling them or searching online to see what they have to offer. Once I find out what they offer then I schedule an appointment in my date book, phone or other calendar and keep the appointment with myself. I will squeeze in extra workouts during my off days. Instead of lounging around the house for an extra couple hours on off days I will look to squeeze in an extra 30 – 60 minute workout. Sometimes I will meet friends at the gym at different times which affords me extra workouts.

I will suggest or participate in a fun physical activity. When I visit certain friends we always go bowling around the holidays. While this does not count as exercise it sure beats watching the same old thing on TV. I always park in the space furthest from the door at the mall. This is usually without exception. Since every step and every calorie burned counts toward my lifetime health goals I look for easy ways such as this to take extra steps. Often times I will park at the end of the mall opposite to my store just to take in a few extra steps. I pay for and participate in holiday exercise events. Most cities have Turkey Trots or other holiday runs/ walks. These are typically on the morning of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years and allow you to have group fun and get back home in time to enjoy the rest of your day. One year I visited relatives in Pasedena and the Turkey Trot was late in the day so participants could ‘run off’ the extra calories they consumed . If finances are an issue, work your FMH business hard and do the run / walk distance at home or at the gym instead of paying for the race fees. But paying the race fees is my preferred way to commit to the exercise. I am taking control when traveling by planning ahead. I will call the hotel and inquire about their exercise equipment. I make sure that the actual pictures from their web site match with what they actually have inhouse. I have even changed hotels if the exercise equipment was not up to snuff.

I will use google maps technology to plan out walking and/or jogging routes. I will ask family and friends if they have any fitness equipment or plan to exercise. I have some great friends in Chicago that play tennis and regularly exercise. Visiting them is always enjoyable since I tag along to exercise. And man can they bake desserts! Oh sorry I digress. I will bring my laptop and a workout dvd with me. I have found this to be a great way to guarantee myself a workout in the event that I visit sedentary friends or family. I especially prefer dvd’s that are high intensity and maximize my heart rate. I will bring my ‘weights’ with me. I actually am referring to resistance bands or my own body weight. These allow me to carry ‘weights’ wherever I go and still pack light .

I will make up my own exercise routines Here is a simple formula:

I will take the stairs to my floor when I stay at The 300 Workout hotels. 100 of each Alas, I stayed in Detroit recently and my room was Push Ups on the 43rd floor. I gave myself a pass on this precept since I was actually running a Half-Marathon Squats that weekend. But other than this one exception Sit ups I always take the stairs from the lobby to my room at least once daily during my stay including a recent Do them in any order you can without stopping. I stay on the 23rd floor. did this recently by doing 25 of each 4 times through. Try to workout non-stop for at least 20 minutes while I will call local fitness centers and ask for a elevating your heart rate. You can do this with any guest pass. If they try to sell me a 30 day membership I explain group of body weight exercises or calisthenics. that I will only be in the area for a couple of days \and I try to negotiate for something to my liking. Personally I keep asking the question ‘Can you do better than that?’. Oftentimes I have been allowed to come workout for free if the person who answers the phone shares my dedication to exercise. And I have never used the Biggest Loser ‘card’ I will vigorously explore the local sights in the area I will be traveling to. Exploring the local area on a brisk walk, jog or bike ride is one of my favorite ways to see a city. On a recent trip to San Francisco I jogged from my hotel through the Financial District to the Pier area and back. Two birds with one stone!

I travel with my exercise equipment on me!. (Pete Favorite Precept!) Whenever I fly I wear my running shoes and pack my MP3 player and heart monitor in my carry-on. I can buy clothes anywhere but I prize my exercise equipment and keep it close to me. Then you are able to exercise at the drop of a hat even if your bags get misplaced. On my last trip to LA I picked up my rental car and immediately headed to Venice Beach for some outdoor basketball and a light jog that together totaled 90 minutes of exercise. There is nothing quite like the sights along Venice Beach. Whether I jog or rent a bike I am never bored. Remember another one of Pete’s Precepts ‘Your Feet Can’t Outrun Your Mouth’. So take close heed to Neil’s principles as it relates to nutrition.

~Pete Thomas 265 S. Federal Highway Suite 231~ Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 ~ T. 1-866-494-4426 ~


Neil’s Nutrition Tips: plate of assorted meats with various cheese spreads, will guarantee to provide healthier food options for you. Avoid the same old cookies, pies, and fried goodies that can ruin your diet. If you are being cordial by bringing something anyway, why not be cordial to your diet in the process ! Healthier Recipes There are so many great recipes nowadays for preparing healthier food entrées, quick snacks, and even baked goods. There is no shame at all by cooking healthy for the holiday season. Even simple ideas like eating turkey without the skin, or cooking a turkey breast without the “dark” meat (wings, thighs) can help reduce the amount of calories you are eating. Using cooking sprays instead of butters and oils, water or stock substitutes instead of cream for gravy, are all great tips to help cut back on the scale. Search the internet for healthy recipes. You will be amazed with how many of your favorite recipes and dessert selections have a healthier version of that recipe available. Based on Pete’s great suggestions, it is clear that staying active during the holiday season is important to stick with your weight loss program. Don’t use holidays or days off as an excuse to sabotage all of your hard work. Always keep in mind that the more active you are during holiday time, the more flexibility you will have in your food choices. Here are a few of my favorite tips to help keep you in shape when tempted by those popular holiday feasts. “It’s OK to have your cake and eat it too… You just can’t have the whole cake!” Remember that moderation is the key to indulging in your favorite foods and not adding unwanted pounds on the scale. I encourage you to try the stuffing, potatoes, and sweets. You just can’t go overboard! Place well balanced, and reasonable portion sizes of foods on your plate; but always try to lean more towards healthier choices such as turkey breast, or steamed vegetables when possible. Every holiday meal has some healthier options to choose from. Always gravitate more towards those choices when you can. But don’t be afraid to still allow yourself a few small samples of everything, so you don’t feel deprived. A small taste can go a long way to fix your food cravings, and not deter your weight loss progress. The trick is to keep it at a “small” taste. Avoid Consuming Liquid Calories It is no surprise that almost everyone will usually consume more calories than they normally do during major holidays. Pete and I definitely know that when people celebrate, they eat! Well, a good tip to keep in mind is not consuming any additional calories through your beverages when possible. If you are going to indulge a bit, stick with food choices that will at least provide you with some nutritional value. Most high calorie drinks simply don’t give you much benefit at all. Alcohol, juices, and soda are absolutely packed full of sugars and empty calories that do not break down in your body easily. One cup of eggnog for example, can be up to 350 calories (21 grams sugar, 19 grams fat). So if you want to enjoy dinner with an extra piece of turkey this year, you are much better off than having a high calorie drink on top of that; full of unwanted calories.

Remember it’s Called a holiDAY, not a holiWEEK So let’s say you fall off track during your favorite holiday. OK, no big deal. We are all prone to making mistakes and indulging from time to time. But the most important thing you can do when you go a bit overboard is to hold yourself accountable. Make sure the next meal you eat, the next day, and the next week, is full of good food choices. The idea is to minimize the effects of breaking your diet. Afterall, it’s called a holiDAY for a reason. We all know that big dinner feasts can leave weeks worth of leftovers to eat. Well, leftovers usually lead to making bad food choices for extended periods of time. A day here and there is OK. We are all human and nobody is perfect. But you have to keep it to just that one day. Don’t cook for 20 people when you know you are only having 10 over. When you hold yourself to one cheat day, a holiday stays a holiDAY, and doesn’t turn into a holiWEEK, or a holiMONTH in some cases. Always remember, YOU are in control of your actions at all times; the food does not control you! Sweets and junk foods are tempting, but you are much stronger than letting those guilty pleasures get the best of you. Stick with your program, and try to minimize the damage the best you can when faced with those seasonal temptations. Not matter what happens, just remember it’s never too late to get back on the health wagon if you stumble a bit during the holidays. Have a happy and healthy holiday season!

~Neil Tejwani

Don’t let the Holidays Slow Down your Metabolism No matter what you are eating, it’s still important to try and keep your metabolism burning calories as optimally as possible. Whether you are indulging a few times a day, or just once in a while, the same rules of keeping your metabolism cranking along still apply. You want to try and eat breakfast within 30 minutes of when you wake up in the morning. Start early burn early! You also want to ration out your portion sizes and eat smaller meals, but more frequently throughout the day. This way your body has a chance to catch up and break down smaller meals more often, rather than flooding your system with a lot of calories all at one time. Take eating a piece of pie for example. If pie is on your “must have” list this holiday season, you should help your metabolism by eating half the pie now, and half the pie a few hours later. It is much more difficult for your body to break down a high sugar starch all at once, as opposed to when it is scattered throughout the day.

It’s OK to Bring Healthier Food Choices with you to a Holiday Party… Everyone knows that guests usually bring something with them to a party for the host right? Some people bring a fruit-cake, special dessert, or a bottle of wine. Well if you plan on bringing a treat anyway, why not bring something you know will be a healthier option for YOU to eat at some point during the dinner party. A fruit platter, plate of veggies with low fat dip, or a

265 S. Federal Highway Suite 231~ Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 ~ T. 1-866-494-4426 ~


“First of all, diabetes did not limit me in any way” as it has me. My name is Marc H. Blatstein. This coming summer represents two major milestones in my life. First of all, I turn 60 years young. Secondly and even more important, is that it represents my 50th year “Winning and Living with Type 1 or Juvenile Diabetes” as it used to be called. 50 YEARS!!!! I still can’t believe it. It’s starting to sink in because The Joslin Diabetes Center, which is known worldwide, is inducting me into a special club called the “50 Year Club”. The members are people who have lived with diabetes 50 years and above. From what I am told, there are approximately 2700 people worldwide in this organization. Enough of my 50 year milestone. How did I get here?? First of all, diabetes did not limit me in any way. I am still a student of TaeKwon Do and have achieved a 2nd degree Black Belt and am still active. So let’s get that out of the way. It should not limit you but it will if you allow it make you more resilient, stronger and yet humble you

My life has been quite an exciting, sometimes challenging but most of all rewarding journey. I’ve been very fortunate to still be in great health! Through out the last 25 years I have been a cofounder and owned and operated companies in the diabetes field. More importantly, I have taught , motivated and helped ten’s of thousands of people through my writings, presentations, TV appearances and radio shows “Win With their Diabetes”. What a lucky guy I am to be able to reach out and change so many lives! That to me is the most rewarding part of all of my work! I wish I would have had a company like Focus My Health™ way back when. Unfortunately I didn’t. But you do! Focus My Health™ , Neal King and Alan Lowe are a continuation of my works and I am grateful to them for that. They are reaching out and motivating people of all likes and also people with diabetes. Instead of me reaching a 100 people at a time, Focus My health will reach millions. Unbelievable!

“I want us all to understand the power we have…” Hello Everybody! I am Barbara McKenna, your learning brain specialist at Focus My Health™, and I am delighted to meet you and share my passion with you! You may have noticed in my description from the “about us” page – advisory board – that I am proclaimed to be a bundle of energy! I am! I am so passionate about my work with the learning brain and even more passionate about sharing that information with each and every one of you so you can come to know YOU better and can be the controller of your life and your balance in life! I’ve been in education for many years. I’m a creator; I write curriculum, I create workshops, I train teachers, I am a motivational speaker, I do whatever I can to enhance learning. It was while I was teaching special education at the elementary level more than ten years ago that I first asked the question: why can’t Cindy read? It opened a wonderful world

O f exploration, discovery and application that has brought me to speaking publically about our learning brains! I am so excited to be a part of Focus My Health™ where we can share knowledge. I want us to understand the difference in two major processing centers, the amygdala and the critical thinking brain. I want us all to understand the power we have and I want to help you unleash YOUR power with the rest of your Focus My Health team and the multitude of strategies offered for your success. Let’s unleash that power together! Working with people of all ages, from preschoolers to octogenarians has been the most exciting and satisfying “job” I could ever imagine having. I can’t wait to get started with you all. Get your questions ready! Let’s FOCUS on Our Health!

To keep current with the latest news, tips and information from Focus My Health™ Be sure to visit http://www/ and subscribe to our FREE Monthly Newsletter Today!

265 S. Federal Highway Suite 231~ Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 ~ T. 1-866-494-4426 ~


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