FOCUS Plant City 15-02

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he term “Strawberry Queen,” is more than just a title for Samantha Sun. Samantha is an exceptional student, and one always looking for ways in which she can help the community. With a GPA of 5.8, she is ranked 17th in her class. She is a member of Plant City’s National Honor Society, Interact Club, Youth Alive, Art Club, BOLD and the Science Club. Samantha has received many awards for her academic excellence as well, including the Florida Academic Scholars Award and the HOBY Award Scholarship. But Samantha does more than just rule the school. When Samantha isn’t in the classroom you will probably find her around Plant City offering her services to the community. She does all she can for those around her and so much more. In addition to her Relay for Life participation and NHS activism, Samantha tutors migrant children at the Bread of Life Mission and elementary school children through her role involvement in Raider Mentors. During the holidays, Samantha also helps wrap presents for children in need, volunteers at the Optimist Club tree sales lot. She has also taught tennis at Steppin’ Stone Farms for troubled girls. Samantha dedicates her time to helping those in need anywhere. In addition to three mission trips with First Baptist Church of Plant City, she also is a Vacation Bible School Leader and the Children’s Church Leader. She leads here as she gets to know everyone in Plant City with her Strawberry Queen and Calendar Girl duties. Samantha is an extremely hard worker and does all that she can do to accomplish her goals. This kind hearted young woman is an excellent choice to represent Plant City High School as the Senior of the Month.


Food: Chinese cuisine Book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Artist: Melanie Martinez College: Harvard and Duke Hobby: Piano Places to hang around Plant City: The Corner Store





ordan Shears, the son of Heather and John Turner, is a dedicated Plant City High School senior, student athlete and community member. Throughout his high school career, he has been involved in numerous sports and clubs, all while excelling academically. Jordan is currently dualenrolled at Hillsborough Community College and will graduate from PCHS with approximately 42 college credit hours. He has participated on the school’s swim and football teams and is currently a member of various clubs, such as Interact, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the prestigious 1290 club for excellence on the SAT exam. When Jordan is not studying or participating in school events you can find him as an active member of his church, where he helps with children’s camps, VBS, and leading small groups. It is an honor to recognize Jordan as Plant City High School’s Senior of the Month.

FAVORITES: Quote: “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in other; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” Audrey Hepburn

Subject: History Book: The Hobbit Sports Team: Green Bay Packers and FSU Hobbies: Music, Sports, Helping out with church Band/Artist: Switchfoot Song: There are so many good songs it’s hard to choose one

Movie: The Gladiator TV Show: The Office Restaurant: Red Lobster Food: Raspberry Cheesecake Hangout spot in PC: RaceTrac Quote: “Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody.”

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