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CAMERON BROWN Photo:Stephen Joseph

Age: 19 Where are you from? Brisbane.

Single cable, gyro or brakeless, and why? Brakeless because I snapped my gyro cables about four years ago and enjoyed the brakeless lifestyle.

What is your local park? Technically, Cleveland but due to all this lovely weather that QLD has been getting lately, Ramp Attack.

What is the most annoying thing about riding parks? Scooters. I think everyone agrees on this one.

What motivates you to ride park over other types of riding styles? I broke my collarbone last year and it was easier on my badge-holder to ride transition.

Top five parks you have ridden? Woodgate, Five Dock, Caloundra, Ballina, and Kuraby.

Do you enjoy other types of riding like trails or street? I enjoy riding a bit of street here and there, but I haven’t ridden dirty in a couple of years. What do you enjoy most about your local park? It’s pretty chilled out, and it’s just down the road with a bunch of cool locals.

If you could go and ride anywhere in the world where would it be and why? Anywhere in the UK because I have been planning on heading over there for a while. What was the last park you rode? Caloundra. Today was the first bit of sunshine Brisbane had seen in months and couldn’t let it go to waste.

BLAKE REEDMAN Photo: Pete Jaques

Age: 16 Where are you from? Dalby, Queensland.

Top five parks you have ridden? Caloundra, Hervey Bay, Pizzy, GC Compound and Capalaba.

What is your local park? Dalby Skatepark.

Single cable, gyro or brakeless, and why? Brakeless. I just don’t like the feel of brakes.

What motivates you to ride park over other types of riding styles? I ust like riding skateparks at the moment as it’s fun. I would like to ride trails but there aren’t any near Dalby.

What is the most annoying thing about riding parks? That they are always so crowded and it can be hard too get a good run in.

Do you enjoy other types of riding like trails or street? Yeah, street is pretty sick but there is not a great deal of stuff out here to ride. I’ve never ridden trails before.

If you could go and ride anywhere in the world where would it be and why? Probably Mirra’s warehouse or The Unit. They look sick as.

What do you enjoy most about your local park? It’s really spread out and is really good to learn on. All my mates make it fun.

What was the last park you rode? Dalby skatepark.

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