THE FOBISIAN February 2022, Term 2 Issue 38

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FOBISIA'S LOVE OF LEARNING Emma-Marie Horridge Deputy Head of Preparatory School, Brighton College International School Bangkok

The FOBISIA biennial

Teaching Community Conference is a highlight of the CPD opportunities offered by FOBISIA. At Brighton, we were delighted to have the opportunity to be this year’s hosts. While COVID-19 has presented many difficulties in getting together in the way we used to, we were also excited by the prospects COVID offered in running this year’s conference a little differently.

shared one common connection - a love of learning. Therefore, we wanted a format that allowed everyone to participate and that is exactly what happened with over 1700 ticket holders from over 50 schools attending either live or by watching the recorded videos. Thank you to all of you that took part!

It also meant that we could reach out to an amazing range of hosts who truly could provide something for everyone. The feedback from our keynote speakers Kate Jones, Alex We recognised that all of Qigley and John Hattie has our teaching and learning assistants, teachers and leaders been excellent, terms such as

‘motivational’ and ‘inspiring’ often being used. They were complemented by a wide range of additional speakers who were able to focus more specifically on CPD for our teaching and learning assistants, Early Years, English specialists, wellbeing and so much more. However, for

excellent “Anrange of

speakers and a useful and practical opportunity to share and develop practice

many of our members, it was actually the internal speakers and the opportunity to network on Whova that proved the particular highlight of the event.


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