Flymage Magazine Issue #10 English

Page 32

My old Tibor holds 300 meters of gel-spun backing, but I’ve never had a fish take more than a third of that. This morning’s first bonefish took more than half of it, and did it twice. I was soon back on the road nearing Paris when another amazing flat appeared. Close to open sea, I found Paris’s three flats gin clear. They are some of the firmest, whitest, most beautiful flats in the lagoon. Paris held plenty of large bonefish, but they were very weary, behaving as though they had recently seen flies. I eventually gave up on these nervous fish and made my way back to shore, hoping to find a flat that had not been recently fished. By now, the tide was beginning to turn and the winds were kicking up a bit of swell. Nearing the beach, I spied a bonefish tailing in the surf, similar to the way permit feed in back in Oman. Well, once I got on to these guys, it was nonstop action for the rest of the day. I must have landed two dozen bonefish, and I’m not ashamed to admit that I enjoyed every minute of it.

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