FFE Magazine 2019

Page 157

When they hit camp, they had clocked 42 km on their GPS!

No wonder these guys wore happy faces all week. They had probably expected to catch a few nice fish, while being in pure survival-mode most of the time. Instead, they ate well, slept well, found a toilet in camp, and – no pun intended - caught a shitload of fish.

We also had three professors from northern Sweden in camp. This was their second trip to Camp North, so they knew exactly what to expect – but, apparently, two of them, Lars and Bert, thought it was a bit too comfortable and must have felt “underhiked”. So, around mid-week, they packed extra provisions and had one of the camp assistants ferry them across the big lake and fished the wonderful stretches on the upper river. Late in the evening, they crossed over to the side creek (it’s a 15 km hike that no other guests, or guides, have done before), had a short rest, and then fished their way down to the main river, below the lake. When they hit camp, they had clocked 42 km on their GPS! Greg, the third Swedish professor, was more sensible and preferred not to get “overhiked”, so he enjoyed himself fishing the FLYFISH EUROPE - SPRING 2019


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