Top 5 Tips on How to Design an Effective Outdoor Banner

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Top 5 Tips on How to Design an Effective Outdoor Banner

Outdoor banners are large, eye-catching signs that are displayed outdoors. They are typically mounted on walls, fences, or poles. They can also be suspended from the ceiling or hung from windows. Added to that, they are relatively inexpensive to produce and can help improve brand awareness by exposing your organization to a wider audience. In case you, too, want to use outdoor banners for your advertising campaigns and need a reputable print shop that offers the best services for banner printing in Calgary, reach out to us. At FlyerShop, we provide customized outdoor banners that come in a variety of designs, sizes, and styles and are extremely durable.

With that being said, designing an outdoor banner requires careful consideration to ensure maximum impact. In this blog, we will discuss some useful tips that you need to follow when designing an effective outdoor banner.

Top 5 Tips for Designing an Effective Outdoor Banner

Here are some tips that will help you design an effective outdoor banner that can capture your target audience’s attention and effectively communicate your message.

#1 Keep the Design Simple

When it comes to the effectiveness of a banner, keeping the design of the banner plain can be a pretty useful approach. After all, you want to make sure that your potential customers can instantaneously understand your message with a single glance. By keeping the design simple and easy to read, you can make it easier for the viewers to remember the details mentioned in your banner. Using complex designs, on the other hand, can make it challenging for viewers to understand and decipher the message.

Should you want to use outdoor banners for your next campaign in or around Calgary, you can contact FlyerShop. As a reputable print shop, we provide a wide range of services for banner printing in Calgary. Our banners are printed on high-quality materials and are extremely durable, long-lasting, and wrinkleresistant.

#2 Use a Large Font Size

When printing flyers, you have the flexibility to decide how much space your content will take up. However, when it comes to printing banners, it’s important that you choose a size that can be visible from a distance. Remember, if the information is printed in small font size, it may go unnoticed. On the other hand, a banner with a large font size will ensure maximum visibility.

#3 Choose Colours That Complement Each Other

We, at FlyerShop providing services for banner printing in Calgary, always recommend our clients to use a colour palette that ensures that their message is easy to read. A balanced use of colours can not only help you capture the attention of your potential customers but also subtly influence them to take a certain action.

So, try to avoid using too many colours that may overwhelm or confuse the viewer. Instead, create a clear visual hierarchy by using colours that

complement each other. This will help you emphasize the most critical information and guide the viewer's attention.

#4 Add High-quality Images

Should you want to help promote your message and increase brand awareness, make sure to include high-quality images in your banner. Remember, consumers like to see how a product appears before deciding to purchase it. This is why you not only need to use images in your design but also ensure that they have the right resolution so that they don’t appear pixelated and unclear when printed.

#5 Include a Call to Action (CTA)

When designing an outdoor banner, don’t forget to include a strong call to action to prompt the viewer to take the desired action. Whether it's visiting a website, making a purchase, attending an event, or contacting your business, make it clear and compelling. Use actionable language and provide relevant contact information or website URLs that are easy to remember.

Wrapping Up

Outdoor banners are an effective way to grab attention and convey messages to a wide audience. You just have to design the right outdoor banner that can effectively communicate your message to your potential customers. So should you be searching for a reliable print shop that provides the best services for banner printing in Calgary, get in touch with FlyerShop. We provide a comprehensive range of premium-quality outdoor banners to help businesses reach their target market more effectively. To book our services, call +1 403 287-8764 or visit


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Address - 6320 11 St SE #14, Calgary, AB T2H 2L7, Canada

Phone Number - 403 287-8764

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