2 minute read

Revamp Your Wardrobe and Save the Planet with Upcycled Fashion

By Darcy Sandilands

You have entered the realm of sustainable fashion, where the goal is to minimize waste and your influence on the environment. Upcycling clothing is one of the most significant ways we can achieve this. So what exactly is upcycling? Upcycling, in its simplest form, is the process of repurposing discarded or outdated materials into something fresh and useful. In the realm of fashion, this could involve repurposing an old item into a new accessory or outfit, such a jacket into a purse.


Let’s now examine more closely the advantages of upcycling fashion for the environment:

Reducing waste: Fashion upcycling helps keep textiles out of landfills and lowers the demand for new materials. This lessens the negative effects of manufacturing on the environment and promotes resource conservation.

Energy conservation: Upcycling clothing also aids in energy conservation. By reusing pre-existing materials rather than creating new ones, we may conserve energy by upcycling used garments and textiles. This lessens the negative effects of manufacturing on the environment and promotes resource preservation.

Water conservation: Making new textiles can be a water-intensive process that requires a lot of water for procedures like dyeing and finishing. By upcycling clothing, we can support resource conservation.

Cutting back on greenhouse gas emissions: Making new textiles can contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. By reusing materials rather than creating new ones, upcycling apparel helps us lower these emissions.

Encourages innovation and creativity: Upcycling fashion does the same. We can design one-of-a-kind, distinctive pieces that express our unique aesthetic and guiding principles by reinterpreting and reusing worn-out apparel and textiles.

Last but not least, the circular economy, which aims to keep materials in use for as long as feasible, is supported by upcycling fashion. Supporting the circular economy will enable us to build a more just and sustainable future for all.

Now that you are aware of the advantages of upcycling fashion, let’s discuss some of the best upcycling companies. My favorites are listed below:

Patagonia has been at the forefront of sustainable fashion for many years, and its upcycling initiative is no different. They recycle used garments to create new items like purses and coats.

Sass & Salvage is a fresh, upcoming brand everyone is excited about. Sass & Salvage’s clothing focuses on sustainability and distinctive style, with the goal of empowering individuals who wear it. The brand creates fresh, distinctive fashionable, sustainable pieces using reused and old apparel, giving them a sexy, sophisticated edge. I can’t wait for the first line to drop in early summer!

The Renewal Workshop is a business that collaborates with other companies to upcycle their previous inventory. They reuse clothing that would otherwise be thrown out to create something brand-new and priceless.

Reformation is a wellknown eco-friendly clothing company with an excellent upcycling initiative. They recycle used garments to create new items like scarves and tote bags.

For anyone concerned with their environmental footprint, upcycling clothing should be a top priority. We can lessen waste, conserve resources, and build a more sustainable future by extending the life of textiles. Next time you’re about to throw away an old garment, ask yourself if it may be upcycled instead. And, don’t forget to look into some of the fantastic upcycling businesses, like the fresh and unique Sass & Salvage!