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Reconnecting with Joy:

Using Yoga and Meditation to Connect with Your Inner Child

By Shanice Davis


Greetings, dear readers! I’m thrilled to discuss with you how yoga and meditation can help you connect with your inner child. It’s simple to lose touch with the carefree and joyous energy we had as children as we go through life. But by including these activities in our daily lives, we can rediscover that sense of awe and delight. Here are some quick pointers to get you going: Consider setting a goal for connecting with your inner child before starting your practice. You might desire to express your creativity or feel more relaxed and playful. Whatever your goal is, be sure to keep it in mind as you perform your practice.

Child’s pose is a soothing, restorative yoga practice that can help you connect with your inner child. Try it out. Start on your hands and knees and bring your hips back to your heels to practice. Place your forehead on the ground and extend your arms in front of you. While you inhale deeply, allow yourself to experience the sensation of security and comfort that comes with this pose.

Try introducing joyful motions like jumping jacks, hopping, or skipping into your yoga practice. These exercises might help you discover your inner kid and infuse your practice with fun and levity.

Consider using guided meditation to help you connect with your inner child. Search for meditations that emphasize concepts like creativity, playfulness, and imagination. Allowing yourself to let go of any stress or worries will help you access your inner child’s feelings of wonder and inquiry during meditation. In the field of guided meditation, The Honest Guys are my particular faves. They are guaranteed to have something for everyone, from light rain to beautifully detailed treks to ancient ruins.

Remember that the purpose of these exercises is to rekindle the sense of excitement, wonder, and creativity that we frequently lose as we age rather than to turn you back into a child. You may add more levity and playfulness to your life and meaningfully connect with your inner child by adopting these techniques into your daily routine.