Goddess Glow

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written by Holly Green


Beauty Rituals for the Soul, Skin and Body

Written by: Holly Green Edited by: Mary Liberty Book layout and cover design by: Jacqueline Côté-Sherman © 2007 by Holly Green ISBN# 978-1-4303-2261-0

“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart… Who looks outside, dreams, who lookS inside, awakens.” -Carl Jung (1875-1961)

My Inspirations… My entire family (they are my biggest fans) My sweet daughter (the dancer that keeps me smiling) My mom and sister (the skincare, makeup and fashion experts) My dad (with the twinkle in his eye, he has a good heart) My uncle (strong independent businessman) My brother in law (strong business sense) My grandma (taught me everything I know) Good friends (unconditional motivation) My clients (appreciation and devotion) Stella and Lucia (my Chihuahuas that know how to relax) My high school art teacher (predicted I would be a one woman show) Dance (feel free to move around) Color (inspiration and freedom) Vintage everything (enjoy the classics) Cupcakes (sweet part about life) Jet black mascara (best invention ever yet they keep improving it) Pretty centerpieces (extra special touches inspire me) Clean houses (I think better without all the clutter) Sunshine (warmth and radiance) Limes (fresh and clean)



SECTION ONE: GODDESS BEAUTY 4 Foreword My Goddess, My Inspiration Feeling Beautiful Soulful Beauty Goddess Glow Esthetician





Goddess Rules

Methods And Tips

Determine Your Skin Type

Grooming The Brows

Creating Beauty Rituals

Makeup: A Flawless Application

Skin Types •Balanced •Combination •Oily •Acne •Dry Skin •Sensitive •Aging Skin Dark Spots Ingredients

Face Massage Permission to Rest

Warm vs. Cool Face Shapes Eyes Lashes Mascara Lip Color


Brushes Bacteria

Types of Facials


SECTION THREE: BEAUTY FOODS 22 Foods to Choose and Avoid


Section ONE:



My hope for this collection of thoughts is to give women permission to take care of themselves. Pampering is not just for royalty. We all deserve the best in every way. I want to share with you what I believe works to maintain our youth and preserve our bodies. You will define your skin type and understand how to take care of it. I will cite tips to find your personal Esthetician and how to get the most “bang for your buck” with treatments and products. I offer suggestions on everyday beauty rituals such as cleansing routines, hair removal and flawless makeup application. Holly My Goddess, My Inspiration I close my eyes. I see the woman I admire. Secure, confident, happy. She is proud of who she is and who she has become. Wise, softhearted, motherly, strong, no one stands in her way. I see a woman who represents her heart’s wishes; she radiates an inner glow, beautiful and divine. She has classic beauty, a good soul and a clear conscience. Her skin is youthful and clear, her eyes bright. Sometimes she wears a hat made of horns, sometimes she accessorizes with a backpack of angel wings. She is versatile, she is real. She is my vision, my inspiration. She is my beautiful goddess inside and out.

My goddess is not afraid to pamper, indulge and please herself. She believes she is worth it.


Feeling Beautiful “Feeling Beautiful” sounds like it should come naturally. For most of us it is a challenge. In my opinion, when you reach soulful beauty, all radiates outward. In our quest to be the best we can be (soulful beauty) and find our own little goddess inside, our lives must have balance, happiness and even a little sadness. People meet us face to face. The way we perceive ourselves will radiate at first glance. Great skin, bright eyes and a comforting smile make all the difference. We must be able to communicate, love, give and receive, as well as feed our bodies with positive messages and wholesome foods. It takes good friends and a family to support and love us each day. Laughing and crying is good too. Then only can our essence shine bright (Goddess Glow).

Remember beauty is not how much we weigh, or how well we cover our gray, or how curvy our figures are. Knowing who we are inside and accepting all the flaws about ourselves helps shape us into beauty. Soulful Beauty Beauty is about the healthy harmony of the inner you and the outer you. When that is balanced, the Goddess Glow will radiate. When was the last time you laughed so hard you had stomach pains? Happiness is important to the soul; laughter creates an inner joy that is lasting. A case of the giggles will cure just about anything. List all the people in your life that you feel are positive forces. I highly recommend you surround yourself with as many positive people as you can. Remember we all have lulls (low days). My outlook on life changes when I am around happy people. Schedule a lunch date with someone you admire. It will inspire you to move out of your lull. If you are having a high day, share it with others. How is your soul, skin and body affected when you eat certain things? Make a list of all the foods you consume for a week. If you discover that you are eating processed foods and foods that contain lots of sugar, you may feel sluggish and your skin will show signs of a bad diet. I urge you to eat a colorful diet of fresh wholesome foods. Your soul, skin and body will feel light and bright. Just what are you putting on your face and body everyday? Make a list of your current beauty products. Let’s agree only to keep the products that work and are made for your skin type.


Goddess Glow When it comes to feeling young and looking radiant, nothing may be more important than taking care of your skin. A beautiful, radiant glow makes you appear more youthful. A dull, dry, flaky, and sallow complexion can add many years to your face. The point of this book is to help you understand what type of skin you have and how to care for it. Some of us are blessed with great genes and a flawless complexion. It’s up to the rest of us (not so blessed) to maintain healthy habits and create a flawless complexion. Create goals for yourself. Allow yourself to make healthy lifestyle changes. This takes some time, be patient.

Yada, Yada, Yada…

We hear the same things over and over from our moms, friends, celebrities, estheticians, skin gurus, doctors, holistic health practitioners, nutritionists, magazines and on TV: Eat right, exercise, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, get 8 hours of uninterrupted beauty sleep, sleep on your back, stay away from fast foods, drink 6-8 glasses of water a day, eliminate stress, laugh, eat clean organic foods, eat a diet rich in fiber, follow the food pyramid, surround yourself with positive people, wear sunscreen, avoid caffeine, drink organic green tea, avoid spicy foods, meditate, take a walk everyday, take naps, do not bring work home. Create beauty rituals or skincare that is specific to your needs.


It’s true. These are Goddess Glow Beauty Rules to follow. Yes, I agree it’s hard to do all of the above, but setting your mind to live a positive, restful, balanced lifestyle is the key to a disease-free life and a young, healthy, beautiful appearance.

MY ROLE AS AN ESTHETICIAN I help women plan out beauty rituals based on their needs. I provide preventative care for your skin and offer treatments to keep your skin healthy, radiant and youthful. I think we would all agree that when we feel good on the inside and we look good on the outside it’s a winning situation. As an esthetician, I offer you the home care regimen that I know works, instead of loading you up with a mess of products that will not complement one another. Unless your Esthetician is also a dermatologist, he or she will not prescribe medication or diagnose skin diseases. If an Esthetician is uneasy about something they see on the skin, neck or upper chest during a facial, he or she will advise you to see a dermatologist.


Estheticians are specialists when it comes to skin types, home care regimes, waxing and makeup artistry. Everyone has a different skin story, goals, and level of motivation when it comes to cultivating a plan. Some find that a simple face massage will ease tension held deep within the body, so a one hour session focusing on the face (facial) is a superb form of relaxation. Others find that conquering their specific skin issues makes them feel better and more confident. Speaking honestly, we all want to have a flawless complexion and look and feel our best.

The name Esthetician comes from the Greek “aisthetikos” and Latin “aesthetica”, a branch of philosophy relating to the nature and forms of beauty. No need to shop for cheap facials. Cheap facials at a spa or salon with less than experienced practitioners may seem like a good idea for your purse, but what you are risking is not worth it. Infections, burns, damaged pores and scarring by an inexperienced and unlicensed person make the choice for a cheap facial risky. Do your homework and make sure the practitioner is well trained. It is a good idea to ask your friends at work and around town who they recommend. Estheticians are experts with skin types, treatments and home care regime. Most Estheticians seek advanced training, but credentials vary. Estheticians receive additional training through the skin care line they carry. Extra training is very important and in a lot of ways it is a reflection of who we are as practitioners. Some of us carry more than one skin care line, so that we have all of our bases covered. For example there will always be those clients who prefer a more holistic, natural, simple approach to skin care. Others want fast results and more aggressivestrength skincare. A good Esthetician is flexible and can speak with you about your specific wishes.

You should consult a dermatologist yearly and keep them posted on your facial treatments and products.


Now that you have found a highly trained, caring Esthetician, let’s get to work on developing a relationship. First and foremost, the Esthetician should initiate the relationship. It is up to them to get the ball rolling. If the ball doesn’t roll, well, keep looking for the right match. When the ball begins to roll and you feel good about who you have chosen, it’s time to test his or her work. The rule of thumb is, if you have a facial and at the end of it you can’t wait to wash your face, like before you leave the spa, keep shopping for a new Esthetician. If you are still smiling after the facial, the next step is to talk homecare. I usually offer samples, especially if I recommend something that I did not use on the client. I am not a pushy saleswoman. My approach is “here is the system I believe in because it has worked in the past.” I also tell my clients “If you need more information on which products suit your needs, here is how you contact me.” Many of us shop at the local drugstore or at the department store counters and receive less than experienced assistance. As a result, our beauty basket is filled with a ‘hodge podge’ of products and makeup colors that do not flatter. We are all guilty of overspending on gimmicks and products that do not work. If you have acne, you need external medicinal quality skincare and special facial treatments as well as nutritional counseling that will help acne disappear and stay gone. It is a lifestyle change worth the effort. If you have Rosacea or redness, you are irritating your skin by using harsh, cheap fragrant products. If you are concerned with dry skin, any moisturizer is helpful, but if your internal cells are depleted you are just merely hydrating your skin. Healthy skin comes from within. If you are going through issues with hormonal aging (menopause), cheap foamy facial cleansers will not address patchy discolorations and hair growth. Combination skinned girls always try a little of everything and, trust me, that holds you back from having nice balanced skin. My point is that proper skin care products are the main ingredient for flawless, youthful and radiant skin. There is no quick fix. Consistent maintenance is the secret.


Section Two:




My Favorite Organ

Skin has three layers: the epidermis (top layer), the dermis (true skin) and the hypodermis (bottom layer). The epidermis is the skin’s waterproof covering that consists of dead cells that are constantly being replaced by new cells. This is the layer where most of the exfoliation will take place. Regular cell renewal is so important because as we begin to age (even in our 20s) our cells have a harder time shedding due to diet, sun damage and pollution. Age 30+ is a great time to begin gentle, professional, exfoliation treatments that will promote healthy cellular turnover. That will turn up your Goddess Glow instantly. The dermis lies underneath the epidermis and contains most of the skin’s living structures such as blood vessels, nerve endings, sweat, and sebaceous glands. It also contains collagen fibers, which give the skin strength and resilience. The hypodermis is the deepest layer. It is composed mainly of fat cells, which cushion the lymph and nervous systems, and preserve body heat.

Goddess Glow rules to live by Be aware of pollution. It is everywhere! Pollution and harmful chemicals are called free radicals. Did you know we breathe in over 2 grams of pollution and eat over 12 pounds of it in one year? Live by the beauty foods section of this book. Pollution is one of the major factors in speeding the aging process of the skin. Smoking is another terrible skin stressor, not to mention what is does to the inside of our bodies and to the people around us. Nicotine constricts the blood vessels of the face. It creates a dull, gray, sallow look to the skin, and it ages the skin. Studies show that it makes you look 10 years older than you are. Smoking is the second largest cause of skin damage after sun exposure. So stop that nasty habit ASAP. Careful tipping the bottle. Alcohol dilates the blood vessels and in some cases will actually contribute to broken vessels on the skin. Alcohol destroys vitamin C, which is one of the most important nutrients for healthy skin. Water is essential for life. You can go without food for a long time (although not a good idea), but you can only live a few days without water or fluids. Did you know we are over two thirds water? Your bodily functions and your beauty depend on water. As we age, we loose the ability to hold on to water– stock up now. The moisture level in the skin is more affected by external factors such as wind, cold, heat and by the number of oil producing glands you have, but it does not hurt to keep the body hydrated.


Holly Green

is a licensed Esthetician and makeup artist. She has an artistic background which includes painting, dance, massage therapy and bodywork. She opened her first skin spa and beauty lounge in 2000, in Ithaca, New York. Since that time, Holly has worked on thousands of faces! She specializes in facials, waxing, makeup artistry and beauty retreats. One of her roles as an Esthetician is educating people about their skin. She is enthusiastically and wholeheartedly invested in the women that come to see her, and that is the key ingredient that manifests results. She has currently developed a signature skin care line called Norabloom Botanicals. The spring season has inspired her to develop a refreshing, natural, cruelty-free, petroleum-free and paraben-free line with botanical flare.

Norabloom Botanicals

Web: www.norabloom.com Email: norabloomskincare@yahoo.com


Special AcknowledgEments


Peter Tarantelli, Private Chef

Beth Hogan Beth’s Bright Ideas www.bethsbrightideas.com 607-272-7976

Janet Jacobs-Fish LMT Janet’s Healing Hands www.janetshealinghands.com 607-342-3310

Carmen Munson, LMSW Climb Higher Business, Career and Life Coach www.toclimbhigher.com 607-898-4126

Lavish Lashes www.lavishlashes.com 866-952-8474

Christi Friedlander Clothes Minded www.clothes-mided.com Danielle Cook Gerritsen Gerritsen Photography http://gerritsenphotography.com 607-279-3415 Debbie Doolittle Transformations Hair and Body www.transformationshairstudio.com 607-277-3943 Essential Oil Cocktails... totally fun, seriously therapeutic! www.essentialoilcocktails.com 607-342-3310 Jacqueline Cote-Sherman Flourish Design Studio www.flourishdesignstudio.com 607-351-8745


Michele Wilbur, RD, CDN Green Cuisine, Nutrition Counseling and Private Meal Service www.grcuisine.com 607-227-6993 Planetary Coral Reef Foundation www.PCRF.org Suzanne Marie Perreault Licensed Clinical Social Worker www.suzanneperreault.com 607-351-1795



PRAISE FOR HOLLY GREEN: “Every woman within a 50-mile radius of Ithaca, New York should have Holly and her skin spa on speed-dial. Not only is the environment inviting, well-appointed and impeccably attended to...Holly is friendly without being overbearing and you can tell that she really loves skin care and pampering. Her prices are competitive and her business approach is to ‘do things well’ rather than focus on volume...Best of all, her services are of the utmost quality. I just hope there is still room for me when the secret gets out.” -Erica, Cornell Professor & spa addict New York

“If you want privacy and 5 star treatments, Holly‘s beauty lounge is the place. Holly’s warmth is unmatched. From facials to waxing, Holly makes sure you leave a happy woman.” -D.G. Ithaca, New York

“By helping my skin clear up you helped my confidence! Plus your face massage is the best I have ever had! I love your studio, by far the nicest place that I have been to. This says a lot coming from me, I own a day spa!! I hope Ithaca appreciates you.” -R

“Holly is wonderful. She has that magic, healing touch that makes you instantly relax. I have experienced facials and spa treatments at top spas in NYC, Cancun, and Nassau and I can say, without a moment’s hesitation, that the facials and spa services you receive at Holly‘s beauty lounge are the best, at a fraction of the cost. Ithaca is truly lucky that Holly chose to open her Spa here.” -Client from yahoo local ratings

When I escape to Holly‘s beauty lounge, I feel truly pampered. It is such a blissful experience that I almost forget how beneficial it is to my skin! The individualized treatment, the skilled massage and the Norabloom Botanicals products ensure that my skin receives the attention that is calling for on that day. Leaving from a facial, not only is my skin happy, but I am relaxed and radiant. -J.C.S. Dryden, New York



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