FCEP EMpulse Summer 2020

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EMRAF President’s Message By Matthew Beattie, MD EMRAF President ’19-20

I just returned home from my last shift of residency. It seems like, not that long ago, I was walking into my first shift. I don’t remember the details, like how uncomfortable I felt or how little I knew, because during residency, we gain the experience and knowledge necessary to venture out and care for patients on our own. It is a cool process, and it works. By spending so much time at the hospital and on so many different rotations, we learn what we need to know to prepare for our career. My first shift is in a week, and I’m excited, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous.

privilege and responsibility to care for our community in this time of need. I encourage you to stay safe and keep your family safe.

I want to congratulate all the graduates who are starting the next phase of their careers. What a time to start practicing emergency medicine. Who else can say that they graduated residency in the middle of a pandemic! Over recent weeks, the virus has taken an exponential turn just in time for us to start our new jobs. What a

It has been an awesome three years! Thank you for allowing me to serve as president of the Florida chapter of EMRA. I encourage you to get involved and to find ways to make a difference in our specialty. ■

For the upcoming senior residents and incoming interns, take the time to grow together as a class. Work hard and learn from your attendings and patients. Residency is an awesome time where you are surrounded by a community in a similar stage of life. When you walk into your shift, think of one way you can encourage someone that day.


Medical Student Council By Dan Schaefer, MPH, MD Candidate – M3 Secretary-Editor, FSU College of Medicine

The FCEP Medical Student Council has officially transitioned to a new leadership team. Please welcome our new chair: Patrick Anderson (NSU), our new advocacy chair: Chloe Gould (FIU), and our new secretary-editor: Dan Schaefer (FSU). Our outgoing team did an absolutely fantastic job over this last year. At this time, medical students are facing very unique challenges to their medical education. Can you remember your own third and fourth years in medical school? Can you


remember the interview trail and the residency match process? Since the SARS-COV-2 pandemic resulted in economic turmoil and social distancing in March, students have been pulled off clinical rotations, hospitals have closed to student rotators, anatomy labs have shuttered, and curriculum has switched to online platforms. EM organizations aligned with the other medical specialty organizations across the nation and deemed that all residency interviews will be conducted virtually!

EMpulse Summer 2020

In response, the Medical Student Committee has worked to keep students across the state informed and prepared for the virtual interview season ahead. We are holding live, faculty-led informational sessions that are open to all students, as well as recording them and posting them to be viewed at a later date. If you are interested in more information, please check us out on Facebook at FCEP Medical Student Group. ■

Articles inside


page 52

Musings: Leadership in Crisis

pages 50-51

Case Report: Extensive Pneumomediastinum in a 20-Year-Old

pages 48-49

Florida Emergency Nurses Travel Overseas to Learn about Emergency Care

pages 46-47


pages 30-33

Kratom Part II: Updates for the ED Provider on a Substance Skyrocketing in Use

pages 44-45

Poison Control: Management of Hydroxychloroquine & Chloroquine Toxicity

pages 34-39


pages 26-27


pages 28-29

COVID-19 and Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C

pages 10-11


pages 24-25

EMRAF President’s Message By Dr. Matthew Beattie Medical Student Council

pages 22-23

FCEP President’s Message

pages 6-7

Government Affairs By Dr. Blake Buchanan

pages 12-13

Daunting Diagnosis

page 18

ACEP President’s Message

pages 8-9

Congratulations, Emergency

pages 20-21
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