Agenda 051916 issue 339

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May 19, 2016



May 19, 2016

May 19, 2016


News Briefs Go to to read more about these stories. Washington DC

Violinist Itzhak Perlman cancels NC performance over LGBT law

Gay Army Secretary confirmed

WASHINGTON (AP) The Senate has confirmed the long-stalled nomination of Eric Fanning to be Army secretary, making him the first openly gay leader of a U.S. military service. The voice vote approval on Tuesday came after Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts dropped his opposition to Fanning in a dispute to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and transfer detainees to the U.S. Roberts said he received assurances from the administration in private discussions that the clock has run out on moving detainees to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

President Issues Transgender Guidelines

WASHINGTON (AP) Public schools must permit transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their chosen gender identity, according to an Obama administration directive issued amid a court fight between the federal government and North Carolina. The guidance from leaders at the Justice and Education departments says public schools are obligated to treat transgender students in a way that matches their gender identity, even if their education records or identity documents indicate a different sex. “There is no room in our schools for discrimination of any kind, including discrimination against transgender students on the basis of their sex,” Attorney General Loretta Lynch said in a statement accompanying the directive, which is being sent to school districts on Friday. 4

May 19, 2016


Susan Sarandon wants to make ‘female friendly’ adult films

LOS ANGELES-- Oscar-winning actress Susan Sarandon has revealed a her plans to make a surprising career move. The outspoken LGBT advocate says she may move into the adult film industry, making erotic films which embrace a female point of view. Sarandon said that the porn industry could benefit from more female input, as current film makers are currently failing to represent women realistically. nn

Florida to allow both names of same-sex couples on birth certificates

It’s been over a year since same-sex couples have been legally permitted to marryin Florida, but just this week the state’s Department of Health has agreed to allow the names of married same-sex couples to be included on birth certificates. The change came after three same-sex couples sued the state for violating their constitutional right to equal protection. “Florida has dragged its feet long enough. It is some relief that married same-sex couples are finally receiving birth certificates that include both parents—though they are inaccurately still listed as ‘mother’ and ‘father,’” Equality Florida spokesperson Hanna Willard said. nn

INTERNATIONAL Turkish President slams West: Care About Syrians as Much as Gay Weddings

ANKARA, TR (AP) - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has slammed Western countries, saying they care more about gay and animal rights than the fate of conflict-stricken Syrians. Addressing a large crowd Friday in northwest Turkey, Erdogan also accused the West of possessing a mindset “remnant of slavery and colonialism.” nn

RALEIGH, NC (AP) - World-renowned violinist Itzhak Perlman said he canceled his Wednesday performance with the North Carolina Symphony after he was told he would not be able to include a personal statement opposing the state’s new law limiting antidiscrimination policies for LGBT people in the event program. “If I’m invited, I will come once the law’s repealed. But as long as this thing is there, I have to take a stand,” Perlman said. The 70-year violinist has been married to his wife, violinist Toby Friedlander since 1966. nn

Gay pastor apologizes, drops suit against Whole Foods

AUSTIN, TX --A gay Texas pastor who sued Whole Foods after he bought a cake that he alleged had a slur written on it in icing has dropped his lawsuit against the grocer. Brown dropped the suit and issued an apology on Monday. Brown said he was “wrong to pursue this matter and use the media to perpetuate this story.” Whole Foods vigorously denied the allegation when Brown first came forward. The company released video that it said showed Brown was lying and filed a counter suit against him. The company said in a statement Monday that given Brown’s apology and admission his story was false, it sees “no reason” to move forward with its lawsuit.. nn

11 Arrested While Protesting North Carolina’s LGBT Law

RALEIGH, NC (AP) - Nearly a dozen people were arrested in North Carolina’s Legislative Building during a second swell of demonstrations led by civic and religious leaders opposing the state’s law limiting protections for LGBT people. Police arrested 11 protesters late Monday afternoon after authorities say they burst into the office of the House clerk demanding a meeting with a legislative leader to discuss the law, which also directs transgender people to use public bathrooms aligned with the sex on their birth certificate nn

May 19, 2016



May 19, 2016

May 19, 2016



The week reflected back through fabulously funny eyes

SOCAL MEDIA LAERT! I need some f*cking excitement in my life! I feel like the Church Lady is more hip and social than I’ve been lately! HEALTHY LIVING. I’ve been taking probiotics consistently for a few months now and I am convinced they really aid in better digestion, immune system maintenance, and overall health. Anyone else agree? SEX TAPE AND MEDIA WHORE. According to the company that is backing the film, the documentary will profile Paris Hilton as a “businesswoman, entrepreneur and media icon.” I can’t wait for the premiere party swag bag! Free wonky eyes, Valtrex prescriptions and vials of coke! FLORIDA LIVING AND CHAMPAGNE DREAMS. Sitting poolside, sautéing in the sun, with a large Diet Coke and the Sunday Styles section of The New York Times. WHERE IS MY GAYDAR? I’ve been spending quite a lot of time up at my parents’ house in West Palm Beach, and have quietly noticed that every single person that comes to their house for repairs, deliveries, cleaning, etc. is not the slightest bit attractive. Is there a lack of hot, pornworthy repairmen/delivery people in Palm Beach County? PUSHING ME OVER THE LIMIT. Wait...wait...can they please play that Sonny & Cher “Little Man”/tiny horse/Pet door/Amazon commercial just one more time? I’m about three steps away from the nuthouse if I hear it again! BINGE WATCHING DATELINE. I could cut a b*tch. I’ve watched enough Dateline to know that if your spouse suggests life insurance or wants to take a hike in a national park, you better run b*tch! BRING BACK THE ABACUS! I love how every f*cking election on earth is always “too close to call.” Don’t we have computers and tracking devices and sh*t? SHOWING FLORIDA STYLE. They need to reboot “CSI Miami.” Nobody can take off their sunglasses and deliver a cheesy line like David Caruso. Where is that hot piece Wolf these days, and Adam Rodriguez? Yum. BARBRA STREISAND IS HEADED BACK ON TOUR. OMG! BABS, reserve my ticket darling, if you’re buying I’m going. lol!

Adam Cohen is South Florida’s favorite and most fabulous social commentator. He’s also single. Find him on Facbook to keep up with his hilarious take on the week’s headlines. 8

May 19, 2016


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Random thoughts from social media and beyond this week



Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced groundbreaking new federal legislation that will guarantee full protection to the human rights of trans people across Canada, “We must continue to demand true equality. We must carry on the legacy of those who fought for justice by being bold and ambitious in our actions, and we must work diligently to close the gap between our principles and reality.”


Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto wants to reform the Constitution of Mexico to extend marriage to same-sex couples. “This way, equal marriage will be clear in our constitution, marking the national day against homophobia. Unlike in the U.S., there is no possibility for a single ruling from the highest court that will overturn same-sex marriage bans nationwide. Even the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) will have to go state by state, and it’s complicated.”

Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London, flew the rainbow flag from City Hall on Tuesday to commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. The event is celebrated every year on May 17 to draw attention to the violence and discrimination LGBT people experience internationally. “I could not be more proud to help celebrate IDAHOT 2016 by flying the Pride flag here at City Hall.” May 19, 2016




May 19, 2016

T I C K E T S AVA I L A B L E O N L I N E AT W W W.T I C K E T M A ST E R .CO M T H E B ROWA R D C E N T E R B OX O FF I C E O R BY P H O N E AT ( 8 0 0 ) 745 - 3 0 0 0

May 19, 2016


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A new iPhone app includes transgenders BY RICHARD HACK


A new revolutionary iPhone and iPad app has just hit the market, adding a new tool to on-line relationships. Creator Adam Newell, one-time server at Liza Vanderpump’s SUR in West Hollywood, calls it an “allinclusive video dating platform for people of all ages, sexualities and locations” and he means it. Known as The Coy, the app is the first to include a profile distinction for transgenders. “There are a lot of dating apps out there right now, so it’s a crowded market. But the problem is that 54% of the user profiles on them are ‘catfish’”’—phony profiles from wannbes,” Newell told the Florida Agenda. “Transgender users, because they are normally identified as a man or a woman, are isolated and at a disadvantage when it comes to in-person meets. Typically, they are not upfront about it, and it can lead to a dangerous and hostile environment.” The concept for the app came to Newell when his brother met a date on Tinder who turned out to be transgender and hadn’t


May 19, 2016

revealed it before. “He felt cheated and deceived, but the date said, ‘I really didn’t have the option of selecting the category, and if I wrote in in my profile, it would be the first thing people see and judge me on.’” “What we did was create a dating platform that has a safer platform for all communities—both LGBT and straight. And not only are we all-inclusive, but after you set up your profile, you are required to make a 10-second ‘first impression’ video. What that does is put a voice to a face and within those ten seconds, you’ll know if this is a match.”


I saw an opportunity to take some of the danger out of online dating, particularly for the transgender community who is more susceptible even in today’s more open environment.”

Once the initial sign-up is completed, a user can determine the kind of person they want to search for with customizable specifics including age, gender, sexuality and distance. “When users find someone they like, they send their video as an introduction, and if the person is interest, they send their video in response,” Newell said. “If there is mutual interest, then the users can chat and build a connection.”

Newell hopes to ultimately throw a launch party to benefit The Trevor Project, which provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to gay and lesbian youth ages 13-24.

This is not another version of Scruff or Grindr, which are designed for quite hookups. The Coy App is all about the connection. Newell came out a year ago, before moving from Los Angeles to New York. Originally from the city of Royal Palm in Palm Beach County, Florida, 22-year-old Newell made several moves back and forth with family to Tennessee, before ultimatety becoming an intern at E! Entertainment in LA. After eventually being hired as a model represented by Wilhelmina, he became involved with SUR and its owner Lisa Vanderpump, herself a huge LGBT advocate.

“I saw an opportunity to take some of the danger out of on-line dating, particularly for the transgender community who is more susceptible even in today’s more open environment. The Coy App is for them, and for you, and for everyone.” The free app is available for download through the Apple Store. No catfish allowed.



Kevin Hopper Vice President l Operations

Maura “Mumball” Lane VP l Sales & Marketing

Dennis Dean Vice President l Creative

Richard Hack Vice President l Content

Michael Turner President l Digital Media Ventures

Jeff Sterling Vice President l Finance

Keith Chamlee Corporate Circulation Director

Peter Frank Chief Financial Officer

C. Lawrence Rutstein Chairman of the Board May 19, 2016





hen Ilene Berliner moved to Fort Lauderdale in 2004, she first started visiting the Pride Center in order to be among fellow members of the LGBT community but soon knew she wanted to do more. She would start a long, fruitful relationship with the organization, one that has evolved and led into her current position as Board Chair. In total, she has been a board member for nine years and was instrumental in moving the Pride Center from Andrews Avenue to its current home at Equality Park.

Ilene Berliner We named Berliner one of our Top Movers and Shakers of 2015, and we recently had an opportunity to speak to her about her good work in the community.


May 19, 2016

BERKLEY: What makes the Pride Center such a special place? BERLINER: First off, it’s huge. We are on a five-and-a-halfacres complex. It’s the hub of our community. We perform many, many services, including over sixty groups that meet on a weekly basis. We are one of the largest HIV counseling services in Broward County. Every Tuesday morning, we have free coffee and conversations for the seniors, and it’s packed! You can’t even get in the parking lot. BERKLEY: What are some upcoming events that the Pride Center is planning? BERLINER: We had our Diversity Honors event with close to 500 people attending on May 13th. We are working on putting up the Harvey Milk Conference Center on our property—an exciting venture that will allow us to do theatre, shows, and all types of stuff. We are in the process of being approved for affordable housing and it’s starting to look good. We will know by June if we will be approved for our financing. BERKLEY: What types of challenges does the Pride Center face? BERLINER: About eight years ago, when we were trying to move from the Andrews Avenue

location, I would say that there were many challenges, but now it’s like an oiled wheel—everything runs smoothly. The staff is phenomenal. Our CEO, Robert Boo is amazing. There are thirteen people on our Board of Directors, and everyone does amazing work. BERKLEY: How is your future with the Pride Center shaping up? BERLINER: Our rules state that no one can be Board Chair for more than three years, so I will be circling off. I’m going to stay very much involved with every aspect of the Center, though, because I have such a strong passion for it. BERKLEY: You are married to another successful Fort Lauderdale businesswoman: Maura Lane, the Agenda publisher. What does that relationship mean to you? BERLINER: In October we will be celebrating our twentieth anniversary, although it’s only been legal since December 30th, 2013 when we married on the gorgeous island of Maui. When you’ve been with someone for that many years, you can’t think of being without them. She’s my rock. We also have three rescue dogs: Garland, named after Judy; Minnelli, named after Liza; and Happy, named after the Pharrell Williams’ song.



May 19, 2016


2000 Oakland Park Blvd. Suite 106 | Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 Phone: 954-380-8563 |

Publisher: Maura Mumball Lane Editor-In-Chief: Richard Hack - Art Director: Kevin Broady



ROYAL PALMS RESORT: No Longer a Gay Stay


Only months ago, we remember lying across a pillowed sofa in a sunny corner of the pool deck at the incredible Sunday tea dance at the Royal Palms Resort and Spa (717 Breakers Avenue, Fort Lauderdale). The place was packed with hot twinks in Speedos and elegant gentlemen with caps and Panamas to protect their aging skin for the hot Florida sun. By As a live Richard DJ spun house tracks, Hack patrons crowded the pool bar with its muscled bartenders in their tight Royal Palms teeshirts Crisp white stucco provided the perfect complement to the brushed silver wall lamps in a décor as impressive as anything in South Beach. It was a fantasy that I foolishly took for granted, thinking this creation from the mind of Swedish developer Par Sanda would last forever as the gay resort it had become. Sanda had converted two 50sstyle motels, previously owned by mover and shaker Bob DeBenedictis into the Royal Palms, helmed by legendary hotelier Richard Gray. Under Gray’s magic wand, the Royal Palms had became the first local gay 16

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resort to earn a five-star rating. In addition to the bar, the hotel had a restaurant, a spa, masseur, and fitness center. There were two porn channels on the TV and enough cutey-pie employees to keep even the most jaded queen amused. But Sanda, it seems, ultimately had other plans for the resort which is still listed among the top gay destinations on most LGBT websites. What was onetime the crossroads of tropical sensuality and chic urban design was about to do more than just start showing its age. The icon turned straight. Now gone are the DJs, the cushions, and the class. No more porn channels; in fact, the TVs now only receive a shadow of their former channel selections all around. The paint is chipping, the lamps are rusting, and the gays have moved on to the Grand Hotel and Spa down the street, where the welcome mat is not only out, it’s cleaned daily under the watchful eyes of owner Casey Koslowski and his resort manager Edward Otto Zielke. In true LGBT stay, when one fantasy fades, another rises in its place with out missing a beat. Travel Adviser reviewer John S. from Charlotte North Carolina said it best when he wrote two weeks ago: “To say I was disappointed is an understatement. I was so looking forward to just being free to be me whether I was at the pool or the bar or in my room. Upon checkin, the gentleman was nice

and helpful, but clearly not gay. Neither was the bartender and there were non-gay couples at the pool. I thought, well at least I hope they kept the rooms up and the crisp clean nature of the place had stayed. This was mostly true. Clearly, the room (1207) that I was upgraded to was spacious with plenty of light, a nice big bathroom and shower space. And it seemed clean. Until I pulled the luggage holder from the wall and saw brown spots on the wall behind it. It was clear that the luggage holder had rusted and bled on to the wall. Later that night when I went to pull the sheers and blackout curtains closed. “It was obvious that they hadn’t been cleaned in some time. Other things... the grout in the shower was showing its age; the chrome on the lights by the bed was beginning to fade away and one of the lights had a non-functioning bulb. The wifi was free, but weak. The TV no longer has the “special” chan-

nels. In fact, what it does have is your standard issue bad connection that you find in second rate hotels elsewhere. And while the bartender was very nice, the prices for what they serve are ridiculous - and certainly not on par for taste as what they used to be. The main pool area was a bit unkept as well. Leaves and bird droppings on the patio and lounge chairs. And almost one entire side of the pool has had the lounge chairs removed in favor of cafe tables. And they only serve food until 5 PM. Had I known that I was not going to be at a gay exclusive resort with better kept accommodations and cute guys around, I would have just booked the Hilton and been right on the beach.” Only the memory remains. Richard Hack is the awardwinning author of 26 books, and the Vice President of Content for Multimedia Platforms’ publications.

What was one-time the crossroads of tropical sensuality and chic urban design was about to do more than just start showing its age. The icon turned straight.”


We All Bleed Red


It’s no surprise in an election year that the “anti” behavior grows stronger. On May 13, 2016, the Pink News headlines: “Pastor Anne Graham: God let 9/11 happen because of transgender people in bathrooms.” She further says (in part) during a phone interview “...if we would repent of our sins and stop pointing our finger at everybody else...” Really, Pastor Anne? What happened to practicing what you preach? Sadly, Pastor Anne is not alone. On May 9, 2016, North Carolina’s Governor Pat McRory tweets “We’re taking the Obama admin to court. They’re bypassing Congress, attempting to By Rev. rewrite law & policies for the whole country, not just Joel NC.” Slotnick This came not too long after it was reported (This by CBS. com / in part) “Officials in North Carolina filed a lawsuit Monday against the Department of Justice over the feds’ demand that the state not implement its controversial LGBT law or risk losing federal funds.” This due to HB2 (House Bill 2). The bill can be found on http://www. H2v4.pdf But wait! There’s yet another. On April 20, 2016, The American Family Association ( called for a boycott against Target. Why? From the AFA website (in part): “On its web site, Target announced, “[W]e welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity. ...Everyone deserves to feel like they belong.” “This means a man can simply say he “feels like a woman today” and enter the women’s restroom...even if young girls or women are already in there. Target’s policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims. And with Target publicly boasting that men

can enter women’s bathrooms, where do you think predators are going to go? Clearly, Target’s dangerous new policy poses a danger to wives and daughters. Over 1 million people agree with us and pledged to boycott Target stores until protecting women and children is a priority.” Fortunately, those I call “the powers that be” are there to fight for the transgendered and others discriminated: On May 10, 2016, reports (in part) “Attorney General Loretta Lynch, announcing the U.S. legal action to reporters on Monday, cast the bathroom bill issue as the latest civil rights struggle of the era. “It was not so very long ago that states, including North Carolina, had other signs above restrooms, water fountains, and on public accommodations, keeping people out based on a distinction without a difference. We’ve moved beyond those dark days,” Lynch said.” It’s great that we (currently) have such people to stand strong against discrimination. We also have to ensure that doesn’t change - or at least do what we can to make sure the right persons are representing us. But it is and always will be a never ending battle. WE have to assist in this battle, and it has to begin with each of us. It’s certainly not the first time I’ve said it. We will forever be different within our own. Short, tall. Thin, heavy. Brown, black or blonde hair. Even no hair at all! Different religions. Different styles. Different financial means. Different everything. We have different communities within “our” community: bears, leather, runners, walkers, singers, dancers, fem, butch, those who live at the gym, those who don’t. Bar people and those who stay at home. Those who are

older and those younger. Those who like to go out with people nowhere near their own age. The list could go on and on. Yes, we’re a melting pot of diversity. With that also comes a responsibility of educating the uneducated and standing up when the names and hatred start slinging back and forth, especially from us. Belittling someone because they’re not your type or someone who whom you have no interest in being friends doesn’t help the matter. We ALL have to be conscious how we treat one another, no matter who they are. We don’t have a choice. At the end of the day, there is one commonality among each of us: We all bleed red. I leave you with the words of Barbara Deming: “The longer we listen to one another - with real attention - the more commonality we will find in all our lives. That is, if we are careful to exchange with one another life stories and not simply opinions.” nn

Rev. Joel S. Slotnick is an ordained Interfaith minister and full time digital court reporter. He can be found on Facebook and followed on Twitter.


May 19, 2016




“ONE JERK REPUBLICAN” steps aside and Eric Fanning is confirmed as Army Secretary


The eminently qualified and highly charismatic Eric Fanning has finally been confirmed as Army Secretary, gaining the full approval of the Senate late Tuesday. The vote makes Fanning the first openly gay service secretary. Perhaps this long-awaited outcome is all down to one octogenarian five-foot firebrand. After all, it was Edie Windsor who firmly pointed the finger of blame for the long delay in Fanning’s appointment at “one jerk Republican” during her remarks at the May 7 American Military Partners BY Association LINDA (AMPA) NaPENTZ tional Gala. The “Republican jerk” in question was Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS) who had put a hold on Fanning’s confirmation despite Fanning having already received bi-partisan approval from the Senate Armed Services Committee which voted to advance his appointment. Roberts insisted he stood in the way only to get an assurance from the White House that any inmates released from Guantanamo will not be transferred to his state, and in particular to Ft. Leavenworth. This was appar-


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ently forthcoming, resulting in Roberts standing down on Tuesday. Windsor is best known for her landmark 2013 legal victory in United States vs. Windsor, in which the U.S. Supreme Court rendered as unconstitutional the restriction of federal interpretation of “marriage” and “spouse” to apply only to heterosexual couples under Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act. Her victory was embraced by AMPA and many LGBT veterans because it allowed the U.S. Department of Defense to recognize the same-sex spouses of LGBT service members and extend to them all the same benefits already enjoyed by heterosexual military couples. (AMPA is the nation’s largest resource and support network for the partners, spouses, families, and allies of America’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender service members and veterans.) Windsor, still feisty at 86, was one of four recipients of AMPA’s 2016 National Equality Award. (The others were Jim Obergefell, lead plaintiff in the Supreme Court’s marriage equality decision, and Thom Kostura and Ijpe DeKoe, also plaintiffs in Obergefell.) Fanning was the evening’s keynote speaker. Before the evening’s proceedings, I talked to Fanning about the protracted and frustrating delay in his confirmation. Look-

ing at Roberts’ record on LGBT rights — he rates a zero on the Human Rights Campaign’s Congressional scorecard — it was easy to assume that the Guantanamo argument was just a giant red herring. Roberts is a longtime opponent of marriage equality and voted against the inclusion of sexual orientation under the definition of a hate crime. But Fanning insisted then that Robert’s objection “really is about Guantanamo.” Fanning reminded me that Roberts “pulled the same move on John McHugh,” recalling Obama‘s 2009 nominee for Army Secretary. McHugh was eventually appointed and served in the job for six years. Fanning said Roberts “did not know who I was,” when his nomination came up, reinforcing his conviction that the Senator’s move was purely political and not rooted in homophobia. All the same, during his speech Fanning could not resist inviting the indomitable Windsor to “please be my confirmation campaign manager.” Maybe she took him at his word. Because the job is now done. nn Linda Pentz is the Washington correspondent of the Florida Agenda. She can be contacted at Follow her on Twitter @CapitolAgenda


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I’M JUST SAYIN’ Eric Kenneth Fanning (born July 2, 1968) was the Acting United States Secretary of the Army when appointed Secretary of the Army by President Barack Obama on November 3, 2015. On confirmation by the United States Senate, Fanning would be the 22nd Secretary of the Army, the largest service branch of the U.S. military, and the first openly gay head of any service in the U.S. military.

ERIC FANNING Born and raised in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He is the highest ranking openly gay member of the Department of Defense. He was a member of the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund from 2004 to 2007. He favors the adoption by the U.S. military of a policy prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. He has said: “I personally like to see these things in writing and codified.” He has expressed a preference for the establishment of such a policy by the Department of Defense rather than the Obama administration: “My view about government is you should always use those resources that are available to you first before you move up to the next level, so I think there are a number of things we can do inside this building for the Department of Defense”. He supports allowing openly transgender persons to serve in the military as well.

May 19, 2016





My 6-year-old son has two moms. For Mothers’ Day (and, yes, that’s where we put the apostrophe) he gave both my wife (a.k.a. “Mommy”) and I cards with “coupons” for things like “let the dogs owt” and “serv dinr.” At school he drew both of our portraits and wrote a little essay about each of us. He wrote that I was “good at writing poetry” and that my wife’s favorite hobby is “worcing owt.” In the morning, he made my wife breakfast (a cheese omelet, with a little help) and then in the evening, he and my wife gave me a hot stone calf and foot massage. He was disappointed that we ran out of time to paint Mommy’s nails. This Mothers’ Day was especially meaningful because it’s the first one I’ve been able to celebrate as a legal parent. Anti-gay marriage and adoption discrimination made me a legal stranger to my son for over five years of his life. Now my name is on his birth certificate and he has the protection of having two legal parents. So when President Obama mentioned the existence of lesbian mothers -- and even thanked us! -- in his 2016 Mother’s Day Presidential Proclamation, that felt really good. “Performing the most im-


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portant work there is, mothers -- biological, foster or adoptive -- are our first role models and earliest motivators,” Obama wrote. “Regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or marital status, mothers have always moved our Nation forward and remained steadfast in their pursuit of a better and brighter future for their children.” Not everybody was pleased, however. Dr. Michael Brown, rightwing radio host and author of books like “Outlasting the Gay Revolution,” wrote an opinion piece on BarbWire in which he lamented, “It’s a real shame that our president, rather than just making a positive statement about the importance of our mothers, chose to politicize the moment, putting his radical social agenda above the sacredness of motherhood.” Yes, what a shame that Obama should acknowledge people like me as real mothers. As you can see by the examples at the beginning of this column, my wife and I are obviously raising our son to be an evil creep. But as far as Brown sees it, we are terrible parents because neither one of us has a penis. Mind you, he does say “without a doubt, there are single moms, adoptive moms and lesbian moms who are

deeply devoted to their kids and are doing their utmost to be the best parents they can be.” But he goes on to say that these women are basically selfish bitches who never should have brought a child into this world without a man. Specifically without being married to a man. He writes that it’s “sad” that “kids raised in a lesbian home will not be able to celebrate Father’s Day, and this by the choice of the moms.” Nope. That’s not sad. Kids who have abusive parents or who spend their lives tossed around in the foster care system? That’s sad. Having two moms who love you is not sad. He then goes on to give some anecdotes about some girls becoming man-hating lesbians just like their moms! And how kids raised by trans mothers are likely to be trans, too. He doesn’t provide any evidence, because he doesn’t have to. It’s what his audience wants to hear, after all. Never mind that the majority of LGBT people were raised by heterosexual parents. Not all mothers live up to Obama’s proclamation. Some mothers are terrible. Raising kids is a really hard job that demands everything of you. I am proud to be my son’s mom, and I don’t need Brown’s approval to celebrate Mothers’ Day, damn it. nn





Michael Brown Michael L. Brown (born 1955) is an American Messianic Jew, radio host, conservative and author. His nationally syndicated radio show, The Line of Fire, airs throughout the United States. He is also president and professor of practical theology at Fellowship for International Revival and Evangelism School of Ministry. He has been controversial for some of his actions regarding homosexuality. He argues that nothing has changed in terms of what is stated in the Bible, which is why almost no one through the centuries has thought to use the Bible to sanction homosexual relationships until recently, and this is the result of the sexual revolution of the 1960s. Even though gay marriage is such a prominent issue in American culture today, many Christian circles want to avoid talking about it. But, as Dr. Michael Brown, author of the new book, “Outlasting the Gay Revolution,” says, the issue of gay marriage is “the principle threat to freedom of religion, speech, and conscience in America.” The subject is now unavoidable, and neutrality is just “no longer possible.” But in the midst of this challenging cultural moment, Brown argues that Christians still have reason to hope. The world may seem like it’s a mess. But he maintains “we need to recognize that the day before the decision and the day after the decision, Jesus is still Lord. He still sits on the throne. Our Father is still God.” nn ---Kevin Broady

May 19, 2016



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May 19, 2016

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Things We Learned from the Kentucky and Oregon Primaries




Tuesday night, May 17, Democratic party nominees Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton battled it out in the Oregon and Kentucky primaries. While Clinton barely won Kentucky, Sanders comfortably won in Oregon with a 53% to 47% victory against Clinton.

Leading up to yesterday’s voting in Kentucky and Oregon, a disorderly scene erupted at the Nevada State Democratic Convention on Saturday, May 14, after 58 of Sanders’ state delegates were disqualified due to rule violations, a move that meant they could not vote for the state’s actual delegates who will go to the party’s national convention in Philadelphia, July 25-28. In order to continue chugging along, Sanders must win by wide margins the rest of the way to stand a chance to catch up to Clinton. Next stop, California. Here are five things to take away from Tuesday’s primaries and how Saturday’s melee could effect the DNC.



Though he’s made it clear he is “in it ‘til the last ballot is cast,” Sanders has had it with the leadership of his party. After what unfolded last weekend, Sanders finds it crucial that the leadership of the Democratic Party understand that the political world is changing. The junior United States senator from Vermont continued his tone on Tuesday during a rally in Carson, Calif. and urged that the Democratic party do the right thing and “open its doors and welcome into the party people who are prepared to fight for real economic and social change…”



It’s possible. Sander supporters are absolutely fed up and if it weren’t made evident last Saturday, prepare for more uprising in Philadelphia come July. The par-

ty rules have frustrated Sander supporters and they believe it has pushed Sanders to the wayside. The way things concluded last Saturday is something that has been simmering for quite some time in the Democratic Party. We’ve seen it throughout the Republican race with many personal insults. Now it may ooze its way over to the Democratic National Convention.



Though Clinton declared victory, the Associated Press declined to project a winner.



count gave Clinton a 33-delegate advantage out of 3,400 who attended Saturday. A “minority report” of 64 Sanders supporters were reportedly wrongly denied delegate status. We just won Kentucky! Thanks to everyone who turned out. We’re always stronger united. — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) May 18, 2016



Right now, with the California primaries weeks away, Clinton is ahead of Sanders with a 50.6% to 40.8% lead. At this point, Clinton could snatch the the Democratic nomination by the June 7 primary. nn

Mum’s the word over in the Clinton camp, but she sent out a very interesting tweet after her win in Kentucky that might have eluded to Saturday night’s brawl. The Nevada state party’s

May 19, 2016


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May 19, 2016

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May 19, 2016






May 19, 2016



NatioNal News Transcendent Acceptance Abounds at This Year’s GLAAD Media Awards BY ALEXANDER KACALA The GLAAD Media Awards were held Saturday, May 14 at the extravagant Waldorf Astoria. It was wall to wall legends with stars like Tamron Hall, Lea DeLaria, Andreja Pejić, and Aziz Ansari shining bright in the crowd of black tie dressed gay elite. “Diversity and inclusion should never be a trend,” commented host Laverne Cox on the red carpet, looking ravishing in a red gown by Mikael D. On the red carpet – or actually blue carpet in honor of GLAAD’s signature blue branding – presenters, nominees, and honorees lined up including James Obergefell, the lead plaintiff in the Supreme Court case that would legalize same-sex marriage across the United States. “I am here because of an interview I did with Anderson Cooper (following the decision) was nominated for Outstanding TV Journalism Segment,” Obergefell explained. “My year has been unbelievable,” he continued. “Nothing I ever expected. I have been keeping busy speaking, traveling, attending events, writing a book that comes out June 14, Love Wins. Life has been great. A lot of fun and not anything I ever expected.” That afore mentioned segment ended up claiming the prize, and Obergell accepted the award on behalf of Cooper who was not in attendance. Writer and advocate Jacob Tobia was profiled in MTV’s True Life: I’m Genderqueer, nominated for Outstanding TV Journalism. “We are up against Caitlyn Jenner and Diane Sawyer’s interview for 20/20, so I don’t think we have a shot really at winning the award but it’s really exciting to be here,” they told us. “I think what happened with True Life is really un28

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derrated. It was the first time, to my knowledge, that gender queer and gender non-conforming people have had our own specific program on national television. So I actually think it’s a really historic show.” They were right predicting Sawyer’s win, who took the stage with a glamorous but nervous Caitlyn Jenner. Laverne Cox made several outfit changes throughout the evening, and hosted with effortless poise and grace the entire time. “If anyone thinks that women cannot handle combat, just watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta,” she joked. Later in the evening, out director Lee Daniels presented the Ally Award to a glowing Mariah Carey, who actually walked the carpet earlier in the night. Jennifer Lawrence made a surprise appearance when she presented the Excellence in Media Award to Robert De Niro. “Thank you, Jen,” De Niro said after taking the stage. “If I were a lesbian, I’d be all over you. Being a father figure has its limitations.” De Niro continued on a more serious note. “I was fortunate to grow up in an atmosphere where freedom of expression and art in life were the norms. Now we have to look outside our bubble because of religious beliefs or ignorance or mean spiritedness, it’s not so easy.” “It has been quite a year. A landmark decision for marriage equality. But also new repressive laws like the ones in North Carolina that let us know the struggle continues and challenges us to be vigilant and aggressive to protect all of our rights. I am happy to be part of a community that is so active in this quest. Thank you for this honor. I am proud to stand with you. I am GLAAD.” nn



May 19, 2016



May 19, 2016


SECRET RECIPE SERIES ANGRY SHRIMP COCKTAIL Virtuoso chef David Burke is the restaurateur behind David Burke Kitchen (New York at the James Hotel), David Burke Fabrick (New York at the Archer Hotel), David Burker Bloomingdales (New York), and David Burke’s Primehouse (Chicago) among other eateries. He also appeared on TV’s Iron Chef.

INGREDIENTS: ½ Tbsp horseradish ½ cup sweet chili sauce Zest and juice of ½ lemon, plus ½ Tbsp zest and ½ Tbsp juice 1 Tbsp Tabasco Salt and pepper, to taste ½ cup Wondra Flour ½ tsp cayenne pepper powder ½ Tbsp chili powder ½ Tbsp paprika 1 lb 16/20 shrimp, peeled 1 Tbsp canola oil 1 small garlic clove, minced ½ small shallot, minced Pinch crushed red pepper flakes 1 Tbsp butter

METHOD 1. In a small bowl, whisk together the horseradish, sweet chili sauce, zest and juice of ½ lemon, and Tabasco. Season the angry sauce with salt and pepper and refrigerate. 2. In a medium bowl, mix together the flour, cayenne, chili powder, and paprika. Set aside. Toss the shrimp in the angry flour. 3. In a large sauté pan over medium-high heat, add the oil. When the oil is hot, add the shrimp and sear until just cooked, no longer than 2 minutes on each side. Add the garlic, shallot, ½ Tbsp juice zest, ½ Tbsp lemon juice, crushed red pepper flakes, and butter. Toss to coat and season with additional salt, if needed. Serve with reserved angry sauce. Makes 4 to 6 servings. .

May 19, 2016



May 19, 2016

May 19, 2016





Romeo San Vicente is the Light that Never Goes Out. He can be reached in care of this publication.

FROM ZERO TO I LOVE YOU REUNITES NOAH’S ARC CAST Do you miss Noah’s Arc? You probably do. Because, frankly, it’s not like anyone in the world of basic cable was lining up to make television programs about the lives of gay black men before it arrived. And furthermore, how many have there been since? Exactly. So when former Arc-er Doug Spearman directed his first feature, the LGBT film festival favorite Hot Guys with Guns, it gave us hope for more to come. Well, now something new is coming. Spearman’s latest directorial effort, From Zero to I Love You, will tell the story of a gay man (played by Noah’s Arc alum Darryl Stephens) who rejects his friends’ and family’s effort to set him up with Mr. Right, all because he can’t resist the thrill of chasing heterosexual men – the kind with wives. Yes, yes, yes, the gay shame of it all, but still a fascinating idea for a story in a world where gay culture is beating the drum for everybody settling down and getting adorably married. Why not a romance about wanting, and possibly getting, the one you can’t have? More on this one as it slowly winds its way to release.

HOW MANY BILLIE JEAN KING MOVIES, AGAIN? This is how it goes in Hollywood: a good idea spawns copycat ideas. Sometimes, these good ideas become competing projects rushing to beat each other into theaters or on to television. It’s why there were two Truman Capote movies, why another Jungle Book movie is coming soon, and why there are (or were, depending on how much you trust the expression “in development”) three movies about the legendary 1973 tennis match between Bobby Riggs and Billie Jean King. We’ll skip the two that may or may not be actually happening now – that would be the one with Will Ferrell attached as Riggs, and the one with Paul Giamatti and Elizabeth Banks, neither of which have been making much noise of late – and focus on the one that’s actually shooting. That would be Battle of the Sexes, which stars Emma Stone as King, Steve Carell as Riggs, and comes from the creative team of screenwriter Simon Beaufoy (Slumdog Millionaire), and co-directors Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris (Little Miss Sunshine). The period comedy has a newsworthy supporting cast, too, with Elisabeth Shue, Alan Cumming and Sarah Silverman rounding out the ’70s vibe. May it remind everyone who watches it how truly resistant American culture was to the mainstreaming of feminism, and how much more work there is to be done. 34

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JURASSIC WORLD SEQUEL GETS J.A. BAYONA The Jurassic Park franchise, resurrected in form and money-minting function last summer, has its next director, and his name is J.A. Bayona. No worries if you’ve never heard of him. He’s the gay, Spanish filmmaker responsible for the tsunami drama The Impossible and the thriller The Orphanage. Assuming that the disaster-effects-heavy Impossible was sufficient-enough calling card to take on the disaster-effects-heavy world of carnivorous dinosaurs, he’ll be stepping in for the departing Colin Trevorrow. Why, you may ask, is former indie director Trevorrow not returning to the money-minting franchise? Well, he’s going to be busy with a new Star Wars installment, that’s why. Cast members Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard are scheduled to return – with salary hikes, it’s assumed, considering the first one pulled in $1.7 billion worldwide – and the film’s tentative release date is 2018. So, for those of you keeping score, the new paradigm is that you can be gay and get hired to direct a chapter in a blockbuster franchise. Now let’s see how long it takes for someone to hire a woman to make one.

ELLE FANNING AND JENA MALONE DO THE LOVE SCENE THING IN NEON DEMON Elle Fanning is an adult now. And the first thing young actors usually do when they turn 18 is run directly to those grown-up roles. Ms. Fanning also happens to be well-regarded in her chosen profession, so it’s no surprise that for one of her first post-childhood projects, she landed herself in the latest movie from acclaimed Danish director Nicholas Winding Refn (Drive). It’s called The Neon Demon, and it’s soon to premiere at the Cannes Film Festival. It co-stars Christina Hendricks, Keanu Reeves and Jena Malone (with whom Fanning has a lesbian love scene). A stylized horror film of sorts, the plot seems to involve a young woman with aspirations to becoming a model, only to find herself surrounded by people who want to devour her youth and beauty like a pack of vampires. In other words, it’s a story about the day-inday-out world of the entertainment industry. The art-minded thriller opens in general release in June, just in time for its star to consider living arrangements for her first semester in college. Suggestion, speaking of horror: not the dorms.


Three Days in June


1 Ballet follower 6 Loesser’s most happy one on Broadway 11 Like family 15 “What does she see ___?” 16 Lover of Henry and June 17 John of M. Butterfly 18 Neighborhood where 39-Across is located 21 They hit Stephen Hough’s piano strings 22 Went for, at Barneys 23 Some dam project 24 Swedish import 26 Style Tracy Turnblad’s hair 27 Ward of Once and Again 29 Used farmers’ tools 33 Possible result of unsafe sex 34 Mardi Gras follower 36 They cause a bicycle to be “bi” 39 Site of 1969 riots soon to be designated a national monument 43 Person in the Navy 44 One of Bernstein’s strings 46 Slingers’ ammunition 49 Dieter’s catchword 52 Region in J. Siberry’s land 54 What you can give it 57 Fruit flavor for gin 59 Cats inspirer’s monogram 60 ___ Menace (Radicalesbian phrase) 64 Carolina pro footballer 66 Speech in which Obama mentioned 39-Across in 2013 68 Carbs or cabooses 69 Room at the top 70 Kind of queer 71 Puts into service 72 Onetime Oprah rival 73 Fender bender scars


1 LGBT ___ (Obama was the first to mention them in a 66-Across) 2 Come apart 3 Bulldykes

4 Come off as 5 Sea eagles 6 King of Lawrence’s land 7 SASE, for one 8 Cowardly lion actor 9 Vidal’s ___ from Golgotha 10 Words before were 11 Kate’s sitcom partner 12 “Bears” that aren’t bears 13 Take into the body 14 Had an opening for 19 Finish filming 20 J. Caesar’s tongue, or back muscle 25 Bitch’s response 28 Queen’s “subjects” 30 Mooring sites 31 Long, slippery one 32 Martin of the Daughters of Bilitis 35 “Get thee ___ nunnery” 37 Tyler of Lord of the Rings 38 Cut quickly 40 Love, to Navratilova 41 “Xanadu” band, for short 42 From the Union 45 Has a hissy fit 46 California home of Streisand 47 Planet with a butt sound 48 William of Knots Landing 50 South American that may climb every mountain 51 One that attacks a fly 53 Emily Dickinson output 55 Dr. for the children’s hour? 56 Star Trek sequel, briefly 58 Came to a halt 61 Like a twosome 62 Ziegfeld Follies costume designer 63 HRC does this to candidates 65 Family diagram 67 Nickname that Taylor dislikes

For the solution to this puzzle go to: May 19, 2016





Tales From Beyond the Tracksuit Jane Lynch talks life after Glee, Catholic guilt and crushing on Susan Sarandon You better believe Jane Lynch can sing, and even if you don’t, “I think by the time you buy the ticket and come to the show, you hope I can sing! You’ve got your fingers crossed!” the Glee alum says of her touring act See Jane Sing, cracking her signature booming laugh.


May 19, 2016

Lynch is best known as iconic cheer coach Sue Sylvester, who tormented McKinley High for six seasons of Fox’s musicaldramedy behemoth Glee, which brimmed with all sorts of songs – just not many sung by Lynch herself. There was, of course, the playful homage to Madonna, when Lynch donned black lace for a frame-byframe remake of the Queen’s video “Vogue.” But on Glee, the 55-year-old Emmy winner was

better known for her tyrannical outbursts and hair taunts (poor Mr. Schuester) than she was for breaking into song. Now, Lynch is making up for lost time as she headlines See Jane Sing, the entertainer’s touring cabaret that merges comedy with music and also features Kate Flannery of The Office and Tim Davis, the music director of Glee. After resolving a shoddy phone connection (“Where are you? Iraq covering the war?”), Lynch spoke at length about how her cabaret is not a “live sex show” like Liza’s, the one man she’d go straight for (and the one woman she’d stay gay for), and what’s so funny about three white people performing Nicki Minaj’s “Anaconda.”


AZZOPARDI: Do you read reviews? LYNCH: Ummm, good question! I have for this show, yes. The reason being is because I’m confident (laughs). I don’t think anybody could say anything about it, me or anybody in it that would actually stick. I don’t think they could say anything bad because I’m very confident in it; it’s such a blast that it stands alone as an experience for me without having anybody telling me it’s good or bad. AZZOPARDI: The reason I ask is because I read a New York Times review from 2014. LYNCH: It was awesome, wasn’t it? AZZOPARDI: It was! They noted the show’s “sexual subtext.” I haven’t seen the show yet, but I’m curious about this “sexual subtext.” LYNCH: Yeah, I am too! I’m curious about it too! (Laughs) I think what they might have been talking about is: Cheyenne Jackson, a wonderfully talented man who also happens to be gay, did “Something Stupid” that night with me. It was a special thing and he came up and we sang the song “Something Stupid,” and he talked about this weird kind of sexual tension between the two of us, because I think he’s so attractive and so handsome and I get very confused about my sexuality when I’m in the presence of Cheyenne Jackson. AZZOPARDI: When I’m watching Cheyenne Jackson, I know that I am 100 percent homosexual, no question about it. LYNCH: Isn’t that wonderful?


I feel that way about Susan Sarandon, though she probably wouldn’t, you know, receive my affection… well, she’d receive it, but she might not return it. AZZOPARDI: What was your introduction to cabaret? LYNCH: Well, let’s see, I’ve been in theater for a long time. I go see people perform, whether it’s at a hole in the wall or it’s a chick with a guitar. I usually don’t like big rock concerts – I don’t seek those out – so the combination of doing a comedy show with music has always been something I loved. I used to do sketch comedy a lot before I started doing television and film, and we always found a way to put a song in there. I did a “one person” show and I put


the quotes there because there were three other people in there; it was all my material, but I had other people in it and we had six or seven songs in it and I love that. I don’t play a character so much, but Kate is my inappropriate drunken sidekick and we have a particular thing that I think is very entertaining and a lot of fun. She’s the glue of the evening for me and I’m so lucky to have her. AZZOPARDI: So your introduction to cabaret was not Liza’s Cabaret? LYNCH: Oh, that – well, that’s a whole different thing. That was almost like a live sex show in Nazi Germany! It’s funny, I think we call (this show) a cabaret and it’s kind of stuck


with the show because we did it at 54 Below (in New York). It’s where one person stands there with their band and people come to eat and listen, so when I say cabaret, it’s a live performance comedy concert. (Laughs) AZZOPARDI: Were you a funny kid? LYNCH: Yeah, I was a funny kid and that was one thing I always knew I had. You know how you’re insecure as a kid? I was like, “Well, I know I’m funny.” AZZOPARDI: So you used that to your advantage? LYNCH: Yeah, I guess so. You know, sometimes I felt like I was just trying to survive, as I think a lot of kids feel, having the big gay secret and all that stuff. I feel like when you’re a kid – for a lot of kids anyway – it’s about trying to survive and stay under the radar of humiliation so people don’t sniff you out. AZZOPARDI: Did humor help you survive, then, as a kid? LYNCH: Oh yeah, absolutely. AZZOPARDI: How did you know you were funny and when did you realize you could make a living being funny? LYNCH: I never set out to do that. I love mining things for the comedy and, of course, that attracts people who love doing that as well. I had this one hilarious friend in high school, Christopher, who’s still a friend, and we did nothing but laugh together. The silliness of the social hierarchies – we would watch those and we laughed about those. We laughed about everything; nothing was too sacred. And we were May 19, 2016


Catholic kids too! We laughed about the priests and the congregation. So, if you’re allowing your passion to lead you, you end up making money at it, which is a great thing! (Laughs) But I didn’t set out to do it. I really just set out to laugh. AZZOPARDI: For a while there, you were performing in church basements. LYNCH: Yeah – a lot of them! The churches would rent out their basement just to make some money and they didn’t care what kind of show you were doing. They didn’t show up; you just paid the 50 bucks and you set up the lights and that’s what ya did. AZZOPARDI: Is it true that, when you ended up at Second City, you were one of only two women picked to join the troupe? LYNCH: Well, that wasn’t unique. There were only two women in every company. Now, it’s three. So it wasn’t a unique thing. Every company had two women and four guys and now it’s three and three. It wasn’t like I was only one of two women in the entire history of Second City. I know in some press release it says that, or something online says “she was chosen,” but no, it’s not a big deal. All the girls were one of two women. Now they’re one of three women. AZZOPARDI: Did it feel unfair to you that the men and women weren’t equal in number? LYNCH: Nah, I didn’t have eyes for that stuff. I really didn’t. I didn’t see that stuff. I wasn’t available to feeling less than in that way. It just didn’t happen for me. AZZOPARDI: Assuming you’re taking a bus on tour, what kind of music do you listen to on the road?


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LYNCH: Oh no, we’re not on a bus, man. Dude, we are flying. We do this first class – that’s why I’m not making any money on this tour! We fly. I said, “I’m not gonna do it if I have to sit in a bus,” so we fly and we all fly together, although Kate and I do fly first class and I make a joke about it in the show – another reason why I’m not making any money on this tour. But we all fly together and we hang out. We all eat

together, laugh together, so I’m not listening to music or anything. I’m not a listener to music – I don’t listen to it very much. But Kate does, and Kate and I have very much the same taste. So, when we’re getting ready – we have a dressing room together – she plays Burt Bacharach songs. She has a terrific library of Burt Bacharach songs, not just by Burt Bacharach, but by all sorts of groups like The Carpenters and we sing at the top of our lungs and that’s our little pre-show warmup. AZZOPARDI: How did Nicki Minaj’s “Anaconda” end up on the setlist? LYNCH: I had a burst of inspiration! I thought, “Wouldn’t it be funny if we did this?” First of all, I think it’s one of the most amazing, hilarious and artful videos I have ever seen. It is so funny. She is sooo self-deprecating, and she’s so kind of pinned this character – this rich girl who’s from the hood who has no class who all of a sudden is hanging out with drug dealers and having access to Balmain and nice clothes and a nice car. She just nails it. So, I thought, “Wouldn’t it be fucking hilarious if me, Kate and Tim” – I mean we look like the Heritage Singers out there! We’re so white, so immaculately white, and all three of us cannot dance at all but have all the confidence in the world in our moves. AZZOPARDI: Looking back on Glee: The show changed a lot of queer kids’ lives, and if I had been younger, it really would’ve influenced me in a major way. LYNCH: Right; me too! AZZOPARDI: If a show like Glee had been on when you were a young gay person, how might your life have been different? LYNCH: Ahh, it would’ve showed me that I wasn’t alone, and oh, just to know that you’re not alone. I really thought I had a mental disease that I was never gonna be able to get over, that I was cursed with it, that it was my fault. AZZOPARDI: Catholic guilt? LYNCH: Yes, yeah! And I don’t know where I got this, because my parents weren’t Catholic in that way. We went to church but they weren’t like, “This is bad; this is good.” They just

ENTERTAINMENT weren’t that way. They were very relaxed, not very good Catholics except that they went to church every Sunday. In saying that they weren’t very good Catholics – they were really good people! (Laughs) AZZOPARDI: I get it. They weren’t devout. LYNCH: Exactly. So, I don’t know where I got that it was so horrible, maybe just by the fact that it was whispered about, if it was spoken about at all. And I didn’t see one person in my trajectory of life that had it! (Laughs) I was completely alone in it, so for me to have a Glee, and I’m sure I speak perhaps for you and a lot of other gay people growing up in the ’70s and the ’80s, a Glee would’ve been so wonderful – oh, how great that would’ve been. AZZOPARDI: Did you feel that, when Glee ended in 2015, it was time? LYNCH: Yeah, sure. Absolutely. You know, these things can’t go on forever. We have this thing in American television that you have to be on for 10 years or something, and I think the British have it right. The British do 13 episodes and then take a holiday. AZZOPARDI: Does the cast keep in touch? Are you and Matthew Morrison still close? LYNCH: I do talk to Matthew, yeah. And my niece was assistant to one of our executive producers and she’s friends with all those folks, so I see them and they come over to my house and we make dinner and sit out on the porch. AZZOPARDI: I was gonna say, “What’s a post-Glee party at Jane’s house like?” LYNCH: (Laughs) Well, they don’t talk about Glee, that’s for sure! They’ve all kind of moved on,

but they’re very good friends. It was a bonding experience for them – for all of them. AZZOPARDI: You have Mascots coming up for Netflix, and it’s directed by Christopher Guest, who also did Best in Show with you. What was it like teaming with Jennifer Coolidge again after playing her butch lesbian personal dog handler in Best in Show? LYNCH: Well, I didn’t work with her; I haven’t even seen her. I worked with Ed Begley Jr., Mike Hitchcock and Parker Posey, so I didn’t even get to see her. I can’t wait to see her at the premiere. AZZOPARDI: What do you remember from working with Jennifer on Best in Show? LYNCH: It was a first-time experience for both of us, and we were both very nervous. We were shooting it in Vancouver and we got very close. The days we weren’t working, we would take walks through Stanley Park, and she is one of those people who can make me laugh so hard that I can’t catch my breath. She renders my mind inert. I can’t do anything but hold whatever spot I’m at and just double over and try to catch my breath. AZZOPARDI: Has there ever been a role you regretted not taking? LYNCH: I can’t even think of one. I’m so in the moment, man. I don’t think about that stuff. I can’t even remember turning something down and I can’t even remember – I don’t remember most things. (Laughs) Chris Azzopardi is the editor of Q Syndicate, the international LGBT wire service. He once made Jane Fonda cry. Reach him via his website at and on Twitter (@ chrisazzopardi).



                          By Patrick Robert

T he Week entertainment calendar



events nightlife theatre exhibits


THURSDAY 5/19 @ 8:30PM Filmore It wasn’t too long ago that the Wayans were the most successful comedic family in the business. The television show In Living Color starred half of the brood and subsequent films White Chicks and I’m Gonna Get You Sucka were blockbuster smashes. During its many seasons on air, Marlon Wayans was one of In Living Color’s standout performers. He was also a co-writer and star of the popular Scary Movie franchise. Tonight, he performs his wacky and often irreverent standup at the Fillmore. 8:30 p.m. Fillmore. 1700 Washington Ave. Miami Beach. 33139.


FRIDAY 5/20 @ 7:00PM Arts Garage Bessie Smith is nicknamed The Empress of the Blues for good reason—she is considered one of the greatest influences on jazz vocalists and one of the best blues singer of all time. Set in 1937 Memphis, the musical The Devil’s Music (The Life and Blues of Bessie Smith) tracks the dramatic story of Smith’s rise as a performer. After getting turned away from a whitesonly theater, Smith recounts her life while singing such hits as “St. Louis Blues,” “Baby Doll,” “Tain’t Nobody’s Bizness If I Do,” and “I Ain’t Got Nobody.” 7:00 p.m. Arts Garage. 180 NE First St. Delray Beach. 33444.


FRIDAY 5/20 @ 8:00PM West Palm Beach Improv Honduran-born comedian Carlos Mencia tackles topics as diverse as everyday hypocrisies, absurdities, ethnic stereotypes, race relations, immigration, war, patriotism, capitalism, pop culture, current events, and family. Carlos is best known for his well-received Comedy Central show, Mind of Mencia. Despite some rather unfortunate public relations moments, Mencia has maintained a successful career as a comedian over the past decade. 8:00 p.m. Beach Improv. 550 S. Rosemary Ave. West Palm Beach. 33401. 40

May 19, 2016


SATURDAY 5/21 @ 8:00PM Hard Rock Live Tracy Morgan, better known as his alter-ego Tracy Jordan from the now defunct 30 Rock, will be performing at the Hard Rock Live his signature halfvapid, half-offensive standup routine. His gigs have known to be raunchy, including a notorious event which caused over fifty people to walk out and a show at Caroline’s in New York City that contained a rant persuading the audience, “Don’t ever mess with women who have retarded kids.” 8:00 p.m. Hard Rock Live. 5747 Seminole Way. Hollywood. 33314.


SATURDAY 5/21 @ 8:30PM Fillmore Edward Stierle’s seminal 1988 landmark work Lacrymosa mournfully comments on the AIDS epidemic of the time when it was first performed by the Joffrey Ballet Company. In a tragic scenario of life imitating art, Stierle died of the disease at the early age of 23, ending a burgeoning career full of promise. Dance NOW! presents this landmark work which brings light to the fragility of the human condition and its relation to the growing epidemic in South Florida. 8:30 p.m. Fillmore. 1700 Washington Ave. Miami Beach. 33139.


SUNDAY 5/22 @ 8:00PM Coral Gables United Church Harvey Milk has become one of America’s great LGBT heroes, a man who stood up for equal rights before it was popular. The controversy from being the first openly LGBT person to hold public office caused his assassination in 1978. The Miami Gay Men’s Chorus presents this oratorio which weaves the story of Harvey Milk’s life into a series of beautiful choral songs. 8:00 p.m. Coral Gables United Church of Christ. 3010 De Soto Blvd. Coral Gables. 33134.


ark, moody and mysterious, L’Atessa/ The Wait (Oscilliscope), plays like a modern horror story, but the shock is of a more subtle nature. Jeanne (Lou de Laâge) arrives at the home of her Italian boyfriend Giuseppe at a time when the household, including his mother Anna (Juliette Binoche), are deep in a period of bereavement. However, it’s not made clear for whom they are mourning. Meanwhile, Jeanne, who argued with Giuseppe before her arrival, can’t figure out why he’s not returning the messages she’s leaving on his mobile. The messages, which range from seductive to apologetic to frustration and anger, are being listened to by Anna who has Giuseppe’s phone with the cracked screen. Come to find out the screen isn’t the only thing cracked. Anna is well-aware that Giuseppe is dead, and so is the audience, for that matter. She’s simply unable to break the news to Jeanne. In a matter of just a few days, Jeanne evolves from being a timid and overly polite girl to a woman before Anna’s eyes. But Anna, so torn apart by grief, keeps the mind games going, including telling Jeanne a hateful lie about Giuseppe. Visually captivating, but slow, The Wait is almost pulled under by its own weightiness.


o far, 2016 has been a good year for femmes d’une certaine age, with decent movies starring Sally Field and Helen Mirren, among others. Susan Sarandon (of questionable politics fame) can add her name to the list with writer/director Lorene Scafaria’s The Meddler (Sony Pictures Classics/Stage 6). Not a perfect movie, it nevertheless gives Sarandon, and co-stars Rose Byrne (as daughter Lori) and J.K. Simmons (as possible love interest Zipper), the chance to shine. Comedic situations aplenty arise, along with some that also tug heavily on the heartstrings. Sarandon is fabulous as Brooklyn transplant Marnie, and despite the movie’s flaws, is the main reason to see The Meddler.

May 19, 2016




entertainment calendar

T he Week events theatre

nightlife exhibits




MONDAY 5/23 @ 10:00AM Museum of Discovery & Science The new exhibit Wildlife Rescue at the Museum of Discovery and Science involves visitors in compelling stories of animal rescue, the dedicated people taking action, and the science that supports their efforts. The exhibit showcases unique species from around the world along with presenting themes important to the health of animal habitats. 10:00 a.m. Museum of Discovery and Science. 401 SW Second St. Fort Lauderdale. 33312.



f you miss the Rob Reiner of old, the one who directed classic comedies such as This Is Spinal Tap, The Princess Bride and When Harry Met Sally…, as well as acclaimed dramas such as A Few Good Men, Misery, Ghosts of Mississippi and Stand By Me, you won’t find him in Being Charlie (Defiant). Basically a glorified advert for sobriety and recovery, Being Charlie can’t seem to make up its mind about what kind of movie it wants to be and ends up a confusing muddle. If you don’t do hard drugs, you might want to start after watching it. On his 18th birthday, Charlie (Nick Robinson) is also marking six months of sobriety. Both anniversaries are observed at a “recovery ranch” in Utah. But Charlie has other plans, beginning with leaving the facility before his time is up, but not before he shatters a stained glass window on the premises first. After hitching a ride in the direction of L.A., Charlie calls home and leaves his mother a message to the effect that “things will be different this time.” Of course they won’t, as we see when Charlie steals Oxy from the people who offered him the ride. Dumped by the roadside, Charlie calls drug buddy Adam (Devon Bostick) who picks him up in Barstow. Contrary to his plan to stay at home after Adam drops him off, Charlie discovers that his parents, former actor turned gubernatorial candidate David (an almost ageless Cary Elwes) and Liseanne (Susan Misner) have staged yet another intervention. Charlie refuses, but Adam intervenes getting Char42

May 19, 2016

lie to agree to check into another facility for 30 days. This is where Being Charlie basically becomes an extended recovery program advert. There’s a group session led by Drake (Ricardo Chavira), talk of someone’s relapse and departure, and the acceptance and commitment mantra. To be fair, Charlie does let Drake have it, slamming the program. Ultimately, it’s fellow addict Eva (Morgan Saylor) who convinces to Charlie to stick around. Soon, Charlie has 60 days of sobriety. Moving to a less restrictive outpatient facility, run by Travis (Common), as part of his recovery, Charlie is nevertheless still a rule breaker, seeing Eva on the sly. Obsessed with vintage comedians and stand-up comedy, Charlie performs at the facility’s talent show; an act that will eventually backfire on him when a video of it hits the internet. After Charlie and Eva’s clandestine visit to his parents’ beach house while on a weekend pass, it doesn’t take long for everything to unravel. Eva makes a hasty exit from the recovery facility, Charlie starts using again, Adam ODs and David’s political future hangs in the balance. It’s almost as if the story of Charlie’s recovery isn’t an interesting enough subject to sustain the movie. All of these other distractions are layered on so as not to lose anyone’s attention. Additionally, some of the homophobic dialogue is made all the more shocking because of Reiner’s well-known liberal-leaning politics and support of the community. That’s too bad, because like the main character, Being Charlie definitely had potential.

TUESDAY 5/24 @ 7:00PM The Field Irish Pub George Van Dyk and Bryan Hinton take up the mantles of Paul McCartney and John Lennon respectively in 2ofUs, their Beatles Tribute band. The two have played in a variety of Beatles Tribute bands, including Hello Goodbye and Cavern, throughout their career. The night consists of all of the classic songs that made The Beatles one of the most celebrated music acts of all time. Expect to hear “Here Comes the Sun,” “A Hard Day’s Night,” “Come Together,” and “Paperback Writer.” 7:00 p.m. The Field Irish Pub. 3281 Griffin Rd. Dania Beach. 33312.


WEDNESDAY 5/25 @ 8:00PM Actor’s Playhouse Sean Grennan had Actors’ Playhouse audience members giddy two seasons ago with his acclaimed play Making God Laugh. His newest play The Tin Woman is receiving the same kudos. It involves a postoperative heart transplant recipient’s survival guilt as she decides to meet the family of the late donor. She must deal with her own fear and doubt while confronting the grief of the late donor’s family, all leading to a moving resolution. 8:00 p.m. Actors’ Playhouse. 280 Miracle Mile. Coral Gables. 33134.

May 19, 2016



When it doesn’t make sense


Each life event, from the most influential to the mundane, will affect you. Often you may plan events that are monumental in nature and revel in the excitement and joy that comes with these events. However, what happens when situations transpire that do not make sense? Your life is like a jigsaw puzzle. When you look at the puzzle box, you see what By the end James result will Miller look like. There will be pieces you immediately know where they will be placed based on the shape, size, and color. Conversely, there are pieces that are confusing and are often put aside because you have no idea where it is supposed to go in the puzzle. This is analogous to real life. There will be life situations that easily make sense: birth of a child, marriage, new home, and many other wonderful situations. However, what about those

events that blindside you that make no sense as to why or how they even happened? How do they fit in with your life? When you isolate an incident and focus on all that has happened, you are right. It will not make sense. But it is important to remind yourself that, just like that jigsaw puzzle, the event is part of the bigger picture. Sure, it does not mean that calamity and misfortune will always beset you, but it does mean that the overall perspective is that all situations are interconnected. If you focus on a coin and bring it to your eye, that is all you will see. Just like in this situation, if you solely focus on the event itself, it will not make sense to you and you may become stuck and not transition to the next level in your life. Sometimes you have to create a file in your mind that is simply named, “I don’t understand it,” and leave the event there. Overly focusing on the event itself arrests your ability to be proactive and you drown in fear and paralysis. Reminding yourself that you don’t have to figure out the “why” of the event helps you focus on a plan of action.

Many situations in your life will be painful, but when you stop and reflect on the person you are today I’m sure you are proud of the person you have become. Of course, you would not want to relive those events, but they were all linked together - just like the jigsaw puzzle to create a beautiful picture, your life. Those times were used to shape your personality and teach you valuable life lessons. When you are proactive in your life and strive to be the best you can be in all events, from the joyous to the most painful, you will have confidence knowing that you will overcome any situation. Life is fluid. Events happen all the time and there is no reason to be stuck on one event because it will change. Remember, in the jigsaw puzzle of life, some of the pieces have vibrant colors while others are dark and drab. You cannot always be on the mountaintop, but must traverse the valleys to ascend to the next level of personal development. Being blindsided is a part of this transition. It is not placed in your life to destroy you, but rather placed in your life to promote you. nn

James Miller is a licensed psychotherapist and a piano composer who is known for his weekly iTunes podcast, YouTube channel, and his Academy where he teaches successful people to simplify and transform their lives. James’ latest album, Restoration is available for purchase on all digital music stores. For more information 44

May 19, 2016


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’ve heard from quite a few people lately who are currently going through difficult times. I know that there are many others out there who are just trying to find ways to make the pieces fit. I always say, “Stay Strong…” It may seem like simple little words, but if you keep them as your mindset, they can help see you through anything. Here are five other brainy quotes, that just might make your day better.

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ADAM BALDWIN I just consider myself a piece of the puzzle and I’m lucky enough to be asked or invited to the party, if you will. I hope I can bring some laughs and grimaces to the fans. KURT VONNEGUT Everyone now knows how to find the meaning of life within himself. But mankind wasn’t always so lucky. Less than a century ago, men and women did not have easy access to the puzzle boxes within them. ROBERT ADAMS The experience of life that you and I have is pretty much a jigsaw puzzle in the box: Day-to-day experiences of disconnected pieces that don’t seem to justify the efforts we make each day. ADRIAN BELEW My favorite puzzle is trying to work out the parts myself, after all it is a solo effort. JOKO BECK We are caught in the contradiction of finding life a rather perplexing puzzle which causes us a lot of misery, and at the same time being dimly aware of the boundless, limitless nature of life. So we begin looking for an answer to the puzzle. Joko Beck Staying strong is the key to making it through to the other side a stronger, better person. It’s the key to hanging in there long enough to make the pieces of the puzzle fit. Whatever puzzle lies before you, know that you hold all of the pieces. Keep the big picture in front of you and… yes… stay strong. nn ---Kevin Broady

May 19, 2016





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HEALTH Ocean Therapy Center 2530 NE 15th Avenue Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-351-2299/


Island City Eyecare 2301 Wilton Drive, Suite C1 Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-764-6906 /


Dean Trantalis Attorney 2255 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-2226 /

The Pride Center 2040 N Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-463-9005 /


Out of the Closet 2097 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-358-5580 /


Dennis Dean Images 3554 NE 12th Avenue Oakland Park, FL 33334 954-240-8307 /

Diana’s 12001 Avalon Lake Drive Orlando, FL 32828 407-207-0205 /


Best Books and Taxes 2201 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-565-1041 /

Center for Spiritual Living 1550 NE 26th Street Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-2868 /

INSURANCE Dunham Fort Lauderdale 2601 E Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 303 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954-564-7772 /

Holy Angels Catholic Community 2917 NE 6th Avenue Wilton Manors, FL 33334 954-633-2987 /



FITNESS Pump’n Inc Tom Bonanti 1271 NE 9th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954-557-1119 / 46

May 19, 2016

REAL ESTATE Robert Geary MacKilligan on Las Olas Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954-234-8759 / Joe Grano Realtor 1881 NE 26th Street, Suite 212 Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-931-0031 /

We Insure 1975 E Sunrise Blvd, Suite 602 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954-903-7519 /

Etz Chaim 2038 N Dixie Hwy Pride Ctr Bldg B Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-564-9232 / Source Events 605 Lincoln Road, #410 Miami Beach, FL 33139 305-672-9779 /


Genesis Health Institute 1001 NE 26th Street Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-561-3175 / Better Hearing-World of Sounds 2450 E Commercial Blvd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954-491-2560

SPA 11 Lic#MA75718 2000 E Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 103 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954-945-5133 /

MUSIC Sell Us Your Records! We Buy Collections. 5130 N. Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale 954-671-9482 /

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May 19, 2016




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