Agenda 041416 issue 334

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Surprise: North Carolina Gov. moves to be (a little) more inclusive

Lover Arrested for Murder of Gay Financier in Miami Beach

MIAMI BEACH—The body of gay financier Louis Piper, 61, was found decomposing in a pool of blood in a bathroom in his lush Miami Beach condo, the victim of a stabbing. Neighbors of Piper, who was the VP of commercial acquisitions for Bayview Asset Management in Coral Gables, became suspicious when a stench began to emanate from the condo. His lover, 30-year-old Jonathan Alonso, with whom he had previously had disputes, was arrested April 8 at Museum Park.

Protection For Florida’s LGBT Foster Children Is Under Attack

RALEIGH, NC (AP) - North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory issued an executive order expanding anti-discrimination rules for state employees and asking lawmakers to eliminate a provision in a law limiting LGBT protections he signed three weeks ago. But he said Tuesday he sees no need to repeal the rest of the law, which came about to overturn a Charlotte city ordinance.nn

Miami Beach Gay Pride Parade and Festival:


MIAMI BEACH--While police have yet to release an estimated attendance number, tens of thousands of LGBTs, friends and family, packed onto Ocean Drive South Beach Sunday to celebrate the eighth annual Miami Beach Gay Pride Parade and Festival. New York radio host Elvis Duran (Morning Show) airing locally in Miami on Y100 was the parade’s grand marshal, accompanied by Australian rapper Iggy Azalea as well as assorted members of Duran’s morning show cast. nn

INTERNATIONAL Pope Emphasizes Flexibility Over Rules in Sweeping Document

Though it was dismissed by the court in Changsha, China’s first legal challenge to a law limiting marriage to oppositesex couples has galvanized many of the hundreds of young Chinese gay rights supporters who gathered at the courthouse, some of them waving small rainbow flags. The hearing’s sizable public turnout and coverage by usually conservative Chinese media appeared to reflect early signs of shifting social attitudes in China on the topic of sexual orientation. nn

JACKSON, MS (AP) - A Mississippi hospitality group says it’s starting a campaign to promote inclusion after backlash over an incoming state law that says government workers, religious groups and private businesses can cite religious objections to same-sex marriage to deny services to people. Mike Cashion, director of the Mississippi Hospitality and Restaurant Association, said Thursday that the group will distribute decals with the slogan, “Everyone’s Welcome Here,” also promoting the message on the Internet. nn

Same-Sex Couples Want Names On Birth Certificates in Indiana

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - An attorney for eight married same-sex couples argued that the state of Indiana is discriminating against them by not allowing both women to be listed on their children’s birth certificates. A federal judge in Indianapolis heard arguments Friday over whether state law wrongly forces the woman who didn’t give birth to go through a costly adoption process to be legally recognized as the child’s parent.nn


VATICAN CITY (AP) - In a sweeping document on family life that opened a door to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics, Pope Francis insisted Friday that church doctrine cannot be the final word in answering tricky moral questions and that Catholics must be guided by their own informed consciences. Francis didn’t create a churchwide admission to Communion for divorced and civilly remarried Catholics as some progressives had wanted. nn

Despite court ruling, China gay rights movement makes gains

Mississippi Tries “Everyone’s Welcome” Campaign To Counter Discrimination

April 14, 2016

TALLAHASSEE—After pressure from far-right religious groups and a review by Republican Governor Rick Scott, language that was added last year by the Florida’s Department of Children and Families (DCF) to protect LGBT foster children in the state-run program has been deleted. The new rules were put in place by DCF secretary Mike Carroll last year to protect youth from bullying and harassment, banning psychologically harmful “conversion” therapy, and to provide affirming guidelines for the care of transgender youth. Now those rules have been specifically removed from a draft version of a proposal aimed at group homes.




Go to to read more about these stories.


News Briefs

[ JUST ADAM /floridaagenda

The week reflected back through fabulously funny eyes


SOME PEOPLE ARE GREEN WITH ENVY. Reading some of these ignorant comments online about people criticizing both Bruce Springsteen and Bryan Adams for deciding not to play concerts in states that have passed discriminatory measures against LGBT citizens is priceless. They’re so quick to drop phrases like “washed up” and “has been.” Meanwhile both musicians are still extremely popular and are both considered rock legends. Talk about sour grapes! I mean can you imagine if Larry the cable guy canceled his world tour in the south? These people would pull out the rest of their four remaining teeth! Lol TV BINGE WATCHING. Catching up on my Beverly Hills gals, and I never thought I’d say this, but Lisa Rinna is on my last f*#king nerve. I mean I loved her but I just can’t with this show, just chill and collect Harry Hamlin’s LA Law residuals. WHERE IS MY DAY PLANNER? Finishing the day up with two (and a half) glasses of red wine. Gym, eat sushi, then more red wine. I’m like fucking Lou Ferrigno, but relevant. A GIRLS GOTTA EAT. Former teen idol Alyssa Milano hawking the Atkins Diet! My life is crumbling! She’s a fatty like me! WAITING ON LIFE TO HAPPEN. Where or when is my goddamn happy ending? And no I’m not talking about the type you find in an Asian massage parlor! A BOY GOTTA EAT. Joey Fatone taking second fiddle to Flo the annoying Progressive spokeshooker in the new TV ad? Not sure if I should laugh or cry. PREACH GIRL PREACH. I’m proud to see that a very large and progressive section of my religion and culture is adapting to changing times with class and dignity, instead of resorting to nasty online comments and repeated calls to “read your Bible” and resorting to low class namecalling like “perverts.” Proud to be a Jewish American. GET ON BOARD IT’S THE 21ST CENTURY. In my humble opinion any of these Republicans (or Democrats), if you don’t believe in gay marriage that’s fine, at least fake it till you make it. We live in America and this is a land where we are supposed to feel safe and free to express our beliefs. But don’t demonize us because you don’t understand us or because we don’t fit into your Bible.

April 14, 2016


MIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALL. OK… I’ve gone to the gym three times this week, started phentermine, and started eating healthy. When the f*#k does skinny happen?

Adam Cohen is South Florida’s favorite and most fabulous social commentator. He’s also single. Find him on Facbook to keep up with his hilarious take on the week’s headlines.



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Random thoughts from social media and beyond this week







And you wonder why she didn’t win AMERICAN IDOL LA’PORSHA RENAE, “I am one of the people who don’t really agree with the gay lifestyle. I wasn’t brought up that way. It wasn’t how I was raised.”


April 14, 2016

In last weeks edition, we listed Justin Flippen as a Fort Lauderdale resident. He wrote to remind us in case anyone was confused that he actually lives in Wilton Manors where he serves as a Wilton Manors Councilman.

Singer Billy Ray Cyrus condemned the bathroom bill and other anti-LGBT laws explaining: “I would feel negligent to not speak up, In light of my good friend, Bryan Adams, taking a stand and my daughter having been on the ground floor of this movement, this issue is very important to me. As a friend and dad… I’ve witnessed this fight from the very beginning. I think everyone should be treated equal. We’ve come too far; we can’t mess this up.”


2000 Oakland Park Blvd. Suite 106 | Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 Phone: 954-380-8563 |



Publisher: Maura Mumball Lane

There’s No Place Like Home There’s no place like home. Be it your sanctuary or castle, apartment or studio, the space you call home is far more than a place that provides shelter and safety. Today, a home is a center of technological advancements, as state-of-the-art gadgets share space with antiques, knickknacks, paintings, crystal chandeliers, and an array of furniture—whether hand-picked or handme-down. In this very special edition of Florida Agenda, our first Home Issue adds the most important element to your living space—YOU! As diverse as it is complex, the LGBT community shares this single common denominator. We all live somewhere. From beachfront to train tracks, calm to chaotic, our home is often our safety net from life’s many challenges and irritations. When the annoyances of life come into our living space however, it gets our immediate attention, for it essentially will impact every other part of our day. From plumbing leaks to weeds and bugs, there’s nothing that takes higher priority than making our home-space our preserve again. In this special Home Issue, our editors and writers look at how singles and couples have creatively maneuvered themselves into contentment by calling on specialists, instinct, or strictly ad lib efforts to “hold the fort,” in clever economic ways. We’ve canvased the newest neighborhoods for charm and character, talked to interior design experts who share secrets of the trade, transformed kitchens into culinary chefdoms, turned empty backyards into a poolside oasis, explained how to plant flowers for color, and trees for shade, and even skimmed the essentials you’ll need to know when selling, buying or renting property.

04/14/16 Issue 334 Cover: Homeowners Lisa Noon and Karon Carpenter Photos by: Dennis Dean

5. 6. 7. 10. 13. 14. 15. 21. 22. 26. 28. 34. 35. 36.

News Bites Just Adam What People Are Saying Cover Story: Home Renovation Love Story Interior Designer: Tom Bendt Interview: Ira Baer Home Sweet Home: Explore Color on a Deeper Level The Tropical Gardener Neighborhoods on the Rise How We Got Our Pool Smart Home Technology: 12 Must Haves Screen Savor: Mifo Film Review Secret Recipe: Gazpacho The Week Entertainment Calendar



President, COO & Group Executive Publisher Kevin Hopper Vice President l Operations

Maura “Mumball” Lane VP l Sales & Marketing

Dennis Dean Vice President l Creative

Richard Hack Vice President l Content

Michael Turner President l Digital Media Ventures

Jeff Sterling Vice President l Finance

Keith Chamlee Corporate Circulation Director

Tim Hart Chief Financial Officer

April 14, 2016


It’s all here, packaged for you--the LGBT community who always likes to stay one step ahead. Here’s your map.

Editor-In-Chief: Richard Hack - Art Director: Kevin Broady

Enjoy! Richard Hack Editor-in-Chief

C. Lawrence Rutstein Chairman of the Board




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s Summer approaches, South Florida gardens can zoom into splendor with incredible tropical flowers. Many of these come from far corners of the globe to thrive here in our warm wet tropical season, and even though we can hardly stand the humidity, flowers love it and

eat it up. While living here in the Sunshine State, we might as well enjoy what our climate has to offer. Some of my favorite plants are the heliconias and gingers that come from South and Central America and their cousin the Birds of Paradise which arrived here from South Africa.

The heliconias come in many sizes from about 2 feet to 12 feet in height. Their flowers are waxy and lined with symmetrical bracts, colored brightly with either red, pink, orange, yellow, and lime, or incredible combinations of them. The flowers can be from a few inches to several feet. Many flowers last two or three months at a time and may repeat their blooming throughout the year. Most make wonderful cut flowers to bring into your home. Their banana-like leaves adding to the allure of the tropics and can make an effective screen between properties.

Birds of Paradise, or Strelitzia reginae are colored strikingly with orange and navy-blue flowers. Their foliage also has an ornamental quality with its gray green leaf having a maroon midrib, both flowers and foliage are often used in floral design. They are also sun loving and tough and would be a good choice for a balcony or rooftop garden or in any sunny location that’s not overly wet. A new variety called Mandela’s Gold is becoming available. Its flowers are canary yellow and navy blue. The plants are neat growing in a mound shape making a wonderful addition to the landscape.

April 14, 2016


Gingers are not just for eating anymore. In Florida, many produce glorious arrays of red, pink, white and yellow torches held high above. Some look like brightly colored pinecones poking up from the ground, while others are simply grown for their tropical foliage. At Jesse Durko’s Nursery in Davie, we have a large selection of tropical plants that can make your gardens stand out among the crowd. We are open seven days a week for your gardening convenience. Jesse Durko’s Nursery 5151 SW 70th Ave Davie, Florida 33314 954-873-4563 Hours Of Operation: Mon-Friday 8:00-4:30 Sat and Sun 10:00-5:00



April 14, 2016







ra has worked in many positions within the company since he was 12, from being a buyer to even laboring on the trucks. He studied finance and is currently the CFO of the company. The happily married father (of six months) was also a vocal proponent for marriage equality, having worked with Equality Florida. He currently is a co-chair for the LGBTQ Mission to Israel—a trip which will include three nights in Jerusalem and four in Tel Aviv meeting with Israel’s top LGBTQ politicians, business leaders, and innovators. We recently had an opportunity to speak to Ira about his home life and his community work.

Ira Baer:

April 14, 2016


Furniture Is in His Blood Ira Baer grew up in style. Seventy years ago, his grandparents Melvin and Lucile Baer founded Baer’s Furniture in South Bend, Indiana. In 1968, they opened the first store in South Florida. Today the brand has become one of the largest furniture chains in the state with fifteen showcases and two warehouses.

BERKLEY: How has being married affected your life? BAER: I was with my partner for over a decade. I was married to a woman before that, and we both had kids from a previous marriage. Having kids makes things more complicated, so we wanted to wait until it was legal in Florida to get married. We worked hard with Equality Florida in order to push that agenda. Now that I’m married, I feel that I’m happier. People in the industry are thrilled I’m able to get married. Both co-workers within the chain and the vendors we work with have been just as excited as us. Everyone in the furniture world is very accepting. BERKLEY: How important is interior design in creating your “home?” BAER: It’s much more important for my husband than for me. I let him pickout most of the furniture since it helps build a give and take in the relationship. As far as the design, my home is very calm and earthy. We live on the water. I like coming home from a long day at work to a calming environment-- one in which the details of the design all tie together. It’s a sanctuary.

BERKLEY: You are a co-chair of an upcoming LGBTQ mission to Israel with the National Jewish Federations of North America. What brought you to that endeavor? BAER: It’s important to have a relationship between gay communities and religion. There are different areas of Judaism that are much less accepting, so it’s important to have your faith out there in the open to show that we’re here. BERKLEY: How different is a trip to Israel through an LGBTQ lens? BAER: There are some struggles for the gay community in Judaism, especially in Israel. There are some areas in which people go through much more discrimination than here. It’s important to let those that are struggling know that we are here to help them on their journey. And it’s also important to see those struggling so that we understand the importance in doing the work that we do. BAER FURNITURE 3740 N. FEDERAL HWY. FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33308 AND MULTIPLE OTHER LOCATIONS WWW.BAERS.COM


/floridaagenda /floridaagenda


Home Sweet Home

Explore Color on a Deeper Level


April 14, 2016 15

HELPFUL PAINTING TIPS 1. Clean baseboards and dusty ceiling corners. 2. Apply painter’s tape. 3. Put down drop cloths. 4. Paint corners. 5. Paint the room top to bottom, celing, walls then trim.

olor is a powerful design tool that can make the rooms in your home feel more calm, cheerful, comfortable or dramatic. That power can completely alter your home experience. So you always want to ask yourself how you want to look and feel in your home. Different colors work for different rooms and different home styles, so don’t be afraid to be creative. Here are a few color tips to keep in mind when planning your home’s color scheme. BY KEVIN BROADY




COLD COLORS /floridaagenda

such as icy blues and green, have a calming effect. They are especially well-suited for bedrooms; they help you to go to bed relaxed in the evening and wake up refreshed the next morning.


such as red, purple, blue, and dark shades of green, can have a constricting and gloomy effect. But when applied in the right place or as accent elements, they can help convey comfort and security.


walls can make a space feel tranquil. Darker shades like navy can offer drama, while paler shades can make small spaces feel larger. The effect depends on the tone of blue. Since blue is associated with calmness, it works well in a bathroom, bedroom or kitchen, all rooms where one goes to relax.


so use a creamy vanilla white for the walls with a deep-brown bronze color for the crown molding. The look is modern and elegant and the combination shows off artwork and sunny spaces beautifully. Brown is the color of wood, which is a stable color that we inevitability have in our homes. It comes in many different tones and shades, and offers the kind of variety you need for both the interior and exterior of your home.

Blue evokes feelings of calm and freshness, and represents strength and dependability. Think of the sky and ocean. The beauty of blue is the elemental color’s amazing versatility. A high-energy shade of blue, like sapphire, can add a bold punch of energy to a room, while a light sky blue on the


like vibrant shades of green and blue, yellow, and orange—provide an expansive feeling. These are friendly, happy colors that encourage communication and are therefore especially welcome in the dining area and kitchen.

April 14, 2016



orange and yellow hues, for exampl—raise the perceived temperature of a room. For that reason, they’re best used in rooms that face north. Because they inspire activity, avoid them in rooms meant for relaxation, like the bedroom.

If you want a color that encourages your family and friends to slow down and relax, brown can be the solution to your problem. A weighty and robust color, brown represents nature and natural materials. Use brown to highlight stronger colors like lime green or orange, or to tone down a room. Brown gives you an earthy richness that makes a room feel warm and inviting. Brown is less harsh than black,


When most people think “pink,” images of fluffy cotton candy or a little girl’s room float into their heads. But different shades of pink set different moods. A bright, vivid tone like fuchsia suggests energy and glamour. A soft and restrained pink, like blush, or beige with pink undertones creates a soothing feeling. Many shades of pinks have a freshness designer’s love. You can use a more intense pink (like peony) for a space where you don’t spend too much time, like an entryway. Or try a deep pink with raspberry undertones for a dining room that makes guests feel and look good in its warm, reflected light.


Yellow adds optimism to your home, prompting feelings of happiness in all who enter. Yellow activates memory, stimulates the nervous system, promotes communication and sparks creativity. Control the hue and you control the mood. Muted yellow works well as a soothing neutral. A sun-kissed yellow brings the warmth of summer inside your home. A pale yellow can make a compact room feel larger. The wide spectrum of yellow shades gives you flexibility in designing rooms with a feel-good ambiance. Hallways and rooms without windows can benefit from strong, saturated shades of yellow. The shade will create the illusion of light. A golden, honey yellow works well for a kitchen with lots of natural wood.




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Green represents growth and renewal. You associate the color with grassy fields, luscious leaves and other gifts of nature, so it lends a calming feel to a room. Green comes in many shades, so you can create various moods and use its versatility to pair it with a range of other colors. You can decorate an entire room with greens and have contrast, drama, richness and balance. It’s so versatile. Celery green looks light and airy in a kitchen, crisp and clean in a bathroom, and relaxing and warm in a living room.




The color of royalty and creativity, is a combination of calm blue and exciting red. The color can add exotic flair to different rooms in your home. Purple can be dramatic or quiet, depending on the tone or shade. The regal color can add richness to a space or drama to an architecturally simple room. Purple colors range from light


If you long for serenity, using the color gray in your home decor is a great place to start. Gray has an inherent calmness and sophistication. You can choose a solid gray that symbolizes strength, or go for a softer gray that offers a more delicate feel. While some find gray murky and depressing, others respond to gray’s ability to make other colors sing. A favorite neutral of design-

lavenders to solid plums, and a few strategically placed purple accents may be all you need to create a whole new vibe for your surroundings. Use deep purple to create a stunning front entry. Light lavender-gray walls can add softness to a formal living room, while purple pastels mixed with modern art can make a teen’s bedroom feel hip and young.

ers, many use it as a background color, or mix different tones and shades of gray together to create a feel of simple glamour. Gray can also soften a loud sofa or provide the perfect backdrop that allows wood accents to shine. While some consider gray too serious for a playful space like a child’s bedroom or relaxed family room, many shades and tones of gray are ideal for masculine spaces like a den.


April 14, 2016


If your home needs a jolt of energy, orange might be what you need. Orange conjures images of citrus fruit or a summer sunset, and represents happiness and innovation. Orange has a reputation for being overwhelming, but variations like apricot and terra cotta can inspire relaxation. A deep orange can feel bold during the day but cozy and warm at night. In a bedroom, try a soothing, peach-toned orange that casts a rosy glow on the skin. You can use a pale, dusty orange for a welcoming entry that invites guests into your home. Orange stimulates your appetite and adds warmth, so it’s also a good choice for a dining room or kitchen.

Deciding on colors for your home can feel a bit overwhelming, but many paint companies offer online tools and paint collections that help you create a cohesive color palette. The hues chosen for a room’s walls or ceiling will determine whether your interior design is a hit or miss, so experiment and use color.


beth Longtin and Andy Petersen will not only handle the bookings of your home, but also see to it that the home is professionally cleaned and ready for each new guest. Elisabeth added, “I love greeting new guests! We assist them with information from a great place for dinner to finding the perfect groomer for their pet. As an added touch, we greet our guests with a basket complete with teas, coffees, a bottle of wine and maps of the area, along with a restaurant guide to make their stay even more special.” To top things off, Robert’s team can provide access to a private gourmet chef for a small candlelight dinner for two, or a dinner for up to 22 guests. Kevin Hyman, a designer for Florida Stage Hands, is also a classically trained chef. “I have enjoyed cooking for people from around the world, whatever they’re hungry for, I can create it!” Kevin adds. Andy Peterson, Owner/Manager of Home Away From Home FL, a vacation booking agent, says “You may think that this type of business is only good for our season starting in October and going through April. But, don’t forget, in South America, they are experiencing their winter during South Florida’s summer so they are drawn to Florida during our summer months.” Petersen, (who is now also a Realtor® as well) has purchased three homes from Mr. MacKilligan in the last five years, and each year the three homes have each shown a profit. Generally the homes rent for $2,400 to $3,000 a week in season and $1,500 to $1,800 out of season. Petersen adds “If someone is having a wedding or family reunion often times everyone wants to stay in one place with privacy, and for that a vacation rental is the perfect solution!” Whether you are retired, semi-retired or simply interested in having a vacation home that is subsidized when you’re not using it, a vacation rental property is right for you. As an added bonus, the income you derive from rentals can help payoff your vacation home years ahead of simply paying down the mortgage through standard monthly payments. Reach out to Robert Geary MacKilligan today to get started with your next business, Vacation Rentals!

Privately Tucked Behind A Tropical Setting Of Professionally Landscaping, This East Wilton Manors Home Is Perfect For Your Vacation Rental Business, Weekly Income Ranging From $2800-$3200.00 2 Bedrooms 2 Baths Plus a Cozy Office/Den, With A Completely Open Concept Way Of Living! Granite Kitchen, Private Secluded Tropical Resort Styled Backyard that Includes a Custom Lagoon Pool! 1 Car Garage & One Of The Best Street in East Wilton Manors! Offered At Only $529,000!

Incredible Resort Styled 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Pool Home In “Poinsettia Height,” Ft Lauderdale/Wilton Manors, Almost 1600 Sq. Ft., This Property is Operating as a High End Vacation Rental at $3000.00 Per Week! Designer Features Throughout This Amazing Home, Top Of the Line Chef’s Kitchen, Glass and Tiled Bathroom Are Magazine Quality! Completely Furnished, Resort Styled Pool Complete With Tike Cabana, Outdoor Summer Kitchen w/ Bar, Dramatic Outdoor Lighting and So Much More! This is the ONE! $565,000, Call Today!

Live The Lifestyle Of Luxury Waterfront Living Or Rent This Established Estate Quality Home In East Wilton Manors as Your Next Vacation Rental! Income potential Upwards of $3400.00 Per Week! 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Pool Home With Almost 2100 Sq. Ft. Plus Oversized 2 Car Garage, Quality Renovation Completed With New Granite & Stainless Steel Kitchen, New Baths, New Roof, New Electric & Plumbing, New Dock, and the list goes on! Truly Incomparable! $740,000 When You Want The Best, Then This Is It!! 19

Estate Agent Executive Vice President Of Galleria International Realty Fort Lauderdale Fl. Cell 954-234-8759 Email:

Working With A Small Budget To Begin Your First Venture For A Vacation Rental. This is it! Less Then 1 Block Off Wilton Dr. Income Ranging From Approx. $1000.00-1200.00 Per Week In Season. 2 Bedroom 1 Bath, Completely Renovated & This Home Has Real “Florida Charm”! Private Tropical Backyard. Start Making Income With A Price Of Only $259,999 Can’t Beat This One! Call Before It’s GONE!!

April 14, 2016

Robert Geary MacKilligan


acation rentals have surged in popularity over the past 5 to 10 years. The reasons vary, but who wouldn’t want to stay in a clean and cozy home large enough for the entire family to reconnect and enjoy a meal without distractions? Our warm and inviting subtropical environment draw vacationers in large numbers. Where else can one enjoy a tropically landscaped yard complete with pool, hot tub and perhaps even a tiki hut? People from around the world dream of sipping a tropical drink while lying by the pool or grilling ‘til their heart’s content! Fido can even enjoy spending time with the family… no need to call a pet sitter this time around! Is a home not the right fit? How about a seaside condo with expansive ocean views, just steps from our world-famous, white sand beaches? Seeking a single family home or a condominium? Most of these vacation rentals are conveniently located near the beach, restaurants, shopping and nightlife. Ask yourself “How can I make vacation rentals a profitable business for me?” That’s where Robert Geary MacKilligan and his team can help. Robert is a Realtor® and the Executive Vice President at Galleria International Realty on Las Olas in Fort Lauderdale. Robert adds “Let my team work to find that perfect investment for you.” Originally from the Boston, MA, Robert has been a resident and Realtor® in South Florida for nearly 20 years. His team, which includes fellow Realtor®, Peter Catalfu, can help realize your specific goals. The assistance that Robert’s team offers doesn’t end after you purchase your perfect “vacation nest,” his team also offers complete services to make your vacation rental property as carefree as you’d like. From decorating and furnishing your investment property with the help of Robert’s home staging company, Florida Stage Hands and Designs in Wilton Manors, to handling details locally with our maintenance and rental program, you will have the best of both worlds. You have the opportunity to personally enjoy your South Florida home anytime you want. When you’re not residing at the property, Elisa-


A Profitable Business in Florida


Vacation Rentals /floridaagenda


N /floridaagenda

orth Beach Village is that undiscovered little gem located just south of The Bonnet House. Surrounded by luxury resorts, chic restaurants and great shopping, this neighborhood is quickly becoming the “Hot” place to live in Fort Lauderdale. Projects already in the works include The Paramount, The Gale and The Wave.

April 14, 2016


Over the past few years, I have concentrated my real estate efforts in this area resulting in numerous real estate transactions. My current inventory includes these five competitively priced co-op properties

ranging from 1 to 2 bedrooms and all listed for sale under $180,000. Contact me to preview these five “Best Buys” in North Beach.


f you are interested in selling your home, my formal education provides the added advantage that you need in today’s real estate market. • Bachelor of Arts, Advertising: To professionally stage, photograph & develop creative marketing materials for promoting your home to potential buyers. • Master of Science, Information Sci-

ence: To utilize computer technology to achieve the most exposure for your home on international websites around the world & to search for your next dream home. • Master Science, Business Administration: To effectively manage the entire real estate transaction for you as your agent. It’s a win-win for everyone with Bob! Kind Regards, Bob Cell: 954.299.5299


The Tropical Gardener By Chuck Nicholls





Flowers are brilliant yellow (Tabebuia chrysotricha) and last for a month. Tabebia “Ipe� has magnificent pink blossoms. Trees are in flower beginning late March and April. The trees drop their leaves in the fall and winter, then appear again in the spring after blooming. The specimen trees are usually planted as an accent tree near an entrance to enhance the landscape. Trees can also be planted in large containers enriched with compost or manure and will reach heghts of 15 to 20 feet.

COMING UP: Native Plant Sale Saturday, April 16, 9 am to 1 pm Secret Woods 2701 W. State Road 84 Dania Beach, FL

Equality Park Garden Club Meets the third Wednesday of each month at The Pride Center at 7:30 pm. website: aidswalkmiami

April 14, 2016

The Fort Lauderdale Orchid Society Meets the second Monday of each month at 7:30 pm, Christ Lutheran Church, 1955 E Oakland Park Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL. website:



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Neighborhoods On the Rise BY MAURA MUMBALL LANE



hings are changing on Hollywood Beach. This paradise stretch of A1A has found its cocktail with the opening of Magaritaville this fall. Now developers are engaging the buyer with modern, spacious condominiums and townhomes in the North Hollywood Beach area. Just before the turn of A1A west, you’ll find a variety of offerings that put you just steps from the ocean and the Intracoastal waterway.



rgentinian hotel impresario Alan Faena and business partner Len Blavatnik bought all the real estate on the stretch of Collins Ave. that runs from 32nd Street to 36th Street. The area was formerly known as Mid Beach and was in desperate need of attention. Now luxury residences include the Faena Hotel, Faena Versailles, and Faena House. To get a good feel for the area, plan on attending the Faena Spring Concert series at the Faena theater. The series features live performances by Grace Potter, Vintage Trouble and Lizzo, plus Miike Snow and Miguel.



barrier island with about 6,000 residents, Bay Harbor is located just west of Bal Harbor. Bay Harbor was once home to the largest concentration of mid-century modern architecture in the country. This hidden enclave is in the midst of massive redevelopment. Attracting high-end buyers with the best shopping in the world, this area is just a short walk to the beach. The waterfront land has been grabbed by developers and now many are planning projects for the dry lots. Bay Harbor Islands is the perfect area to be secluded and tucked away in a community so you can pop out to be in the Miami Beach action in a heartbeat.


April 14, 2016



ompano Beach has been featured on CNN, and in Money and the Wall Street Journal as one of the top vacation home markets. The City’s Redevelopment Agency (CRA) is currently redeveloping areas along East Atlantic Boulevard and its nearby beaches, creating walks and gathering spaces for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as beach-oriented retail outlets and entertainment venues. All of these improvements promote a classy on-street café atmosphere, with wide sidewalks for outside dining and entertainment. From the home improver/renovation dream of purchasing an older home on a canal to the stunning amenity filled Koi Residences and Marina, Pompano is worthy of the praise surrounding its renaissance.



April 14, 2016

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April 14, 2016


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April 14, 2016

6606 North Andrews Avenue | Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 /floridaagenda /floridaagenda

How We Got Our Pool

Or How Two East Hampton Girls Made a Big Splash in Oakland Park BY MAURA MUMBALL LANE


llen Silverberg and Robin Kaplan sold their home very quickly in East Hampton New York this past summer and immediately flew to Fort Lauderdale to buy a home. Knowing nothing about the area, they toured 23 homes in three days searching for something midpoint of friends, near the beach and room for a pool. They found a lovely Oakland Park home in a swell area and were very happy with their choice until they started work on the pool. I spoke with Ellen about their experiences with zoning, city governments, corner lot penalties, great neighbors and how they just might have changed the law.

What’s the background on the pool? We came from a house with a 20-foot x 40-foot pool that we could only use in the summer. The intention was to buy a house and put in a pool and our broker told us that it was advertised as “room for a pool.” Our broker said, “No problem.” THAT was not the case. That was far from the case. When did you start the pool project?

April 14, 2016


We hired Signature Pools and Spas in November. They applied for the permit. Then I got a phone call telling me bad news. They said “absolutely not!” The city said no. The zoning in Oakland Park states that you cannot have a pool in the shortest part of your house. They consider the front of your house to be the shortest part of your house and the longest part of your house is considered the side of your house. No matter where your address is, no matter where you walk in your house. It doesn’t make sense. Initially the zoning was created to keep people from putting pools in the front of their homes. So it was decided, if people wanted to put in a pool it would be on the longest side of the house. In our case it (the longest part) would have been the front of our house. This doesn’t not make a great deal of sense. And there in began the fight was about.

However, there is a difference on corner properties. Corner properties have larger setbacks because of the triangular law of being able to see traffic coming in two directions. We had a preexisting gate around a yard of our house. The only place a pool could be sited. No overhead wires and room for a pool, not a huge pool but a pool non the less. This area was considered the front of the house. (And because it was the shortest area, we were denied) So what did you do next? We had to seek a variance. Fortunately, I found someone in the building department Justin Proffitt who was on our side to shepherd us through the process. We had to invite our neighbors over to look at the plans for the pool in case they had any objections. So on a stormy pouring night, 20 wonderful people showed up here and signed a sheet with no objections. Because there is no HOA in the neighborhood, the law says we had to ask the two closest HOAs, which have nothing to do with where we are, for permission. I invited them to come over. They happened to be gay and swell and came over to see the plans. We sent the signatures and a check for $576 and then waited—and waited for the town council to meet. We were now in December and the holidays, which meant holiday parties but no quorum in the city council Finally, in January, we presented our case and the board declared it “ridiculous”—as in “a stupid ordinance.” They also noted that corner homeowners were unfairly penal-

ized due to the setbacks. So we got our variance. Two weeks later we went to back to the Oakland Park City Council where Justin presented the situation. Within two minutes, the council lead said that “normally I am very strict with zoning, but this is ridiculous.” They took a vote and we were approved. At the end of the meeting, all the commissioners said “we have to change this law. This law penalizes corner properties.” We walked out victorious, with tears in our eyes. The good news is our pool began the next day. Signature Pools, Stephanie and Scott Taggart were the best. They stayed right with us. We love the neighborhood, our neighbors, and the convenience is terrific. Yet, you both still haven’t taken your first dip! They told us in two weeks we’ll be good to go. The chemicals have to subside. Hopefully the first of May. The pool is beautiful! See for yourself.



April 14, 2016


12 /floridaagenda


Smart Home Technology BY KEVIN BROADY


THE SONIC DECANTER The Sonic Decanter makes every wine taste better. It uses ultrasonic energy to transform the molecular and chemical structure of wine. And you can do all this while your wine is still corked!

THE PREP PAD The Prep Pad, scale and app act as your personal “kitchen nutritionist”, keeping track of your food-related health goals. The information is then transferred to an iPad app so you know exactly how many carb, fat and protein calories are in your food.

IPAD STAND An iPad stand, eventually a wooden one, can prove to be very useful in the kitchen. If you use some protection on it you can safely handle it with wet or dirty hands and it will be just fine.

HAPIFORK HAPIfork it’s a smart fork that helps you monitor and track your eating habits. THE EGG MINDER The Egg Minder, keeps track of how many eggs you have letting you know (using LED lights and the companion app) which ones are the oldest and which ones might be going bad.

April 14, 2016


THE COVER BLUBBER This crazy alien goo looking stuff can coat pretty much anything. Bowls, fruits, veggies, anything you want. It’s reusable, which makes it environment friendly, and works well.

THE TUNNEL TOASTER The Tunnel Toaster saves your fingers from getting burnt every time you pull the toast out of it. The toaster allows you to toast bagels, croissants and of course, bread and prevents any crumbs from accumulating at the bottom. Available in green, orange, magenta and silver colors.

/floridaagenda /floridaagenda

SAMSUNG’S 4-DOOR REFRIGERATOR WITH 8” WI-FI ENABLED LCD SCREEN This unit’s built-in color screen allows for web browsing and easy access to a multitude of apps that are ready to go with purchase, including a food manager app for refrigerator inventory that can sync with a connected device (like a Galaxy Tablet or iPad). MEMORY BY WENYAO CAI This ingenious device can recognize handprints. Once it detects your handprint, it remembers how exactly you like your coffee. Then brews you the perfect cup.

TOWER FOOD WARMER This brilliant idea, one of the most useful futuristic kitchen gadgets, keeps salads, pizza and any other food warm in this tower. It has separate containers, so the food won’t mix, and you can be sure that by the time you get home, the food will be warm and ready to eat.

MIELE 48-INCH DUAL FUEL RANGE M TOUCH The Miele 48-inch Dual Fuel Range M Touch’s horizontal computer screen is one of our favorites. Swipe and scroll through a horizontal panel on the uppermost part of the range to access cooking options.

April 14, 2016 29

POUL HENNINGSEN GRAND PIANO This futuristic grand piano has a transparent lid, which allows you to see through it, and also gives you a glance at the amazing work going on inside the instrument.

April 14, 2016

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April 14, 2016


April 14, 2016

32 /floridaagenda


/floridaagenda /floridaagenda

APRIL 22 Tickets at Ticketmaster | 954.462.0222 Broward Center’s AutoNation Box Office Group Sales | 954.660.6307

April 14, 2016 33



entertainment calendar


T he Week nevents ntheatre



34 April 14, 2016


SUNDAY 4/18 @ 10:00AM Boca Raton Historical Society The Boca Raton Historical Museum turns its attention to one of the most exciting, formative eras of our country’s past: the 1960s. Those Were the Days features memorable moments that occurred in Boca Raton during the flower child decade, including LBJ’s dedication of FAU and The Fiesta de Boca Raton. The exhibition will feature photos and artifacts showcasing Boca Raton’s evolution from a farm town to a university town. 10:00 a.m. Boca Raton Historical Society. 71 N. Federal Highway. Boca Raton. 33432.

shares the news about meeting Christopher with his family, all of whom are unconditionally supportive. Christopher’s divorced mother Carol, who moved away from Akron and lives in Florida, is also a loving and encouraging parent. After dating for a few months, Benny and Christopher take a Spring Break road-trip together to see Carol. On the day they are hitting the road, Benny brings Christopher home to meet his parents. Everything goes well until Christopher mistakes a framed photo of a boy for Benny. Lenora corrects him, saying it’s a picture of Davy, who died young. In a subtle way, you can see from the expression on Christopher’s face that he quickly put the pieces together. You see, Christopher was in the backseat of the minivan on the day of the accident that took Davy’s life. Christopher, unsure of how to proceed, whether or not he should say something to Benny or to Carol before she meets Benny, remains tightlipped. However, we can see the turmoil he’s experiencing. Not long after Benny and Christopher arrive at Carol’s, after they’ve had dinner and retired for a soak in the hot-tub, Carol is also able to make the connection. Naturally, the revelation has an overwhelming impact on Benny, as well. At this point, Akron become a film about forgiveness, while asking and answering the age-old question about if it’s possible to choose with whom you fall in love. The lead actors, aside from being incredibly nice to look at, give knockout performances bringing the film and the relationship, with all of its complexities to vivid life. Akron is strongly recommended. (Screening on 4/23 at Regal Cinemas South Beach.)





he programmers of the Miami portion of the 2016 MiFo Film Festival, running from April 22-May 1, have stumbled upon an interesting cinematic trend. At least four of the best films showing during the first week deal with queer teens and the coming out process in various parts of the world. Below are reviews of two films, one set in Ohio and one in Canada. (Advance tickets are available at Co-directed by Sasha King and Brian O’Donnell (with a screenplay by O’Donnell), Akron (Towpath Productions) is a well-made indie feature with strong and memorable performances. A recipient of numerous awards and nominations on the film festival circuit, Akron was runner-up for the Audience Award for Best Narrative Feature when it was screened at the Fort Lauderdale segment of MiFo. Akron opens with a tragedy in a supermarket parking lot. Carol (Amy da Luz) accidentally hits and kills Davy, the eldest of Lorena’s (Andréa Burns) two young sons, with her minivan. Fast forward to the present day, Benny (Matthew Frias), the younger brother of Davy, is a college freshman, majoring in biomedical engineering major. Not only is Benny smart, but he’s also incredibly hot and athletic. His best friend Julie (Cailan Rose), invites him to take a break from studying and play a game of mudball. Benny’s glad that he does because that’s where he meets equally hot fellow freshman Christopher (Edmund Donovan). Their attraction is immediate. Benny, who lives off-campus, at home with his mother Lorena, father David (Joseph Melendez) and younger sister Becca (Isabel Machado),

nnightlife nexhibits

TUESDAY 4/19 @ 8:00PM Fillmore The Stooges’ front man Iggy Pop has become one of the defining artists of punk music. Throughout his career, though, Pop has experimented with a number of genres, including garage rock, hard rock, new wave, jazz, art rock, and blues. Some of his most famous singles include “Lust for Life,” “The Passenger,” “Real Wild Child,” and “I Wanna Be Your Dog.” 8:00 p.m. Fillmore. 1700 Washington Ave. Miami Beach. 33139.


WEDNESDAY 4/20 @ 8:00PM Duncan Theatre Check out Belinda Carlisle performing solo before she embarks this fall with the Go-Go’s for a farewell tour. The former frontwoman for the girl group came to prominence in the ‘80s with hits like “We Got the Beat,” “Our Lips Are Sealed,” and “Vacation.” She later would branch off on her own, garnering success with singles “Mad About You,” “Heaven Is a Place on Earth,” and LGBT-friendly single “Live Your Life Be Free.” As a proud mother of a gay son, she has also worked for LGBT equality. 8:00 p.m. Duncan Theatre. 4200 Congress Ae. Lake Worth. 33461.

By Maura Mumball Lane

Urban Gardening: Dustin Cranor & Ronnie Pryor renowned Source Salon locations (26th Street in Wilton Manors and the new location in Flagler Village in Fort Lauderdale) and Dustin is Communications Director for Oceana. This duo keeps us looking good and our oceans clean! Spring means tomatoes in Fort Lauderdale. They keep it spicy with this cool, cold soup!

INGREDIENTS 2 cups large chopped unpeeled Persian cucumbers, about 3-4 ½ small red onion, cut into chunks (from our garden! ) 4 large (about 2 ½ - 2 ¾ pounds) ripe tomatoes, cored and cut in half crosswise to remove the seeds, cut into chunks (We grow Roma’s and Cherokee blacks, an heirloom variety, just for this recipe!) 3 medium garlic cloves, peeled (from our garden!!!) 2 teaspoons sea salt freshly ground black pepper to taste 2 Tablespoons Sherry vinegar ¼ cup unrefined, cold pressed extra-virgin olive oil

bers to a large bowl. Repeat the process with the red onion and transfer to the bowl with the cucumbers. Take half of the tomato and pulse in the food processor until chunky and add to the bowl. Smash the garlic cloves and place in the food processor with the remaining tomato pieces, salt and pepper, vinegar and oil. Process until smooth. Transfer mixture to the bowl with the cucumbers and onion and stir to combine. Cover and refrigerate until cold. *always serve in a chilled bowl..... Keep it classy, ladies. This is a Source Salon favorite. They make it in the morning and we snack on it all day. You can top this recipe topped with a few grilled prawns.

April 14, 2016

INSTRUCTIONS Place the cucumbers in a food processor fitted with the metal blade and pulse until coarsely chopped. Transfer the cucum-

The fellas and their urban garden. Ronnie Pryor and Dustin Cranor live on a canal in Wilton Manors. They are two of the most “up for anything” guys I know. They took on urban gardening about 4 years ago and I can always count on them for updates on what we can grow and eat. Ronnie is the owner of the











THURSDAY 4/14 @ 8:00PM Fort Lauderdale Improv Christopher Titus’ critically acclaimed and highly controversial 2000 series Titus may have only lasted for two seasons, but it still left its mark on the pop culture landscape. The show focused on a dysfunctional family and involved such controversial topics as custody battles and suicides. The comedian has been revered by critics and the public ever since. 8:00 p.m. Fort Lauderdale Improv. 5700 Seminole Way. Hollywood. 33314.

FRIDAY 4/15 @ 8:00PM Magic City Casino The Australian soft rock duo Air Supply enjoyed a string of Top Ten hits back in the 1980s, love ballads that became signature songs for the “Me” generation. Some of their most popular songs include “Making Love Out of Nothing at All,” “I’m All Out of Love,” “Goodbye,” and “Lost in Love.” Celebrating their fortieth anniversary as a group, Air Supply recently released a dance single titled “I Want You.” 8:00 p.m. Magic City Casino. 450 NW 37th Ave. Miami. 33125.


April 14, 2016


FRIDAY 4/15 @ 11:00AM Fort Lauderdale Beach Park Fort Lauderdale’s premiere country music festival takes place on Fort Lauderdale Beach Park and includes some of the hottest artists working today. The festival distinguishes itself from others due to its location: the white sands of beautiful Fort Lauderdale beach. Along with Rock the Ocean Foundation, Tortuga Music Festival works to increase public awareness about the issues impacting the world’s oceans and to support scientific research, education, and ocean consideration initiatives. This year’s lineup includes Blake Shelton, Tim McGraw, Sam Hunt, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Elle King. 11:00 a.m. Fort Lauderdale Beach Park. 1100 Seabreeze Blvd. Fort Lauderdale. 33316.


By Patrick Robert /floridaagenda /floridaagenda

nevents nnightlife ntheatre nexhibits



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T he Week entertainment calendar




SATURDAY 4/16 @ 8:00PM Mardi Gras Casino The immortal disco hit “I Will Survive” is a wedding and prom staple and also a major gay anthem. Gloria Gaynor sang that song to perfection, helping to make it the only song to ever win a Grammy Award for Best Disco Recording. Some of her other major hits include “Never Can Say Goodbye,” “Let Me Know (I Have a Right)” and “I Am What I Am.” When disco became passé in the 1980s, Gaynor dabbled in other genres before taking a break from performing. 8:00 p.m. Mardi Gras Casino. 831 N. Federal Highway. Hallandale Beach. 33009.


SATURDAY 4/16 @ 8:00PM Empire Stage Jodie Foster’s sexual orientation is spoofed along with her most famous movie, The Silence of the Lambs, in this raunchy parody from the writer of Mommie Queerest and The Facts of Life: The Lost Episode. Butch FBI agent Clarice Startling must find Nancy Pelosi’s missing daughter, saving her from Beaver Bob, a serial killer who skins an unmentionable part of a woman’s anatomy. In order to get inside Bob’s head, she must consult brilliant psychopath Dr. Hannibal Lichter. 8:00 p.m. Empire Stage. 1140 N. Flagler Dr. Fort Lauderdale. 33304.



SUNDAY 4/17 @ 7:00PM Hard Rock Live Sykes is known as being one of the most humorous guest stars on Larry David’s cynical Emmy-award winning TV show Curb Your Enthusiasm. She is also a vocal proponent for LGBTQ rights, having come out of the closet in 2008 while at a same-sex marriage rally in Las Vegas. She has had a few HBO comedy specials and co-starred in films Monsterin-Law, Pootie Tang, and Nutty Professor 2: The Klumps. 7:00 p.m. Hard Rock Live. 5747 Seminole Highway. Hollywood. 33314.



hen Oscar (Connor Jessup) was a little boy, instead of telling him a bedtime story, his father Peter (Aaron Abrams) would give him a “dream.” As he made up the dream for Oscar’s sleep, Peter would also blow up a balloon, hold the opening to Oscar’s forehead and let the air escape. This is a wonderful image and not the most surreal one in Closet Monster (Fortissimo Films) by a long shot. On the last of Oscar’s birthdays, when his parents were still married, Peter and Oscar’s mother Brin (Joanne Kelly) gave him a hamster, and then proceeded to break the news to the boy that Brin was moving out of the house. Oscar, whose vivid imagination got him through many childhood traumas, could hear Buffy the hamster speaking to him, and she sounded just like Isabella Rossellini (!). Oscar’s parents’ divorce began a string of events, including his witnessing some boys bullying a student and raping him with rebar, traumatizing Oscar into his teens. Now in high school, Oscar and his BFF Gemma (Sofia Banzhaf) make plans to go to college in New York. Oscar wants to study make-up and effects for movies. He’s also a good photographer and takes pictures of Gemma for her portfolio. It’s clear from their interactions that Gemma has feelings for dOscar, but he doesn’t feel the same way.

/floridaagenda /floridaagenda




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As Oscar, who’s never had it easy and maybe never will, navigates the choppy waters of his

life, he alternates between his complex reality and a series of surreal and frightening fantasies, such as vomiting nuts and bolts. For the most part, Closet Monster is a fascinating story about that grey area between adolescence and adulthood. Jessup owns the role of Oscar from the first moment we see him onscreen. However, the graphic fantasy sequences (and less visceral ones including the talking hamster) have a way of interrupting the flow of the movie, and might make you wish that writer/director Stephen Dunn either made things either more or less surreal, not so in-between. (Screening on 4/23 at Regal Cinemas South Beach.)

April 14, 2016

While working at his job at a big box home improvement store, Oscar meets the fittingly named Wilder (Aliocha Schneider of Ville-Marie). Soon they are hanging out together, which is a good thing for Oscar since his home-life with Peter, and occasional visits with Brin and her new family, aren’t go so well. Wilder invites Oscar to a party where Oscar has a bad reaction to the drugs he took, followed by an unsuccessful sexual encounter with sizzling hot Andrew (James Hawksley). /floridaagenda /floridaagenda

38 April 14, 2016

ADVERTORIAL Does Back Pain have you Frustrated….. Are You Worried You Will Have to Take Pain Pills For The Rest of Your Life?…….. If this is you or someone you love, keep reading to learn about an amazing free report helping back pain sufferers!

Wilton Manors, FL Are you one of the 100 million Americans who are suffering from chronic back pain? Is your back pain stopping you from doing the things you enjoy? Are you using pain pills regularly just to get through the day? Are you afraid this may eventually lead to surgery? If you answered yes to any of these questions, we can help. We have put together a free report filled with tips to help you avoid the most common mistakes made by back pain sufferers. Back pain is not something you have to learn to live with. There are solutions, and we can help you find them. Claim your copy of “Erasing Back Pain: How to Avoid the 9 Most

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/floridaagenda /floridaagenda

TAKE CARE OF THE PEOPLE WHO MATTER MOST. At MassMutual Miami, we understand the unique financial needs of the LGBT community and can help you build financial strategies to ensure your loved ones are protected. For more than 160 years, MassMutual has helped policyowners on their quest for financial freedom. Gary Ciampitti – Fort Lauderdale Office Insurance and Financial Services Professional Jan Knight – Fort Lauderdale Office Insurance and Financial Services Professional MassMutual Miami 2100 Ponce De Leon Blvd., Suite 600 Coral Gables, FL 33134 888-563-3779


MassMutual Financial Group refers to Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. (MassMutual), its affiliated companies and sales representatives. As of November 2015, MassMutual received a 100% score on the Human Rights Commission’s Corporate Equality Index and was named a Best Places to Work. Local sales agencies are not subsidiaries of MassMutual or its affiliated companies. Insurance products are issued by MassMutual, Springfield, MA 01111, and its subsidiaries, C.M. Life Insurance Company and MML Bay State Life Insurance Company, Enfield, CT 06082. CRN201706-173276


American Horror Story




April 14, 2016



1 Put a head on cappuccino 6 A man named Connie. 10 DeGeneres voice role 14 Sinister-looking Peter 15 Pertaining to most students 16 Sherman Hemsley religious sitcom 17 *She played Amazon Eve 19 k.d. lang record label 20 Feeling of hitting rock bottom 21 Haul ass 22 Thomas of “That Girl” 23 Trick 24 *Sarah, who played Billie Dean Howard 26 Anne Frank account 29 Producers of rainbows 31 Man ___ Mancha 32 Atmospheric prefix 33 Place for a light meal 38 *He played Will Drake 41 It helps you go up and down with your partner 42 Fruitcake 43 Shakespeare’s foot 44 Big-top employee 46 Do a facial in a porn film, e.g. 47 *Quinton, who play Chad Warwick 51 Part of YSL 53 One that lies on the bottom 54 Hangout for Natalie Barney 56 The Advocate, briefly 59 Village People’s “In the ___” 60 *He played Larry Harvey 62 Frasier’s response to a client 63 Lodge members 64 Beat off 65 Game groups, to Mauresmo 66 “___ first you don’t succeed ...” 67 Come together For the solution to this puzzle go to:


1 Killed, to King James 2 Mower brand 3 Canal traveled by New York ferries 4 Boat with a pair of bears 5 Pathetically small 6 Robin’s gay guys 7 Edison’s middle name 8 Lab primates 9 Family 10 Like a pair of orifices 11 Eastern positions 12 Tennessee Williams’ lover Frank 13 “There’s a single runner” to Billy Bean 18 The Name of the Rose writer 22 Area of the boys in the band 23 Asks for it on one’s knees 25 Chance to get a hit 26 Before Stonewall and others 27 “___ Walked Into My Life” (Mame) 28 Protected, to seamen 30 Cara of Fame 32 Nobelist Sadat 34 Bounds gaily 35 Peter the Great, e.g. 36 Caesar’s city 37 “Walk ___” (Warwick hit) 39 Patronize, as a Rubicon restaurant 40 Roster for those who may be really hung? 45 Threesome member, with “me” and “I”? 46 Frida Kahlo’s woman 47 Pueblo builders 48 Bring down 49 Want thy neighbor’s ass, for example 50 Sean of Will & Grace 52 Your, to Proust 55 “Diana” singer 56 Alec of Desperate Housewives 57 Deity on Xena 58 Gets hard 60 Opus ___ (The Da Vinci Code group) 61 Line of Todd Oldham dresses?



April 14, 2016


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42 /floridaagenda




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43 /floridaagenda /floridaagenda

44 April 14, 2016

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Market Place /floridaagenda




Sterling Tax & Accounting 2435 N Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-667-9829 /


HEALTH Ocean Therapy Center 2530 NE 15th Avenue Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-351-2299/


Island City Eyecare 2301 Wilton Drive, Suite C1 Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-764-6906 /


Dean Trantalis Attorney 2255 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-2226 /

The Pride Center 2040 N Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-463-9005 /


Out of the Closet 2097 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-358-5580 /


Dennis Dean Images 3554 NE 12th Avenue Oakland Park, FL 33334 954-240-8307 /

Diana’s 12001 Avalon Lake Drive Orlando, FL 32828 407-207-0205 /


Best Books and Taxes 2201 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-565-1041 /

Center for Spiritual Living 1550 NE 26th Street Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-2868 /

INSURANCE Dunham Fort Lauderdale 2601 E Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 303 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954-564-7772 /

Holy Angels Catholic Community 2917 NE 6th Avenue Wilton Manors, FL 33334 954-633-2987 /



46 April 14, 2016


Pump’n Inc Tom Bonanti 1271 NE 9th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954-557-1119 /

REAL ESTATE Robert Geary MacKilligan on Las Olas Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954-234-8759 / Joe Grano Realtor 1881 NE 26th Street, Suite 212 Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-931-0031 /

We Insure 1975 E Sunrise Blvd, Suite 602 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954-903-7519 /

Etz Chaim 2038 N Dixie Hwy Pride Ctr Bldg B Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-564-9232 / Source Events 605 Lincoln Road, #410 Miami Beach, FL 33139 305-672-9779 /


Genesis Health Institute 1001 NE 26th Street Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-561-3175 / Better Hearing-World of Sounds 2450 E Commercial Blvd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954-491-2560

SPA 11 Lic#MA75718 2000 E Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 103 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954-945-5133 /

MUSIC Sell Us Your Records! We Buy Collections. 5130 N. Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale 954-671-9482 /

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April 14, 2016

47 /floridaagenda




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