Flesh & Bone Vol. 3

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FLESH AND BONE In pursuit of art and music VOL. 3




CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Sara Almlah, Morgan Fraser, Ashley Houston, Donald Kimber, Brandynn L. Pope, & Sami Wideberg. CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: Angela Butler, Courtney Cook, Sabrina DiRenzo, Morgan Fraser, Christina Kelley, Brandynn L. Pope, & Sami Wideberg. CONNECT WITH US





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AUGUST, 2014 | VOL. 3

August Playlist These are some tracks that we have not been able to stop listening to over the last month. Some are brand new, some are older, but all of them have been on our playlist.

ED SHEERAN Runaway THIRD EYE BLIND Wake For Young Souls BLEACHERS Like A River Runs I THE MIGHTY The Quick Fix FIFTH HARMONY Bo$$ SIA Breathe Me THIS CENTURY Sound Of Fire THE PACK A.D Wolves & Werewolves PASSION PIT Carried Away BRING ME THE HORIZON Can You Feel My Heart?



Brandynn L. Pope

COURAGE MY LOVE Out of Ontario, Canada, Courage My Love has shown great devotion to their craft and their fans. The band consists of Mercedes and Phoenix Arn-Horn, as well as Brandon Lockwood. Courage My Love is continuing their journey together, unafraid of their voice, unafraid of change, and acting as who they are.


YOU GUYS ARE FROM CANADA AND JUST PLAYED A SHOW IN TORONTO AND MONTREAL. HAVE YOU NOTICED ANY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CANADIAN SHOWS AND AMERICAN SHOWS? Phoenix: Well this is only our second time touring in the States so I find that the kids here get way more amped up and excited. Not that Canadian crowds don’t do that, they are just different. Mercedes: I feel like the USA crowds are just super thankful to have us here and are super excited cause we don’t come here often. It’s like they want to make sure we come back so they go really crazy. Brandon: Every show is different so, it’s hard to tell the difference between here and Canada. I guess it depends on where we play cause if we are closer to home we have a lot of friends and family coming out so that’s a different show. But, the States have been awesome! Everyone comes out and supports us so its great. YOU WERE JUST INCLUDED IN ALTERNATIVE PRESS’ 100 BANDS YOU NEED TO KNOW AND BREAKTHROUGH GROUP OF THE YEAR. SO HOW ARE YOU GUYS HANDLING THIS SUCCESS? HAS IT CHANGED ANYTHING? M: It’s been awesome! I feel like inside a project it’s harder to gage that and really see it for what it is than when you are on the outside looking in. For us, we just see it as doing our thing, it’s everyday and normal. From the outside everyone is like,“You guys are rising so fast! You’re really taking over!” And to us we are just so thankful for these opportunities. It’s really cool and

we are happy to be here! ANY GOALS FOR THE FUTURE? B: Only the future knows. P: We just want what every band wants, to take over the world. B: Progress and live. BEST AND WORST THING ABOUT TOURING? P: The best thing is playing the shows. Just the fact that we get to play everyday, see the reaction

from people, it really validates what we do. My favorite part of the day is definitely the 20 minutes we get to play on stage. M: The worst thing is probably feeling grody and disgusting all the time [laughs] but, we are lucky cause our bus has a tank in it so we can shower. B: I haven’t showered in like, 3 days even with the water tank. M: That’s probably the worst thing about touring on Warped.

SO A SLIGHT DIP IN HYGIENE IS THE WORST THING? B: Yeah, the Warped Stink. WHO HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN HANGING OUT WITH ON THIS TOUR? B: A Lot Like Birds, Skylit Drive those guys are wicked! P: Close Your Eyes M: and PVRIS. Actually, I knew Lynn before and we think it would be great to take them out on tour or something. P: But to be honest everyone is so great on this tour. Everyone is down to hang at the BBQ and everything. WHAT IS YOUR DREAM TOUR LINEUP? M: Well, Warped Tour was my dream tour so I don’t know where


to go from here! [laughs] I got to set a new goal I guess. P: I don’t know, there are so many bands that are just amazing! I would love to play with an artist like Joan Jett. We just look up to her so much it would be incredible just to meet her or have her hear our music. Something like that would be great. ANY BANDS YOU WANT TO RECOMMEND TO YOUR FANS TO LISTEN TO? M: Deftones we all dig, Alexisonfire is a favorite of ours as well. P: We all like Brand New. B: Some local bands like Gracefield from Ontario, Something You Whisper. They are great too.

@ilovecouragemylove @couragemylove @mercedesarnhorn @phoenixarnhorn @brandonlockwood



small write up because i fucking said so. also the interview itself isn’t edited yet but since it is just a basic interview it shouldn’t be that hard to look through and correct.

WHAT ARE THE BEST AND WORST MOMENTS WHILE ON THE ROAD? Wes: The worst moments is just like, if it’s a super long tour, being confined in a small room or in the van and we just get on each others nerves like crazy. It’s just like, the tension is there. Brian: And it’s bound to happen. The best parts of tour is probably getting to traveling, getting to see different places and playing for new people each and every day. Wes: And meeting up with friends that you only see a couple times of year too.

okay. He comes over, we crack a few drinks and we start writing again. We’re like, damn it, we can’t get away from this. B: I’m into video games... W: Yup, video games. B: Lots of video games, some like strategy games, like nerdy games. All of that stuff. W: My favorite thing, now that you bring up games, is GTA V online, every day. I’m not a gamer but i bought a PlayStation 3 for GTA V. Also i’m a huge Yatzee fan, so if anyone wants to come out, hang out, some power Yatzee, even, i’m down for that.

they play with, we’re like “oh, did you see that special kart that they bring in merch with?” Boom. We buy a kart. B: We get tips from every band that we play with. W: See how they set up their stage? Boom. That’s how we’re doing it now. See how they wait out here, he goes in there, talks to the promotor, comes out then they all come in? Just like organization. We learn from any band that we can. So pretty much just any band that’s better than us, that’s a lot of bands [laughs], tons to learn. Just don’t stop learning.

WHAT KINDS OF THINGS DO YOU LIKE TO DO OUTSIDE OF MUSIC? W: To be honest, i know that it’s the most boring answer but i literally only do music, pretty much. You do the average hang out with friends and stuff but like, if i’m home alone, i’m writing. I go “Hey Kyle, let’s hang out tonight”

IS THERE ANYTHING IN PARTICULAR OR ANYONE YOU FIND INSPIRATION IN? W: Yeah, definitely. There’s tons of bands that we play with. I’m the type of person, well, i think we all are, where when we play with a band that is better than us, bigger than us, we just watch them and learn. Pretty much every band that

DO YOU HAVE ANY SUMMER ANTHEMS? B: We like “I Really Don’t Care” by Demi Lovato. We love that song. W: Yes, that song is the best. B: That song’s the best song of summer. W: Summer, i was just talking about this with someone. I don’t

really like pop punk a lot but in the summer if i’m driving, The Wonder Years, is the best. I don’t know. That’s my summer jams.

[EDITORS NOTE: Something You Whisper has released a cover of Demi Lovato’s “I Really Don’t Care”]

YOU PREVIOUSLY HAVE MADE AN ACOUSTIC VIDEO, IS ACOUSTIC SOMETHING YOU WOULD PERSUE IN THE FUTURE? W: I don’t want to pursue it the way that we did. The day we shot that music video it was negative thirty one degrees celcius, i couldn’t move, I couldn’t even do a full take. I was being a baby about it. It was cold, my whole


body hurt until i got home. But it’s super fun to do. Definitely want to do more of it so we can play outside the venue while kids are lining up, or like, after shows it’s awesome to be like “hey, we’re hanging around, let’s play some jams for you guys,” or even hop on acoustic shows last minute. Anything like that. ARE THERE ANY RITUALS THAT YOU ALL DO TOGETHER? B: We do this one thing on stage before we all play, where we all put our fists in and get a nice pump up, just for the show. W: Every night it’s different. Depending on what’s happened earlier on in the day or what the show’s like. Sometimes when we play a really small show, there’s only a few people there, we remind each other that this is the grind, this is what you got to do. You got to play a thousand of these before we can make it. If there was one kid, you make sure it was their favorite show of that time frame. Even if everyone in the room leaves, you got to stay in shape. It’s my pet peeve when bands have bad moods and are like “no one’s here,” so they walk around, bored. And it’s like “this show sucks,” because of this band who are probably pretty good.

IS THERE ANYTHING SPECIFIC THAT SPARKED YOU TO START UP MUSIC? W: Honestly, it’s sad, but I started doing it because it was cool. My friend got a guitar and I held it and I was like “this is it! Sold. That’s what I’m doing.” I don’t even play guitar in the band anymore. I did a long time ago when we first started. That’s what really, I looked in the mirror and was like “ba-now” [makes gesture to him playing guitar] Like, some chord that doesn’t even exist. B: I went to a couple of local shows and saw people from my high school that were older than me and thought “that looks pretty awesome, I want to do that too” so that’s what I decided to do. THAT’S NOT REALLY A BAD THING, I MEAN IF IT SPARKED THE INTEREST W: It definitely sparked my interest. I mean, I went out and saw a few shows and loca festivals. I think my first show, i can’t even remember the band name, but it was in this church in the city i lived in. This band played and i saw the production and everything and was like “holy, crap.” I was four or five years old and I still remember it. Obviously made the impact. IN WHICH WAS HAS PLAYING MUSIC AND TOURING CHANGED YOUR LIVES? B: When i first joined up with these guys I was in more of a local band that didn’t really tour. When i got together with them i got to jump straight into touring. It was an unreal experience. This is what I want to do, I just knew. Wes: From playing only Toronto and Missasagwa to all of a


We learn from any band that we can [...] tons to learn. Just don’t stop learning.

sudden, a couple months later, to playing every province in the country, it’s just like... B: Yeah, to go out west and see the mountains and all that stuff. It was unreal. W: It’s changed me a lot. I was pretty sheltered, grew up in a small town of Ayr, just outside of what we call our hometown, Cambridge, Ontario, and there’s no different kind of people. All the people are just the same. Their hick, uh, their very, sheltered. I didn’t know much. Learning the different kinds of people, things like that. It taught me a lot on how to save money too. You learn what a dollar is worth. B: You learn about yourself a lot. W: You have a lot of time with yourself, you have a lot of time,

maybe too much time, with other people. WHAT IS SOMETHING THAT YOU WHISPER? W: We don’t talk about it, unfortunately, it’s our little secret that we’ll hold to the grave and that no one will ever know. It’s dark. It’s scary. It will make people want to put a hit on us and honestly, it’s deep. B: It’s our dark secret, we’re not giving it up.

@somethingyouwhisper @SYWband Wes @SYWwes Tom @SYWtom Kyle @SYWkyle Austin @SYWaustin Brian @SYWbrian



TELL ME ABOUT HOW YOU GUYS DECIDED TO NAME YOUR LATEST ALBUM, “Wurst Album Ever”. Paul: Well, we heard it... Beebs: And we were like, “Wurst Album Ever,” Paul: That’s terrible! [laughs] Beebs: Well basically, at the time we were really into hot dogs and bratwurst’s. That’s the main reason

and then we heard the album and we were like, “Okay this makes sense.” Paul: This works, plus it seems like a lot of people have a good time making fun of us and we kind of wanted to join in on that. Beebs: We felt like we were missing out! Paul: And it really is a lot of fun. We totally get it!

YOU GUYS HAVE A VERY FUN, PLAYFUL, SORT OF WHIMSICAL IMAGE. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE WHO IS RUNNING THE RISK OF LOSING THEIR INNER-CHILD? P: Don’t make money. B: Yeah, don’t make money. Like, if you only use monopoly money, that keeps your inner child alive. P: Yeah, that keeps it weird.

B: Monopoly money and confetti! P: Yeah, confetti! Go to Flutter Fetti, thats our confetti sponsor and provider. B: They are everything! They keep our inner child out. P: That’s where it all lives. We put our inner child into the confetti cannon and then just shoot it out. WHAT’S A USUAL DAY ON WARPED YOUR LIKE FOR BEEBS AND HER MONEY MAKERS? P: We usually wake up, I cook breakfast, we set up merch, find out our set time, hang out, play some music, meet some people, B: Kiss some babies, P: Shake some hands, We put our inner child into B: Sign some Money the confetti cannon and then Makers.

just shoot it out.


SO, WHAT WAS THE MUSIC SCENE LIKE THERE? HOW DID IT INFLUENCE YOUR SOUND TODAY? B: Well, we’re not actually from Orlando originally. P: We live there now. B: We are from the planet, Bartertown. P: It’s in outer-space. B: In a different Solar System. We like Orlando though. Coming to Earth and hanging out here, [you guys] are behind in technology. We are more advanced. Like, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, for us that is SO a thousand years ago. So we had to regress. OH, OKAY. SO HOW OLD ARE YOU? P: I’m 4,000. B: I’m 5,172.


P: She’s almost old enough to drink on our planet. WELL, WELCOME AND WE ARE HAPPY YOU ALL DECIDED TO STICK AROUND! Both: Thank you! CAN YOU NAME SOME OF THE BANDS WHO HAVE INFLUENCED YOU? ANY BANDS YOU WOULD WANT TO RECOMMEND TO YOUR FANS TO LISTEN TO? B: If you’re coming to Warped Tour you should definitely check out Bad Rabbits, Mixtapes, City Shakeup, [and] I Fight Dragons. Outside of Warped Tour, we are really into the Kidz Bop CD’s. P: Kidz Bop is good. Now, Now 12 is big for me. B: I liked Now 7. P: 7 was ok. WHO HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN

HANGING OUT WITH ON THIS TOUR? MAKING ANY FRIENDS? B: We hang out a lot with Mike Herrera of MxPx. He’s rad, we’ve been having some late-night-jam sessions with him. P: Protomen, City Shakeup, our dear friends from Australia. B: Uh-Huh Baby Yeah! We hang out with those guys. Volumes... P: Barack Obama B: John Stamos was supposed to come to Ventura to hang out with us, but once again, stood us up on our lunch date. HE WAS WITH ME, SORRY. B: OHH NO. John Stamos, you are on thin ice with Beebs and Her Money Makers.


MORGAN FRASER Untitled Photography

ALBUM REVIEWS ANBERLIN In early 2014, Anberlin announced their final album and tour. Lowborn is album number seven, and is the heart of the band’s final year. Lowborn represents the Anberlin that listeners have come to know and love. The album has a wide musical range,which fits right in with the rest of Anberlin’s discography.

ALBUM: Lowborn RELEASE: July 22, 2014 STAND OUT: Hearing Voices AUTHOR: Morgan Fraser

It’s a complete album in every sense, and the creative process in this album marks a band that has diversified themselves. As a whole, each song flows from one to the other, presenting an album that has

no song that sounds out of place. By the time I was done, I just felt like I completed a meditation. That said, only few songs actually stood out to me, Hearing Voices, We Are Destroyer, Dissenter. Dissenter is quite different from the usual sound we hear from Anberlin, it’s more raw and powerful to me than other songs we’ve heard from them before. The rest of their album really just sounds like the Anberlin we fell in love with years ago, and I was really hoping to see things shaken up more than just the one song. All in all, Lowborn is a fitting farewell.

AARON WEST AND THE ROARING TWENTIES One of the greatest features of this album is the way that the tracks are able to tell a story. Musically, it works in soft acoustics, layered in with trumpets, banjos, and a hermonic. This creates a classic Western atmospher. The happy melodies are decieving once you understand the lyrical content and the story of Aaron West, a character who is going through the worst year of his life. ALBUM: We Don’t Have Each Other RELEASE: July 8, 2014 STAND OUT: Our Apparentment AUTHOR: Brandynn L. Pope


As a character, he is a believeable character, especially in tracks suchg as “Divorce And The American South” which has particularly striking

lyrical content. How the music flows with the music gives weight to how the lyrics are strung together. This is the sort of record that you are supposed to close your eyes to and the string of words and the musicality create a cinematic presence in your mind.

ED SHEERAN Multiply is the second studio album by singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran. It goes without saying that this album seems a long way from the sober and sincere balladry of Lego house.

ALBUM: X RELEASE: June 20, 2014 STAND OUT: Runaway AUTHOR: Morgan Fraser

“Sing” and “Runaway” doesn’t really sound like anything Sheeran has done before, which deserves praise. Both were stand out songs for me, and both were co-produced by Pharrell Williams, and have the lusty and obvious feel from pop-R&B. The beginning of “Sing” reminds me of the theme song to Flight of the Conchords with the lyrics “Baby bring

me a lemon and a bottle of gin. We’ll be in between the sheets until the late AM.” “Nina” is another song you can’t miss when listening to this album. Sheeran brings his rap in to this track and is so upbeat and catchy. Sheeran never ceases to disappoint me with his tracks and his beautiful voice. Even when he talks about what it’s like to be on the road, and living the life of an artist, he remains relatable.

I THE MIGHTY Along with a new track, “Love Your Sin”, I The Mighty has released acoustic representations of their songs “Speak To Me” and “Dreamer.” They have successfully recreated two songs to have a different feeling than the originals. At points, the acoustic songs seem to have conquored vocally challenging portions which were not as audiable in their originals. ALBUM: Love Your Sin EP RELEASE: July 15th, 2014 STAND OUT: Love Your Sin AUTHOR: Brandynn L. Pope

Their new track “Love Your Sin” has the same carefully crafted lyrical content that makes I The Mighty such as thoughtful band. With lines such as “[...]your word was golden

but I don’t feel any richer” we can see the clever documentation of their poetic stories. With only three tracks on this EP, it still compiles something worth listening to, creating something refreshing on old tracks as well crafting a new song with powerful words and instrumentation.

NICK THOMAS I have been a fan of Nick Thomas for as long as I can remember. The Spill Canvas was a huge influence on my musical taste over the years, so when Nick had announced a solo record I was a bit hesitant in listening or buying this album.

ALBUM: Shadowars RELEASE: June 24, 2014 STAND OUT:Circle And Lines


AUTHOR: Ashely Houston


interested and wanting to constantly listen. If you were a fan of Nick Thomas then, you will still be a fan after listening to this album.

Upon the release of this album, it’s safe to say that there is no disappointment with Shadowars. This album is heartfelt, and full of emotion. At times you can even call it reminiscent of past songs. Nick Thomas never seems to disappoint lyrically or musically. Each song keeps you

08.05 08.05 08.12 08.18 08.18 08.18 08.19 08.24

Diet Godsmack The Gaslight Anthem Dragon Force Imogen Heap Kimbra Get Stoked Ariana Grande

Palindrome 1000hp Get Hurt Maximum Overload Sparks The Golden Echo Washington Street My Everything

Staff Gallery The mission of Flesh & Bone Magazine is to show off the passionate people of the world. Our team all have collectively agreed on the importance of art and music in our life. Each member has their own specialization in the field of art and would like to share their work with you outside of work in the magazine.

SAMI WIDEBERG Untitled Photography


MORGAN FRASER Untitled Photography

F&B In pursuit of art and music Do you want to join our team? You can contact us at fleshbonemagazine@gmail.com with your application.

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