Suggested 2019-20 Florida Cultural Alliance Advocacy Steps

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Suggested 2019-20 State Advocacy Actions for Florida Arts & Culture Advocates

Suggested Advocacy ACTIONS for You and Arts & Culture Advocates Review the suggestions and take the actions you can. Your advocacy follow up and engagement matter.






Invest time on a regular basis to pay attention to local, state, and federal funding and other issues that impact the arts, arts education, and culture industry. When you receive alerts, your timely follow-up matters. There is effective power in focused and collaborative numbers of advocates taking action.

can advocate and lobby — review what you can and cannot do.

DOWNLOAD, REFERENCE, & USE often this document and its linked information in your advocacy efforts.


STAY INFORMED & ENGAGED throughout year — refer often to for important updates, action alerts, and resources related to state and federal arts and culture funding and other policy issues.


effective ways to communicate and build stronger relationships with policymakers who represent you and the interests of your county.


Learn the state process that is involved with securing annual state appropriations for the Florida Department of State (DOS) Division of Cultural Affairs (DCA) matching-grants' programs.




ADD your and your county's local, state and federal policymakers and their spouses/partners and staff members to your address books, PR and events' lists: include their email addresses, district and Capitol mailing addresses, Twitter handles, and other social media information;

PARTICIPATE IN MONTHLY ADVOCACY CALLS Register and participate in the Florida Cultural Alliance's monthly advocacy and information-to-use statewide conference calls to review and discuss the latest state and federal issues and actions needed that impact our industry (email to get your name included on the monthly invitation list);

PARTICIPATE 2019 THANK YOU CAMPAIGN Use a few of the suggestions and linked details in the thank you document in your communications with your state policymakers.


LEARN & ASK about the policymakers who represent you and your county. ● Take a look at their PROFILES — all the policymakers who represent you and your county in the Florida Legislature OR U.S. Congress. ● Once document opens, visit their websites to review their backgrounds, professions, interests, committee assignments, etc.

● Follow them on social media and sign up for their newsletters. ● Ask your board members/support groups if any of them know any of these policymakers or contribute to or engage in their political campaigns; ● Check to see if any of your state policymakers serve in leadership, appropriations, or the TED or TAT appropriations' subcommittees in 2019-20. All listed and linked on the 2019-20 Advocacy Resource Guide.


COLLABORATE and STRATEGICALLY PLAN with your local arts agency and other local arts and culture colleagues the best strategies to educate local state legislators about the LOCAL IMPACT of the Florida Department of State (DOS) Division of Cultural Affairs matching grants' programs: ● Make a presentation at one of your local county delegation meetings where a well-known and respected spokesperson speaks on behalf of all your county's arts, arts education, and culture industry; however, a large group of advocates should attend to visually demonstrate support for funding requests & other related policy issue/s. Schedule of County Delegation Meetings? Email FCA at

● Research and cast the appropriate messengers who know and have access to your local legislators — who knows whom and who supports their campaigns.

● Schedule face-to-face DISTRICT meetings with state legislators and/or their staff during the summer and fall 2019. The 2020 Florida Legislative Session is early and is scheduled January 14 — March 13.




● Ask policymakers what matters to them and prepare, share, and align some local arts, arts education, and culture facts and personal stories with their assigned committee work and interests.

● Say and follow up with a thank you to them and their staff for their time and provide any additional information they request;

● Secure endorsements of support from local business groups, and governments — ask city and county governments to include the DCA and NEA asks in their 2020-2021 Legislative and Congressional platforms and request their support and assistance;


COMMUNICATE, INFORM, ENGAGE, ASK & INVITE Policymakers need to hear from you and those who support arts, arts education, and culture funding and other related policy issues. You, board members, and other concerned advocates should engage and invite their legislators, county commissioners, and members of congress and their staff and family members to experience the impact of these arts/culture programs in your community:. ● Facts to use, adapt, and share — also use local and personal arts, arts education, and culture impact stories. ● Use your county INFOGRAPHICS ● 2020 Florida Legislative Arts & Culture Platform Requests includes all 2020-21 ranked lists in all four DOS DCA funding categories ● Again, if you have not added your policymakers to all of your various communication address books, do it now.






PARTICIPATE in Arts & Culture Days



in your communications with state policymakers and their staff the materials linked under #12, your local materials, and personal and local impact stories about these DOS DCA matching grants.

Please pay attention, stay engaged, and follow up throughout the year in local, state, and federal advocacy issues in a timely manner on action alerts sent to you by local, statewide, and national arts & culture advocacy service organizations.

on January 22, 2020, in Tallahassee AND in the 2020 National Arts Advocacy Days and Summit March 30 & 31, 2020, in Washington, DC. Registration and details for both events will be available in late fall and posted at

Please email


LEARN & ASK about the policymakers who represent you and your county. ● Take a look at their PROFILES — all the policymakers who represent you and your county in the Florida Legislature OR U.S. Congress. ● Once document opens, visit their websites to review their backgrounds, professions, interests, committee assignments, etc.

● Follow them on social media and sign up for their newsletters. ● Ask your board members/support groups if any of them know any of these policymakers or contribute to or engage in their political campaigns; ● Check to see if any of your state policymakers serve in leadership, appropriations, or the TED or TAT appropriations' subcommittees in 2019-20 (check profiles)


COLLABORATE and Strategically PLAN with your local arts agency and other local arts and culture colleagues the best strategies to educate local state legislators about the LOCAL IMPACT of the Florida Department of State (DOS) Division of Cultural Affairs matching grants' programs: ● Make a presentation at one of your local county delegation meetings where a well-known and respected spokesperson speaks on behalf of all your county's arts, arts education, and culture industry; however, a large group of advocates should attend to visually demonstrate support for funding requests & other related policy issue/s. Schedule of County Delegation Meetings? Email FCA at ● Research and cast the appropriate messengers who know and have access to your local legislators — who knows whom and who supported their campaigns. ● Schedule face-to-face DISTRICT meetings with state legislators and/or their staff during the summer and fall 2019. The 2020 Florida Legislative Session is early and is scheduled January 14 — March 13. ● Ask policymakers what matters to them and prepare, share, and align some local arts, arts education, and culture facts and personal stories with their assigned committee work and interests. ● Say and follow up with a thank you to them and their staff for their time and provide any additional information they request; ● Secure endorsements of support from local business groups, and governments — ask city and county governments to include the DCA and NEA asks in their 2020-2021 Legislative and Congressional platforms and request their support and assistance;


COMMUNICATE, INFORM, ENGAGE, ASK & INVITE — policymakers need to hear from you and those who support arts, arts education, and culture funding and other related policy issues. You, board members, and other concerned advocates should engage and invite their legislators, county commissioners, and members of congress and their staff and family members to experience the impact of these arts/culture programs in your community:. ● Facts to use, adapt, and share — also use local and personal arts/culture impact stories ● Use your county infographics — 2020 updates available at the end of October 2019 ● Final 2019-20 DCA matching-grants in your county ● PRELIMINARY 2020-21 Florida Department of State (DOS) Division of Cultural Affairs (DCA) matching-grant applicants by counties and funding categories PRIOR to DCA panel meetings — final list not available until October 2019 ● Appropriation asks worksheet to determine statewide 2020-21 state appropriation requests for DOS DCA matching grants (finalized in October 2019) ● 2020 Statewide Arts & Culture Legislative Platform will be updated in October 2019 for your advocacy use. Depends upon Secretary of State's released, final ranked DCA 2020-21 lists of recommended matching grants. 2019 Platform





REFERENCE and USE in your communications with state policymakers and their staff the materials listed above, your local materials, and the 2020 Statewide Arts & Culture Platform when it becomes available and posted in October 2019. FOLLOW UP: Please pay attention, stay engaged, and follow up throughout the year in local, state, and federal advocacy issues in a timely manner on all action alerts sent to you by local, statewide, and national arts/culture advocacy service organizations. PARTICIPATE in Arts & Culture Day on January 22, 2020, in Tallahassee AND in the 2020 National Arts Advocacy Days and Summit (dates to be finalized soon) in Washington, DC. Registration and details for both events will be available in the fall. QUESTIONS? Please email

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