Winter is the Best Season for Laser Hair Removal

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Winter is the Best Season for Laser Hair Removal Have you ever thought about or been curious about laser hair reduction? Laser hair reduction is a great alternative for those seeking longer lasting management of unwanted hair. The laser uses light to selectively target the dark coloring within our hair, without damaging surrounding skin. The hair follicles then absorb the light from the laser and convert it to heat, which destroys the follicle and disables the blood supply, so the hair can’t grow. As the laser is attracted to the darker melanin within our skin, when our skin’s surrounding tissues are lighter, the laser is able to more readily absorb the darker melanin within our hair and cause destruction. Most of us lose the summer glow during the cooler months, and that’s exactly why winter is the perfect time to be thinking about your laser hair reduction options. Lighter skin will result in maximal results. It’s also a great way to kick-start your way to a hair-free summer! In preparation for laser hair reduction treatments, it is very important that you undergo a consultation and patch test in order to devise a treatment plan, and ensure the treatments are suitable for you. The hair needs to be shaved to skin level 2-3 days prior to your treatment ready for your laser. So, here is why winters are best for laser hair removal in Los Angeles.

You will need to avoid waxing in winters If waxing or plucking was your pre-laser hair removal method, you’ll need to give it a break while undergoing laser hair removal. This is because a hair follicle needs to be present for the laser to be attracted to, in order to disrupt hair growth. Thankfully, this is a lot easier to avoid during winter as you’re less likely to be wearing shorts, bikinis or other clothing which may expose the area. Shaving is the best option to manage hair growth between your treatments.

It is easier to avoid the sun Generally we get less sun exposure during the winter months, which is ideal for laser hair reduction because sun exposure and fake tanning should be avoided throughout the entire course of the treatment. This is because the laser beam cannot differentiate between the melanin within your skin and hair. The more easily the laser can identify the melanin within your hairs, the more effective your treatment will be. Not only does this put you at greater risk of adverse reactions, it also ensures optimum efficacy of your treatments. Hence, this is why winters are more desirable time to commence laser hair reduction, due to limited sun exposure. It is a lengthy procedure It’s not an overnight fix! Results can be seen after your first hair reduction treatment, with the hairs falling out within 7-10 days post treatment. However, it will require anywhere between 6-10 consistent treatments to achieve lasting results with anywhere between 4-8 weeks between each treatment. It all depends on your hair growth cycles and the stage you’re at in your treatment plan. It’s also good to keep in mind that you will likely need to have maintenance for Los Angeles laser hair removal treatments, which are usually 6-12 months apart.

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