The art of Animals

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Pàg. 3 Evolució dels animals Pàg. 5 Grups de vertebrats Pàg. 15Curiositats Pàg. 18Campanya contre l’abandonament Pàg. 19 Terapies amb animals Pàg. 21 Kidszone

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L’evolució és un procés segons el qual els éssers vius s’han originat els uns dels altres per descendència. L’evolució és la transformació de les espècies amb el pas del temps. Tots els animals, plantes i organismes del nostre planeta provenen de formes diferents a partir de les quals han evolucionat. L’estudi del procés evolutiu tracta de la gènesi dels organismes i té com a base principal les dades que aporta la paleontologia. Els mecanismes i les causes de l’evolució són objecte d’una branca de la genètica, la genètica evolutiva, que té com a base principal la genètica de poblacions. El procés evolutiu ve regit per 5 lleis concretes: 1. Llei de Dollo o de la irreversibilitat: quan un animal o membre canvien, no poden tornar a evolucionar al seu estadi anterior. 2. Primera Llei de Cope o de la inespecialització: evolucionen les espècies indiferenciades, les que tenen una més gran capacitat d’adaptació a canvis ecològics. 3. Segona Llei de Cope o de l’increment de la mida: en qualsevol procés evolutiu, les espècies augmenten la seva mida. 4. Llei de Dacqué o del paral·lelisme: en diferents moments de l’evolució, grups diferents d’animals han trobat respostes similars a estímuls similars. Pàgina 3

5. Llei de Williston: amb el temps, les espècies tendeixen a simplificar les seves estructures adaptant-se a un medi concret i augmentant amb això el risc de la seva especialització. Un dels processos per entendre l’evolució es veure si existeix alguna similitud entre els òrgans i ossos del cos. Per comparar les parts del cos utilitzem dos termes:  Homòlegs: o Tenen una estructura similar però una funció diferent.  Anàlegs: o Tenen una estructura diferent però una funció similar.

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Mammals are vertebrates, they’re covered in hair or fur (except dolphins and whales). All mammals have mammary glands to produce milk to feed their babies. They are homeothermal, it means that they can regulate the temperature of their body. They breath through lungs. They can be carnivores, like felines; herbivorous, like a panda; omnivorous, like mouses, or frugivores, like horses. They are viviparous, so the fertilization is inside the mother’s body. They are divided into 3 groups:

Marsupials: They finish their development inside mother’s pouch, like a kangaroo or a koala.

Apliense:llibre classe 5è B

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Monotremes: They are born from eggs, like a platypus.

Mojo Wildlife:duck billed platypus

Placentals (Eutheria): The fetus develops inside the mother’s body. The placenta feeds the baby during the pregnancy, like dolphins, cats, cows,…

El delfín videos educativos para niños

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The bat is the unique mammal that can fly.

Tanatopèdia àltima: Ratpenats

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Fish are the first vertebrate animals that exist. They are fusiform and they have a lateral line system, this is a sensory organ that detects vibrations. It’s covered by scales. They’re pokiothermal. It breathes by gills. They eat plankton and big fish eats other small fish. They are oviparous with external fertilization so that means that they are born from eggs and that the ovule and the sperm gets in contact with water, not in the female. It’s curious because you can’t identify by the colors the male from the female. There are two subtypes of fish:

The shark is a cartilaginous fish because it’s made of cartilage

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US news, national-news 8 facts you don’t now about sharks

Pin by James on Salmon/Trout In pinterest

The salmon is a bony fish because it has bones

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The amphibians were the first vertebrate animals that leave the water and go to land. They reproduce by eggs. They lay eggs in water and when they break the egg, they have to breathe so when they’re tadpoles, they breathe by gills and then they breathe by lungs. They have no special cover, they have moist skin. They have four limbs and the back ones are stronger than the others. Some of them have glandules that produce toxins. They’re pokiothermal. They go through Pin de Peinterest: núm metamorphosis. They’re carnivores and herbivores 83035186850159053 when they are adults This is a newt, is Urodela. Is similar to lizard but with long and thin body.

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This is a Toad from the Anurans family. It have perturbing eyes and strong body without a tail. National Wildlife Federation:Amphibians Toads These are warms from the Apodans family. They don’t have legs.

Speedy warms(Internet)

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Reptiles are vertebrates, they’re covered in hard scales or shell/carapace (turtles). They have 4 short limbs (except snakes which have no legs). Turtles are the unique reptile that has a beak. Most reptiles are carnivorous. They breath through lungs. Their fertilization is mostly external (ovipar), but some do it internally (oviviparous). They are poikilothermal, it means that they can’t regulate their body. They have sharp teeth or fangs to catch their prey.

Reptiles can be very different: lizards, chameleons, snakes, and turtles.

Pinterest: núm 535928424387993060 Pixabay: Cocodrilo

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Birds are vertebrates, they have four limbs: in the front, they have two wings and in the back two legs. They are covered by feathers, they have a beak and a tail. There are some birds that can fly and others can’t . They breath by lungs. They are oviparous and have an internal fertilization. They are homeothermal, that means that they can regulate the temperature of their body, having a constant temperature. They are carnivores, like a swallow and herbivores like a pigeon but the food that they eat depends on the form of the beak. Some of these birds migrate to other countries. They communicate with each other by sounds, advice, signs and by flying. Here are some of the examples of birds:

These penguins can’t fly but

These eagle is a carnivore

they swim too good Kids britannica Mascot house: características de las águilas

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These birds migrate to another Country Guernsey Donkey: How do birds know when to migrate

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Butterflies in the industrial revolution: In Manchester, north of England, there is a forest with white bark trees called birch trees. In this forest inhabit some butterflies (Biston Betularia) that are usually placed on the trees with open wings. The population of these butterflies had always been white with black spots, since the birds that feed on them didn’t find them camouflaged between the birch bark, and only those that were darker could be eaten. When the Industrial Revolution came in the middle of the 19th century, factories were installed in the city that went with coal. The smoke that came out of these factories blackened the bark of the trees, so that white butterflies were easy prey for birds. However, the descendants who were darker passed unnoticed, until a point arrived where the majority of butterflies was with black wings. When production went down in factories, the birches reclaimed the white color of their bark.

White shark: It’s the only surviving species of the gender. If they hit the tail on the surface of the water, it’s a sign of aggressiveness. They didn’t attack the people, only when they think that it’s a seal. It’s prohibited fish them because they are endangered. More or less, the 90% of the time, they are in waters of 5 meters to 500 meters of profundity. White sharks are only white in ventral part, and the dorsal part is gray or azure. It’s used to confuse with the solar light making a camouflage as simple as effective. They can’t stop to swim because if not, they sink and they die of suffocation. Pàgina 15

Toads: The toad is of diurnal and nocturnal habits. It is usually camouflaged among the stones, dry leaves, trunks, cracks, burrows and orchards. Hibernates between October and March. It comes out of hiding on rainy days and light heat. He can live between 10 and 30 years. Its trunk is short, wide and varies in color. There are toads grayish, yellowish, green and russet. Them singing is stifled because they didn’t have a vocal sac. To feed, toads choose compact prey that is easy to swallow. They eat spiders, insects, worms, antlers, larvae, centipedes, slugs, and earwigs, among others. To hunt, they just sit down and wait for the right moment to take out their tongues and suck their food.

Dolphins: Dolphins are one of the most adorable and intelligent creatures in the animal world, they are capable of following instructions and manifesting affection. They sleep with only half of their brain and the other half stays awake to be able to continue breathing. When they sleep, they do it with one eye open, the one on the side of the brain half asleep. Each dolphin has a different whistle that differentiates it from the rest. Although these animals do not have vocal cords, they are able to communicate by means of the noises produced by the sacs of their nasal spiracles. Dolphins can communicate with each other with different sounds, they also use PĂ gina 16

dance and jumping to communication. If a dolphin is dying, other dolphins from his group will come to help him, supporting him all with your body so that the hole he uses to breathe stays above the water level. Dolphin is the only animal - apart from the man - that has sex only to experience pleasure. They come to the surface every 5-8 minutes to breathe through the blowhole. They eat less in summer than in winter because in winter they need more fats because of the low water temperatures. They’re able to identify the sound of the fall in the water of objects of rubber, plastic, wax, and metal, differentiating even between copper and brass. Another amazing feature of the dolphins is that their skin is renewed every two hours, so that they can move more quickly. And to hunt among corals they hold pieces of sponge in their snouts, to protect them.

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Más información La fundación affinity está haciendo mucho trabajo para concienciar a propietarios y futuros propietarios de que los perros llevan una gran responsabilidad y no se les pude tratar como cosas u objetos.#NoSonUnJugete Aunque hay muchas más campañas contra el abandono de animales ya que en muchos países se abandonan 10.000 perros y gatos, el 30 % son cachorros. También es un grave problema el maltrato de estos animales

Colabora No compres Adopta animales

Pàgina 18

TERAPIES AMB ANIMALS La teràpia amb animals esta recomanada per persones, siguin adults o nens, que tenen diferents discapacitats com: 

Una discapacitat física, psíquica o sensorial.

Persones amb trastorns psicològics, del llenguatge o de l’aprenentatge.

Persones amb problemes de marginació o inadaptació social.

Persones amb casos de paràlisis cerebral, lesiones medul·lars i cerebrals, i moltes mes capacitats.

Sant Joan de Déu fa teràpies amb gossos L’equip de l’hospital de Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona ha elaborat un estudi per gossos en pediatres. La teràpia per els gossos ajuda tranquil·litzar i distreure als nens en els moments crítics com per exemple: quan un nen a de esperarse en la sala d’espera abans d’una operació, o quan li estan operant al nen perquè es distregui amb el gos i no sofreixi tant, etc.

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TERAPIES ASSISTIDES AMB CAVALLS La teràpia assistida amb cavalls utilitza el cavall com a mediador per a millorar la qualitat de vida de les persones amb discapacitat física, psíquica, sensorial i problemes d’adaptació social.

TERÀPIES AMB DOFINS Als Estats Units s'han fet investigacions que pot aportar la delfinoteràpia per a disminuïts psíquics i físics i especialment, en teràpies per a nens perquè estan més relaxats que en altres teràpies. Està demostrat que nens amb síndrome de Down o autisme han millorat la seva capacitat d'atenció, així com el seu sistema motor. No tots els dofins són aptes per a la delfinoteràpia. Han de tenir entre 8 i 12 anys i han de ser femelles, ja que són més dòcils.


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Autors: Àgueda Badia (Redactora castellà) Marta Gras (Redactora anglès) Jesús Jiménez (Redactor català) Candela Ponsa (Mediadora) Quique Nasarre (Portaveu)

Número de revista: 1782

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