0669 ema unemployment

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ma dznj a kus Wa y2L o ng DEDICATED TO THE


Blinded by th e city ligh ts feeling sickof life, unemployment got th ek iddies r obbing so th eir wr ists cansh ine, fifty-fiv e jobs applied for , guess th ek id sh ould tr y mor e, now h e' s getting tir ed h e defies laws, sells some dr ugs up onth ose str eets and th enh e buys mor e, goes to jail cycles r epeat says h is goodbyes mor e, well th ese ar e my th ough ts, th er e ain' t no wor kar ound, and we need mor e th anJ Cole just to wor kit out, th e younger s lur kintown, h anding out th eir CV mummy scr eaming ‘ get ajob! ’ but,bluoo - it ain' t th at easy, now h e' s feeling wor th less,a ll below th e sur face, mistak es our older gener ationh av e made h av e cur sed us but we canmak e ch ange for th em,mak e ach ange for th em, find some oppor tunities for us don' t put blame onth em, if we can' t find ajob,we canbuild businesses, and th ose wh o told yayou cant well th ey canwitness it

Momentar ily afew month s my life was tur ning Unemployed status got me th ink ing way cor r upted We' r e stuckwith inboundar ies, th ey say we got big options Tell me h ow I' m tr av elling to inter v iews withempty pock ets? C. vh anding,- no I ain' t sur pr ising Th at' s anoth er job telling me my cr edentials ain' t wor thth e timing Wh ile I' m dr iv enby my fr iends Wh o ar e glissing inth e ends Th ey’ r e doing r igh t fr om wr ong so wh ichpathis it gonnamend? So many applications I' v e applied for ? No one getting backto me th at' s pr oof I need to signon Str ess for too long, I' m scr ewing inmy th ough ts Just giv e me ach ance and I canpr oof th at I am th e one H ow many jobs is gonnatak e? h ow many month s am I gonnaface? Waiting and waiting for ar eply just to mak e my day Th ey nev er under stand h ow h ar d it is R eplace th em inmy sh oes and th ey' ll k now wh y I am h ear tless

Lyr ic sa n d musicwr ittenby ja k ek elly ( 23)a n dH a ma dath oma s( 21)

wewr ot et h i ss ongt or a i s ea wa r e ne s sa bout t h ela ckofe mp loy me ntop p or t uni t i e sf or y oungp e op lea ndt h ene ga t i vee f f e ct si th a sont h e m. weh op et h i ss ongi ns p i r e sy ou a ndr e mi ndsy out h a ty oudoh a vet a le nt s . y ouca na ch i e vewh a t e ve r y ous e ty ourmi ndt o. .

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