Jackson Area Schools Spring Report (2008)

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2008 HIGHLIGHTS  33 schools participated  55% (6,107 students) walked at least 5 miles  89,006 miles were traveled  1,066 students completed a Marathon!  11 schools had over 80% of their students complete 5 miles. Brooklyn Elementary (89%) George Long Elementary (84%) Harrington School (81%) Jackson Christian Elementary (80%) Memorial Elementary (97%) Northeast Elementary (100%) Parma Elementary (84%) Springport Middle School (100%) Torrant Center (93%) Townsend Elementary (100%) Woodworth Elementary (98%)

 Compared to Spring 2007 347 more students had opportunity to participate 429 more students completed 5 miles 488 more students completed 10 miles 20 more students completed 15 miles* 608 more students completed 20 miles. 250 more students completed 25 miles. 8,535 more miles were traveled this year *Not sure how this happened. We had almost the same number of kids complete 15 miles, but many more continued on to the 20 and 25-mile marks.

33 PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS Albion Public Schools

Harrington Elementary Washington Gardener

Columbia School District

Brooklyn Elementary Miller Elementary

Concord Community Schools

Concord Elementary

East Jackson Community Schools

Bertha Robinson Elementary Memorial Elementary

Grass Lake Community Schools

George Long Elementary

Hanover-Horton School District

Hanover-Horton Elementary

Jackson Arts and Technology Academy Jackson County Intermediate School District

Torrant Center

Jackson Public Schools

Bennett Elementary Cascades Elementary Dibble Elementary Frost Elementary Hunt Elementary Northeast Elementary

Leslie Public Schools

Woodward Elementary

Michigan Center School District

Arnold Elementary

Napoleon Community Schools

Ezra Eby Elementary

Northwest Community Schools

Parnall Elementary

Paragon Charter Academy Springport Public Schools

Springport Elementary Springport Middle School

Vandercook Lake Public Schools

Townsend Elementary

Western School District

Bean Elementary Parma Elementary Warner Elementary

Non-Public Schools

Jackson Christian Elementary Our Lady of Fatima St. John School St. Mary School Trinity Lutheran

SELECTED SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS Arnold Elementary (Michigan Center Schools) covered almost 1,000 more miles this spring. Way to go!

Bennett Elementary (Jackson Public School District) participated for the first time ever. The principal implemented the program. He did a wonderful job and had three students complete the marathon. “We are very pleased we were able to participate this year. For the first time ever doing it, we feel it was successful and can only get better. It was a positive experience for everyone that was involved.” (Principal/Coordinator)

Brooklyn Elementary (Columbia School District) had 89% of the students complete 5 miles and 75 students completed 25 miles. They averaged 15 miles per student.

Concord Elementary (Concord Community Schools) “We ran the ‘May Miles Bring Smiles’ campaign this year! The students had every school day in the month of May to run Mileage Club. They seemed to enjoy it! Some became wore out about it occurring daily but most participated.” (Physical Education Teacher/Coordinator)

Ezra Eby Elementary (Napoleon Community Schools) “I think that Mileage Club was great because it helped everybody get more fit and active. As a matter of fact, I think I lost 10 pounds. I also thought that all the prizes were worth the walk! It was a great experience to be able to finish 5 cards because I’m moving to middle school!” (5th grader from Ezra Eby Elementary)

Frost Elementary (Jackson Public Schools) had a great time with Mileage Club this year. For the entire school year they participated in the Mileage Club Challenge Series where they ran a ½ mile fun run each month, then they added the Mileage Club in the spring. “I think that the Challenge Series was wonderful! I know that this was not a part of the Spring Mileage, but I wanted to let you know that it was a big hit! We were out there every month, even when it was snowing like crazy! I look forward to that program again next year! Tied to that is the reason that I think we had so many students complete so many cards this year. This was phenomenal! The kids loved it! We took our final lap around the Cascades Park! How perfect was that! Our kids loved that they completed a Marathon, and they loved all the prizes. Thanks for everything!!” (Teacher/Coordinator)

SELECTED SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS (CONT.) George Long Elementary (Grass Lake Community Schools) is finally done with construction and the students are already wearing out the grass. They almost doubled last years mileage, close to 84% of the students (416) walked at least 5 miles and 78% of those students made it to 10 miles. “I wish I could convince my coworkers to incorporate walking into recess. The children do walk with me during health class and many walk on their own at recess. We (the new principal and I) will be working on a “trek across the country” for our students for next year. They will log miles and reach certain destinations that we will have mapped out for them.” (Health Educator/Coordinator)

Hanover-Horton Elementary (Hanover-Horton School District) almost tripled their total mileage this year.

Harrington Elementary (Albion Public Schools) had 93 students, about one-third of their enrollment, complete 25 miles. Students were able to walk both during recess and lunch time. “Students looked forward to Mileage Club every day. They used recess time and lunchtime to walk the track. Many of the kids would run the first lap then walk. It was a very positive experience. Many kindergarten kids wanted to take cards home so they could track their walking during the summer!” (Teacher/ Coordinator)

Hunt Elementary (Jackson Public Schools) had a good year of walking. “We love Mileage Club at Hunt. It really gets the kids moving at lunch…We love the “girls” and “boys” colors (of Toe Tokens and chains). We had a very good year!” (Parent Volunteer/Coordinator)

Jackson Arts and Technology Academy (Charter School) provided the program during the school year and I also saw kids walking during their summer program. Mileage Club continues even during the summer. “Your program is great! It gets better every year. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you.” (Teacher/Coordinator)

Jackson Christian Elementary has some very competitive runners.

Seven students

reached the 50-mile mark and two students were over 80 miles. “Mileage Club this Spring was OUTSTANDING!!! We had a group of young guys that really like to run. And they are just a little competitive. The students really liked the prizes and I had 12 go the distance of the marathon. I hope that next year something can be worked out for the Rose Parade. I know some of the students and parents thought it was a great idea.” (Secretary/Coordinator)

SELECTED SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS (CONT.) Northeast Elementary (Jackson Public Schools) was awesome this year and they did not even realize it. Every school day each student has opportunity to walk. They are supposed to complete two laps each day, but some would cover more. We thought this was great, but at the end of the year it was discovered that each lap was actually a half mile or more (they thought it was ¼ of a mile). With all 710 students walking, Northeast Elementary completed over 17,000 miles, and we think this is a moderate total.

Parma Elementary (Western School District) provides opportunity for each student to walk before school and 15 minutes before lunch. “We had 2 teachers walk with students and the students “love” it. We also had daily winners for our “Mileage Club Treasure Chest” drawing. We had a 3 way tie between a boy in 5th grade and 2 girls in 4th grade, which is a first.” (Playground Supervisor/Coordinator)

Parnall Elementary (Northwest Community Schools) “Love Mileage Club – prizes are a great motivator!” (Physical Educator/ Coordinator)

Springport Elementary (Springport Public Schools) provides two walking opportunities for their students. “Our students were able to walk 15 minutes before lunch everyday. Grades 1-3 were excited to participate, 4th and 5th grades were not that interested. Our school walks every morning before school starts! Thank you to Foote for providing prizes to our students.” (Parent Volunteer/Coordinator)

Springport Middle School (Springport Public Schools) is the only middle school in the county that participates. Of the 85 seventh graders, 100% completed 10 miles and 55 (65%) completed 25 miles. The entire class averaged over 25 miles per student. They completed almost 1,000 more miles this year.

St. John School has a first-time, new to Mileage Club coordinator this year who helped the students double last years total mileage. It is always good to hear from someone who has a fresh look at the program. “Mileage Club is great. We did OK here at St. John. The problem here at St. John is that we are a very athletic school, so all the boys play football and girls soccer. They are not interested in just walking. I think Mileage Club is an awesome program but for 3-6 graders the prizes need to be water bottles, T-shirts, (and) gym bags to get them to participate.” (Physical Educator/Coordinator)

SELECTED SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS (CONT.) Torrant Center (Jackson Public Intermediate School District) had 53 of 57 students (93%) complete 5 miles. One student covered 93 miles.

Townsend Elementary (Vandercook Lake Public Schools) students were asked to complete one lap at recess before they played. Such a suggestion increased participation as 100% of the students completed 10 miles. They also had 77 students complete 25 miles. Townsend students added 3,000 more miles to their total this year. “I like Mileage Club because it is great exercise for my students. They love the rewards of not only feeling great but the prizes are a great incentive to have them do as many cards as possible. My class is encouraged to do at least 2 laps a day and most of my students do more than that. My class has walked/run 1,408 miles this year and one student reached the 100 mile mark. I like to walk with the students as well so they can see how important getting exercise everyday is. This is a wonderful program and we hope it continues..” (Teacher)

Warner Elementary (Western Public Schools) “I feel the Mileage Club is a GREAT program for kids of all ages. We even had some grandparents, moms and dads, that not only come out to show their support for the kids at our school by showing up to punch, but we had some that came and walked with the children.” (Parent Volunteer/Coordinator)

Washington Gardner Elementary (Albion Public Schools) “I believe that Mileage Club is great. I was a little disappointed in the number of students participating this spring. When I think back I see how the low count could be explained. During the winter months we spent a great many days having ‘inside recess.’ I used the tokens you sent as incentives for walking around the gym. Just about all the children participated, they were excited and loved it. So I guess by spring they were all ‘walked out.’ Out winter mileage and participation would have been ‘Fantastic.’ Those who did participate had a blast and loved the gifts/awards.” (Teacher/Coordinator)

Woodward Elementary (Leslie Public Schools) had all but 10 students complete 5 miles and 150 students went on to complete 25 miles. Two students pounded out 124 miles. Wow! Re/Max of Riverside in Leslie also provided tethered hot air balloon rides for the top student in each age group. The kids thought this was really cool. School is out – sorry, no students notes this year. However, a really cool thing that shows how much our children enjoy the Mileage Club: In the last week of school, I had at least five kids ask me when the Mileage Club would start up again – they already missed it!” (Playground Supervisor/Coordinator)


A SPECIAL NOTE St. Mary School has a long tradition of placing the name of the top runner(s) on the “Top Walker of the Year” plaque. This year the honor was given to someone very special – as reported by the coordinator. Debbie, I wanted to share with you a positive note from St. Mary’s. As I had mentioned to you on the phone, we have a young man all of 4 years now who is in critical care at UofM Oncology. He is now in a medication induced coma. His mom was one of my coordinators and he loved to walk Mileage with the older children. At St. Mary’s we have a plaque on the wall for our Top Walker of the Year. The kids-staff decided to dedicate the plaque to him for all the rough miles he has endured these past 10 months with cancer. The plaque says, “Mileage Club Hero”. Please keep him in your prayers. Thank You, Parent Volunteer/Coordinator


I enjoy mileage club. It is great exercise it is good for your body to be healthy.

I like mileage club because it helps your heart and lungs and it is good for you body because you exersize. I have walked or run 65 miles this year I’m only on my 13th mileage card but I’m almost on my 14th mileage card. I also like walking with my friend’s and getting the prizes.

I like mileage club because it gets me fit and every time I finish a card I get a prize. I have ran, jogged, and walked 65 miles. I also ran one mile in 9 minutes, 14 seconds and I cut off 3 minutes from the beginning of the year.

I like mileage club because it’s good to exercise and get fit. I have did 45 miles this year.

I like mileage club because I have walked and runed to my tenth card this year and I liked the prizes you get for finshing your card. and it is relly great exersing and I have fun walking with my frends.

I like milage club because I have jogged 100 miles this semester. Please keep milage club going so people can keep getting prizes. I liked this association because I got to get prizes, because it’s an exellent exercise for my other class mates. My classmates and me had to do 2 laps and then we got to play but some of my classmates did more laps even I did more. It was hard to get on my 21st card.

I like milage club because I get to have fun walking with people that have special needs. There’s a boy in my class he’s on his 21 card wow that’s a lot cards. I have walked or ran 55 miles this year.

I like mileage club because it encourage kids to get exersize. I have walked or run 55 miles this year we are encourage to run or walk two laps a day but we sometimes run more. This is awsome for burning calories.


(Jackson Inter. School District)

Lyle Torrant

(Springport Public Schools)

Springport Middle School

(Western School District)

Parma Elementary

(Jackson Public Schools)

Northeast Elementary











Memorial Elementary

(E. Jackson Public Schools)









Jackson Christian Elementary

(Albion Public Schools)

Harrington Elementary

(Grass Lake Comm. Schools)

George Long Elementary

(Columbia School District)

Brooklyn Elementary

Total Mileage

# of Students










5 Miles %



















15 Miles %



















25 Miles %











Grade Level

93 miles (1 student)

40 miles (2 students)

20 miles (3 students)

60 miles (120 students)

25 miles (5 students)

85 miles (1 student)






45 miles PreK-2nd (3 students)

35 miles (2 students)

60 miles (3 students)

Highest Mileage

5 (6 wks)

2 to 5 (5 wks)

3 (4 wks)

5 (6 wks)

5 (6 wks)

5 (6 wks)

5 (5 wks)

5 (6 wks)

5 (4 wks)

Days/ Week










15 Miles





3,575 92% 1,582 49%




5 Miles





25 Miles

The number of days per week the Mileage Club was conducted (barring inclement weather) and the number of weeks

The grades of students involved in Mileage Club.

The highest mileage mark for that school and the number of students w2ho attained that mark.






The number and percentage of students who completed 15 and 25 miles (the percentage is figured according to the number who completed 5 miles).

The number and percentage of students who walked at least 5 miles (completed one card).

Total mileage for the entire school.

*Percentage of 5-milers

     

The above chart details:  The number of students in each school who had opportunity to participate.





Woodworth Elementary

(Leslie Public Schools)





Trinity Lutheran

(Vandercook Lake Public Schools)

Townsend Elementary


Total Mileage

# of Students

(2 students)

124 miles


100 miles (4 students)

Highest Mileage




Grade Level

(7 wks)



5 (All year)

Days/ Week


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