Popular Fish Keeping 2014-0506

Page 66


One of Charles’s black Moscow guppies.

African cichlids are well-represented in Charles’s collection.


RIGHT This particular cichlid, called frontosa, needs to be kept in small groups. It comes from Lake Tanganyika.

ABOVE Part of the appeal of fish keeping is the range in appearance of the fish themselves.

ABOVE The colouration of cichlids can be vivid, as shown by this Malawian individual.

ABOVE The moori cichlid comes in various forms.

I’m putting a lot of my energy into the upkeep of our club at the moment. Last year, we changed all 300 of the club aquariums that we use for shows.

What else do your meetings offer to members?

There is a monthly talk given by a specialist fish keeper, and we share our fish photos, video clips, tips, and information online. We also sometimes watch DVDs on fish keeping topics. The Malta Aquarist Society’s website has tutorials for anyone who is struggling to get to grips with the club’s technology. We also have our own library of aquatic books and magazines. We started meeting with aquarists from our sister island, Gozo, three years ago. Maltese aquarists were able to share their experiences with Gozitan aquarists and the attendance was encouraging. A relatively large number of aquarists joined in a fairly short period of time. All our members are kept updated through our monthly

MAS logos ABOVE Charles Grima presenting trophies, as President of the Malta Aquarist Society.

ABOVE Charles Grima talking about the society and fish keeping in general at a local radio station.

newsletter called Ilma Car, which means “clear water”. As a society, we are really keen to pass on and share knowledge and experiences with each other, helping members to develop their hobby successfully. We are constantly searching for fresh information - new ways to keep our fish fit and healthy, and in a suitable environment that corresponds to their natural habitat. With adequate knowledge available, both fish keepers and their fish will be happy. It is very nice to have an aquarium, but actually to understand what is best for your fish, knowing their

history, and most of all, being certain that they are healthy and well-cared for, is another thing.

66 Popular Fish Keeping / Summer 2014

What’s the highlight of your fish keeping year?

The most highly anticipated event here is undoubtedly our annual Tropical Fish Show. Every aquarium hobbyist gets his fish in great condition for this competition. Thanks to the hard work of the members, this show has always been a success. It brings a great sense of satisfaction to all those who help with arranging the show, as well as those who enter their fish for the competition.

The winning members are presented with trophies and certificates on a later date at an organised lunch, so it is not just a one-off event either, but forms an important part of the social side of the society’s activities as well. È

Further information Maltese Aquarist Society www.maltaaquarist.com Maltese Aquarist Society Facebook www.facebook. com/groups/183670600050

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