First Chapter Plus - July 2021 Issue

Page 1

What I Am Reading This Summer

Living Instead of Existing Keeping Kids Reading Through the Summer

Post-Pandemic Reading

The Barefoot Librarian Corner














What I Am Reading This Summer Page 5 Featured Books and Authors Page 3 Post-Pandemic Reading Page 10 Indie Books! Pages 6-8 -1112 - 13 - 14- 22- 23-24- 2628-29 -32 Interview with Tim SchuelerAuthor of “22 Dutch Road” Page 18 Keeping Kids Reading Through the Summer Page 9 Book Videos Page 20-21 Living Instead of Existing Page 34 Inside Scoop Live Podcast of the Month Page 25 The Barefoot Librarian Corner Page 26-27


Table of Contents - Featured Books and Authors

28 The World We Choose by Kevin Kunkel Winner of The Book By Book Award for Best Children’s Picture Book 2020/2021 - focuses on the good things about our planet and encourages—and empowers!—kids to make our future even brighter. Cable news often reports on the bad things that happen every day, but we can choose a positive story and make it a reality. This uplifting children’s book reminds us all that we can choose a better world.

6 Joab Russo Author of “AbsoluteTruth” For more than 25 years, Joab Russo has been investigating and corroborating Absolute Truth. Through expressing and sharing of this transformational journey, Joab enjoys helping others in discovering, understanding and applying Absolute Truth towards selfdiscovery, awareness and fulfillment.



Editor’s Note Born and raised in Venezuela of Italian immigrants, Susan completed a BA in Political Science and Business Administration before moving to the US . Although she built a career as a Business Analyst/Accountant, she also kept herself active as a freelance writer in the US; publishing articles, poetry, children’s stories, and illustrations since 1996. She published her first book in 2009, and released her revised edition: Innocent War: Behind An Immigrant’s Past – Book 1 in 2011. Her picture book: Tuma: The Tribe’s Little Princess was published in early 2013 under her own label. Currently, Susan Violante is the Managing Editor/CEO/ Partner of I Have Something to Say Press and Book By Book Publicity, Author, Reviewer, Publicist and Publisher. She resides in Austin, TX with her husband Michel and her dogs, Canela, Karina, and Nutela. Susan is mother of two adult daughters, Arianna and Nicolette, and caregiver to her father. She enjoys cooking, reading, knitting, painting, writing, gardening, and any outdoor activity.

Please consider the environment before printing this e-magazine * First Chapter Plus is a monthly e-Magazine which includes the First Chapters, book videos, and podcasts of recently published books and back lists books. It is distributed to libraries, book stores, media, readers, reviewers, and bloggers; It also offers content of value to our audience.

listings   subscriptions   email creative director/graphic designer Susan Violante © Copyright 2021 First Chapter Plus eco-friendly information First Chapter Plus e-magazine is environment conscious, and has gone 100% green.

Published by I Have Something To Say Press 8650 Spicewood Springs Rd. - Ste 145-178 Austin, Texas 78759.



What I Am Reading This Summer

veryone has their own idea of what type of books they like to read during their summer off time. In my case if I am not going for the cozy mystery or funny romance; I will be reading a non-fiction book. Summer is when I have more time to relax ,so I find it perfect to challenge my mind outside on my patio, at the pool or the beach. I also like to read poetry and YA during this time, but I dedicate most of my reading time during this season to Self-Helps, How-to, and sometimes historical fiction. It sounds like a lot, but I am a fast reader probably with some undiagnosed ADD so I always read more than one book at the same time taking turns depending on the mood of the day…Somehow I focus better with options and since I cannot stay still for too long, the switching books helps me to sit longer. Anyway, below is what I am reading right now: - "What is Self Awareness” by Vipin Gupta (just finished) - “The True Nature of Tarot” by Diane Wing, M.A. - “Forgiving Nero” by Mary Ann Bernal So, do you have your summer reads already at home? If you don’t check out this Issue’s listings and features!


Featured Authors Joab Russo For more than 25 years, Joab Russo has been investigating and corroborating Absolute Truth. Through expressing and sharing of this transformational journey, Joab enjoys helping others in discovering, understanding and applying Absolute Truth towards self-discovery, awareness and fulfillment.

As the first ever compilation of the most undistorted existential information to date, Absolute Truth provides you with the unequivocal, undisputable and everlasting answers to your personal questions, challenges and life events. By redefining your life, reality and existence with meaning of Absolute Truth, you are taken on your ultimate journey of self-discovery and self-trust, for this meaning explains the simple, generic principles by which only you choose and create all of your own reality.



AbsoluteTruth By Joab Russo Joab Russol (2020) ISBN 9780359067619 Tradeback- 386 pages - $24.94 NonFiction - Self-Help


real eye-opener. Russo covers pretty much the entire construct of your perception of reality, from birth to death, and everything in between. I particularly enjoyed the sections on emotions and interpersonal communication. And in every word it is clear that Russo is highly passionate about his work. It's a passion that is infectious. You can't read Absolute Truth without feeling Russo's passion for his work. — Paul Harrison The Daily Meditation.


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rate this book 4 out of 4 stars. This is not light reading, but I would consider it essential reading. It's not a religion, and it's not a science or a cult. It's finding you. The real, you. —


Gifts of Grace Cynthia Bowen Floyd Outskirts Press (2021) - ISBN 9781977239389 Tradeback - 95 pages - $13.95 Losing a child is one of the most difficult things imaginable, but in all things, we all have the promise from our most Precious Savior....Jesus, that absolutely nothing can be truly separated from us, be it a child, a family member or even a true friend that has left this earthly life. We can rest in assurance, redeeming hope and consolation from the Book of Truth; the Bible.

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BEYOND PIPE DREAMS AND PLATITUDES Geraldine K. Piorkowski, Ph.D. Outskirts Press (2020) - ISBN 9781977227744 Tradeback - 151 pages - $15.95 In this eye-opening collection of essays, Dr. Geraldine K. Piorkowski shares what she learned working with people from different socioeconomic levels, races, sexual orientations, and walks of life. Besides reaffirming that all people are fundamentally the same, she discovered many psychological realities that run counter to popular culture.

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Lake of the Cedars Patricia Spencer Outskirts Press (2020) - ISBN 9781977213464 Tradeback - 604 pages - $30.95 Rebecca Smally knows that she has a complex family history. In some ways, it’s typical of the American melting pot, with ancestors who came from England and Germany at the turn of the century, looking for new opportunities and a different life. But in other ways, they are anything but typical.

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Keeping Kids Reading Through the Summer By Susan Violante


y kids are grown ups, and I am still waiting for grandkids, but as a book lover and a Grand aunt of five beautiful kids I have made it my mission to keep them reading, especially during the summer! Yes, I know that they have their reading list from school, and that some even have reading assignments for the summer. But this is one of the reasons I think that it is so important to be creative to keep them reading. I believe that guided reading is important because it encourages reading different topics and Authors while covering grade level skills. However, I think that encouraging kids their own picks is also important to motivate them to keep reading as they discover their own interests. What better time to do this than the summer when they are out of school! Below are some ideas on how to keep your kids reading while discovering their own literary treasures this summer: •Plan an outing to your local bookstore or library with your kids. Encourage them to pick 2 or 3 books they think they would like to take home to read. Then give them time to sit down on table, chair, or floor to browse them before choosing which one to take. By doing this you are increasing their interest on the book they choose, and your child is finding out what he/she likes and what not. •Pick a time of the day at least a couple of days of the week to read to your child or read with your child even if each of you have their own book. Who says that summer quality time has to be active, noisy and crazy? Just using some of the extra time they have off school as quiet time with you will be a special bonding time for both of you. •Ask your kids about what they are reading during dinner as casual conversation. They will love the attention they are receiving from you, but they will also learn skills on book reports by recalling what they read and expressing their opinion about it. They will also learn to have a conversation about a topic that has nothing to do with chores, and school with you.

•Reward them when they finish a book by planning another trip to the bookstore or library! Books are the best tool to bond and relate with your children, and summer is the best time to relax with them as there is more time and no homework to worry about. Enjoy your reading bonding time this summer!





he world is in different stages of healing from the COVID-19 pandemic that devastated society this past year. In some countries, it seems as though a return to normal is within sight. When my state initially shut down, I used that state-wide quarantine period to finish several series that had been sitting on my shelf for years. Now that the bookstores in my area are happily open again, however, I have the opportunity to visit them again. Being able to freely wander most stores again allows me to partake in my favorite part of book shopping: browsing. There’s something fundamentally different from browsing digital bookstores as opposed to exploring the shelves of a bookstore in person. You can run into like-minded people there, people who also enjoy the various flavors of wandering book browsers can experience on a single excursion. Some choose to wander the aisles without aim while others view the bookstore as a hunting ground; they enter with specific targeted aims and will not leave without securing their prizes. In-person book browsing is a unique kind of social activity that I am excited to see returning in some areas. iAnother in-person, book-related activity that might be returning soon is the reading group. Two months before my state’s initial shutdown, I joined a reading group at my local library. Unfortunately, as the pandemic escalated in my area, that reading group fell apart. It was very new and quite small and, as a result, didn’t last through the pandemic. None of the participants knew each other very well and we didn’t try to keep in touch during the shutdown. I’m hoping that now things are slowly beginning to return to normal, my library will try to create more reading groups and community programs. I don’t know many people in my area who enjoy reading, so I am excited to meet some through a reading group! I’m also looking forward to the return of in-person author events. I attended my first one, with Erin Morgenstern at a local indie bookstore the autumn before the COVID-19 pandemic began. I hadn’t attended before then, as not many authors come through my area, and it was an exciting experience I want to duplicate.



Reading seems like such a solitary activity; it’s easy to forget the social aspects of it. I am definitely looking forward to enjoying that part of my hobby again. What’s your favorite aspect to the social side of reading?

Toxemia, Baby and Me An Out of Body Experience By Lorrie O. Hewitt ISBN 9781701166653 AUDIO BOOK - ©2019 View on Amazon

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Aunt Tina, Church Secretary Be Careful What You Say Because She Writes By Lorrie O. Hewitt ASIN: B07Z31YTCS AUDIO BOOK - ©2019 Lorrie Oneita Hewitt LISTEN to Sample Here

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A Knock in the Attic John Russell Outskirts Press (2021) - ISBN 9781977239372 Tradeback - 170 pages - $15.95 John Russell, is a highly regarded professional psychic of almost fifty years, reading for thousands of clients around the world. A Knock in the Attic begins with his first paranormal experience at five-years old and highlights his development as a psychic and paranormal investigator into adulthood, explaining what it is like to grow up psychic, being inundated with spiritual experiences, and yes, sometimes even questioning your spiritual gifts and the guidance from the Other Side.

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Three Houses/Hou3zez Velma Price Smith Outskirts Press (2021) - ISBN 9781977223791 Tradeback - 680 pages - $49.95 The House of Pride, The House of Woe (Marriage) and My House examine Price’s childhood, young adulthood, marriages, 48-year career as a public speaker, English instructor and the interesting people who enriched her journey. Engaging stories & photos analyze the role of performance art and music, appearances on stage at Lone Star College-North Harris in Houston, TX. Price invites readers to explore their connectedness to others in the human family through communal experiences and traditions.

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Crabby Abby J. Naughton Harman Outskirts Press (2021) - ISBN 9781977237781 Tradeback - 30 pages - $26.95 What’s wrong with Crabby Abby? Will she need to go to the ogre doctor, or can she take some steps at home to help control her anger? Perfect for readers aged two to five, J. Naughton Harman’s picture book helps kids understand and manage their emotions. Tested over the decades, first with Harman’s daughters and then with the children they babysat, Crabby Abby offers a positive path toward a better attitude.

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Tales in Scales - The Empty Throne J.F. Gomez-Rivera Outskirts Press (2021) - ISBN 9781977240507 Tradeback - 393 pages - $25.95 Avalonia, One of the three Raptor Kingdoms of Cretatia is on the verge of war since the death of the Alpha-King. Vessel Silvus, a young First-Delta who just became a Mist Caster is forced out of his home by an Army of Rebels must recue his mother who stayed behind. In his journey, the young Raptor will uncover not only a conspiracy but also learns a secret that could save the Kingdom.

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Not for Profit Handbook Richard Cherry Outskirts Press (2020) - ISBN 9781977232045 Tradeback - 78 pages - $19.95 Interested in working for a nonprofit? Looking to volunteer or find a job? Want to donate money or time? Then this handbook is for you. Nonprofit organizations research, advocate & help the needy. Learn about the sector’s importance, the law, management, and finances. Understand the changes taking place in the sector today. Recognize the difference between for-profit and not-for-profit. This handbook provides an easy and quick reference to understanding all the essentials about nonprofits.

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Grossing the Goal Line- Football and the Inner-City Steve Axman Outskirts Press (2021) - ISBN 9781977234483 Tradeback - 390 pages - $14.95 Crossing The Goal Line is the story of two misfits who collide to take on the ills of a socially and racially troubled, inner-city high school football team that hasn’t won a game in four years. Dempsey fights off PTSD, gang wars, failing grades and poverty. Douglas, with the help of a befriended six-foot four, 300 pound offensive tackle, fights to lead the football team while protecting the sassy sister of one of the players.

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Featured Authors B.A. Bellec A graduate of Lights Film School and a proud recipient of a grant from The Canada Council for the Arts, B.A. Bellec has shown a knack for utilizing his skills and background to cast a wide net and attract talented partners. He has completed two very different novels and produced an eclectic mix of songs to accompany them. Come find him on YouTube, Twitter, or Instagram to keep up-to-date with his projects.

Someone’s Story is literally Someone’s story, as in a first-person narrative of a teenager that calls himself Someone.

As he struggles to find a new footing in a new space, we encounter the many ups and downs of modern teenage life, the difficulties that adjusting to adult feelings bring, and a few tear-jerking surprises along the way. The endearing debut novel from B.A. Bellec is a coming-of-age story you won’t forget anytime soon.



Someone’s Story B.A. Bellec B.A. Bellec (2020) ASIN B089M43TS2 eBook - 328 pages - $3.99 Fiction - YA-16


A. Bellec has crafted a masterpiece of emotive and well-rounded young adult fiction.

— K.C. Finn Author


. A. Bellec has truly created

a masterpiece that deserves worldwide recognition, awards and so much more.

— Rebecca Ryan Reedsy

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READER VIEWS B O OK OF THE MONTH Discerning Grace By Emma Lombard Fiction - Novel Independently Published (2021) ISBN 9780645105803 Reviewed by: Cynthia Hammell for Reader Views (07/2021)


iscerning Grace,” is the first novel in Emma Lombard’s, “White Sails” series. Young Grace Baxter is the daughter of Lord and Lady Flint. Without Grace’s consent, they have negotiated her engagement to the monstrous Lord Silverton. Grace knows her parents will not protect her against this loathsome and dangerous man, so she gmust escape. She borrows some men’s clothes from a childhood friend, cuts her hair, and flees disguised as a boy. She hears that the naval vessel, HMS Discerning, is leaving soon for Chile and Tierra del Fuego and needs hands. Grace joins the expedition as a recruit, hoping her disguise works, even though she has a brief acquaintance with Lieutenant Seamus Fitzwilliam who will be aboard. She is willing to take that chance in order to get thousands of miles from Silverton. The setting and the behavior of the sailors are written realistically. Lombard somehow convinces the reader that Grace gets away with her disguise for about five months. Most sailors would not have imagined that a young lady would have the stamina for navy life. Lombard describes how Grace withstands its rigors. Grace is a strong female character who is brave and stubborn occasionally to the point of recklessness, but she is believable and sympathetic. The reader will be interested in her fate. Once her identity is discovered, it is too late to turn around. Lieutenant Fitzwilliam promises to protect her, partly in allegiance to her beloved uncle, Admiral Baxter, who once saved his life. ...The plot has plenty of action and suspense and has enough turns to exclude over-predictability. Overall, for readers who are interested in this period of British history, Lombard has written a satisfying romantic adventure. To read complete review click here or visit



READER VIEWS KIDS B O OK OF THE MONTH Saratoga: The Illustrated Colonials Book Three By Tom Durwood Young Adult - 16 Empire Studies Press (2021) ISBN 9781952520181 Reviewed by Jeni Tahaney. for Reader Views Kids (6/21)


n "Saratoga," the final installment of Durwood’s Illustrated Colonials series, readers find the young heroes more determined than ever. Mahmoud, disinherited by his father, crosses the Atlantic to aid the colonials’ cause. Two additional men are dispatched to follow Mahmoud. One man is assigned as his protector and the other, his assassin. During the voyage, Mahmoud matures and transforms from a pudgy teenager into a lean young man. As he lands in Boston, resolves to find Gilbert and deliver the important documents that will aid the Americans both financially and in strength with new alliances. Along the way, Mahmoud meets Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne and finds himself at odds with the British leader. Mahmoud is then kidnapped and eventually rescued by a Native American brave. After a series of events, Mahmoud is reunited with his protector, Kace. Mahmoud then reveals his tactical skills and aids the Americans at the battle of Saratoga. The papers delivered to Gilbert go to Benjamin Franklin, who then presents them to the King of France. As each letter is revealed to the King, the pact between the six main characters comes to fruition. Alliances are formed between Dutch merchants, Catherine the Great, the Ottoman Admiralty, and Chinese seafaring cartels. Each of these institutions has promised France great rewards if they aid the Americans. The heroes have fulfilled their promise made in Book One: The Pact. At the end, each of the main characters who survived are still fighting for the American ideals bestowed upon them by their beloved school masters. ...Those who enjoy historical fiction will fall in love with Durwood’s story. In addition, those who crave adventure will also enjoy the journey these characters experience. Therefore, it is the opinion of this reader that all audiences from age 10 and up will enjoy this exciting book, “Saratoga: The Illustrated Colonials Book Three.” However, one should also read Book One: The Pact and Book Two: Home Fronts in order to appreciate the entire story of these young heroes.

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house once before, but he remembers the layout well enough to be surprised by two dozen samurai statues around the property’s perimeter. It’s puzzling; his father had never been interested it art. Billy enters the house and shortly thereafter begins to hear his deceased father’s voice. This is an impossibility he wishes to flee from, but he can’t leave the house without forfeiting the inheritance (it’s a condition of his father’s will that he must stay there five nights). From there, the reader gets to witness how determined (and unhealthy) Billy ultimately becomes to get his inheritance. 22 Dutch Road is your debut novel – what motivated you to sit down and write a book? I I read extensively, which sounds great, but most of it is escapist: post-apocalyptic tales, ghost stories, military heroics: in a word, boy-books, some of which are quite trashy (which I mean in the unsavory sense, not the bodice-ripping sense). I do read “real” books, Pulitzer prize winners like The Goldfinch and autobiographies including

im “T.C.” Schueler lives with his wife and two children in Cary, an incorporated area just outside of Raleigh, NC. He graduated from Virginia Tech with a degree in civil engineering and has spent his professional life pursuing solutions to ecological problems, such as wetland loss. He grew up in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, D.C. A boyhood fascination with Chesapeake Bay rivers still lives within him. He swims regularly (in pools, not rivers) and enjoys the outdoors. He is an omnivorous reader who took up writing at the age of 50. Hi Tim, thank you for joining us today at Reader Views! Tell us a bit about your novel, 22 Dutch Road. A young man, Billy, returns to his deceased father’s home to claim a small but much needed inheritance. His divorced father, Richard, who he hated, still looms large in Billy’s life. Richard’s estate—investments, plus a soon to be auctioned off suburban mansion-ette—is in hock. Billy’s only been to his father’s 18


Obama’s recent memoir. At the end of the day, however, I usually want to read about how the last remnants of humanity are faring against the surging zombie hordes, because compared to that, my problems are non-problems. But after years of this, I realized (finally) that some books were better than others—some far better. After a particularly bad stinker, I found myself saying, “This novel is so awful, I can write something better.” I took myself up on that challenge. Plus the monkeys told me to do it. How long did it take you to write 22 Dutch Road? Three and a half years. Talk about your writing process. Do you have a routine? hI developed writing processes mostly the hard way, but I did get a few things right from

the beginning. I knew that I tend to go deeply down rabbit holes (sometimes a necessary trait for an engineer like me but potentially dangerous for a novelist) so I limited the main story to a one week period, with each chapter covering a day or a portion of a day. That was a very helpful guardrail. The book was written on weekends, about one hour each weeknight, every single lunch hour for 3.5 years, holidays and time I just took off from work. It was a daunting, and at times, overwhelming process, but I stuck with it: “I’m gonna write this novel even if it kills me.” Plus, the monkeys gave me no choice. Read the complete interview with Tim Schueler

By Sheri Hoyte



B O OK VIDEOS The best way to check out a book!


ometimes we need a little bit more than an endorsement, book review or book cover to get a feeling for the story and decide on whether to purchase or not a title. For me, the little something is a book video. A book video not only brings to life the main story or topic for the reader, it can also portray a feeling on who the Author is and what message he or she wants to share. Below are some things I get from book videos that help make the decision to read the book but also gives me insight on its contents, improving in many cases, my reading experience. • The images – unlike movie trailers which use previews from the movie, the book video images could be off putting when reading the story, as the characters looks and settings will be a combined result of the descriptions, and the readers’ imagination. But images that do not mess with such specifics and instead reflect the message, topic, or plot are perfect as a preview of a book, because it helps us to visualize in a short time the content of the book. • Background music and narrator’s voice – The sound allows the possible reader to feel the mood of the story. Is it thrilling? Mysterious? Romantic? • Finally, but not least is the script of the slides or voice narration. Here is where we learn what the book is all about, and other information like endorsements, Author website, and where to get the book. What is awesome about book videos is that we get all the above information in one minute or less! Check out some book videos we included here by clicking on the cover!



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Moments in Flight By Jo-Ann Vega Outskirts Press (2020) - ISBN 9781977233240 Tradeback - 233 pages - $21.95 Set in the last half century of transformative cultural change, Jo-Ann Vega’s memoir chronicles personal voyages of discovery beyond traditional boundaries of gender and culture.

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Disappeared And Found By Kerry Reis Outskirts Press (2021) - ISBN 9781977217721 Tradeback - 183 pages - $15.95 A young woman’s search for her biological family opens up a mystifying nineteen-year-old cold case of a mother and her baby daughter disappearing while on a walk, a development that arouses interest and surprise from a couple of television programs, local and federal law enforcement, and a splintered family.

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Lincoln’s World By James Reilly Outskirts Press (2020) - ISBN 9781977235428 Tradeback - 245 pages - $20.95 This adventure begins as a young African boy’s story and unveils some dramatic changes in the societies across the entire African continent. We travel into Africa’s’ undiscovered possibilities and a future open to many wonders from the reclaiming of ancient lands to the newly discovered outposts that are now shared by the human race along with other strange and unique life forms using much different unimagined technologies orbiting around the planets of extremely distant stars.

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When God Does Not Answer An Honest Prayer By Daniel Jappah Outskirts Press (2020) - ISBN 9781977228345 Tradeback - 138 pages - $13.95 For Christians with or without strong religious practices, encountering life’s crises, praying & finding no answers. The spiritual doubt that follows is the most difficult kind of doubt to overcome. How does a Christian deal with God, faith, and prayer when in a life-crushing situation, an honest prayer goes unanswered? When prayer fails, why still believe in God? Why continue to pray? If you want honest answers, this book is for you.

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Jimmy Donald Provance, Jr. Outskirts Press (2020) - ISBN 9781977228147 Tradeback - 199 pages - $17.95 Jimmy is the story of a boy growing up in the Ozarks, 1969. He and his dad love baseball and the outdoors until a terrible accident. Inspired by childhood friends, Ozarkian Donald Provance Jr. shows us the natural beauty of the region through Jimmy’s eyes, reminding us that friends bring joy to life and soften the pain of loss. Jimmy is a baseball story; a tale from the Ozarks which captures the triumph of positivity.

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A New Lease on Life By James Ocansey Outskirts Press (2021) - ISBN 9781977230171 Tradeback - 119 pages - $18.95 We all have only one life to live. It is safe to assume that we all want to live a long and healthy life free from pain, disease and untimely death. A New Lease on Life helps us to do that based on research by various authorities mostly in holistic medicine. It shows you how the body works and what you can do to help it do its work of self-repair or healing.

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KILO 3 By Richard W. Foster, Jr. Outskirts Press (2020) - ISBN 9781977239068 Tradeback - 363 pages - $33.95 This is the true story of a 17-year-old kid who quit high school in his junior year to join the Marines. After a short cruise with the 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean, he was assigned to a rifle company in Vietnam during the heaviest fighting of the war in 1967 and 1968.

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If Men Were Gods By Larry Farr Outskirts Press (2021) - ISBN 9781977240019 Tradeback - 470 pages - $25.95 George Slay is a smallish man who has learned how to fight. He fought bullies in school, NVA soldiers in Vietnam, road bandits in Venezuela, street thugs in Oregon and challenges of all stripes as he developed a chocolate empire. His final battle will occur in the house of Congress of the nation George calls home.

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Two Chairs and a Box of Tissues By Greg Delaney Outskirts Press (2021) - ISBN 9781977225078 Tradeback - 289 pages - $28.95 Graduate student Kathleen consults with Greg, an experienced counselor and educator, for help with her Master’s thesis about the work of counseling professionals. With Greg providing examples, anecdotes, and lessons from his own counseling and educational work, the two of them explore, discuss, and debate a variety of topics related to counselor education and development.

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INSIDE SCO OP LIVE POD CAST OF THE MONTH Jennifer Yeates Camara is a poet living in Vancouver, Canada. She is the youngest of 13 children, born to an extremely poor family in Ontario, Canada. She grew up in an old house that someone had paid her father to haul away, albeit without plumbing as the water was never hooked up! Jennifer’s early life in the 70s included an outhouse, a well, and a wood-burning fireplace.

For more information about Jennifer Yeates Camara and her work, visit her website at:

Click Here To Listen to Podcast Topics of Conversation • About Reduction Fired and her inspiration behind the collection • Architectural and West Coast Contemporary influences • Using Imagery from Nature • How to enjoy Poetry for those hesitant to jump in • Poetry Readings: • Leaving • Warmth • What's next for Jennifer Yeates Camara?



ABOUT ANDRE et al. By Delcy Voisine Outskirts Press (2020) - ISBN 9781977234858 Tradeback - 97 pages - $10.95 “About Andre et al.” is more than a book about a boy. It is about his father’s family and how a tragic event during its first year ended what was a happy and promising start. It is about how a decision to relocate and gamble on a career that he was ill-prepared for led to an austere life though happy and healthy it was.

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Riding with Ghosts, Angels, and the Spirits of the Dead By John Russell Outskirts Press (2020) - ISBN 9781977233288 Tradeback - 165 pages - $14.95 As an internationally known professional psychic, John Russell has experienced a host of compelling and sometimes spine-chilling paranormal adventures. His book Riding with Ghosts, Angels, and the Spirits of the Dead is an episodic collection of really good ghost stories...all of which happen to be true!

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Check out the Sponsors for the 2021-2022 Reader Views Literary Awards!



New Small Indie Publisher Launches First Authors Austin, TX, July 12th, 2021—I Have Something to Say Press is ecstatic to announce their first books as an Indie traditional platform publishing model. Editor, Susan Violante says, “Our mission is to promote the sharing of life lessons through story telling by focusing our publishing efforts to produce a high-quality product.” “We chose ‘Becoming an Angel of Change’ (ISBN - 9781647751784) by Bineta Ngom and ‘La Clave’ (ISBN - 9780985430825) - Spanish, translation of “The Key” by Marjorie L. Anderson, because they fit our mission perfectly as works from awesome women eager to make a difference by sharing relatable, current life lessons that will be helpful to readers through the written word and storytelling.”–Susan Violante states. “Becoming an Angel of Change” by Bineta Ngom is a collection of inspirational stories, where the author details her journey exploring her life’s purpose, helping others in need. From her beginnings as an eight-year-old philanthropist in Senegal, to her adult life establishing outreach programs in the United States, readers will be inspired to discover their strength, uniqueness, and purpose. “La Clave” by Marjorie L Anderson shares the author’s financial knowledge and experience to help teens get a head start in life. The book presents readers with basic financial knowledge and life changing know-how tips on how to manage money to make the most of their income to build a successful future. But Anderson does not stop there, she also teaches young people to invest in their communities by buying local products and donating to help others. La Clave is the Spanish translation of Marjorie L. Anderson’s Reader Views Award winner “The Key.” Authors who wish to submit their manuscripts for consideration to I Have Something to Say Press are encouraged to visit their website before querying. Visit to check out and purchase our books or to submit your manuscript query. Book reviewers are encouraged to request a copy of our books to review.

Little Lorrie Lincoln Goes to James and Pearl's Library By Lorrie O. Hewitt ISBN: 9781705341629

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AUDIO BOOK - ©2020 Lorrie Oneita Hewitt (P)2020 Lorrie View on Amazon Here


Featured Authors Kevin Kunkel Kevin Kunkel believes people are good. He hopes his books help unlock that goodness. He lives in Minnesota with his wife and two boys, which means he can never see a movie featuring snow without commenting that “Hollywood doesn’t understand real cold.” Kevin is a former stand-up comedian who is fully committed to fixing the screen door by fall or next spring at the latest.

Winner of The Book By Book Award for Best Children’s Picture Book 2020/2021 - focuses on the good things about our planet and encourages—and empowers!—kids to make our future even brighter. Cable news often reports on the bad things that happen every day, but we can choose a positive story and make it a reality. This uplifting children’s book reminds us all that we can choose a better world.

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The World We Choose By Kevin Kunkel Kevin Kunkel (2020) ISBN 9781643438962 Hard Cover - 24 pages - $17.95 Fiction - Early Reader (5-7 years old)


ngaging, relevant, and fun. "The World We Choose" made a timely appearance and shines a much-needed light on the positive in our world.... — Eve Panzer Barefoot Librarian


ncouragement, inspiration, and positive vibes fill these pages and remind that life is full of hope and just as many good things (if not more) than bad. — Tonja Dreckerw Bookworm for Kids


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BAREFO OT LIBRARIA N CORNER Eve Panzer reviews books for Reader Views Kids as well as her own business, Barefoot Librarian. Monthly she publishes the Barefoot Librarian Newsletter. She sells children’s books published by Barefoot Books and Usborne Books & More at book fairs, educational conferences, community events, and online. She earned her Masters in Library and Information Science from the University of Texas in Austin and worked as a school librarian before retiring to start her own business. Eve Panzer

Layered books: Across curriculum and age groups As a school librarian, I had a limited book budget. And as a children's bookseller, I know that my customers also have limits to their budget. So, I found an easy way to stretch a book budget –books that can be used across ages/ abilities and curriculum. Books that cross the curriculum allow educators and parents to teach multiple topics from one book. These subjects can include math, science, history, social studies, diversity, global awareness, and geography. Characters that embody empathy, inclusiveness, self-confidence, self-esteem, caring, generosity, open-mindedness, etc., help with ESL (Emotional Social Learning) and provide an effective springboard to meaningful discussions. There are several ways that a range of age groups can utilize books. For example, books can have different narratives unfolding simultaneously on each page. Often there is simple text for emergent readers and detailed endnotes for advanced readers. The two books I recommend this month demonstrate this. Skip Through the Seasons contains a few lines of text on each page. In addition, there are words across the bottom of the page which name objects in the illustrations. Ask non-readers to point out these items in the images. Seeing, hearing, and identifying the items these words represent, will help develop reading skills. Riding on the Caravan has text in different fonts on each page. One font tells the story; the other font repeats a simple refrain. In addition, endnotes often provide a way to use the book to teach across the curriculum. For example, the endnotes of Skip Through the Seasons include origins of names for the months; the science behind the changing seasons; cultures with different; the names of the days of the week in five languages; and ancient gods who represent each day of the week. Endnotes for Riding on a Caravan has a Silk Road map with descriptions of the significant stops. Photos of the Silk Road modern markets the author visited are a nice plus. The story of the origins and creation of silk is a bonus. History, science, geography, language, science, and cultures can all be taught using the endnotes of these books. Look for books that stretch your budget.

Happy reading, Eve - Barefoot Librarian



THE BAREFO OT LIBRARIAN B O OKS OF THE MONTH Riding on a Caravan By Laurie Krebs - Illustrated by Helen Cann Barefoot Books (2017) - ISBN 9781782853442 ( Kindergarten - 8) - Tradeback - 32 pages - $8.99

Riding on a Caravan is a rhyming story of a young boy and his journey along the Silk Road. Along the way, the reader learns names of places the caravan visits and distances between the stops, and what was traded or done at each location. At the bottom of the pages is the repeating refrain, “We’re Riding on a caravan, a bumpy, bumpy caravan. We’re riding on a caravan to places far away.” Illustrations are detailed, colorful with a watercolor look. Riding on a Caravan has endnotes that include a map of the Silk Road, photos of the modern-day markets still along the Silk Road, and the story of silk.

Skip through the Seasons By Stella Blackstone - Illustrared by Maria Carluccio

Age 3 - 5 years - Tradeback - 32 pages - $6.99 Barefoot Books (2007) ISBN 9781905236718

Skip Through the Seasons devotes a two-page spread to each month with playful, colorful, and detailed illustrations depicting the prevalent weather during that month. The rhyming text ends in the same question for each month: “…what can you see?”, inviting the reader to identify the objects listed at the bottom of the page. The vocabulary is lyrical, leaves descriptive and rich: “Whirl into March…the wind is whistling down the street.” “Jive into July.” “Sweep into November…leaves are dancing as they fall.” Endnotes include information about different calendars (Babylonian, Egyptian, Roman, Aztec, Hebrew, Islamic, Hindu); the names of the days of the week in French, Spanish, Italian, German, and AngloSaxon; Babylonian, Greek, Roman, and Norse gods who represent each day of the week; and a scientific explanation of the changing of the seasons.



Featured Authors Sandra Brown Lindstedt Sandra Brown Lindstedt was born and raised on the south-side of Chicago. As a black girl growing up in poverty, with virtually no role models, she struggled. But with the help of her grandmother’s abiding faith in God and in her, she graduated from Lewis & Clark College with a bachelor’s degree in Theatre and English. Today she resides in Gothenburg, Sweden, with her husband Christer, working as the drama director for Smyrna International. Sandy has an invisible secret weapon. It’s activated by her grandmother to ward off the evil she’d face, moving to Chicago to live with her mother. Though it was tiny, it was the most powerful thing in the Universe. When darkness was out of control, it was strong enough to turn a bully like Gorilla Girl into her friend. It was the Firefly. If she could keep it glowing inside her, she could conquer anything. - A multi-award-winning children’s book: * 2021 International Book Awards Winner Children’s Mind/Body/Spirit * 2021 International Book Awards Finalist - Children’s Religious * Reader Views’ Grand Prize for Best Fiction 2020. * Reader Views’ Gold Medal - Young Readers Category 2020 * Reader Views’ Gold Medal - Teen Category 2020 * Reader Views’ Regional Awards - South Winner 2020 * Readers’ Favorite - 5-star Seal * The AME Award - Best Debut Fiction 2020



Life of a Firefly By Sandra Brown Lindstedt Fiction - Juvenile / Young Reader (8-12 years old) Independently published by Sandra Brown Lindstedt(2020) ISBN 9798679133327 Tradeback - 157 pages - $9.85


andra Brown-Lindstedt says simply and ingenuously that it is “particularly suited for ages 8–12.” I’m afraid that’s like saying To Kill A Mockingbird is at heart a children’s book just because it’s narrated by a child. So is Life of a Firefly. But the child, a young girl named Sandy Forte, is every bit the storyteller and every bit as literate as Scout. This book is every whit as powerful, as emotive, and as profoundly evocative and compelling as its more-famous classic cousin. Sandy Forte is one of the most appealing characters ever to appear in contemporary fiction. — Joel R. Dennstedt Readers’ Favorite I loved this book! When I first picked it up I was afraid it would be too “young” for me but Sandy is a character that captured my attention immediately and I soon found myself taking any chance I could to break away from everything and read. Sandy is hilarious and had me laughing out loud throughout the whole book. Her personality is as big as life – she says what’s on her mind and that often gets her into trouble, but sometimes it’s her inner thoughts that are the funniest. — Amy C. Reader Views Kids

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Living Instead of Existing

by Susan Violante

During difficult times many of us find ourselves re-examining our lives. We wonder if all the work and stress we put in everyday is worth it. We wonder if we are living or simply existing. Because of the pandemic lockdown I have been contemplating my life and wondering the same thing. I realized that my routine did not change much because I had been working from home since 2010 already. Yet something was different. I was forced to be hoe 24/7. To make things worse my mother went into hospice at home as my dad and her had moved in with us in 2015. It was through this time that my life went into existing mode and stayed there until a couple of months ago. My mother transitioned, the pandemic ran its course and I kept existing day by day as my father’s health issues and needs occupied half of my time and work and my own health issues took the other half. I can’t really tell why it took me so long to realize I had stopped living but I know it had nothing to do with the lock down. Living is a mindset, a way to see and feel things. Although our lives are influenced and affected by our environment and people who surrounds us, we are the ones that control our mindset. We decide every morning when we wake up on how we live and take in our day. Somehow at some point I decided to stop living and was contempt on existing. At some point I decided I existed long enough and began living again. The health issues, pandemic and work are still there but something click in my head and my life began again. Below are things I believe helped me back to living: • Meditation and Prayer – Everyday I get into my portable steam room to help with my arthritis and fibromyalgia pain. Since I sit there uninterrupted for about an hour. I found it a perfect time to meditate and pray. I think that that practice contributed to get back to living. • Reading – Reading also helped as it motivates reflection, use of your imagination, and quiets your mind from your surroundings. Some reads also helped me to look within. • My three dachshunds – Puppies and other pets also help to get in touch with life as they make you laugh; get you annoyed and give you love and demand your attention. Just having to walk the dogs was helpful to connect with neighbors and get me out of mental hibernation.



Sometimes, we do the right things and accomplish a fulfilled life. However, that doesn’t mean we lived our life. To live our life, we must experience the little things. We not only need to do what we must to achieve what we set ourselves to accomplish. We must experience life. Feel the warmth of the sun by noticing how bright shines its light, by noticing the heat inside our car, by making the most of it by taking time to sit outside or go for a walk because it is nice and warm today. Pausing and being present in the moment with all your senses to absorb as much as you can is what living is about. In short, we exist to live and not the other way around. This is true no matter how bad things are around us. So, what are you waiting for? Stop existing and get on to living!

FIRST CHAPTER PLUS Connecting Readers to Indie Books www.firstchapterplus.

e-magazine . July 2021 volume 12 . issue 7

Published by I Have Something to Say Press

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