First Chapter Plus September 2022 Issue

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Interview with Daniel Santos Author of “Life is Inevitable” by Sheri Hoyte No Tricks, All TreatsHalloween Around the World by Barefoot Librarian First Chapter Plus New Books and Videos by I Have Something To Say Press Roadmap to Fall Promoting by Susan Violante



Please consider the environment before printing this e-magazine

Chapter Plus is a monthly e-Magazine which includes the First Chapters, book videos, and podcasts of recently published books and back lists books. It is distributed to libraries, book stores, media, readers, reviewers, and bloggers; It also offers content of value to our audience.

conscious, and has gone 100% green.

Published by I Have Something To Say Press 11900 Jollyville Rd. #201673 Austin, Texas 78759.

First Chapter Plus

Happy Podcast Day!

• Now, once you have conceptualized your podcast you need to put some thought on how you will format your show. Will you interview guests? Will you have a co-host to talk about the news, updates, current affairs…etc.? Will it be a one person show? How long will it be? Wil you run advertisements or commercials. The best way to decide what you want to do is to check out others similar of what you are shooting to launch.

You will need a headset, a mic, and an editing software to put your podcast together. There are several to choose from. I personally found a regular head set with mic good and audacity simple enough editing system to learn how to use. September 30th is International Podcast Day. Perfect timing to start your own!

Born and raised in Venezuela of Italian immigrants, Susan completed a BA in Political Science and Business Administration before moving to the US . Al though she built a career as a Business Analyst/Ac countant, she also kept herself active as a freelance writer in the US; publishing articles, poetry, children’s stories, and illustrations since 1996. She published her first book in 2009, and released her revised edi tion: Innocent War: Behind An Immigrant’s Past –Book 1 in 2011. Her picture book: Tuma: The Tribe’s Little Princess was published in early 2013 under her own label. Currently, Susan Violante is the Managing Editor/CEO/Partner of I Have Something to Say Press and Book By Book Publicity, Author, Reviewer, Publicist and Publisher. She resides in Austin, TX with her husband Michel and her dogs, Canela, Karina, and Nutela. Susan is mother of two adult daughters, Ari anna and Nicolette, and caregiver to her father. She enjoys cooking, reading, knitting, painting, writing, gardening, and any outdoor activity.


• Once you have developed your idea, it is time to produce it. Start with a free account on the platform you selected like, or You can always upgrade it once you learn how it works. You can fin intro music through royalty free stores like envato. •com.

Susan Violante - Managing Editor

Editor’s Note

• A podcast is not that different from your blog in its foundation. Choose a topic you know (normally it is the topic you write about). Decide the frequency you wish to post and do your research of which platform would work best for you.

Authors are always pitching to the media to get their message out to the audience. So why not become part of the media? The best way to do this is by starting your own podcast. As authors promoting our books, we can be considered experts on our book’s topics due to the amount of research we must do for our book project. Furthermore, our genuine passion for the topics we spend so much time researching and writing about is the most important ingredient to be able to produce a successful podcast. So why not host your own podcast! Below are some tips on how to start a podcast.

Book Videos

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Page 15 Roadmap to Fall Promoting by Susan Violante

Interview with Daniel Santos Author of “Life is Inevitable”

3 PageContents02

Table of

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ISL Podcast of the Month


No Tricks, All Treats - Halloween Around the World by Barefoot Librarian

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Editor’s Note - Happy Podcast Day!

Book Reviews of the Month


This book shows us how to embrace our own uniqueness, talents, and interests, empowering those that read it to feel super! Perfect for kids beginning school, full of new faces, to those well versed in making new friends, this is a read perfect for helping our little ones understand more about themselves and the talents of everyone around them.

Amy Pflueger


Featured Books and Authors

his is such a powerful resource. As a pediatric occupational therapist myself, I find this book to be important for parents, students, teachers and the team that a child has around them. We so often get lost in what a child cannot do, and need to stop and remember all the beautiful powers each unique and individual child has. Love the incorporation of all the calming strategies! Customer

—Jill ReaderReyViews


For more information about Amy visit

— Amazon

I am a Best-Selling and AwardWinning author, and is a proud mother of two totally awesome boys who both have autism. I have a bachelor’s degree in business, and I am an autism self advocate who loves learning about autism and supporting autism organizations. I advocate for kids with autism to be heard, valued and understood. My mission through this book is to encourage self belief and resilience, to embrace different abilities, and to empower kids with autism to reach their full potential no matter what challenges they have.


** *Reviewer’s Choice Award for Best Book Written/Illustrated by an Author/Illustrator Age 18 and Under.

Synopsis: This book explains autism though the lens of an autistic child in a special way inviting people to visit their unique world, to help people understand more about autism and the reasons behind their unique behaviors, to embrace differences and to raise acceptance. This story is to empower kids with autism to believe in themselves and reach their full potential no matter what challenges they have; encouraging them to be confident in being who they are - because they are who they’re meant to be!

By Amy Pflueger who I’m meant to



Nonfiction - Children/ Early Reader-8 Published (2021) - 30 pages - $9.99

ISBN 9798519247504 Tradeback

View on Amazon 6 This Is Me! I am


ISBN Raked9781942410287GravelPress (2022)

“a perfect blending of murder mysteries that fans of detective stories will find most satisfying!”

Tokyo, one, the death of an accomplished executive in one of the fastest-growing wealth management firms in Tokyo, and another murder that is followed by the kidnapping of two girls of an affluent overseas couple. His experience and skill are put to test when he unearths seedy schemes of overseas investments and tax evasion. This is as he navigates the murky waters of avarice, violence, and treachery in the most popular city in Japan where the bold merge with tradition and order evens the chaos... The author has written a rivet ing ode that is rhapsodic and rattling, with sentences that feel like carved magma: honed and polished. His ability to present readers with red herrings along the chapters, along with possible culprits, ultimately sets off the inner sleuth in them.....

“Azabu Getaway” by Michael Pronko is unquestionably a five-star novel and, by all accounts, an affable lush. I am disposed to agree that all whodunits should end as gratifyingly. It is quite entertaining and written with incredible agility and insight. Altogether, this literary feat presents a perfect blending of murder mysteries that fans of detective stories will find most satisfying! Read complete review or visit


Reviewed by: Lily Andrews for Reader Views


zabu Getaway is an astounding whodunit by Michael Pronko and the fifth installment in the Detective Hiroshi series. Detective Hiroshi Shimizu swings into action to investigate a series of murders that occur in

Fiction - Mystery / Detective

By Michael Pronko

All Roads Lead to Nowhere Azabu Getaway



Boy In The Treetops

ISBN 978943455348

Fiction -Teen/Young Adult - Ages 12 And Up

“It certainly is a book for the whole family. I plan to let my kids read this book and would recommend this one for the bookshelves at home or the lo cal library..”


Sam Newson has brought to life the legends of the Outer Banks of NC. He grew up in North Carolina, so he has personal knowledge of the setting he chose for “Boy in the Treetops.” The story begins on the Hiatt plantation in 1812. In the whitewashed row of slave houses, a young boy named Sammy prepares for his new job as the houseboy. He is excited because he won’t have to be in the fields where it’s hot and the days are long.


DW Beam Publishing (2021)

By Dr. Sam Newsome (Author), Erica White (Illustrator)

As Sammy grows, he understands he is a slave boy who is about to be a man fit for the fields. After the loss of his brother, he decides it’s time to leave the plantation. His journey finds him taking on the identity of his dead brother. In a twist of fate, he and his new friend Bird begin a new life on the ship Mirabelle. Sammy, who becomes Johnny, becomes stuck in a tree as a storm takes the Mirabelle farther out to sea. Then we fast forward... I absolutely loved this book. My hometown is in Surry County, NC. I spent many vacations on the Outer Banks. Dr. Newsome is also a Carolina boy and therefore does a fantastic job describing the culture, traditions, and geography of this area. The way he ties all the parts of this story together is amazing. His writing was free of grammatical errors and easy to read. “Boy In the Treetops” is written for young adults. It certainly is a book for the whole family. I plan to let my kids read this book and would recommend this one for the bookshelves at home or the local library. Read complete review or visit

Reviewed by: Ashley Hooker for Reader Views (09/2022)

Mr. Nannini began his writing career when he published his own newspaper in the sixth grade and charged 25 cents per school quarter for the privilege of reading the only hand-written copy of each edi tion. The newspaper was a modest success. During his undergraduate years, he was a paid newspaper reporter and worked three semesters as the Research Assistant to journalism professor Richard Stocks Carlson, Ph.D. Nannini’s newspaper reporting paid for his senior year of undergrad. Carlson advised him to always write as if his readers have an 8th-grade education or less, something he took with a grain of salt.


— Book Life

For more information about Marcus visit midnight-flight-to-nuremberg/

author of Left for Dead at Nijmegen, takes flight in this gripping account of courage in the air, the story of pilot Harry E. Watson, who flew 27 combat missions in World War II and was the recipient of seven Battle Stars and three Air Medals. Nannini, who interviewed First Lieutenant Watson extensively, opens this vivid account in the thick of the war, with the tense tale of Watson.

—Midwest Book Review


Featured Books and Authors

Marcus A. Nannini

Ariveting and detailed military memoir, "Midnight Flight to Nuremberg: The Capture of the Nazi who put Adolf Hitler into Power" is an extraordinary and recommended addition to community, college, and university library World War II biographies.

View on Amazon


Synopsis: This is the story of an American C-47 ‘Dakota’ pilot who earned three Air Medals, seven Battle Stars and flew twenty-seven combat missions during the Second World War. Around midnight, in early April 1945, he was sent on a secret mission to fly to a point near Nuremberg, which was behind enemy lines at the time. It was necessary for him to locate an empty meadow in the dark, land, load a party of US soldiers and their captives, and then take-off again. He pulled it off. Among those prisoners was Franz von Pappen, the man who had persuaded President Hindenburg to make Hitler Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Von Papen had been seized at his own home by First Lieutenant Thomas McKinley and his men from the US 194th Glider Infantry Regiment.

By Marcus A. Nannini

Nonfiction - Biography Air World, An Imprint Of Pen & Sword Books (2021)

** * Gold Winner: Overall Best Non-Fiction

Hardcover - 224 pages - $32.95

Midnight Flight To Nuremberg


ISBN 9781526792730


Conor started his own YouTube channel, Dragon Rider Network, in October of 2008, dedicated to discussing technology news and tech product reviews. In September of 2018, nearly 11 years after his first visit to the city, he would travel 3000 miles over four days by train to his new home of San Francisco, CA.

For more information about Conor visit

Conor Mitchell was born in October of 1994 and raised in the suburbs just outside of Baltimore, MD. Growing up, he had gained a fascination with photography and videography. In 2007, while visiting his uncle in Palo Alto, CA, Conor experienced the city of San Francisco for the very first time. From the minute he got on the plane back to Baltimore, he never stopped talking about his plan to eventually move back to the city he fell in love with after only one visit.

Although Conor was unsure what he was so drawn to the city for expressly, he knew he had a purpose of serving, and San Francisco was the key to this purpose. With all he had experienced with COVID-19 and the last several months of his time in the city, documenting one of the most historical times in world history could very well have been his calling. On March 16th, 2020, San Francisco announced that it would be instituting a Shelter-In-Place to help combat the spread of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It was the first major metropolitan area in California and the United States to enact such an action. Yet, throughout those first 100 days, Conor Mitchell, a photographer and videographer living in downtown San Francisco, found himself alone in the city he had called home for just 18 months.

Conor Mitchell Featured Books and Authors

Taking as many pictures as he could, Conor curated a collection of photos in this book to best illustrate what a total lockdown in one of the most famous cities in the world looked like.

Outskirts Press (2021)

** * Overall Best NonFiction Bronze Winner

ISBN 9781977241160

By Conor Mitchell

View on Amazon

Synopsis: On March 16th, 2020, San Francisco announced that it would be instituting a Shelter-In-Place to help combat the spread of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It was the first major metropolitan area in California and the United States to enact such an action. Yet, throughout those first 100 days, Conor Mitchell, a photographer and videographer living in downtown San Francisco, found himself alone in the city he had called home for just 18 months. Taking as many pictures as he could, Conor curated a collection of photos in this book to best illustrate what a total lockdown in one of the most famous cities in the world looked like. But the street would not stay quiet for long. Aside from the pandemic itself, San Francisco was one of many cities that hosted a string of protests that swept through the country fueled by the death of George Floyd. As a result, the city saw empty city streets become filled with protestors and even scenes of civil unrest. Conor hopes these photos will act as a force for change.


Tradeback - 84 pages - $29.95

12 Lockdown

NonFiction -Photography / Photojournalismold)


I Have Something To Say Press was founded in 2013 and has been an unseen force behind Book by Book Publicity since then. Our mission is to promote the sharing of life lessons through story telling by focusing our publishing efforts to produce a high-quality product, as well as publishing independent authors to help them develop marketable books with the current available tools. Our program is based on providing options to writers. We offer affordable Print On Demand Publishing Packages; An a La Carte publishing services menu and the opportunity to win publication through an annual manuscript contes which will open

Becoming an Angel of Change

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Nonfiction - Memoir / Self-Help-Tradeback - 186 pages - $16.00

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Through a collection of inspirational stories, Bineta Ngom details her journey exploring her life’s purpose, helping others in need. From her beginnings as an eight-year-old philanthropist in Senegal, to her adult life establishing outreach programs in the United States, read ers will be inspired to discover their strength, uniqueness, and purpose in her recent memoir “Becoming an Angel of Change.”

La Clave

Nonfiction - Spanish/YA Teen- Tradeback - 100 pages - $16.00


READ First Chapter

By Marjorie L. Anderson

La Clave shares the author’s financial knowledge and experience to help teens get a head start in life. The book presents readers with basic financial knowledge and life changing know-how tips on how to manage money to make the most of their income to build a successful future. But Anderson does not stop there, she also teaches young people to invest in their communities by buying lo cal products and donating to help others. La Clave is the Spanish translation of Marjorie L. Anderson’s Reader Views Award winner “The Key.”

I Have Something To Say Press (2021,2022) - ISBN 9781647751784

I Have something To Say Press (2021, 2022) - ISBN: 9780985430825

By Bineta Ngom

READ First Chapter


*Creating all the above promoting opportunities will only take few days, but the reach will be 3 months. So, get on with it and enjoy the book season!

2Extract quotes from produced and create like memes in weekly on your social through aa scheduler

5Focus on promoting locally tacting your local bookstores, ies and gift shops to schedule signing (bringing your books aways). Let them know that vertise the event through and community calendars. hops will agree to host your gives them traffic and sales on books sold.

1Take one day to write content for your blog. Schedule the short articles or essay to post monthly on the first week of October, November, and December. (Make them about topics that interests your audience and relate to your book).


“Many giftshops will agree to host your event if it gives

6Finally, offer bookmarks to your local Barnes and Noble and indie bookstores or other stores to display at the register for customers to take free. You can also make yourself avail able to do a book signing or a hold a book giveaway.


3Invest on bookmarks, mouse pads or other giveaways featuring you’re your book cover and information about your book ad website and offer giveaways online through bloggers, “bookstagramers” or your own Facebook, Twitter, or Insta gram accounts in exchange to follows or emails to grow your audience and promote your book.

4Invest on google, Facebook and Amazon ads as your budget allows to run during different times separately. We cannot count on social just regular publicity if we want to get our book no ticed. Online Ads are the most affordable way to advertise, and in my opinion the most effective as we can monitor clicks for budgeting and reach. However, its a tool to be wisely to maximize the results.

locally by conbookstores, librar schedule a book books and givethat you can ad through social media calendars. Many giftsyour event if it sales percentage

from the content you create visual graphics and schedule social media platforms scheduler like

gives them traffic and sales percentage on books sold.”

Synopsis: This book is far more than just “cop stories”; it is a looking glass into life in ways that had not been thought of before. , The author set out on a path of destruction, living on the streets, dealing with drugs and gangs, and even ending up in jail before an unlikely career as a police officer in Compton, California. As a Black man who found himself on both sides of the law, the author offers a truly unique perspective to readers, showing the intricacies of how society works in different ways for different situations. No matter what someone’s gender, race, or political views are, any reader will be able to take these life experiences and learn the reality of racism and policing in America through the author’s lenses.

Frederick Reynolds Featured Books and Authors

Frederick Douglass Reynolds is a retired LA County Sheriff’s homi cide sergeant. He was born in Rocky Mount, Virginia, and grew up in Detroit, Michigan before joining the US Marine Corps in 1979. After a brief stint in Okinawa, Japan, he finished out his military career in southern California and ultimately became a police officer with the Compton police department. He worked there from 1985 until 2000 and then transferred to the sheriff’s department where he worked an ad ditional seventeen years, retiring in 2017 with over seventy-five commen dations. He lives in Southern Califor nia with his wife, Carolyn, and their daughter Lauren and young son, Desmond. They have six other adult children and nine grandchildren.


For more information about Frederick visit www.authorfrederickreynolds. com

** * Silver Winner: Overall Best Non-Fiction Nonfiction - Memoir / Law Enforcement / Black / African Mindstirmedia (2021) ISBN 9781638485216 Tradeback - 395 pages - $16.99

By Frederick Reynolds

View on Amazon 18 Black, White, And Gray All Over READ FIRST CHAPTER An intimate, sharply written account of one cop's perseverance in a broken system...Get it. —Kirkus Review Aworthwhile, eye-opening read! — Book Excellence

Synopsis: A gripping, touching, and memorable prtrait of three women rising above painful pasts to seize present opportunities and of friendships that grow, despite differences, to sustain and inspire. The novel is set on Cape May Island.


Suzanne Simonetti Featured Books and Authors

Suzanne Simonetti grewup in the New York sub-urbs just outside of thecity. After earning a BSin marketing, she spentseveral years writingpress releases, until sheleft her corporate job tofocus on her passion forcrafting fiction. She liveson Cape May Harborwith her husband. The Sound of Wings is herfirst novel.

For more information about Suzanne visit

By Suzanne Simonetti

** * Silver Winner: Overall Best Fiction Fiction - Novel / Women She Writes Press (2021) ASIN B08F2BJP1N e-Book - 296 pages - $8.69

View on Amazon 20 The Sound of Wings READ FIRST CHAPTER WATCH BOOK VIDEO Astory world so completely alive with characters so real, I can feel them breathing behind me —Caroline. Leavitt New York Times best-selling Rauthoreminiscent of Alice Hoffman in its elegant unfolding and sheer magic of its storytelling..—MaryMorrisaward-winning author


You cover some heavy issue in your book. Which part of your story did you have the hardest time writing? The hardest part of writing the book was deciding how I would depict these serious issues. I knew that I wanted to show it realistically despite the supernatural elements. Many novels and films will show aspects of depression and suicide, but I find that many are very over-the-top, so I made sure to show those things more subtly. Some graphic scenes forced me to heavily consider how I would write them. I care about my readers, so I initially wanted to censor myself to avoid disturbing them. Eventually, I decided not to do that because I believe every challenging topic, such as violence and mental illness, should be depicted in a “ true way.” What I mean by this is that they need to be shown for what they really are.

With the angel, Haniel, acting as his messenger, they are given tickets that will take them back to their bodies, but in a rush to get back, they accidentally switch their tickets and end up taking over each other’s lives. Now, in the world of the living, they must undo the mistake that was made while experiencing the world from the other person’s perspective.

What is “Life is Inevitable about? Life is Inevitable Centers around two high school students, Brennan and Olivia. Brennan is a hotheaded and impulsive boy who is angry at the world and lashes out at everyone and every thing. Over time his anger escalates until it takes over him, and he sees suicide as his only escape. On the other hand, there’s Olivia, who is the complete opposite of him. She’s very timid and tends to shrink in times of stress. However, eventually, she’s pushed to the edge and, just like Brennan, sees suicide as her only option. After experiencing all the trauma, abuse, and neglect, they end their lives on the same day, and after death, they are brought to a train station. In this station, the dead wait to receive tickets that take them to heaven or Hell, but God decides to give Brennan and Ol ivia a second chance.


What was your inspiration behind the sto ryline? The storyline spawned from the event of my friend’s death. She took her life a month before I graduated high school, and I always wondered, “what if I could have her back?” That question is what started the entire story. At first, the novel was going in a very different direction, but over time, I learned that things were going on in her life that I didn’t know about. I did more digging into it by talking to her friends, looking at her social media photos, rereading old text messages, and conversing with her mom. That’s when I realized how badly her living conditions were, which turned the novel into a story about abuse, neglect, and trauma.


“...I want readers believe there’s you’re either or you’re not

Daniel Santos is a twenty-one-year young adult author, born in Manila, Philippines, and immigrated to the U.S at a very young age. He’s spent most of his life living in the West while occasionally flying home to visit his family. When he’s not listening to music, playing video games or just doing things people of his age engage in, he’s writing. Daniel’s writing usually consists of fantasy fiction that delves into the paranormal. He likes to focus on characterization and letting the reader get to know his characters. He genuinely believes that we often learn more from fictional char acters than we do from real ones. Life is In evitable is his debut novel.

readers to remember that if you there’s no one to help you, then either looking in the wrong places, not looking at all.”



These graphic scenes are disturbing and brutal because that’s what they’re like in real life. I want ed to show people how brutal these acts are without shying away from them or pushing an agenda. Therefore, I opted to write every horrible act the same way you’d see them happen in real life. What is the most important message you hope readers take away from Life is Inevitable? A mes sage I want readers to remember is that if you believe there’s no one to help you, then you’re either looking in the wrong places, or you’re not looking at all. As I grew up, I knew many teens who thought they had to bear their burdens all by themselves because no one wanted to help them, but they were always wrong. If you can’t find someone to help you, whether it’s among friends or fam ily, then look somewhere else. Some people will even assume that no one wants to help, but they never even try searching for help. Help is always there. Sometimes it’s in plain sight, and some times it’s doing a great job hiding from you, but you must remember there’s always support when you need it.

Read the complete interview with Daniel Santos here.

By Sheri Hoyte

For more information about Ari visit

Ari Loeb

Synopsis: College student Jimmy Johannsen returns to his small hometown, only to find it’s been overrun with death, chaos and strange rumors. Now with his shocked, hayseed mother under his arm, Jimmy must defend himself against a storm of horrors, as well as the town’s dwindling survivors, who’s history adds up to a deadly sum of guns, conspiracy, and bad blood. Welcome to Thunder, Arizona –a small town with a big nuclear secret.


Featured Books and Authors

Ari Loeb spent much of his life traveling as a circus artist. Now he lives in Los Angeles and works as a stuntman, specializing in creature horror such as Zombieland, Fear The Walking Dead, and the Resident Evil video games. He also writes books.

By Ari Loeb

** 2021-2022 Reader Views Literary Award Gold Winner in the Horror category and The Jack Eadon Memorial Award. Fiction - Horror / SciFi Abandoned House (2021) ISBN 9781736993934 Tradeback - 186 pages - $16.00

View on Amazon 24 Thunder, AZREAD FIRST CHAPTER Acracked carnival of a bookpendulum rides, freak shows, and the best damn shooting gallery. You'll gasp, grin, and line upfor —Kirkusmore.Review Engrossing... Reader—before.taleannihilation...CompleteAnunforgettabletnathasn'tbeentoldPaigeLovittViews

Featured Books and Authors

L.E. DeLano comes equipped with a “useless” Theatre degree that has opened doors for her in numerous ways. Though mostly raised in New Mexico, she now lives in Pennsylvania with two adventurous kids and two ri diculous cats. L.E.’s 2021 novel, BLUE, was named a 2021 SPARK Award win ner by The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), a 2021-22 Gold Medal Winner for Young Adult in the Reader Views Reviewer’s Choice Awards, a 2021 NYC Big Book Award Distinguished Favorite in Young Adult Fiction, a 2022 Independent Press Award Distinguished Fa vorite – Teen, and was named 2021-22 Teen/YA Book of the Year by Reader Views Kids. Her debut novel, TRAV ELER, was a Keystone State Reading Association (KSRA) Secondary Book Awards Finalist for 2018-2019.

For more information about L.E. visit

L.E. DeLano


Synopsis: Blue’s older brother was in volved in a car accident that killed the father of her classmate, Maya, and now Maya has returned to school determined to make Blue’s life a living hell in the aftermath. When Maya’s taunts push Blue to retaliate, they find themselves forced into a project meant to foster cooperation. Blue learns about Maya—and her own sense of privilege—when revealed secrets cast a new perspective on everything in Blue’s world.


Tradeback - 233 pages - $10.99

ISBN 9781736473108

Gaze Publishing (2021)

Overall: 10.00 out of 10. DeLano has an excellent ear for teens' idiomatic speech. This is a fast-paced novel focused more on feelings and the social world of teens . . . An easy read for its intended audience.—BookLife Prize

— Paige LovittReader Views Kids

** *Reader Views Kids Award for Best Teen/Young Adult Book of the YearFiction - Young Adult (age 16+)

Blue by L.E. Delano is an intense and completely engrossing YA novel about perspective . . . a must read for teens and anyone else who enjoys a great fictional story.

By L.E. DeLano

View on Amazon

• About Going Short: An Invitation to Flash Fiction

Nancy Stohlman’s book Going Short: An Invitation to Flash Fiction, won a 2021 Reader Views Gold Award and was re-released as an audiobook in 2022. Her other books include After the Rapture, (forthcoming 2023), Madam Vel vet’s Cabaret of Oddities, and The Vixen Scream and Other Bible Stories, among others. Her work has appeared in the Norton anthology New Micro: Exception ally Short Fiction and The Best Small Fictions 2019, as well as adapted for both the stage and screen. She teaches at the University of Colorado Boulder and around the world.

• Different forms of Flash

• Flash Workshops, Getting Started with Flash

• What's next for Nancy Stohlman?

• What is Flash Fiction?


• How writing Flash improves your writing overall

Listen to Podcast

LIVENancyStohlman 27

• Flash Myths

You can learn more about Nancy and her work at

Topics of Conversation INSIDE SCOOP

Mal was only six when he found he was not welcome to join his friends in their white school. He was shocked. Sad and confused, Malachi looked for answers. One Saturday, while planting pansies, he looked up to see Julie, a very serious little blonde six-year-old. They both agreed the flowers looked like kitten faces. And there began his friendship of many years with her whole family..... the one which gave birth to thisbook.ByRuth OutskirtsBroekPress (2022) - ISBN 9781977247223

The Lone Sailboat - Navigating in Political Waters

READ First Chapter View on Amazon

A Collection of Tiny Stories - Diminutive Tales from the Tip of My Imagination

READ First Chapter View on Amazon

Like an American Chesterton, Ed Korczynski has taken a hard look at our current moral environment, compared it to the one within which he grew up in the 1950s and 60s, and asked himself “What the heck happened?” In answer to the issues he raises, Korczynski proposes solutions inspired by his Catholic upbringing that have been effective throughout the Church’s 2,000-year history.

By Edward Korczynski

READ First Chapter View on Amazon Outskirts Press (2021) - ISBN: 9781977243478

A Boy Named Malachi

A Collection of Tiny Stories: Diminutive Tales from the Tip of My Imagination presents prose and art that represent an inspirational celebration of the spirit, gathering “tiny” works “born out of moments of whimsy, mystery, and longing.” Add “and magic” to that list, because CK Sobey’s works employ a magical element that gather tales both fantastic and reflective into three sections: “Inspiring Odysseys,” “From the Heart,” and “Fanciful.”

By CK OutskirtsSobeyPress (2022) - ISBN: 9781737506133

NonFiction - Religion/Christian Living - 80 pages - Tradeback - $16.95


NonFiction-Memoir - Family - 234 pages - Tradeback - $19.95

Fiction-Short Stories - Tradeback - 63 pages - $17.95

• Background music and nar rator’s voice – The sound allows the possible reader to feel the mood of the story. Is it thrilling? Mysterious? Romantic?

“Sometimes we need a little bit more than an endorsement, book review or book cover to get a feeling for the story and decide on whether to purchase or not a title”


•ence. The images – unlike movie trailers which use previews from the movie, the book video images could be off putting when reading the story, as the characters looks and settings will be a combined result of the descriptions, and the readers’ imagination. But images that do not mess with such specifics and instead reflect the mes sage, topic, or plot are perfect as a preview of a book, because it helps us to visualize in a short time the content of the book.

For me, the little something is a book video. A book video not only brings to life the main story or topic for the reader, it can also portray a feeling on who the Author is and what message he or she wants to share. Below are some things I get from book vid eos that help make the decision to read the book but also gives me insight on its contents, improving in many cases, my reading experi-

• Finally, but not least is the script of the slides or voice nar ration. Here is where we learn what the book is all about, and other information like endorsements, Author website, and where to get the book.



Book Videos on this page were provided - For information on how to place your bookvideo here email us at


Movin’ and Groovin’ - A Saga of Calamity

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Outskirts Press (2022) - ISBN: 9781977250513 NonFiction-Memoir - Tradeback - 344 pages - $23.95

In 1973, a young woman embarked on a westward venture to unknown destinations. From the beginning, her plans go awry as she learns how volatile the world could be. This story is a tale of resur rection. From the depths of loneliness and the hardship of destitu tion, came hidden strengths. Inspired by the kindness of strangers and guided by blind faith lies hope for light at the end of a dark and dreary tunnel.


By Oakley Taylor

Synopsis: Hello & Goodnight gives you a look at a day in the life of a toddler, through the eyes of a toddler! Engaging you with fun rhymes, beautiful imagery, and adorable humor, Hello & Goodnight is sure to become a bedtime favorite.


Imani Lewis

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Lewis is a multi-award winning and national best selling author of multiple genres. She enjoys reading to her babies and creating worlds that others can relate to.

Check out more titles by Imani Lewis at


Tradeback - 34 pages - $11.99

By Imani Lewis

story that will appeal to little ones, their parents, and their grandparents, and I highly recommend it as a must-have in every little home library.

ISBN 9781734517088

Fiction - Preaschool/Early Reader

Red Beetle Publishing, LLC (2021)


— Sheri HoyteReader Views

** * Reader Views Kids Award for Best Children’s Book of the Year

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Wally Jones is a first-time author. He is also fully dyslexic. It wasn’t until his late twenties, and after dozens of tests for physical disabilities and learning disorders, that it was discovered he was missing the fundamental ability to encode and decode word phonics. Reading and writing simply wasn’t possible for him. He subsequently spent many years building a comprehensive Sight Vocabulary and is now considered to be fully compensated. However, dyslexia still causes him many problems. Though he contin ues to struggle with reading and writing, Sam the Chosen serves as testament that all challenges can be overcome.


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Synopsis: The attacks changed everything. Life would never be the same. So much car nage, and yet the enemy was never seen. Not even once. The truth is, humanity had no chance. You can’t fight what you can’t see. Sam tries to return to a normal life after the attacks end, but constant reminders and paranoia feed the need for protection at all times. The desire to run, that internal voice triggering the urgency to escape this harsh world, is very real. Now an ill-fated camping trip will show Samantha just how deep the peril goes. Swept up in a new reality, she gains a deeper understanding of the way the world operates. For Sam, there is no returning to her old life. Sam is now Chosen.

Wally Jones

For more information about Wallyvisit

** * 2021-2022 Reader Views Literary Awards Overall Gold Prize *WinnerWinner in the Fantasy category * B.A. Bellec’s Production Studio Marketing Package * The Author Marketing Experts Award for Best Debut Fiction * Best Southesast Region -Regional Award Winner * Best North America - Global AwardFictionWinner - Fantasy/Epic Koehler Books (2021) ISBN 9781646634545 Tradeback - 271 pages - $19.99

By Wally Jones ally Jones respects his readers and know how to take us to the conflict in his opening paragraph. Sam the Chosen is a page-turner, taking its readers to a time and place they will never forget.

— Mary Ellen/Gavin Literary Agent

View on Amazon 36 Sam the Chosen READ FIRST CHAPTER WATCH BOOK VIDEO An entertaining, well-crafted debut that humankind'schallengesstewardship of the —Kirkusplanet.Review W

Iam privileged to have this platform to ex press my views on many things related to children’s literature. Often, I address serious topics such as racism, sexual orientation, book banning, etc. But today, I want to be frivolous since next month is my favorite holi day – Halloween. What’s not to like? Children and adults assume any personality, animal, object, character, or whim of their imagination by donning a mask or an entire costume, and everyone can get a massive sugar fix.

Eve Panzer reviews books for Reader Views Kids as well as her own business, Barefoot Librarian. Monthly she publishes the Barefoot Librarian Newsletter. She sells children’s books published by Barefoot Books and Usborne Books & More at book fairs, educational conferences, community events, and online. She earned her Masters in Library and Information Science from the University of Texas in Austin and worked as a school librarian before retiring to start her own business.


In the Philippines, a holiday called Panganga luluwâ is celebrated on November 1, All Soul’s Day. Originally children went door-to-door singing for candy, although now, trick-ortreating has become very popular. * And China and Hong Kong celebrate Yu Lan, The Hungry Ghost Festival. * Italy, Nepal, Bolivia, Cam bodia, and Japan have similar celebrations. * What an excellent opportunity to teach children about other cultures through a fun holiday they love.

I happened to be looking at photos of my Irish son-in-law as a child, and one shot was of him in an adorable costume. When asked, he shared that Halloween was celebrated in Ireland, but in a low-key fashion and only for children. (No adults allowed – that’s a bum mer!) Halloween originates in Ireland and Scotland with the Celtic holiday of Samhain, a harvest festival celebrated on October 31 and November 1. This piqued my interest, and I decided to see

how or if Halloween was celebrated in other countries. Some form of Halloween is cel ebrated in several countries worldwide, where most honor family ancestors, often by building altars or visiting cemeteries. A few of the celebrations are well known, such as Mexico’s Dia De Los Muertos. However, I was surprised by some countries where I did not expect there would be Halloween-type celebrations.

When looking for diverse Halloween books, I came across a title that deals with diversity based on gender identity and expression. The main character, Charly, is nonbinary - which includes many identities. Charly identifies as bigender, thinking of themselves as equally female and male. Just as multicultural books teach us to understand, appreciate, and respect other cultures, books like A Costume for Charly teach us how to do the same with people of all gender identities and expres sions. Happy Reading and Trick-or-treating,

Although teaching about other cultures was always a central theme of mine as a school librarian, Halloween in other countries was never on my radar. I focused on food, cloth ing, customs, celebrations, etc., reflecting dif ferent ethnicities’ uniqueness. And although I always pointed out the common humanness of all people, I never expected that Halloween would be something America shared with many other countries.



ith vibrant and fun illustrations, this book uses simple rhyming text, interspersed with Spanish words (defined in a glossary at the end), to describe the celebration of Dia De Los Muertos. This engaging story follows the celebration of one family in their pueblo and includes endnotes about the holiday.


ISBN: 9780807515778

Children-4-12 years old-Hardcover - $14.99

A Costume for Charly

Publisher: Beaming Books (2022)

Children-2-6 years old-Paperback - $8.36

Written by C.K. Malone and Illustrated by Alejandra Barajas

ISBN: 9781506484051

Dia De Los Muertos

Written by Roseanne Greenfield Thong and Illustraded Carles Ballesteros

Publisher: Albert Whitman & Company (2020)


Charly identifies as bigender, thinking of themselves as equally female and male. This presents a challenge to find a costume that expresses both their female and male identities. Charly comes up with a creative and satisfying option where they felt “…one-hundred percent Charly.”

e-magazine . September 2022 volume 13 . issue 9 Connecting Readers to Indie Books First Chapter Plus by I Have Something To Say Press

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