"We are realists... we dream the impossible" - Che
Bill C-51 Must be Stopped Decisively! Page 2
Government of Canada Abandons Veterans
anada’s longest war may officially be over, but the deaths haven’t stopped. A recent report by the Department of National Defense showed that the Canadian Forces have lost more soldiers to suicide over the last decade than were killed in combat in Afghanistan.
A Successful Month for the Ayotzinapa Campaign in Vancouver
Page 31
At least one hundred and seventy-eight Canadian soldiers have taken their own lives over the last decade - and that isn’t counting retired soldiers. This isn’t just another statistic. These are young lives cut short, families torn apart by the policies and failures of the government of this country. In light of these tragic events, I have one question for our Members of Parliament: how can your conscience allow you sleep at night, knowing that you are failing those who put their lives on the line for the war you sent them to fight? Shame on you. Some have questioned whether it is right to rest the blame of these suicides on the mission in Afghanistan, pointing out that half of those who took their own lives did not serve in Afghanistan. To those journalists and military pundits who have argued this, shame on you as well. continued on page 10
Volume 9 Issue 4 2015 • In English / En Español • Free • $2 at Bookstores