Fire News New York State, April 2024

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3-Story Building Fire25 Displaced See story on page 23. See story on page 6. - Fire News photo by Bill Johnson PRSRTSTANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID HICKSVILLE NY PERMITNO. 298 April 2024 Volume17, No. 12 NEW YORK STATE NEW YORK STATE

House Fire on Carl Street

On arrival units found smoke and fire showing from a home and declared a working fire.

See story on page 4

Lithium Ion Bike Ablaze

Members found multiple e-bikes burning in a first-floor apartment.

See story on page 9

Dogs Trapped in Trailer Fire

The Washingtonville F.D. was alerted for a “structure fire” in the trailer park on Park Circle.

See story on page 12

Fishkill Garage Fire during Snow Storm

Multiple units operated at an unattached garage fire in the middle of the snowstorm.

See story on page 18

Port Chester House Fire Resident Sent to Hospital

Acall for a house fire on Terrace Avenue of smoke reported on the 6th floor.

See story on page 21

House Fire on West Broad Street

Rochester firefighters were alerted to multiple calls reporting a house on fire.

Serving Fire & EMS Heroes Since 1973


TIM EDWARDS, Chief Operating Officer


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CLIFFCHIESA, Production Manager

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SUZANNE BANCROFT, Business Development Manager

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GREG JONES, Graphic Artist

DENNIS WHITTAM, Editor Emeritus

CONTRIBUTORS: Andrew Aguilar, Chris Aldous, Jeff Ambroz, Peter Barber, Kevin Barry, John Bashaw, Bill Bennett, Tom Bierds, Jeff Couch, Chris Creighton, David Denniston, Rick Douglas, Brian Duddy, Stan Dybus, John Falcone, Ken Flynn, Joe Fortunato, Eli Gill, Mark Gillen, Carol Greene, Tom Heffernan Sr., Greg Herman, Matt Hodge, Steve Hodgekiss, Robert Holley, Daniel Imfield, Andy Jarchin, Bill Johnson, Mark Johnson, Chris Kalisak, Charlie Keller, Jon Kemp, Gordon Kotars, David R. LaRocco, Stephen Lenz, Joshua Long, Mike Messar, Ralph Miele, Albert Mignone, John Miller, Martin E. Miller, Lloyd Mitchell, Brian Natoli, Carleton Raab, Robert Reynolds, Lauren Rivera, Stephen Schaefer, Deborah Schweikert, Tom Shand, John Shaw, Sharon Siegel, Robert Simpson, Joe Sperber, Bryan Sypniewski, Karen Todd, Kyle Townsend, Joe Turner, Michael VanDerLieth, Lori Washburn, D.B. Weimer, Stephen White.

Columnists: Bruce Johnson, John Salka


PLUS: Business Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17 Focus of the Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22 Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 24 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 25
In this issue...
See story on page 26
Reaching 17 States with 14 Editions Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, S. Carolina, Virginia, Washington DC, West Virginia, and Wildwood, NJ Proud Member Of: Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News Inc, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY11713. Fire News, April 2024, Page 3

House Fire on Carl Street

Just aftermidnight on January 17, 2024, as firefighters were working a fire in the Southwest side of the city, crews were dispatched to Carl Street forthe report of a house fire. On arrival units found smoke and fire showing from a home and declared a working fire. Firefighters made a strong interiorattack on the dwelling but were

Laundromat Fire in Fresh Meadow

- Fire News photo by FirstOnScenePhotos

forced to go defensive, due to a heavy fire compromising the structure. Amasterstream and numerous hand lines were used to knock down the fire.

- Fire News photo by Jon Tenca; Puck Stopper Photography

Page 4, Fire News, April 2024
FDNYunits in the Fresh Meadows in Queens extinguished a fire at a one-story store front on Union Turnpike on Tuesday, January 30, 2024. Smoke was visible on the roof of a laundromat at at the end of a row of stores. The fire was quickly knocked down.

Engine Company 257 and TowerLadder170 transmitted a 10-75 forheavy fire blowing out the front dooron the first floorof a three-story brick building. Crews were able to rescue residents from the fire. Cause of fire is underinvestigation.

- Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell

Third Alarm Building Fire in Rochester

Rochesterfirefighters had already worked two house fires since midnight on January 17, 2024, when the crew was dispatched to Jefferson Avenue. Engine 7 arrived to find heavy fire from the second floorof a large two-story building. Asecond and third alarm were struck and numerous masterstreams and towerladders were put into operation as crews worked a defensive operation.

- Fire News photo by Jon Tenca; Puck Stopper Photography Fire News, April 2024, Page 5 3-Story Building Fire

Fishkill Fights Raging Fire

The City of Beacon, assisted by Castle Point VA, and the Village of Fishkill FD, operated at this structure fire on West Church Street during the early hours of January 26, 2024. Heavy fire on arrival and balloon construction made fora difficult fight forfirefighters. Three Firefighters received minorinjuries during the fire, whic h heavily damaged the structure and the cause of the fire is being investigated by the Dutchess County Department of Emergency Response - Fire Investigation Division. Glenham and Roumbout provided station coverage forthe City of Beacon during the incident. - Fire News photos by Bill Johnson

Page 6, Fire News, April 2024
Cover Story Fire News, April 2024, Page 7

2-Story Maspeth House Turns to 3-Alarm Fire

Amotherand hertwo children were briefly trapped inside their burning home on 60th Road in Maspeth, Queens, NYon Monday, February 19, 2024, before they were rescued by FDNYfirefighters. The first call came in just before noon and a column of black smoke could be seen from a distance. FDNYcompanies arrived to find heavy fire pushing from the second floorand the rearof the attached private dwelling. Engine companies made immediate entry and during the initial push there was a floorcollapse with one

memberfalling into the basement. He was quickly located and taken to the exteriorforevaluation by EMS. At the same time a woman and hertwo children were located and also removed to EMS. The blaze extended to the adjoining home requiring the transmission of a third alarm with units from both Queens and Brooklyn operating at the scene.

- Fire News photos by FirstOnScenePhotos

Page 8, Fire News, April 2024

Lithium Ion Bike Ablaze Fire News, April 2024, Page 9
Engine Company 310 and LadderCompany 174 responded two short blocks to an apartment fire. Members found multiple e-bikes burning in a first-floorapartment at East 51 Street. Residents were able to flee down fire escape. The Hazmat Trio of Engine Company 250, Hazmat 1 and Hazmat Battalion responded to remove the batteries and E-bike. - Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell

Bellerose ManorRearof House on Fire

FDNYcompanies in the Bellerose Manorin Queens were alerted fora private dwelling fire on the morning of Monday, February 12, 2024. Heavy fire was visible in the rearof the house on 237th Street on arrival. The fire was undercontrol within thirty minutes.

- Fire News photos by FirstOnScenePhotos

Page 10, Fire News, April 2024 Fire News, April 2024, Page 11

Dogs Trapped in TrailerFire

The Washingtonville F.D. was alerted fora “structure fire” in the trailerpark on Park Circle. Initial reports were a disabled ma le was in the residence with 2 dogs. The Chief of Department reported smoke pushing from a double wide trailerand transmitted a sec-

ond alarm. The search forthe occupant was negative. He was already out of the building, howeversadly his dogs did perish in the fire.

- Fire News photos by Gary Hearn

Page 12, Fire News, April 2024

House Fire in Ozone Park

4 Rescued from Apartment Fire Fire News, April 2024, Page 13
Engine Company 226 and LadderCompany 105 rescued fourcivilians from a first-floorapartment fire at 178 Bond Street on Sunday, February 4, 2024. Crew found the victims a few feet from the front door. Sadly, a 67-yearold man was pronounced deceased at a local hospital. The cause is underinvestigation by the FDNY Fire Marshals Office. - Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell FDNYcompanies in the South Ozone Park section of Queens battled an all-hands blaze in a private dwelling on 131st Street near133rd Avenue on Tuesday, February 20, 2024. - Fire News photos by FirstOnScenePhotos

House Fire in South Jamaica

Page 14, Fire News, April 2024
FDNYunits in the South Jamaica section of Queens battled an all-hands fire in a private dwelling on Glassboro Avenue on Saturday, February 24, 2024. - Fire News photos by FirstOnScenePhotos

One Injured in House Fire in Queens

One person was seriously injured in a house fire on 85th Avenue in the Briarwood section of Queens on Thursday, morning on February 8, 2024. FDNYfirefighters discovered the person on the second floorof the two-story home and was immediately removed to the care of EMS personnel.

- Fire News photo by FirstOnScenePhotos

Partial Building Collapse Kills 1 Worker

Engine Company 250 and LadderCompany 148 responded to a partial building collapse at 1266 50 Street on Friday, February 2, 2024. Crews transmitted a 10-60 fora majoremergency. Aconstruction workerwas killed in the collapse and the company had been working without building permits.

- Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell Fire News, April 2024, Page 15

3-Story House Fire in Queens

Page 16, Fire News, April 2024
Engine Company 286 and TowerLadder135 arrived first due to Walnut Street. Units had heavy fire throughout a three-story private dwelling. All three floors were on fire. - Fire News photos by Lloyd Mitchell

Benefit Hockey Game in Honorof Mark Barkyoumb

Troy Fire Department and Saratoga Fire Department Hockey teams joined togetherto hold a benefit Hockey game forthe family of Mark Barkyoumb of Schenectady Fire Department; who End of Duty occurred a few weeks prior. Hundreds of people came to watch the fast-paced and exhilarating game. Troy came out on top with a score of 10-8. Thank you to everyone who came to support the Barkyoumb family with donations and purchasing raffle tickets forthe many donated prizes.

- Submitted by Lori Washburn; photo by Photos by Truck Fire News, April 2024, Page 17

Fishkill Garage Fire During Snow Storm


Empress EMS/East Fishkill

and the East Fishkill PD operated at an unattached garage fire on North Mission Road in the middle of the snowstorm early Sunday morning on January 7, 2024. The fire was quickly knocked down, and numerous mutual aid companies that were dispatched on the second alarm were quickly returned to service.

- Fire News photos by Bill Johnson

Page 18, Fire News, April 2024
East Fire, Rescue Squad,

House Fire on Bloomingdale Street

In the evening hours of February 15, 2024, Rochesterfirefighters were dispatched out to Bloomingdale Street forthe report of a house on fire. Crews arrived to find heavy fire showing from the rear of a two and a half story wood frame and declared a working fire.

Firefighters stretched lines and were able to quickly knock down the fire. Crews had to be extra cautious as there was a large amount of discarded needles around the property. Fire News, April 2024, Page 19
- Fire News photos by Jon Tenca; Puck Stopper Photography

Operation at Ease - Rescue Dogs Visit Niskayuna 2 Fire Dept.

Beasley and Violet joined Niskayuna 2 Fire Department forsome hands-on training and lots of pets. Operation at Ease is a 501c3 charity that rescues dogs from shelters and helps train them as service and therapy dogs forveterans, first responders, military bases, and otherVeteran’s organizations. Niskayuna 2 has partnered with

the organization to allow the dogs to visit the station and meet the firefighters, get accustomed to new noises, scents and sounds. It is a great partnership. Both dogs brought smiles to the firefighters and in return they received treats, lots of hugs.

- Submitted by Lori Washburn; photo by Photos by Truck

Installation of Officers at Niskayuna 2

Saturday, December10, 2024, the Niskayuna 2 Fire Department held its annual Installation of Officers. During the banquet Assistant Chief Tom Henery was honored by the members of his department by being named Firefighterof the Year. Congratulations to all the newly installed officers.

- Submitted by Lori Washburn; photo by Photos by Truck

Page 20, Fire News, April 2024

Port ChesterHouse Fire Resident Sent to Hospital

Acall fora house fire on Terrace Avenue of smoke reported on the 6th floor. Anothercall reported fire on the second floorof the building. TowerLadder2 and Rescue 40 arrived first on scene along with Cars 2392 (Chief Storino) and 2393 (Chief Melillo) to find fire showing from the exposure side of the building. Additional resources

were called to the scene. Crews forced entry to the fire apartment and performed primary searches. One occupant of the building was treated forsmoke inhalation and transported to a nearby hospital. The incident was placed undercontrol in just underan hourand units returned to service. - Fire News photos by Brandon Colon Fire News, April 2024, Page 21

HoarderHouse Fire

In the late evening hours of February 2, 2024, Fairport firefighters along with mutual aid were dispatched to Roselawn Avenue fora reported fire. On arrival crews found heavy smoke and fire showing from a 2-story house. Crews worked quickly stretching lines and entered home to knock down the fire on the first floorand advanced lines to the second. As crews worked theirway through the home, they faced heavy hoarding conditions which delayed fire suppres-

sion. Firefighters would have to exit the home due to the hoarding conditions and structural stability of the home. Two masterstreams and numerous hand lines were put into operation from the exterio,r as crews continued to knock down the main body of fire which was put out a short time later.

- Fire News photo by Jon Tenca; Puck Stopper Photography

Page 22, Fire News, April 2024 Fire News, April 2024, Page 23
3-Story Building Fire Left 25 Displaced
Engine Company 255 and TowerLadder157 transmitted a 10-75 forfire on the top floorof a 3-story mixed use building at Flatbush Ave. Units had to battle through significant snowfall to get to the fire undercontrol on February, 13, 2024. The fire left 25 residents displaced. - Fire News photos by Lloyd Mitchell

Extraction Training in Winona

Page 24, Fire News, April 2024
Winona lake Engine Company practiced performing extrication exercises on cars. The Chief was supervising and instructing the exercise. - Fire News photos by Vincent Dominick


Spencer has been an integral part of our organization since his early years, demonstrating unwavering dedication and contributing significantly to our success.

With a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of our company’s values, Spencer is poised to lead with vision and determination. In his new role, he will oversee all Service and Part s operations across all Campbell Supply, working closely with key stakeholders to ensure operational efficiency, profitability, and the highest level of customer service.

“We are confident that Spencer’s leadership and strategic acume n will continue to drive the success of our organization,” said Scott Campbell CEO at Campbell Supply. “His commitment to excellence and his longstanding dedication to our company make him the ideal candidate for this role.”

Spencer will collaborate closely with our Parts and Service Directors and Managers, ITstaff, Controllers, and HR staff at each location to uphold our company’s reputation for excellence and deliver unparalleled customer service.

Please join us in congratulating Spencer on his well-deserved promotion.


The Congressional Fire Services Institute (CFSI) and Masimo wil l honor the Philadelphia Fire Department with the 2024 Excellence in Fire Service-Based EMS Award for their innovations in emergency medical services. The award presentation will occur at the 34th Annual National Fire and Emergency Services Dinner on April 29th in Washington, DC.

The Philadelphia Fire Department was selected for its Alternative EMS Response Units (AR) that provide ALS capabilities in non-ambulance vehicles for four types of emergency medical care. Three units are SUVS staffed with paramedics and specialized care providers. One unit serving the University of Pennsylvania delivers emergency medical care and courtesy rides to students with low-acuity complaints. The fire department assigned a second unit to an area of the city with an extremely high rate of substance use disorder incidents, while a third unit responds to behavioral health emergencies. Afourth unit, a utility cart equipped with ALS equipment and a paramedic, provides rapid response to medical calls at Philadelphia International Airport. Since being placed in serv ice, these units have taken tremendous pressure off the EMS system, enabling traditional medic units to respond to other calls. Bas ed on the success of these units, the fire department intends to place mo re of them in service.

“With fire departments across the nation developing innovative programs to enhance their EMS capabilities, CFSI is proud to cosponsor the Excellence in Fire Service-Based with Masimo to rec ognize fire departments for their innovations,” said Jim Estepp, CFSI President. “I extend my congratulations to the Philadelphia Fir e Department for developing an innovative EMS program that is enhancing the level of emergency medical care for the citizens of Philadelphia.”

“Masimo is proud to co-sponsor the Excellence in Fire Service-Based EMS Award,” said Andy Jones, Senior Vice President of US Alternate Care. “At Masimo, we focus on the spirit of innovation just as fire departments strive to innovate in their delivery of emergency medical care. By offering industryleading monitoring solutions, we are helping fire departments improve patient care outcomes at the emergency scene, resulting in more lives being saved. Congratulations to the Philadelphia Fire Department for being honored with this award.”

For additional information about the 2024 National Fire and Emergency Services Symposium and Dinner, please visit the CFSI website. This event benefits the mission of the Congressional Fire Services Institute, a nonprofit, nonpartisan policy organizatio n designed to educate members of Congress about fire and life safety issues. Fire News, April 2024, Page 25

House Fire on West Broad Street

In the evening hours of February 13, 2024, Rochesterfirefighters were alerted to multiple calls reporting a house on fire. Crews arrived to find smoke showing from a house on West Broad Street and declared a working fire. As crews made entry to knock down the fire command reported that this location was the scene of a

recent fire and wanted crews to be cautious. Firefighters were able to quickly get a hold of the fire and mop up as fire investigations made entry to determine a cause.

- Fire News photos by Jon Tenca; Puck Stopper Photography

1-Person Found Inside Burning Car

Page 26, Fire News, April 2024
Engine Company 332 and LadderCompany 175 transmitted an urgent 10-75 fora carfire extending to two private dwellings at Marginal Place. Afterextinguishing the fire, members discovered a deceased person inside the caron February 12, 2024. - Fire News photos by Lloyd Mitchell
NewtoTHEM BEFORE AFTER Sold by Command Apparatus Sold by Command Apparatus Sold by Command Apparatus 2007 SEAGRAVE HEAVY RESCUE WITH PUMP From Bellmawr NJ to City of Waterbury CT 2008 GMC MEDIUM DUTY WALK-IN RESCUE From Greenville Fire Dist, Scarsdale NYto City of Annapolis MD dive team To have your department’s apparatus featured here contact Barbara Connolly • 631-776-1853 • It’s New to THEM! 2016 FORD/4 GUYS 4X4 MINI PUMPER 750 GPM/290 Tank From Oakland VFC, Johnstown PA To East Quogue FD NY BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER Sponsored by Fire News, April 2024, Page 27
Page 28, Fire News, April 2024

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