The Firbank Grammar Magazine | The Green Gold & White No.56 | Winter 2020

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Thank you


THANKYOU THANKYOU! For all your hard work. Thrilled to hear on line learning will continue this week. Great opportunity for girls to settle into, and test out a full timetable.

Just wanted to say what a WONDERFUL job you have done with the girls. Pippa has been so committed and engaged with her teacher and friends. It’s a perfectly balanced timetable and our children are blessed to be at this incredible school.

Niki Mitchell-Adams Year 11 Parent Brighton Senior Campus Congratulations to ‘the Firbank team’ for the fantastic online learning delivery and continued positive approach and adaptability. You are all setting a great example to the students and wider school community. Stay well and keep safe.

Lucy Weddell Year 9 & Year 7 Parent Brighton Senior Campus

Look after yourself, be kind to yourself and thanks for ALL the work you have done for our Pippa.

Rosie & Ross Featherston Year 5 & Year 8 Parents Brighton Junior Campus

I hope you are well and a big thank you to yourself and the staff for making the transition back to school an easy one. Harper seems to have loved returning back and this makes us so happy to see.

I hope you are well and thanks so much for all your supportive contact for the girls and parents. Bonnie is doing really well with the online learning even if it is early days. She misses her friends and being at school but it’s sinking in that this is a time of sacrifice for everyone at every age and that we are all in this unprecedented situation together. Firbank is giving Bonnie a quality education under very trying circumstances. Bonnie is looking forward to returning and I will be very happy for her when she does but I’ll miss our bike rides at lunchtime. If they have to return after a few weeks I am not against that either. Change builds character and resilience. Bonnie has learnt so much from the huge curve ball we’ve been thrown. Life is full of unexpected changes and feelings of being uncomfortable. They will all be stronger in some ways at the end of all this.

Jenny Lampard Year 7 Parent Brighton Senior Campus

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All of Jack’s teachers are doing an amazing job and the past week has run very smoothly. Jack is really enjoying the Microsoft Team Meetings which allow the teachers to make lessons more like they are in the classroom and allows students to contribute and to hear and see their classmates. I have emailed his teachers to thank them but just wanted you to know how much we parents appreciate what they are doing!

Emma Pollio Year 5 & Year 7 Parent Sandringham Campus & Senior Campus

Shari Benski ELC Parent Brighton Junior Campus I want to commend the school community everyone involved in making this happen. Having experienced the online learning, the way this has been set up is just brilliant. It will take a bit of time for the kids to get used to it, but the structure is great, and easy to follow. The breaks are good, the contact with the teachers and other class members has been really fantastic. We are new to the school, but are so impressed with how this has been handled and the professionalism with how it has all been managed and communicated. Thank you so much, and keep up the fantastic work.

Susan Gorman Prep, Year 2 & Year 4 Parent Sandringham Campus I wanted to pass on my thanks to you and your staff for the way Firbank has managed this change to virtual learning. You have been fantastic staying in contact with us regularly. During this time of isolation it is much appreciated to have lots of updates and support for Mia and us as a family. The teachers are doing an amazing job. It’s a very worrying time for everyone; however, it’s clear the staff have been working hard. Please pass on our thanks.

Jodie Knox Year 10 Parent Brighton Senior Campus 3

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