Smallholders to Shareholders: A Guide

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Why Are Partnerships with the Private Sector Important?

Why Is Understanding Business Models and Risk Important?

What Can We Learn from Practice through Business Models?

Development and the Private Sector: Why is the private sector interested in low-income, smallholder markets?

The Importance of Business Models: Why is understanding business models important to partnering with the private sector?

Defining the USAID Opportunity: Why should USAID partner with the private sector?

How to Analyze Business Models: Introducing the shared value canvas as a business model analytical framework.

Defining the Private Sector Opportunity: Why should the private sector partner with the USAID? Practical Suggestions for Partnering with the Private Sector: What are some useful approaches to engaging with the private sector?

The business of development and managing contextual uncertainty in select business models. Increased Product Affordability • Consumer Financing • No Frills Improved Access to Inputs and Technology • Pay-Per-Use • Micro-franchising Improving Market Access • Aggregator • Deep Procurement Improved Distribution • Dedicated Direct Sales Force • Shared Channel Distribution

Understanding Risk: The role donors can play to incentivize private sector investment in underserved markets.

Enhancing Productivity • Contract Farming • Bundling

How to De-Risk and Accelerate Value: How can donors de-risk or accelerate the value of business models?

Improved Access to Finance • Asset Financing

APPENDIX I: Useful Tools and Frameworks for Private Sector Partnership Development APPENDIX II: USAID Private Implementing Mechanisms APPENDIX III: Bibliography FEED THE FUTURE Partnering for Innovation


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