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All you need to know about Pilates and how to get started with a short tutorial by Paula Puga.

Pilates is a muscle-strengthening activity, which can help you maintain a healthy weight. Classes can vary in intensity, they can be gentle or dynamic, and offer a solid workout for your body. Due to its low-impact form of exercise, injuries are uncommon.

“It’s the mind itself which shapes the body.” Pilates was firstly developed by German-born Joseph Pilates, who believed mental and physical health, were closely connected. His method was mostly influenced by the western form of exercise, including gymnastics and boxing, as well as Greco-Roman wrestling. In the 1920s, he immigrated to the US, where he opened his first studio to teach his method, which he called contrology. Pilates’ main aim is to strengthen the body, emphasising on core strength in order to improve general fitness and wellbeing. As a result, pilates is suitable for everyone, for people of all ages and levels of ability and fitness, from beginners to elite athletes. Research has shown that the regular practise of pilates can help improve body posture, muscle tone, balance and joint mobility, as well as relieve stress and tension. Elite athletes and dancers can complement their training with pilates in order to achieve full body strength and flexibility, but also reduce the risk of injury. There’s also some evidence that pilates can help reduce back pain. However, for a more effective pain relief, exercises should be tailored to the individual and designed specific to its needs by a qualified health professional.


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