Fine Homes Regina Fall 2014

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Indoor Home Maintenance Check Your Indoor Heating System The fall is the best time to inspect your indoor heating system. SaskEnergy does a home checkup that tests the air quality and inspects for any furnace room hazards. This checkup also covers your chimney, thermostat and furnace switches, pilot safety systems, blower operation, burners, motor and fan, indoor gas lines, and the venting of all your natural gas appliances. This inspection is good to have done well before you begin using your furnace in the winter.

Test Your Sump Pump Your sump pump should be tested every few months to ensure it is still working — especially before a rainy season or before the cold months leading up to one. You can test your sump pump by simply pouring several gallons of water into it, slowly, to check that it turns on when it starts to fill.

Inspect Your Windows and Doors Check that the sealants on your windows and doors are still in good condition, and caulk around them to ensure that when they are closed, the spaces are sealed. Additionally, if you have older windows in your home, you may wish to consider upgrading them to ensure that you are retaining as much warm air inside of your house as possible.




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