2018桃園電影節 影展手冊

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Content 02




















Major's Foreword

Words from TYFF

Program Guide

Event Information

Taiwan Awards

Ticket Information

Venue Information

Screening Schedule

Opening Film

Gala Premiere














紀念高畑勳 1935-2018


騷動的時代精神 1968


Special Screening

Taiwan Awards Competition

Filmmaker In Focus

Young Vibes

Future Express

Ticket Infomation

In Memory of TAKAHATA Isao

Uprising! Spirit of '68

影片索引 Film Index



Words from the Mayor of Taoyuan

感受桃園電影節的時間與重量 桃園電影節已經走過五年讓喜歡電影的市民朋友觀賞不同策展人的理念不同導演敘述的電影故事拍攝手法 以及演員精湛的演技詮釋從中品味敏感纖細的電影心靈儘管五年的時間不長但是桃園電影節回應著桃園這座 年輕進步的城市逐漸地摸索出屬於桃園電影節的風格與節奏 時間這個主題對於一個逐漸成熟的電影節是里程的刻劃對於一個快速成長中的城市也非常重要電影本身就是 一個記憶與情感的容器容納了各種不同的悲歡離合以及生命中許多初始的感動眼淚或痛楚今年的桃園電影節 我們以չ桃影時間պ為主題托襯出不同導演對於時間與時代的想像與創作分成兩大部分 一 在電影觀賞方面策劃了屬於青少年青春紀事的չ青春漫遊պ新銳導演亮眼作品的չ新銳直達車պ蒐羅國際 知名導演作品的չ世界觀景窗պ回顧時代精神的չ騷動的時代精神1968պ紀念日本動畫大師高畑勳的作品以 及兩位焦點影人──魏德聖導演以及馬來西亞新浪潮導演陳翠梅等 8 大單元讓市民可以逐片回味再次讓他們的重要 作品深植腦海 二 建立台灣獎的傳統培育下一代優秀導演演員最佳影片希望桃園電影節成為新銳舞台也持續扮演台灣電 影文化的推手鼓勵新世代電影追夢 我們邀請了台灣多桑蔡振南以及新生代演員傅孟柏一起行銷桃園電影節讓兩代演技風格兼備的演員同聚一 堂這次也與桃園捷運公司合作加開一班桃園電影節選片指南機捷專車從台北到中壢環北站使用桃園電影節專 屬的一日票搭乘在 75 分鐘車程中聆聽著名影評人介紹桃園電影節觀賞攻略此外我們也將在大園站舉辦一場放 映會看魏德聖導演作品շ52 赫茲我愛你ո走出影視的另一風格 今年桃園電影節有許多小改變希望市民朋友在夏日中走進電影院欣賞大師作品也培養自己的觀影興趣為桃 園的電影文化扎根



Experience Time and Its Significance at Taoyuan Film Festival Over the past five years, Taoyuan Film Festival, through programs by different curators, has introduced various extraordinary filmmakers, sophisticated narrations, unconventional interpretations, and outstanding performances to movie lovers. In response to this young and progressive city, Taoyuan Film Festival is gradually developing its own style and language. Time is a key factor to a maturing film festival and a rapidly growing city. Films are common vehicles to memories and emotions. They carry all those sentiments in life, as well as tears, sorrow and feelings. Taoyuan Film Festival this year focuses on time as a theme, and highlights how filmmakers create and imagine time. Our program includes eight segments this year: Youth Vibes focuses on young stories, Future Express celebrates emerging directors, Viewfinder selects works by renowned filmmakers worldwide, and Uprising! Spirit of '68 reviews significant time in history. We also provide a retrospective view on the late Japanese anime pioneer TAKAHATA Isao. Viewers will also appreciate important works by our filmmakers in focus, Taiwanese director WEI Te-sheng and Malaysian director TAN Chui Mui. We also continue our festival tradition, Taiwan Awards. Taiwan Awards has been supporting the next-generation directors, actors, and films. Taoyuan Film Festival is committed to encouraging newcomers in film industry, and contributing to film culture in Taiwan. To promote the festival, we invite veteran actor, CAI Zhen-nan, who stars in WU Nien-jen's A Borrowed Life, and new generation actor, Mengpo Fu, to help promote our campaign. We arrange a charter train from Taipei to Zhongli in collaboration with Taoyuan Metro. With exclusive Taoyuan Film Festival day-trip tickets, passengers can enjoy a 75-minute ride while listening to film critics' introductions to this year's film selections. We will also have a special screening of 52Hz I Love You by director WEI Te-sheng at Dayuan Station in Taoyuan Metro. Taoyuan Film Festival this year has made some adjustments. We welcome Taoyuan residents and moviegoers to join us at local theaters and enjoy these masterpieces. We hope this film festival expands your horizon and enrich our local film culture.

The Mayor of Taoyuan ď˝œ Wen-Tsan CHENG



Words from TYFF

一同回味時間的光影 傍晚時分天空是帶紫的深藍色中華路中正路交叉口的彰化銀行亮著黃色的照明燈光眼前街景是影像的魔幻時 刻一如今年桃園電影節要帶給影迷們的真實與虛構的交會時刻TAOYUAN TIME桃影時間電影是時間的魔法也是 探討時間的藝術桃園電影節將以չTIMEպ作為影展核心精神紛呈出電影的時間電影中的時代電影中的時光 各種屬於電影時間的可能性 開幕片շ憤怒的菩薩ո是許肇任導演與公共電視合作的最新時代劇改編自作家陳舜臣的同名小說邀集當代一線 演員充分展現台灣影視實力率先在桃園電影節世界首映 承續著台灣獎的精神透過競賽方式支持與鼓勵台灣導演成為創作者的能量基石之餘更著眼於演員表演號召桃 園青少年加入評審行列透過年輕視角選出台灣演員的未來之星展現桃園新世代的清新眼光桃園電影節立基台 灣緊鄰亞洲各國廣納國際各大影展的優秀作品規劃չ青春漫遊պչ新銳直達車պչ世界觀景窗պ等單元 鼓勵具備年輕氣質的創作者作為供應青少年文化養分對年輕世代友善的電影節 兩位焦點影人魏德聖與陳翠梅雖源自不同的電影創作環境但兩人皆在其中扮演著承先啟後的角色為台灣與馬來 西亞的電影開拓出嶄新的一頁桃園電影節將選映兩位導演的早期作品與經典代表作呈現其從千禧年前後縱貫至 今的創作脈絡 2018 年是個值得標誌的一年距離歷史上風起雲湧的 1968 年正好滿 50 週年我們特別針對這段橫跨歐美一路影 響到亞洲的反戰反資本主義反官僚精英之運動浪潮規劃չ騷動的時代精神1968պ單元從不同角度回望這革 命之火蔓延的時代巨變 不久之前陪伴許多人成長的日本動畫巨擘高畑勳辭世չ紀念高畑勳 1935-2018պ單元將呈現其加入吉卜力工作

室前的另種創作風貌其中完成於 1968 年的շ太陽王子霍爾斯的大冒險ո更難得以 35mm 膠卷的形式首度在台放映 喜歡膠卷影像品質的影迷們絕對不能錯過 大江星橋國際影城in89 統領戲院中壢威尼斯戲院以及桃園機場捷運是今年電影節的合作夥伴在這裡有 35mm 膠卷特別放映有電影列車有來自世界各地的精采電影有充滿理想的電影人還有熱情獨特的影迷期待我們能 享受一年一度的電影節魅力就像遠方老朋友來訪一年相處幾天可以天南地北聊個不停也可以安靜看山看海互 相感受相隔一年的成長心境這是影迷應該擁有的獨特時光歡迎全台灣喜歡電影的觀眾來桃園電影節一起享受桃 影時間

2018 桃園電影節策展人|


Join Taoyuan Time Together and Feel the Cinema Magical vibes The sky is purplish blue at dusk. Chang Hwa Bank and its yellow sign stand at the intersection of Zhongzheng Road and Zhonghua Road in downtown. As magical as this streetscape, Taoyuan Film Festival this year presents moments when reality and imagination overlap. Films explore time and dance around time. Our program aims to showcase definitions, variations, movements, and possibilities of time in films. The opening film, Bodhisattva in Storm, is a collaboration of director HSU Chao-jen and Public Television Service. Adapted from the namesake novel by CHEN Shun-chen, this work highlights top-notch actors and professional production teams in Taiwan. This will be its world premiere. The festival tradition, Taiwan Awards, has been supporting, encouraging, and motivating Taiwanese directors through competition. It also invites teenagers in Taoyuan to join the jury team. Their refreshing perspectives will identify rising stars in performance arts. Rooted in Taiwan, Taoyuan Film Festival is connected with other countries in Asia to include fascinating works from other international film festivals. Several segments, such as Young Vibes, Future Express, and Viewfinder, offer opportunities to emerging creators. We aim to provide a film festival friendly to our youth generation. Filmmakers in focus this year, WEI Te-sheng and TAN Chui Mui, come from Taiwan and Malaysia respectively; they have both delivered impressive films building on top of local heritages. Taoyuan Film Festival will screen their earlier as well as signature works to showcase their consistent creative approaches for the past two decades. As it has been exactly 50 years since the historically significant year of 1968, Uprising! Spirit of '68 reviews this revolutionary period against war, capitalism, bureaucracy, and elitism. Japanese anime pioneer TAKAHATA Isao recently passed away. In Memory of TAKAHATA Isao presents his creative works before Studio Ghibli. Little Norse Prince Valiant was released in 1968, will be screened in 35mm for the first time in Taiwan. Do not miss these screenings if you are a vintage "film" lover! This year we partner with SBC Cinemas, in89 TongLing Cinemax, Venice Cinemas, and Taoyuan Metro. We arrange 35mm screenings, special movie trains, and outstanding films worldwide to welcome committed filmmakers and film enthusiasts. While only a few days in a year, Taoyuan Film Festival welcomes you like a long-waited visit from an old friend. I invite you to come visit our annual event and chat over your favorite films, enjoy each other's companies and feel each other's growth. This is a special time that is exclusively reserved for all cinephiles! Come join us at Taoyuan Film Festival and savor our unique Taoyuan Time.

2018 Taoyuan Film Festival Curator ď˝œ Wen-Tang CHENG



Program Guide 選片指南暨套票首賣會


Sun. 14:00

Program Guide X Ticket Package Sales

桃園市婦女館 102 會議室

桃園市桃園區延平路 147 號

14:00 選片指南|一窺影展節目策劃亮點,讓你精準選片!

16:00 套票開賣|現場購買可獲得獨家套票禮,更能搶先劃場次!

講者 : 桃園電影節策展人|鄭文堂 桃園電影節節目統籌|謝以萱 影評人|陳平浩


桃園捷運 X 桃園電影節

Taoyuan Metro X Taoyuan FF


桃園捷運專車 A1 台北車站 >A21 環北站

Sat. 11:30


「桃影專車,直達美好」選片指南線上報名 購票入場 * 本場次觀眾將獲得桃園電影節與桃園捷運特製之一日票卡(市價:350 元)

今年桃園電影節特別與桃園捷運合作打造獨一無二的չ桃影專車պ將選片指南數 位化讓列車上的乘客隨著神祕嘉賓獻聲陪伴一覽本屆影展不可錯過之精彩好片




Event Information 專題講座 TALKS |ս紀念日本動畫大師 高畑勳վSpecial Talk: In Memory of TAKAHATA Isao


Sun. 16:00

桃園市土地公文化館 203 視聽室

桃園市桃園區三民路一段 100 號

日本動畫大師高畑勳在今年四月與世長辭高畑勳擅以寫實考證描繪動畫細 節動人細膩的շ螢火蟲之墓ոշ平成貍合戰ո等經典之作在影迷心中迴 盪不已今年桃園電影節特別策劃高畑勳導演專題選映數部精彩作品在 本場講座中 影評人橘貓將透過高畑勳導演的動畫生平梳理其創作方法以 及生涯晚期在作品美學上的新體現想要進一步認識高畑勳導演的影迷絕不可 錯過 講者:影評人|橘貓

專題講座 TALKS |ս騷動的時代精神1968վ 購票入場 Uprising! Spirit of '68 可抵消費 )


Sun. 20:00

Voice 深夜唱片行

桃園市中壢區環中東路 708 巷 88 號

今年適逢 1968 學運 50 週年桃園電影節特別策劃չ騷動的時代精神1968պ 回顧這段橫跨歐美一路影響到亞洲的反戰反資本主義反官僚精英之運動 浪潮革命之火蔓延布拉格之春金恩博士遇刺在各地掀起的民權族 群運動巴黎六八學運坎城影展停辦電影捍衛了革命革命精神亦捍衛了 電影影評人 Ryan 將與觀眾分享那個時代的電影所帶來先鋒與反叛的精神

講者:影評人| Ryan

Filmmakers TALKS |ս奇想與現實的交會 陳翠梅վ

Intersection Between Fantasy and Reality with Director TAN Chui Mui


Sat. 14:30

中壢 SBC 星橋國際影城 17 廳

桃園市中壢區中園路二段 501 號


չ大荒電影պ互相擔任彼此的劇組核心人物一同創作獨立電影一路走來 陳翠梅以她獨到且細膩的女性視角關注人與人之間的關係短片作品多產且 屢獲好評入圍許多海外影展 * 本場次將於 14:30 放映購票場次շ愛情征服一切ո16:00 開放觀眾排隊入場 講堂提問之觀眾將有機會獲得由聯經出版提供書籍շ華語電影在後馬來西亞 講者:桃園電影節焦點導演|陳翠梅 主持:台北電影節策展人|郭敏容



Filmmakers TALKS |ս青春冷酷物語 行定勳վ

Story of Savage Youth with Director YUKISADA Isao


Sat. 19:00

中壢 SBC 星橋國際影城 18 廳

桃園市中壢區中園路二段 501 號

以շGO 大暴走ոշ在世界的中心呼喊愛情ո等片廣受台灣影迷喜愛的導演

行定勳這次將帶來在柏林影展獲獎的新片շ我很好ո悠遊於愛情與青春的 層次中行定勳導演總和不同的演員激盪出獨特的火花談吐幽默的行定勳 將在映後講堂分享電影創作背後的故事與秘辛 * 本場次將於 19:00 放映購票場次շ我很好ո21:00 開放觀眾排隊入場 講者:《我很好》導演|行定勳《我很好》女主角|二階堂富美 主持:譯者、影評人|雍小狼

Filmmakers TALKS |ս為台灣寫歷史 魏德聖վ

Writing History For Taiwan with Director WEI Te-Sheng


Sun. 19:00


桃園市中壢區環北路 390 號

從深具實驗性與台灣氣味的獨立創作到賣座五億的շ海角七號ո再到規模 龐大的歷史時代電影魏德聖導演的步履從不停歇他不斷挑戰自我不斷挑 戰台灣電影產業的極限我們將看見魏德聖導演一路走來的電影創作脈絡創 作關懷以及其勇於做夢追夢進而達成夢想的電影精神 * 本場講座將放映魏德聖導演兩部難得一見的早期作品շ黎明之前ո及շ對話 三部ո欲一睹為快的觀眾務必於晚上七點整準時入座 講者:桃園電影節焦點導演|魏德聖 主持:影評人| Ryan

電影海報主題展 Movie Posters Exhibition



桃園市土地公文化館 6F 文化沙龍

桃園市桃園區三民路一段 100 號

電影海報無疑是觀眾認識電影的第一道門面 為了電影的推廣與宣傳電影海報設計師們總是絞盡腦汁地從電影中抽取元素為之凝結成一張 美好的視覺作品有些電影海報充滿視覺張力有些則帶有悠遠韻味和詩意甚至在其中暗藏劇



情中的玄機˘˘今年的桃園電影節特別以影展選映的影片策劃海報主題展透過獨特有趣的 方式讓觀眾與海報重新對話

台灣獎頒獎典禮 Taiwan Awards Ceremony


Sun. 13:00 中壢 SBC 星橋國際影城 17 廳

桃園市中壢區中園路二段 501 號

13:00 開放排隊 >13:30 典禮開始 桃園電影節台灣獎共 12 部入選作品所有入選劇組在此刻齊聚一堂四項大獎將獎落誰家歡迎各位觀眾來到現場見證未來 之星的誕生頒獎典禮後將放映得獎作品獎座設計大溪木藝師 藍偉文



Taiwan Awards 桃園電影節希冀透過台灣獎支持與鼓勵台灣創作者做台灣創作者的能量基石今年更邀集多位台灣專業演員及製片導演等 擔任評審委員評選出來自全台的 12 部作品期許為台灣電影帶出新的活力同時我們也號召了桃園青少年加入評審行列 期待透過桃園青少年的視角挖掘台灣演員的未來之星展現桃園新世代的清新眼光

台灣獎獎項 Awards 最佳影片| 1 名,頒予獎金新台幣 萬元與獎座 1 式 桃園捷運專車 A1 台北車站 >A21 環北站 Sun. 11:30 30 最佳演員| 2 名,各頒予獎金新台幣 20 萬元與獎座 1 式

未來之星| 1 名,由青少年評審團頒予獎金新台幣 10 萬元與獎座 1 式


Preliminary Jury

演員 莫子儀

演員 朱芷瑩

製片/監製 李亞梅

以《罪美麗》入圍 第 48 屆戲劇節目男主角獎

以《新丁花開》獲第 50 屆金鐘獎戲劇節目 最佳女主角獎

電影行銷代表作 《海角七號》《甜蜜殺機》

編劇/導演 鴻鴻

編劇/導演 易智言

演員 尹馨

以《3 橘之戀》 獲南特影展最佳導演獎

以《行動代號:孫中山》 獲金馬獎最佳原著影片

以《川流之島》 獲第 19 屆台北電影節 最佳女主角獎


導演 柯貞年 以《天黑請閉眼》獲 第 52 屆金鐘獎戲劇節目獎

導演 鄭文堂 以《眼淚》獲 台北電影節最佳導演

決選評審 Grand Jury



Youth Jury Team

由 20 位桃園在地青少年組成之評審團經過以չ演員պ為核心出發的培訓課程學習電影的美學敘事手法以及剪接 導演選角等專業課程並實地練習評審過程在影展中激盪出年輕且新穎的觀點




Ticket Information 影展限量超值套票 每套 400 元可兌換 10 張票券 首賣日期| 08.05 Sun. 16:00 於選片指南暨套票首賣會現場販售限量 150 套 啟售日期| 08.06 Mon. 12:00 pm 套票起全面啟售 票券兌換日期| 08.05 Sun. 16:00 起即可於


或可於 08.05 Sun. 選片指南暨套票首賣會現場購買


08.05 Sun. 於選片指南暨套票首賣會現場購買影展套票即可獲得 2018 桃園電影節紀念手工皂一組限量 150 組送完為止 *選片指南暨套票首賣會現場僅接受現金付款 *每場次單次操作限兌換 4 張票券超過張數須重新操作換完為止 *套票首賣現場每人每次限購 2 套如超過數量請重新排隊 *影展期間套票僅於


*套票於 ibon 售票系統每次限購 1 套如需購買多套請重複操作

單場票 單一票價每張 50 元售完為止 售票期間| 08.09 Thu.12:00 pm 起即可於 購票請洽| 1.


票券 2. 影展期間現場售票服務台

*各場次開演前 60 分鐘 ibon 停止販售該場次票券僅可於現場服務台購買 *於

購票單一場次限購 4 張如超過張數須重新操作

影展期間現場售票服務台 影展期間於放映現場設立售票及退 / 換票服務台 設置時間| 08.17 Fri. 至 08.26 Sun. 最末場結束止每日服務時間開演前 30 分鐘前至最末場開演後 30 分鐘 設置地點| 08.17-08.1908.25-08.26 - 中壢 SBC 星橋國際影城08.19-08.21 - 威尼斯影城08.20-08.24 - 桃園 in89 統領影城 *影展售票服務台之售票退 / 換票服務僅接受現金付款 *影展售票服務台僅提供販售單場票券與套票兌換如需購賣套票請於


購票注意事項 ・票券為唯一入場憑證請妥善保存遺失毀損概不補發 ・各場次皆不提供劃位請盡早入座 ・各場次座位有限售完為止請及早購買或兌換 ・各場次提供輪椅席如有需要可預先洽詢觀眾服務專線(02)2507-5833 ・

客服專線0800-016-138/ (02)2659-9900桃園電影節觀眾服務專線(02)2507-5833上班時間Mon.- Fri. 09:30-18:30

Ticket Information


退票須知 ・所有票券之退換票最遲請於該場次開演前一天於影展現場服務台辦理 ・所有種類票券之退換票請一律於 08.17-08.26 影展期間前往影展現場服務台辦理需酌收 10% 手續費 ・套票退票須以չ整套պ辦理連同已兌換之票券及贈禮恕不接受չ單場պ退票每套酌收 10% 手續費 ・票券經售 / 兌換出恕無法於


觀影須知 ・請依電影分級制購票觀影 ・影展放映場地全面禁菸寵物及危險物品請勿攜入場並請配合影廳之外食規定 ・電影放映中嚴禁從事攝錄影錄音拍照等違法侵權行為 ・為維護影廳內安全及維持逃生動線暢通請勿逗留站立或坐在影廳走道與其他非座位處 ・如遇天災或不可抗力之因素主辦單位將依據桃園市政府發佈之命令決定是否取消放映並儘速於官網公告相關訊息 ・主辦單位保有更動節目之權利所有演出時間及內容將依現場實際狀況而訂最新訊息隨時公佈於 2018 桃園電影節官網

購票流程 套票 / 單場票購買 票券中心


2018 桃園電影節

選擇日期 / 場次 / 區域 / 票種 / 張數

套票 / 單場票




套票選擇張數 / 單場票

列印繳費單 & 持票須知

持印有條碼之白色繳費單至櫃檯完成繳費取得印有չ序號 / 驗證碼պ之套票兌換券或印有չ片名 / 場地 / 時間պ之電影票 *繳費單列印後請於 10 分鐘內完成取票逾時該筆訂單失效須重新操作 *套票每次限購 1 套單場票單一場次每次限購 4 張如需購買多套請重複操作 *操作過程中如靜止超過 2 分鐘畫面將自動跳回首頁該筆訂單失效須重新操作

套票兌換 票券中心


選擇日期 / 場次 / 區域 / 張數

2018 桃園電影節





輸入序號 / 驗證碼

列印繳費單 & 取票須知

持印有條碼之白色繳費單至櫃檯無需繳費取得印有չ片名 / 場地 / 時間պ之電影票

*同一序號僅限單機操作不可重複登入其他機台 *單場次每次限換 4 張如超過張數請重複操作每組套票可兌換 10 張電影票 *兌換過程中請仔細確認各項目進入չ購票明細պ後僅能չ繼續選購պ新增其他場次或չ重新選購պ放棄整筆訂單無法回頭修 改或刪除已選取完成之場次 *繳費單列印後請於 10 分鐘內完成取票逾時該筆訂單即失效須重新操作套票之兌換額度須待 30 分鐘後才會復原 *操作過程中如靜止超過 2 分鐘畫面將跳回首頁已完成選取之場次將於系統內保留 30 分鐘於 30 分鐘內重新登入可繼續兌換流程



Limited Ticket Packages NT$400 per package. Each package includes 10 film tickets. • Limited Ticket Packages are available at the Program Guide X Ticket Package Sales event (150 packages available) at 16:00 on Sun. Aug 5. • The sales for Limited Ticket Packages will be open on 12:00pm Mon. Aug 6 via • Tickets can be redeemed via

starting from 16:00 on Sun. Aug 5.

• Limited Ticket Packages will be on sale on Sun. Aug 5 at Program Guide X Ticket Package Release event with a free gift set of 2018 Taoyuan FF Handmade Soap (150 sets only). • All ticket sales at Program Guide X Ticket Package Sales event will be cash only. • You can redeem up to 4 tickets per screening at one time via

. If you would like to redeem more tickets, please repeat the process.

• Each person can only purchase 2 Limited Ticket Packages each time at Program Guide X Ticket Package Sales event. Please line up again if you need to purchase more. • Limited Ticket Packages will be on sale via ibon during the festival only. • One package can be purchased at one time via ibon. If you would like to purchase more, please repeat the process.

Individual Ticket NT$50 per single admission. • When and Where to Buy: The sale for single admission will be open on 12:00 pm Thu. 9 Aug. via • All tickets can be purchased via ibon or at the Ticket Counter at the venue. • Ticket sales via

will end one hour before the screening starts. After that, tickets can only be purchased at the festival venues.

• You can purchase up to 4 tickets via ibon at one time. If you need to purchase more tickets, please repeat the process.

Ticket Counter NT$50 per single admission. • You will find a Ticket Counter for ticket sales and refund at all venues. • Time: Fri. Aug. 17 to Sun. Aug. 28 ( available until the end of the last screening ) • Venues: 08.17 - 08.19, 08.25 - 08.26 | SBC Taiwan Ltd • Venues: 08.19 - 08.21 | Venice Cinemas • Venues: 08.20 - 08.24 | Taoyuan in89 Tongling Cinemax • All ticket sales or refund at on-site Ticket Counter will be cash only. • Ticket Counter will only provide single ticket sale and ticket redemption. Please use

if you would like to purchase the Ticket Packages.

Ticket Sales Information • Please hold on to your tickets for admission. Tickets will not be re-issued if lost or damaged. • There is no assigned seating. Early arrival is strongly suggested. • Seating for all screenings is limited and on a first-come, first priority basis. Please purchase and redeem tickets at your earliest convenience. • Limited wheelchair seats are available at all venues. Please contact customer service at (02)2507-5833 ibon Customer Service: 0800-016-138 / (02)2659-9900 Taoyuan FF Customer Service: (02)2507-5833 ( 09:30-18:30 MON. Through FRI. )

Ticket Information


Refund Policy • Refund or exchange of an individual ticket shall be made no later than one day before the screening at the on-site Ticket Counter. • Refund or exchange of all tickets shall be made from Aug 17 to Aug 26 at the Ticket Counter on site. A handling fee (10%) per ticket will be charged. The fee will be charged • based on the total amount of Ticket Package (for all Ticket Package refund/ exchange) or individual ticket (for single ticket sales). • Ticket Packages can only be refunded or exchanged in its entirety (including all redeemed tickets and gifts). A handling fee (10%) per ticket will be charged. There is no • refund for single tickets within the Ticket Package. • Tickets cannot be refunded or exchanged via ibon once they have been purchased. Please be sure to follow the instructions.

Please Note • Please consult the rating system before your purchase the tickets. • There is no smoking at all venues. Pets and hazardous items will not be allowed inside. Please follow the food and drink rules at each venue. • Any illegal use of photography, recording, and filming is strictly prohibited in the theaters. • For your safety, please do not linger, stand or sit in access ways or other non-seating areas. • The Festival reserves all right to cancel the screening due to unforeseen weather or other unexpected occurrences following the order of Taoyuan City government. All the latest • updates will be announced on our official websites. • The Festival reserves all rights to change the program schedule due to unforeseen circumstances. Please see our official website for latest updates.

Purchasing Tickets via Purchasing Ticket Package / Individual Ticket Ticket Center

Movie Tickets

2018 Taoyuan FF

Ticket Package/ Individual Ticket

Ticket Package: Select Number of Tickets/ Individual Ticket: Select Date/ Screening Ticket Information


Terms and Conditions

Enter Contact Number

Print Invoice and

Pay at Store Counter to Receive Ticket Package Voucher With Sequence Number or Individual Ticket with Film Title/ Location/ Time

• Please be sure to finish payment at store counter within 10 minutes you print out the invoice Exceeding the time limit will result in invalid purchases. • Ticket Package is limited to 1 for each purchase. Individual ticket is limited to 4 per screening for each purchase. If you would like to purchase more tickets, please repeat the • process.

Redeem Ticket Package Ticket Center

Movie Tickets

2018 Taoyuan FF

Select Date/ Screening/ Section/ Number of Tickets

Ticket Package Redemption Confirmation Invoice

Terms and Conditions Input Sequence

Input Sequence Number Print Invoice and Ticket

Bring Invoice to store counter (no payment needed) in exchange for Individual Ticket printed with Film Title • Tickets with the same sequence number must be processed at the same kiosk. • 4 tickets are limited per screening at one time. Please repeat the process for more tickets. Each Ticket Package includes 10 movie tickets. • Please be sure to confirm your purchase. Once you select "Invoice" you can only continue purchase (for other screenings) or restart the process (discard entire purchase). You • will not be able to make further changes for screenings you have selected. • Please make sure to finish payment at store counter within 10 minutes you print out the receipt. Exceeding the time limit will result in invalid purchase. • It takes 30 minutes to show the remaining balance for Ticket Package.




中壢 SBC 星橋國際影城 SBC Taiwan Ltd 威尼斯影城 VENICE CINEMAS

Venue Information

桃園 in89 統領影城 in89 TongLing Cinemax

中壢 SBC 星橋國際影城

桃園市中壢區中園路二段 501 號 5F (03)468-0080

SBC Taiwan Ltd A18高鐵站







新 生 路



SBC星橋國際影城 ս中壢火車站接駁車վ平日 20-30 分鐘一班例假日 15-20 分鐘一班 中壢火車站至大江 - 直達專車中間不停靠

大江至中壢火車站 - 可於沿線公車站牌處預先通知司機後下車


候車處|大江購物中心 1F

時刻表| 10:30-22:10(Mon-Fri), 10:30-22:00(Sat,Sun)

時刻表| 11:00-22:35(Mon-Sat),11:00-22:05(Sun)

ս高鐵接駁車վ發車班次國定假日及例假日若有疑問請撥打大江客服專線(03)468-0999 高鐵桃園站至大江


候車處|大江購物中心 1F

候車處|客運轉運區七號月台站區 5 號出口

時刻表| 14:45, 16:50, 18:30, 20:15

時刻表| 14:30, 16:35, 18:15, 20:00


中壢區免費市民公車L209 內定青埔灰線 208 公車 捷運高鐵站 - 內壢 - 八德


中山高速公路南下 56 公里處北上 57 公里出口往大園方向 沿指標前行約三分鐘可達

Venue Information



桃園市中壢區九和一街 48 號 (03)280-5018




一街 一街





桃園 in89 統領影城

桃園市桃園區中正路 56 號 (03)272-7738

in89 TongLing Cinemax 桃園in89 領影城 中








Opening Film

開 幕 片

74 21


世界首映 World Premiere

Bodhisattva In Storm 許肇任 HSU Chao-jen |台灣 Taiwan | 2018 | DCP | Colour | 100 min.

1946 年三月旅日台人楊輝銘在友人陶展文的陪伴下返台隨即回到菩薩庄要向戀人彩琴提親然而 失蹤許久的彩琴哥哥突然出現伴隨一樁離奇命案使庄內氣氛變得詭譎而緊張公共電視年度新時代 劇力作作品改編自作家陳舜臣的同名小說全片畫面感極強敘事娓娓道來將觀眾帶回戰後台灣 歷史命運交匯碰撞的風口浪尖上 Taiwan, March 1946. Accompanied by his friend Tao, Yang returns from Japan to propose to his girlfriend, Tsai-Chin. However, Tsai-Chin's long lost brother suddenly returns home and at the same time, a murder case also wildly stirs up something among the villagers˘Released by Taiwan Public Television, this period drama is based on writer CHEN Shun-chen's novel of the same title. Vivid images and strong narrative, Bodhisattva In Storm will sweep you back to the past when history, fate and life collide.

08.17 Fri. 19:00 大江星橋 2 廳 ★


Gala Premiere

星 光 首 映


台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

River's Edge 行定勳 YUKISADA Isao |日本 Japan | 2018 | DCP | Colour | 118 min.

若葉為了幫助被男友霸凌的山田結識了學妹吉川三人為了保護山田珍藏的秘密չ寶物պ一具河畔 的枯骨鞏固起超越友情的情感連結卻不知不覺擾亂了身邊每個人的生活改編自漫畫家岡崎京子同 名作品յ我很好ն多線交錯的劇情穿插角色訪談描寫 90 年代東京高中生無感地生存本能地反應 After Haruna Wakakusa saves him from her bullying boyfriend, Yamada invites her to the riverside and shows her an abandoned corpse. A younger student Kozue, who sees the corpse as a treasure, also turns up, and the three of them form a peculiar bond. The tension among the three of them slowly arises as they endure life in a suffocating high school. The story is based on OKAZAKI Kyoko's manga originally serialized in the CUTiE magazine from 1993 to 1994. The film vividly depicts the hopeless desire and perpetual loneliness of the high school students in 1990s Japan.

2018 Berlinale Jury Prize of Fipresci 柏林影展費比西獎| 2018 HKIFF 香港電影節

08.18 Sat. 19:00 大江星橋 18 廳 ★

74 23

Special Screening

特 別 放 映

多桑 A Borrowed Life 吳念真 WU Nien-jen |台灣 Taiwan | 1994 | 35mm | Colour | 168 min.

孩子們都叫父親չ多桑պ一家人生活在礦山聚落經歷各種大小事一如被忘在台灣的日本殖民遺緒 多桑是個活在過去的人本片是吳念真的半自傳式作品一幕幕家庭日常的生活片段串起了舊時代感傷 寫實的筆觸寫盡礦山的人們與人生百態以及多桑這個台灣男人的傳統魅力與憂傷本片是台灣新電影 的晚期作品由蔡振南蔡秋鳳主演也是吳念真少數擔任導演的劇情長片 A Borrowed Life is an autobiographic film based on director WU Nien-jen's father. It tells a deeply felt story about the tumultuous life of a poor family in Taiwan's provincial mining town in the 1950s. The Japanese rule ended while the Nationalist government just arrived to take over Taiwan. Dosan, the patriarch in the family, has to deal with feelings of loss and alienation in a world where he no longer belongs. A Borrowed Life is regarded as one of the New Taiwanese Cinema's masterpieces.

1995 Singapore IFF NETPAC/FIPRESCI Award 新加坡影展評審團獎| 1994 Torino FF Grand Prize 義大利都靈影展最佳影片 1994 Golden Horse Award for Audience Choice Award and Best Film Song 第 31 屆金馬獎觀眾票選最佳影片最佳電影歌曲 08.19 Sun. 14:00 威尼斯 2 廳 ★

Taiwan Awards Competition

台 灣 獎 入 圍 影 片

台灣獎入圍影片 24

Taiwan Awards Competition


高山上的茶園 Tea Land 曾英庭 TSENG Ying-ting |台灣 Taiwan | 2018 | DCP | Colour | 27 min.

競賽片一 Competition1

台灣一處靜謐的高山茶園五名逃逸外勞窩藏此地非 法工作攢錢其中一人攢夠薪水計畫利用遣返的方式 回到泰國與妻兒相聚卻在餞別派對後猝死床上其 他人為了得以繼續在台灣賺錢決定把屍體埋在這個高 山裡卻也發現死者要帶回家鄉的存款不見了˘˘ Five migrant workers run away to hide in a tranquil tea farm in the mountains of Taiwan. After working illegally for a while, one of them plans to get deported so he can return to his family in Thailand. After his farewell party, however, he passes away suddenly. In order to stay in Taiwan, the rest of them decide to bury his body, but soon they find 2018 Golden Harvest awards 金穗獎一般作品組最佳劇情片獎

out all his savings are already gone...

2018 Taipei FF 台北電影節競賽 2018 Hong Kong ifva Awards Asian New Force 第 23 屆香港 ifva 比賽亞洲新力量組

08.17 Fri. 13:30 大江星橋 17 廳★| 08.22 Wed. 13:00 in89 統領影城 1 廳★

133 公里 133km 林劭慈 Shao LIN |台灣 Taiwan | 2018 | DCP | Colour | 17 min.

競賽片一 Competition1

一對兄妹一張被媽媽丟棄的照片回爺爺家的路程 一百三十三公里兄妹決定帶著照片騎車上路 A boy and his sister live 133 kilometers away from their grandfather's home. Holding a photo discarded by their mom, they hop on a bike for this long journey home.

2018 Golden Harvest Awards 第 40 屆金穗獎學生作品組 2018 Women Make Waves FF Taiwan 第 25 屆女性影展

08.17 Fri. 13:30 大江星橋 17 廳★| 08.22 Wed. 13:00 in89 統領影城 1 廳★



阿水 Sequin 楊雅集 YANG Yachi |台灣 Taiwan | 2017 | DCP | Colour | 16 min.

競賽片一 Competition1

雜貨店店長阿水與老婆兩人生活平淡日復一日阿水 心中一直略覺乏味故事發生在阿水性致一起的這一天 他背著老婆找了黃刊上的伴遊小姐想要偷歡第一次做 這件事的阿水在過程中略顯笨拙在中途還被伴遊小姐 的男友遇到˘˘ Grocery store owner Tsui lives a simple life with his wife but he always feels bored. Tsui decides to calls a number listed in a dirty magazine to try out the escort services. As a first-timer, Tsui feels and looks awkward. He and the call girl then bump into her boyfriend. After a series of unusual events, Tsui is swept into this couple's weird 2018 Golden Harvest Awards 第 40 屆金穗獎一般作品組


2018 Santa Barbara IFF 第 33 屆美國聖塔芭芭拉國際電影節 2017 Kaohsiung FF Short Competition 高雄電影節國際短片競賽

08.17 Fri. 13:30 大江星橋 17 廳★| 08.22 Wed. 13:00 in89 統領影城 1 廳★

會客吧爸 Money Killed the Cat. 吳政勳 WU Zheng-xun |台灣 Taiwan | 2018 | DCP | Colour | 26 min.

競賽片二 Competition2

逃亡的父親與渴望有個完整的家的孩子們雙方對於家 的定義情感上的拉扯17 歲的主角面對逃亡的父親到 自己打工的地方搶劫在當下他決定用不一樣的方式 重新接納這樣的父親˘˘ The children aspire to have a real home, but their fugitive father has a different definition of it. Their conflict on the surface results in constant internal emotional struggles. The17-year-old boy eventually witnesses his father robs his workplace. At that moment, he decides to accept his father in a different way.

2018 Youth FF 青春影展 入圍 2018 Annual Screwdriver International Student Short FF 第 13 屆螺絲起子影展佳作

08.17 Fri. 16:00 大江星橋 17 廳★| 08.22 Wed. 15:30 in89 統領 1 廳★

Taiwan Awards Competition


仙草的滋味 Grass Jelly 吳裕程 WU Yu-cheng |台灣 Taiwan | 2018 | DCP | Colour | 23 min.

競賽片二 Competition2

一對小兄弟總在放學後拉著推車在公園叫賣仙草一 位客人隨手在 Facebook 上分享火苗般的愛心因此迅速 燎開雖然讓家庭的收入開始好轉殘忍的資本遊戲卻 提早在童稚的笑容上劃下淚痕當熱潮退去後這世界 是否能還給這對仙草兄弟單純的童年 Two young brothers sell grass jelly at a park after school. When a customer casually shares their story on Facebook, they receive an overwhelming number of responses. Their income suddenly increases, but the cruel capitalist game also begins to encroach in their lives... After their popularity fades, can they still return to a simple life? 2018 Taipei FF Forward Taiwan: Short Film Selection I 台北電影節 「明日・台灣」 短片選

08.17 Fri. 16:00 大江星橋 17 廳★| 08.22 Wed. 15:30 in89 統領 1 廳★

乾兒子 The Godson 孫介珩 SUN Chieh-heng |台灣 Taiwan | 2017 | DCP | Colour | 15 min.

競賽片二 Competition2

阿睿和其他孩子一樣一出生就被媽媽抱到碧雲寺裡 請觀音媽收為乾兒子生活都遵循觀音媽的指示寒假 來了天麗希望阿睿可以教她游泳這個邀約讓阿睿欣 喜若狂偏偏很不巧的觀音媽指示阿睿犯水關了整 個寒假都不能下水˘˘ On this island where people fish for a living, they learn to respect nature and the mysterious ocean. Just like many other kids, A-Rui was taken to the temple when he was born to become a worshipper to Guanyin Ma. Since then, Guanyin guides all aspects of A-Rui's life. In the winter, a girl Lily asks A-Rui to teach her how to swim. A-Rui is exhilarated, but 2018 Golden Harvest Awards 第 40 屆金穗獎一般組劇情類

Guanyin instructs that he shall not get in water this entire winter...

2017 Golden Sugarcane FF Grand Prize 第 12 屆金甘蔗影展首獎

08.17 Fri. 16:00 大江星橋 17 廳★| 08.22 Wed. 15:30 in89 統領 1 廳★



閃焰假面 The Flame 徐瑞良 HSU Jui-liang黃泰維 HUANG Tai-wei |台灣 Taiwan | 2018 | DCP | Colour | 40 min.

競賽片三 Competition3

因家中欠著龐大債務阿泰只能靠著替討債集團工作為 生他夢想著有天能帶著憂鬱症的姊姊遠離一切重新開 始私底下阿泰其實是個蒙面摔角手չ閃焰假面պ 一場比賽中他意外打贏了聯盟չ安排պ獲勝的對手 命運此時向他招了手…… Heavily indebted, Tai is forced to work for commercial debt collectors. He wishes to leave everything behind and start from scratch with his sister who suffers from depression. In private, Tai is actually a masked wrestler. After he accidentally defeats the supposed winner in a fight, his life takes a different turn. 2018 Golden Harvest Awards 第 40 屆金穗獎學生作品組最佳劇情片獎 2017 New Taipei City Student Film Awards 新北學生影像新星獎 優選

08.20 Mon. 19:30 in89 統領 9 廳 ★| 08.23 Thu. 13:00 in89 統領 1 廳★

少年偷竊記 Turn Around and Run 吳語哲 Victor WU |台灣 Taiwan | 2017 | DCP | B&W | 14 min.

競賽片三 Competition3

威威和離開家的媽媽約好了若是他能打進桌球比賽 媽媽就會到場邊替他加油然而他球打得不好球拍 壞掉了爸爸還很討厭他打球 Wei has made a deal with mom, who has left the family. If he is qualified for table tennis contest, mom will come cheer for him. However, he is a bad player, his paddle is broken, and dad does not even like him to play table tennis...

2018 24 Frame Creative Media Festival 第 5 屆 24 格創意媒體嘉年華台港澳金 獎| 2018 TKU Rolling FF Best Film 淡江大學淡捲影展 2018 Long Yen Da Guan Film and Photography Awards 第 2 屆龍顏大觀影像藝術 創作獎評審團特別獎

08.20 Mon. 19:30 in89 統領 9 廳 ★| 08.23 Thu. 13:00 in89 統領 1 廳★

Taiwan Awards Competition


洞兩洞六 02-06 王逸帆 WANG I-fan |台灣 Taiwan | 2017 | DCP | Colour | 23 min.

競賽片三 Competition3

本片由血漿與憤怒構成講一個沒有辦法下哨的恐怖故 事當過兵就知道有多恐怖沒當過兵的也別緊張說 真的站哨不恐怖你的人生才恐怖 Composed of blood and rage, 02-06 is a thriller with its characters always on sentry duties. If you have served in the military, you would feel the characters immediately. Even if you have not, this is still a relatable story. To be real, your life is scarier than sentry shifts.

2018 Golden Harvest Awards 第 40 屆金穗獎學生作品組最佳導演獎和優等獎 2018 Youth FF 2018 青春影展銅獎 2018 Taipei FF 台北電影節最佳短片

08.20 Mon. 19:30 in89 統領 9 廳 ★| 08.23 Thu. 13:00 in89 統領 1 廳★

2 號球衣 On the Waitlist 巫虹儀 WU Hung yi |台灣 Taiwan | 2018 | DCP | Colour | 27 min.

競賽片四 Competition4

李望是排球隊中最認真練球的球員到了大四卻始終沒 上場過因此她總羨慕好友禹韶擁有厲害的球技比賽 要開始了卻遲遲未見隊上王牌禹韶的蹤影李望怎麼 也沒想到因為禹韶的缺席等待已久的上場機會竟降臨 到自己的身上卻也因此令兩人之間的友情起了異樣的 漣漪˘˘ Lee Wang practices more often than others in the volleyball team, but she has never competed officially in a game. She is envious of her friend, Yu Shao. However, after Yu Shao is absent from a game, and Lee Wang is called to replace her, their friendship starts to change. 2018 International Short FF Oberhausen 德國奧伯豪森國際短片節評審團特別 提及獎| 2018 Cannes Short Film Corner 坎城影展短片角落 2018 Golden Harvest Awards 第 40 屆金穗獎學生作品組最佳女主角

08.21 Tue. 10:00 in89 統領 9 廳 ★| 08.23 Thu. 15:30 in89 統領 1 廳★



三仔 Man, Monkey, Mannequin 黃丹琪 HUANG Dan-Chi |台灣 Taiwan | 2017 | DCP | Colour | 19 min.

競賽片四 Competition4


三仔平時足不出戶老友過世後他嘗試踏出停滯的生活 久違的第一次爬山三仔就摔傷了腳山上的猴子都 在嘲笑他 San works at an out-dated clock store that does not have any business for a long time. He always stays at home. After an old friend passes away, he tries to step out of his comfort zone and begins his first hiking trip after a long hiatus. Then he hurts his feet. Even the monkeys in the mountain are laughing at him.

2018 Golden Harvest Awards 第 40 屆金穗獎 短片觀摩放映 2018 Short Shorts FF & Asia 東京短片節 2017 Kaohsiung FF 高雄電影節

08.21 Tue. 10:00 in89 統領 9 廳 ★| 08.23 Thu. 15:30 in89 統領 1 廳★

粗工阿全 Safety First 朱平 CHU Ping |台灣 Taiwan | 2018 | DCP | Colour | 23 min.

競賽片四 Competition4

阿全以粗工維生工作之餘以簽賭為樂積蓄少得可憐 直到父親年邁而時常進出醫院才漸漸戒賭看著父親 受病痛與承受老婆給的壓力阿全選擇藉由久違的簽賭 來一博翻身偏偏這天父親的生命走到終點使得阿全 在父親的棺材本與中大獎的期待兩邊為難著 Quan works as a manual labor. He enjoys gambling after work, but he never wins. He quits gambling only after his father becomes frequently hospitalized. Witnessing his father in pain and feeling the pressure from his wife, he decides to gamble one last time for good luck. However, his father suddenly passes away. Should Quan spend money on the funeral 2018 Golden Harvest Awards 第 40 屆金穗獎 神秘場觀摩片

or should he gamble it away?

2018 Youth FF 2018 青春影展 影視類優選 2018 Annual Screwdriver International Student Short FES 第 13 屆螺絲起子影展首獎

08.21 Tue. 10:00 in89 統領 9 廳 ★| 08.23 Thu. 15:30 in89 統領 1 廳★

52 赫茲我愛你 52Hz, I Love You


Filmmaker In Focus

魏德聖 WEI Te-sheng 2017 52Hz, I love you 52 赫茲我愛你 2011 Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale (The Sun Flag) 賽德克・巴萊 上集—太陽旗 2011 Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale (The Rainbow Bridge) 賽德克・巴萊 下集—彩虹橋 2008 Cape No. 7 海角七號 1999 About July 七月天

魏德聖帶著對影像的執著從拍片現場的最基層開始歷練2007 年自編自導շ海角 七號ո以石破天驚的票房成績與市場反應帶起台灣電影的全面復興接著於 2011 年完成籌備多年的շ賽德克 ‧ 巴萊ո上下集並入圍威尼斯影展正式競賽片魏德 聖不斷致力於電影產業水平的提升他對台灣歷史的爬梳及影像化成果也影響了 一代人心中對這塊土地的認識 WEI Te-sheng began his career in film at a small production house. He then got a job as the grip assistant in director Edward Yang's film studio and was later promoted to assistant director for Yang's film, Mahjong. His debut feature Cape No. 7 is the highest grossing domestic Taiwanese film. It kick-started another new wave of Taiwan Cinema. Wei's films tend to explore various aspects of Taiwan's history, bringing new social values and cultural perspectives to local Taiwanese.

焦 點 影 人



對話三部 Three Dialogues 魏德聖 WEI Te-sheng |台灣 Taiwan | 1996 | Digital (Orig: 16mm) | Colour | 6 min.

嘈雜的飲料店裡一對情侶正用一種旁人難以分享的語言彼此對話著慢慢找到兩人世界的共鳴兩人 終究步入婚姻組成家庭而無聲的對話形式則繼續在幽微的表情與動作裡繼續著魏德聖的短片作 品可看到他如何在單鏡調度上進行美學實驗豐富的畫面律動用足巧思令人很容易忘記本片其實就 只有三場戲三個鏡頭 Three Dialogues explores three stages of a couple's life. In three acts, they get married, have a family and share a future together. The simplicity of the camera work reflects the experimental nature of director WEI Te-sheng's aesthetics and the vibrant flow of his images. Three Dialogues is one of his earlier short films.

1996 Golden Harvest Awards 第 19 屆金穗獎優等短片

魏德聖專題講座 Writing History For Taiwan with Director WEI Te-Sheng08.19 Sun. 19:00 桃園市政府青年事務局★

Filmmaker In Focus


黎明之前 Before Dawn 魏德聖 WEI Te-sheng |台灣 Taiwan | 1997 | Digital (Orig: 16mm) | Colour | 25 min.

一位母親女兒一位父親及一個年輕男人之間的四角關係矛盾衝突的情緒從黎明之前母女在車中 的對話開始漸次展開即使到了死後的世界無法解決的矛盾竟還是持續糾纏無法忘記也沒有一人 獲得解脫透過兩兩單獨對話三人對話四人對話來鋪陳出極度糾葛的情感關係幾個單鏡構圖細膩 地抓住戲的精要可見魏德聖日漸厚植的導演功法 This is a story about a bizarre love relationship among four people: a woman, her daughter, a father and a young man. Before dawn, a quarrel begins to evolve between the woman and her daughter; even after they pass away, their struggle continues. We only hurt those we love the most and we only fight with those we are closest with. This film explores intimacy and relationship through various dialogues among the characters, reflecting director WEI Te-sheng's growing grasp in directing.

1997 Golden Harvest Awards 第 20 屆金穗獎優等短片

魏德聖專題講座 Writing History For Taiwan with Director WEI Te-Sheng08.19 Sun. 19:00 桃園市政府青年事務局★



七月天 About July 魏德聖 WEI Te-sheng |台灣 Taiwan | 1999 | DCP | Colour | 72 min.

這一年的暑假成家那嗜賭的父親留下一屁股債務後死了他只好到地下賭場去當小弟生活中唯一的 美好只剩下與惠卿青梅竹馬的感情賭場倒有些意思成家無處發洩的青春憤怒和性衝動好像都在此 得到催化但在一次警方的突襲取締後全都變了調……。其中成家對鏡子嗆聲的憤怒感令人想起史 柯西斯的շ計程車司機ո It is a long summer. The heat and the humidity seem to stir up something. Chen-jia feels lost after his father's suicide. His father left a huge debt and his mother works day and night and spares no time for anything else. Things get even worse when Chen-jia begins to work for the gambling house that is collecting his father's debt. The only good thing about life seems to be his girlfriend Hui-ching... This film exhibits Director WEI Te-sheng's unique storytelling style and the influence of New Taiwanese Cinema.

2000 Busan IFF Wide Angle 入選韓國釜山影展觀摩 1999 Vancouver IFF Special Mention From Alcan Dragons And Tigers Award For Young Cinema 加拿大溫哥華影展最佳青年導演二獎 08.19 Sun. 12:30 大江星橋 7 廳★| 08.22 Wed. 20:30 in89 統領 1 廳

Filmmaker In Focus


海角七號 Cape No.7 魏德聖 WEI Te-sheng |台灣 Taiwan | 2008 | DCP | Colour | 130 min.

說完չ我操你媽的台北պ阿嘉砸爛了吉他負氣騎車返回老家恆春他成為一位懶散的代班郵差後 卻遇到一包要寄到日治時代地址չ台湾恒春郡海角七番地պ的包裹故事由此開始把友子茂伯馬 拉桑水蛙勞馬大大等七位不同族群有著不同故事不同心願的人串在一起搞個暖場樂團隨著 演出時間接近60 年前包裹的秘密也逐步揭開 Failing to cut in Taipei's big city life, wannabe rocker Aga returns to his hometown by the seaside to work as a postman. He is asked to assemble a warm-up band for a popular Japanese singer's concert but all he can find is a motley crew of eccentrics˘The film juxtaposes two storylines, interweaving the present (Aga's frustrated rock band) with the past (love story hidden in a cache of undelivered love letters from 1945). Cape No. 7 was an instant hit in 2008 not only because of its hilarious dialogues mixing local vernacular with different languages, but also because of its attempt to cultivate and explore the forgotten history of Taiwan. 2008 Taipei FF Grand Prize 台北電影獎 劇情長片百萬首獎| 2008 Asian Marine FF Grand Prize 日本亞洲海洋電影節首獎 2008 Golden Horse Awards 第 45 屆金馬獎| 2008 Hawaii IFF Halekulani Golden Orchid Award for Best Narrative 美國路易威登夏威夷影展 08.20 Mon. 13:00 威尼斯 2 廳



賽德克٥巴萊 上集ˋ太陽旗

Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale Part 1- The Sun Flag 魏德聖 WEI Te-sheng |台灣 Taiwan | 2011 | DCP | Colour | 144 min.

莫那٥魯道馬赫坡社頭目之子從小驍勇善戰是驕傲的賽德克勇士當台灣島成為日本殖民地之後 賽德克終於進入名為文明實為文化及經濟掠奪的版圖邊陲一面是唱著祖靈之歌的父親背影一面是 日本人的洋槍大砲中年已是頭目的莫那 . 魯道終於決意背負滅族之罪帶領年輕一輩的賽德克對日本 人出草չ血祭祖靈պ以壯烈的死來找回驕傲的身分認同 The film is based on the Wushe Incident in 1930, when over 300 warriors of the Seediq tribe rose up against the Japanese colonizers. In 1895, China ceded Taiwan to Japan following the Treaty of Shimonoseki. Facing the growing conflict with the Japanese, Mona Rudao, the wise, fearless warrior, who swears to protect the tribe's traditions, decides to lead one last battle in honor of their ancestors.

2012 Asia Pacific Screen Awards-UNESCO Award 亞太電影大獎聯合國教科文組織獎| 2011 Golden Horse Awards 第 48 屆金馬獎 2011 Busan IFF For A Window on Asian Cinema 釜山影展「亞洲視窗」單元 08.19 Sun. 10:30 大江星橋 17 廳

Filmmaker In Focus


賽德克・巴萊 下集—彩虹橋 Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale Part 2- The Rainbow Bridge 魏德聖 Wei Te-sheng |台灣 Taiwan | 2011 | DCP | Colour | 132 min.

莫那٥魯道帶領青年賽德克們用日本人的血չ血祭祖靈պ這次的滿手鮮紅並不是一首迎向勝利的凱旋 歌而是捨棄性命前往祖靈之地的艱辛開始隨著戰場在山林中無盡延伸殺戮與棄世都是勇敢的圖騰 祖靈的呼喚似乎就在耳邊不同於上集所費心鋪陳的時代氛圍與外部糾葛下集中的台灣山林彷若試煉 的地獄在連綿不絕的戰鬥場面中帶領觀眾走向人物們幽微的內心世界 Mona Rudao, the leader of the Seediq tribe, forges a coalition with other Seediq tribe leaders and rebels against the Japanese colonizers. The ancestors call, but can the warriors fight an honorable fight and cross the rainbow bridge to the ancestral mountain summit? The second installment of Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale further explores the interiority of each character amidst the brutal bloodshed.

2012 Asia Pacific Screen Awards-UNESCO Award 亞太電影大獎聯合國教科文組織獎| 2011 Golden Horse Awards 第 48 屆金馬獎 2011 Busan IFF For A Window on Asian Cinema 釜山影展「亞洲視窗」單元 08.19 Sun. 13:30 大江星橋 17 廳★



KANO KANO 馬志翔 MA Chih-hsiang (Umin Boya) |台灣 Taiwan | 2014 | DCP | Colour | 185 min.

本片是魏德聖在收集շ賽德克 . 巴萊ո史料時所讀到的故事他將此故事進行題材開發編劇並且擔 任監製本片也是馬志翔的大銀幕導演處女作將嘉農這段驕傲的台灣棒球史織入嘉南大圳的開發及 接踵而來的慘烈戰爭拍成青春熱血又無奈的史詩電影感人的描繪出不分族群的團結包容相互攜 手也給台灣精神加上嶄新的定義 This is the story director WEI Te-sheng discovered when he was researching for his film, Warriors of Rainbow: Seediq Bale. He further developed the story and became its executive producer. This film rediscovers the Kano baseball team, a piece of history that every Taiwanese feels proud of.

08.22 Wed. 10:30 in89 統領 9 廳

Filmmaker In Focus


52 赫茲我愛你 52Hz, I Love You 魏德聖 WEI Te-sheng |台灣 Taiwan | 2017 | Blu-ray | Colour | 109 min.

孤單是一種狀態不管身旁有伴沒伴就像用 52 赫茲的頻率在唱歌——這是沒有同伴聽得見最寂寞 的歌聲魏德聖親手打造屬於台灣自己的歌唱愛情電影可說是華語歌唱片版շ愛是你愛是我ո17 首 歌帶觀眾踏著音符領略歌唱片的魔幻光芒本片不管是主題形式或製作規模都是台灣電影史上前所 未有的嘗試 The title of the film refers to the 52-herz whale, which is the loneliest whale since no other whales can hear its unusual frequency call. 52Hz, I Love You includes seventeen songs to lead its audience to an incredible journey of finding love. This film has made several new attempts in terms of its genre and production scale. It has taken Taiwan Cinema to another level.

08.19 Sun.19:00 桃園捷運 A15 大園站★ 免費入場 Free Entry


Filmmaker In Focus

焦 點 影 人

愛情征服一切 Love Conquers All


陳翠梅 TAN Chui Mui 2010 Year Without a Summer 無夏之年 2009 One Future 一個未來 2008 Everyday Everyday 每一天每一天 2008 The Need For Rites 儀式之必要 2006 Love Conquers All 愛情征服一切 2006 Company of Mushrooms 蘑菇兄弟們 2005 South of South 南國以南 2004 A Tree in Tanjung Malim 丹絨馬林有棵樹

陳翠梅馬來西亞華語獨立電影新浪潮重要導演影像語言冷靜穩重感受性強烈 並常關注跨文化與人文互動為數頗豐的短片創作風格迥異首部長片շ愛情征服 一切ո即奪下釜山國際影展新浪潮獎和鹿特丹影展金虎獎 TAN Chui Mui is an independent filmmaker at the forefront of the Malaysian New Wave. The language of her films is calm, steady, and yet highly affective; her films often focus on cross-cultural issues as well as humanistic interactions. She has made numerous short films known for their respective unique styles. Her debut feature, Love Conquers All, won the New Current Award at the Busan International Film Festival and the Tiger Award at the International Film Festival Rotterdam.

Filmmaker In Focus


丹絨馬林有棵樹 A Tree in Tanjung Malim 陳翠梅 TAN Chui Mui |馬來西亞 Malaysia | 2004 | DCP | Colour | 25 min.

高中少女在 18 歲生日的前一天逃學到首都吉隆坡與失意男子在城中百無聊賴地遊蕩一整夜有一 搭沒一搭的閒聊打屁不經意透露出魯蛇世代的悲歌隨筆式的對白就像對沉重生活的輕盈控訴導 演透過演員呈現出不存在的չ自傳պ獻給少女也獻給自己的成年禮 One day before her 18th birthday, a young girl ditches school and runs off to Kuala Lumpur, where she spends the whole night chatting with a world-weary man as they wander the streets of the city. Their listless dialogues unwittingly reveal the tragedies of the "loser generation"; their light conversations, however, reflect their hefty burdens in life. Through the actors' nuanced performances, this autobiographical sketch is the director's dedication to the young girl in the film as well as a coming-of-age gift to herself.

2005 Oberhausen International Short FF 奧伯豪森國際短片電影節優選 2005 Entrevues Belford IFF 巴黎貝爾佛國際電影節最佳外國短片 08.18 Sat. 10:30 大江星橋 7 廳★| 08.20 Mon. 14:30 in89 統領 9 廳



南國以南 South of South 陳翠梅 TAN Chui Mui |馬來西亞 Malaysia | 2005 | DCP | Colour | 10 min.

生活在 80 年代關丹的華人家庭海是祖孫三代賴以維生的命脈吃飯則是他們的儀式面對無際的南海 以金換米的越南難民餘暉下的船骸還能帶他們回到北方嗎馬來西亞華人遷徒史的源頭來自福建 廣東和海南等չ南國պ幾個世代以前的父執輩們來到了這個比南國更南的南方古往今來的離散世 代最後是否殊途同歸 For an ethnic Chinese family of three-generations living in Kuantan during the 1980s, the sea is their lifeline and eating is their ritual. In the face of the boundless South China Sea, will this wrecked ship safely carry these refugees from Vietnam back to the north? The origins of Malaysia's ethnic Chinese migrants can be traced back to southern Chinese provinces such as Fujian, Guangdong and Hainan. Their forefathers arrived in this land that is "south of south" ages ago. Generations of Chinese in diaspora, are they destined to the same fate? 2006 IFF Rotterdam 鹿特丹國際影展| 2006 Locarno FF 盧卡諾影展 2006 Vancouver IFF 溫哥華國際影展 08.18 Sat. 10:30 大江星橋 7 廳★| 08.20 Mon. 14:30 in89 統領 9 廳

Filmmaker In Focus


蘑菇兄弟們 Company of Mushrooms 陳翠梅 TAN Chui Mui |馬來西亞 Malaysia | 2006 | DCP | Colour | 30 min.

四個男人的圓桌會議談論的仍舊是他們的女人喝不完的酒與點不完的菸三不五時來湊陣的兄弟們 終究還是要獨自面對傷心落寞一部只有男性的女性電影而四位演員的真實身份分別是電影導演音 樂人詩人影評人 When these four men meet, the topic of their conversations always reverts to their women. Endless booze and a room full of cigarettes smoke, these best buds gather from time to time but eventually they must all face their own pain and loneliness. This is a chick flick with an all-male cast, starring a director, a musician, a poet and a film critic.

2006 Entrevues Belford IFF 巴黎貝爾佛國際電影節最佳劇情短片

08.18 Sat. 10:30 大江星橋 7 廳★| 08.20 Mon. 14:30 in89 統領 9 廳



儀式之必要 The Need for Rites 陳翠梅 TAN Chui Mui |馬來西亞 Malaysia | 2008 | DCP | Colour | 12 min.

人要在什麼時候才會開始相信命運被算命師攔住的李淑貞彷彿下半生都被攔下來了好的留存著 不好的要送走如果算命是對人生的一次粗暴審視不去算命亦沒有辦法不去重新思考人生以長鏡頭 端視一場信任遊戲簡易的場景設置卻有著繁複的內心轉折 When does one start to believe in fate? When a persistent street fortune-teller forcefully pulls her aside, Lee Sook Chen feels like the rest of her life has also stopped. Keep the good and send away the bad. She does what the fortune-teller has told her. It may be a crude inspection of life, but fortune-telling is a necessary measure to rethink one's life. Through simple camera works like the long take, director TAN Chui-mui tells a story of trust that is full of complex emotional twists.

2009 IFF Rotterdam 鹿特丹國際影展

08.18 Sat. 10:30 大江星橋 7 廳★| 08.20 Mon. 14:30 in89 統領 9 廳

Filmmaker In Focus


每一天每一天 Everyday Everyday

陳翠梅 TAN Chui Mui |馬來西亞 Malaysia | 2008 | DCP | Colour | 18 min.

為了專注寫作而離職的女人以及為了這個女人而惶恐不安的男人一個出走的理想打破了原本平凡無 奇的每一天貌合神離以後是否還能重修舊好微妙的日常哲思尋求異於平凡的刺激感在動與不動 之間生活還是得過蒼蠅依舊在飛 This is a story about a woman, who decides to quit her job so that she can focus on writing, and a man, who is terrified because of her decision. Their banal lives are disrupted by her idealistic decision. Is there any way to amend this half-broken relationship? The film walks us through their philosophies on the everyday life and their pursuit for something exciting and beyond the ordinary. Moving forward or standing still, our lives must go on.

2009 Clermont-Ferrand ISFF 法國克萊蒙費宏國際短片影展大獎| 2009 Artfilm Festival 捷克斯洛伐克藝術電影節國際短片競賽大獎 2009 Asiana ISFF 韓亞國際短片影展最佳短片獎 08.18 Sat. 10:30 大江星橋 7 廳★| 08.20 Mon. 14:30 in89 統領 9 廳



一個未來 One Future 陳翠梅 TAN Chui Mui |馬來西亞 Malaysia | 2009 | DCP | B&W | 5 min.

未來世界一切美好人們安居樂業幸福美滿放心完美的國家機器會將不遵守秩序的人悄悄帶走 而遭噤聲的公民卻依然對著鏡頭微笑本片邀請馬來西亞政治人物蔡添強主演曾為內安法令չ不得其 門而入պ的受害者控訴意味不言而喻一幀幀靜態的黑白照片如同暗湧潛伏也像是一張張的沉默文 件為迫害存檔的的科幻政治寓言 A perfect future. People live and work in peace, happy and content. The state apparatus quietly takes away those who disobey the rules, and yet the rest of the citizens, prohibited from speaking, continue to smile at the camera. This film, with an evidently accusatory tone, stars Malaysian politician Chua Tian Chang, who was once barred from contesting in general elections. Black and white photos together with pages of official documents; they quietly speak for the persecuted in this sci-fi, political allegory.

2009 Busan IFF 釜山國際影展

08.18 Sat. 10:30 大江星橋 7 廳★| 08.20 Mon. 14:30 in89 統領 9 廳

Filmmaker In Focus


愛情征服一切 Love Conquers All 陳翠梅 TAN Chui Mui |馬來西亞 Malaysia | 2006 | DCP | Colour | 90 min.

阿娉離鄉背井來到吉隆坡投靠姨媽無數個寂寞的日子裡白天有侄女與她分享跟筆友的對話夜晚則 有阿莊替代電話彼端的男友噓寒問暖縱使遊戲規則早已說好只因相信愛情能征服一切仍然願意將 尊嚴一件件脫去首部長片即拿下多項影展大獎片中人物情感刻畫與我們所遭遇的同樣寫實愛情故 事的俗爛有千百種但陷入的理由只有一個 Ping leaves her hometown for Kuala Lumpur to work with her aunt. During the countless days of boredom, her niece shares with her conversations with a pen pal during the day, while a young man named John tries to woo her at night even though she already has a boyfriend back home. Although they already set the rules from the very beginning, her belief that love conquers all still slowly strips off all her inhibitions. With authentic and relatable characters, TAN Chui-mui's debut feature was a winner at numerous film festivals. There are a thousand ways for a love story to be a cliché, but this film is the one that remains true and captivating. 2007 IFF Rotterdam 鹿特丹國際影展金虎獎| 2007 Hong Kong IFF 香港國際電影節亞洲數位金獎 2006 Busan IFF 釜山國際電影節新浪獎與費比西獎 08.18 Sat. 14:30 大江星橋 17 廳★| 08.21 Tue. 20:00 in89 統領 1 廳



無夏之年 Year Without a Summer 陳翠梅 TAN Chui Mui |馬來西亞 Malaysia | 2010 | DCP | Colour | 87 min.

離鄉多年的歌手回到故鄉漁村拜訪了兒時玩伴及其妻仨人乘船夜遊於靜謐的海面聊起虎人美人 魚海公主那些如真似幻的傳說大海叢林與這片土地是家族史的載體最好的記載方式就是讓肉身 永遠浸淫其中本片首創月光照明攝影導演回到童年故鄉蛇河村拍攝以複調的敘事結構尋找村莊中 悠遠的記憶 After years away from home, a famous singer returns to the fishing village he grows up to visit a childhood friend and the friend's wife. The three embark on a nighttime fishing expedition in the ocean. They chat about mystical werecat, mermaids and sea princesses as their boat cruises on the calm waters. The sea, the trees and this land carry their family history, and the best way to record it is to simply sink in... Featuring innovative and astonishing moonlit images, this film brings the director back to her hometown of Sungai Ular in search of the village's distant memories. 2011 IFF Rotterdam 鹿特丹國際影展| 2011 Hong Kong IFF 香港國際電影節 2010 Busan IFF 釜山國際影展 08.20 Mon. 12:00 in89 統領 9 廳★| 08.23 Thu. 12:30 in89 統領 9 廳

希臘寂寞男孩 Son of Sofia


Young Vibes 滿載熱情與好奇成長階段的興奮躁動與不安面對未來雖感到徬徨但又充滿 期待屬於青春的紀事在校園與同儕在家庭與親密關係之間在各式蠢蠢欲動 蓄勢待發的時刻透過不同的人物故事看見彼此的影子一同相伴經歷那無以名 狀的狀態 Young people are enthusiastic and curious about the world, and excited and uncertain about the future. Relationship with peers, families, and issues of intimacy always keep them on their toes. This section features a variety of stories that may offer comfort and reflection for our young viewers.

青 春 漫 遊



芙朵娜的眼淚 Fortuna

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

傑米納羅 Germinal ROAUX |瑞士 Switzerland比利時 Belgium | 2018 | DCP | B&W | 106 min.

14 歲的衣索比亞女孩芙朵娜和父母在橫渡地中海後失了音訊芙朵娜被暫時安置在瑞士一處天主教修道 院過冬就在等候瑞士政府後續安排的期間她結識了 26 歲的卡畢爾並且無可救藥地愛上了他接 踵而至的一連串事件將在這個虔誠的院區中迴盪起一波波的挑戰與波瀾 Fortuna, a 14-year old Ethiopian girl who has lost touch with her parents since she arrived on the shores of Italy, takes temporary shelter with other refugees in a hospice in Switzerland, waiting to sort out their legal status. This is where she meets Kabir, a 26-year old Ethiopian refugee with whom she falls hopelessly in love. Their relationship develops quickly until one day Kabir mysteriously disappears following a police raid.

2018 Berlinale 柏林影展

08.17 Fri. 19:30 大江星橋 17 廳| 08.22 Wed. 17:00 in89 統領 9 廳

Young Vibes



亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

Look Up 弗維歐里索雷 Fulvio RISULEO |法國 France義大利 Italy | 2017 | DCP | Colour | 97 min.

烘焙師泰柯在屋頂休息時發現一隻奇怪的鳥兒忽然墜落好奇的泰柯決定一探究竟想不到發現了羅 馬城市的屋頂上竟別有洞天宛若另一個世界一段段奇遇引領著泰柯走過一棟又一棟的建築屋頂展 開一場另類的屋頂公路奇幻冒險 Teco the baker witnesses the intriguing fall of a strange bird when he is taking a break on the rooftop. He decides to venture closer for a better look and from there he begins the most inconceivable journey through the labyrinthine on the rooftops in Rome.

2018 IFF Rotterdam 鹿特丹國際影展

08.26 Sun. 13:30 大江星橋 13 廳



蟻居女孩 Microhabitat

台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

全高芸 JEON Go-woon |南韓 South Korea | 2017 | DCP | Colour | 106 min.

無論再怎麼縮衣節食只要有威士忌與香菸美笑就能繼續她亂中有序的生活某日她放棄租屋用 房租打平菸酒支出失去棲身之所的美笑展開流浪生活在光怪陸離的都市中卻逐漸迷失了方向˘˘ 本片以女性視角出發透過主角寄居舊識住所的旅程讓觀眾看見韓國社會的壓抑與衝突也在主角堅 持的生活美學中看到一絲亮光 Miso makes a living as a housekeeper. Cigarettes and whiskey are the two vices that get her through the day. When the government doubles the price of cigarettes, Miso decides to make herself temporarily homeless so that she has money to buy cigarettes and whiskey. She visits her old band members whom she hasn't seen for a long time, hoping that one of them will be kind enough to putting her up for a while˘

2018 New York Asian FF 紐約亞洲影展金虎獎 2017 Busan IFF 釜山國際影展 CGV 藝術影院獎 08.17 Fri. 11:00 大江星橋 17 廳| 08.26 Sun. 18:00 大江星橋 13 廳

Young Vibes




One Step Behind the Seraphim

Asian Premiere

丹尼爾山度 Daniel SANDU |羅馬尼亞 Romania | 2017 | DCP | Colour | 147 min.

神學院的入學典禮加百列與其他新生準備踏上神職人員的養成之路然而青春期的叛逆與懵懂挑戰 著神學院的教條規章當院生成了學院上層神父明爭暗鬥的工具猜忌在同儕之間蔓延加百列的自我 追尋面臨內憂外患他能否找回信仰的初衷支撐到最後本片對於青少年叛逆反抗威權的描繪遙敬 法國傳奇導演尚維果շ操行零分ո Gabriel is a 15-year-old teenage boy who studies at Orthodox College to be a priest. He tries to fit in first but quickly realizes the system is corrupted. Caught in the fight for power between an abusive priest and a cunning, unscrupulous secular teacher, he learns that lying, stealing, cheating and betraying are things he has to master in order to survive in the seminary.

2017 Gopo Awards 羅馬尼亞戈波電影獎最佳影片導演男主角男配角劇本攝影首部作品

08.20 Mon. 16:00 威尼斯 2 廳| 08.21 Tue. 14:30 威尼斯 2 廳



希臘寂寞男孩 Son of Sofia

台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

艾琳娜希科 Elina PSYKOU |希臘 Greece保加利亞 Bulgaria法國 France | 2017 | DCP | Colour | 111 min.

當希臘舉國沉浸在雅典奧運的大夢中11 歲的俄國小男孩米沙卻在此時踏入這個全然陌生的國度與 移居希臘多年的母親蘇菲亞一同生活然而這場異國的母子重逢卻包裹著一層又一層的謊言陌生的 語言和環境更令他無所適從孤獨而無助的米沙只能沉浸在童話角色的幻想中對抗成人世界的虛偽與 殘酷付諸行動寫下自己的黑色童話 The story takes place in the summer of 2004 in Athens. Eleven-year-old Misha arrives from Russia to live with his mother, Sofia. What he does not know is that a man claiming to be his father is also waiting for him there. While Greece is living the Olympic dream, Misha will get violently catapulted into the adult world, riding on the dark side of his favorite fairy tales.

2018 Hellenic Film Academy Awards 希臘電影金像獎最佳影片 2017 Tribeca FF 翠貝卡電影節最佳國際劇情片 08.19 Sun. 17:30 大江星橋 7 廳| 08.24 Fri. 10:30 in89 統領 1 廳

Young Vibes


飛吧!神力女孩 Supa Modo

台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

里卡利昂瓦伊納伊那 Likarion WAINAINA |德國 Germany肯亞 Kenya | 2018 | DCP | Colour | 74 min.

9 歲的喬擁有無限想像力被絕望的母親送回家後她的想像力甚至轉為超能力帶領她超越了絕症的 桎梏拯救村落裡的大人小孩故事從香港功夫電影展開從劇情鋪陳到美術道具處處可見導演向成龍 經典致敬巧妙融合肯亞元素流暢描寫家人朋友間細膩情感打破對非洲電影的想像 Jo, a witty nine-year-old terminally ill girl, is taken back to her rural village to live the rest of her short life. Her only comfort during these dull times is her dream of being a superhero, a dream that her rebellious teenage sister Mwix, overprotective mother Kathryn and the entire village of Maweni think they can fulfill.

2018 Berlinale Generation Kplus 柏林影展世代單元 Kplus 特別提及 2018 Zlín FF Golden Slipper 捷克茲林兒少影展最佳兒童劇情長片金拖鞋獎| 2018 Toronto IFF Kids 多倫多兒童影展 08.21 Tue. 10:30 in89 統領 1 廳| 08.25 Sat. 10:30 大江星橋 7 廳



成吉思汗的孩子 The Children of Genghis

台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

佐勒巴雅爾٥多吉 Zolbayar DORJ |蒙古 Mongolia美國 USA | 2017 | DCP | Colour | 102 min.

9 歲的邊巴渴望在大漠草原上同他的小馬栗子馳騁在蒙古族一年一度的傳統體能運動競技節日չ那達 慕պ上以速度拔得頭籌然而他的父親卻因多年前的一場意外不允許自己或孩子再揚動長鞭在邊 巴想辦法策馬逐夢的同時帶著善意自美國遠道而來的莎拉又要如何將護具套上熱愛傳統性好自由 的成吉思汗的孩子身上 Nine-year-old Byambaa dreams to win the famous horse race at the Naadam festival, a tradition of the nomads in the Mongolian Changai Mountains at the home of Genghis Khan. But after an accident, his father forbids his participation. Byambaa draws up a plan: he will go through training secretly and fake his age in order to participate in the race. Little does he know that his father sees right through his game.

2017 Festival de Cannes 坎城影展| 2017 Toronto IFF 多倫多影展| 2017 Seoul IFF 首爾國際影展

08.19 Sun. 10:00 大江星橋 7 廳| 08.22 Wed. 10:00 in89 統領 1 廳

Young Vibes


八零後出生的成惠 The Land of Seonghye

國際首映 International Premiere

鄭亨錫 JUNG Hyung-suk |南韓 South Korea | 2018 | DCP | B&W | 117 min.

成惠大學畢業後在大公司實習遇到性騷擾卻投訴無門只得離職29 歲的她過著半工讀生活父親住 院中在家鄉餐廳工作的母親不斷跟她要錢不成熟的男友對於成為公務員有著不切實際的想像日復 一日的瑣事成為不能承受之輕無能改變現狀的她只得默默隱忍前途無亮也無望成惠的無聲控訴便 是身處չ朝鮮地獄պ的韓國年輕人真實寫照 Seonghye's daily life is exhausting. She is sexually harassed as an intern working at a big company. Her father is sent to hospital for bed rest and her mother cares nothing but her money. Her boyfriend pursues a life of civil service but is incompetent. Seonghye finds her difficult life suffocating. One day, following a series of surprise events, she gets hold of an unexpected amount of fortune. What choice will she make with the money?

2018 Jeonju IFF 全州國際影展韓國影片競賽大獎首獎

08.19 Sun. 15:00 大江星橋 7 廳 | 08.24 Fri. 19:30 in89 統領 1 廳



鄉愁不用翻譯 The Return


Taiwan Premiere

崔瑪琳 Malene CHOI |丹麥 Denmark南韓 South Korea | 2018 | DCP | Colour | 88 min.

丹麥身高麗情的靚女型男飛越大半地球回到原生故里尋找親人蹤跡兩人面對處在雙重文化間景況 下對於չ我是誰從何而來往向何方պ的自我探問乾淨節制的影像設計趣味碎拍的電子襯樂 微情境喜劇設計的演員對戲加上源於導演親身體驗的真實感補捉為本片提出輕盈恬淡卻愁緒染身 拂了一身還滿的歸鄉況味 Two Danish -Korean adoptees return to the country where they were born for the first time. Intrigued by the spirit of their motherland and confronted with personal stories of fellow adoptees in Seoul, Karoline and Thomas are hurled into an emotional journey that forces them to question their own destiny and identity. The Return is partially based on director Malene Choi's personal experience and stories shared by adoptees that she encountered when shooting the film.

2018 IFF Rotterdam 鹿特丹影展| 2018 Göteborg FF 瑞典哥特堡國際影展費比西獎

08.23 Thu. 20:30 in89 統領 1 廳| 08.25 Sat. 12:30 大江星橋 7 廳

Young Vibes


© Studiocanal GmbH Julia Terjung



Taiwan Premiere

The Silent Revolution 拉斯克羅曼 Lars KRAUME |德國 Germany | 2018 | DCP | Colour | 111 min.

1956 年在柏林被圍牆分隔之前來自東德的高中生西奧與柯特意外在西德的電影院看見了匈牙利民 眾在布達佩斯的抗爭中死傷的新聞兩人決定在課堂發起一分鐘的默哀向受難者致意殊不知這出自善 意的行動竟引來一連串難以收拾局面本片改編自真實事件細述在冷戰期間德國的敏感局勢中不經 意的念頭或短短一分鐘的舉動都可能為青春人生引來巨變 The year is 1956. During a visit to the cinema in West Berlin, high school pupils Theo and Kurt see dramatic pictures of the Hungarian uprising in Budapest on the newsreel. Back at school in Stalinstadt, they decide to hold a one-minute silence in solidarity with the victims of the uprising during a class. But the gesture causes much bigger ripples than expected.

08.19 Sun. 20:00 大江星橋 7 廳| 08.23 Thu. 18:00 in89 統領 1 廳



親愛的伊蓮妮 Two Irenes


Taiwan Premiere

法比奧梅拉 Fabio MEIRA |巴西 Brazil | 2017 | DCP | Colour | 89 min.

住在巴西小鎮的伊蓮妮是個內向羞澀的 13 歲女孩有天她注意到鎮上竟有另一名與她個性迥異的 同名少女這個發現意外揭開連結兩個家庭不為人知的秘密也為她倆的生活激起漣漪全片富含詩 意的觀察式鏡頭精湛的聲音佈置使故事中的分秒流淌變得細微而深刻帶領觀眾細味敏感徬徨 反叛脆弱的青春時光 Irene is a thirteen-year-old girl who grows up in a traditional family. One day, she finds out that her father has another daughter, who is also thirteen and has the same name, Irene. Yet the other Irene is confident and mature, she is utterly different from her. Irene starts acting just like her father, living a double life, entering a game full of secrets and lies. The two Irenes will never be the same.

2017 Berlinale 柏林影展最佳首部電影水晶熊獎提名 2017 Gramado FF 格拉馬杜電影節最佳劇本最佳美術指導 08.21 Tue. 15:00 in89 統領 1 廳| 08.24 Fri. 17:30 in89 統領 1 廳

愛情無論如何 Whatever happens


Future Express 初生之犢不畏虎這些具備年輕氣質的導演與作品展現出耀眼生猛的創作潛力 勇於開創獨特的影像語言從嶄新的角度為故事開拓出新局他們來自世界各地 對電影創作抱持著熱情大膽而純熟地捕捉時代的脈動譜出屬於世代的聲音 Young filmmakers and their works are often raw, direct and pointed. Their unique visual languages provide new perspectives to stories. Their passions for cinema capture the sentiments of our time, giving voices to this new generation.

新 銳 直 達 車




台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

Aqerat 楊毅恆 Edmund YEO |馬來西亞 Malaysia | 2017 | DCP | Colour | 107 min.

為了過上更好的生活慧玲決定前往泰馬邊境接下人口販運的工作過程中體會到交易背後的骯髒黑 暗見證對於緬甸移民的暴力以對自己更因錯誤陷入麻煩無處可歸的她意外被醫護人員收留也 喚起一段塵封許久的溫柔記憶繼շ榴槤忘返ո導演楊毅恆再次聚焦馬來西亞以詩意視角思索國族 身分闡述流離失所的當代道德困境 Hui Ling's life will truly begin when she makes it to Taiwan. Or so she thinks. She works at the Thai-Malaysian border and when she loses all her savings, she decides to accept her boss' offer to work as a human trafficker for quick money. As she descends into the darkness of her sordid trade, she witnesses the atrocities perpetrated against the Rohingya immigrants.

2018 Shanghai IFF 上海國際電影節| 2017 Tokyo IFF 東京國際影展最佳導演

08.18 Sat. 17:30 大江星橋 7 廳| 08.21 Tue. 12:30 in89 統領 1 廳

Future Express



台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

August at Akiko's 克里斯多福٥馬科托٥約基 Christopher Makoto YOGI |美國 USA | 2018 | DCP | Colour | 75 min.

這是一部介於紀錄片與劇情片之間的電影由男主角չ扮演պ自己身為音樂家的他回到不再熟悉的 故鄉ˋ夏威夷尋找失去消息的祖母過程中結識了在當地經營旅館的秋子秋子教會了艾力克斯與故 土溝通的方式並和他分享自己的人生故事伴隨著男主角吹響薩克斯風那悠揚的樂音及隱約的蟬鳴 和夏末的島嶼一起從容地吐納呼吸 Musician Alex Zhang Hungtai returns to the Big Island of Hawaii after many years away. While searching for his missing grandmother, Alex eventually forms a bond with local kupuna Akiko, who teaches him to connect with the spirit of home he carries within him.

2018 IFF Rotterdam 鹿特丹國際影展| 2018 Los Angeles Asian Pacific FF 洛杉磯亞太影展

08.21 Tue. 18:30 in89 統領 9 廳| 08.24 Fri. 10:00 in89 統領 9 廳



納札雷的狂歡 Azougue Nazaré

台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

提亞戈٥麥羅 Tiago MELO |巴西 Brazil | 2018 | DCP | Colour | 82 min.

巴西北部一個名為納札雷٥德瑪塔的小鎮上正如火如荼地準備傳統盛事馬拉卡圖嘉年華在高聳 的甘蔗園邊雜揉非洲舞蹈和宗教鎮民從被奴役的過去中綻放出絢麗的文化慶典然而福音派牧 師卻認為惡魔藏在其中人們應該重回上帝懷抱歡慶之外難以面對的生活困境逐漸顯露鎮上離奇 的失蹤事件和詭異幻影也接二連三出現…… In a vast, seemingly endless field, the sugarcanes dance to the wind like sea waves. Pai Nani, an Afro-Brazilian spiritual leader, carries out a religious act with five caboclos de lança, the costumed dancers of the Maracatu Rural. As they acquire supernatural powers, they suddenly disappear. The city of Nazaré da Mata then witnesses a series of mysterious events. The population is startled with the ravaging supernatural phenomena.

2018 IFF Rotterdam 鹿特丹國際影展未來之光最佳首部長片 2018 Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema 阿根廷布宜市國際獨立影展最佳導演獎 08.24 Fri. 15:30 in89 統領 1 廳| 08.26 Sun. 20:30 大江星橋 13 廳

Future Express



台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

Friday's Child A.J. 艾德華斯 A.J. EDWARDS |美國 USA | 2018 | DCP | Colour | 93 min.

年滿 18 歲的理奇得離開領養中心不愛念書的他便至工地與超市打零工一夜在公車上結識了街頭 混混史溫姆開始了他的街頭漫遊與五光十色的萎靡生活更開啟了犯罪生涯由於一次陰錯陽差的機 會獲得了飯店的體面工作還與先前自己出手相助的陌生女子展開戀情看似順利卻有警察緊追在 後想揭露他不為人知的驚人過去 Fresh out of foster care at age 18, Richie Wincott collides with the perils and temptations of a life apart. Becoming a prime suspect in a botched robbery, he discovers an impossible love in an unlikely friend. But with the police on his heels, and a sinister stranger threatening to reveal his past, there may not be enough time to do the right thing ...

2018 SXSW Film Festival 西南偏南電影節 2018 Shanghai IFF 上海電影節最佳攝影最佳男演員獎 08.20 Mon. 19:30 威尼斯 2 廳| 08.21 Tue. 12:00 威尼斯 2 廳



穿越時空的情歌 In the Life of Music

台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

凱莉蘇 Caylee SO維薩索 Visal SOK |美國 USA柬埔寨 Cambodia | 2018 | DCP | Colour | 92 min.

一首在 1960 年代舉國流行的情歌如絲線般纏繞在柬埔寨人的心中勾勒出時代動盪下小人物的情愛 絕望與重生一首歌串起三個不同時期的故事並呈現了柬埔寨在紅色高棉統治前後的樣貌音樂作為 人民與土地的靈魂即便歷經貧瘠與不堪終究等到了希望盛開 In the Life of Music tells the story of how one song, "Champa Battambang," made famous by Sinn Sisamouth, plays a role in the lives of three different generations. It is a powerful cross-generation tale that weaves its way through three decades, depicting the lives of people whose world is inevitably transformed by the emergence of the Khmer Rouge Regime.

2018 Los Angeles Asian Pacific FF 洛杉磯亞太影展國際劇情長片組最佳導演獎與觀眾票選獎 2018 Bangkok Asean FF 曼谷東協影展 08.21 Tue. 13:00 in89 統領 9 廳| 08.24 Fri. 12:00 in89 統領 9 廳

Future Express


美國夢檸檬水 Lemonade

台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

伊歐娜٥尤里卡洛 Ioana URICARU |羅馬尼亞 Romania 加拿大 Canada德國 Germany瑞典 Sweden | 2018 | DCP | Colour | 88 min.

瑪拉帶著前段關係所生下的 9 歲兒子德拉戈許落地美國來自羅馬尼亞的她和相識僅數月的美國丈夫面 臨申請綠卡的種種刁難然而這些刁難已逐漸超出她所能想像與負荷的在美國這個չ偉大պ的國 家瑪拉是否能得到她所追求的新生活來自羅馬尼亞的導演身兼編劇以冷靜的筆調側寫瑪拉如何吞 食美國夢的苦楚也在故事的細節中點出權力關係的失衡 While working in the US on a temporary visa as a caretaker, Mara, a 30 year old single mother from Romania, marries Daniel, an American. After the arrival of her son Dragos, everything seems to have fallen perfectly into place. When the process of getting a green card veers unexpectedly off course, however, Mara is faced with abuses of power on every level and is forced to answer a dark question about herself – how far would you go to get what you want?

2018 Berlinale 柏林影展 2018 FEST – New Directors, New Films Festival, Portugal 葡萄牙新導演新電影影展 08.18 Sat. 12:30 大江星橋 17 廳| 08.20 Mon. 10:00 in89 統領 9 廳




台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

Neomanila 米凱爾瑞德 Mikhail RED |菲律賓 The Philippines | 2017 | DCP | Colour | 101 min.

腥風血雨的չ反毒戰爭պ在杜特蒂上升的民調中愈發劇烈私刑正義在都會叢林馬尼拉的暗巷裡翻騰 孤兒托托為了哥哥的保釋金供出幫派份子而成為箭靶在暗中受雇的私刑殺手伊瑪的保護下一步步 墜入午夜後的緝毒任務導演透過詩意的光影刻寫暴力血染的馬尼拉此起彼落的槍響呈現出緝毒行 動背後令人恐懼的社會樣貌 Present day Manila, the new government wages an all out war on drugs. Vigilante killings are on the rise as hired assassins unlawfully operate as covert hands of the police force. A teenage orphan Toto is forced by police to betray his gang and locate a drug dealer in exchange for his jailed brother's release. At first Toto hesitates, but when he learns that his brother has been killed, he is slowly driven deeper into the underworld.

2018 New York Asian FF 紐約亞洲影展| 2018 Los Angeles Asian Pacific FF 洛杉磯亞太影展 2017 IFF Rotterdam 鹿特丹國際影展 08.19 Sun. 19:30 大江星橋 17 廳| 08.23 Thu. 14:30 in89 統領 9 廳

Future Express




Smaller and Smaller Circles

Taiwan Premiere

拉雅 ‧ 馬丁 Raya MARTIN |菲律賓 The Philippines | 2017 | DCP | Colour | 111 min.

改編自法莉沙貝塔肯 (F.H. Batacan) 的同名獲獎小說故事由兩位法醫神父著手調查多起貧民窟拾荒少年 被謀殺的慘案開展導演以鋒銳觀點且充滿陰翳晦窒的詩意手法描繪出菲律賓社會各種自相矛盾的現 象並呈現人性善與惡的真實面貌蔓佈於體制內的迂腐包覆在神聖象徵下的偽善與穢惡以及被漠視 的哀鳴無助靈魂 An eviscerated body is found in the trash heaps of a dumpsite, yet nobody cares enough to notice. Father Gus Saenz, a forensic anthropologist and a Jesuit, finds himself caught up in the case as an alarming number of dead boys turn up in the dumpsite. Together with journalist Joanna Bonifacio and Father Jerome, he investigates the murders through the cramped urban landscape of Manila.

2018 Shanghai IFF 上海電影節| 2018 Far East Film Festival 烏迪內遠東電影節 2017 Busan IFF 釜山國際影展 08.21 Tue. 17:30 in89 統領 1 廳| 08.26 Sun. 10:30 大江星橋 13 廳



何處是我鄉 Passage of Life

台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

藤元明緒 FUJIMOTO Akio |日本 Japan緬甸 Myanmar | 2017 | DCP | Colour | 98 min.

履次被拒的難民居留申請渾沌待定之未來的未來來自緬甸的一家四口最終面臨了分居兩國的命運 父母間的無奈心結國家體制的無動於衷語言隔閡帶來的人際孤立思念舊日生活的異鄉情愁都成 了孩子童年歲月的低迴感傷節制低調的攝影及剪接誠摯的童稚世界觀架構亦為片子添上逼近真 實的人生況味既美卻又痛得刺眼 Khine and her husband Issace share a modest but happy home with their two children, both have been raised in Japan and speak almost no Burmese. They apply for political asylum but their application is rejected, as is usually the case in Japan, which is one of the largest donors to the UNHCR but accepts a small number of refugees compared with other nations. The rejection and the subsequent visits from immigration have a great toll to the family.

2017 Best Asian Future Film Award - Tokyo IFF 東京影展亞洲未來單元最佳影片

08.23 Thu. 10:30 in89 統領 1 廳| 08.25 Sat. 14:00 大江星橋 13 廳

Future Express



台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

The Marriage 布蕾塔٥澤奇利 Blerta ZEQIRI |科索沃 Kosovo | 2017 | DCP | Colour | 97 min.

即將結婚的安妮塔與貝金到邊界去打探在戰事中安妮塔雙親可能的下落到頭卻是一場空她決定放 下過去籌備婚禮但當貝金過去的同性情人諾爾突然出現情況變得詭異且複雜雪上加霜的是安妮 塔似乎懷孕了而一晚諾爾被恐同者毆打之後貝肯前往關心兩人又重燃舊情婚禮當日雖照常舉行 諾爾卻不懷好意的出現˘˘ Anita and Bekim are adding the final touches to their wedding. Despite new news arise on Anita's parents who have been missing since the 1999 Kosovar War and Bekim's family being exceptionally controlling, the couple seem to manage ok. But when Bekim's secret gay exlover, Nol, returns unexpectedly, the situation becomes complicated, especially when he realizes that Nol is still in love with him. The wedding banquet becomes loaded with tension as the unusual love triangle starts to unravel.

2018 Cleveland IFF 克里夫蘭國際影展 2017 Tallinn Black Nights FF 塔林黑夜電影節首部長片費比西獎首部長片評審團特別獎 08.23 Thu. 10:00 in89 統領 9 廳



愛情無論如何 Whatever Happens

國際首映 International Premiere

尼爾斯٥勞赫茲 Niels LAUPERT |德國 Germany | 2017 | DCP | Colour | 100 min.


不順眼但兩人日久生情情愫萌芽新生命隨之到來然而職場與家庭終將取捨衡量命運龐然轉動 面對未知人生道路將如何抉擇 ......本片敘事倒轉時空線軸在鏡頭跳接間以交叉敘事將習以為常的羅 曼愛情勾勒出多層次細膩視角 Hannah and Julian met while looking for an apartment and became reluctant roommates. She is a career driven law student; he is a photographer who lives for the moment. She has everything planned out, he never does. The two become an odd but loving couple. Hannah climbs the career ladder while Julian compromises professionally. Then they start to grow apart. At the very low point of their relationship, an unsolved conflict from their past resurfaces and calls everything into doubt.

2017 München Filmfest 慕尼黑影展

08.25 Sat. 17:00 大江星橋 7 廳

星空浩劫蘇聯禮炮七號 Salyut 7


Viewfinder 不分年齡國界在幻想與真實間交錯探問歷史洞悉人性持續以電影作為叩 問社會現實生命奧義的途徑 In films, we wander between fantasy and reality; we review history and explore humanity. At all ages and across different countries, we continue to raise questions about social issues and the meanings of life.

世 界 觀 景 窗



地球另一端的守候 Eye On Juliet

台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

金努葉 KIM Nguyen |加拿大 Canada | 2017 | DCP | Colour | 96 min.

進行油管監控的美國少年在無人機螢幕的另一端看見了命運截然不同的北非少女邊境政治的佈局 下兩人透過科技相識然而少女的婚姻與少年的遠端介入開展出一場凝視與被凝視之間基於想像 建構出的愛戀導演金努葉企圖刻劃烏托邦式的愛情在廣袤無垠的北非沙漠鏡頭緩慢敘寫出一場跨 越場域限制和文化隔閡的相戀 Across the landscape of a North African desert and an oil pipeline, appears a strange spider-like robot that seems to be scoping the horizon. At the other end of the world, in America, Gordon, drone operator and safe keeper of the pipeline, surveys the desolated landscapes from his screens. He becomes fascinated by Ayusha, a young woman promised to an older man she doesn't love. Despite the distance between them, Gordon will do everything in his power to help her escape her fate.

2017 Venice IFF 威尼斯影展| 2017 Toronto IFF 多倫多影展

08.18 Sat. 15:00 大江星橋 7 廳




台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

In the Intense Now 若昂莫雷拉薩勒斯 João Moreira SALLES |巴西 Brazil | 2017 | DCP | Colour+B/W | 127 min.

依據母親在中國文革期間紀錄下的旅遊影片導演爬梳了西元 1968 年前後世界各地動盪的群眾改革 運動如法國的五月風暴學生運動捷克斯洛伐克的布拉格之春以及巴西的聖保羅街頭大遊行他在 這些歷史畫面中看見的不僅是對於歷史事件的陳述更是人們當下為了改革理想而湧現出的集體熱情 以及生命在激情燃燒後的片段餘燼 Made following the discovery of amateur footage shot in China in 1966 during the most radical stage of the Cultural Revolution, In the Intense Now speaks to the fleeting nature of moments of great intensity. Scenes of China are set alongside archival images of the events of 1968 in France, Czechoslovakia, and, to a lesser extent, Brazil. In keeping with the tradition of the film essay, they serve to investigate how the people who took part in those events continued onward after passions had down.

2017 Berlinale 柏林影展| 2017 Yamagata International Documentary FF 山形國際紀錄片影展評審團特別獎 2017 Santiago IFF 聖地牙哥國際電影節 08.23 Thu. 17:00 in89 統領 9 廳| 08.25 Sat. 18:00 大江星橋 13 廳



© Bartosz Mrozowski/ FACE

B 面人生 Mug

台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

瑪寇札塔叔莫斯卡 Małgorzata SZUMOWSKA |波蘭 Poland | 2018 | DCP | Colour | 91 min.

在波蘭南部鄉村與家人同住的亞契熱愛重金屬搖滾樂亦嚮往自由在小鎮居民和天主教友眼裡總顯得 奇特他與工地的同事正興建著全球最高的基督像一次嚴重的意外後他成為全國首位臉部移植的 手術案例復健之路考驗著親情與戀情加上連串的媒體效應怪物或英雄只在一線間亞契該如何適 應這չ變臉պ的世界重拾信心 Jacek loves three things in his life: heavy metal music, his girlfriend and his dog. But his family and everyone in his small town treat him as an amusing freak. Jacek works at the construction site of what is supposed to become the tallest statue of Jesus in the world. When a severe accident disfigures him completely, all eyes turn to him as he undergoes the first facial transplant in the country.

2018 Edinburgh IFF 英國愛丁堡國際電影節| 2017 Berlinale 柏林影展評審團大獎銀熊獎

08.25 Sat. 12:00 大江星橋 13 廳





Once Upon a Time in November

Taiwan Premiere

安卓٥賈基摩斯基 Andrzej JAKIMOWSKI |波蘭 Poland | 2017 | DCP | Colour | 92 min.

馬瑞母親和流浪狗克雷斯在寒冬中被迫離開郊區簡陋小屋前往市區尋求庇所然而不友善的住 宅政策使得安住成為奢望而不安的政治氣氛四處瀰漫校園課堂汽車維修廠性別運動馬瑞與 女友的戀情各有難題待解終於母親不顧馬瑞反對棲身左翼չ小屋պ獨立日這天面對國家主 義者的暴力攻擊母子與狗將何去何從 Marky and his mom set off to Warsaw, hoping to find a warm place to stay. As luck would have it, they first lose their flat, and then his mom loses her spot in the homeless shelter. With nowhere to go, his mom decides to move into a squat. The film culminates in the moment when the protagonists witness thugs from the Independence March attempt to burn down the squats. To Marky, there is only one thing left to do.

2018 Istanbul IFF 伊斯坦堡國際電影節 2017 Association of Polish Filmmakers Critics Awards 波蘭影人評論學會最佳波蘭電影 08.22 Wed. 18:00 in89 統領 1 廳| 08.26 Sun. 15:30 大江星橋 13 廳



星空浩劫蘇聯禮炮七號 Salyut 7

台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

克林姆斯彭科 Klim SHIPENKO |俄羅斯 Russia | 2017 | DCP | Colour | 121 min.

正值冷戰後期的 1985 年蘇聯與美國為展現航天實力展開一系列的太空競賽不料運行多年的蘇 聯禮炮七號航空站突然與地球失去聯繫工程師與退役太空人臨危受命需在一周內找到航空站隨 著遭遇受寒失火系統失靈的種種困難為了國家榮譽賭上性命的他們是否能完成救援任務阻 止這場太空災難的發生 Salyut 7, the unmanned Soviet space station, was orbiting Earth when it suddenly stopped responding to signals from Ground Control. The fall of the station, the symbol of the soviet science and space industry, would not only damage the image of the country, but also bring about tragedy as well as the loss of human lives. To prevent the catastrophe, astronauts will need to reach the station and identify the cause of the breakdown. However, no one has ever docked with an uncontrolled space station in space before. To this day, this remains the most technically complicated mission in the history of space navigation. 2017 Trieste Science+Fiction Festival 義大利第里雅斯特科幻影展評審團大獎 2017 Busan IFF 釜山國際影展| 2017 Fantastic Fest 美國奇幻影展 08.21 Tue. 17:30 威尼斯 2 廳




台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

The Island Funeral 萍帕卡托維拉 Pimpaka TOWIRA |泰國 Thailand | 2015 | DCP | Colour | 105 min.

久居城市的姊弟決定橫越千里到國境邊緣探訪親人行旅中車內廣播捎來首都那激烈政治示威和爆 炸攻擊消息車外看似平靜無波卻壟罩著因宗教和種族之別帶來的叛亂危險氣息這是一趟追問身 分自我價值舊新認同烏托邦平和追尋的公路之旅大量的長鏡頭與後搖樂音更為這趟在地圖上消 失的旅程添上獨特的奇幻印記 Together with her brother Zugood and his friend Toy, Laila takes a road trip from Bangkok to Pattani, one of the three southernmost Thai provinces, to visit her long lost aunt. Through the course of a thousand-kilometer journey, Laila becomes aware of her identity as a Muslim, a five percent minority in this predominantly Buddhist country. She is also going through a spiritual trip down the memory lane at the same time, contemplating about her family, life, work and love. The journey continues as the route leads them to a land stranger than that they are familiar with. 2016 Hong Kong IFF 香港國際電影節費比西國際影評人獎| 2016 IFF Rotterdam 鹿特丹影展 2015 Tokyo IFF 東京影展亞洲未來電影獎 08.20 Mon. 19:00 in89 統領 1 廳| 08.24 Fri. 13:00 in89 統領 1 廳



偷情報告 The Reports On Sarah And Saleem

台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

馬亞德٥阿萊恩 Muayad ALAYAN |巴勒斯坦 Palestine荷蘭 Netherlands德國 Germany墨西哥 Mexico | 2018 | DCP | Colour | 132 min.

巴勒斯坦裔的沙林是個已婚的麵包快遞員妻子待產期間他居然頻頻和有夫之婦莎拉在貨車上暗通款 曲然而當身為以色列軍隊高級官員的妻子莎拉紅杏出牆出的又是以巴隔離牆這樁私通行為竟被 政治化為間諜行動偷情的自白成了自清的唯一選項這份白紙黑字的չ國家機密պ不怕流入敵軍陣營 只怕被伴侶握在手裡 Sarah is Israeli and she runs a café in West Jerusalem. Saleem is Palestinian from East Jerusalem and works as a deliveryman. Despite being worlds apart, Sarah and Saleem risk everything as they embark on an illicit affair that could tear apart their unsuspecting families respectively. When a risky late night rendezvous goes awry, under the pressure to be exposed, the two of them frantically salvage what is left of their lives before things further escalate. Caught up in the bizarre sociopolitical climate, Sarah and Saleem find themselves trapped in a web of deceit and not even the truth would be able to stop it. 2018 IFF Rotterdam 鹿特丹影展特別提及獎、觀眾票選獎 2018 Seattle IFF 西雅圖國際電影節評審團大獎 08.18 Sat. 20:00 大江星橋 7 廳| 08.21 Tue. 15:30 in89 統領 9 廳


來的世界樹立獨到的世界觀那些膾炙人口的經典動畫展現出動畫作為一電影 形式所能開創出來的無盡想像空間 Japanese anime pioneer TAKAHATA Isao passed away at the age of 82. In animation, he creates worlds and his unique visions accompany many lives. His popular and classic animations demonstrate unlimited imaginations that animation can offer as a film form.

( 1935-2018 )

In Memory of TAKAHATA ISAO 陪伴許多人成長的日本動畫巨擘高畑勳以高齡 82 歲過世他透過電影動畫所創造出

紀 念 高 畑 勳



太陽王子霍爾斯的大冒險 Little Norse Prince Valiant 高畑勳 TAKAHATA Isao |日本 Japan | 1968 | 35mm | Colour | 82 min.

邪惡的冰魔以戰火肆虐大地勇敢少年霍爾斯帶著寶劍來到村落協助村民抵禦魔王在魔王的擺弄下 他更需要找到方法化解神祕少女的心魔本片為高畑勳首部監督長片由宮崎駿負責場面設計奠定 兩人的合作基礎上映時作品中的政治思想與角色深度在青年與成年觀眾群中掀起熱烈迴響成為 當代動畫名作 When a herd of wolves working for Monster Grunwald attacks little boy Hols, the gigantic Rock Man comes to his rescue and gives him the Sword of the Sun. Hols is told that when the sword has been reforged, the Rock Man will return to entitle him as Prince of the Sun. Taking the sword, Hols arrives at a village that suffers from the vice of Grunwald. Can he protect the villagers and save the girl he loves?

08.19 Sun. 11:00 威尼斯 2 廳 | 08.20 Mon. 11:00 威尼斯 2 廳

In Memory of TAKAHATA Isao


© TMS All Rights Reserved.

熊貓家族 The Adventure of Panda and Friends 高畑勳 TAKAHATA Isao |日本 Japan | 1972 | DCP | Colour | 34 min.

奶奶出門遠行從小與奶奶相依為命的女孩心美子必須學習獨自打理生活當她在後院發現兩隻圓滾 滾又具有神奇力量的熊貓時他們開始藉由彼此照顧組成一個意想不到的幸福家庭本片為高畑勳離 開東映動畫之後與宮崎駿合力製作的動畫短片結合當時日本上野動物園獲贈熊貓的國民熱潮可愛 的熊貓形象帶來不少迴響 Mimiko is forced to stay at home alone when her grandma travels out of town. She is caught by surprise when a baby panda suddenly shows up in her yard... The Adventure of Panda and Friends is the first animation short that TAKAHATA Isao and MIYAZAKI Hayao worked together. The film was released in Japan at the height of the panda craze when Ueno Zoo received a pair of pandas from China.

08.20 Mon. 10:30 in89 統領 1 廳| 08.25 Sat. 10:00 大江星橋 13 廳




© TMS All Rights Reserved.

Panda and Child Circus in the Rain

高畑勳 TAKAHATA Isao |日本 Japan | 1973 | DCP | Colour | 38 min.

心美子與大熊貓小熊貓過著幸福和諧的家庭生活然而鎮上卻突然下起足以淹沒一切的磅礡大雨 為了保護新認識的朋友心美子與大小熊貓展開一場驚險刺激的救援行動如同上集本片劇本由宮崎 駿進行寫作劇中大熊貓參雜些許壓迫感的神奇力量與小熊貓活蹦亂跳的逗趣形象被認為是往後宮 崎駿創作շ龍貓ո的角色基礎 Mimiko forms a unique family with two pandas, Papanda and Panny. One day two men from the circus come searching for a baby tiger, Tiny. They track down his paw prints into Mimiko's home and sneak in, hoping to find their escaped animal. But they are in absolute shock when they find Papanda and Panny in the house. Papanda and several characters of the film are considered the foundation of characters in My Neighbor Totoro.

08.20 Mon. 10:30 in89 統領 1 廳| 08.25 Sat. 10:00 大江星橋 13 廳

In Memory of TAKAHATA Isao


大提琴手高修 Gauche the Cellist 高畑勳 TAKAHATA Isao |日本 Japan | 1982 | DCP | Colour | 63 min.

演出在即大提琴手高修因為琴藝不精屢遭團長指責高修日夜苦練希望在演出前提升演奏能力卻 總不得其門而入在他埋頭苦練的深夜裡森林中的小動物接連造訪為交流音樂的真義而來高畑勳 素以音樂造詣聞名改編宮澤賢治原著耗費六年時間以深入考證的細節與奇幻靈動的風格重現自 然世界中的音律跳動 Gauche the Cellist is based on MIYAZAWA Kenji's classic literary masterpiece. It tells the story of Gauche, a cellist whose techniques fall seriously behind in an orchestra. He decides to go through intense training at home day and night in preparation for the big performance coming up. Yet, he finds himself constantly interrupted by animals from the forest who would try everything help to him out...

08.20 Mon. 14:30 in89 統領 1 廳| 08.25 Sat. 16:30 大江星橋 13 廳



國王與鳥 The King and the Mockingbird 保羅・葛林莫 Paul GRIMAULT |法國 France | 1980 | DCP | Colour | 84 min.

殘忍跋扈的國王常在城堡中顧影自憐向畫中的牧羊女表述情意然而在熱愛自由的鳥兒幫助下牧 羊女與煙囪工人連夜私奔國王為此不惜一切展開追捕改編自安徒生童話保羅葛林莫將未完成作 品շ斜眼暴君ո重製後正式更名շ國王與鳥ո本片尤其開闊了高畑勳對動畫的想像在日本上映時之 宣傳標語即為չ吉卜力的起點պ The King wants to force a beautiful and demure shepherdess to marry him but she is already in love with the chimneysweeper. Together they run away to escape the King. Following the King's order, the police pick up the fugitives' trail. Little do they know that they have been led to a wild chase. The King and the Mockingbird is regarded as a masterpiece of French animation and has been cited by TAKAHATA Isao as a major inspiration for his career.

08.19 Sun. 17:30 威尼斯 2 廳 | 08.21 Tue. 10:00 威尼斯 2 廳

一切安好 Tout Va Bien ©Gaumont



Uprising! Spirit of '68

騷 動 的 時 代 精 神

相隔半世紀這段橫跨歐美一路影響到亞洲的反戰反資本主義反官僚精英之 運動浪潮熱血的革命之火蔓延布拉格之春金恩博士遇刺在各地掀起的民權 族群運動巴黎六八學運坎城影展停辦電影捍衛了革命革命精神亦捍衛電影 Exactly 50 years ago, the anti-war, anti-capitalism, and anti-bureaucracy movement spread from Europe, America to Asia. Revolutions abounded, including Prague Spring, civil right campaign after Dr. King's assassination, student movement in Paris, and most importantly, the suspension of Cannes Film Festival. Movies defend revolutions, and in turn, revolutionary spirit also defends movies.

騷動的時代精神 1968


假如… If.... 林賽 ‧ 安德森 Lindsay ANDERSON |英國 UK | 1968 | DCP | B&W, Colour | 111 min.

一座傳統的英國寄宿學校裡生活封閉且壓抑叛逆的低年級新生米克鎮日與死黨遊手好閒不時受到 校方以及高年級生嚴厲粗暴的處罰和虐待最終點燃了米克反抗的怒火反威權體制的名作呼應當時 60 年代的革命抗爭更直接影響庫柏力克更諷刺尖銳的շ發條橘子ո身為主角的麥爾坎麥道威爾成就 了大銀幕上最反骨迷人的經典形象 Set in a British boarding school in the late 1960s, rebellious Mick Travis and his friends are persecuted by the "Whips," the seniors who have authoritarian controls over the juniors. When the boys are ordered by the headmaster to clean out a large storeroom, they accidentally discover some stashed firearms. Together, they decide to revolt against the establishment... Lindsay Anderson's If.... had made an impression as the most unforgettable rebel story predating Stanley Kubrick's iconic A Clockwork Orange.

1969 Cannes Film Festival 坎城影展金棕櫚獎 1969 英國金像獎最佳導演最佳劇本入圍 08.25 Sat. 14:30 大江星橋 7 廳

Uprising! Spirit of '68




Taiwan Premiere

The Fall 彼德٥懷特海德 Peter WHITEHEAD | 英國 UK | 1969 | DCP | B&W, Colour | 116 min.

չ當我人全部有罪後民主自然到來պ片名向卡謬經典著作շ墮落ո致意本片是懷特海德最具政治 性批判的代表作在片中以局外人之姿自英國來到美國從街頭走訪到電視新聞擷錄充滿實驗感且看

似零碎歷史片段的無形式設計流瀉出他鏡頭下世局動盪的知覺如反戰思潮及人權運動等並穿插他 個人主義強烈的自傳式獨白 Considered by Peter Whitehead to be his most important film, The Fall is an extraordinary piece of filmmaking, an extremely personal statement on violence, revolution and the turbulence within the America in the late 1960s. The film was shot in New York between October 1967 and June 1968 with Whitehead appearing in a large number of scenes, pondering on the issue with the war in Vietnam.

08.22 Wed. 19:30 in89 統領 9 廳| 08.25 Sat. 19:30 大江星橋 7 廳

騷動的時代精神 1968



Monterey Pop (4K Restoration)

台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

D.A. 潘尼貝克 D.A. PENNEBAKER |美國 USA | 1968 | DCP | Colour | 84 min.

紀錄 60 年代愛之夏Summer of Love嬉皮運動的序章潘尼貝克自行組裝了五台可以同步收音的 16mm 攝影機並找來艾柏特٥梅索斯等紀錄片大師拍攝了這部影史上首見的音樂祭紀錄片本次數位修復 版本將重現搖滾樂史上的傳奇時刻如媽媽爸爸樂團The Mamas & Papas在舞台上唱著加州之夢 California Dreaming以及吉米٥罕醉克斯將吉他點火獻祭的瞬間

On a beautiful June weekend in 1967 at the beginning of the "Summer of Love," the first Monterey International Pop Festival roared forward, capturing a decade's spirit and ushering in a new era of rock and roll. With his characteristic direct cinema style, D. A. Pennebaker captured it all, especially the immortalizing moments that have become legend: The mamas & Papas singing California Dreaming, Pete Townshend destroying his guitar, and Jimi Hendrix burning his.

1968 Venice FF 威尼斯影展

08.19 Sun. 20:00 威尼斯 2 廳| 08.21 Tue. 20:30 威尼斯 2 廳

Uprising! Spirit of '68


一加一 One Plus One (aka Sympathy for the Devil) 尚盧高達 Jean-Luc GODARD |英國 UK | 1968 | DCP | Colour | 101 min.

1968 年法國發生五月學運從不吝於表露政治思想的新浪潮旗手高達逐漸轉變創作風格探索政治 訊息結合實驗影像的更多可能性他遠赴英國拍攝չ滾石樂隊պ錄製歌曲 < 同情惡魔 >Sympathy for the Devil的工作畫面尚未完成的搖滾樂穿插全片銀幕上影像則顯現黑人民族運動法西斯主義與革 命意識的痕跡為動盪不安的 1968 年留下註解 One Plus One alternates between uninterrupted shots of The Rolling Stones recording"Sympathy for the Devil" and Godard's reflections on political meanings in popular music. Inspired by the volatile period of civil unrest during May 1968 in France, Godard investigated politics, Marxism, and the need for revolution in this film.

08.18 Sat. 10:00 大江星橋 17 廳| 08.19 Sun. 17:00 大江星橋 17 廳

騷動的時代精神 1968



Memories of Underdevelopment (4K Restoration)

台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

托瑪斯 ‧ 古堤瑞茲 ‧ 艾列 Tomás Gutiérrez ALEA |古巴 Cuba | 1968 | DCP | B&W | 98 min.

古巴飛彈危機前夕妻子與父母遠走美國身為資產階級以及知識分子的塞吉歐卻獨自留下他認為一 切仍將如昔但遊蕩在都市與女人之間的他早已無法阻止改變的逐漸到來一部宛如法國新浪潮與安 東尼奧尼合拍的政治電影紀實新聞與虛構影像交相揉合閃現的記憶片斷流淌的自剖獨白深刻描 繪出歷史動盪下的心靈迷惘與荒涼 When his wife and family leave for the U.S., Sergio chooses to stay in Cuba and continue his life as a property owner. He is fundamentally an alienated outsider, scornful of his bourgeois family and friends but also of the naivety of those who believe things would suddenly change. The film centers on Sergio's thoughts over the changes in Cuba from the Cuban Revolution to the missile crisis as well as the effects of living in an underdeveloped country.

1970 Karlovy Vary IFF 卡羅維瓦利影展費比西影評人獎 1974 National Society of Film Critics Awards, USA 全美影評人協會最佳外語片獎 08.20 Mon. 17:00 in89 統領 9 廳| 08.22 Wed. 14:30 in89 統領 9 廳

Uprising! Spirit of '68



台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

The Joke 耶若米٥伊里敘 Jaromil JIREŠ |捷克共和國 Czech Republic | 1968 | DCP | B&W | 81 min.

改編自米蘭昆德拉首部長篇同名悲喜劇小說滿心憤怨的路德維克因為學生時代所寫的一張揶揄黨政思 想明信片菁英人生落得一敗塗地遣送勞改就此泯滅他的人性電影攝製時期正逢布拉格之春運動 導演耶若米行雲流水般遊刃主角現實與過去的雙時空交錯չ生命的梏桎來自外在պ的如詩影像緊攫人 心本片在捷克國內遭禁直到 20 年後天鵝絨革命成功才解禁 Based on Milan Kundera's novel of the same name, The Joke tells the story of Ludvik Jahn, who is expelled from the Czechoslovak Communist Party for an idle joke he made. The film was produced during the height of 1968 Prague Spring with many scenes mocking the country's communist leadership. Unfortunately, the authorities did not take the joke lightly. The film was banned for over two decades.

08.20 Mon. 16:30 in89 統領 1 廳| 08.24 Fri. 20:00 in89 統領 9 廳

騷動的時代精神 1968


1968 黑豹黨數位修復版

Black Panthers (Restoration)

© ciné tamaris

台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

安妮華達 Agnès VARDA |法國 France美國 USA | 1968 | DCP | B&W, Colour | 27 min.

移居美國的安妮華達將攝影機對準奧克蘭的一項示威活動ˌ抗議黑豹黨領袖休伊٥紐頓Huey P. Newton殺害警察後遭逮捕監禁60 年代各種反主流文化輔以後殖民浪潮便有了如黑豹黨融合社會 文化的政治運動紐頓聲明自己受馬列主義與古巴革命的啟發身為被警察施以暴行的非裔能共情其 他被殖民壓迫者而華達也對等父權社會下的女性 In the summer of 1968, people arrived in Oakland for a rally to free Huey Newton, who was jailed for the killing of Oakland police officer. Newton himself was interviewed about the core ideals of the Black Panther movement, which included protecting the black community from the police and challenging police brutality. Black Panthers captures the complexity of the movement and its importance as cultural and political rebellion.

08.20 Mon. 16:30 in89 統領 1 廳| 08.24 Fri. 20:00 in89 統領 9 廳

Uprising! Spirit of '68




Female Student Guerrilla

Taiwan Premiere

足立正生 ADACHI Masao |日本 Japan | 1969 | DCP | B&W, Colour | 72 min.

一場畢業前的高校女子大反叛由桃色電影大師若松孝二監製拒絕成為日本呆板教育下的產物五名 應屆高校生共謀破壞畢業典禮女高校生色誘搶奪自衛隊軍備三女二男如出遊般深入山嶺並武裝成游 擊隊導演足立正生以荒謬獵奇的超展開桃色文本充滿政治意符地點繪出當時對學運的失落隱約顯 露他醞釀多時的激進革命思維 Five high-school students decide to embark on a guerrilla-style revolution to disrupt the school's graduation ceremony. This film was shot in the midst of the student protests in late 1960s Japan, presenting s a candid portrait of the society's collective struggle and the director's radical revolutionary thoughts.

08.21 Tue. 20:30 in89 統領 9 廳| 08.24 Fri. 14:00 in89 統領 9 廳

騷動的時代精神 1968


狂走情死考 Running in Madness, Dying in Love

台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

若松孝二 WAKAMATSU Koji |日本 Japan | 1969 | DCP | B&W, Colour | 72 min.

以第二次安保鬥爭為背景無助的左翼運動青年左兵力勸身為警長的哥哥加入反美帝陣營失敗後陷 入哥哥暴力的չ愛的鞭笞պ嫂子在混亂中槍殺了自己的丈夫與左兵連夜出逃躲避警方追捕兩人 衝破道德的肉身交纏仿若一場革命的隱喻最終公路逃亡只能從世界的盡頭逃回原點悖德的愛情 最終被未死的哥哥發現左兵卻只是無語地看著嫂子被虐打亦意味著運動的失敗與歸結 On the streets of Tokyo, demonstrators continue their struggles against the raging police. A young man seeks refugee at his policeman brother's house but only to be brutally beaten down. The policeman's wife intervenes but accidentally kills her husband. The young man and the wife quickly cover up the murder. As they flee north together, they become lovers and their sexual passion punctuates the changing political atmosphere.

08.18 Sat. 13:30 大江星橋 7 廳| 08.24 Fri. 16:00 in89 統領 9 廳

Uprising! Spirit of '68


二度處女 GO GO GO Go, Go, Second Time Virgin

台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

若松孝二 WAKAMATSU Koji |日本 Japan | 1969 | DCP | B&W, Colour | 66 min.

被二度輪姦的少女與集體性交中因受辱而殺人的少男兩人在相似的創傷中相生並虐戀中的光譜兩 端各自步向死亡一個無助地殺人一個渴望被殺兩人談論性談論愛談論死既殘忍又苦澀的 情節撞擊出純粹的相知相惜黑白影像裡只有鮮血四濺的犯罪現場綻放色彩讓人不得不逼視最暴 虐的景象導演最後以曼森家族殺人事件作結彷彿為少年殺人背後的正義動機留下伏筆 After being raped by four boys on an unknown rooftop, nineteen-year-old girl, Poppo, meets a mysterious boy, who has been watching the rape quietly. The two begin a relationship, sharing their sexual traumas and fears. Little do they know that their relationship comes with fatal consequences. The film closes with shocking images of the murder of Sharon Tate by the followers of Charles Manson, suggesting a reason behind the young man's motive.

08.24 Fri. 18:00 in89 統領 9 廳| 08.25 Sat. 20:30 大江星橋 13 廳

騷動的時代精神 1968


© Gaumont

一切安好 Tout Va Bien 尚盧٥高達 Jean-Luc GODARD |法國 France | 1972 | DCP | Colour | 95 min.

1972 年法國美國記者和前新浪潮導演丈夫意外捲入食品工廠的罷工事件與老闆一起受困辦公室 一天一夜的見證工廠如劇場空間一般向觀眾敞開隨著鏡頭的橫移與升降我們彷彿置身不同身份管 理者勞工工會代表的立場差異與衝突之間後設的拍攝手法 既凸顯勞資議題也對應著愛情中 的性別角力和電影製作的本質 France, 1972. He is a disillusioned filmmaker who has voluntarily given up his work after 1968. She is the correspondent at an American radio network in France. Godard uses their love story to raise questions about society. This is a film about a couple navigating through their broken relationship in a society of crisis.

1973 Berlinale Forum of New Cinema 柏林國際影展新電影論壇

08.20 Mon. 12:30 in89 統領 1 廳| 08.23 Thu. 20:00 in89 統領 9 廳


感謝名單 Special Thanks 依筆畫排序 Alberto Alvarez Aguilera



Waning Crescent Arts

Arleen Cuevas



大荒電影 Da Huang Pictures

Brian Belovarac


鄭立揚 Li Yang Cheng


Clément Chautant




Clara Giruzzi

冷 彬



Chloe Kim


劉 嶔


Christina Liapi




Clara Marquardt




Caylee So




Daniela Chlapikova



國家電影中心 Taiwan Film Institute

Demi Rodriguez



Daichi Yashiki


Elise Camoin


Eric Liknaitzky


Flora Nicolas


Francesca Tiberi


Graham Fulton


Blaq Out

Gala Hernández


Contemporary Films Ltd.

Gaetano Maiorino


Culture Distributor LLC

Georgia Mouton-Lorenzo


E.x.N K.K.

Hirasawa Go


Extra Virgin

Jack Bell


Flux_Collection Hair Boutique

Jacky Yeap


Good Move Media



Heretic Outreach

Kateřina Fojtová


Indie Sales

Kazutaka Watanabe


Loco Films

Laurence Berbon


Lucinda Filmes

Lucie Canistro



Margot Rossi


M-Line Distribution

Marie Tarascon


National Film Archive of Japan

Matthias Angoulvant



Nora Sami



Rachel Joo


Pluto Film

Raya Martin


Reel Suspects

Richard Walker


Tamasa Distribution

Sara Santiago

黃 河

The Festival Agency

Takashi Namiki



Tony Lin



Tsengel Davaasambuu


True Colour



Voice 深夜講堂


影片索引 依筆畫排序 25

133 公里




1968 黑豹黨




2 號球衣




52 赫茲我愛你




B 面人生






















十一劃 34





二度處女 GO GO GO





























三劃 30







四劃 41









五劃 27

























七劃 92























賽德克٥巴萊 上集ˌ太陽旗


賽德克٥巴萊 下集ˌ彩虹橋







八劃 89




















Film Index Alphabetical Order 29





52Hz, I Love You




On the Waitlist


Once Upon a Time in November


One Future


A Borrowed Life


One Plus One (Sympathy for the Devil)


A Tree in Tanjung Malim


One Step Behind the Seraphim


About July




August at Akiko's


Panda and Child Panda Circus in the Rain


Azougue NazarĂŠ


Passage of Life



B 33

Before Dawn


River's Edge


Black Panthers


Running in Madness, Dying in Love


Bodhisattva In Storm


Safety First


Cape No. 7




Company of Mushrooms




Smaller and Smaller Circles


Son of Sofia



E 45

Everyday Everyday


South of South


Eye On Juliet


Supa Modo


T 95

Female Student Guerrilla


Tea Land




The Adventure of Panda and Friends


Friday's Child


The Children of Genghis


The Fall


The Flame

G 85

Gauche the Cellist


The Godson


Go, Go, Second Time Virgin


The Island Funeral


Grass Jelly


The Joke


The King and the Mockingbird


The Land of Seonghye

I 88



The Marriage


In the Intense Now


The Need of Rites


In the Life of Music


The Reports On Sarah And Saleem


The Return


The Silent Revolution


Three Dialogues


Tout Va Bien


Turn Around and Run


Two Irenes


Warriors of the Rainbow:

K 38


L 67



Little Norse Prince Valiant


Look Up


Love Conquers All

W Seediq Bale Part 1- The Sun Flag


37 30

Man, Monkey, Mannequin


Memories of Underdevelopment




Money Killed the Cat


Monterey Pop






Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale Part 2- The Rainbow Bridge


Whatever Happens


Year Without a Summer












團法人桃園市文化基金會 鄭文燦 劉子琦 王珮毓 呂慈容 林咨鋅 林嘉偉 邱垂建 徐竺青 許心瑜 曾盈勳 廖冠翔 蔡孟凡 賴育萱 賴冠靜 賴書婷 蘇毓婷

Executive committee Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer Vice CEO Administration

主辦單位 局長 副局長 主任秘書 專門委員 科長 專案人員

桃園市政府文化局 莊秀美 唐連成 王麗娟 張至敏 林作嘉 徐士杰

Executive committee Director-General Deputy Director-General Secretary General Senior Executive Officer Chief Officer

Department of Cultural Affairs, Taoyuan Hsiu-Mei Chuan Lian-Cheng Tang Li-Chuan Wang Zhi-Min Chang Tso-Chia Lin Shih-Chieh Hsu

策展人 行政總監 節目統籌 國際聯絡 活動統籌 競賽統籌 競賽助理 媒體統籌 媒體助理 字幕拷貝統籌 字幕後期製作 放映統籌 票務 行銷組

鄭文堂 石文齡 謝以萱 鄭怡萍 陳詠雙 郭昕盈 凃之堯 洪 珷 徐立哲 鄭宇婷 遠東譯像 林琬婷 陳郁芯 林妤歡 陳郁芯 李靜如 曾佳瑩 澄千設計 陳俞廷 余淡如 劉昱辰 楊庭芳 張政義 框外森林視覺設計 方錦玉 王冠人 江郁欣 余詩涵 宋育成 李映璇 吳重寬 林子翔 陳宏瑋 馬曼容 郭 娟 陳亭聿 陳睿穎 強 尼 黃令華 黃瓊慧 黃馨慧 蔡曉松 劉子睿 謝鎮逸 石雄皓 錢家緯 張軼峰 許智彥導演工作室 鄭惠璞 強 尼 朱 威 蔣壽安 草口未影像工作室 開合跳工作室 星奕科技有限公司 蘇 慈

Program Director Administrative Manager Programmer Program Coordinator Event Manager Taiwan Adwards Manager Taiwan Awards Assistant Press Manager Press Assistant Print Manager Subtitling Screening Manager Ticketing Coordinator Marketing Communications

CHENG Wen-tang SHIH Wen-ling Ruby HSIEH I-hsuan CHENG Yi-ping CHEN Yung-shuang KUO Hsin-ying TU Chih-yao Sebox HONG HSU Li-che Bonnie CHENG Far East Transvideo LIN Wan-ting CHEN Yu-shin LIN Yu-huan CHEN Yu-shin Li Ching-ru Amy TSENG Someone Design Consulting Co., LTD CHEN Yu-ting Claire YU LIU Yu-chen YANG Ting-fang CHANG Cheng-yi Kuang Wai Forest Visual Design Jaddie FANG WANG Kuan-jen Joyce CHIANG YU Shr-han Rick SUNG Zanor LEE WU Chung-kuan Jigger LIN Bernd CHEN Pony MA GUO Juan CHEN Ting-yu TAN Joe-eng Jonny LIN Flora Ling-hwa HUANG HUANG Chiung-hui HUANG Hsin-hui TSAI Hsiao-sung LIU Tzu-jui Yizai Seah Howard SHIH Leonard CHIEN Eitzel CHANG HSU Chih-yen Director Studio CHENG Hui-pu Jonny LIN Wei Chu CHIANG Shou-an Grass Power Studio the Jumping Jack Studio Xin Yee Technology co., Ltd Sophie Su

主辦單位 董事長 執行長 副執行長 行政執行 ( 依姓名筆劃排序 )

現場行政 現場行政協力 電影海報展 文字編輯 英文編輯 美術編輯 美術編輯協力 手冊撰寫

手冊翻譯 主視覺設計 宣傳影像製作室 開幕影像設計 平面側拍 片頭動畫 網站 APP 製作 APP UI/UX 設計

Theater Coordinator Theater Assistant Poster Exhibition Editor English Editor Art Design Design Assistant Contributors

Translation Visual Art Design Promotional Short Film Opening Art Design Photographer Animations Website Design APP Design APP UI/UX Design

Taoyuan Culture Foundation Wen-Tsan Cheng Dsih-Chi Liu Christine Wang Tzu-Jung Lu Tzu-Hsin Lin Chia-Wei Lin Chui-Chien Chiu Chu-Ching Hsu Hsin-Yu Hsu Ying-hsun Tseng Kaos Liao Carol Tsai Yu-Hsuan Lai Guan-Ching Lai Shu-Ting Lai Yu-Ting Su

台灣獎初選評審 Taiwan Awards Selection Committee 莫子儀 李亞梅 柯貞年 朱芷瑩 鄭文堂

MO Tzu-yi LI Ya-mei KO Chen-nien ZHU Zhi-ying CHENG Wen-tang

台灣獎決選評審 Taiwan Awards Jury 鴻 鴻 易智言 尹 馨

Hung Hung YEE Chih-yen YIN Shin

影展代言人 Ambassador of 2018TYFF 蔡振南 傅孟柏

TSAI Chen-nan FU Meng-Po

台灣獎獎座設計製作 Trophy Designer 藍偉文木雕藝術工作室 LAN Wei-wen Woodcarving Studio

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