Fifteen21 issue 19

Page 12

Zaytoun and MADE in Europe carry out opens the doors for further provisions and alternatives for Muslims to consume and avoid goods which are produced unethically. Whether we call it ethical trade, trade justice or fair trade, the important point is to realise its significance. Ultimate justice is from the Divine, but Allah (SWT), Exalted is He, has put within us a sense of morality, of good, what is right and what is just. But when we become oblivious to injustices and crime, and when we do nothing about it, perhaps our own perceptions become distorted, and we become blinded and desensitised. This is when our spiritual state will suffer, and not only do we contribute to other peoples’ misery but we contribute to our own. That is why it is fundamental


as Muslims that we do our best to take greater concern in regards to where our products come from. We should all do our part to support movements like Fair Trade, which aim to bring us back to an ethical balance.

Tahmid Dewan

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