
Page 89

Mike Anderson

“So when did you become an expert on ghosts?” Brenda glared at both him and Jerika. “I don’t care what happened to Alice and Henry. I told you that in class, remember?” “You should care. Henry is your great-uncle… your grandfather’s big brother. He and Alice liked each other and used to hang out in the field.” “My grandfather doesn’t have a brother!” “He did. Andy’s grandfather told me all about it when we went to the retirement village. He told me you didn’t know. Your grandfather and your family don’t talk about him. They don’t know what happened to Henry. They think he and Alice ran away and got married and just never came back to Wagston.” Josh paused. “Andy’s grandpa told me not to tell you.” “You’re lying, Chicken Boy. If my grandpa had a brother, I’d know about it, wouldn’t I?” Josh shrugged. “Come on,” he said to Jerika. “Andy, shine your flashlight in the stump!” Up until now they had only seen the stump by moonlight. The harsh light of the flashlight made the stump seem bigger and somehow more sinister. Jerika and Josh walked to the stump. Nothing happened.

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