Iab displayadvertising dumies

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B2B Online Display Advertising For Dummies, Special Edition The following sections show you all the options available through a typical audience-targeting platform.

Site-based advertising Site-based advertising involves placing your advertising on specific websites by name. For example, if you want to reach IT Directors, you would assume that placing ads on IT blogs would reach your target audience. Site-based advertising isn’t very sophisticated or costefficient, so you’ll probably want to quickly move beyond that method in pursuit of better targeting options.

Contextual advertising Contextual advertising involves placing ads based on the content (or context) of a specific web page, regardless of what the rest of a particular publisher’s web pages are all about. An audience-targeting platform automates the placements by scanning the text of a website for keywords and returning advertisements to the web page based on what the user is viewing in real time. Contextual advertising is more powerful than site-based advertising, because you’re targeting the actual words in a web page. For example, advertising to IT Directors using contextual advertising doesn’t limit you to IT-related websites. You could place highly relevant ads on any sites that contain content targeted to IT Directors.

Audience targeting Targeting your advertising toward the characteristics of an individual, rather than the characteristics of a website, is known as audience targeting. Audience targeting has a distinct advantage over site-based and contextual advertising, because you’re targeting an actual demographic profile rather than only

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